- What would you do with it?

Profile picture of mikesan
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64 replies
So if you owned this domain what would you do with it?

I actually don't have any time to develop it since I'm working 95% on a big project related to press releases.

And this name is just sitting doing nothing. Do I sell? (not my preference) Or do I joint venture with big time gurus?

Again I don't have much time. At most maybe I can work on the weekends since my focus is on my other site with my partner.

So what would you do if you had this premium domain but had little time and didn't want to sell?
  • Profile picture of the author RealCasher
    Profile picture of RealCasher
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    That's a great domain name dude!

    Would do pretty well for any IM offer.

    If you don't know what to do with it, don't. Keep it for something huge, for a brilliant idea.

    Did you get any buying offers? if yes how much?
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  • Profile picture of the author mikesan
    Profile picture of mikesan
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    Well I have big ideas, just lack the time. I could probably hire someone to complete the site but I'm worried I would still be taken away from my main project at the moment.

    I was thinking maybe joint ventures with several people with each chipping in some money to invest and time to manage the creation of the site. This would fund the project and spread the burden of management amongst the investors.

    But that sounds I guess I'll just hang on to it. No recent offers. Surprisingly.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
    Jack Gordon
    Profile picture of Jack Gordon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nice name.

    I would put a ridiculously big number on it to see if anyone bites at a price you can't refuse while you are waiting for time and inspiration.
  • Profile picture of the author samellis12
    Profile picture of samellis12
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What i would do personally is keep hold of the domain for the time being, you never know when it could become useful.
  • Profile picture of the author abigaleabigail344
    Profile picture of abigaleabigail344
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think it is a good domain. You should not sell this domain. You can hire any freelancer, who will take care your site. For his work, you can him commission or, any salary as you wish. It would better for you. Thanks a lot.
  • Profile picture of the author Slade556
    Profile picture of Slade556
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The domain name is a gold mine!
    If you don't have the time to develop it, and if you know for sure you're not gonna do anything with it in the near future, then try selling it! But it would probably be a shame to sell it so 'empty'.
  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    Tom Addams
    Profile picture of Tom Addams
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    I agree. Potential goldmine.

    What would I do? I'd use the same blueprint I've been a party to in another online industry. I'd make it the authority for online business: community, resources, marketplace, so forth. I could go on, but I really don't want to make better ideas public knowledge. Upshot: develop it.


    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    Tom Addams
    Profile picture of Tom Addams
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    No, not this. (Above.)

    Developed, it will be worth far more to you over the next 10 years than practically any figure for the domain alone. You have to consider not only the potential income from such a developed domain, but the resale value of a successfully developed entity attached to that domain. I'd personally turn down $2,000,000 for the domain. I believe Freelancer paid $3.2 million for Warrior Forum. Granted, WF has age. Given time, OB would be worth far more. You may even garner the interest of major players like Google.

    Finally. Do not JV. You'll regret it. Put development money together, go over and over your business plan, seek advice where you can get it (free and paid) and turn this into something special. But don't share the wealth. No need.


    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

    • Profile picture of the author Anonymous Affiliate
      Anonymous Affiliate
      Profile picture of Anonymous Affiliate
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Get Rich Methods View Post

      I'd personally turn down $2,000,000 for the domain
      Turn down $2M for a site that is empty, has no content or brand, the owner has no time nor a clue what to do with it?!?!

      What a horrible advice. Grab the $2M and run.
      • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
        Tom Addams
        Profile picture of Tom Addams
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        Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

        Turn down $2M for a site that is empty, has no content or brand, the owner has no time nor a clue what to do with it?!?!

        What a horrible advice. Grab the $2M and run.
        You're missing the point.

        Developed, this domain has the potential to generate an extremely high income. Combine that high income with the domain itself and the developed website and you have the potential to yield a return far in excess of $2,000,000. So, yes, I would certainly turn down $2M.

        It might surprise you how much people are willing to pay for this domain.


        Edit:I'd just like to add something. This is not a domain valuation. This is merely a figure I would personally turn down in view of the return I believe I would receive if the domain was successfully developed.

        I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

        • Profile picture of the author Anonymous Affiliate
          Anonymous Affiliate
          Profile picture of Anonymous Affiliate
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          Originally Posted by Get Rich Methods View Post

          You're missing the point.

          Developed, this domain has the potential to generate an extremely high income.
          No, you miss the point.

          Let me ask this bold question: have you ever sold a site for 7+ figures? Because from your responses, I would guess that the answer is "No".

          Do you realize the kind of "development" you have to do in order to sell a site for 7+ figures? The OP doesn't have time, nor an clue, of what to do with that domain (hence asking for guidance in a public forum). And you expect him to raise an empty domain to a 7-figure level? based on what, just on a pretty URL?

          That's like saying: "you're tall, you can play in the NBA". Errr... no?! there's MUCH more to become a basketball star than just being tall!

