Too much confusing information on my website worth

6 replies
I have a site (mostly blog) that gets 1,200 unique visitors a month. I make around $200 a month from it via Adsense and Amazon affiliate income combined. I try not to put too many adds on there, so could easily be making $300 a month.

Advertising potential is much larger if I get some private clients, but it might be a while before I can do that. Do not have much time to sell my own product on there.

Anyway, it seems like various sites value my site differently when I google my site address and its worth/value....ranges go from $10 to $3000 or so. Have not tried looking into flippa and have never sold a site before.

Someone e-mailed me recently and asked if the site was for sale. I did not reply yet.

Anyone know how best to gauge the worth of a site even if this science may be highly imprecise?

Edit: Realized after reading the feedback that I forgot to mention how long its been making $200 a month for --> about 5 months. Blog/site is only 1.5 years old, and traffic has doubled every 4-6 months or so due to my content being the best in the field. Not trying to show off:-) However, growth will now be much slower based on the traffic stats I see for the top sites in my field that also have very active and old forums too.
#confusing #information #website #worth
  • Profile picture of the author RogozRazvan
    The usual formula is your monthly income multiplied by 12 - 18, mostly based if it can work or not without you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Emma Drummond
      I would avoid using sites that value sites automatically as there totally useless.

      I do it with monthly income multiplied by 12 its more accurate on value
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  • Profile picture of the author the_icon
    No site can tell you how much your site is worth.

    You can use certain formulas to gauge rough selling price however that may not be how much it is worth, just what you can expect to get for it. Remember, the people buying it are working on those formulae as well.

    If you are profiting say $200 a month after costs, then you can expect to receive bids at most around the $2500 range. However, people would want to see a consistent $200 per month, not just for the 1st month.

    There may be scope to sell it for more if you could convince any potential buyer that the market is bigger and you havent tapped the full potential of it yet.

    However as a rule of thumb, I always use the 12 month rule. You can ask for more if you have consistently hit profits for at least the last 6 months. People like longevity when buying sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
    Well you're definately doing something right, so unless you urgently need money i would scale it up until you reach teh $1000+ mark. Then the price people want to pay will go up very fast.

    But if you want to sell now i think if you get a $1500 bid that would be a good deal as the income isn't consistent yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by itunesguy View Post

    I make around $200 a month from it via Adsense and Amazon affiliate income combined.
    If that's been steady income over a few months, you might manage to get $2,000 for the site. If not, you probably need to keep it going for longer, to get that for it. With the potential upside that by keeping it going you could increase the income (and therefore the potential sale value) more, as well.

    Unless you have something like an unusually valuable domain-name, realistically, "the steadiness of proven income" will probably be about the only value-determining factor when you try to sell it. As you rightly say, it's a very imprecise science, but in principle, 10 months' proven income should be in the ball-park. (In practice, the suggestion of 12-18 months' income mentioned above will probably turn out to be very optimistic!).

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  • Profile picture of the author BinaryQwest
    Lot's of factors can come into play when selling the site and the 'going rate' of 10 times stable monthly earnings is a good starting point. Keep in mind it could be less if your monthly earnings are going down.
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