How would you make $400,000 in one year online?

Profile picture of Xarcz
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
283 replies
First of all, I am aware that making $400,000 in a year, online is extremely hard to accomplish. I'm not asking for a method in order to make this amount of money in one year, because I know it isn't possible for me. However I am wondering what people's individual thoughts are on how they would go about acheiving this goal, if they absolutely needed to.

Personally, if I wanted to divert my year to acheiving this sum, I would have to go with affiliate marketing. I know that you would have to be an affiliate for years to even get close to this sum, but I can't think of any better method.

So, what would you do?
#$400 #make #online #year
  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Steve B
    Profile picture of Steve B
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you want $400,000 . . . invest $1,000,000 in the stock market.

    After one year, you'll be left with $400,000.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

  • Profile picture of the author clixmedia
    Profile picture of clixmedia
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It seems like there are nearly infinite ways to achieve that goal. It might benefit anyone seeking that goal or similar ones to look at the basic similarities or commonalities in those infinite ways of doing it. You can break down the goal (and with financial goals it's very black and white). $400k is $33,333.33/month, or $7,692.31/week, etc. How can you make 8k a week? $1200/day. Sell 12 $100 products a day. How hard could that be? Or how bout 1,000 $400.00 products. You could do that, right? So you need a product and you need prospects. What do you know about? What problems can you solve for people. I like golf, but I suck at it. I would pay $400 to break 80, no problem. And so would 999 other hackers.

    There are so many WSOs and info-products that offer that type of income. But finding one that works for you personally with your temperament and interests and skills and motivations is key. There are strategies for all sorts of methods. But as there are millions of ways to do it, there are only a few viable means to get there. I'd pick a way that you can stomach and take action with. You have to break down that goal into smaller pieces. 30 days, 180 days, and down to what you can do today to start,

    There is a code to crack. I hope you can do it, and then you can share what you did here. I'll spitball with you anytime.

    • Profile picture of the author shuvoimtiaz
      Profile picture of shuvoimtiaz
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Really great solution. I must appreciate your day by day targeting formula. If anyone can make his target like this and work accordingly. I am sure this 400K/year is achievable.

      Ready to Rock Your Website's Performance? Skyrocket Your Content and Rankings - Discover the Magic at!

    • Profile picture of the author JCH33
      Profile picture of JCH33
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      Originally Posted by clixmedia View Post

      It seems like there are nearly infinite ways to achieve that goal. It might benefit anyone seeking that goal or similar ones to look at the basic similarities or commonalities in those infinite ways of doing it. You can break down the goal (and with financial goals it's very black and white). $400k is $33,333.33/month, or $7,692.31/week, etc. How can you make 8k a week? $1200/day. Sell 12 $100 products a day. How hard could that be? Or how bout 1,000 $400.00 products. You could do that, right? So you need a product and you need prospects. What do you know about? What problems can you solve for people. I like golf, but I suck at it. I would pay $400 to break 80, no problem. And so would 999 other hackers.

      There are so many WSOs and info-products that offer that type of income. But finding one that works for you personally with your temperament and interests and skills and motivations is key. There are strategies for all sorts of methods. But as there are millions of ways to do it, there are only a few viable means to get there. I'd pick a way that you can stomach and take action with. You have to break down that goal into smaller pieces. 30 days, 180 days, and down to what you can do today to start,

      There is a code to crack. I hope you can do it, and then you can share what you did here. I'll spitball with you anytime.


      that's revenue, not profit...
    • Profile picture of the author visualfxpro
      Profile picture of visualfxpro
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      First, Alex I love your thought process! I just started making training courses on Udemy. Unlike many others on there (I assume), I'm tapping into my calling and responding to the market. That is as opposed to just being an opportunist. I was born of teachers and have taught for free for a LONG time with TREMENDOUS feedback. Many people have said that my style is super effective and rare. They say:

      No other person made me understand this before you
      You made my smile and have fun while learning
      You saved my hours in learning time
      You are better than my teacher

      I've heard this for years but I already have a career and although I like teaching, I don't want that as a job. However I had a eureka moment. This could be my ticket to another goal. 100% financial independence. Not being a slave to my career anymore. My field dies, I still pay the bills. My goal was just $1500/month and I'm already making $600/month online with other things, so it's really $1000/month.

      Long story being said...I've done the math and I could potentially make much more than $400k. Using your formula as a loose guide, if I charge $300 for my class, I only need about 111 new students a month.

      Currently 400-600 people a DAY are enjoying my free single topic video online. That is near 13,000 people a month. I just need to convert 111 of that 13,000 to the paid course. It sounds SO easy...but...I started course for FREE yesterday and now have 460 students but only 5 are actually taking the course and only 1 complete near 80% of it. So if I charge, maybe that drops in half? So a new student every other day? That is 15 students a month?

      I don't know. I feel I'm so close to something big here but I'm missing something. This is my first time selling a product. I feel like an average Joe in a million dollar race car trying to win races. The car is DYNAMITE....but...I don't know what to do with it. One of you marketing pros in my shoes would probably make that $400k easy. I feel I have everything that SO many are seeking:

      -A unique product in high demand (FREE anyway)
      -13,000 fresh and HIGHLY relevant eye balls every month
      -A product that can for SURE be used to help get a high paying job $80k-$200k

      The scariest thing is only 10 of my hundreds of students have even watched ANY of the videos in my class. Something is not right. I'm building 3 other courses now. People say I have a gift with teaching...MUST be a way to make money with it. REAL money. Right now my "gift" pays me about $100/month in ad revenue.

      Originally Posted by clixmedia View Post

      Sell 12 $100 products a day. How hard could that be? Or how bout 1,000 $400.00 products. You could do that, right? So you need a product and you need prospects. What do you know about? What problems can you solve for people. I like golf, but I suck at it. I would pay $400 to break 80, no problem. And so would 999 other hackers.
  • Profile picture of the author kk075
    Profile picture of kk075
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't think it's possible to make $400k in one year unless its off a business system or a hot new product (and when I say product, I don't mean an eBook). I'm talking a physical, tangible object that people want/need. The Pebble Watch from a few years ago is a great example...fantastic idea that sold over 10 million at launch.

    I can, however, build a new site that will make me $40-80k this year, and the easiest way to hit $400k would be repeating that process 5-10 times in different industries. Since each new site takes me about 2 months to fully optimize though, then we're probably talking 3 years minimum to hit the objective of a $400k income in 12 months time. Even then, I'd need a few employees and I'd be back closer to $300k, so it's definitely a process that takes time.

    Learn to sell like a pro through Web Synergy's marketing blog.

    • Profile picture of the author MrLooq
      Profile picture of MrLooq
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      Originally Posted by kk075 View Post

      I don't think it's possible to make $400k in one year unless its off a business system or a hot new product (and when I say product, I don't mean an eBook). I'm talking a physical, tangible object that people want/need. The Pebble Watch from a few years ago is a great example...fantastic idea that sold over 10 million at launch.

      I can, however, build a new site that will make me $40-80k this year, and the easiest way to hit $400k would be repeating that process 5-10 times in different industries. Since each new site takes me about 2 months to fully optimize though, then we're probably talking 3 years minimum to hit the objective of a $400k income in 12 months time. Even then, I'd need a few employees and I'd be back closer to $300k, so it's definitely a process that takes time.
      Do you think is a site that can generate that type of revenue?

  • Profile picture of the author YourBizAid
    Profile picture of YourBizAid
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    Think about building a sizable list of loyal fans - not subscribers. Sell high ticket products to them, then include a coaching program to your arsenal for a recurring income.

    Trust me, my goal this year is exactly $1M and I trust I can do it. It starts by believing in yourself, your abilities and your gut feeling.

    Trust me, you can do this. I'm only sad that you wrote and said something like 'I can't do it'...

    The power of the human mind is without limitation when activated by faith. Which goes to say, you can achieve anything if you BELIEVE. Not just believing in your ideas, but most importantly, believing in YOURSELF!
    • Profile picture of the author dana67
      Profile picture of dana67
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      $400,000 would be a nice chunk of change. Some people make that much or more every year. Find a hot new product to offer.
    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Profile picture of salegurus
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Do some of you actually believe the BS you write? It amazes me every time these threads appear, people answer these with such confidence as if they themselves have generated these ludicrous sums of money in the time period given by the OP...

      Originally Posted by YourBizAid View Post

      Think about building a sizable list of loyal fans - not subscribers. Sell high ticket products to them, then include a coaching program to your arsenal for a recurring income.

      Trust me, my goal this year is exactly $1M and I trust I can do it. It starts by believing in yourself, your abilities and your gut feeling.

      Trust me, you can do this. I'm only sad that you wrote and said something like 'I can't do it'...

      The power of the human mind is without limitation when activated by faith. Which goes to say, you can achieve anything if you BELIEVE. Not just believing in your ideas, but most importantly, believing in YOURSELF!
      BS, just believing you can make it is not going to get you far... Yeah it's great to have a positive mindset but you people have this notion that if i truly believe it's gonna happen....
      1Mill by end of year, let us know how it works out...

      Originally Posted by clixmedia View Post

      It seems like there are nearly infinite ways to achieve that goal.

      I thought you might share some of those infinite ways but like most respondents you waffle on about theory, ifs and buts and willing millions out of thin air with the power of positive thoughts...
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
      • Profile picture of the author Xarcz
        Profile picture of Xarcz
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        Originally Posted by salegurus View Post

        Do some of you actually believe the BS you write? It amazes me every time these threads appear, people answer these with such confidence as if they themselves have generated these ludicrous sums of money in the time period given by the OP...

        BS, just believing you can make it is not going to get you far... Yeah it's great to have a positive mindset but you people have this notion that if i truly believe it's gonna happen....
        1Mill by end of year, let us know how it works out...

        I thought you might share some of those infinite ways but like most respondents you waffle on about theory, ifs and buts and willing millions out of thin air with the power of positive thoughts...
        Come on dude this post is an "if" not "how" you will make $400,000 in a year. We're trying to have fun and share our opinions.
        • Profile picture of the author discrat
          Profile picture of discrat
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          Originally Posted by Xarcz View Post

          Come on dude this post is an "if" not "how" you will make $400,000 in a year. We're trying to have fun and share our opinions.
          In all due respect, having fun has been the downfall of many people in this business.

          Day dreaming and shooting the sh@t really does nothing constructive. The same people will be here next year doing the same thing.

          Yeah, its fun but the fun gets old after awhile when you are dead broke.

          I know I might be coming off as abrasive but it is just so many people in my 7 years here at WF have come up with these "fun" threads. And it offers no substantial value !

          - Robert Andrew

          Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

          • Profile picture of the author Xarcz
            Profile picture of Xarcz
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            Originally Posted by discrat View Post

            In all due respect, having fun has been the downfall of many people in this business.

            Day dreaming and shooting the sh@t really does nothing constructive. The same people will be here next year doing the same thing.

            Yeah, its fun but the fun gets old after awhile when you are dead broke.

            I know I might be coming off as abrasive but it is just so many people in my 7 years here at WF have come up with these "fun" threads. And it offers no substantial value !

            - Robert Andrew
            You only get to live once, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to have fun every once in a while. Who would want to be a part of a forum that is full of depressed losers who ruin their lives in order to increase their income?

            Having fun, or being happy is the ultimate goal of any sane human being, it definately has value.
        • Profile picture of the author kk075
          Profile picture of kk075
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          Originally Posted by Xarcz View Post

          Come on dude this post is an "if" not "how" you will make $400,000 in a year. We're trying to have fun and share our opinions.
          But that's not what happened there. You posted a question, and the next thing you know there are people saying, "Oh yeah, $400k is easy to make.....anybody can do it."

          To seasoned affiliate marketing folks, that's a major insult. Forget about us though, because that kind of BS is far more damaging to the newcomer with a wife and a kid who gambles everything on, "Hey, anybody can do it. $400,000 is chump change for a starting marketer."

          That's simply an outright lie and it is not fair to anyone to make things like that up. Because people bet everything on those types of pipe dreams and the lose everything they have...and that's not "fun and games" like you said.

          Learn to sell like a pro through Web Synergy's marketing blog.

    • Profile picture of the author amazme
      Profile picture of amazme
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      My friend i believe you can do, you are 100% correct it does start with the mind now find the vehicle and go my friend DO NOT LOOSE SIGHT OF YOUR GOAL 400K IN 12 MONTHS
    • Profile picture of the author visiono
      Profile picture of visiono
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      Originally Posted by YourBizAid View Post

      Think about building a sizable list of loyal fans - not subscribers. Sell high ticket products to them, then include a coaching program to your arsenal for a recurring income.

      Trust me, my goal this year is exactly $1M and I trust I can do it. It starts by believing in yourself, your abilities and your gut feeling.

      Trust me, you can do this. I'm only sad that you wrote and said something like 'I can't do it'...

      The power of the human mind is without limitation when activated by faith. Which goes to say, you can achieve anything if you BELIEVE. Not just believing in your ideas, but most importantly, believing in YOURSELF!
      He is talking about "the law of attraction". i suggest you invest a little time researching this, it`s going to be the most important thing that will get you there and beyond. In short, you have to believe it before you can see it, not the other way around.
      • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
        Profile picture of jasondinner
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        Originally Posted by visiono View Post

        He is talking about "the law of attraction". i suggest you invest a little time researching this, its going to be the most important thing that will get you there and beyond. In short, you have to believe it before you can see it, not the other way around.
        You have to do a lot more than just believing it or attracting it into existence.

        You have to put massive calculated action. Have a plan (which can be subject to change as you move forward) and execute the plan as best you can.

        The law of attraction is great, but without the work, it's pointless.

        "Faith without works is dead."

        See James 2:14-26

        "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

        Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

        • Profile picture of the author visiono
          Profile picture of visiono
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          Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

          You have to do a lot more than just believing it or attracting it into existence.

          You have to put massive calculated action. Have a plan (which can be subject to change as you move forward) and execute the plan as best you can.

          The law of attraction is great, but without the work, it's pointless.

          "Faith without works is dead."

          See James 2:14-26

          Sure enough my friend. Everyone can be wealthy but not everyone will, mostly due to motivation. which brings us to the reason some get rich and other don`t. It all comes down to how badly do you want it. Most only wish.... That`s not what i call a motivator. Other`s want it so bad as if they had a gun to their head.
        • Profile picture of the author visiono
          Profile picture of visiono
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          Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

          You have to do a lot more than just believing it or attracting it into existence.

          You have to put massive calculated action. Have a plan (which can be subject to change as you move forward) and execute the plan as best you can.

          The law of attraction is great, but without the work, it's pointless.

          "Faith without works is dead."

          See James 2:14-26

          Don`t bellieve in the bible, at least not as whole truth and fact. The law of attraction does require work though. I have already started visualizing my ideal life vividly in present tense and not future tense, twice a day as a first person point of view. If you think this is easy try it and tell me. And even if it is easier, does that mean its not going to happen? Does that mean its too good to be true?
          • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
            Profile picture of jasondinner
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            Originally Posted by visiono View Post

            Don`t bellieve in the bible, at least not as whole truth and fact. The law of attraction does require work though. I have already started visualizing my ideal life vividly in present tense and not future tense, twice a day as a first person point of view. If you think this is easy try it and tell me. And even if it is easier, does that mean its not going to happen? Does that mean its too good to be true?
            Whether you believe in the Bible or God or not, there is infinite wisdom all over that book.

            Much, if not all of the "law of attraction" and success principles you read and hear about today have their roots in that very book.

            "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

            Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

  • Profile picture of the author Francesco Iantorno
    Francesco Iantorno
    Profile picture of Francesco Iantorno
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    The best thing that you can do is scale, find something that works, then scale the heck out of it.
    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      Profile picture of heavysm
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      You're talking about roughly $33k monthly which isn't too bad considering that you'd be making about $1k daily in profit.

      This could be done with media buys on cpa offers. Spend $4 - 5k on advertising and make $1000+ in profit on the low end from 125 - 135% ROI.

      Another way would be to open a coaching program around some expertise you have. I've seen many people do this for SEO, email marketing etc.

      Selling services to high paying clients is also good. One guy i know sold SEO services to high end clients such as doctors, surgeons etc and made about $50k monthly using local SEO.

      But these are all example from what I've seen of my friends and others do in their businesses.

      I won't even pretend that i know how exactly i would get to $33k a month from my business, because I'm not there yet BUT I am working on it
      • Profile picture of the author MrLooq
        Profile picture of MrLooq
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        Originally Posted by heavysm View Post

        You're talking about roughly $33k monthly which isn't too bad considering that you'd be making about $1k daily in profit.

        This could be done with media buys on cpa offers. Spend $4 - 5k on advertising and make $1000+ in profit on the low end from 125 - 135% ROI.

        Another way would be to open a coaching program around some expertise you have. I've seen many people do this for SEO, email marketing etc.

        Selling services to high paying clients is also good. One guy i know sold SEO services to high end clients such as doctors, surgeons etc and made about $50k monthly using local SEO.

        But these are all example from what I've seen of my friends and others do in their businesses.

        I won't even pretend that i know how exactly i would get to $33k a month from my business, because I'm not there yet BUT I am working on it
        Do you feel that there's couching opportunities in the beauty business? My wife went from $300 to $10,000 in 1 year. She's a one woman lash salon. I believe there must be a ton of women and men who would love to know how she did this.

    • Profile picture of the author Hpernaf
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      • Profile picture of the author dylannalyd123
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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          Kay King
          Profile picture of Kay King
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          Who would want to be a part of a forum that is full of depressed losers who ruin their lives in order to increase their income?
          You mean people who work for a living online rather than teens who sit around and dream of being rich until Mom calls them down for dinner?

          You are getting pushback because these threads have become common here. They accomplish nothing - usually end up being rude and often damage at least one person's forum rep. Go for it, folks.
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
          what it is instead of what you think it should be.
          • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
            Profile picture of BigFrank
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            Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

            You mean people who work for a living online rather than teens who sit around and dream of being rich until Mom calls them down for dinner?
            Well, if you really think that Cheetos and Red Bull can be considered 'dinner.'

            Cheers. - Frank
    • Profile picture of the author Danna1
      Profile picture of Danna1
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      I agree, this is currently working for me, although I thought scaling would be easier ..... I haven't hit the $400,000 mark yet, but I don't work a regular job anymore.
  • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
    Jack Gordon
    Profile picture of Jack Gordon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    $400,000 really isn't that much money.

    The SBA defines "small business" as $7.5 million in average annual receipts or less.

    If you offer a "real" service or product, it is not so unrealistic to build a business to $400k.

    The key is breaking out of the mindset that you can make money from "nothing". Offer "nothing", and you might get lucky here or there, but long term the market will correct itself.

    Because anyone can offer "nothing" - but it is real work to offer "something" in a way that it provides real value to the world around you.
    • Profile picture of the author rudyman1243
      Profile picture of rudyman1243
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Wow, blowing me away saying $400,000.00 is not much money, well I would love to have that much coming in, I have a few websites and making a few dollars off of one but nothing on the other two and would like to get them going. One that I really want to get going is my Name Brand fragrance site and it is very hard to get it in front of people that buy those types of products. I saw something on here speaking about listing on forums for websites, well I have not found any forums on the net that will let you list websites, so unless you have a lot of money to buy ads or get lucky by finding people that will come to a site, I don't know how you get traffic. I am a product guy not a computer guru, I have tried to find someone to blog for me and that is a very hard thing as well, I just don't know any more, anyway, sorry to get long here but I would love to have that kind of money coming in.

      All the best,
  • Profile picture of the author Smeltzer
    Profile picture of Smeltzer
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    Originally Posted by Xarcz View Post

    First of all, I am aware that making $400,000 in a year, online is extremely hard to accomplish. I'm not asking for a method in order to make this amount of money in one year, because I know it isn't possible for me. However I am wondering what people's individual thoughts are on how they would go about acheiving this goal, if they absolutely needed to.

    Personally, if I wanted to divert my year to acheiving this sum, I would have to go with affiliate marketing. I know that you would have to be an affiliate for years to even get close to this sum, but I can't think of any better method.

    So, what would you do?
    When I need a burst of income I "Hoe" myself out as a consultant. I use to love doing it but I hate it now but the money is freaking awesome and if you are good enough 400k a year is just a walk in the park.

    Also offering web services for local businesses if you do it right can make you 6 figures. A lot of these companies are blind on the internet. You come along tell them what increasing there web visibility can do for them and offer them a price to do it for them. You can charge more because they are not very savvy on prices. I actually just finished up on a social and SEO campaign for a local herbal company took me 5 minutes to set up and then manage my team that made me 10k and it was completed in one months time. They hit the jack pot and during that time actually increased profits and I made money as well we where all happy. At that rate you would need about 40 clients which is very doable.
    • Profile picture of the author Skatsani
      Profile picture of Skatsani
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      Originally Posted by Smeltzer View Post

      When I need a burst of income I "Hoe" myself out as a consultant. I use to love doing it but I hate it now but the money is freaking awesome and if you are good enough 400k a year is just a walk in the park.