          At this point, the only thing the OP has is a pretty domain name, nothing else. Is someone offering $2M right off the bat for an empty two-word domain with no history, brand, SEO, content, product, revenue, business plan, etc whatsoever? you'd be a fool to not grab the money and run for the hills!
          • Profile picture of the author mikesan
            Profile picture of mikesan
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

            Do you realize the kind of "development" you have to do in order to sell a site for 7+ figures? The OP doesn't have time, nor an clue, of what to do with that domain (hence asking for guidance in a public forum). And you expect him to raise an empty domain to a 7-figure level? based on what, just on a pretty URL?

            Ok stop saying I don't have a clue

            Obviously a name like this doesn't fall into the hands of the clueless. I simply wanted some suggestions.

            Thanks for yours and Tom's.

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            • Profile picture of the author Anonymous Affiliate
              Anonymous Affiliate
              Profile picture of Anonymous Affiliate
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by mikesan View Post

              Ok stop saying I don't have a clue

              Obviously a name like this doesn't fall into the hands of the clueless. I simply wanted some suggestions.

              Thanks for yours and Tom's.
              You do not have a clue as per to what to do with this domain, otherwise it wouldnt be sitting unused on the sidelines as per your own admission.
      • Profile picture of the author StingGB
        Profile picture of StingGB
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        • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
          Tom Addams
          Profile picture of Tom Addams
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          Originally Posted by StingGB View Post

          Frankly, I've never heard such nonsense spoken by so called experts than some of the 'advice/what I'd do if I owned it' posts on this thread. Yes, it's a nice domain. But a parked domain with no content isn't worth diddly squat.

          And comparing it to Warriorforum is absurd. The reason Warrior sold for the amount it did is site visitors (huge) and income (huge) and brand presence (huge). This takes years to accomplish

          It always makes me laugh when IM'ers start wetting their pants over a nice sounding url. Google doesn't give a monkey's about site names in relation to any area of commerce.

          What has the word ebay got to do with auctions? What has the word Amazon got to do with books? What has the word Warrior got to do with internet marketing for that matter?

          Sure, the url's worth a few grand because it's easy to remember, and good luck to you bud. But $2m / $4m. Some of you people are having a laugh aren't you?
          No one is having a laugh. And if I could have picked this up for "a few grand" yesterday, I dare say Mike would have sold it to me. Can I have it for $3,000, Mike? The point you're missing is this: as a domain alone, it has high value; as a developed entity, it has significantly more. No one is using domain sales history here as part of the metric for valuation; and even then your "few grand" figure would, ironically, given your other comment, be "having a laugh." Some of us, those who have perhaps more industry experience, are merely suggesting this domain could be developed into a high-figure property, more than say the domain

          Priceless comments, StingGB. Truly priceless.


          I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

      • Profile picture of the author StingGB
        Profile picture of StingGB
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        Frankly, I've never heard such nonsense spoken by so called experts than some of the 'advice/what I'd do if I owned it' posts on this thread. Yes, it's a nice domain, but a parked domain with no content isn't worth diddly squat.

        And comparing it to Warriorforum is absurd. The reason Warrior sold for the amount it did is site visitors (huge) and income (huge) and brand presence (huge). This takes years to accomplish.

        It always makes me laugh when IM'ers start wetting their pants over a nice sounding url. Google doesn't give a monkey's squat about site names in relation to any area of commerce.

        What has the word ebay got to do with auctions? What has the word Amazon got to do with books? What has the word Warrior got to do with internet marketing for that matter?

        Sure, the url's worth a few grand because it's easy to remember, and good luck to you bud. But £2m / $4m. Some of you on here are having a laugh aren't you?
      • Profile picture of the author mikesan
        Profile picture of mikesan
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        Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

        Turn down $2M for a site that is empty, has no content or brand, the owner has no time nor a clue what to do with it?!?!

        What a horrible advice. Grab the $2M and run.
        Yea I'd definitely take it and run as it is now. But after developing it when I find the time (if I ever do) then that figure will all have to depend on how much it brings it.

        And to clarify, I do have a clue. I was merely asking people what they would do if they owned it and had little time. So far I've gotten some great answers here.

        As a side note, sold for $7.5 million in 1999 for just the domain name. So maybe to the right company $2 million isn't too far off

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        • Profile picture of the author discrat
          Profile picture of discrat
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          Wow. some really sensitive conversations we are having in here.

          Very interesting Thread. It will be interesting to see where it goes in the next few days.

          Mike, that is a really nice domain. How did you come upon it ? ( sorry if I missed this in the Thread)

          - Robert Andrew

          Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

  • Profile picture of the author pewpewpewmonkeys
    Profile picture of pewpewpewmonkeys
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    Developed, it will be worth far more to you over the next 10 years than practically any figure for the domain alone.
    Keyword there being developed.

    Aka, spending time and money, both of which the OP has already stated that he would rather spend on his current (and possibly more profitable) product.

    You have to consider not only the potential income from such a developed domain, but the resale value of a successfully developed entity attached to that domain. I believe Freelancer paid $3.2 million for Warrior Forum. Granted, WF has age.
    WF has more than age. It has content, tons of users and marketability. "Warrior Forum" isn't valuable because of the exact domain "".

    If someone had bought the domain "" years ago and instead created a website for soldiers, then the site probably wouldn't be valued at $3.2 mil.

