Camtasia Experts - what settings?

Profile picture of XFactor
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
3 replies
I am making simple little videos and have had problems in the past
with choosing the right setting.

I have a member's area using XsitePro where I will be posting
videos. I'd like the actual video box to display so that they can just
watch the video without leaving the member's page area.

Can anyone help me choosing the right setting and publishing
the correct format so that the video box is displayed?

Your time would be greatly appreciated!

(And yes I have gone through the help videos but still having trouble)

- John
#camtasia #experts #setting #settings
  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    Rus Sells
    Profile picture of Rus Sells
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I am no expert but I found that choosing a format for youtube when producing your video makes it very easy.

    Just create a youtube account for your site. Once you have your videos produced log into youtube and upload them. Get the code and place it onto your page.

    Thats it!
    Hope this helps.
  • Profile picture of the author MeCanX
    Profile picture of MeCanX
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I always just make it 640 x 480 even though my screen is bigger and make sure to check the "Keep Aspect Ratio" box...and then output it as a .mov file... .mov files keep the quaility...

    Here is the info on what I have setup for the Custom Quick Time Video...

    QuickTime (MOV) movie file:

    Video Codec: H.264
    Colors: True Color (24-bit)
    Frame Rate: Automatic
    Size: 640x480
    Audio Codec: MPEG-4 Audio
    Audio Format: 44100 Hz, 16 Bit, Mono
    Watermark: Enabled
    HTML: Enabled
    Table of Contents: Disabled
    SCORM: Disabled

    This setting works for me every time...and provides good quality.

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