What Happened When you started Blogging ?

62 replies
Blogging is a challenging profession, First time of our blogging career we made some mistakes, then we learn from these.

Guy's What Happened When you started Blogging ?
#blogging #happened #started
  • Profile picture of the author batoulemohd
    Originally Posted by mrhmamun View Post

    Blogging is a challenging profession, but in first time it can't be understood. First time we made some mistakes, then we learn from these.
    Guy's What Happened When you started Blogging ?
    Thanks a lot. Firstly when I stated blogging, I had a little knowledge. After making some articles, I was trying to earn. I was making so hurry up. then I found the Google Adsense refuse me due to have not enough content. There was a message something like this " There is no enough content" then I tried again. Finally I touch my will.
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    • Profile picture of the author mrhmamun
      Originally Posted by batoulemohd View Post

      Thanks a lot. Firstly when I stated blogging, I had a little knowledge. After making some articles, I was trying to earn. I was making so hurry up. then I found the Google Adsense refuse me due to have not enough content. There was a message something like this " There is no enough content" then I tried again. Finally I touch my will.
      Quit impressive story, thanks for share.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Tandan
    When I started blogging, I discovered how much fun it can be to share no strings content with an engaged audience. And that's led to motivation for product ideas and other revenue streams. But I still enjoy sharing free content as much as possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author icoachu
    When I blog, I take my brand to the next level.

    Pro tip: Don't just post content. PROMOTE IT as well!

    What does promote mean?

    Reach out to fellow niche bloggers.

    Get busy engaging other niche bloggers on social media.
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    • Profile picture of the author Marked09
      Originally Posted by icoachu View Post

      When I blog, I take my brand to the next level.

      Pro tip: Don't just post content. PROMOTE IT as well!

      What does promote mean?

      Reach out to fellow niche bloggers.

      Get busy engaging other niche bloggers on social media.
      Good Tip! Just to add on this one.

      1.) Don't forget to add an optin form to your blog! Majority of the people who visits your site will not come back again. If you capture their emails you have a way to contact them again and inform them that you have a new offer or article.

      2.) Create a High Quality engaging contents - this will get your readers more engaged and will be happy to check back so they can see if there are new articles or not.

      Here's why:
      95% of the big blog/website traffic came from "Direct" traffic. You can check out big blogs/website by using tools such as follow.net to verify what I mean.

      1.) These are traffic coming from Applications such as Outlook Phone etc who clicks on a link
      2.) These are people who typed on their browser your website url.
      3.) People who bookmarked your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    I had a couple small blogs that I didn't really stick with the 1st time I tried blogging but I was able to make a little money from adsense after I had them for about 6 months. That was when I decided to do it right this time and get a website designer for the main theme. After that I was sure to keep posting at least once a week and have put a lot more work into making this successful. I have also had this site for about 6 months and I'm starting to see some results from using adsense again. It is really just a matter of being dedicated and eventually you will get some traffic


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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by mrhmamun View Post

    Blogging is a challenging profession, but in first time it can't be understood. First time we made some mistakes, then we learn from these.

    Guy's What Happened When you started Blogging ?
    This is an interesting question. Although I've always considered myself a good writer (and have been told so by multiple people on various occassions), I didn't noticed how much my skills had improved until I had to go back and update some stuff on some of my blogs. It was an interesting experience.

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    When i launched my blog, i started getting more sales. I post about 6-7 times a week to my blog. Sales weren't HUGE like "4505%" response rate increase. I mean more of a 30% increase in sales. I think it's a great platform to express your personality and give your readers a better idea of what your personality is like. The more they like you, the higher the chances they will trust you, and then eventually buy from you.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Blogging gives you the chance to get more free and very targeted traffic from Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

    Paid traffic is totally recommended to someone who is new and wants to get the ball rolling but blogging should be a part of your daily routine too.

    1 new blog post every day should be a good goal.
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  • I started off spending a lot of time, and getting little-to-no results.

    However, I'm grateful for the experience because it lead me to Internet Marketing & Affiliate Marketing!

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  • Profile picture of the author BungeeBones
    I realized it was a shame that my Adsense clicks could turn into million dollar Google customers and all I got was a quarter. :-(

    Like Mining Bitcoin With Webtraffic! Bitcoin is money! Time is money! Web traffic is money! Earn long term returns on your web traffic investments.
    Blog4Bitcoin.club - BungeeBones.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    What Happened When you started Blogging ?
    I very quickly stopped...It's not for everyone.