      Also offering web services for local businesses if you do it right can make you 6 figures. A lot of these companies are blind on the internet. You come along tell them what increasing there web visibility can do for them and offer them a price to do it for them. You can charge more because they are not very savvy on prices. I actually just finished up on a social and SEO campaign for a local herbal company took me 5 minutes to set up and then manage my team that made me 10k and it was completed in one months time. They hit the jack pot and during that time actually increased profits and I made money as well we where all happy. At that rate you would need about 40 clients which is very doable.

      I was just wondering.. I had this same idea about my country's local market as I see there are plenty of business who are not internet or IT savvy and don't utilize the power of good marketing to their benefit. Problem is.. im not that experienced myself. How do you go about setting up a campaign? Are there some musts in all cases or are all cases specific needing a strategy of their own? I'm just thinking that one possible way is to develop a system/structure/plan how to create a marketing campaign and then find businesses that could benefit from that specific strategy and then offer your services to them. Any ideas?
  • Profile picture of the author Marx Vergel Melencio
    Marx Vergel Melencio
    Profile picture of Marx Vergel Melencio
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Affiliate marketing to earn $400K net in one year? I'd do what we've been doing. However, it requires you to have a 9-year old certified Microsoft Partner company that operates a multi-lingual telesales, customer support and remote tech support call center, along with a formidable B2B network. Here's how:

    Offer 100% performance-based multi-lingual telesales, customer support and tech support call center services to one of your clients in your B2B network -- 60% for you and 40% for the client from all one-time sales, upsales, recurring sales and recurring renewals that you generate...

    So, your client gets free call center services that they need, along with value-added services and more sales, upsales and renewals. And, you get free buyer traffic and commissions for each sale. That's it...

    NOTE: This prospect client should be getting at least 4,000 pre / post sales support calls, emails and live chat requests per month. They should also have premium products worth at least $200 / year each; and

    Your call center should be converting 25% of those calls. This'll earn you $120K per month gross. If you net 40%, then that's $576K net for you per year...

    That's just for one client. Imagine if your B2B network has at least 12 prospect companies each getting similar monthly pre / post sales support volume. However, if your B2B network doesn't have prospect companies that get similar monthly support volume, then find multiple companies that can collectively drive the monthly pre / post sales support volume that you want...

    Simple, yes. Easy, no. Quick, definitely not...
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    • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
      Profile picture of jasondinner
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      Originally Posted by Marx Vergel Melencio View Post

      Affiliate marketing to earn $400K net in one year? I'd do what we've been doing. However, it requires you to have a 9-year old certified Microsoft Partner company that operates a multi-lingual telesales, customer support and remote tech support call center, along with a formidable B2B network. Here's how:
      I'm hoping you meant that what you're doing requires the above listed items and not just affiliate marketing or anything else to earn $400k net in one year.

      Because if that were the case, then you would be incorrect. lol

      I don't think the OP was talking net either, but either way, it can be done and has been done.

      Its all a matter of finding something that works and has a lot of scalability (as someone above mentioned), then actually scaling it - which takes cashflow and some mental and intestinal fortitude.

      "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

      Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

      • Profile picture of the author Marx Vergel Melencio
        Marx Vergel Melencio
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        Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

        I'm hoping you meant that what you're doing requires the above listed items and not just affiliate marketing or anything else to earn $400k net in one year.
        Yes, that's what I meant -- For you to do what we're doing so as to earn $400K annual net from one or a small set of clients through a 100% performance-based arrangement (affiliate marketing), then you'd need to be running a 9-year old certified Microsoft Partner company that operates a multi-lingual telesales, customer support and remote tech support call center, along with a formidable B2B network...
        • Deep Learning & Machine Vision Engineer: ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
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        • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
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          Originally Posted by Marx Vergel Melencio View Post

          Yes, that's what I meant -- For you to do what we're doing so as to earn $400K annual net from one or a small set of clients through a 100% performance-based arrangement (affiliate marketing), then you'd need to be running a 9-year old certified Microsoft Partner company that operates a multi-lingual telesales, customer support and remote tech support call center, along with a formidable B2B network...
          Sounds like a ton of moving parts and a ton of work just to eek out a measly $400K (sarcasm lol), but if thats what works for you, then it's more than most people in this thread and entire forum will ever be able to do.

          So more power to you

          "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

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          • Profile picture of the author Marx Vergel Melencio
            Marx Vergel Melencio
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            Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

            Sounds like a ton of moving parts and a ton of work just to eek out a measly $400K (sarcasm lol), but if thats what works for you, then it's more than most people in this thread and entire forum will ever be able to do.

            So more power to you
            Thanks. You forgot to note that what I wrote above is just for ONE client -- We have many of them... And, yes, it's a ton of work -- 9 years of hard work, actually, to get to this point...
            • Deep Learning & Machine Vision Engineer: ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
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            • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
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              Originally Posted by Marx Vergel Melencio View Post

              Thanks. You forgot to note that what I wrote above is just for ONE client -- We have many of them... And, yes, it's a ton of work -- 9 years of hard work, actually, to get to this point...
              Yeah my man. It took you 9 years to become an overnight success

              "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

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              • Profile picture of the author Marx Vergel Melencio
                Marx Vergel Melencio
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                Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

                Yeah my man. It took you 9 years to become an overnight success

                At the OP -- It normally takes years to build up this type of income. The guy I'm with in the photo below needed 22 years to climb the ranks from a McDonald's crew member to the CEO of McDonald's Australia, then the CEO of McDonald's China, and now the current CEO of KMart Australia. And, the other guy I'm with in the photo below needed 8 years to climb the ranks from an accounting officer to the Asia Pacific CO of Asea Brown Boveri, the world's largest power engineering firm, and another 25 years to build his own company ...

                So, just like what Jack said, build something with truly unique, truly creative value, i.e. Who in the world provides free call center services in several major languages to companies that need it the most, and also sells more of their products in the process as a primary objective?
                • Deep Learning & Machine Vision Engineer: ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
                • Founder: Grayscale (Manila, PH) & SEO Campaign Manager: Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    Edwin Torres
    Profile picture of Edwin Torres
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    Realistically, I would just do product launch after product launch and launching something every other month. I know people who do this who make $20,000-50,000k a launch, so if I do a launch every other month I won't reach $400,000 BUT I'll be very close.

    AND on top of that, I'll have a list of buyers that can make me the rest of the money needed to reach 400k.
    • Profile picture of the author cabenb
      Profile picture of cabenb
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      Originally Posted by Edwin Torres View Post

      Realistically, I would just do product launch after product launch and launching something every other month. I know people who do this who make $20,000-50,000k a launch, so if I do a launch every other month I won't reach $400,000 BUT I'll be very close.

      AND on top of that, I'll have a list of buyers that can make me the rest of the money needed to reach 400k.
      I think you're right about the fact that people who do product launch after product launch make a lot of money. The problem is that 99,9999% of these launches we see (also WSO's) are totally crap. 'Fake it till you make it has become standard in IM. These people make their money by scamming people with products that don't work and the fact that they know they sell crap is making me sick.

      I have no problem at all with making money. I love money but I would be ashamed to make it to the cost of other people like many 'Internet marketers' do.
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  • Profile picture of the author premz
    Profile picture of premz
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    i order to make so much of money you have to spend more money as well and do affiliate marketing you will be succesfull.
  • Profile picture of the author Cityofdreams
    Profile picture of Cityofdreams
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    I would use a Drop Shipping Model, antons method when i get around to it
  • Profile picture of the author Slade556
    Profile picture of Slade556
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    I'm sure there are some people in this world that actually make that kind of money in one year. But I'm also sure they're not gonna spill out their secret.

    The point is, maybe making this much money in just one year is not an achievable goal. Unless you win the lottery. But you could try and find a way to earn as much as you can in one month, try to earn more the next month and so on. You probably won't get stupid-rich in 12 months, but at least you'd be earning!
  • Profile picture of the author karlstech
    Profile picture of karlstech
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    If I knew how to make $400,000 online in a year I wouldn't be posting here... But I can imagine it just has to do with hard work, promoting your business, being trustworthy and adaptable, diversifying your income stream, setting up a profitable sales funnel where you insert a potential buyer in the process nicely.

    Affiliate income is very lucrative as well if you can find the right product and and right crowd. Private advertising is a way of earning a few dollars every month if you have a high enough volume of traffic.

    There are so many ways to a actually make money but in my book the best way is to create a product of your own and sell it. By doing this you have total control of the whole process!
  • Profile picture of the author JawadAshraf
    Profile picture of JawadAshraf
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    Nice and interesting discussion is going on here to achieve 400K a year income, keep it up guys.
  • Profile picture of the author slammer81
    Profile picture of slammer81
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    All the ways I would attempt would involve a decent start up capital expense.
  • Profile picture of the author ahmedezzezz
    Profile picture of ahmedezzezz
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    1- Pick many High Converting Products
    2- Create Landing page
    3- Use All Paid Traffic and test Campaigns to know which one works with you
    4- Invest as much as you can on this Product and stick with the method that drived you high qulaity traffic
    • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
      Profile picture of jasondinner
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      Originally Posted by ahmedezzezz View Post

      1- Pick many High Converting Products
      2- Create Landing page
      3- Use All Paid Traffic and test Campaigns to know which one works with you
      4- Invest as much as you can on this Product and stick with the method that drived you high qulaity traffic
      Is that how you make $400K+ per year online?

      "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

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      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
        Profile picture of BigFrank
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        Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

        Is that how you make $400K+ per year online?
        Of course. You mean you haven't done that, yet?

        If that doesn't work for you, don't worry - there are plenty more totally ridiculous suggestions in this thread - any of which should guarantee you at least $400k, without even working up a sweat.

        Just make sure you 'believe in yourself.' That's the most important thing.

        Cheers. - Frank
        • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
          Profile picture of jasondinner
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          Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

          Of course. You mean you haven't done that, yet?

          If that doesn't work for you, don't worry - there are plenty more totally ridiculous suggestions in this thread - any of which should guarantee you at least $400k, without even working up a sweat.

          Just make sure you 'believe in yourself.' That's the most important thing.

          Cheers. - Frank
          I'll be at $400K for the year probably by the end of this month, if not early April.

          Just was curious about people who are making all of these wonderful suggestions if they actually have done what they said can make those reading this the magical $400K per year.

          "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

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          • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
            Profile picture of BigFrank
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            Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

            I'll be at $400K for the year probably by the end of this month, if not early April.

            Just was curious about people who are making all of these wonderful suggestions if they actually have done what they said can make those reading this the magical $400K per year.
            Unfortunately, most of those offering suggestions have probably never done anything at all and most of those that are working as hard as they can, sadly, will be lucky to make $4K this year at their on-line pursuits.

            Of course there are exceptions. They'll be piping-up, momentarily. That said, it's a well-know fact that 10% of the people in IM are making 90% of the money.

            That's the reality. Pointing it out is not being 'negative.' It's being 'realistic and informative.'

            Cheers. - Frank
            • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
              Profile picture of jasondinner
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              Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

              Unfortunately, most of those offering suggestions have probably never done anything at all and most of those that are working as hard as they can, sadly, will be lucky to make $4K this year at their on-line pursuits.

              Of course there are exceptions. They'll be piping-up, momentarily. That said, it's a well-know fact that 10% of the people in IM are making 90% of the money.

              That's the reality. Pointing it out is not being 'negative.' It's being 'realistic and informative.'

              Cheers. - Frank
              It's probably more like 2-3% will make 97-98% of the money.

              But yeah, I was a little perplexed as to why that number to begin with.

              I see those threads all too often "I've been online for 10 years and haven't made a dime." It's sad but as you said, a reality.

              It's like that in a lot of industries. Only a small percentage ever achieve above average success

              "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

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              • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                Profile picture of BigFrank
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                Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

                It's probably more like 2-3% will make 97-98% of the money.
                Well, I actually agree with you, but I was trying not to be TOO depressing. lol

                Cheers. - Frank
              • Profile picture of the author Manuelcrc
                Profile picture of Manuelcrc
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                Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

                It's probably more like 2-3% will make 97-98% of the money.

                But yeah, I was a little perplexed as to why that number to begin with.

                I see those threads all too often "I've been online for 10 years and haven't made a dime." It's sad but as you said, a reality.

                It's like that in a lot of industries. Only a small percentage ever achieve above average success
                Yeah...most people fail. Only a few make most of the money.

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            • Profile picture of the author toffos
              Profile picture of toffos
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              Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

              Unfortunately, most of those offering suggestions have probably never done anything at all and most of those that are working as hard as they can, sadly, will be lucky to make $4K this year at their on-line pursuits.

              Of course there are exceptions. They'll be piping-up, momentarily. That said, it's a well-know fact that 10% of the people in IM are making 90% of the money.

              That's the reality. Pointing it out is not being 'negative.' It's being 'realistic and informative.'

              Cheers. - Frank

              So are you saying it is impossible to earn 1k$ per month??? i'm a total newbie and i'm curious
  • Profile picture of the author mikefashen
    Profile picture of mikefashen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well, how to actually do it.

    1) Start with affiliate marketing. Go into 4 markets each selling 5 to 10 different products

    2) In each market see which product sells the best, now make YOUR OWN product like it ... but better so you keep 100% instead of just getting a commission.

    Scale, scale, scale. Push more and more traffic to your landing pages so that your list can sell both your own products and the other affiliate products. 400k actually isn't all that hard of a target to hit.

    Stop trying and start DOING

    • Profile picture of the author Marx Vergel Melencio
      Marx Vergel Melencio
      Profile picture of Marx Vergel Melencio
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      Originally Posted by mikefashen View Post

      Well, how to actually do it.
      Scale, scale, scale. Push more and more traffic to your landing pages so that your list can sell both your own products and the other affiliate products.
      400k actually isn't all that hard of a target to hit.
      $400,000 / year with that model -- Really?

      Do you know how extremely challenging it'd be for someone with limited fiscal and non-fiscal resources like significant real world and online B2B / B2C sales experience to say consistently get at least 6,000 pre-qualified leads per month and consistently convert at least 25% of that traffic into sales with at least a $100 average order value less 60% of your gross for overheads like advertising costs, labor and so on?; and

      Even if you play with the numbers, i.e. Sell products from $1,000 electronics to luxury houses in Malibu among other regions of the world, or mega yachts, jets and so on, for an X% commission -- Someone with limited fiscal and non-fiscal resources would have a very difficult time finding pre-qualified buyers and making them pay attention, more so talk their talk and successfully sell them these things, online or offline ...

      Let me tell you something -- Do you know how many users call for support each day out of 500,000 users with $200 annual licences and 2,500,000 users with free version products for one software brand? An average of 150 calls per day. That's around 0.0050% call conversions, in which you have a chance to convert 25% of that into sales and upsales; and

      Do you know how much work it takes to get 500,000 paid software users and 2,500,000 free software users? 8 years. Significant overheads during that 8-year period. Strategic partnerships with major software brands and hardware manufacturers ...

      It's not as simple as getting traffic to a landing page, converting that traffic into subscribers, converting that traffic into sales, converting support traffic into upsales, renewing subscriptions and so on ...

      Well, in theory -- Maybe ...
      • Deep Learning & Machine Vision Engineer: ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
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      • Profile picture of the author cdaman22
        Profile picture of cdaman22
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        This makes the most sense out of all the replies. There is a TON of work that goes behind getting even close to this. And with almost zero invested? Uhm...I don't think so.
  • Profile picture of the author Phil Essex
    Phil Essex
    Profile picture of Phil Essex
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi this is a straight cut n paste from one of Sean Mizes PLR I bought BUT it does show some ideas on how to make $400k. It was good for me to read and helped..
    $100k per month business model:

    400 sales of products 1-10 (multiple products here) @ $100 == $40,000

    175 sales of upsell products 1-5 @ $200 == $35,000

    50 sales of 2nd upsell product 1 @ $500 == $25,000

    Total: $100,000 per month


    400 sales of products 1-10 (multiple products here) @ $100 == $40,000

    175 sales of upsell products 1-5 @ $200 == $35,000

    125 monthly clients at $200 per month == $20,000

    Total: $100,000 per month


    300 sales of products 1-10 (multiple products here) @ $100 == $30,000

    100 sales of upsell products 1-5 @ $500 == $50,000

    125 monthly clients at $200 per month == $20,000

    Total: $100,000 per month


    450 sales of products 1-10 (multiple products here) @ $100 == $45,000

    50 sales of upsell products 1-5 @ $500 == $25,000

    10 sales of 2nd upsell product at $2000 == $20,000

    10 monthly clients at $1000 per month == $10,000

    Total: $100,000 per month
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Profile picture of BigFrank
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      Allow me to quote my favorite IM'er.

      "Dreams do come true. If only we wish hard enough." - Peter Pan

      Cheers. - Frank
    • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
      Profile picture of jasondinner
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Phil Essex View Post

      Hi this is a straight cut n paste from one of Sean Mizes PLR I bought BUT it does show some ideas on how to make $400k. It was good for me to read and helped..
      $100k per month business model:

      400 sales of products 1-10 (multiple products here) @ $100 == $40,000

      175 sales of upsell products 1-5 @ $200 == $35,000

      50 sales of 2nd upsell product 1 @ $500 == $25,000

      Total: $100,000 per month


      400 sales of products 1-10 (multiple products here) @ $100 == $40,000

      175 sales of upsell products 1-5 @ $200 == $35,000

      125 monthly clients at $200 per month == $20,000

      Total: $100,000 per month


      300 sales of products 1-10 (multiple products here) @ $100 == $30,000

      100 sales of upsell products 1-5 @ $500 == $50,000

      125 monthly clients at $200 per month == $20,000

      Total: $100,000 per month


      450 sales of products 1-10 (multiple products here) @ $100 == $45,000

      50 sales of upsell products 1-5 @ $500 == $25,000

      10 sales of 2nd upsell product at $2000 == $20,000

      10 monthly clients at $1000 per month == $10,000

      Total: $100,000 per month
      That's all fine and dandy, but it's all talk until the required action is taken for it to become a reality.

      "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

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  • Profile picture of the author Antonio De Santis
    Antonio De Santis
    Profile picture of Antonio De Santis
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    According to me that sum is extremely difficult to reach in one year.
    I think you must invest in a serious idea to make that sum in one year.
    Starting at zero I think that is too much difficult.

    I think that the only online programs I know that reach that money online within a few months were so called HYIPs, but they were all scams.
  • Profile picture of the author Xarcz
    Profile picture of Xarcz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's very nice to see everybody's diverse take on how they would go about acheiving this goal!
  • Profile picture of the author HeroZlatan
    Profile picture of HeroZlatan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The key to making $400K/year online has to do with creating your own service or product that will re-bill every month. Sure, there are plenty of ways you can media buy for some affiliate offer and hope for the best but there are a lot of unknowns there.

    I've been working online since '99 and full-time since '02 when I graduated college and have had a tremendous amount of success by running membership websites. Basically I create a service or product (like a protected blog or forum) and figure out a way to market it appropriately. I always give away the first month or run a signup special for like $0.01 for the first month before reverting back to the normal price (one of my websites charges $9.95/month for a VIP subscription/text only).

    I always use aMember Membership Software and have for years. It works great and my businesses do very well as a result.

    The most important thing though is not to be money motivated. In all of my businesses, the challenge is how many people can I get to my property? It's a challenge I enjoy and I'm more focused on the amount of people than the amount of money.

    If you truly enjoy what you are doing, the money will always come.
    • Profile picture of the author ghost209
      Profile picture of ghost209
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Yes. I've done it before, and have helped alot of people over the years achieve goals like that.

      If I had to start all over again from scratch and wanted to hit that number in less than a year I'd focus on high ticket.

      I'd either

      a.) create my own high ticket course ( everyone has knowledge, wisdom, skills, and something of value that people will spend good money to learn)

      b.) team up with someone to create a course or license one. ( Find an expert on a topic, you do the leg work, put together the product with them, take charge of the marketing and split the profits with them)

      c.) Become an affilaite for an awesome high ticket product ( Find someone who is already selling a high ticket product.. $500 - $10k+. and see if they've got an affiliate program for it. Tons do. you can find high ticket webinars on Webinar-Swap, JvnotifyPro, youtube (search keyword +webinar, or contact a good jv broker)

      Now that you've got the product.. the next is traffic.

