Teespring money tree?

by Sosu
19 replies
How are ya'll making money off Teespring? I have an awesome idea for a tshirt. I thought about making on my own, and selling them through a website. But if this Teespring is better, I'll do that.

P.S. Its not that I'm too lazy to use "search", its that I would like the latest ideas. Not ideas from a year ago, that I found by using "search". Thanks
#money #teespring #tree
  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    Teespring is more about the marketing than the t-shirts from what I see.

    There are many places that make better shirts for cheaper than Teespring.

    But Teespring builds in a sales page and limited time marketing campaign.

    The most successful Teespring marketers maximize the return on the limited time the campaign runs. You need to sell a lot of shirts in a hurry because they don't get delivered and you don't get paid unless you meet the sales target within the campaign timeframe.

    If you are making your own shirts and selling them through a website like a t-shirt store then there may be better solutions for you than Teespring:

    - You don't have to worry that your customers won't get the shirts they ordered because the campaign is not fulfilled.

    - You don't have to keep renewing campaigns that end in order to keep the t-shirts on sale

    - You don't have to set a "minimum order"
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  • Profile picture of the author Sosu

    I read that post from last year. It didn't seem like everyone was excited.
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  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    Lots of folks do well in Teespring, but you have learn how to maximize your benefits. ie, how will you get your Teeshirt in front of potential buyers?

    Generally, that's done with FB or other advertising.

    Here's some good resources with more explanation:

    Case Study - How I Made $400 With Facebook Ads In One Week

    How To Set Up A Winning Teespring Campaign | Travis Petelle

    Teespring campaigns - How to make money with Teespring shirts - Teespring Expert

    Hope that helps!!
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  • Profile picture of the author moarmoney
    I've been using teechip.com. There's no minimum order and the payouts are better which is what attracted me to it. Still learning how to get conversions on it, but it seems like a promising platform. You might want to check it out.
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    • Profile picture of the author dsovan
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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        The key with Teespring is to learn how to Market on FB using Audience Insights and Demographics to find clearly defined Markets.

        The more Campaigns you run the more likely you will hit that homerun.

        You just need to quickly cut your losses when a Campaign fails to Pull

        - Robert Andrew
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        • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
          The key To Teespring..

          Be unique!

          Research & know your market (how do they talk to each other what are terms that they use that others don't etc)

          Use a designer!!! spending $50 on a design is worth it.. look at the shirts that have sold over 20,000 shirts they all have great simple designs.

          Spend money on advertising, retargeting and scale if you hit a winner and cut your losses early if you don't

          If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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  • Profile picture of the author Sosu
    Looks like SunFrog is good as well
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  • Profile picture of the author bebetsizo
    Use facebook traffic (ads ) to get the customer base.
    Moderator's Note: Affiliate links not allowed. Please edit.
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  • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
    Teespring can be a great way to make money. The only downside to a Teespring newbie is their inability to market it to the right people and really knowing how to get a possibly good design.

    Design is important, but it isn't the one thing that truly defines your success with that shirt. Getting it in front of the right eyes is even more important.

    Promoting it is tough, and with Facebook ads being one of the main ways to get traffic, it gets expensive for a lot of newbies.

    Facebook fan pages, forums, and anything related to that can be a good place to sell your shirts.
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  • Profile picture of the author littletoot
    Wow this is the first time i see about TeeSpring im absolutely gonna try this!
    im an very talented artist, and lately i wanted to try to sell t-shirt designs online.

    Private massage me if you wanna to collaborate with me on this one!
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Sosu View Post

    How are ya'll making money off Teespring? I have an awesome idea for a tshirt. I thought about making on my own, and selling them through a website. But if this Teespring is better, I'll do that.

    P.S. Its not that I'm too lazy to use "search", its that I would like the latest ideas. Not ideas from a year ago, that I found by using "search". Thanks
    The big thing is designing shirts in teespring and tons of people are using Facebook pages, groups and ads to promote them
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  • Profile picture of the author Rhiannon Beckham
    Skip sunfrog - it's tempting with the thought of evergreen sales but the returns are nothing compared to what you can rake in on a Teespring campaign.
    There are lots of similar platforms now, like Teechip, Fabrily, My Tee Store, Booster etc.
    They're all relatively the same, some pay a little more, some pay a little faster.

    Teespring is good to use because it's the most popular one and people are familiar with it, plus they've got good reviews/ratings around the web which many of the newer startups lack.

    There is really good money to be made Tshirt marketing, regardless of which route you take. As long as you know HOW to do the marketing bit.

    Facebook ads are the way to go if you've got a few hundred to put in to practice until you get the hang of it.. Be expected to lose $500 and you'll be fine.
    Practice makes perfect, right?

    If you don't have money to spend advertising then it's going to take you longer but it's still doable as long as you're good with choosing passionate niches and have good designs.

    Good luck!

    **I don't always make it back to check on threads, so if you'd like me to elaborate feel free to PM me, I try to make sure to check my inbox regularly and am happy to help..

    I wouldn't have pulled a $9k week w/Teespring etc without the help of others, so it's time to pay it forward.
    I can make a little room in my life for that. ;)

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    • Profile picture of the author Denise Hall
      Originally Posted by Rhiannon Beckham View Post

      Skip sunfrog - it's tempting with the thought of evergreen sales but the returns are nothing compared to what you can rake in on a Teespring campaign.

      I have to disagree. There are lots of people making boatloads of money with SunFrog.
      Generating Bigger Better Tee Profits Is Easy!

      Pinter Power - Discover How To Drive Hordes Of Traffic To Your Websites!

      10 Tips To Pinterest Success - FREE Report
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      • Profile picture of the author Rhiannon Beckham
        Originally Posted by Denise Hall View Post

        I have to disagree. There are lots of people making boatloads of money with SunFrog.
        Be that as it may, but Sunfrog doesn't give as good of returns as the other platforms do is what I'm trying to say.

        **I don't always make it back to check on threads, so if you'd like me to elaborate feel free to PM me, I try to make sure to check my inbox regularly and am happy to help..

        I wouldn't have pulled a $9k week w/Teespring etc without the help of others, so it's time to pay it forward.
        I can make a little room in my life for that. ;)

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  • Profile picture of the author copywriterco
    It wouldn't hurt if you'll try SunFrog. At the end of the day, you'll know which one's works best for you!

    Get Your Free Copywriting Guide at Copy-Writer.co

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  • Profile picture of the author slammer81
    You can't help but look at teespring and want to give it a crack. Which means many people will.

    I followed up how many of them performed.

    If you follow a few of the comments at the links that Internet Trillionaire posted, you'll see people dumping links to their tees.

    I followed these dozen or so links and 90% of them had sold 0 tees. I think 1 had sold 3 tees.

    On the upside, I suggest to you that a great many of these designs were ordinary, and lacked a marketers eye.

    Stardard marketing nous applies - don't forget that. Tee shirts sales are no different.

    Facebook feeds (mine anyway) has been pretty crowded with clothing offers lately. Just something to consider.

    Either way, still cheap to test and nil start up costs makes it a cool as idea. Just put the effort in.
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