    I like building static sites that don't require constant attention.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author kk075
    I shared part of my story before, but since the OP is looking for lessons, I'll elaborate a little bit.

    I started blogging on the Yahoo Contributor Network around 2002-2003 as a hobby, but it was also cool to earn an extra $50-100 a week just for writing. Before long though, my blogs became popular and others approached me to write guest posts about their businesses for a lot more money...sometimes $150 or more for a 500 word article. And I jumped at the chance.

    About a year later though, my account had around 350 pages, 10+ millions of views and I had a good amount of clients from the link-juice of writing for a PR10 site. And as a newbie, I thought I was invincible...until Yahoo happened to see my columns on playing poker online. They said I was promoting gambling in about 15 articles and that was against the rules, and I tried to appeal by saying that poker had become a sport with a large following. I was linking to a poker tutorial site, not actually a place to gamble...so I figured that I would be okay. Yahoo ultimately deleted my entire account though for violating the rules.

    Now, by the time this happened I was already writing direct for dozens of clients...so this wasn't a huge blow financially. But at the same time, many of those original Yahoo bloggers now have their own columns that reach hundreds of millions of people per day. Others are writing for Inc, the New York Times and many of the biggest publications in the world...so i really messed up big-time. And if I had bothered to double-check the rules, I likely would have gained that same exposure type since my writing did really well there.

    So my advice to new bloggers is two-fold. Number one, always write for your audience about things that will become instantly popular. The more people will share it, the better....and the sheer traffic will far outweigh you over-promoting in your articles for short-term gain. So if you want to be a blogger, focus on long-term potential by writing stuff that people will genuinely enjoy and share.

    Number two, never relax your standards when presented with easy money...and writers are always offered easy money to bend the rules a little bit. Just set an initial goal and stay the course to make that happen, and only promote things that are already loved by people within your channels. That's because you never know who will stop following you because you take on something new...and it's simply not worth losing your core readers to take dumb chances.

    I hope that helps.

    Learn to sell like a pro through Web Synergy's marketing blog.

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  • Profile picture of the author GelidMind
    I started blogging back in 2006, but didn't stay consistent. Fast forward now I started a new blog a few months back and have been rolling since. I pretty much do a post daily and actually enjoy it now.

    My background is in email marketing, but I realized that having a blog is also great to build credibility. I'm slowing learning how to make my blog better, but using it for a place to write mostly.

    We all make mistakes. Especially online, but it's about constantly learning and adjusting until you get it right.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alok Kumar Bharti
    When I started Blogging, I did not had Idea to promote the content.
    After few weeks i realize that having good Content is not enough, It is mandatory to Market your content as well.
    Include info graphics if possible.
    Content should be unique and useful for your readers.
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  • Profile picture of the author aprilaraceli
    Originally Posted by mrhmamun View Post

    Blogging is a challenging profession, but in first time it can't be understood. First time we made some mistakes, then we learn from these.
    Guy's What Happened When you started Blogging ?
    Well, Of course it is an interesting profession. It is really curies to everyone while one start the blogging. I was so much curies to the time, when I will get paid from this section. So I was too hurry up. Firstly I tried to add to the google Adsense after writing some article. Unfortunately the authority of the google told me. Due to insufficient content, the application has been rejected. That mean there was no enough content. They encourage me to write more & more content. Then really I wrote more & more content. Finally I succeed. Really interesting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert999
    Originally Posted by mrhmamun View Post

    Blogging is a challenging profession, but in first time it can't be understood. First time we made some mistakes, then we learn from these.

    Guy's What Happened When you started Blogging ?
    The very first challenge was how to attract traffic to my blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author maxweb
    I started giving many free valuable content to my articles, money is a consequence.

    Find out how to earn money online !!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dangius
    Dear mrhmamun,

    Thanks for your question. The mistakes I have made when started blogging:
    - chose the poor blogging platform which is blogger.com. Very limited choice of themes, no pluggins;
    - totally ignored SEO and Google ranking;
    - did not understand the value of mailings list.

    I hope it helps.
    Cheers and have a good one!

    Dan K.

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael S M
    The first blog I started was all typical newbie mistakes rolled into one.

    I created content where my focus was to earn money - not help people. After adding 10ish posts, I expected the traffic to come flowing (simply because the WSO I'd bought said so.

