Make $100 a day - Here's how

by 100 replies
Most of you know me as a writer and published author what you may not know is that I've been able to use my writing skills to earn a nice living on the Internet.

Here's how you can do it too.

Pick a niche
Pick at least 10 keyword phrases.
Find affiliate products
Set up a google adsense account

Use your best keyword phrase in the domain of your site. Choose related but other keyword phrases, one for each of the pages of your site. Let's say you have a home page, about us, contact, and 7 content pages. You would need 8 different keyword phrases. Name each page with the keyword phrase. For example:

The keyword phrase should be in the meta title and meta description of the page. Use it once in the first header and twice more in the content of the page. That's only 3 times in about 350 to 500 words of content.

Put your AdSense publishers code on each page.
Put your affiliate product graphic on each page witha brief description and your affiliate link.

Upload all the pages of your site. Submit the url to google, bing, and yahoo.

Get it's a site where you can automatically socially bookmark to about 20 other sites automatically. Submit the home page of your site. Every day submit another page until all the pages have been submitted.

Go to and submit one of the content pages as an article. In your author bio put the keyword phrase for a different content page as the link for that page. It doesn't make sense to submit a link to the same content. Readers would click off pretty quick realizing it's the same as the article. For example the article might be about healthy dog food, the link would be and the link text Free Puppy Training Tips. Every day submit a different page as an article and link to a different page. Eventually all your pages will be linked from

They should also start showing up in google when using the keyword phrase. You've used it in the title and twice in the content of the article.

Set up accounts at xanga, gather, wetpaint, squidoo, blogger, and hubpages. Rewrite the article for hubpages they require exclusive original content. On the other sites use the content of a page as a blog post, lenses, free website, etc. and use the same method of linking as you did for ezineartices.

Each day post one page of content at each of the accounts. Onlywire (socially bookmark) each of the blogs, lenses, etc. At the end of the week you should have 7 pages at each of the accounts. And 56 links to your site.

Use an article distribution service such as or Big Mikes' Article bot. I use both. I also use his social bookmarking bot. You could choose 10 article directories and submit manually but that takes a lot of time. Submit articles, one a day for the next week, using the same linking strategy.

If you've submitted to 10 article directories, that's an additional 80 links. If you use or the article bot it could be a couple of hundred links.

Every week add at least 3 pages to your site, article distribution, and adding to your social profiling sites.

The key here is picking a hot niche, using good keywords, content and consistency.

#main internet marketing discussion forum #links #sales #traffic
  • Awesome tips and such valuable information. I already saved in my research folder.

    However, I would also like to add video marketing. Create a video using camtasia or simply convert an article into video format and submit it sites like youtube. This techniques works too (Just my 2 cents :-p)

    Thanks a ton! I am sure many will benefit from this post.

  • Great plan, but who wants to actually do work to make $100 a day. I didnt read anything in your post about autopilot, secret methods, work one hour a day, or any of that.

    I think you are leaving something out.

    In all seriousness, that is a BEAUTIFUL plan. Throw in some of Angela's backlinks and Cha Ching!

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I thought that was really good, Dee. It works, many of us know it works, but we sometimes forget just how many people out there don't know it works. Furthermore, if it was ever crystalized into a single forum post when I first started out, then I didn't see it. These young people today don't know they're born... grumble... grumble
  • Dee, it is refreshing to see that there is no ulterior motive, fluff or WSO lead involved ... just the basics but it works.
    • [1] reply
    • When I first started, I made the huge mistake of not researching keywords enough. I'd write content and title it something like "Blast Off the Fat: Five Foods in Your Kitchen that Melt Away the Pounds." Now for a magazine article that's a great title but it is search engine sucky. Nobody would search with the words Blast Off the Fat. I wasted a lot of time and effort.

      I also threw up too many sites too fast. I couldn't promote them because I was spread too thin. Now I plan each site and the promotion.