      And you got tons of options. You can do Fb ads, Jv / affiliate traffic (get people to promote it to their list) or even do some high level solo ads with a company like - Dedicated Emails | The most Powerful Force in email marketing

      If you're making $1k in commission, to reach $400k/yr..
      all you need is 400 sales /yr
      33 sales /mo, or
      roughly 1 sale a day

      With Fb ads.. My webinar registration page has a 45% sign up rate, and with my follow up emails I get about 50-65% of people to show up for the webinar.

      A good webinar can typically close anywhere from 15% - 35% conversion rate.

      So all you need is roughly 100 people on that webinar a month. that's it.

      And if you take home $2k/sale ? well, now all you need is HALF. (16 sales a month etc.)

      and no, you don't need a big budget or any of that stuff.
      Make your first sale or two, then with the profit.. buy more traffic.
      • Profile picture of the author rudyman1243
        Profile picture of rudyman1243
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Your last words, "Buy more traffic" I have bought traffic and it is all Robots, no Real Humans, just BS, sorry not for me any more.

        All the best,
      • Profile picture of the author visiono
        Profile picture of visiono
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by ghost209 View Post

        Yes. I've done it before, and have helped alot of people over the years achieve goals like that.

        If I had to start all over again from scratch and wanted to hit that number in less than a year I'd focus on high ticket.

        I'd either

        a.) create my own high ticket course ( everyone has knowledge, wisdom, skills, and something of value that people will spend good money to learn)

        b.) team up with someone to create a course or license one. ( Find an expert on a topic, you do the leg work, put together the product with them, take charge of the marketing and split the profits with them)

        c.) Become an affilaite for an awesome high ticket product ( Find someone who is already selling a high ticket product.. $500 - $10k+. and see if they've got an affiliate program for it. Tons do. you can find high ticket webinars on Webinar-Swap, JvnotifyPro, youtube (search keyword +webinar, or contact a good jv broker)

        Now that you've got the product.. the next is traffic.

        And you got tons of options. You can do Fb ads, Jv / affiliate traffic (get people to promote it to their list) or even do some high level solo ads with a company like - Dedicated Emails | The most Powerful Force in email marketing

        If you're making $1k in commission, to reach $400k/yr..
        all you need is 400 sales /yr
        33 sales /mo, or
        roughly 1 sale a day

        With Fb ads.. My webinar registration page has a 45% sign up rate, and with my follow up emails I get about 50-65% of people to show up for the webinar.

        A good webinar can typically close anywhere from 15% - 35% conversion rate.

        So all you need is roughly 100 people on that webinar a month. that's it.

        And if you take home $2k/sale ? well, now all you need is HALF. (16 sales a month etc.)

        and no, you don't need a big budget or any of that stuff.
        Make your first sale or two, then with the profit.. buy more traffic.
        This goes perfectly with my plan of launching a dvd series in my niche. Been developing my skills to educate others in this niche for 3 years part-time so my product will be fairly unique. Had many people ask me " who would pay $2000 for a video dvd course?" and my answer is those that are desperate to solve their problems and those that are earning a good leaving. Stop trying to sell to those who ain`t got no money.

        400k is only 200 sales. Suddenly that does not seem so hard.
    • Profile picture of the author Lescouflair
      Profile picture of Lescouflair
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I do not make 400K a year but I believe the only way to learn to do this is to find a person who owns a 400K a year business and be mentored or work for them. Your goal is to see a real 400K business, have someone expose or open it up to you and be transparent. You should be familiar with all the departments and moving parts(peices of the puzzle) of a successful business. You need evidence, fact not theory. How does one become a successful boxer? Does he dream and theorize on forums or does he find a top notch fighter who IS CURRENTLY ENJOYING SUCCESS? Is the answer found in a $97 course!!?? Are we able to list all the necessary parts/departments of a thriving business? Can this be Googled/YouTubed? Start with the Who(people/potential customers)(sell water to people in the desert or in the tropics?)If there are already people/businesses selling water to people dying of thirst what's different about my water?(USP/Hook/Unique Selling Proposition). Is it "Smart Water" Perhaps my water contains more oxygen.Or perhaps it is the same but delivered directly to your tent/front door(more readily accessible)Or maybe it comes from a well that you dig/instead of bottles and you charge a monthlnewslettersmonth physical IM(Insert Interest/Niche)newsletters?1st you need find if there's a need for your product or service.
    • Profile picture of the author gaytorbayt
      Profile picture of gaytorbayt
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I'm like the person that feels a well laid out plan is being asked for. I personally decided to get into IM about 15 years ago. I followed the "guru's" for about 10 of those years. The guru's are the only ones who made any money.

      The only real "secret's" are understanding the keywords folks use when shopping for a product and what they want to know about the product itself. Quality pix are also a must.

      That's about the only useful thing I learned from the guru's.

      Another secret is,, it takes money to make money. It's not impossible to get a start on a shoestring,,, but the shoestring is going to have to be longer than $100.

      My way will cost more along the lines of about $1500 minimum. And that's cutting it to the bone minimum because luck will be involved.

      $2500 would be a tad more realistic.

      Indeed, tangible products work best for me.

      What kind of products should you look for to move? That depends. I myself am rather anal about making sure anything I put in the mail for a customer is exactly like I described it to them. I literally put my hands on it and eyeball it before I lick and stick a label to it. I therefore know enough about my products to be able to comment intelligently about them.

      To be more open,, I'm a guy that isn't a stranger to knowing something about, cordless drills, impact wrenches and mechanics hand tools. I've used them and know what I want from them so it isn't a stretch to think others would be looking for the same things.

      Tools aren't my only forte'. I move knives, computer parts, clothing, shoes and other things as well.

      If you're looking for that magic bullet that people are going to break your doors down to get,,, stop looking for it. You can spend the rest of your life looking for it or you can sell the same things others sell, only you sell them just as well if not a little better.

      Starting with a limited inventory is a must with a limited budget, but don't keep it limited. Expand into other area's you have knowledge in when you can.

      I've done my research and know what everything in my inventory will sell for new or used.

      Now where do I get these items to sell? Garage sales if you're on the cheap is ok if you're in the right area,,, which I'm not. I found close out/overstocks warehouses a reasonable distance from me.

      A link to get a start from would be wholesalecentral dot com.

      I can drive to them and look at the pallets, see the manifest for a particular pallet and load that pallet on my truck on the spot.

      Yes,some will sell a single pallet to you that has up to about a 700% return on it.. But you have to do the work of finding that pallet because no 2 pallets are indentical. It's a treasure hunt and not a ten minute ordeal. Plan on spending 2 - 3 hours.

      I do NOT do Amazons deal of sending them my pallet. I've already read to many horror stories of letting them do the work to save me a couple of bucks. I'll spend the few extra bucks and keep my happy customers thank you very much.

      Along with Amazon there of course is Ebay and a few other sites already made up you can sell trough and you don't have to learn to be a webmaster to keep going.

      Don't overlook Craigslist either.

      Trust me, after awhile you'll be busy enough to not want to fool with being a webmaster as well.

      Last but not least,,, incorporate before you buy anything and make sure you have a decent book keeper. Book keepers can be worth their weight in gold on keeping your money in your pocket.

      There is the total sum of what I've learned in about 15 years and indeed it's entirely possible to end up making 40 grand a month,,,, clear profit.

      Luck to you.
  • Profile picture of the author homebuz
    Profile picture of homebuz
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    Originally Posted by Xarcz View Post

    First of all, I am aware that making $400,000 in a year, online is extremely hard to accomplish. I'm not asking for a method in order to make this amount of money in one year, because I know it isn't possible for me. However I am wondering what people's individual thoughts are on how they would go about acheiving this goal, if they absolutely needed to.

    Personally, if I wanted to divert my year to acheiving this sum, I would have to go with affiliate marketing. I know that you would have to be an affiliate for years to even get close to this sum, but I can't think of any better method.

    So, what would you do?
    It's quite possible to make $400000 in a year online, yet you would have to quit every other circular job and give the online job at least seven to eight hours per day. Making $400000 per year simply means making less than $40000 per month. This cannot just be achieved online within the first year alone. It's a goal of years to be achieved, but it can be achieved.

    It becomes achievable for someone who is highly determined and focused.
    • Profile picture of the author Latoon Technologies
      Latoon Technologies
      Profile picture of Latoon Technologies
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I can make a perfect plan to only Count that amount. no matter in whatever currency you change the dollars. If you're asking for earning that amount, let me be in my limits, Don't ask an ant to wear an elephant underwear
    • Profile picture of the author daweller
      Profile picture of daweller
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Brainwash yourself into believing that leaves are $100 bills
      then collect 40 of them from my back yard every year
      • Profile picture of the author CashGiftingExpert
        Profile picture of CashGiftingExpert
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by daweller View Post

        Brainwash yourself into believing that leaves are $100 bills
        then collect 40 of them from my back yard every year
        100 x 40 = 4000

        He would have to pick up 4000 of them. Math is not your strong point i see
        “The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them”― Jim Rohn
    • Profile picture of the author toffos
      Profile picture of toffos
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by homebuz View Post

      It's quite possible to make $400000 in a year online, yet you would have to quit every other circular job and give the online job at least seven to eight hours per day. Making $400000 per year simply means making less than $40000 per month. This cannot just be achieved online within the first year alone. It's a goal of years to be achieved, but it can be achieved.

      It becomes achievable for someone who is highly determined and focused.
      Have you seen anyone doing that?
    • Profile picture of the author nancy666
      Profile picture of nancy666
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I reckon you would have to do product launch after product launch, and webinars to get the

      sales. You can also use the webinars to build your massive list, that you will need to sell to

      afterwards and into the future.

      For more IM tips and strategies check out:

    • Profile picture of the author NomadLifestyle
      Profile picture of NomadLifestyle
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Here's how I DID generate $400,000 in a year (it was NOT my first year):

      I created a product that was worth $10,000.

      That was the difference.

      You are NOT going to make $400,000 a year (in profit) with seven dollar products.

      You CAN make 40 sales of a $10,000 product in 12 months quite easily once you have the system set in place.

      What system?

      A self liquidating lead generation funnel.

      How you build that funnel, the specifics, are not nearly as important as your ability to generate leads at breakeven or better prices.

      You don't even have to be that good at selling to sell 40 $10,000 products if you are able to generate leads at zero dollars per lead.

      Without turning this into a full-blown information product in and of itself, obtaining leads at zero dollars per lead does NOT mean that you are using free methods.

      I didn't.

      I used Facebook and twitter paid ads to sell low ticket items (at seven dollars a pop). These were entirely seven dollar e-books in my niche.

      I was willing to pay up to seven dollars worth of traffic to generate ONE sale of the e-books. Why?

      Because, I wanted people on my email list who had given me money. Buyers.

      I still run those same ads, and I'm still generating buyers even as I type this out. It's a constant flow of people into my self liquidating marketing funnel.

      If you can accomplish this, eventually you'll have enough people on your email list to be able to pitch $10,000 products/services/whatever.

      Truth be told, you don't even have to sell 40 $10,000 programs.

      I also had $297 programs that I sold throughout the year as well. That means, that after that initial seven dollars sale at breakeven prices, I was 100% profit selling $297 programs to my email list. Some people will buy the $297 program, and others will buy the $10,000 program.

      There are certainly ways and methods that you can use to increase the likelihood that someone will pay you seven dollars and then turn into a $10,000 sale. We typically call this the Ascension process, but is not nearly as important as being able to generate leads for free. Buyer leads.

      It's not as important because sales is always a numbers game. You get enough people on a buyers list eventually SOMEONE is going to buy what you are selling. That isn't true of freebie lists though. Keep that in mind.

      Anyways, the point is that for me the big step forward, the way I was able to generate that kind of profit, happened only when I was able to create a product worth more than the measly seven dollar e-book. This year, I'll also be adding services worth several thousand dollars to my business. I expect to see similar results, and I also expect to move forward offering more and more big-ticket items. That's where the money is.
      • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
        Profit Traveler
        Profile picture of Profit Traveler
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by NomadLifestyle View Post

        Here's how I DID generate $400,000 in a year (it was NOT my first year):

        I created a product that was worth $10,000.

        That was the difference.

        You are NOT going to make $400,000 a year (in profit) with seven dollar products.

        You CAN make 40 sales of a $10,000 product in 12 months quite easily once you have the system set in place.

        What system?

        A self liquidating lead generation funnel.

        How you build that funnel, the specifics, are not nearly as important as your ability to generate leads at breakeven or better prices.

        You don't even have to be that good at selling to sell 40 $10,000 products if you are able to generate leads at zero dollars per lead.

        Without turning this into a full-blown information product in and of itself, obtaining leads at zero dollars per lead does NOT mean that you are using free methods.

        I didn't.

        I used Facebook and twitter paid ads to sell low ticket items (at seven dollars a pop). These were entirely seven dollar e-books in my niche.

        I was willing to pay up to seven dollars worth of traffic to generate ONE sale of the e-books. Why?

        Because, I wanted people on my email list who had given me money. Buyers.

        I still run those same ads, and I'm still generating buyers even as I type this out. It's a constant flow of people into my self liquidating marketing funnel.

        If you can accomplish this, eventually you'll have enough people on your email list to be able to pitch $10,000 products/services/whatever.

        Truth be told, you don't even have to sell 40 $10,000 programs.

        I also had $297 programs that I sold throughout the year as well. That means, that after that initial seven dollars sale at breakeven prices, I was 100% profit selling $297 programs to my email list. Some people will buy the $297 program, and others will buy the $10,000 program.

        There are certainly ways and methods that you can use to increase the likelihood that someone will pay you seven dollars and then turn into a $10,000 sale. We typically call this the Ascension process, but is not nearly as important as being able to generate leads for free. Buyer leads.

        It's not as important because sales is always a numbers game. You get enough people on a buyers list eventually SOMEONE is going to buy what you are selling. That isn't true of freebie lists though. Keep that in mind.

        Anyways, the point is that for me the big step forward, the way I was able to generate that kind of profit, happened only when I was able to create a product worth more than the measly seven dollar e-book. This year, I'll also be adding services worth several thousand dollars to my business. I expect to see similar results, and I also expect to move forward offering more and more big-ticket items. That's where the money is.

        OK got it brother.

        So you are saying You CAN make half a million with 7 dollar products. Followed up with a backend of $10,000 products.
  • Profile picture of the author James_w
    Profile picture of James_w
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Why does it need to be 400k?

    Try to make $100 per week and scale

    I have never heard of an affiliate marketer making $400,000 in their first 12 months

    You need a list of good prospects, your own decent products and an army of affiliates.

    Ready To Go DropShip Websites

  • Profile picture of the author mirsoni
    Profile picture of mirsoni
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    Originally Posted by Xarcz View Post

    First of all, I am aware that making $400,000 in a year, online is extremely hard to accomplish. I'm not asking for a method in order to make this amount of money in one year, because I know it isn't possible for me. However I am wondering what people's individual thoughts are on how they would go about acheiving this goal, if they absolutely needed to.

    Personally, if I wanted to divert my year to acheiving this sum, I would have to go with affiliate marketing. I know that you would have to be an affiliate for years to even get close to this sum, but I can't think of any better method.

    So, what would you do?

    ask The Verge...or just check their article about internet marketing
  • Profile picture of the author bostjan33
    Profile picture of bostjan33
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How did you come up with that number, lol?
    Well, working extremely hard and having some luck will do.
    But those who know how to do it, won't share it with you.
  • Profile picture of the author Emily LEE
    Emily LEE
    Profile picture of Emily LEE
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think we earn nearly $400k through online with adsense website. I would definitely choose a adsense micro niche website for making money online. Adsense Websites which are created with low profile and with low competitive keywords will rank high on the Google. The success of the websites is based upon keywords, origin of clicks and action take by clicker!
    However, once your sites gets on Top Page of Search Engines, we can earn good profits from that traffic. A general rule with these sites is the more sites you own; more money we make.
    • Profile picture of the author Markets
      Profile picture of Markets
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      Originally Posted by Emily LEE View Post

      I think we earn nearly $400k through online with adsense website. I would definitely choose a adsense micro niche website for making money online. Adsense Websites which are created with low profile and with low competitive keywords will rank high on the Google. The success of the websites is based upon keywords, origin of clicks and action take by clicker!
      However, once your sites gets on Top Page of Search Engines, we can earn good profits from that traffic. A general rule with these sites is the more sites you own; more money we make.
      I can tell you defenitly make $400k from this.

      Microniches are just that, micro. They don't bring in a ton of profit, but just easier profit.
      "There comes a time when people get tired."
  • Profile picture of the author CyberHaggis
    Profile picture of CyberHaggis
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  • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
    Profile picture of jobdollarr
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  • Profile picture of the author VmaNx
    Profile picture of VmaNx
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Xarcz View Post

    because I know it isn't possible for me.

    This right here solidifies WHY it wouldn't be possible for you, completely wrong mindset.

    400k a year in IM is MORE than possible. If you can't make it, you simply don't want it bad enough. There are clickbank affiliates doing 10k a day or more, you just don't hear about them. Likewise for CPA. Want to know the secret?

    Lose Money -> Correct -> Lose more money -> Correct -> Get Profitable -> Scale.


  • Profile picture of the author pflyers
    Profile picture of pflyers
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've done it, more than once and it involves two things.

    1. find something that converts. It either has to be something that converts really, really well...or converts just ok but has a really high payout.

    2. Paid traffic. You don't have to have a lot to start but it does need to have a positive roi. With those two things you can scale it up and hit your goal. Not saying it's easy but that is primarily how it's done.

    3. bonus tip: once you have the basics down, stop listening to people, stop reading wso's, forums etc...and work on your thing, that you came up with, till it works and you hit your goals.
    • Profile picture of the author rudyman1243
      Profile picture of rudyman1243
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi, I am sorry to post this back to you, but I have bought traffic before and all I got was Robot they said it was really humans but it was just Robot so I don't buy that deal any more, it's a shame you can't get real human traffic. If a company or anyone could send real human traffic to a site, those people would make a lot of money, but I don't think it's real just a scam.

      All the best,

  • Profile picture of the author blitz20
    Profile picture of blitz20
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Actually already making more online already. Super affiliate plus ad agencey.
  • Profile picture of the author dannygnenerate
    Profile picture of dannygnenerate
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here it is plain and simple...

    First of all... Have I made $400,000 in a year? Lol, let's just say, you'll come to understand with overhead and advertising costs, $400,000 isn't worth it's dollar-per-dollar value and the money isn't in the list. The money is in the value you provide - List or not.

    So, if for some reason I was going by my day and someone told me they'd kill everyone I knew (even my fabulous online friends) if I didn't come up with $400,000 within 12 months, then it'll be no problem and here's how I'd do it.

    Read very carefully because the perspective of simplicity, is sometimes mistreated as if it has no value of complexities.

    I'd spend 9 full mental laboring months burying myself non-stop in a specific niche and assessing myself as I go. I'd consume every book, audio, email, soft drink... EVERYTHING that I can get my hands on from the top people in that niche.

    I'd become so valuable that people can't deny my knowledge on any scale. In my assessments, I'd test myself to the bone. I'd need to do that because it's not just about being good; being good at what you do puts you in the category of mediocre. These days being good at something is just the norm.

    You want to know with complete certainty that when you give people value that, you're good as heck (forgive the euphemism) and have no doubts about the quality of value that you're giving.

    After 9 months, I'd spend another 1 month focusing on creating a great product and the back end to that product would be a $1,000 coaching program, to ensure the success of those who bought my initial product.

    On the 11th month I'd spend tireless nights creating great, valuable, actionable content and lead magnets with at least 15 posts to blend into my products, so that when they read, my product recommendation will be the next natural progression.

    All I'd is need is to spend those last 30 days getting 400 people to exchange the value of money for the value of my training.

    I'd do everything I could online, from media buys, facebook advertisements, dedicated email drops, I'd go to churches in my area and surrounding areas and create a peaceful financial movement. I'd go to flea markets and set up, I'd do seminars...

    I'd do whatever took.

    I'd even go as far as partnering with someone and telling them that I'd give them 2 months of full access to my email list that I've build off of my journey for their help.

    $400,000 is only a lot when you're starting from scratch. The most powerful thing you can do to get your message out there is to leverage. Learn to leverage and a half a million won't seem so intimidating.

    "How To Get Clients Begging To Pay For Your Services... And Close More Deals FAST!" Get Clients Now

    • Profile picture of the author ghost209
      Profile picture of ghost209
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      Originally Posted by dannygnenerate View Post

      Here it is plain and simple...

      I'd spend 9 full mental laboring months burying myself non-stop in a specific niche and assessing myself as I go. I'd consume every book, audio, email, soft drink... EVERYTHING that I can get my hands on from the top people in that niche.

