You listed your eBook on ClickBank - what then?

by BobanV
2 replies
I was working for one client in recruiting affiliates for Jvzoo eBook with very little success.
Also, as I am working as a freelancer, I am seeing jobs about finding affiliates for ClickBank eBook that is already listed.

Is there any proven channel of recruiting affiliates or how you would get this job done?

Thanks for help,

#clickbank #ebook #listed
  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I STRONGLY recommend selling any eBook through Amazon Kindle. Kindle makes it super easy to expose your eBook to a monstrously large audience, helping you lay the framework for a super prospering sales campaign. The thing is, you have to upload the eBook to Kindle, exclusively, but when you see the range of audience and the volume of viewers/readers you can attract, it's a no brainer. This opinion spoken from personal experience.

    Kindle offers all type of promos to help you get the word out, from 1 or 2 or 5 day free giveaways to the Matchbook Program to Kindle Select. Amazon does take a decent bite out of your commissions but this is the price you pay to get in front of a monster, global audience, and of course, if you're thinking abundantly, you'll realize the more folks you reach, the more sales you generate, the greater your income and the more you expand into new, prospering markets.

    Again, spoken by a dude who struggled like hell selling books on other networks, and who has really loved his experience on Kindle so far.

    You can also sell paperbacks, 1-2-3, on Amazon, through Create Space. Simply uploading a Word Doc (save as html) helps you to open a new income stream and adds to your library.

    I have 22 books over all in my Amazon library. I add 1 per week. When I get back home, after my Bali trip, I'll have proof copies of like 20 of my eBooks - or at the time, probably 35 LOL! - sent to my home, then I can double my Amazon library overnight, with both Kindle and paperback editions of every book in my library.

    Hope this helps!

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    Couple of options we have used in the past:

    1. JV Brokers - you can find them here in Warrior Forum or search Facebook Groups as there are many JV Broker groups operating on FB. You want to find someone that specializes in brokering relationships within your target market of course

    2. Seek out and approach them offering 1-paragraph description of your product & launch plans - an offer for free review copy of the product and depending on how bad you want them - promise of a higher commission, more personalized tools or even to bring them some traffic/business based on your contacts or effort

    Truth is that less than 10% of anyone's affiliate produce 90% or more of the affiliate driven sales - casting a wide net is not as important as finding the really solid affiliates and forming relationship with them.

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