      • [2] replies
  • It's funny how we tend to ignore the simplest things just because takes a bit of work.
  • Wow Dee. Thank your the heads up. I'm going to get to work on this ASAP!
  • Great plan Dee, and once you have this set up and running you can then outsource most of the work and continue to make it grow.

  • Great post. Thanks for the info. Got almost everything except for the deep links done. I especially like the part about onlywire. I'm already using them. But I did not know that you can deeplink. Thought it would be considered spam... But going to do it now. I freaking tried to google that question but couldn't find an answer..

    Thanks again!
  • Dee, thanks for that.

    I appreciate it. It's so simple yet so powerful if you just do it.

    All you gotta do is put it into action. That's it.
    • [1] reply
    • @Fernando If I included all the screw ups I made WF would probably run out of band width.

      @TJ If you go slow and just do one or two links a day with onlywire there shoudn't be a problem. Now I know the experts say to participate on the bookmarking sites and to also bookmark sites that aren't your own. I don't do that.

      @pbennett Some of the blogs you're referring to are niche blogs, set and forget them type blogs. Set them up, promote them, and then go on to the next niche. They'll keep earning money.

      I earned money online the first time I tried. What you have to realize is that we (I have a writing and business partner) had an establised business site that was a resource for entrepreneurs looking for capital. It generated consulting clients for us. I added AdSense and started earning a couple bucks a day right from the get go. It now earns considerably more.

      @Emma you're exactly right. You can't earn any money by sitting on your butsky cruising forums and checking email.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • $100z a day - that easy hey?! Everyone's already using these methods.

    Those social bookmarking readers won't convert and it will take months of relevant links before you find worthy Google rankings; Bing and Yahoo might not even index a new site by then.

    Some good tips for a newbie, but that 100$ a day headline is very misleading.
    • [4] replies
    • $100's a day - that easy hey?! Everyone's already using these methods. No. Everybody is talking about using them but not taking action on a systematic way on a regular basis. And it's not easy it takes work. Getting started would take a couple of hours a day.

      Those social bookmarking readers won't convert and it will take months of relevant links before you find worthy Google rankings; Bing and Yahoo might not even index a new site by then.

      I've gotten sites on the first page of google for relevant keywords within a couple of weeks. And new sites indexed within a couple of days. There's no magic in it. I don't have any secrets.

      Some good tips for a newbie, but that 100$ a day headline is very misleading.

      Not really. What is $100 a day? If you have 10 sites and they each make $10 of AdSense revenue you've done it. Or you sell two affiliate products with a $49 commission you've done it. Or get 3 CPA clicks and you're there. Or any combination thereof.

    • The timing of this post couldn't be better for me - I'm about to launch a new niche site Thank you so much for sharing such detailed info Dee, I think I'm going to implement a lot of it and I know others will too
      • [1] reply
    • Where does she specify a time frame? Unless you're saying the techique will never lead to 100 dollars a day, which isn't true, then there's nothing misleading about it.

      Most of your middle paragraph is, I can say from personal experience, wrong.
      • [1] reply
    • $100 a day is misleading . Maybe not as much misleading as an understated.

      Anyone can get to $100 a day with this method . Dee could have easily said $500 a day and not been misleading .

      Newbies are not the only ones to benefit from this information . The big time goobarus all use these same tactics . they just outsource 100% of it .

      Don't think they just have one project running at a time either . Once they have someone trained to do this , one person can be making them $400 a day or better using almost exactly the plan described above .

      Now what happens when they have 10 or more people doing this for them day in and day out/

      Thanks for the great information Dee. As for the nay sayers . If this system is so far beneath your superior methods .... post the way you do things .
  • You give valuable information. I agree with you that the key word is the main thing of any content. Because it helps to generate good traffic due to high rank of site in search engine and you can earn $100 /day or more.
  • Thanks Dee - great post. I've recently gone back to square one, starting to do a variation of just what you've outlined above. Thanks for the reminder at an appropriate time :-)

    The key for me will be to focus on one project and get it really going on it's own before moving on to the next. I'm one of those that's been so guilty of jumping around and spreading myself too thin.