      After 9 months, I'd spend another 1 month focusing on creating a great product and the back end to that product would be a $1,000 coaching program, to ensure the success of those who bought my initial product.

      On the 11th month I'd spend tireless nights creating great, valuable, actionable content and lead magnets with at least 15 posts to blend into my products, so that when they read, my product recommendation will be the next natural progression.
      or you could spend 2 days finding someone who is already an expert and team up with them and call it a day? or simply find someone who already has a great product and license it.

      don't work so hard. work smart.
      • Profile picture of the author dannygnenerate
        Profile picture of dannygnenerate
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by ghost209 View Post

        or you could spend 2 days finding someone who is already an expert and team up with them and call it a day? or simply find someone who already has a great product and license it.

        don't work so hard. work smart.
        You're right and that is indeed another option but I'd rather know how to make a fortune than to depend on someone else. Either way, money is money and as long as value is exchanged nothing else matters. Also, what I said above isn't hard work, it's actually the minimal I expect out of people who expect to make a 6 figure income online.

        "How To Get Clients Begging To Pay For Your Services... And Close More Deals FAST!" Get Clients Now

      • Profile picture of the author 1Whales
        Profile picture of 1Whales
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        Originally Posted by ghost209 View Post

        or you could spend 2 days finding someone who is already an expert and team up with them and call it a day? or simply find someone who already has a great product and license it.

        don't work so hard. work smart.
        From your comments, it's obvious that you're very experienced in this field and i was wondering if you organise any mentorship course that could help someone like me make a decent living online in the range of $10k/ month which can later be scaled up as one gets better. What business model would you recommend i go for to achieve this? Thanks in anticipation.
  • Profile picture of the author PVGUY
    Profile picture of PVGUY
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    A $400k/yr goal is daunting. It is achievable. A million a year is also achievable. My contribution may be too simplistic for many.

    Just do what the heavy hitters do. How many top earners do you know? Not have met, actually know? How many know you? Do you attend events?

    I actively work several online opportunities . . . affiliate marketing, selling on Amazon & eBay, several niche sites, and MOBE. If one stutters the others keep up cash flow. I reinvest a tremendous amount of revenue compared to associates.

    My formula = build your list, work your list, develop your brand, create your own product that sells.

    Along the way determine if you are doing the right things wrong.

    No, I do not earn $1 million a year. But I do hang out with people who do. For me it is only a matter of time.
  • Profile picture of the author mizesean
    Profile picture of mizesean
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok, my 2 cents: my big question first would be, what do you have in place already? What revenue ## are you at right now? Or are you going from zero to $400k?

    What skills do you have?

    What money do you have to invest?

    What kind of time do you have?


    Need a starting point to give a $400k business plan!!

    Have you thought about starting a group coaching program, but don't know how?

    If so, Watch This YouTube Video: Group Coaching Program

  • Profile picture of the author Jamel Hassell
    Jamel Hassell
    Profile picture of Jamel Hassell
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nothing beats providing solutions to peoples problems.Focus on providing value first.Networking communicating in forums fb groups and sharing value is a bonus. Build your list as much as you can.
  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Profile picture of talfighel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Many of the posters like myself have never made $400,000 in one year so we can't tell you how to do it.

    Usually those who earn that much never come to the forum anyway.
    • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
      Profile picture of jasondinner
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      Many of the posters like myself have never made $400,000 in one year so we can't tell you how to do it.

      Usually those who earn that much never come to the forum anyway.
      Words of wisdom in the first sentence, yet all the people who never did it are sharing how they would do it.

      They should start by sharing how they make whatever level it is they have been able to reach - if they feel the need to share anything at all. Otherwise it's just talk and can't be backed up with hard data.

      You would be surprised how many people that earn that much in more either hang out, participate, or lurk in here.

      It's more than you think

      "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

      Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

  • Profile picture of the author paulvalcin
    Profile picture of paulvalcin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Xarcz View Post

    First of all, I am aware that making $400,000 in a year, online is extremely hard to accomplish. I'm not asking for a method in order to make this amount of money in one year, because I know it isn't possible for me. However I am wondering what people's individual thoughts are on how they would go about acheiving this goal, if they absolutely needed to.

    Personally, if I wanted to divert my year to acheiving this sum, I would have to go with affiliate marketing. I know that you would have to be an affiliate for years to even get close to this sum, but I can't think of any better method.

    So, what would you do?
    I believe it's possible to make even more. the unbelievers Are right too. It is impossible For them. My goal is to make a million per year. After I met jeff walker...other great people who are making 5m-8m Per year..I am convinced it's possible. Now here's the secret that I learn: the desire for anything you want to sell is there. Dress those desires by adding your own flavor...create an offer that is so great that only a stupid person with no common sense will reject
    • Profile picture of the author rrram2
      Profile picture of rrram2
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      And I got mailed this because...there was going to be some good info in this thread....HAH! as if

      Let us be realistic, first evaluate where you are now. If you are making 17,000.00 a year now, forget jumping up to 400K next year it will never happen.

      How about first setting a goal that is actually realistically possible. Start by setting a goal to double your income, and for some that would be a stretch. But no matter where you are now I think doubling your income is a feasible & achievable goal, no matter where you are.

      Then comes the all important WHY, WHY do you want to double your income, or WHY do you need 400K/YR. Surely it is the WHY that will fuel you to reach your goal. Without good reason, you will never be able to motivate yourself to even get there. Saying that you just want to have twice the income or 400K/YR just isn't going to get you there.

      There is no easy way to make 400K a year, or everyone would be doing it. I know several people making 1 Million a year and they didn't just jump up there it took years of hard work to finally get there!

      As for me I don't need 400K a year and I don't even want 400K a year, for several reasons. Money doesn't solve all your problems, what it does is create several new problems. I have made more than 100K a year a few times, and it takes time, effort, and hard work! But the biggest thing it takes is TIME, which is something we all have the same amount of. And with limited time I am not willing to spend all my time working. I prefer to spend lots of my time doing what I want to do, which is not working all the time! Life does come down to spending your time how you want to spend it. And trading ALL your time for dollars is no way to live!

      Set small goals that you can reach and double your income every year, but it is hard work, there is no easy way!
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Profile picture of BigFrank
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by paulvalcin View Post

      I believe it's possible to make even more. the unbelievers Are right too. It is impossible For them. My goal is to make a million per year. After I met jeff walker...other great people who are making 5m-8m Per year..I am convinced it's possible. Now here's the secret that I learn: the desire for anything you want to sell is there. Dress those desires by adding your own flavor...create an offer that is so great that only a stupid person with no common sense will reject
      Do me a favor? Come back next year and let us know how your desire worked out for you.

      Cheers. - Frank
  • Profile picture of the author More Than Tips
    More Than Tips
    Profile picture of More Than Tips
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    Just reverse engineer it.

    Who has the money to invest in very high ticket products/services?

    Where do they hang out?

    What is currently being offered?

    How can you create your own Unique Selling Position.

    In my opinion Its not about the $400,000 figure at all...its about living comfortably while doing your best to create high value perceptions to your target market.
  • Profile picture of the author oscarb
    Profile picture of oscarb
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    When you say "Make $400,000" in one year, is that gross or net? In other words, total revenue or net revenue?

    After that, the question is who are you? What experience, skills and contacts do you have?
    How focused are you and a do you have any business experience or are you just starting a business for the first time?

    There are tons of business models but finding the one that's right for you -- that fits your temperament, skills, passions and experience is more important than setting a magic number, though sure it's great to have a goal.

    My biggest piece of advice would be this, especially if you're new to IM and this forum. if you're new to marketing on the Web and especially if you're new to running a business, do not just sign up to every marketers' mailing list so you can collect pitches to your inbox. Yes, if you are observant, you will learn how THEY work their business model (which on WF, is mostly the info-product/software product authority guru model). After you learn a few different models, do a reality check with your mindset first and ask whether you really believe you have the ability to get the help you need, follow a plan, stick with it and see it through to completion. Check with yourself and get a reality check. Maybe you're better off partnering up with someone else to make that $400,000 goal (more likely: after 2-3 years). Buying the next shiny object is very enticing. JV Zoo, warriorplus, clickbank, etc, make it very easy to click the "buy" button. That's what sooooo many people do on the Warrior Forum -- and it is very understandable because the dream of making lots of money from your computer is very compelling. But trust me, as someone who's been around the block since 1999 with this stuff, you won't get rich by chasing tactics and going in 30 directions simultaneously. Believe me, I speak from experience on this.
  • Profile picture of the author HelpingYouBeAnExpert
    Profile picture of HelpingYouBeAnExpert
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    400,000? Well make double that first since those who are in charge will take half so make sure you have enough to pay your taxes. Keep that in mind first before you start.

    Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it
  • Profile picture of the author BizBook
    Profile picture of BizBook
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    In my opinion, 400k / year MAY be achievable. Here's how:
    - Get a loan of about 300K
    - Hire couple of great programmers, one of them should be a web designer.
    - Hire a good copywriter and couple of SEO experts (for online and offline SEO)
    - A brilliant individual that will come up with new business ideas daily
    - A bright online and offline marketer
    - Pay them a good monthly salary (using the loan) and a "nice" commission from sales

    With this team behind you... it MAY take you up to 10 months to achieve anywhere from 10-20K / month, so you can pay HALF of their salary. Then, if EVERYTHING is going almost perfect, it may take another YEAR to hit abou 1M / year... so you can get your 400K share annually

    My point is: without a great team behind you.... in my opinion... you'll never hit that number. But maybe i'm too pessimistic
  • Profile picture of the author MrOHenry
    Profile picture of MrOHenry
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Profile picture of BigFrank
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      • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
        Jack Gordon
        Profile picture of Jack Gordon
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        I'm assuming that the mods allow threads like this to stay open simply as a source of 'in-house' entertainment. If there is another reason, it escapes me. :-)

        Cheers. - Frank

        Hey Frank, I think I just had a $400k idea...

        Why don't we create a verified seal of earned income that people can apply for, and, if approved, they can place the seal in their sig. It will be linked to their profile on the verified income site.

        It sort of like the way a bbb seal works,.except they will have had to jump through enough hoops to prove to us beyond any doubt that they have earned what they claim.

        It can put them in categories, like:
        • "BS Artist" (earned $0 - $100) (we should sell a lot of those, but won't...)
        • "Amateur Marketer" (earned $100-$1000 last year)
        • "Rookie Marketer" (earned $1000-$10,000 last year)
        • "Professional Marketer" (earned $10,000-$100,000 last year)
        • "Guru" (earned $100,000-$1,000,000 last year)
        • "Marketing God" (earned $1,000,000+ last year)

        Pretty soon, if you want to contribute pearls to a thread like this, you will be laughed out of the room unless you have a verified seal backing you up.

        What do you think?

        This is the marketing brain at work folks. I can spin ideas like this out all day.

        Tell you what - I'm not going to be proprietary about this. Someone take the ball and run with it. I'll be your first customer.

        Just dont blame me if it kills the forum. A lot fewer threads like this one might just be fatal.
        • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
          Profile picture of jasondinner
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Jack Gordon View Post


          Hey Frank, I think I just had a $400k idea...

          Why don't we create a verified seal of earned income that people can apply for, and, if approved, they can place the seal in their sig. It will be linked to their profile on the verified income site.

          It sort of like the way a bbb seal works,.except they will have had to jump through enough hoops to prove to us beyond any doubt that they have earned what they claim.

          It can put them in categories, like:
          • "BS Artist" (earned $0 - $100) (we should sell a lot of those, but won't...)
          • "Amateur Marketer" (earned $100-$1000 last year)
          • "Rookie Marketer" (earned $1000-$10,000 last year)
          • "Professional Marketer" (earned $10,000-$100,000 last year)
          • "Guru" (earned $100,000-$1,000,000 last year)
          • "Marketing God" (earned $1,000,000+ last year)

          Pretty soon, if you want to contribute pearls to a thread like this, you will be laughed out of the room unless you have a verified seal backing you up.

          What do you think?

          This is the marketing brain at work folks. I can spin ideas like this out all day.

          Tell you what - I'm not going to be proprietary about this. Someone take the ball and run with it. I'll be your first customer.

          Just dont blame me if it kills the forum. A lot fewer threads like this one might just be fatal.
          This has $400K per year written all over it.

          "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

          Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
          Profile picture of BigFrank
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          Originally Posted by Jack Gordon View Post


          Hey Frank, I think I just had a $400k idea...

          Why don't we create a verified seal of earned income that people can apply for, and, if approved, they can place the seal in their sig. It will be linked to their profile on the verified income site.

          It sort of like the way a bbb seal works,.except they will have had to jump through enough hoops to prove to us beyond any doubt that they have earned what they claim.

          It can put them in categories, like:
          • "BS Artist" (earned $0 - $100) (we should sell a lot of those, but won't...)
          • "Amateur Marketer" (earned $100-$1000 last year)
          • "Rookie Marketer" (earned $1000-$10,000 last year)
          • "Professional Marketer" (earned $10,000-$100,000 last year)
          • "Guru" (earned $100,000-$1,000,000 last year)
          • "Marketing God" (earned $1,000,000+ last year)

          Pretty soon, if you want to contribute pearls to a thread like this, you will be laughed out of the room unless you have a verified seal backing you up.

          What do you think?

          This is the marketing brain at work folks. I can spin ideas like this out all day.

          Tell you what - I'm not going to be proprietary about this. Someone take the ball and run with it. I'll be your first customer.

          Just dont blame me if it kills the forum. A lot fewer threads like this one might just be fatal.
          Hi Jack,

          So sorry that this post went right by me. This could be good, but no way to verify. Not sure that any of those categories would apply to me. That said, I have never made easier money in my life than doing telemarketing for BBB's and Chambers of Commerce, so I can safely say that I know all of the ins and outs, there.

          That seal (or membership plaque) is a very powerful marketing tool. Many people join the BBB and/or the Chamber for no other reason to procure that plaque. I use one in marketing my local business cooperative. I ain't no fool. :-)

          Hmmm..... now that I think about it, this could be a boon to the forum owners, but then again, a W2 or a 1099 is no harder to Photoshop than a paypal income statement. Whenever someone uses those to show me how they're making around $12k a week, I know what I'm dealing with. Someone that thinks that I would ever believe that. lol

          Cheers. - Frank
          • Profile picture of the author discrat
            Profile picture of discrat
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            Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

            Hi Jack,

            So sorry that this post went right by me. This could be good, but no way to verify. Not sure that any of those categories would apply to me. That said, I have never made easier money in my life than doing telemarketing for BBB's and Chambers of Commerce, so I can safely say that I know all of the ins and outs, there.

            That seal (or membership plaque) is a very powerful marketing tool. Many people join the BBB and/or the Chamber for no other reason to procure that plaque. I use one in marketing my local business cooperative. I ain't no fool. :-)

            Hmmm..... now that I think about it, this could be a boon to the forum owners, but then again, a W2 or a 1099 is no harder to Photoshop than a paypal income statement. Whenever someone uses those to show me how they're making around $12k a week, I know what I'm dealing with. Someone that thinks that I would ever believe that. lol

            Cheers. - Frank
            This has got to stop
            Am I going to have to call on Claude to come retrieve you and put your butt back in the dungeon where
            you belong ?

            Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

            • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
              Profile picture of BigFrank
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              Originally Posted by discrat View Post

              This has got to stop
              Am I going to have to call on Claude to come retrieve you and put your butt back in the dungeon where
              you belong ?
              It's not my fault. People keep crying out in the wilderness for the voice of reason.

              Claude can't help. He's one of the few people around here that has actual first-hand knowledge on how truly crazy I actually am. Trust me. I scare him. lol

              Cheers. - Frank
            • Profile picture of the author Ged Clayson
              Ged Clayson
              Profile picture of Ged Clayson
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              The OP says a bit of fun, right? I've not read the entire thread because time is short and I'm betting that there will be little, or anything of any practical use here that I could apply to my online marketing efforts. Plus, I set my goals much lower. Ok, I know received wisdom says 'aim low and you're gonna reach low', but $400,000? Why $400,000? Why not $500,000? or $1,000,000? If you can make $1,000 per year, you can make many times that figure if you're in a market or markets that have the demand and you can beat the competition. It's just a question of scale and logistics.

              Back to work...
  • Profile picture of the author giuliowakeup
    Profile picture of giuliowakeup
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    Originally Posted by Xarcz View Post

    First of all, I am aware that making $400,000 in a year, online is extremely hard to accomplish. I'm not asking for a method in order to make this amount of money in one year, because I know it isn't possible for me. However I am wondering what people's individual thoughts are on how they would go about acheiving this goal, if they absolutely needed to.

    Personally, if I wanted to divert my year to acheiving this sum, I would have to go with affiliate marketing. I know that you would have to be an affiliate for years to even get close to this sum, but I can't think of any better method.

    So, what would you do?
    First of all making $400,000 in a year it's Impossible! if you could do that you already have that kind of bank account!

    A lot of people TRY to make $400,000 a year and make a beautiful DREAM BOARD, Maybe also a Video with all the Houses, Vacation, Ferrari, Lamborghini and a check with $400,000 a year from now!

    Those thing don't work and if for some people worked is for other reasons!

    Let me make an example....those things didn't work for the 99,9999% of people, so you are sure that the club of 0,0001% was doing something differnt from the other huge group!

    Now the most intresting part is this, what if every time you watch your Dream Board your mind go like " You can't do this, it's impossible?", what if your identity in your family is totally different from "the wealthy"?

    What infinite possibilities there are that your mind will help you in achieving a goal that your subconscious mind is totally against??

    So earning $400,000 in this year for you is possibile Yes

    "With the right levearage the impossible become possible"Brian D. Ridgway

    check him out in facebook!And listen to his free videos and you'll understand the fastest way to feeling and smelling the 400k in your hands.

    Have a nice day

  • Profile picture of the author Wheelie King
    Wheelie King
    Profile picture of Wheelie King
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    Im new to this but I have turned £300 into £3,000,000 Im now trying to do in online. Hence Im new to all the online stuff.
    But Im really interested in learning how a newbie could earn $400k in one year. I do believe its possible to achieve and more, but I wonder how much of it would remain in your bank account??
    As someone has already said its simple you just gota invest a million on the stock market and hey presto youve $400k

    I am looking help with writing or rewriting my new product which i want to use to make a million with online, so if you think you can re-write my story id be interested in hearing from you.
  • Profile picture of the author Michael J Anthony
    Michael J Anthony
    Profile picture of Michael J Anthony
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    I would go about it by either creating my own product or license someone else's product so that Im a partner of high ticket and/or recurring payment products, and I'd also sell traffic and online advertising.
    • Profile picture of the author mikren6
      Profile picture of mikren6
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      This ended up being longer than I thought...

      I don't know, but it does seem simple, it's just a matter of doing it, isn't it? I'm just as guilty, as I'm here posting and not working, in other words, I don't want it bad enough. I'm in a comfy place right now and it's hard to break out. But, I'm making baby steps, working on an idea, well, not right at this moment, which goes back to the 2nd sentence...

      As far as saying, "It's impossible", that statement in itself makes no sense to me. I think if we were all to sit down and work 8-12 hours a day, I mean really work 8-12 hours, you would almost have to succeed... And, again, I mean WORK! Not sit at home and read and post on forums, but look for ways to get traffic for your website, check the market, create the product... etc. Stop and think about it, how did you find your way here, or to one of those many e-mail newsletters sitting in your inbox promoting great wealth??? It's not a mystery.

      I come from a construction background, and I've seen the carpenter framing homes decide to work for themself and build homes as the GC. They went from $50k/yr to $500k/yr, within a year, so I know it's possible.

      But, this is about an online living. So, I would say create a product (over the top product) and then contact some of the heavy hitters and use their lists to promote the product. But, you can't show up with a $100 dollar e-book, you need to go big or go home. I have not tested these water, but, I think, a $1,000 program would be the minimum entrance fee, or as the marketers would have it $997.

      I once read, if I remember right, Donald Trump said investors don't care about a small investment, they want to see the multi-million dollar projects. A small investment is not even worth their time to get out of bed for, I would think this also true for the big IM'ers. Why would they spend the time and effort to promote a product that will pay them $50 in commissions???

      Or, you could go the simple route and try figuring out a list source that no one thought of before. As I sit here and write this, pet stores popped into my head. Then, my mind remembered reading something about dog and cat owners being borderline crazy about their animals. So, I think to myself, what if I go to the local pet store to see if they have an email list of customers??? If they do, you could offer a newsletter and then promote product/service/information and for each sale you split the profit with the owner... use your imagination for the ideas... Also read golfers are actually nuts, any driving ranges by your home???