    Given time, OB would be worth far more.
    Again, only if both time and money are sunk into it.

    Time and money could be sunk into the most ridiculous domain name ever and the domain name could gain in value.

    You may even garner the interest of major players like Google.
    Which can also be done with pretty much any domain name. Your example of WF is a perfect example. "Warrior" and "forum" have nothing to do with internet marketing. And yet here we are.

    I'd personally turn down $2,000,000 for the domain
    I wouldn't. I'd take that money. And if I wanted to spend time and money for a "fully developed" website that could potentially make $3.2 mil in the future, then I'd hop over to a domain registrar and spend 20 bucks (.00001 of the 2 million) on any other domain. has already be proven that a name that has nothing to do with the content can be developed and sold.
    Some cause-oriented hackers recently hacked one of my websites. So I researched what they're about and then donated a large sum of money to the entity they hate the most.

    The next time they hack one of my websites I'm going to donate DOUBLE.
    • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
      Tom Addams
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      Originally Posted by pewpewpewmonkeys View Post

      Keyword there being developed.

      Aka, spending time and money, both of which the OP has already stated that he would rather spend on his current (and possibly more profitable) product.

      WF has more than age. It has content, tons of users and marketability. "Warrior Forum" isn't valuable because of the exact domain "".

      If someone had bought the domain "" years ago and instead created a website for soldiers, then the site probably wouldn't be valued at $3.2 mil.

      Again, only if both time and money are sunk into it.

      Time and money could be sunk into the most ridiculous domain name ever and the domain name could gain in value.

      Which can also be done with pretty much any domain name. Your example of WF is a perfect example. "Warrior" and "forum" have nothing to do with internet marketing. And yet here we are.

      I wouldn't. I'd take that money. And if I wanted to spend time and money for a "fully developed" website that could potentially make $3.2 mil in the future, then I'd hop over to a domain registrar and spend 20 bucks (.00001 of the 2 million) on any other domain. has already be proven that a name that has nothing to do with the content can be developed and sold.
      I don't have time to address such silliness. Friendly advice: lose the attitude and educate yourself.


      I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

      • Profile picture of the author pewpewpewmonkeys
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        Originally Posted by Get Rich Methods View Post

        I don't have time to address such silliness. Friendly advice: lose the attitude and educate yourself.
        There's no attitude on this end, Tom. I'm simply using logic to express my opinion and to have a balanced conversation. If we disagree then let's at least be adults and be civil.
        Some cause-oriented hackers recently hacked one of my websites. So I researched what they're about and then donated a large sum of money to the entity they hate the most.

        The next time they hack one of my websites I'm going to donate DOUBLE.
      • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
        Jack Gordon
        Profile picture of Jack Gordon
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        Originally Posted by Get Rich Methods View Post

        I don't have time to address such silliness. Friendly advice: lose the attitude and educate yourself.
        I have to agree with everything pewpew said in his thread. He read and understood the OP's post. There was nothing silly or uneducated about it.

        The best ideas are worthless until developed. Your suggestions require massive development resources and commitment. OP stated up front that he is not in a place to do that. So basically you just gave him a recipe for paralysis.

        The only real decision to be made is to see if he wants to monetize it quickly or hold on to it for future development.
        • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
          Tom Addams
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          Originally Posted by Jack Gordon View Post

          I have to agree with everything pewpew said in his thread. He read and understood the OP's post. There was nothing silly or uneducated about it.

          The best ideas are worthless until developed. Your suggestions require massive development resources and commitment. OP stated up front that he is not in a place to do that. So basically you just gave him a recipe for paralysis.

          The only real decision to be made is to see if he wants to monetize it quickly or hold on to it for future development.
          Fine. Fine, fine, fine. Against my better judgement, I'll devote 5 minutes to this silliness, but no more.

          The OP's question:

          So if you owned this domain what would you do with it?

          I answered by saying what I would do. Develop it.

          I actually don't have any time to develop it since I'm working 100% on a big project related to press releases.

          And this name is just sitting doing nothing. Do I sell? (not my preference) Or do I joint venture with big time gurus?

          Again I don't have much time. At most maybe I can work on the weekends since my focus is on my other site with my partner.

          The OP goes on to say that he has no time to develop it. He mentions selling the domain or entering a JV to develop it. I reply by giving my advice that he effectively make time to develop and forget about any JV situation. It is merely my advice. I did not misread his wishes. I cautioned against them.

          So what would you do if you had this premium domain but had little time and didn't want to sell?

          Yet again, I answered. In short: I would make the time or develop it over a period of time.

          Now onto what I believe I'll term "The Silliness of PewPewPewMonkeys." (2 minutes in, I truly cannot believe I'm writing this.)

          pewpewpewmonkeys : WF has more than age. It has content, tons of users and marketability. "Warrior Forum" isn't valuable because of the exact domain "".

          If someone had bought the domain "" years ago and instead created a website for soldiers, then the site probably wouldn't be valued at $3.2 mil.