    The way I see it though, $100 a day = $3,000 a month (yes, I'm a math whiz) - but all I really need is $2,000 a month to leave my full-time, grossly underpaying job. That will give me the time to scale things up and make a decent living for a change!
    • [1] reply
    • @Michael you need to have cash reserves. Besides a goal of $100 a day sounds so much better than $66.66 a day. lol.

  • That's funny, Dee!

    You forgot to add all of the secret extra steps. Just kidding.

    You're right on the money when you say your plan works. You're also right about people not making money because they don't work the plan.

    For the doubters who may stumble on this thread...don't doubt it, do it.

    No need to over-complicate things.

    All the best,
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Oh, I'm well aware of cash reserves Dee, and have been doing without much in the way of cash for quite a while now unfortunately. I have a unique situation at the moment though - living rent free and just paying off some bills.

    Since I only have myself to consider right now, I'm ready to take the leap when I see an opening.

    Thanks again!
  • hey dee, thanks for the good outline on the steps to make it. I have been redoing my blog articles so that they are using the right keywords and can rank high in SEO. They sucked before haha. But now Im starting to get articles ranking on page one. One thing I see mentioned is not to submit all your articles to these different directories and websites at one time because it looks unnatural to google. Im wondering if it's alright to submit a couple articles a day instead of just 1. I have about 60 articles rewritten and I hate to wait 60 days to get things rolling lol.
    • [1] reply
    • HI Travis:

      This is my opinion which means I haven't scientifically tested it. I have had better results with submitting 2 or 3 articles a day rather than 10 or 20 all in one day. That's tempting because I usually write 10 articles on the same topic at one time. It's just easier for me to write that way. But I don't submit that way.

      My suggestion to you would be to submit 3 or so articles a day. I don't believe that Google, or any other search engine, automatically assigns a penalty to a site that gets more than X links a day. That doesn't make sense. If there is breaking news, for example, one site could suddenly get a thousand new links in one day.

      Set up an excel worksheet with the titles of your articles, where you submitted them and the date.

      • [1] reply
  • I really like this tip because it is very true. There is work and effort involved which you NEED to do. There is no quick fix to anything and the above is the perfect example.

    Put effort in, be persistent, have a strategy and you will reap the rewards.

    Great honest and genuine post. Well done.
  • Thank you so much Dee. Another helpful tips that I have found in this forum. Every time I come in here, I'm learning more and more each day.

    Oh and by the way, how do you pick up hot niche? Is there a tool for that?
  • Stop worrying about the first page of google. Go back and Read Dee's OP. Follow those methods for a month. Stick to that plan, and get over google - At least for now. You might also want to check out her sig. It will give you everything you need
  • There's always a few naysayers on this type of post. I think it must be jealousy.
    • [2] replies
    • If you are referring to Ryan, I dont see him as a naysayer. I see him as some one who if given a chance (if he would give himself a chance ) would do well in affiliate marketing. He voiced some legitimate concerns that he needed addressed.

      He will be fine.
    • Lame. Is that the best you can do? At least I have tried to explain my reasons why I think this is a difficult thing to achieve.
  • I have not tried out article marketing as yet, but most of these sites are U.S based and i'm from the UK. Just curious, have you had any look with free classified sites?
  • Flesh that post out, add some true-life examples and some graphics, and you've got yourself an ebook, little lady.
  • Wow. Very useful information. I've been waiting for someone to cough up a strategy that works. I will be applying this right away. Thanks a lot for the tips!!
  • Terrific post, Dee. Far more useful than most of the $27.95 ebooks you get. Its great to have it condensed down into a step by step formula without all the fluff.
  • Useful info, thanks Chris.
  • Great share Dee... wish you success and more prosperous journey ahead..!
  • Hi,

    Thanks for the info, I'll make sure I study them delignetly
  • excellent. It all requires some work, no doubt. But done right and with consistency..this is the way to go! You should rank easily if you pick the right KWs like that.
  • Banned
  • Hey you can always just go on GOogle Adwords and see what keywords have outrageous bids like:

    "home based business"
    "make money online"
    "start a business"
    "get out of debt"


    Find extremely high priced keywords...write a lot of blogs with those keywords and let the content network fill right on in...