      Ah, but you say, what if the pet store does not have a list? Then, you offer to collect email from the customers for the owner, and in exchange, you will send out the newsletter on their behalf in order to use the list as above.

      Eh, maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I'm going to chug away with my other idea and see what happens, I'll start on it tomorrow... lol
  • Profile picture of the author littletoot
    Profile picture of littletoot
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    1. go to clickbank and sell, get atleast 1k
    2. make a website
    2. boost your website with youtube/facebook/twitter
    3. make 10k
    4. and start your family tree website program
    even if it means to make 400k websites
    1$ in a day from every website will make u 400K in a day
  • Profile picture of the author Matie
    Profile picture of Matie
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    This question is interesting, because at first it may look ridiculous, but it really isn't, it opens our minds.

    You would need to find an expensive niche with high demand (but then you would need to excell over competition), add service and infrastructure (including some personnel) around it, but for that you need a seed capital, I mean you need some money to make more money.

    Trust me that there are plenty of websites out there than make $400,000 a year easily, you just need to find the right niches and put the right banners in the right places.
  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    John Durham
    Profile picture of John Durham
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    Not to stir up a can of worms, but I have done it before. Not doing it at the present , but I HAVE done it. Precisely $750k in less than 7 months...

    Not to FURTHER stir up a can of worms, but I did it starting with "nothing".

    I refuse to answer any critics who attack this post, but; here's how, just FYI.

    A: Make an initial offline sale to get you through 2 weeks of intensive work, and give you a couple grand to work with.

    B: Design a sales program whereby others can do the same thing on commission.

    C: Put out a national recruiting ad campaign for sales people to apply online.

    D: Hire a couple hundred of them, automatically online.

    F: Send them sales training information in the form of a link to a training site, whereby you can train them in a private forum or something.

    G: Watch as a SMALL percentage of them actually go out selling.

    If even 5 of those 200 people go out and sell one customer per week... then you are WAY over $400k per year.

    Again, I wont debate over this post. It just is what it is.

    Basically it comes down to getting five sales people to do one sale a week. Impossible? I think not.

    Will most people do it?


    Will YOU do it?

    That's a personal question, to ask yourself., but it certainly isn't rocket science to figure out that it's viable. However, you will need some sales training skills, as well as organizational skills to make it happen.

    This will be hard to believe for some people, but most of those people have never been in business outside of their computer screen, believe things like "telemarketing doesn't work", wouldn't think that a guy could start a forum from nothing either, and have it producing six figures within a year, even if they SAW it happen...and wouldn't know a classic sales line if it was staring them right in the face.

    As far as people getting into stuff based on claims like the above, and failing... Hey, anybody that ever succeeded jumped into the fire...and for some it was too hot. That's life. It's not the fault of the person who told them it could be done.

  • Profile picture of the author David Keith
    David Keith
    Profile picture of David Keith
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    you are asking how to become one of the top 1% of income earners in the usa. which is in the top .02% of world population.

    you want someone to explain in a forum post how to be the highest earner in any given room of roughly 5k people? lol.

    thats not possibly buddy. those of us that have hit those kinda numbers know what it takes and its way more than can be said in a forum post.

    with the exception of a few lottery winners of

    quit dreaming dude. start working and you will be at least a couple dollars closer to 400k
  • Profile picture of the author ponmad01
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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      John Durham
      Profile picture of John Durham
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      Originally Posted by ponmad01 View Post

      Making money through internet is a farce.

      If you have ever bought a single thing off of the internet, then you prove yourself wrong here. And if you haven't bought anything ever, then look how many people here have the title "War Room Member"

      Guess where this big place (The WF) came from?

      Some nineteen year old kid, no different than anyone else, made it all up in his head, then made it come true. All out of thin air!

      Imagination. Nothing else.
    • Profile picture of the author homebuz
      Profile picture of homebuz
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      Originally Posted by ponmad01 View Post

      It is all bullshit, no body can make money like that and not even 10$. Making money through internet is a farce. There are millions of people who are making common men fools across the world. If we follow these stupid guys, you may end up spending 1000's of dollars on website creation and hosting, they will ask people to write good content based on niche keywords and apply for publisher accounts with major players where they put ads on each page of your website. Though you spend lot of time creating beautiful content and spend on advertising and promoting your website. May be people visit your site but they will not click the ads, sometimes visitors are irritated seeing these ads either to skip or close them. Finally you will not earn any money. But I am not totally ruling out this possibility, may be some body have gained, but in total I say it is waste of time and money
      The only maximum possibility I see in making money online is $60000 per year. If you are making $60000 in a year, it means you're making $5000 per month and that is possible with affiliate marketing and google adsense together.
      • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
        Profile picture of jasondinner
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        Originally Posted by homebuz View Post

        The only maximum possibility I see in making money online is $60000 per year. If you are making $60000 in a year, it means you're making $5000 per month and that is possible with affiliate marketing and google adsense together.
        Both numbers are achievable, but for you $60K is all you can see - so that's all you will probably make if you actually put any consistent level of calculated work in.

        There are people who do that in a month, or dare I say, in a week.

        You're also still using a .blogspot blog and tinyurl in your sig, so you probably won't make more than $6K this year - or dare I say $600.

        Time to step up your game lol

        "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

        Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

        • Profile picture of the author visiono
          Profile picture of visiono
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          Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

          Both numbers are achievable, but for you $60K is all you can see - so that's all you will probably make if you actually put any consistent level of calculated work in.

          There are people who do that in a month, or dare I say, in a week.

          You're also still using a .blogspot blog and tinyurl in your sig, so you probably won't make more than $6K this year - or dare I say $600.

          Time to step up your game lol
          you need to step out of you limited thinking box. it is possible to increase your income by 10 fold. you need to get better at your business ideas. i don`t have nearly as many posts as you but i can tell you have been limited by ideas and limits from the people on this forum and rules presented to you by internet marketers. Forget the rules. The more value you can provide to others the more value you have and yes that can even be billions in 4 years.
          • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
            Profile picture of jasondinner
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            Originally Posted by visiono View Post

            you need to step out of you limited thinking box. it is possible to increase your income by 10 fold. you need to get better at your business ideas. i don`t have nearly as many posts as you but i can tell you have been limited by ideas and limits from the people on this forum and rules presented to you by internet marketers. Forget the rules. The more value you can provide to others the more value you have and yes that can even be billions in 4 years.
            My friend, i wasn't speaking for myself. I was replying to the other guy "homebuz" who said he can't think past $60K. I quoted him and challenged him to step up his game.

            Read all my posts in this thread before you tell me I need to step outside of my limited box.

            I usually net that in less than 2 months (actually more like 1 month but counting my half) and the way things are growing for me it will be monthly. Forget about what I gross.

            My post count is irrelevant. There are people with as many or more posts as me who don't make any money.

            "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

            Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

  • Profile picture of the author Melody
    Profile picture of Melody
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    For me - it's been products that provide recurring income. It was the big lesson I learned from my time in MLM back in the 80s.

    When you sell a product that is a one time sale - you have to keep finding new customers but when you sell a service with recurring billing - you just keep building your revenue base.

    I have customers that I have been part of my revenue stream since 1999.

    I don't touch much of anything today unless I earn a residual for the life of the customer

    Our first "Digital Yard Sale"! A massive PLR Blowout Sale to help a friend pay medical expenses.
  • Profile picture of the author telecom1776
    Profile picture of telecom1776
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    Great question and some good answers, some funny or sarcastic. That would be a tough nut starting from Zero. Do you mean make $400,000 gross or $400,000 net? A lot of business can be had by investing a lot of $$$ and buying business but you always have to look at your net.

    It took me 2 years to get my online Telecom Services business up to a $50,000.00/yr pace and it has been slowing down. I'm finding that there's A LOT more money in my space by signing up Call Centers as Affiliates to sell high profit campaigns. Perhaps that can be done online and only time will tell.

    A friend of mine has a friend who has done well online and he doesn't have to work for anyone now, but he only reveals a few secrets such as he started out with Google Adsense campaigns, CPA campaigns, etc but he will never tell my friend the very specific things he did to launch these campaigns and build them up. I guess that's part of the issue is that who can you really find that's willing to give you valid step by step programs that anyone can do if they follow it and charge you a reasonable price for that knowledge. Most people are just repackaging or creating concepts that are either not tested or no longer work any more because of policies by Craigslist, Facebook, etc or programs that were hot 5 years ago but no longer or just outright scams.
  • Profile picture of the author JohnTellez1965
    Profile picture of JohnTellez1965
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    Here's one way:

    Become an EXPERT at Facebook marketing. For example, Chris Record has a course called Dark Posts Profits. Get a few stable high paying affiliate offers that are targeted to people making over 100K per year so you know they can afford the offer. With proper audience targeting you'll make your 400K or more!

    What will take a little time is learning the proper marketing. Once you have that down you're off to the races!
    • Profile picture of the author freedumb
      Profile picture of freedumb
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      With one of my systems I was able to get up to 100K+ per month within 4 months.

      1st month: $15,000
      2nd month: $35,000
      3rd month: $90,000
      4th month and on: $100,000+

      I will share this system with anyone for only $2997. But only for a limited time
  • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
    Profile picture of jobdollarr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I will give an example:

    Yutube, dailymotion.

    Now you can choose.


    Basically there is no money $ 400,000 without capital. [capital]

    Unless you play with scale [scale]


    When your system runs automatically.
    Nothing is impossible.
    You just continue to test your formula.

    Good luck friend
    • Profile picture of the author lynzscott
      Profile picture of lynzscott
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I would leverage a good online business model to begin . I don't believe in being a solo entrepreneur.

      However you need to be brave because you have to send quality traffic to a high converting offer and that would requires skills and money and lots of FAITH.
  • Profile picture of the author ronrule
    Profile picture of ronrule
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm surprised by how many people think $400k a year is such a difficult feat to achieve. For most affiliate offers I suppose I agree, but there's a whole world beyond clicks and CPA's where if you're only doing $400k a year, you're doing it wrong: eCommerce.

    $400k/yr is only $1,100 per day. Even if you're only selling $20 products, that's only 55 sales per day. That, and much more, is entirely doable on just about any budget.

    Ron Rule

  • Profile picture of the author alvinguy
    Profile picture of alvinguy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You won't believe this, but I actually know someone who was making 50k a week average and almost up 100k a week doing MLM, yes you heard right, MLM. **flame suit on**.

    He doesn't do nearly as much now since switching businesses but it can happen and does happen.

    BTW, he doesn't know a lick of internet marketing, which baffles me.

    • Profile picture of the author More Than Tips
      More Than Tips
      Profile picture of More Than Tips
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by alvinguy View Post

      You won't believe this, but I actually know someone who was making 50k a week average and almost up 100k a week doing MLM, yes you heard right, MLM. **flame suit on**.

      He doesn't do nearly as much now since switching businesses but it can happen and does happen.

      BTW, he doesn't know a lick of internet marketing, which baffles me.
      That really happens alot in MLM....many can make some major bank but then they jump ship.
  • Profile picture of the author ProfessorMetal
    Profile picture of ProfessorMetal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm following a three-pronged plan which I think will eventually prove lucrative but I expect it to take some time to get there.

    I've worked at affiliate marketing quite a bit and can say that it isn't as easy as the "gurus" would have you believe. As many others have said, you have to pick niches that are in demand and expend a lot of effort building and maintaining mailing lists for them. The problem there, as I see it, is niches going in and out of popularity, so you're constantly on the hunt for things that are currently in vogue and having to keep the list building, etc. going. In addition, you're facing competition from a zilllion other IM'ers promoting the same products as you are as well as needing to constantly be on the hunt for new products in your niche. As your sole business model affiliate marketing can make you some money but very few ever make the levels of income you're talking about and - as others have noted - it took them years to get there.

    My strategy is to create a business around something I know well and isn't going to be based on having to "chase" fads. In short, the idea is to create an online version of a brick and mortar business. In my case, that's software development. I'm a highly experienced developer so why not create my own development business instead of spending my time working for someone else? That's prong 1.

    Prong 2 is creating original products for a niche that I have familiarity with and a passion for and marketing those products. In my case, that's the securities trading niche - specifically FOREX. Marketing will be required, of course, but I already know of two sources I can partner with that will provide me with a huge potential customer base on a shared revenue basis. The benefits of that should be obvious.

    Prong 3 is related to prong two. I don't intend to only create and sell FOREX related products. I intend to do my own trading and build a success record with it that will entice investors who want the gains that FOREX can provide but don't want to do the work themselves - FOREX trading is not easy, believe me. It's another arena in which a lot of "gurus" want to sell a load of worthless crap to gullible beginners who want a "magic" tool to do all the work for them. Savvy investors who don't want to spend the time and effort to learn the field and work it themselves are more than willing to pay a percentage to to follow the trades of a successful investor.

    Will all of this be successful? We'll see. My whole - and somewhat windy - point here is that if you want to make good money on the net, you have to have a solid plan. Leave all this dubious "program" shit alone. If you pay attention, you'll notice that you see the same "gurus" promoting a new "program every four or five months. Ask yourself why. The answer to that should be obvious.

    If you want the gold, don't be Yukon Cornelius from Rudolph The Rednosed Reindeer. Build something solid and the gold will come to you.
  • Profile picture of the author krnl386
    Profile picture of krnl386
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Millions will Only come from ....

    - Getting involved with Very Demanded Products Offered with High Prices (Money Making , Investment Programs ... etc)
    - Make Your Own Premium , Value giving Product Instead of Promoting for others (This is the secret)
    - Blast Your Product on Affiliate Websites (Clickbank, Commision junction ,...etc)
    - Invest Some money in a Viral Promotion Plan (Facebook , Twitter ,Youtube ...etc)
    - Build a Fat List ... a Very Fat one
    - Get Ready to spend some time For this Business Everyday Emailing Your Precious list
    - Value Your Customers so that They would Value You and Your stuff
  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    Profile picture of himanuzo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you want to make $400K yearly with affiliate program. I suggest you to build your own list - at least 100K subscribers that related to one niche that you pick.
  • Profile picture of the author addisonadeline73
    Profile picture of addisonadeline73
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you want to earn a handsome amount of money, you should also invest multiple handsome amout of money. Such as if you invest $1, you can expect to make profit $0.5 so if you invest $1000 & you can expect $500 as profit. You will never expect to get profit $500 by investing $1. Thanks.
  • Profile picture of the author marco005
    Profile picture of marco005
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    $400.000/year, yeah that is a business!

    I think you must spend money first to buy such high ticket products as MRR and then create own product and sell it for $900.

    But when you have a list of subscribers, does a percentage of them buy every month a product who cost $900 in a year, next year you create new $900 product?

    Or sell every month new product who cost $900?

  • Profile picture of the author UFUN Dominators
    UFUN Dominators
    Profile picture of UFUN Dominators
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
      Profile picture of Kay King
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Pretty soon, if you want to contribute pearls to a thread like this, you will be laughed out of the room unless you have a verified seal backing you up.
      That used to happen here WITHOUT a seal.

      Ever notice the people arguing LOA are always in the "envisioning" part of it?

      And now the spammers are joining us - how sweet.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
  • Profile picture of the author BreakthroughBen
    Profile picture of BreakthroughBen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    To Make 400k... Begin By Changing Your Environment

    If I wanted to make 400k, I would begin by changing my environment.

    For example:

    You may want to lose weight... but can't.
    Or you may want to stop smoking... but you can't.

    The same is true if you want to achieve 400k. Many would like to make 400k... but can't.

    I was watching one of those prison shows one night. There was a female prison guard that was being interviewed about the difficulty of prisoners changing. She spoke into the camera saying, "Environment is stronger than will." She says, "These prisoners may want to change, but because they are in an environment with other deviant like-minded people, they struggle to change. Environment is stronger than will."

    In other words, if you want to change your income, change your environment.

    Environments that Affect Wealth

    - It's harder to become rich if you live in a poor neighborhood.
    - It's harder to become rich if you work in a poor work environment.
    - It's harder to become rich if you spend time with people who are not interested in becoming rich.
    - It's harder to become rich if your thoughts, your mental environment, is filled with poor thoughts.

    So at the end of the day, once again, I would start with changing my environment. The rest will take care of it's self.
    • Profile picture of the author visiono
      Profile picture of visiono
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by BreakthroughBen View Post

      To Make 400k... Begin By Changing Your Environment

      If I wanted to make 400k, I would begin by changing my environment.

      For example:

      You may want to lose weight... but can't.
      Or you may want to stop smoking... but you can't.

      The same is true if you want to achieve 400k. Many would like to make 400k... but can't.

      I was watching one of those prison shows one night. There was a female prison guard that was being interviewed about the difficulty of prisoners changing. She spoke into the camera saying, "Environment is stronger than will." She says, "These prisoners may want to change, but because they are in an environment with other deviant like-minded people, they struggle to change. Environment is stronger than will."

      In other words, if you want to change your income, change your environment.

      Environments that Affect Wealth

      - It's harder to become rich if you live in a poor neighborhood.
      - It's harder to become rich if you work in a poor work environment.
      - It's harder to become rich if you spend time with people who are not interested in becoming rich.
      - It's harder to become rich if your thoughts, your mental environment, is filled with poor thoughts.

      So at the end of the day, once again, I would start with changing my environment. The rest will take care of it's self.
      Excellent post worth gold. Thanks
  • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
    Profile picture of jobdollarr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You just need the right marketing plan.

    I could have made goolge [search engine]

    Goggle has $ 1,000,000,000,000 daily profit.

    But what obstacles in it?


    It all costs money.
    Needing money to attract profit.

    This is the law of nature
  • Profile picture of the author Aries26
    Profile picture of Aries26
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Create 150 adsense websites that earns $21/day. That will earn 1 million + extra $149,750 for operating expenses such as content creation, marketing/backlinking, hosting, domains.
  • Profile picture of the author whland
    Profile picture of whland
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That would be nice to make that much. Heck if I could make 100 thousand I'd be happy.

    I'm sure it's possible. But it'd probably take some time to achieve it.
    Signature Webmaster Forum
  • Profile picture of the author fxstay
    Profile picture of fxstay
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    you must have big target list to make 400k by affiliate
  • Profile picture of the author ghost209
    Profile picture of ghost209
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't understand why people are so cynical when it comes to topics like this.

    "someone making over $400k/year wouldn't come to this forum"
    "someone making that much wouldn't share his secrets with us"

    Why so negative you guys?

    There are alot of people who visit this forum that do make alot more money than that.
    And many of them have already laid out exactly how they did it in this thread.

    Making $400k/yr is not some big mystical process. It's simple.

    1. Find a hot offer that converts. (ideally something higher priced)

    2. Figure out how many sales you need a year / month / week / day in order to hit that goal.
    Break it down.

    If you make $500/sale, it's 60 sales a month / 2 sales a day.
    If you're making $1k commission, we're only talking about 30 sales a month.
    If you're making $2k, we're only talking about 15 sales a month. C'mon you guys. it's closer than you think.

    3. Get traffic. ( ideally paid traffic like PPC, facebook ads, adwords, etc.) that way you can scale it fast without headache.

    4. Keep taking action.

    Just start small. Focus on making your FIRST sale.. as long as you can make 1 sale, you know it works. then just rinse-repeat until you start hitting your goals. That's all there is to it.

    If I know that I simply need 2 sales a day to reach that goal.. and I make 1 sale in a day.. AWESOME! I'm half way there.
    • Profile picture of the author visiono
      Profile picture of visiono
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ghost209 View Post

      I don't understand why people are so cynical when it comes to topics like this.

      "someone making over $400k/year wouldn't come to this forum"
      "someone making that much wouldn't share his secrets with us"

      Why so negative you guys?

      There are alot of people who visit this forum that do make alot more money than that.
      And many of them have already laid out exactly how they did it in this thread.

      Making $400k/yr is not some big mystical process. It's simple.

      1. Find a hot offer that converts. (ideally something higher priced)

      2. Figure out how many sales you need a year / month / week / day in order to hit that goal.
      Break it down.

      If you make $500/sale, it's 60 sales a month / 2 sales a day.
      If you're making $1k commission, we're only talking about 30 sales a month.
      If you're making $2k, we're only talking about 15 sales a month. C'mon you guys. it's closer than you think.

      3. Get traffic. ( ideally paid traffic like PPC, facebook ads, adwords, etc.) that way you can scale it fast without headache.

      4. Keep taking action.

      Just start small. Focus on making your FIRST sale.. as long as you can make 1 sale, you know it works. then just rinse-repeat until you start hitting your goals. That's all there is to it.

