Best Shopping Cart for Internet Marketers?

8 replies
I was hoping I could get some recommendations from you guys for a shopping cart with the following features:

Buy now buttons
Free trial, then bill
Recurring billing
Multiple Upsell/downsell

Thanks very much!

#cart #internet #marketers #shopping
  • Profile picture of the author Rachel Rofe
    Synergyx, hands down.

    I've blown through about 10 shopping cart systems in my IM experience... this is the first one I can say I absolutely love.

    Plus, the owner is AMAZING and does customizations for what you specifically need.

    Synergyx - Complete E-Commerce Software for Digital Products
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    • Profile picture of the author athibaul
      X-Cart is a good shopping cart. We have already installed it for a client and he gave us good comments about it. In fact, we even installed it twice for this client, on two different Web sites.

      They also provide good client support.

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  • Profile picture of the author SergeantJoe
    1ShoppingCart seems to be the favorite around these parts. From my
    experience, I'd have to agree. The price is very reasonable for the
    services offered and the user interface is incredibly easy to navigate.

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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    You can look at - I don't use it myself
    because I have a system which runs on my hosting - but I've
    been doing research on the issue of carts for my book and
    Marketer's cart has some interesting features.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marian Berghes
    ultracart, 1shopping cart and theres also infusionsoft and nanacast witch are more of an all around marketing solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrenOHara
    You could try the free trial with 1Shoppingcart and see what you think. I have an account with them and I like the ease of use.

    Infusionsoft I heard was amazing, but a hefty setup fee, and a hefty monthly fee, I guess that depends on your budget.

    I can also throw in JVM1 which you can pickup from a reseller, operated our business for years now and still does.
    Signature - Since 2006. Updated daily. Exclusive members only PLR. Check out our Private Label Rights catalog for our listings.
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  • Profile picture of the author Russ Reynolds
    The problem with 1shoppingcart is that it does not support recurring billing in paypal or 2CO.

    I am kind of partial to Velocity Cart (obviously) which is powered by Delavo and I have a $1 trial going on right now.

    If you have any questions, let me know.


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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Turner
    Well , this may not be for you - but I found this one interesting - an open source s/c for wordpress
    WordPress e-Commerce Plugin a WordPress Shopping Cart Plugin by Instinct | Instinct Entertainment
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