          The chap here is basically informing me that my case for development lacks validity because he believes that I believe the value of Warrior Forum is limited to it's domain name alone. He seems to overlook the fact that I mention "development" repeatedly in my posts. Upshot? Silliness.

          pewpewpewmonkeys : Again, only if both time and money are sunk into it.

          Time and money could be sunk into the most ridiculous domain name ever and the domain name could gain in value.

          Here, pewpewpewmonkeys is refering to my insistence that OB would be worth far more than WF with development. The erudite pewpewpewmonkeys goes on to inform me that any domain could gain in value with continued development. While this is true, I very much doubt the OP has the finances to do so, yet he does have a highly-valuable domain that is of far greater worth than, and with clever development could be turned into something of far greater value overall than if he devotes his energies to something like, for instance. Say it with me: silliness.

          Must I really go on?


          I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

      • Profile picture of the author salegurus
        Profile picture of salegurus
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        Originally Posted by Get Rich Methods View Post

        I don't have time to address such silliness. Friendly advice: lose the attitude and educate yourself.

        Hey Tom, have your snickers bar... LOL

        Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          Kay King
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          And I'm only mulling over the idea of working with several partners to develop the site into something big. They would offer capital plus help in exchange for profit sharing or other arrangement.
          If you are going to develop it - that would be the way to go. I don't know if it's suitable for the "joint venture" ad section here or not but putting together a team of partners - with defined roles - would make sense to me.

          I had to look to see when you registered this - good one and a smart move at the time.

          I don't know how viable it is - but another possibility MAY be leasing the domain to a group or person interested in developing it. You would retain a percentage of income or a fee for use (or both) and the registration of the name - but others would put in the money and the work to develop a business. That may be "way out there" for you but it is something to consider. Legalities would need to be spot on with limitations and all sorts of protections - but it could be a source of income for a long time with NO time/effort on your part. Just walking around the box while I think
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
          what it is instead of what you think it should be.
          • Profile picture of the author mikesan
            Profile picture of mikesan
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            And so THIS below is why I posted. Lot's of smart minds here on the WF and for that reason I love being a warrior.

            Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

            I don't know how viable it is - but another possibility MAY be leasing the domain to a group or person interested in developing it. You would retain a percentage of income or a fee for use (or both) and the registration of the name - but others would put in the money and the work to develop a business. That may be "way out there" for you but it is something to consider. Legalities would need to be spot on with limitations and all sorts of protections - but it could be a source of income for a long time with NO time/effort on your part. Just walking around the box while I think

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  • Profile picture of the author Phil Essex
    Phil Essex
    Profile picture of Phil Essex
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    Holy crap - that's serious bankability - talk to someone who actually knows how to set the price for a name like that. I think is still for sale for a million lol...

    Sure its a corker of a name but if you don't have time or interest then sell it -maybe you have better things to do. I wouldn't but just because I would utilize it (someone said Authority site - imagine a job placement website with that domain)
  • Profile picture of the author karlstech
    Profile picture of karlstech
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    This name will definitely sell in the high thousands, if not tens of thousands. It's so simple, elegant and incredibly recognizable.

    As someone already said, if you lack the time, put a big number on it and see if anyone bites.

  • Profile picture of the author pewpewpewmonkeys
    Profile picture of pewpewpewmonkeys
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    Here is the original, final question in the Original Post:
    So what would you do if you had this premium domain but had little time
    Yet again, I answered. In short: I would make the time or develop it over a period of time.
    I think you meant "Yet again, I disregarded the nature of the original question."

    pewpewpewmonkeys : WF has more than age.

    The chap here is basically informing me that my case for development lacks validity because he believes that I believe the value of Warrior Forum is limited to it's domain name alone. He seems to overlook the fact that I mention "development" repeatedly in my posts. Upshot? Silliness.
    No. I was saying that WF has more than just age.
    I never said your case for development lacks validity. I completely ignored your case for development based on the understanding that the OP is not looking to personally develop the domain.

    The erudite pewpewpewmonkeys goes on to inform me that any domain could gain in value with continued development. While this is true
    Well there you go.

    I very much doubt the OP has the finances to do so, yet he does have a highly-valuable domain that is of far greater worth than
    *Potential* worth.

    and with clever development...
    Something the OP is not interested in...

    Must I really go on?
    Yes, because you conveniently ignored what I had to say about your comment regarding not accepting $2 million for the domain. Which the majority of my post was leading up to. Which means you missed the entire point of my post. Which is not surprising.

    Out of curiosity, is this the level of respect you show your clients? You must be an awesome coach.
    Some cause-oriented hackers recently hacked one of my websites. So I researched what they're about and then donated a large sum of money to the entity they hate the most.

    The next time they hack one of my websites I'm going to donate DOUBLE.
  • Profile picture of the author mikesan
    Profile picture of mikesan
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    Ok wow, just got up and saw my post ignited some heated conversation. lol. I appreciate the passion guys but hope we all play a little nicer.

    I appreciate everyone's suggestions. Tom you're right this name should be developed. But as you know, you have to pick and choose your battles. I'm currently working on another site that has an even better name than this one (different industry) and it's already an established business.