      If I know that I simply need 2 sales a day to reach that goal.. and I make 1 sale in a day.. AWESOME! I'm half way there.
      Do you think its harder to sell a $2000 item to a person that makes 1 million a year compared to a $40 item to someone who makes $20,000 a year?
      • Profile picture of the author ghost209
        Profile picture of ghost209
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by visiono View Post

        ghost, Do you think its harder to sell a $2000 item to a person that makes 1 million a year compared to a $40 item to someone who makes $20,000 a year?
        It really comes down to how compelling your offer is.

        If I'm selling something for $2k and the product sucks. No one is going to buy it - even if they have the money.

        If I'm selling something amazing for $40 that people desperately want - they'll find a way to come up with the money (even if they don't have it right now).

        If someone has severe back pain, and I'm selling a brace for $40 that completely gets rid of it, and that person desperately wants it.. He will sell his xbox, take out a loan, borrow some money, or do whatever it takes to get that $40.

        So you can make money with both options..

        But if I had to choose one, I would hands down pick the first one - sell a $2,000 product to someone who makes a million a year.

        Not only am I making ALOT more money per sale, but you're also dealing with a different breed of people - people that have money and gladly spend it.

        In the USA if you make $20,000/year (in most areas) you are living in poverty.
        The average income here is around $36k - $50k/year

        And trying to sell stuff to people who don't have money is HARD.
        that might be the last $40 they have to their name. If they are just scraping by, they tend to be much harder to deal with and more likely to request a refund.

        I like to compare it to selling cars. Would you rather be a used car salesman in the ghetto or selling mercedes benz in a rich neighborhood?

        The used car salesman has to work his butt off to try to get people to buy a P.O.S. car and he barely makes any money from it.

        Meanwhile, the guy selling mercedes doesn't have to work so hard and makes alot more money per sale. People know what they are getting when they get a mercedes, they are either already sold on it or not.

        Which would you rather be?
  • Profile picture of the author dheeraj007
    Profile picture of dheeraj007
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Xarcz View Post

    First of all, I am aware that making $400,000 in a year, online is extremely hard to accomplish. I'm not asking for a method in order to make this amount of money in one year, because I know it isn't possible for me. However I am wondering what people's individual thoughts are on how they would go about acheiving this goal, if they absolutely needed to.

    Personally, if I wanted to divert my year to acheiving this sum, I would have to go with affiliate marketing. I know that you would have to be an affiliate for years to even get close to this sum, but I can't think of any better method.

    So, what would you do?
    No, It doesn't take years of time to make $400,000 as an Affiliate. Affiliates who can master single traffic source and promoting hot converting offer and also the payout should be little bit high($350+) can easily cross that figure. But all comes under managing your traffic source. As an affiliate Mike colella made $2.2M dollars in affiliate commissions within a year!
  • Profile picture of the author Anonymous Affiliate
    Anonymous Affiliate
    Profile picture of Anonymous Affiliate
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I wonder what happened to the big players that used to hang out in this forum. Are only newbies and wannabes left?
    • Profile picture of the author Xarcz
      Profile picture of Xarcz
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

      I wonder what happened to the big players that used to hang out in this forum. Are only newbies and wannabes left?
      This is a public forum you know.

      I assume the war room only contains dedicated users.
    • Profile picture of the author CashGiftingExpert
      Profile picture of CashGiftingExpert
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

      I wonder what happened to the big players that used to hang out in this forum. Are only newbies and wannabes left?
      They all moved on to bigger and better things. This forum is clearly only for newbies. The products that are released here daily are 99% garbage rehashed BS.
      “The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them”― Jim Rohn
      • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
        Profile picture of jasondinner
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by CashGiftingExpert View Post

        They all moved on to bigger and better things. This forum is clearly only for newbies. The products that are released here daily are 99% garbage rehashed BS.
        I like hanging out in here and participating to offer some perspective from actual experience in threads where mostly blind leading the blind is occurring so people don't take everything they read in here as gospel.

        But I will agree with you for the most part. It MOSTLY is comprised of newbies and wannabes as Anonymous Affiliate put it, just not completely.

        "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

        Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Profile picture of DIABL0
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I made a post at the beginning of the thread that was how to, rather than how would. Then saw the OP say something to a poster about not asking how to, but how would, so I dumped it.

    So my how would, which I guess is a kind of an over simplified how to with some detail.

    I would buy email lists that the recipients agreed to receive third party for example and have them professionally cleaned of complainers, traps, etc...

    Yes...almost everyone here says not to do this, but they look at this from the wrong perspective. Don't think of it as buying subscribers (your not), your buying / building your own traffic source.

    I would send affiliate offers that have very broad mass appeal. This way more recipients are likely to have an interest. All being can-spam compliant.

    I would whenever possible use a squeeze page between the affiliate offer. But wouldn't make it mandatory for them to subscribe, giving them a way to skip and go to advertised site. Anyone that does optin can now be mailed using a system or IPs that should inbox well. I say this because when you use your own server/ips and purchased list, deliverability to inbox can be much harder!

    In addition I would always collect all opens/clickers. These lists when resent will be far more responsive and can be use to test smaller niches.

    Reinvest profits and scale.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
  • Profile picture of the author CashGiftingExpert
    Profile picture of CashGiftingExpert
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Learn how to build a funnel. Find out what your numbers are and scale.
    “The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them”― Jim Rohn
  • Profile picture of the author gibsonjoe
    Profile picture of gibsonjoe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I will research the market thoroughly and

    1. Look for a High Ticket to sell
    2. Start a Membership site with recurring billing
    3. Create an e-commerce site
    4. Launch a crowd funding campaign for my killer idea.

    Any of these is possible and even more. I will research thoroughly, think well, plan strategically and pray for the plan to work well.

    " Anything is possible to those that believe and ready to do the work"
    Practice like you've never won before, perform like you have never lost. I create, I take Risks, I Live My Passion. I AM AN ENTREPRENUER.
  • Profile picture of the author online only
    online only
    Profile picture of online only
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    IMHO, affiliate marketing is the most easiest and fastest way to go $400k/year and beyond. I've been doing this for the past 4-5 years and I'm close to $1mil/year now (no, I'm not here to brag).

    Just saying that's it's highly doable. You'll need to find out what works and what doesn't and then scale, scale & scale.

    With affiliate marketing you have really low starting boundaries. You don't need a product, you don't need a support workers, heck you don't even need to rent an office. You can start doing it in your moms basement.

    Set up a website, solve a problem with something that pays commissions and get traffic to it. For traffic use SEO. If you have more money, try PPC and media buys ..

    Before starting though - READ A LOT. Case-studies, blogs, sign up to some legit courses etc.

    Good luck. Everything is doable, when I first started out my main goal was to make $2k a month, then $5k a month, then $100k / year etc. Once you find something that works, be laser targeted and put all your effort inside it. Of course, don't forgot ppl around you - wife, kids, family. Family is always more important than your money.

    I was so focused with my affiliate campaigns that I become pretty much anti-social. I was basically working 24/7 and I lost my girlfriend, closest friends etc. Once you hit something like $100k a year, you should really consider outsourcing as much as possible.
    • Profile picture of the author ronrule
      Profile picture of ronrule
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I would also add "Don't quit your day job right away" to my previous answer. In fact, dont put ANY of the business income in your own pocket just yet.

      I see this way too often... as soon as people feel like they have a stable IM income, they quit the day job to focus on IM full time, but there's a huge problem with that: you just took a huge chunk of your working capital off the table.

      That's why so many people get "stuck" between that $5k and $10k mark, because you just took thousands of dollars that could have been used for marketing out of the equation so you can pay your bills. In spite of how much TIME you now have, you don't have enough money to grow.

      What I would teach my ecommerce clients was to plan on not putting one cent into their own pockets for an entire year. Take 100% of what the business makes and roll it back into marketing, because you need to build an audience as you grow your revenue. Audience size is more important than revenue per sale, because it's a million times easier (and free) to sell a second product to an existing customer than it is to find a new customer.

      Whatever your bills are... $3k, $5k, $8k, pick a number, that's that much cash that you're taking out of the business that could be have been spent on growing it.

      Ron Rule

  • Profile picture of the author web lover
    web lover
    Profile picture of web lover
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If You Want To Make 400k $ per year you should have a Brand And You Should invest your money on publicity compaigns and should also multiply the earnings sources , the last thing you should be creative and have a brilliant idea , For Example Android Game Or Kindle Book Can Make You 1 million $ If you work with a great plan

    Good luck ,
  • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
    Profile picture of jobdollarr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Find a lot of ideas.

    Thank kash to share.
    You have to build the system.

    B2B, B2C, B2S, B2G
  • Profile picture of the author serdox
    Profile picture of serdox
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    i got interested in websites and general web business a few years ago. i started creating websites with time to just test how they work, seo, how to write articles etc. then i found a niche, fansites for a popular video game that should have come out soon. i saw almost no competition.

    created two sites with both having 500 keywords at top of google rankings. when the game came out both together made around 800k/unique visitors a month. i had only 25 posts on one and 50 posts on the other site. and they weren't even in-depth articles.

    the site had adsense ads. one site had high ctr of 5-6 per cent while i wasn't able to raise the ctr of the other above 1-2 per cent. i have no idea why. tried everything possible. the sites had a takeover from ubisoft (skin, logo etc) and altogether, i was never able to make more then 2000 dollars/mo out of them.

    sadly i had almost no IM knowledge and was too lazy to monetize it. i didn't post on those sites since a year and they still generate me some income.

    what a lazy guy i am. damn. i have no clue how close i could have come to that 400k/year but some say it was possible.
    • Profile picture of the author homebuz
      Profile picture of homebuz
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by serdox View Post

      i got interested in websites and general web business a few years ago. i started creating websites with time to just test how they work, seo, how to write articles etc. then i found a niche, fansites for a popular video game that should have come out soon. i saw almost no competition.

      created two sites with both having 500 keywords at top of google rankings. when the game came out both together made around 800k/unique visitors a month. i had only 25 posts on one and 50 posts on the other site. and they weren't even in-depth articles.

      the site had adsense ads. one site had high ctr of 5-6 per cent while i wasn't able to raise the ctr of the other above 1-2 per cent. i have no idea why. tried everything possible. the sites had a takeover from ubisoft (skin, logo etc) and altogether, i was never able to make more then 2000 dollars/mo out of them.

      sadly i had almost no IM knowledge and was too lazy to monetize it. i didn't post on those sites since a year and they still generate me some income.

      what a lazy guy i am. damn. i have no clue how close i could have come to that 400k/year but some say it was possible.
      From my own point of view, making $400000 in a year is an impossibility. Infact it's a task that can not be easily achieved except with some form of malpractices.
      • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
        Jack Gordon
        Profile picture of Jack Gordon
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by homebuz View Post

        From my own point of view, making $400000 in a year is an impossibility. Infact it's a task that can not be easily achieved except with some form of malpractices.
        I address this not just to you, but to everyone who has posted a similar message in this thread (and others).

        You think too small.

        $400k only seems like a lot if you are paid by the hour.

        The whole point of IM is to liberate yourself from that mindset. If you create things that have real value to real people, then there is no reason you cannot create a $400k income (or 10x that).

        This is not a cheerleading post. Most people will not (or can not) accomplish this because they lack the discipline, skills or true desire to create and nurture something until it can deliver on that potential.

        But if you can, and with a little bit of luck, this is very doable. The formula is simple.

        1) Come up with a great idea that will solve a problem for many people (there is opportunity all around you, if you learn how to recognize it)
        2) Test the idea on a small group of ideal prospects, and prove the concept
        3) Scale the idea as fast as you can but as slowly as necessary to maintain quality and usefulness

        That, right there, is how to build a $400k business. All that is left is to fill in the details and do the work.

        This is the polar opposite of shiny object syndrome. Nothing you buy in the WSO section will help you much here.

        99% of you won't do anything with this information. But I hope at least one of you will. There is a difference between things that are really hard to do, and working really hard on something. You don't usually have to do both.
  • Profile picture of the author Fastmom
    Profile picture of Fastmom
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well how would you do it? I know of a hot product that is really amazing but I don't know what to do with it. (I am newbie).
    • Profile picture of the author serdox
      Profile picture of serdox
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      create an online shop (magento, opencart etc.) via odesk elance if you need help. very easy to do. or use amazon etc. it depends on what the product is. affiliate marketing is another good way. clickbank, and so on but i'm not good at those things yet.
  • Profile picture of the author JChilds
    Profile picture of JChilds
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Boy you guys are really discouraging why I get emails 3 or 4 times a month from guys saying they made over $1 mil. in last month with their Binary Options Robot, lol

    One guy said he made $385,000.00 in one week.

    You don't suppose they are lying do you? But he showed a picture of his account!

    haha all I can say is be alert as to the people you do business with as most of these so called "
    Gurus" will take your money and never look back.

    Seams like the new trend is to price their services high $997.00 to $4,995.00 they want you to believe that if they charge a high price then you must think they are worth it that they have a magic bullet , wrong .

    Just an old man venting a little about all the shinny objects I have bought
  • Profile picture of the author Joey Babbs
    Joey Babbs
    Profile picture of Joey Babbs
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    CPA Affiliate marketing and paid traffic on social media or display.

    Traffic arbitrage. EASY PEASY.....


  • Profile picture of the author momogitiramisu
    Profile picture of momogitiramisu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    its easy to do all talk and plan to make 400k.
    but its hard to do all necessary actions to make 400k/year.

    what i have in my newbie mind:
    create amazing first class web service that make millions people using it.
    create amazing first class ebook/etutorial that make millions people using it.
    create amazing first class youtube channel that make millions people watch it.
    create amazing first class website that make millions people using it.
    create amazing first class game that make millions people playing it.
    create amazing first class application that make millions people using it.

    there you go. its easy to say. now execute it.
  • Profile picture of the author Filosophy
    Profile picture of Filosophy
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    • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
      Profile picture of jasondinner
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      • Profile picture of the author More Than Tips
        More Than Tips
        Profile picture of More Than Tips
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        OK we need a new section of the forums called Dreams!

        Hey there was one guy earlier had a how to invest $50,000 thread and he got eaten alive but this thread is on fire...apparently he did not Dream big enough.

        In all seriousness I would never bet against the will power of an entrepreneur.

        They said Alcatraz was escape proof until someone escaped.
    • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
      Profile picture of DIABL0
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
        Profile picture of jasondinner
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by DIABL0 View Post

        I take it you missed my post on page 3. It is based on 100% real life experience!!! It's what I have been doing for many many years and works. But I would expect pretty much everyone here to blow off what I say, since I do what basically everyone here says you shouldn't do.
        Yeah you should expect it. Most people can't tell the difference between people REALLY doing what they say and those that hes labeling and noobs, fakers, and wannabes.

        I believe you and know your strategy is sound.

        "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

        Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

        • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
          Profile picture of DIABL0
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

          Yeah you should expect it. Most people can't tell the difference between people REALLY doing what they say and those that hes labeling and noobs, fakers, and wannabes.

          I believe you and know your strategy is sound.
          Normally I wouldn't of even said anything. People can believe what they want to believe. I just didn't like the noobs, fakers, and wannabes reference.
          How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
          20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
  • Profile picture of the author w1908
    Profile picture of w1908
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Mediabuys would most def be the way to go but it requires a lot of cash.

    Well you know what they say, with money you make money...
  • Profile picture of the author pcgun007
    Profile picture of pcgun007
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    buy real estate..
    Google Maps Scraper with Valid Email Addresses - GMap Leads Generator
    ‿︵‿︵.。*゚+.*.。(❁´◡`❁)。.。:+ *‿︵‿︵
  • Profile picture of the author dvduval
    Profile picture of dvduval
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There are plenty of corporations that would spend $400,000 like it is water. You just have to create the right product and then show it to the right people. I've come close to that number, and really helps to have a big board with your goals on it, and review them every day. Then find the little details needed to move forward a little more each day.
    It is okay to contact me! I have been developing software since 1999, creating many popular products like phpLD.
  • Profile picture of the author AngelaWest85
    Profile picture of AngelaWest85
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    400k is alot of money but is doable.It really just depends on your mindset and what coarse you take.I have never made that much in a year but there are others who do.Its really about finding something that works and then duplicating it.Weather it be product creation,affiliate marketing,offline marketing,seo or whatever gets good results or decent results the scaling it over and over until you have a system making that much money
  • Profile picture of the author homebuz
    Profile picture of homebuz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Xarcz View Post

    First of all, I am aware that making $400,000 in a year, online is extremely hard to accomplish. I'm not asking for a method in order to make this amount of money in one year, because I know it isn't possible for me. However I am wondering what people's individual thoughts are on how they would go about acheiving this goal, if they absolutely needed to.

    Personally, if I wanted to divert my year to acheiving this sum, I would have to go with affiliate marketing. I know that you would have to be an affiliate for years to even get close to this sum, but I can't think of any better method.

    So, what would you do?
    To be realistic, I don't actually see a possibility that somebody can make $400000 in a year online.

    On the contrary, anybody can make $400000 in a year or even more than that offline. For instance, if you are able to raise capital for starting up a flour mill, within five years of running that kind of a lucrative business, it should be easy to achieve the target.
  • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
    Profile picture of jobdollarr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Many people know how to make a lot of people.

    You must have a private company.
    You must have the brand
    You have to sell a product
    You must have an affiliate system
    You must have owned everything.


    Alibaba, Amazon, clicbank, adsense,

    You copy them.

    It takes a minimum of $ 1,000 per month.
    For all kinds.
    We wish you success.
    • Profile picture of the author More Than Tips
      More Than Tips
      Profile picture of More Than Tips
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      There is a marketer a warrior who started right here with WSO.

      Began focusing on Webinars....began coaching how to profit from webinars..starting doing so well brought family and friends into his business...last year $2 million.
      • Profile picture of the author sophuk
        Profile picture of sophuk
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        If there was a quick surefire way to make $400k people wouldn't be selling it on here for a $7 WSO.
        Even selling some of the 'coaching' at $997, you'd still need a big group to join up.

        If you want to make big money, you need to be a big name such as Jordan Belfort
        • Profile picture of the author ghost209
          Profile picture of ghost209
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by sophuk View Post

          If there was a quick surefire way to make $400k people wouldn't be selling it on here for a $7 WSO.
          Even selling some of the 'coaching' at $997, you'd still need a big group to join up.

          If you want to make big money, you need to be a big name such as Jordan Belfort
          are you serious?

          You seriously think that in order to make $400k/year that you have to be a 'big name' like the wolf of wall street?

          You do realize that the AVERAGE person who owns a mcdonald's franchise makes $2.6million in revenue.

          And the average person who owns a burger king makes $1.2 million /yr.

          There are thousands of mommy bloggers, ebook sellers, consultants, and seo guys that are all making more than $400k/year.. and chances are you've never heard of any of them.

          So next time you drive by a mcdonald's realize that the person who owns that is hitting numbers like that without being a 'big name guru'.

          There are lots of 'surefire' ways to make $XXXX amount of money..
          And LOTS of people have already shared them..

          But many people here will NEVER do it because it requires getting off your ass, taking action, facing fears, and stepping outside your comfort zone..

          Which most people are not willing to do. bottom line.

          So you can live in a fantasy world thinking that all the gurus have been hiding the secrets from you... and that in order to make any sizable income online you need to be a 'big name guru'..

          or you can simply decide to get off your ass, take action, and make it happen.

          It's your choice.
        • Profile picture of the author Michael J Anthony
          Michael J Anthony
          Profile picture of Michael J Anthony
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by sophuk View Post

          If you want to make big money, you need to be a big name such as Jordan Belfort
          And how do you think Jordan Belfort became a big name? By being a nobody FIRST!
  • Profile picture of the author BillyParadise
    Profile picture of BillyParadise
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    As others have said, recurring revenue is the key.

    400k? Easy with the right service.

    The market leader in one niche I'm looking at has plans ranging from $30 to $300/mo. If their average is $100, that's just 350 clients to hit 400k/year.
  • Profile picture of the author jeffs89
    Profile picture of jeffs89
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Paid traffic is by far the fastest/easiest way to generate $400,000 online.. but beware, you will need at least $1,000-5,000 starting out to find what works so you can scale. Pick 1 traffic source and figure out what offers work there.
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Profile picture of discrat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by jeffs89 View Post

      Paid traffic is by far the fastest/easiest way to generate $400,000 online.. but beware, you will need at least $1,000-5,000 starting out to find what works so you can scale. Pick 1 traffic source and figure out what offers work there.
      Thank you. I will keep that in mind. Sounds pretty easy to get to that 400K online.
      Why didn't those Warrior Members tell me this when I asked it 7 years ago

      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

  • Profile picture of the author K1ng Koopa
    K1ng Koopa
    Profile picture of K1ng Koopa
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Open an online business, think of a product that will attract customers (not just some poxy e-book) and something you could charge monthly for instead of a 1 flat fee for that product. This way you'll make recurring income and the prime focus should be driving customers via offline/online marketing.