    That's the trigger...

    Get the $3+ clicks ... that's how the game is played...

    But I'm still leary -- then again, I hate GOogle, so don't me!
    • [1] reply
    • Here's a tip on selecting keywords

      while get out of debt may pay well for AdSense it has huge competition so use:

      get out of debt fast|quickly|now

      get out of debt: 3 tips|ways|methods to get out of debt

      how can I get out of debt

      how can I get out of debt legally

      I've had luck with using the high competition word as the lead and then adding on the subtopic such as:

      Make Money Online: Develop Your Own Product

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Wow Dee!

    This is a Real, Working, Doable business plan..

    I'm currently on my campaign and doing some of the techniques that you mentioned. I will twist my process and incorporate some of your advice..

    For all the confused IMers here who don't know where to start DO this..

    It won't make you an instant millionaire but in a month or two this method will start working it's magic..

    Do this..don't worry that you won't get an overnight result..The "REAL" things in life takes sometime to ripen..

    I just want to add something here..

    If you apply this method you might not see hundreds, tens or even a dollar on your advertisement account overnight. Don't worry and don't lose hope..

    One of my sites which I started last May was only earning a few cents about every other two days in it's first month..but now after two months I'm seeing a 3 dollar click..It's still not everyday.. but now it's starting to make real money..And I did not even bookmarked each article nor submit articles to Eza or hubpages..Imagine what results you'll get if you do this.

    So do the above method and have's a sure winner!


  • Great words of wisdom from Dee in this thread! Excellent job Dee! Keep it up!

    For those of you who doubt these methods/strategies, your doubts/fears of failure are normal. It's getting past those doubts/fears and Taking Action (Like Dee Said) which will lead to your success.

    Thanks for sharing this excellent information Dee. It's very useful and very much appreciated.

  • Really, really interesting technique. Thanks for sharing Dee. I've just started submitting articles daily to EZA... I'll let you know if it pays off! Fingers crossed!
  • I want to say that Dee's OP is an EXTREMELY well designed business model for those that have some writing ability and endurance.

    For those that don't I want to encourage you to take her advice but apply a small twist. Rather than writing content around the keywords, simply use reprint rights articles that match them, or find PLR and re-write it to include the keywords.

    You won't do as well on a per-article basis as someone who creates unique content, but you can make up for it by building MUCH more rapidly.

    Also, when it comes to posting and promotion, you CAN automate nearly every aspect of it. This is actually aided by the fact that your role is that of an editor/publisher, so you can select all your content well ahead of release.

    Anyway, I don't want to derail the thread, but I wanted to add that this formula is workable even if you're not a great writer as long as you can read, copy, and paste. Plus, for writers and non-writers alike, be ever-vigilant for ways to automate all of the tedious tasks involved in this process.

    Then one day, you too can thrive in slack, much like myself. For example, it's Tuesday afternoon, and I'm writing you this from my porch, sipping a beer. Because I'm done with work for today.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • Keith, this is a big pain i have cause i use this method (with some twists) but i simply cannot automate the circle.

      Any tips for automating the process with Blogger, Wordpress and Wetpaint?

      • [1] reply
  • I love threads like these.

    No nonsense. No BS. Just straight up to the point kick arse information.

    Dee, I know this strategy works because Im actively doing it!

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    • This is my opinion I haven't done any testing. I prefer websites to blogs. I have more experience with sites than blogs. I only have 2 wordpress blogs on my own server.

      However if you have little experience with html that I would think a blog would be fine. Wordpress blogs don't allow Adsense or any other advertising if the blog is hosted with them. If it's hosted on your own server (host) with your own domain, Adsense is fine. is free and easy to work with. It allows AdSense, affiliate links, and advertising. Just remember it doesn't belong to you. You can spend hours promoting it and blogger can change their rules, just like squidoo did, and all that work is lost.

