Need some advice on ebook!

Profile picture of karlstech
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
3 replies
Hey there Warriors,

I'm writing a free ebook that will hopefully attract some opt ins in my upcoming psychology of online marketing blog, Mind Scholars.

It's a simple beginners guide 10-step guide to making money online by using psychology (name's not official, it's just the concept) that will be around 25-30 pages long (regular A4, Word).

First of all, is it something that the targeted audience of online marketers would appreciate?

Secondly, is too long to be a free giveaway?

Wanted to see what you have to say,


#advice #ebook #making money #online marketing
  • Profile picture of the author DavidAllenNeron
    Profile picture of DavidAllenNeron
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by karlstech View Post

    Hey there Warriors,

    I'm writing a free ebook that will hopefully attract some opt ins in my upcoming psychology of online marketing blog, Mind Scholars.

    It's a simple beginners guide 10-step guide to making money online by using psychology (name's not official, it's just the concept) that will be around 25-30 pages long (regular A4, Word).

    First of all, is it something that the targeted audience of online marketers would appreciate?

    Secondly, is too long to be a free giveaway?

    Wanted to see what you have to say,


    is it something that the targeted audience of online marketers would appreciate?

    I think you answered your own question, if your audience is targeted and you're using the correct advertising platform then I think you shouldn't have a problem getting the right prospects for your efforts provided you can do what you say and produce results, or give them some nourishing food for thought.

    Secondly, NOTHING is too large to give away for free, .. if you're providing value, and you've got your brand / name all over it then it's only going to create goodwill for you and your community

    Keep at it, good work and good luck.
  • Profile picture of the author samellis12
    Profile picture of samellis12
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Personally i would say it is something that the online marketing space would benefit from, and the length of the ebook doesn't really make much difference... I feel it's the quality of the content that will show whether or not your ebook is of quality or not.
  • Profile picture of the author quadagon
    Profile picture of quadagon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Welcome to my world

    To answer your question look at how many hits this video has

    best of luck I look forward to checking out the competition.
    I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one

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