    And actually this domain is somewhat developed as a simple blog with some articles I had written over a year ago: Learn to Start or Grow and Online Business - but still a far cry from it's potential, I know.

    As for the numbers being thrown around. $2 million? Oh yea that would definitely get me sitting straight and listening. I've been in the domain industry for awhile now (17 yrs) and I've had some small successes here and there.

    Last time I wrote about some of my domaining strategies on here it got quite a few reads. I revealed how I flipped at $7 hand registered domain for $400,000 back in 2006.

    So for me to even consider it would have to be in the high six figure range with the million range not being out of the question.

    Now back to the question of what do I do with it for now? I was chatting with a friend of mine the other day and he mentioned an idea that got me thinking.

    Does anyone here know of a crowdfunding site which enables campaign owners to accept services and support in addition to funding from their funders. What I mean is, if I got a group of people to invest plus help in managing the project development it could be a win-win.

    There are thousands of entrepreneurs out there that are looking for other partners for help in project management in addition to funding. In exchange, a profit sharing and or equity sharing structure would be in place for the funders.

    Maybe there's a site out there for this? Anyone know? Kickstarter and the standard CF sites would not count since we're talking about funders actually helping in the project dev and management.


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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
      Profile picture of Kay King
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      $2 million? Oh yea that would definitely get me sitting straight and listening.
      So if I posted you could get $4 million - would you stand up??? A posted number is only a posted number - unless the person giving the number is making a firm offer.

      I'm kidding - of course - but you started with the premise of not wanting to or having the ability/time to develop this domain. Now you seem to vacillate on what you might want to do. There is no rush as this is not a trendy domain that is time limited in popularity.

      If you remain undecided the suggestion to put a high price on it and see what happens WHILE you mull over the potential for development yourself....makes the most sense.

      All that matters is what you want. If you are unsure then put it in a holding pattern (for sale at a very high price) until you clarify your own goals for this domain. If someone makes an offer - you can stop and re-evaluate what you want.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
      • Profile picture of the author mikesan
        Profile picture of mikesan
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        Good to see you here Kay King. I think I've purchased your solid products in the past.

        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        So if I posted you could get $4 million - would you stand up??? A posted number is only a posted number - unless the person giving the number is making a firm offer.
        Obviously :-) I only get excited when I get a real offer and after doing my research. As mentioned I've done relatively big deals when it comes to selling domains. So nothing gets me excited until I run through my proven process of doing due diligence on potential buyers.

        And I'm only mulling over the idea of working with several partners to develop the site into something big. They would offer capital plus help in exchange for profit sharing or other arrangement.

        BUT, you did just give me a great idea if I do find time. Create a crowdfunding site that does just that on I think it would fit. The question is if it would work.

        Anyway, thanks for the input. Definitely gave me a new perspective on this.

        Confused about starting an online business? Not sure what's out there and what works? Visit: to learn more today.

  • Profile picture of the author Ben West
    Ben West
    Profile picture of Ben West
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    People keep saying it's a gold mine, but that only applies if you have the skills and time to develop it. You sound competent enough, but this isn't 2006. You would have to put in full time effort to really turn it into a "gold mine". If you have more potentially profitable projects taking up your days, I would just sell it rather than divide attention. Otherwise you will have to really commit to it.
  • Profile picture of the author TeKn1qu3z
    Profile picture of TeKn1qu3z
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It has a great value and you will be in profit at any time. Hire someone to build it fast. There are multiple ways to make money from that site. Time will take in developing that site, my suggestion is to partner with some other people in developing or sell the domain for a great price.

    Pagerank is not updating so people wants to list their business in high page rank sites, If your site had then you will get good amount of money.
    • Profile picture of the author dougp
      Profile picture of dougp
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Just out of curiosity, how did you acquire the domain name? It doesn't make sense that someone would go through the trouble of purchasing a trendy domain name and claim they don't know what to do with it due to lack of time, this almost seems like a troll post as a domain name like this certainly won't be cheap to acquire.
      • Profile picture of the author mikesan
        Profile picture of mikesan
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by dougp View Post

        Just out of curiosity, how did you acquire the domain name? It doesn't make sense that someone would go through the trouble of purchasing a trendy domain name and claim they don't know what to do with it due to lack of time, this almost seems like a troll post as a domain name like this certainly won't be cheap to acquire.
        It's fine I get it. I wasn't going to post on the WF because it's such a high profile domain name but figured why not get some feedback from people directly in the "online business" space.

        But let me ask you, why doesn't it make sense? I have another project I've got my hands on 95% of the time and I've got tons of domains sitting on the shelf.

        My question is legit. I simply asked what people would do with it. Some will say sell (not preferred but always an option)...some will say develop it (not really an option due to lack of time) and some will give me some creative ways to make money in which I won't have to spend much time (that is what I'm looking to hear).

        Anyway, there will always be doubters on forums. I very well may be trolling with my post. But for what? Does it make sense for me to troll? I have better things to do with my time.

        Confused about starting an online business? Not sure what's out there and what works? Visit: to learn more today.

  • Profile picture of the author andorod77
    Profile picture of andorod77
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    With many domain names already taken, is an extremely good domain name.