    Easier said than done though!
  • Profile picture of the author marco005
    Profile picture of marco005
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    amazing interesting topic here!
    I think best for all noobs as me, is start with 1 niche build a list.

    When that 1 niche make you $500- 1000 in month, then you know what you have to do and scale it up!
    To make $30.000 commissions in month you need a huge list I think minimum 30.000 subs.
    But hey, the sky is the limit when you scale up.

  • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
    Profile picture of jobdollarr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Continue to update this list.

    I like your style.

    Successful people have to be friends with the success and positive thinking.

    Nothing is impossible in this world, as long as you can afford.
    Yes pay.
  • Profile picture of the author K1ng Koopa
    K1ng Koopa
    Profile picture of K1ng Koopa
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you think big money is $400k you've been living under the rock. There's hundreds of folks out there who are making that much but just don't brag about it. if they're making 7 figures + per year then you might hear about them, but even some small businesses out there are making around $400k/year so it's not exactly big money in general.

    Design a course or software (not an e-book or pdf file) on something people need. Design a high quality website. Do a joint venture. Spend money on high quality paid traffic sources (Media buys, Google adwords etc...), get affiliates. Hire outsourcers as the business grows.

    That's the core
  • Profile picture of the author marco005
    Profile picture of marco005
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    To make such money with own products, what is best payment processor for oversea affiliates?

    I have a paypal business account since last year and I have a paypal limit who is 2500€ a year!
    Paypal does not allowed you to make such money from the start....

    How solve this problem with paypal to upgrade the limit up to $10.000 month?

    • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
      Profile picture of jobdollarr
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by marco005 View Post

      To make such money with own products, what is best payment processor for oversea affiliates?

      I have a paypal business account since last year and I have a paypal limit who is 2500€ a year!
      Paypal does not allowed you to make such money from the start....

      How solve this problem with paypal to upgrade the limit up to $10.000 month?


      List continues to be updated.
      Thank you.

      I logged into Warior just to see this list.
      Why paypal at the limit to 2500 uero?

      What payment gateway in butuhkanuntuk merchan?
      People say escrow?

      If you've ever used an escrow?

      :c ool:
  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    Profile picture of maxsi
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think you need a business coach and write down every single step to reach your $400k.
    Without a business coach, you can waste big money on useless businesses (it's very important)
  • Profile picture of the author Curtis2011
    Profile picture of Curtis2011
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  • Profile picture of the author marco005
    Profile picture of marco005
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes that is my paypal income and out withdraw limit: 2500 Euro.

    I must update it with send some documents to paypal, but what I've heard in ebay sellerforum, that paypal will not same immediately this limit update to $8- or $10.000, next limit update step will be perhaps around 5000 Euros / a year not every month.

    I must phone paypal, than we will see what happens.......

    Or next alternative will be used a payoneer card I hope this work in europa ATM very well.
    My brother in law comes from USA he is american he has a debit card with $5000 but he can not use this card in europe- nowhere, can not use in ATM, Shops, gas station- nothing, his debit card is useless.

    That is why I be little bit skeptical to payoneer card, payoneer holds my money and I can not use it, so it is better to grow up an US company formation with local bank account.

    • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
      Profile picture of jobdollarr
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by marco005 View Post

      Yes that is my paypal income and out withdraw limit: 2500 Euro.

      I must update it with send some documents to paypal, but what I've heard in ebay sellerforum, that paypal will not same immediately this limit update to $8- or $10.000, next limit update step will be perhaps around 5000 Euros / a year not every month.

      I must phone paypal, than we will see what happens.......

      Or next alternative will be used a payoneer card I hope this work in europa ATM very well.
      My brother in law comes from USA he is american he has a debit card with $5000 but he can not use this card in europe- nowhere, can not use in ATM, Shops, gas station- nothing, his debit card is useless.

      That is why I be little bit skeptical to payoneer card, payoneer holds my money and I can not use it, so it is better to grow up an US company formation with local bank account.

      What is the limit for Payooner card. I heard only $ 1,000 per day. Do you know the payment gateway that is in use by amazon or ebay?

      People say escrow, if you ever use it?

      Are escrow offline offices in America?
  • Profile picture of the author wensar
    Profile picture of wensar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think your goal is totally possible. You need to start with a system that is already bring success to thousands of people. Find something that has proper resources and training to set you up for success.

    Good Luck
  • Profile picture of the author homebuz
    Profile picture of homebuz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Xarcz View Post

    First of all, I am aware that making $400,000 in a year, online is extremely hard to accomplish. I'm not asking for a method in order to make this amount of money in one year, because I know it isn't possible for me. However I am wondering what people's individual thoughts are on how they would go about acheiving this goal, if they absolutely needed to.

    Personally, if I wanted to divert my year to acheiving this sum, I would have to go with affiliate marketing. I know that you would have to be an affiliate for years to even get close to this sum, but I can't think of any better method.

    So, what would you do?
    My sincere response to this question is that it's unrealistic to make up to $400000 a year, but you can make up to half of this figure in a year, although this would take you quite some time to achieve. Thanks.
  • Profile picture of the author ProfitFromMyDomain
    Profile picture of ProfitFromMyDomain
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would create an ad network across 30-100 entertainment sites.

    I would have invented Google and Microsoft if I was born earlier.

  • Profile picture of the author homebuz
    Profile picture of homebuz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If a thousand replies are given to this question, it's still not possible for anyone to make that much online in the legitimate way, although some desperate guys are earning millions but not in the decent way. So, making money online is a gradual process.
    • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
      Profile picture of jobdollarr
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by homebuz View Post

      If a thousand replies are given to this question, it's still not possible for anyone to make that much online in the legitimate way, although some desperate guys are earning millions but not in the decent way. So, making money online is a gradual process.

      All would be.

      According antony robin.
      Selling apartments with income $ 50,000 in 3 hours.

      You must have positive thoughts.

      Take action

      Plain and pleasure
  • Profile picture of the author marco005
    Profile picture of marco005
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    @jobdollarr; correct me if I be wrong, the payoneer card (especial for oversea affiliates) has a limit of $10.000, so you make more money, the money will be blocked on your card.

    But I must ask you USA people; does we have socialism? The Grande Nation of Freedom and Democracy USA have such things? Unbeliveable.

    When you open business account by your local bank they will not make such stupid things like to limit the income of an bank account.
    Nobody in the real business world will make such stupid things.

    Such stupid things has not to do with free market economy. Every local bank is happy when you make money, the same if you make $2000 in month or $50.000 in month.

    Limit will be only your bank credit who has to do with yout credit history and income.
    I don't linke such limit things it sounds like socialism to control the people.

    I have local bank account since 5 years by Deutsche Bank, daily limit to fetch cash on ATM is
    600 Euros/ day and around 3000 Euros/ week, such things with an business account is sick- only sick/ this is ok for an private account (lime my account) but not when you have an business account.
    And my local private Deutsche Bank account has an monthly income/balance limit of 1500 Euros!

    I find payoneer is a great thing- but I wish the income balance limit you can cash out as european affiliate would be higher, I think payoneer will be working on to give better solutions.

    wish you marketers nice weekend
  • Profile picture of the author MaybeImYou
    Profile picture of MaybeImYou
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    ANYBODY can do it. But not everybody will.

    If you are committed to what it requires to reach this goal then it is possible. Maybe not within the first year or even the second. You are going to have to build lists. A list of people that have genuine interest in your niche. Buying a list won't help you, you need to establish a trust with your audience and prospects. Without trust you have nothing.

    Give away something. Doesn't always work, but will get your foot in their door or at least in their inbox.

    Get an Email Any Time You Can

    Grow that list, keep it growing and growing and growing never stop.

    Categorize Your List

    You need to know who has bought from you and who hasn't. The ones who have
    sale them again and again with more added value each time.

    Always Have A Big Ticket Item
    You need a big ticket item. For an example Apples Gold Watch. John Chow covers this nicely
  • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
    Profile picture of jobdollarr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I hear you.

    Will soon practice, however jhon chow did not provide a specific list of what must be done.

    I will use some formula
  • Profile picture of the author OliverKing
    Profile picture of OliverKing
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I will say having your own product is the key here. You will not hit this number with JUST affiliate marketing, unless you went viral and have good following.

    Work on the products until you hit a winner and promote the shit out of it. Also your funnel plays a huge role too.
    • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
      Profile picture of jobdollarr
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by OliverKing View Post

      I will say having your own product is the key here. You will not hit this number with JUST affiliate marketing, unless you went viral and have good following.

      Work on the products until you hit a winner and promote the shit out of it. Also your funnel plays a huge role too.

      If making your own products, such as an ebook and then sell the ebook marketplace. Can you show one the right place.

      I was turning on and some clickbank marketplace, do not know how to upload my ebook.

      Others say kidle amazon ebook.
      However I headed confusion?
    • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
      Profile picture of jasondinner
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by OliverKing View Post

      You will not hit this number with JUST affiliate marketing, unless you went viral and have good following.
      Already there and strictly from affiliate marketing and publisher revenue (which I consider a form of affiliate marketing).

      And there are a bunch of marketers who strictly do affiliate marketing who were there at the end of January (some even before).

      "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

      Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

  • Profile picture of the author stews
    Profile picture of stews
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't know. But if you find out and put it in a book, I'll be the first to buy.

    Get LIFETIME HOSTING for one LOW PRICE.. For more info follow this path

  • Profile picture of the author J50
    Profile picture of J50
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I work for an online company that does multiples of that, I would say the big key to success is we sell a telecommunications/software solutions to a small client base. However 1 client could easily be spending well over $1,000 a day. An example of this would be an ad exchange.
  • Profile picture of the author goindeep
    Profile picture of goindeep
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Step one, obtain cocaine, step 2 sell cocaine, step 3 avert police and biker gangs
  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Profile picture of johnben1444
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You need to be more than just an affiliate to make that kind of money.

    How about being a vendor?
    Grow your social media account, Spotify Streams, YT Views & IG Followers & More
    Software & Mobile APP Developer
    Buy Spotify, Facebook Bot & IG M/S Method
    • Profile picture of the author talfighel
      Profile picture of talfighel
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by johnben1444 View Post

      You need to be more than just an affiliate to make that kind of money.

      How about being a vendor?
      If you can become a vendor and have lots of affiliates promoting for you, your income can grow each month and very fast.

      There are many vendors on Clickbank who have lots of affiliates and are earning anywhere between $200,000-$1,000,000 per year and they don't even spend much time online. The affiliates are doing all the work for them (advertising) and Clickbank does all the transactions and paying each affiliate their share.
  • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
    Profile picture of jobdollarr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I just stumbled initial capital.

    Many ideas because I've been 5 years in im.
    But it would be a lot to learn affiliate marketing from here.

    I read a lot of books.
    It only took a bot that is still running and speed sales
  • Profile picture of the author hbhanot
    Profile picture of hbhanot
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There is one best way to sell
    High ticket good converting proven products.

    Otherwise real estate left or create your own product.
    And if your product start selling crazy then be ready for
    get bullied with customer care.

    So in the end High ticket programs of other sellers
    Real Estate. Become affiliate to zillow etc.
  • Profile picture of the author Internet Trillionaire
    Internet Trillionaire
    Profile picture of Internet Trillionaire
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Xarcz View Post

    First of all, I am aware that making $400,000 in a year, online is extremely hard to accomplish. I'm not asking for a method in order to make this amount of money in one year, because I know it isn't possible for me. However I am wondering what people's individual thoughts are on how they would go about acheiving this goal, if they absolutely needed to.

    Personally, if I wanted to divert my year to acheiving this sum, I would have to go with affiliate marketing. I know that you would have to be an affiliate for years to even get close to this sum, but I can't think of any better method.

    So, what would you do?
    I would create an online sales funnel with various related information products to sell frontend to backend e.g. Lead magnets -> $7 to $17 frontend products -> $97 monthly recurring/membership OTO - > $297 to $997 Backend products -> $1997 to $5000 upsells workshop/coaching/seminars etc.

    Invest in a warm buyers list from list brokers who bought similar products previously within the last 60 to 90 days in my niche. Sell at least 100 of the $5000 backend products within the 12 months = $500,000.00 for that year. That's only 8,3 sales per month
  • Profile picture of the author Franklin Hatchett
    Franklin Hatchett
    Profile picture of Franklin Hatchett
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well I haven't made $400k in one year that would be extremely hard but I've made over $250k a year promoting affiliate products.
  • Profile picture of the author icoachu
    Profile picture of icoachu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would focus on SaaS


    There are tons of underserved markets out there.

    Cloud-based services is the FUTURE.

    Also, SaaS means a nice RECURRING monthly income
  • Profile picture of the author allenmartin
    Profile picture of allenmartin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here is the ultimate Blueprint on how to make $400k per year or more:

    1) The first thing you need to work on is your mindset (People who make $400k or more per year have a totally different mindset than people who make $40k. What I mean by that is, you need to be aware, if you wanna make $400k per year, you need to invest $400k. Or in other words...if you want to make $40k per month, then you need to invest $40k. That's just how business works. You cannot expect that a Free Method, a Free System or a cheap blueprint will make you rich!

    That's some kind of lottery thinking.

    2) Get a Mentor (Meaning, someone who had been there where you are right now, someone who knows exactly what it takes to overcome Failure, Frustrations and Confusions.)

    3) Learn the skills that are necessary to make money online (Meaning, the technical skills, the marketing skills and the copywriting skills as well). There are a lot of other skills you need to master, but these 3 ones should be the first ones I'd recommend to start with.

    4) You need to have the right system (Meaning, if you take a look on burger king or mcdonalds, they have a working system which works over and over again.)

    5) In best cases, you should get a DONE-FOR-YOU Business. (Meaning, established Experts who build your entire Business for you from scratch)

    That's it!
    • Profile picture of the author Joey Babbs
      Joey Babbs
      Profile picture of Joey Babbs
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by allenmartin View Post

      Here is the ultimate Blueprint on how to make $400k per year or more:

      1) The first thing you need to work on is your mindset (People who make $400k or more per year have a totally different mindset than people who make $40k. What I mean by that is, you need to be aware, if you wanna make $400k per year, you need to invest $400k. Or in other words...if you want to make $40k per month, then you need to invest $40k. That's just how business works. You cannot expect that a Free Method, a Free System or a cheap blueprint will make you rich!

      That's some kind of lottery thinking.

      2) Get a Mentor (Meaning, someone who had been there where you are right now, someone who knows exactly what it takes to overcome Failure, Frustrations and Confusions.)

      3) Learn the skills that are necessary to make money online (Meaning, the technical skills, the marketing skills and the copywriting skills as well). There are a lot of other skills you need to master, but these 3 ones should be the first ones I'd recommend to start with.

      4) You need to have the right system (Meaning, if you take a look on burger king or mcdonalds, they have a working system which works over and over again.)

      5) In best cases, you should get a DONE-FOR-YOU Business. (Meaning, established Experts who build your entire Business for you from scratch)

      That's it!
      One of the responses so far in my opinion....I am a believer of the "think and grow rich" RK...and it was only when i finally grasped his true concept and implemented it in my daily business that i ever did see numbers like this....

      Those who don't believe it is possible will never get there. ..

      I disagree a bit with #5

      .I agree do what works...but the ones who make the most FAST are ones who are creative and do things a tad bit outside of the norm and build their own success.

      I MADE OVER $3,000,000 ON CPA LAST YEAR

      • Profile picture of the author Cali16
        Profile picture of Cali16
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Joey Babbs View Post

        I disagree a bit with #5
        He's recommending #5 to promote his sig link...
        If you don't face your fears, the only thing you'll ever see is what's in your comfort zone. ~Anne McClain, astronaut
      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
        Profile picture of BigFrank
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Joey Babbs View Post

        Those who don't believe it is possible will never get there. ..
        Along with 99.99% of those that do believe it's possible.

        Cheers. - Frank
  • Profile picture of the author DeShawnSmith
    Profile picture of DeShawnSmith
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The fastest way to hit any goal is to break things down and reverse engineer the process.

    $400,000 a year = $33,333 per month...

    So let's figure out how to hit that monthly goal which is attainable.

    Id create a low-priced front-end product for less than $10. From my personal experience I know I'd want to get as many customers as possible so I'd create a $1 7-day trial into a monthly continuity program that bills $47 per month.

    I'd then give someone the option to pay in full as an upsell for $297 so they could save money as opposed to paying monthly which would come out to about $444.

    Given my experience online this upsell will convert at about 20% on average. This may not be the initial conversion rate but I'd put an accession sequence in place to convert more people who bought the front-end but didn't buy the upsell.

    So we'd need about 113 sales at $297 to get us to our monthly goal.

    I stated before this upsell converts at 20% or so let's figure out how many front-end sales we'd need to reach our goal.

    It would take 565 front-end sales to make these numbers work.

    That 565 breaks down to average of about 19 sales per day.

    Going out to do this work on your own could seem like a hard task but imagine if you have an army of affiliates to do this for you.
  • Profile picture of the author Chris30K
    Profile picture of Chris30K
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    By providing $40,000,000 in value for customers.

    Chic Fil A > McDonald's

    • Profile picture of the author MValmont
      Profile picture of MValmont
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Chris30K View Post

      By providing $40,000,000 in value for customers.

      Probably one of the few answers I agree with in this thread.
      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
        Profile picture of BigFrank
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

        Probably one of the few answers I agree with in this thread.
        Believing in Fantasyland won't take you very far in life.

        Cheers. - Frank
        • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
          Jack Gordon
          Profile picture of Jack Gordon
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

          Believing in Fantasyland won't take you very far in life.

          Cheers. - Frank
          Don't be so negative BF. Surely, you deliver $40 million in value to your customers every year, don't you?

          Why try to limit the same joy in others?
          • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
            Profile picture of BigFrank
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Jack Gordon View Post

            Don't be so negative BF. Surely, you deliver $40 million in value to your customers every year, don't you?
            At a minimum.
            Why try to limit the same joy in others?
            Due to the realization that not everyone possesses IM super powers. Let's be realistic. :-)

            Cheers. - Frank

            P.S. Oh, my. Just discovered that this thread is 'upstairs.' Haven't been here in many months and am quite chagrined to find myself here, now. I need a long, hot shower!
        • Profile picture of the author MValmont
          Profile picture of MValmont
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

          Believing in Fantasyland won't take you very far in life.

          Cheers. - Frank
          Well, I don't want to be rude but, if I look at your join date and your number of posts on the warrior forum,

          Might have been a good idea to bring value instead of bringing sarcasm

          Try it for a while and let's see if your revenues increase

          • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
            Profile picture of BigFrank
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

            Well, I don't want to be rude
            Then don't post!
            but, if I look at your join date and your number of posts on the warrior forum,
            Unable to complete a simple thought?
            Might have been a good idea to bring value instead of bringing sarcasm
            The most important thing that you over;looked in your incomplete analysis was the number of 'thanks' received.
            Try it for a while and let's see if your revenues increase
            I'm doing better than most that reside 'upstairs.' Trust me on this. I work because I want to, not because I have to. lol

            Cheers. - Big Frank
            • Profile picture of the author MValmont
              Profile picture of MValmont
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Meh, One thing i've noticed is how people with over 1000 posts like each other posts even though it provides no value, but this is my personal opinion.

              I'm just saying that the goal of this forum is to help people, not make fun of them when they ask a question.

              If bringing $40 000 000 in value to customers seems impossible to you, all the people that actually did it would prove you wrong. There are people in this world that are actually rich, sorry to bring the bad news to you.

              • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                Profile picture of BigFrank
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

                Meh, One thing i've noticed is how people with over 1000 posts like each other posts even though it provides no value, but this is my personal opinion.
                Which is meaningless.
                I'm just saying that the goal of this forum is to help people, not make fun of them when they ask a question.
                Some questions demand derision. This was a perfect example. But, that's just my personal opinion, which some might deem meaningless.
                If bringing $40 000 000 in value to customers seems impossible to you, all the people that actually did it would prove you wrong.
                Name, one!
                There are people in this world that are actually rich, sorry to bring the bad news to you.
                One man's rich is another man's eeking out a paltry living. Everything in life is relative.

                Cheers. - Frank
                • Profile picture of the author MValmont
                  Profile picture of MValmont
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

                  Which is meaningless.
                  Some questions demand derision. This was a perfect example. But, that's just my personal opinion, which some might deem meaningless.
                  Name, one!
                  One man's rich is another man's eeking out a paltry living. Everything in life is relative.

                  Cheers. - Frank

                  You realize that all the tech companies out there are in the internet market space right? Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Linkedin, Tinder etc etc ( there are like thousands of them)...