    The website had no opt-in forms, the content was badly spun and traffic was 0.

    All in all, my first blog was a complete disaster
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  • Hey mrhmamun,

    thanks for your question, you made me go back in time !!!

    Practically spent my days writing, write, write, not I produced content but Google Ads I refused everything !!!!

    Moderators Note: Affiliate links are not allowed as signatures.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ewan Norman
    I started in 2011 but gave up early. after about 3 months.
    Now I try to stay motivated.
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  • Profile picture of the author Decentfriend
    In my early days of Blogging, I was writing without any good knowledge of Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, On Page & Off Page SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author ThatOneGuy
    Blogging changed everything for me since I didn't have the kind of money to do advertising or anything major. What I discovered was that you really don't need money to make money, and now I'm trying to replicate the success I had in a way to show people, not just tell them, how it's possible with my new site, ThatOneGuy.

    Here's what happened when I first started blogging:
    1. I discovered just how passionate I was about my niche. My first niche was in learning Japanese. I love learning languages, and since I was going for a micro niche, I narrowed it down from learning languages to just learning Japanese, and even though I love the language, I discovered from blogging about it just how passionate I could get!

    2. Moreover, I discovered that my passion could be contagious. My blog (which was about learning Japanese back then) was attracting tons of visitors and people were actually e-mailing me with questions, wanting to know how to overcome plateaus and such. I didn't have much action in the comments section yet (I lacked a call to action, and the spam was horrendous on that site), but people were clicking my links, and generating money.

    3. I realized that it's not about the money, and trying to make your blog about the money will ultimately backfire. Blogging is about solving problems, celebrating a shared hobby or interest, etc. It is not about pushing products every other post and e-mail blast in hopes that people will click your link and buy. That stuff will come naturally and, depending on your niche and products, can be extremely lucrative. It's a business, after all, but who says that you have to make your business sound like a sleazy salesman? Just be passionate, be excited, and be a member of that niche's community.

    4. Blogging is the best option for long-term profits because it garners you respect and forges relationships with the people who are buying from you. A lot of people will browse your site, leave, and then never come back. That's just a fact of life. You can try and capture their e-mail, but how long will they stay on your list?

    A good blog will create a fan-base, and those people will become frequent commenters, subscribers, etc. Those will be the people who want what you've achieved, who are just as passionate about something as you are, and who will ultimately be clicking your links or ads.

    Now I'm working on adding vlogging to my new site. I've shot a couple videos that I'm extremely unhappy with. Talking into a camera or webcam and trying to make the videos as dynamic and engaging as possible is a lot harder in practice than in theory. In theory, I know how it works. In practice, however, I just feel silly and trip over my words too much. I'll get there, though!

    I Haz Website! ThatOneGuy is now up, running, and ready to dispense advice and log its journey to Internet success.

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    • Profile picture of the author mrhmamun
      Originally Posted by ThatOneGuy View Post

      Blogging changed everything for me since I didn't have the kind of money to do advertising or anything major. What I discovered was that you really don't need money to make money, and now I'm trying to replicate the success I had in a way to show people, not just tell them, how it's possible with my new site, ThatOneGuy.

      Here's what happened when I first started blogging:
      1. I discovered just how passionate I was about my niche. My first niche was in learning Japanese. I love learning languages, and since I was going for a micro niche, I narrowed it down from learning languages to just learning Japanese, and even though I love the language, I discovered from blogging about it just how passionate I could get!

      2. Moreover, I discovered that my passion could be contagious. My blog (which was about learning Japanese back then) was attracting tons of visitors and people were actually e-mailing me with questions, wanting to know how to overcome plateaus and such. I didn't have much action in the comments section yet (I lacked a call to action, and the spam was horrendous on that site), but people were clicking my links, and generating money.

      3. I realized that it's not about the money, and trying to make your blog about the money will ultimately backfire. Blogging is about solving problems, celebrating a shared hobby or interest, etc. It is not about pushing products every other post and e-mail blast in hopes that people will click your link and buy. That stuff will come naturally and, depending on your niche and products, can be extremely lucrative. It's a business, after all, but who says that you have to make your business sound like a sleazy salesman? Just be passionate, be excited, and be a member of that niche's community.

      4. Blogging is the best option for long-term profits because it garners you respect and forges relationships with the people who are buying from you. A lot of people will browse your site, leave, and then never come back. That's just a fact of life. You can try and capture their e-mail, but how long will they stay on your list?