      Some say that blogs are indexed and spidered more quickly than websites.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • great post. I always like to read about how to make an extra $100 a day. Every time I come back to the forum I see one of these posts with some great ideas.


  • Awesome post...its pretty much basic link building. People forget that you DO have to do SOME work if you want to make a full time comfortable income from affiliate/internet marketing. Kudos for putting it it one post.
  • It does belong to you when you move to a fresh domain. Doesn't cost much as well, I picked up two (.info's) on GoDaddy today for a dollar each.
    • [1] reply
  • dee power...can you use this strategy in a blog?
    i think using a wordpress blog will speed up this instead of creating a static you agree?

    would like to know if you can apply this strategy using a wordpress blog...

  • Hey Dee,

    Thanks for your post. I just want to say I KNOW THIS STRATEGY WORKS because I did it and more . . . and I was a total newbie at the time!

    The key to my success was that I did the work and I solved a need for people! They needed information and I provided it by writing two eBooks that I sold for less than $10 each! When I did my blog I was so poor that I had to use WordPress's free service. But it all worked and I made more than $12K in just five weeks. That was about 18 months ago. I added another eBook to my catalog and last January I made more than $25K in just one month.

    Now one of the biggest publishers in the U.S. is publishing my book and it will be out in January 2010.

    I also know from experience that many people will read this and not believe my success. But that doesn't bother me, since I know what's in my bank account and how my sales work! I get the same sense from your responses. You know this works if people are willing to focus their attention and do what needs to be done to get the sites up!

    Thanks for sharing your strategy. I've copied it and will start putting together a couple sites tomorrow using your plan.

    Be blessed, dear Warrior!
    • [ 3 ] Thanks
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    • For all of you I will answer questions in the morning. My daughter, she is a grown up, just had the second surgery on her broken ankle. Surgery went well, but I would appreciate good thoughts, prayers, and wishes.

      I'm just too worn out tonight. See you in the morning.

      • [1] reply
    • Now THAT is a success story.

      How did you get away selling a book on a blog? I thought they frowned upon people using thier service to make money.
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    • It's more believable when you create a product yourself. If it's good then affiliates will make the sales for you.

      I do have a lack of trust on Warrior due to the number of WSO's that are getting pushed. I know there are some smart people around, but everyone has the right to challenge someone on their claims. That's what makes healthy debate, after all.
  • Charles,

    I don't think WP objects to people making money, but at this point they don't allow ecommerce from their hosted blogs. I had to turn buyers over to another service with a link. When I made enough money, I built a site that I linked them to for the purchase process.

    At this point I firmly am #1 on Google for this niche and I have been advised by seasoned Warriors to not upset things, so I have the blog and another site that interact with each other via links. Not the best way to go, but it's working for me!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • This is a classic blueprint that WILL work. If there are any misguided newbs out there...this is the plan to put into action.

    One tip: get SENuke and ArticleMarketingAutomation to make your life easier.
  • Dee,

    Great post. Thanks very much for taking the time and energy to create it.

    I hope your daughter's ankle heals quickly and she's on her feet in no time.

    Best wishes!
  • Dee, you didn't have to make this post... I hope you are apreciated and that some of the readers use the info to get started and or continue to move forward.
  • I need traffic and signups for my website. What do I do?
  • I recently decided to try my hand at article marketing for 2 areas that I had alot of knowledge about. Found an affiliate that paid lifetime commissions for their products and went to work. I did almost exactly what you outlined above and got a little lazy with my article submissions, but I have some $60 days just have to get my earnings more consistent. Thanks for your post Dee, because if I apply just a few of the things that I haven't been doing it could really add up and make my income much more consistent than it already is.

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    Most of you know me as a writer and published author what you may not know is that I've been able to use my writing skills to earn a nice living on the Internet. Here's how you can do it too.