    I would suggest you partner up with freelancers to help create and develop your site. You could sell the domain for a ridiculously high price, but your domain name could convert really high if some work is put into it and the eventual income generated from this site would definitely surpass the former option.

    So it would be a matter of getting a tremendous amount of cash for this domain name in a short time or taking the time to develop the site and gradually gain a steady income; both options are extremely good in any case.
  • Profile picture of the author David Keith
    David Keith
    Profile picture of David Keith
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    if i were looking to sell a real solid name like that, i would be seriously looking at a pr campaign to increase interest.

    if you could get a little traction, you could probably get some real players interested....the guys with the fake stock market

    that's the kind of domain that would have interest to a company with a long term vision, the talent and resources to develop it, and deep pockets (to pay you with).

    but in the short term, i would definitely throw up a for sale page with a crazy number. whatever "crazy" is to you. the content thats there really isn't doing much for the domain anyway so why not put a crazy sales page up with a contact form and see if you can win the lottery.

    personally, i all you have is the domain i would think partnering up with people is going to be tough. the domain is good. but who would have thought google, twitter, of fb were great domain names.

    if someone has the talent and initiative to develop a site like that, they could just as easy do it on a name like zazzle or some some other catchy type of name.

    i just dont see anyone but the guys playing with stock market money giving you 7+ figures for it really. but in my opinion, they probably would...if you could get their attention.

    being pretty decent at business, if i was so inclined to develop a site that domain would fit well, for, i would be far better off spending my 2 mil on advertising than on buying a domain to make my project a success. i could do more branding and get more traction with my 2 mil and a non premium domain than a premium domain would buy me.
    • Profile picture of the author mikesan
      Profile picture of mikesan
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Not what I like to hear but you are spot on and realistic about this.

      Originally Posted by David Keith View Post

      if someone has the talent and initiative to develop a site like that, they could just as easy do it on a name like zazzle or some some other catchy type of name.

      i just dont see anyone but the guys playing with stock market money giving you 7+ figures for it really. but in my opinion, they probably would...if you could get their attention.
      About the fake stock market money guys...I doubt they would pay big money for this name since their names usually sound all flashy and hyped up. But who knows..might be a good idea to approach them with a crazy number.

      Thanks for the insight. Very helpful.

      Confused about starting an online business? Not sure what's out there and what works? Visit: to learn more today.

  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Brent Stangel
    Profile picture of Brent Stangel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    As so many "experts" in this thread think it's so valuable, I say your way is perfectly clear...put it up for auction and let the "experts" jack the price to the roof.
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    Profile picture of art72
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'd say that domain would be a 'keeper' and 'never' to sell it. You are obviously well-educated to the multitude of possibilities a domain name like that could have when developed.

    In the meantime, I agree the content there now is not serving much purporse.

    When I closed my eyes to sift through the endless ideas that 'could be' - I tried to consider the fact you have little time to devote to the domain or it's development.

    My greatest standing thought would be, spend a few bucks on a copywriter, and create a mind-blowing lead-capture/ landing page, and do nothing more than 'build a massive list' from the single page.

    I remember reading an article produced by MindValley, whereby they created a squeeze page that basically offered 'no information' other than something HUGE was coming... and their opt-in conversion rates went through the roof.

    With that said, auto-responders do cost money, so if nothing less - maybe put a small offering (appetizer) together (cheap) that sells for $4.95 or even $19.95 to those subscribers.

    Just having those elements in place could pacify a ton of hungry minds, and build you a nice foundation for whatever you decide to do in the future. Plus, it would generate some revenue through an affordable product/service offering...while letting the bigger ideas fester until time permits you to begin construction.

    Sh!t, just the thought of owning a name like that almost scares me, cause I too would be afraid to devalue the full potential it could have with the right development team in place.

    Honestly, everyone here "SCREAMS" build a list, build a list, build a list... and I think that would be priority #1... just be vague, and present a simple teaser that "Something BIG is Brewing" and you'll likely have a flood of thirsty subscribers willing to swallow whatever poison or potion you decide to offer them, while they wait in anticipation for "What's to Come!"
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
    • Profile picture of the author mikesan
      Profile picture of mikesan
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      Sh!t, just the thought of owning a name like that almost scares me, cause I too would be afraid to devalue the full potential it could have with the right development team in place.

      Honestly, everyone here "SCREAMS" build a list, build a list, build a list... and I think that would be priority #1... just be vague, and present a simple teaser that "Something BIG is Brewing" and you'll likely have a flood of thirsty subscribers willing to swallow whatever poison or potion you decide to offer them, while they wait in anticipation for "What's to Come!"
      Lol..that's funny but I guess there's some truth to that. With a name like this it has to be done right.

      You gave some solid advice that I already knew but to be honest, hearing it the way you say it makes me really realize how important it is to BUILD THAT LIST!