      A good blog will create a fan-base, and those people will become frequent commenters, subscribers, etc. Those will be the people who want what you've achieved, who are just as passionate about something as you are, and who will ultimately be clicking your links or ads.

      Now I'm working on adding vlogging to my new site. I've shot a couple videos that I'm extremely unhappy with. Talking into a camera or webcam and trying to make the videos as dynamic and engaging as possible is a lot harder in practice than in theory. In theory, I know how it works. In practice, however, I just feel silly and trip over my words too much. I'll get there, though!
      Thanks a lot for sharing with us.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by mrhmamun View Post

    Blogging is a challenging profession, but in first time it can't be understood. First time we made some mistakes, then we learn from these.

    Guy's What Happened When you started Blogging ?
    Just over 7years ago. I started to make money pretty much from the git go after one month/

    For many it takes much longer than that

    - Robert Andrew

    Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author samng
    When I first started, I was ambitious and optimistic. Then reality set in when nobody was reading my blog. Naturally that led me to learn how to drive traffic... Then the next problem came up .... how to have interesting content.

    But I am not complaining, it is a fun process although its tougher than it looks
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    • Profile picture of the author mrhmamun
      Originally Posted by samng View Post

      When I first started, I was ambitious and optimistic. Then reality set in when nobody was reading my blog. Naturally that led me to learn how to drive traffic... Then the next problem came up .... how to have interesting content.

      But I am not complaining, it is a fun process although its tougher than it looks
      Well said bro, it's true that "it's tougher than it looks".
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      • Profile picture of the author o1kimi88
        Yes it is certainly tougher than it looks
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  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    What happend?
    It dipends:

    If you start blogging for follow your passion this it will be ever a great hobby for you.

    If you have a business, have a Blog is a great Way to improve you activity!
    You have to study and write a lot and your skills will increase with your practice!

    Free Guide to Make Money Online [Now!]
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  • Profile picture of the author James McAllister
    My first blog was in way too broad a niche. I worked on this blog for a year before I realized that what I wanted to do was impossible with this blog.

    My second blog was much more refined, but still too broad. I got my first taste of success with this blog and had the opportunity to work with a lot of wonderful companies. It was at this point I truly begun to realize the potential of making money online. Unfortunately I hit a ceiling as the topic wasn't easy to monetize, so I stopped working on it.

    I worked on several other projects before settling down and building a real business rather than just a blog. The blog is a part of it for sure, but not the money maker. Realizing that was the huge difference for me.
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    • Profile picture of the author mrhmamun
      Originally Posted by James McAllister View Post

      My first blog was in way too broad a niche. I worked on this blog for a year before I realized that what I wanted to do was impossible with this blog.

      My second blog was much more refined, but still too broad. I got my first taste of success with this blog and had the opportunity to work with a lot of wonderful companies. It was at this point I truly begun to realize the potential of making money online. Unfortunately I hit a ceiling as the topic wasn't easy to monetize, so I stopped working on it.

      I worked on several other projects before settling down and building a real business rather than just a blog. The blog is a part of it for sure, but not the money maker. Realizing that was the huge difference for me.
      Great story bro. Actually quitting is not a solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author mdjewelkhan1992
    Firstly I was trying top get money & money. After writing some Articles I was trying to add to the Adsence. After trying to add there, unfortunately they refuse me. Then I wrote some more Article. Then I tried again. Finally the authority of the Adsence approved me. Then I got money. Thanks
    Expert only.
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    • Profile picture of the author mrhmamun
      Originally Posted by mdjewelkhan1992 View Post

      Firstly I was trying top get money & money. After writing some Articles I was trying to add to the Adsence. After trying to add there, unfortunately they refuse me. Then I wrote some more Article. Then I tried again. Finally the authority of the Adsence approved me. Then I got money. Thanks
      Good Story man! Move forward & best of luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author mdshahazahanbd
    Originally Posted by mrhmamun View Post

    Blogging is a challenging profession, but in first time it can't be understood. First time we made some mistakes, then we learn from these.

