How Much of the Information out There is Still Relevant?

by DCross
10 replies
Hello Gang,
I am a newbie, but I have been researching affiliate marketing for a couple months now. I have read books, read blog posts & articles and I have watched tons of videos on the subject. I noticed that most of the material out there was published around 2006 and 2011.
I think I have a pretty good handle on how to start and how the system works, but my question is two fold.
How much of the information out there is still relevant?
Is affiliate marketing still as profitable as it was just a few years ago?
I know I will have to work at it, and I know it's not a "get rich quick" process. But I want to know that the industry is still going strong before I jump in.
Thanks for any information you can offer.
#information #relevant
  • Profile picture of the author dana67
    Affiliate Marketing is still profitable, but SEO has changed a lot. SEO is more challenging than it was before the days of Panda and Penguin. The goal is still the same though: Getting quality traffic that leads to conversions.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Henson
      The basics of affiliate marketing have not changed much over the years so many articles/blog posts as well as courses have a ton of useful information.

      The biggest periodic changes to affiliate marketing methods have to do with generating traffic and SEO practices, and you can find this up-to-date information for free on the Internet at any given time.
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  • Profile picture of the author MuhamadEdisonA
    Affiliate marketing is profitablelniche untill to day. Some of people in this forum is affiliate marketer. Build your buyer list by make product and sell it in WSO..

    Then, you can sell everytime you want to your list as relating to your niche. But you have to remember to get in touch with your list

    Maybe this article can be helped
    Is Affiliate marketing still the best place to start? | Scoop

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  • Some of the information is repeated, but I think that there is always new stuff coming out every day.
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  • Profile picture of the author slammer81
    Techniques are great and we all dig into them - but don't forget the big picture of what you are doing. General (some say boring?) principles of marketing and advertising apply across the board and can help you jump curves.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnlagoudakis
    Hi DCross,

    Don't read anything published older than a year ago. Yes, there may be a lot of relevant info in older publications... but a lot of it will be totally outdated and worthless.

    You don't want to waste your time with outdated methods.

    Also, even with current publications, make sure you only learn from those that you know are actually making good money right now. A lot of people re-publish rehashed, PLR material that is old.

    Need help getting more leads and sales? *** Click here to work with me ***
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    It depends on the information you're talking about. If its about converting more people into buyers, and how to motivate people to get action that information is evergreen. People's innate behaviors haven't changed, so how someone convinces you to buy a product today, would follow the same or similar process 50 years ago.

    And your second question, yes affiliate marketing is still profitable. It is just important that instead of sending the traffic directly to a sales page, you send it to a squeeze page. Build that list up. And then promote the offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheZafraGroup
    The internet changes every single day. It evolves. What works 5 years ago doesn't necessarily mean it will work today. That's why it's critical to stay on top of things and constantly learn and grow.

    Affiliate marketing is still big and yes very profitable especially for those people who are determined to fish for information that people need and want.

    It's without a doubt strong. It works for others, it will work for you. The question is however is, are you willing to work for it? That's the common misconception. Affiliate marketing is a huge industry but a good number of people aren't willing to invest their time, money and effort into their personal growth.
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  • Profile picture of the author affilorama-portal
    Affiliate marketing in itself still works. You can earn money and put up a decent online business with affiliate marketing. The success with affiliate marketing depends on how you plan and execute the marketing and promotion of your website. When it comes to relevance and what still works today, you only need to know (for the most part) the updated free and paid tactics of marketing/promoting a site. There is a lot of free stuff about this online. You just need to read several related blogs and forum sites and before you know it, you have already learned all you need to learn when it comes to becoming a successful affiliate marketer.
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  • Profile picture of the author allwebdevt
    You can sell every time you want to your list as relating to your niche. But you have to remember to get in touch with your list.
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