      Thanks for your insight

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  • Profile picture of the author Diego Hernando
    Diego Hernando
    Profile picture of Diego Hernando
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would try a sedo domain appraisal first to see what kind of numbers we are talking, you remember from John Reese? I think he sold that for 1M and you know, now is just a blog, he thought about doing a big product/community around but that takes a lot of time and the domain name is not a guarantee of success, a safe bet would be to sell the domain in my opinion.
  • Profile picture of the author newideamarketing
    Profile picture of newideamarketing
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    sell it , theres lots of people that would love to give you large amount of cash for it
  • Profile picture of the author OmarNegron
    Profile picture of OmarNegron
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think its a pretty valuable name. Test the waters. If you don''t have time to develop it or just don't want too. Put it on the market and see what type of offers others are willing to give you for the name.

    You may get an offer you can't refuse...
  • Profile picture of the author Gladiator
    Profile picture of Gladiator
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok it' a nice domain name! I like it.
    But why would it be worth a boat load of cash as many are saying here??
    Is it getting lots of traffic? Have you had thousands of searches for this?

    For those that are into domain name registration and sales. I ask what really determines the value of a domain names? What is the criteria to determine value?

    I know the obvious, if someone wants it and has the money and is willing pay for it they would pay whatever. I get it.

    • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
      Jack Gordon
      Profile picture of Jack Gordon
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Gladiator View Post
      Ok it' a nice domain name! I like it.
      But why would it be worth a boat load of cash as many are saying here??
      Is it getting lots of traffic? Have you had thousands of searches for this?

      For those that are into domain name registration and sales. I ask what really determines the value of a domain names? What is the criteria to determine value?

      I know the obvious, if someone wants it and has the money and is willing pay for it they would pay whatever. I get it.

      I would rather build a house with an ocean view than in the heart of the ghetto.

      Sure, the ocean house could be a dump, but there will always be an incentive to improve it and retain or rebuild that value.

      And the ghetto house could be a masterpiece, but it will be much harder for it to succeed because the neighborhood is always going to limit the opportunities to turn it into a success.
  • Profile picture of the author wolfe655
    Profile picture of wolfe655
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think I would do like jack said a few posts above and put a serious high price on it, something you could not turn down or just sit on it for yourself.
  • Profile picture of the author Gladiator
    Profile picture of Gladiator
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Jack Gordon View Post

    I would rather build a house with an ocean view than in the heart of the ghetto.

    Sure, the ocean house could be a dump, but there will always be an incentive to improve it and retain or rebuild that value.

    And the ghetto house could be a masterpiece, but it will be much harder for it to succeed because the neighborhood is always going to limit the opportunities to turn it into a success.

    Ok, Loaction, location, location!

    Get the ugliest property in the best neighborhood, I've done that a few times with Real Estate! I get it!

    Or what else we can disperser from post. Like start with a good business name that looks good that says exactly what the business is about in a great neighborhood ect?

    But still? lol It does not answer or justify what I'm asking.

    Has anybody Offered anything for it?
  • Profile picture of the author jdudley
    Profile picture of jdudley
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Dude you are horrible lol. You might as well be dangling a nice pair of boobs in front of a horny dude with a breast fettish lmao.

    Anywho, i'd make a blog that gives away REAL, ACTIONABLE, making money online info and sells a suite of IM products with coaching on the back end.
  • Profile picture of the author pewpewpewmonkeys
    Profile picture of pewpewpewmonkeys
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The point you're missing is this: as a domain alone, it has high value; as a developed entity, it has significantly more.
    No one has missed that.

    Some of us,t̶h̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶w̶h̶o̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶p̶e̶r̶h̶a̶p̶s̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶d̶u̶s̶t̶r̶y̶ ̶e̶x̶p̶e̶r̶i̶e̶n̶c̶e̶,are merely suggesting this domain could be developed into a high-figure property,
    Which can be done with any domain.

    more than say the domain
    Please show us an auction site that is more popular and more valuable than ebay and that also has the word "auction" (or a similar word) in its domain.

    Please show us an internet retail site that is more valuable than amazon and that also has the words "internet retail" in its domain.

    Yes, the domain OnlineBusiness would be a great name and would be better than all of the retarded examples you have used. But you also stated that you would turn down $2 million for an undeveloped domain name which is simply foolish.

    If you're such a industry player then you would certainly have more than $3k. Make a real offer, develop the domain, and show all of us what a marketing badass you are. Otherwise, stfu.
    Some cause-oriented hackers recently hacked one of my websites. So I researched what they're about and then donated a large sum of money to the entity they hate the most.

    The next time they hack one of my websites I'm going to donate DOUBLE.
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
      Profile picture of Kay King
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Mike -

      You might want to shoot a PM to Gene Pimental on this forum. He's a domain expert and could probably give you some good advice and suggestions.

      There are other experienced domainers here but Gene is the one I'm most familiar with.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
  • Profile picture of the author byalik
    Profile picture of byalik
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would sell it to your friend. I heard he could use it right now.
  • Profile picture of the author mikesan
    Profile picture of mikesan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for your opinion but being clueless and asking for opinions are two completely different things.

    How many unused domains do you have in your collection? I'm sure you and others here have quite a few. Now does that make you clueless on what to do with them? Hardly.

    Confused about starting an online business? Not sure what's out there and what works? Visit: to learn more today.