    Guy's What Happened When you started Blogging ?
    Exactly the blogging is a challenging profession. There are many people who make this kind of mistake. Firstly most of the people write some articles then try to earn money. They try and try. But a little learning is a dangerous think. One should be more & more patience. I failed in the blogging in the first time, then I passed in this section. Thanks a lot.
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  • Profile picture of the author jinxslave
    My first blog was on Time Management For students on blogger.com . From the first day I was getting 10-12 visits per day but I was more focused on making money online. I got rejected for adesene . Then I deleted my blog. Now I realize that readers comes first than making money online
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    I've probably created two or three dozen blogs over the years.

    They've all failed drastically.

    Only one remains.

    My last post got 30 social shares, the one before that 60ish, the one before that like 40.

    I get a ton of traffic just by people sharing my content.

    I think, really, at the end of the day, promotion is more important than anything else.

    (I remember I blogged how traffic is more important than content once, and that had a lot of people sending me hatemail).

    Seriously though? Spend 20% of your time creating content, 80% promoting it.

    My advice after blogging for years.
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  • Profile picture of the author leilani
    Thanks for all the posts on this subject of blogging. I will be doing that next as the next phase of my coaching/mentoring program.

    I must admit, I am not really fond of writing. However, it has been suggested that you either can try it yourself or hire someone to write conent for you. I believe that like everything else, there is a hard and easy/simple way to accomplish anything. A formula of sorts. Looking forward to that,

    I will keep your comments in mind as I journey through blogging.

    Thank you.

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    • Profile picture of the author uttoransen
      I guess things were pretty different when I started blogging way back in 2005. Both Internet and Technology was a rare commodity then - I used to go to internet cafes and post my blog entries from there. Blogspot, GeoCities etc. were the free hosts available at that time.

      Things rapidly changed when I discovered adsense a year later - bought web hosting and domain, started several niche blogs and took blogging as a full time job.

      Uttoran Sen,

      $1800 Yearly Budget for Daily Cash Contest on AmplifyBlog - Participate Now!

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  • Profile picture of the author Manish Sapkota
    First of all, I started blogging as my hobby in blogspot. Then I realized I need traffic so I learned some seo stuffs. Meanwhile I found jhonchow ebook on making $40000 per month by blogging. Then I started to surf abiut making money online. I pasted some cpa links in my blog. I earned $20 per month. Then I came across affiliate marekting. Now I monetize my sites by affiliate products.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    When I first start blogging, promotion is my main problem. But Now I overcome this situation and my blog grows constantly.
    Techbizmasters.com- Blogging, Technology, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    I continue to start blogging.

    Then after a year I get bored and I sell the site. I've made thousands from selling high quality sites over the years, totally without intending to do so.

    Generally, the problem I see is people think they can write, when they can't.

    They won't invest in content writers, so their blog fills up with trash that people don't want to come back to or share.

    Then they try hard to promote that trash.

    As far as blogging goes, unless you are 100% sure your content is TOP NOTCH then you should not even think about starting to promote it.
    CONTENT WRITER. Reliable, UK-Based, 6 Years Experience - ANY NICHE
    Click Here For Writing Samples & Online Ordering
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    • Profile picture of the author mrhmamun
      Originally Posted by jazbo View Post

      I continue to start blogging.

      Then after a year I get bored and I sell the site. I've made thousands from selling high quality sites over the years, totally without intending to do so.

      Generally, the problem I see is people think they can write, when they can't.

      They won't invest in content writers, so their blog fills up with trash that people don't want to come back to or share.

      Then they try hard to promote that trash.

      As far as blogging goes, unless you are 100% sure your content is TOP NOTCH then you should not even think about starting to promote it.

      Exactly, Your're right. Agree with you.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    A number of years ago when I was really into SEO I created a blog around a clickbank product for winning the lottery and one day I woke up and was ranked in one of the top 3 positions for multiple high traffic keywords and my analytics went through the roof.

    I jumped over to clickbank and saw a couple of sales and it just continued for a while. I don't remember but I was making around a 40 to 60 dollar commission per sale.