                  Also, all the people who have a huge following because of their internet presence also, right? Tai Lopez, PewDiePie, Smosh, Fine Brothers, Lindsey Stirling, KSI, Michelle Phan, Lilly Singh, Roman Atwood, Rosanna Pansino, Kevin Wu, Toby Turner, Gary Venerchuck, David Portnoy, Freddie Wong, Nick Denton, EvanTube, TheRadBrad....

                  Should I continue?..

                  I feel like some people do not truly get what online marketing is. Online marketing is selling services and products on the internet. Google does it, Amazon does it...

                  Online marketing is not just writing a 50 pages E-book and then putting it on clickbank my friend...

                  I don't expect an answer, just sleep on it.

                  • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                    Profile picture of BigFrank
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

                    You realize that all the tech companies out there are in the internet market space right?
                    No. I was not aware. I'm new at this. Thanks for the edumacation.
                    Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Linkedin, Tinder etc etc ( there are like thousands of them)...
                    You said, "people." Those are huge corporations. Corporations are NOT people - regardless of what Mittens Romney believes.
                    Also, all the people who have a huge following because of their internet presence also, right? Tai Lopez, PewDiePie, Smosh, Fine Brothers, Lindsey Stirling, KSI, Michelle Phan, Lilly Singh, Roman Atwood, Rosanna Pansino, Kevin Wu, Toby Turner, Gary Venerchuck, David Portnoy, Freddie Wong, Nick Denton, EvanTube, TheRadBrad....
                    And not one of them has provided $40m worth of value to anyone. Ever. Nor will they ever.
                    Should I continue?..
                    Why? You're just spewing drivel.
                    I feel like some people do not truly get what online marketing is. Online marketing is selling services and products on the internet. Google does it, Amazon does it...
                    Wow! I'm wondering how we all made it this far in life without your tutelage?
                    Online marketing is not just writing a 50 pages E-book and then putting it on clickbank my friend...
                    Around, here - it actually is - if one can even accomplish that. Most can't.
                    I don't expect an answer, just sleep on it.
                    Right. You're a real piece of work. lol

                    Cheers. - Frank
                    • Profile picture of the author MValmont
                      Profile picture of MValmont
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

                      No. I was not aware. I'm new at this. Thanks for the edumacation.
                      You said, "people." Those are huge corporations. Corporations are NOT people - regardless of what Mittens Romney believes.
                      And not one of them has provided $40m worth of value to anyone. Ever. Nor will they ever.
                      Why? You're just spewing drivel.
                      Wow! I'm wondering how we all made it this far in life without your tutelage?

                      Around, here - it actually is - if one can even accomplish that. Most can't.
                      Right. You're a real piece of work. lol

                      Cheers. - Frank

                      They all make over $400 000 per year. And i'll be happy to hear how you can calculate how much a Youtube video bring in terms of value to someone's life (I'm not joking, I really want you to quantify this)

                      And corporations are run by people and these people started with an idea. It started with an IDEA, then they hired people and it transformed into a huge corporation.

                      You think all these companies were huge since their start??...

                      I'll just stop arguing with you because it's clear at this point that the only thing you want to do is make fun of people.

                      Thanks for your outputs though,

                      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                        Profile picture of BigFrank
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

                        They all make over $400 000 per year.
                        All of the corprations do. They are NOT people. None of the 'people' do. Not one.
                        And i'll be happy to hear how you can calculate how much a Youtube video bring in terms of value to someone's life (I'm not joking, I really want you to quantify this)
                        I can only relate that to my life and the answer would be virtually no value at all. I doubt that I have watched 20 YouTube videos in my entire life. I'm quite capable of making my own cat videos.
                        And corporations are run by people and these people started with an idea. It started with an IDEA, then they hired people and it transformed into a huge corporation.
                        Wow! You're knowledge is unbounded.
                        You think all these companies were huge since their start??...
                        I don't know. Can you break it down for me? You seem to have all the answers.
                        I'll just stop arguing with you because it's clear at this point that the only thing you want to do is make fun of people.
                        No - you'll stop arguing with me because by this time you have deduced the fact that you can't win the argument since your points are a step below hogwash. I only make fun of people that bring it on themselves by making idiotic posts that have no business being posted, let alone responded to, exactly like the post OP made.
                        Thanks for your outputs though,
                        I live to serve.


                    • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
                      Jack Gordon
                      Profile picture of Jack Gordon
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

                      I don't expect an answer, just sleep on it.

                      Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

                      No. I was not aware. I'm new at this. Thanks for the edumacation.
                      You said, "people." Those are huge corporations. Corporations are NOT people - regardless of what Mittens Romney believes.
                      And not one of them has provided $40m worth of value to anyone. Ever. Nor will they ever.
                      Why? You're just spewing drivel.
                      Wow! I'm wondering how we all made it this far in life without your tutelage?

                      Around, here - it actually is - if one can even accomplish that. Most can't.
                      Right. You're a real piece of work. lol

                      Cheers. - Frank
                      That's Frank for you, always wildly exceeding expectations.

                      MValmont, if you haven't figured it out yet, one of Frank's major contributions to mankind is his astounding ability to engage in spirited pissing contests. Nobody has ever defeated him. If you had gone past his stats and actually read his posts, you would have realized you are engaging the master. A smarter man might have backed down.

                      This thread has long passed any actual value, much less $40 million of it.

                      But this is kind of fun too.

                      Go ahead, tell Frank he doesn't 'get it' again.
                      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
                        Profile picture of BigFrank
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Originally Posted by Jack Gordon View Post

                        That's Frank for you, always wildly exceeding expectations.
                        Even as high as I set them? TYVM for the kind words. :-)

                        Cheers. - Frank
  • Profile picture of the author jmh777
    Profile picture of jmh777
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How I would make $400,000?


    Build a targeted list of people, and have a great relationship. Sell something where I would make $50 of pure profit. To get $400,000, 8,000 people would need to buy it.

    That means if I have a list of 1,000,000 people, who are all interested in what I have to offer. I only need to sell 0.8% of my list to achieve my goal. Not even 1 percent of people have to buy it, not even 1%!

    Now you don't have to do that all at once, say you send an email every 10,000 people you get on your list.

    Every 10,000 people, I have to sell to 80 people. Boom. $4,000.

    Now how hard does making $400,000 sound?
  • Profile picture of the author CB Elite
    CB Elite
    Profile picture of CB Elite
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've made over $400k in a year many times as a Clickbank vendor.

    If you select your niche well and then do every right in your building process, its almost inevitable.

    The top vendors in Clickbank exceed $400k per month
    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Profile picture of myob
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by CB Elite View Post

      I've made over $400k in a year many times as a Clickbank affiliate.

      If you select your niches well and then do everything right in your building process, it's almost inevitable.

      The top affiliates in Clickbank exceed $400k per month
      Fixed that just a bit for a better perspective.

      "We are so very 'umble."
      - Charles Dickens
  • Profile picture of the author anayb
    Profile picture of anayb
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Solution: a couple of highly trafficked websites, sell ad space, affiliate links, list building, own ad serving, content marketing, 30,000 animated youtube videos linked to your sites with clear CTAs, and the list goes on. All it boils down to how bad you want it. Question yourself can you work hard 14 hours a day for a long time, without opening your private social media accounts and meeting your girl friend? if yes, then you can do it. It's the only path: dedication and hard-work. For top business people, hardwork is something very normal to them. Cheers!
    Do you need an exclusive video product?
    Graphics Design - Motion Graphics - 2D & 3D Animation - Video Editing - Color Grading - Logo Animation - etc
  • Profile picture of the author chyan007
    Profile picture of chyan007
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is How i look at it

    The day you reach 1000$ in pure profits ,You start to figure out things which you thought were difficult or impossible

    After that it is just a matter of Rinse and Repeat

    The biggest challenge is to reach your first 1000$ in profits ,some do and some do not because they quit well before in the game

  • Profile picture of the author Gerry Brophy
    Gerry Brophy
    Profile picture of Gerry Brophy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Xarcz View Post

    First of all, I am aware that making $400,000 in a year, online is extremely hard to accomplish. I'm not asking for a method in order to make this amount of money in one year, because I know it isn't possible for me. However I am wondering what people's individual thoughts are on how they would go about acheiving this goal, if they absolutely needed to.

    Personally, if I wanted to divert my year to acheiving this sum, I would have to go with affiliate marketing. I know that you would have to be an affiliate for years to even get close to this sum, but I can't think of any better method.

    So, what would you do?
    There are many ways to achieve this in IM. But my advice i.e. to get a good coach/mentor who has a track record and do everything they say.
  • Profile picture of the author daftdog
    Profile picture of daftdog
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Without being this I can only say Yawn....this is an impossible question, the factors in this question are way too huge and you will never get a reliable answer on this forum...
    Get Up To Date Online Marketing Training with Reviews and Online News With Marc Gray
  • Profile picture of the author ContentPro22
    Profile picture of ContentPro22
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I wouldn't set a goal that high in the beginning. Set a small one. Achieve it. Set another one slightly higher. Achieve that one.

    We are biological creatures BUILT around punishment and reward. Got too long without reward, and you'll just end up giving up far before reaching your goal.
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Profile picture of discrat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ContentPro22 View Post

      BigFrank is a biological creature BUILT around total reward. Go too long with reward, and you just may end up with a Life like his that is total Utopia.
      Fixed that for ya

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

  • Profile picture of the author paladinseo
    Profile picture of paladinseo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    i would start selling "drugs" online
  • Profile picture of the author anwar001
    Profile picture of anwar001
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Before you learn to make $400,000 a year you probably have to learn how to earn $100,000 a year and before you do that you have to learn how to earn $50k a year. When you reach 50k your mind will have better ideas on how you can scale it to reach 100k. If you manage to reach there, the experience and knowledge you gain along the way and the resources you will have will help you get ideas for scaling it further. So you see, it is a step by step process. A person barely making $10k a year might not have any idea how to achieve $400k. So rightfully he will believe it is totally out of his reach.

    So the proper question to ask yourself would be 'how can I double or triple my current income?' This will give you far more doable and practical ideas to implement and move forward.

    Anyways to answer your original question, if you want to make $400k a year, it boils down to more than $35k per month. An easy way to achieve this is to have a membership site where people may some monthly amount. (let's say $25 per month). So you need roughly 1400 members paying $25 each to earn around $35,000 per month or more than $400,000/year. This is actually doable but would take some initial investment. You might hire some experts in a particular industry or niche and pay them money to create videos or content on monthly basis which you will supply to your members in order to keep them subscribed. If what you are providing is of high quality and value you might find it easy to reach and keep these many regular members. It should be a niche which has got lot of interested people. An example might be internet marketing niche. If you can provide useful software tools or informative content from experts on regular basis, a lot of people might stick with your membership for a long time.

    You need to spend lot of money to get a lot of initial content created to get people interested in joining. You would also need to spend money on different kinds of advertising to reach 1400 members. Having an affiliate program might help increase members quickly by letting the affiliates do the marketing for you.
    Get Hundreds of Super Targeted Traffic in Any Niche from Facebook - 3 Step Organic FB Marketing

    25 Guidelines For Massive Affiliate Success - Whether you are a beginner or an expert, read these principles and refer back to them many times
    • Profile picture of the author sconer
      Profile picture of sconer
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      This thread has AIDS.
    • Profile picture of the author visualfxpro
      Profile picture of visualfxpro
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Oh, BTW, Tai Lopez is making WAY more than that through successful execution of the bootleg guru scam (my opinion). It appears his ploy has great conversion rates so he does something like spend $100 to make $200, spend $200 to make $400, spend $400 to make $800. You keep doing this as long as the market sustains it.

      Originally Posted by anwar001 View Post

      Before you learn to make $400,000 a year you probably have to learn how to earn $100,000 a year and before you do that you have to learn how to earn $50k a year. When you reach 50k your mind will have better ideas on how you can scale it to reach 100k. If you manage to reach there, the experience and knowledge you gain along the way and the resources you will have will help you get ideas for scaling it further. So you see, it is a step by step process. A person barely making $10k a year might not have any idea how to achieve $400k. So rightfully he will believe it is totally out of his reach.
  • Profile picture of the author MValmont
    Profile picture of MValmont
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Frank, do you remember in 2013 when you had no experience and you were asking beginner's questions? Do you remember when the other Warriors on this forum were helping you instead of making fun of you? I actually do, just check one of your first post:

    Do you remember frank?

    Let me just say this: I hope one day you become a leader and actually help others instead of making fun of them.

    You don't agree with the guy asking how he can make $400 000 in one year? Fine. Tell him WHY, don't make fun of him.

    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Profile picture of BigFrank
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

      Frank, do you remember in 2013
      Not a chance. I was still smoking huge quantities of of really good pot at that time.
      when you had no experience and you were asking beginner's questions?
      Please. I'm almost 70 years old. My 'beginner's question' had to so with WP Multisites. Stay on topic, please!
      Do you remember when the other Warriors on this forum were helping you instead of making fun of you? I actually do, just check one of your first post:
      I see the post. I must have been high to be tackling a 6,000 multisite. What I don't see is the multitude of helpful answers. Why did you not post those???????????????????? I think we both know why. Were there any responses? I doubt it.

      Additionally, upon rereading that post, it, too, qualifies as one of the stupidest post that I've ever seen on this forum.

      I hope that the responses ridiculed me as that would have been the best thing for me and in the end I know that I would have appreciated that more than a lot of 'just believe in yourself' responses.

      Let me just say this:
      You can say whatever you like, whether it's true or not. You have that freedom.
      I hope one day you become a leader and actually help others instead of making fun of them.
      I help many people that have realistic goals that can be achieved by tried and true methods. I don't and never will support 'pie-in-the-sky,' BS concepts that have no chance of being completed and are therefore a waste of time and effort. When you approach 70 - I can assure you that you will feel exactly the same way, unless of course you have learned nothing about life as you've aged. It happens.
      You don't agree with the guy asking how he can make $400 000 in one year? Fine. Tell him WHY, don't make fun of him.
      Honestly, if I have to tell him why, the reason would be lost on him. Again, a total waste of my time, a bit like trying to get you to see the common-sense I apply to most things in life.

      That's partially how you make it to 70. lol

      I can do this all day if that's what floats your boat. :-)

      Cheers. - Frank
  • Profile picture of the author chrislewis217
    Profile picture of chrislewis217
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Xarcz View Post

    First of all, I am aware that making $400,000 in a year, online is extremely hard to accomplish. I'm not asking for a method in order to make this amount of money in one year, because I know it isn't possible for me. However I am wondering what people's individual thoughts are on how they would go about acheiving this goal, if they absolutely needed to.

    Personally, if I wanted to divert my year to acheiving this sum, I would have to go with affiliate marketing. I know that you would have to be an affiliate for years to even get close to this sum, but I can't think of any better method.

    So, what would you do?

    Best answer in my opinion is to develop a premium training program. If you don't have coaching experience, don't have knowledge base that you can package into a product, or have any experience whatsoever in the online space then it's probably almost virtually impossible to do this under a year unless you have a really good coach and can afford to work 16 hours a day for a full year.
  • Profile picture of the author Andy The Copywriter
    Andy The Copywriter
    Profile picture of Andy The Copywriter
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Anything upwards of $250k is going to require a heavy dose of paid advertising--you're not going to get to that level just doing cold calls or unsolicited emails.

    You'd want to be pretty well known and influential in your niche, too.

    That income level doesn't come overnight. You can't just start as a newbie entrepreneur and say, "OK, here's how I'm going to make $400k this year."

    It comes from building a reputation over years and years.
  • Profile picture of the author HCFGrizzly
    Profile picture of HCFGrizzly
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I can make 400k a year, hell, I can even make more than $400k in a day.
    You may ask me`s simple: Win the lottery!
    HCF - Where Every Affiliate is Happy, Calm & Focused
  • Profile picture of the author visualfxpro
    Profile picture of visualfxpro
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's actually VERY easy to make that and MUCH more. GETTING to being THAT person who can do that is the hard part. PewDiePie makes much more than that by playing videos and screaming. I know he would like us to think it's more complex than it is but it's not. I have several videos with 300k-700k views so I know very well how it works. YouTube is VERY broken. However if YouTube favors you, success is not hard. I know people who break ALL the rules and still make a killing. Post 10 second videos. Don't even edit. They will walk away and answer door in video. You or I do this and we will get so much hate and not grow. Once you get to a certain level, just about anything you do will get views. YouTube's broken website will promote the hell out of your videos for FREE. So while he does have his moments and some value...he is NOT 40,000,000 subscribers worth of genius for sure! He is not even smart enough to make himself more brand friendly by not being so vulgar. This costs him a lot...but he already makes a lot so...

    Originally Posted by Xarcz View Post

    First of all, I am aware that making $400,000 in a year, online is extremely hard to accomplish. I'm not asking for a method in order to make this amount of money in one year, because I know it isn't possible for me. However I am wondering what people's individual thoughts are on how they would go about acheiving this goal, if they absolutely needed to.

    Personally, if I wanted to divert my year to acheiving this sum, I would have to go with affiliate marketing. I know that you would have to be an affiliate for years to even get close to this sum, but I can't think of any better method.

    So, what would you do?
  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    Profile picture of pheonix44
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would simply find something that worked,but wasn't linked to me selling my time. For instance, providing a service requires selling my time. I would instead sell a product. Focus on finding a method that worked and then pound the h## out of it. I would simply scale as much as I could. Once the money died down I'd have enough to take risks in other areas. I'd be able to have a bigger marketing budget and access avenues I couldn't before.

    For instance, I used to post classifieds in the back of magazines. If one made me even $50 I'd reinvest the $50 into the same magazine and then find others similar to it. I'd pound, pound, pound. You might work hard for 9 months and then make multiple five figures each of the last three months. It takes patience though and serious work.
  • Profile picture of the author gvidass
    Profile picture of gvidass
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just in one year, to make this amount of money, hmm... let me think. I guess I would focus all my time on building good list of of loyal subscribers, just like someone mention here. And offer them my products...

    You see it's not so easy to come up with something when you give exact period of time and exact amount of money to make, because it might look impossible, but in reality it should be possible. On the other hand if you could give more time, lets say like 3 or 4 years, on the final year that would be very possible to accomplish.

    Anyway you started very interesting discussion
  • Profile picture of the author HelpingYouBeAnExpert
    Profile picture of HelpingYouBeAnExpert
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There are a infinite number of ways, here's one, sell a $2000 high ticket info product 200 times

    Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it
  • Profile picture of the author msm24
    Profile picture of msm24
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Step 1: Create the $5000 coaching course as your backend
    Step 2: Create 4 sales funnels over the next 12 months
    Step 3: For each sales funnel give away 100% to affiliates (This doesn't include backend coaching course)
    Step 4: Email your list of buyers, which was built for free, about your coaching course and sell 80 of them.

    Done! (if only this was a perfect world!!!)
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
      Profile picture of Kay King
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I wish moderators would lock some of these useless old threads that keep getting bumped with link bait posts over and over.

      The title is ridiculous - and it just goes on from there.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
  • Profile picture of the author Latoon Technologies
    Latoon Technologies
    Profile picture of Latoon Technologies
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't know why some people, seasoned though are thinking $400k to be a huge enough amount which is almost impossible to achieve.
    I think its easily doable. I start my business 10 months earlier having $200 as a total capital. I am earning $5000 a month now. I know it's scale-able, Which I am working on. If I expand it almost 550% , I will achieve the goal easily. BTW way I am working to expand it 700%.
    This is not a joke. If I can earn $5000, from a small bunch of people, then the world have billions of people and I know I need only 70-100 good clients. I have found 10 already.

  • Profile picture of the author VidasVegas
    Profile picture of VidasVegas
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I already created a goal for coming 12 months $250k and I know I can do that because I'm using the best 2016 marketing sales funnel that it is not possible not to earn money.And I want to achieve my new goal and record.
  • Profile picture of the author TheArtfulDodger2012
    Profile picture of TheArtfulDodger2012
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here's your battle plan:

    1. Make a list of the most successful IM products sold in the last 3 years.
    2. Analyze them looking for what they have in common and why they were so popular.
    3. Create a similar product, incorporating the same elements, pdf, videos, private coaching, etc.
    4. Package it exactly the same as the others. Similar sales page format and content.
    5. Line up JV partners to push it.
    6. Sit back and watch the money come trickling in.
    7. Lick your wounds.
    8. Get a job in Wall Street.
  • Profile picture of the author marilynbd
    Profile picture of marilynbd
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Create a site that makes $10,000 a year , create 40 niches that make $10k a year each - outsource everything - sounds easy?
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Profile picture of yukon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
  • Profile picture of the author xixna
    Profile picture of xixna
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The single most profitable thing you could do is building an email list. Good luck!

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