  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    Tom Addams
    Profile picture of Tom Addams
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My final word.

    To say I'm disappointed in WF today is an understatement. And I direct this not to certain people within this thread, permeating it with unpleasantness and at times an obvious lack of industry education and experience, but to the people who could have taken part in a fruitful and intelligent discussion. The people who perhaps read, absorbed, yet refrained from comment. Those people will have seen the sense made by myself, by Mike and by a smattering of others, and instead of propping up this level of sense with a little support, chose to remain silent. The result, I fear, is this: An industry veteran like Mike, and an extremely nice chap, to boot, will likely (I would imagine) never again bring to the WF table such a treat as this. And it is a treat. Are some of you not tired of the incessant "How can I make $100 a day" threads? Don't you wish for a little more meaningful discussion in your day? If you do, and I'm sure you must, then I think you will go on wishing, and for a very long time. We had an opportunity here not merely to take part in erudite discussion, but to help - in perhaps just a small way - to shape the industry. Had being the operative word.


    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

  • Profile picture of the author pewpewpewmonkeys
    Profile picture of pewpewpewmonkeys
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    a fruitful and intelligent discussion.
    You mean one of those things where you have to back up claims, theories, or ideas with logic, reason, or evidence?

    Those people will have seen the sense made by myself... and instead of propping up this level of sense with a little support, chose to remain silent.
    Speaking of being silent and offering support, we're still waiting for your evidence of a website that is more popular than ebay and that has the word "auction" in it that supports your perspective.

    The result, I fear, is this: An industry veteran like Mike, and an extremely nice chap, to boot, will likely (I would imagine) never again bring to the WF table such a treat as this.
    True. Mikesan, at this very moment, is now in a catatonic state at his local psychiatric ward where he rocks back and forth shivering a corner, repeating to himself over and over again "OnlineBusiness, OnlineBusiness, OnlineBusiness."

    Once again, you nailed it Tom.

    Don't you wish for a little more meaningful discussion in your day?
    Discussion is difficult when people confuse their own arrogance for "enlightenment" and address others in a rude fashion simply because they disagree.

    Meaningful discussion exists in this thread. However, the discussion seems to die off whenever someone makes an absurd statement, is challenged, and then can only use rude remarks ("permeating it with unpleasantness") to mask ineptitude.

    Discussion is the exact opposite of what you have shown you want. Whenever someone offers an opposing opinion, you seem to feel the need to mock, patronize, and throw a miniature internet tantrum.

    We had an opportunity here not merely to take part in erudite discussion, but to help - in perhaps just a small way - to shape the industry.
    "Recent Warrior Forum thread shapes the entire industry of internet marketing."

    Some cause-oriented hackers recently hacked one of my websites. So I researched what they're about and then donated a large sum of money to the entity they hate the most.

    The next time they hack one of my websites I'm going to donate DOUBLE.
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
      Profile picture of Kay King
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      And I direct this not to certain people within this thread, permeating it with unpleasantness and at times an obvious lack of industry education and experience, but to the people who could have taken part in a fruitful and intelligent discussion.
      How many threads are you going to hijack by insisting your opinion is the right one - people with differing opinions lack "education and experience"...blah blah?

      You gave an opinion on what to do with the domain - which is what Mike asked for. But your opinion was "develop it" and he said he didn't want to do that at this time.

      But then you start arguing with what others post and you do this frequently. You don't like a suggestion so you feel free to label it "silliness" and you escalate the arguments.

      Mike is perfectly capable of making his own decisions. He "has" that domain because he was smart enough to register it many years ago - and keep it registered.

      A few of you people need to get over's sad to see some of the posturing here. You can offer opinions without having to be "right" every time!

      What is "disappointing" is that most posting in this thread have good ideas for Mike to think about - but are so busy arguing with each other the ideas get lost in the shuffle.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    Gene Pimentel
    Profile picture of Gene Pimentel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What would I do? I'd imediately hire a development team to create a strong revenue-generating web presence. My personal time would be very minimal.

    Generate tons of traffic, and sell advertising. There is HUGE potential in advertising revenue from a site like this.

    I'd hire people to generate buzz in all the domain/business development communities. It's all about attracting the right eyeballs.

    Then I'd be patient and wait for the right offers to come to me over time.
    • Profile picture of the author mikesan
      Profile picture of mikesan
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Gene Pimentel View Post

      What would I do? I'd imediately hire a development team to create a strong revenue-generating web presence. My personal time would be very minimal.
      Gene, great to see you here. I'm certain I've picked up one of your great products throughout the years. If not for time constraints I'd definitely join your Master Domaining site since I've heard many praises about it

      Your suggestion of what to do with OB is a good one. But in my experience even hiring a team to develop a site does take time to manage and would take away from my main project.

      I guess the trick is to hire someone who's just that good and can take care of everything so as to minimize my personal time spent.

      Will be hard to find but I'll start the search.

      Confused about starting an online business? Not sure what's out there and what works? Visit: to learn more today.

  • Profile picture of the author Zanesta
    Profile picture of Zanesta
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Would sell for a good price

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