    A lot of fun
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author davidfern76
    Always think about value,value and value. SEO is getting harder now.
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  • Profile picture of the author hardwarker
    Firstly I was so curious to earn money by blogging. So I tried to approved by the Adsense Authority. Unfortunately the Adsense authority had rejected me. The gave me a message also. Reason was Due to insufficient Content. Then I start to write article more & more. Finally I got approval from the Adsense. Now I am earning a good amount of money. Thanks for your advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anne13
    I started by writing articles for article directories which I have been doing for a couple of years, besides my website. My recent best month for followers was over 1000 some clicked through to my affiliate link. I happen to like writing, so for me it is enjoyable. My articles improved over time I am now a platinum writer on Ezine Articles,and post in other directories too.
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  • Profile picture of the author feliblairyap
    If started blogging 2 years ago. It wasn't that easy to get more traffics. I almost give up. I'm writing about my travels. I visit different countries and I share it through my blogs. Eventually, I earned money from it. Now I am earning more than what I expected from the start.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
    I became a better writer. It is kind of like shooting free throws or putting. Writing is a skill you can get better at if you do it more often.
    Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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  • Profile picture of the author KevinJohnson1
    When first time i started my blog. The biggest mistake i made is seo. I didn't do any seo activity or any social media marketing. After starting seo marketing i got good result from my blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author joan2014
    When I started blogging about a certain niche, that's when I started making money online. I don't like to promote get rich quick scheme products because my conscience won't let me. If you want to make money blogging, then get to work. Learn how to build a site, seo and keyword research. Don't hype and promote low quality products.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    When I started blogging 8 years ago I fell flat on my face.

    For like, years.

    Then I saw some success.

    Then I fell flat on my face again.

    I built a list of around 2,000 folks over my first 5 years online but for a networking marketing type gig. Not for my blog. When I tried to take people over to my blog list few migrated. Totally different niches.

    My bigger mistakes include:

    * blogging primarily for money
    * not growing an email list
    * not guest post consistently
    * not writing long form, thorough, SEO-optimized posts

    I eventually predominantly blogged to have fun, to free me and to address the pain points of my audience but that took years for me to face.

    Had to embrace some deep, dark energies - namely, being terrified of failing and losing everything - before I moved into a space where I created thorough, targeted content, built bonds with blogging leaders through blog commenting and guest posting, and before I really took things up 45 notches with my blog and online income streams.

    Follow your fun. Pinpoint what your readers want, or, what they're most suffering from, depending on your audience.

    Build your blog posts around addressing these pain points, and use content creating methods resonant with your joys/passions.

    Be open to learning. I learn more about blogging every day from pros. Like a sponge, I do my best to soak up valuable knowledge, then I implement the knowledge, test, tweak, and remain flexible for blogging trends change regularly.

    Happy Blogging guys.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Ur Sion
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  • Profile picture of the author Catherine Bueno
    Hello there,

    That is actually an interesting question. When I started blogging, I realized that there are a lot of opportunities here in the Web waiting to be explored. Also, blogging is a way for me to showcase my talent in writing and marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author richieledge
    I like this one.


    You spend a period of time writing to your self before your audience grows. A bit like a diary I guess. I have to say I found it almost therapeutic let everything out of a screen and telling the world your thoughts.

    It becomes very exciting once you start monetizing things.

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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    at first blogging was a lesson in matching a good idea i had with a keyword i could rank for..

    after a while, i stopped caring about the keyword i could rank for and just wrote about the good ideas i had

    finally i wrote about the good ideas i had .....and then i told people about (anonymously) a great source for good ideas.

    -Ike Paz

    I once heard content is king, a king in exile. Its your job to promote him to his subjects and get him his thrown back.
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  • Profile picture of the author elitebill
    My first blog didn't do too well. Discovered you have to be really engaging to attract the right audience.
    Blogging is not as east as others make it sound. I also discovered you cant do it alone, have a team of writers for my blog now although i do most of the writing.
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  • Profile picture of the author chooseyourself
    Originally Posted by mrhmamun View Post

    Blogging is a challenging profession, First time of our blogging career we made some mistakes, then we learn from these.

    Guy's What Happened When you started Blogging ?
    When I first started I was super nervous.

    I made a blog when I didn't know crap about internet marketing.

    1st one didn't get ANY traction and then I gave it up.

    Then I bought a course from a repected marketer and followed the directions.

    I didn't do every single step, but I did create a blog and a YouTube channel.

    This started helping me grow an audience and get comfortable on camera.

    The game changer for me was having a blog, YouTube channel and a FB group all tied together (along with my FB profile).

    I started networking with higher-level marketers, I was able to get review access to products and sometimes I just get software and training for free.

    The blog is really good for branding. I Totes McGotes recommend it.

    Just start blogging, it doesn't have to be perfect.

    I think it's endearing to people when they see you grow as a marketer, you'll also see that your copy will get a ton better.

    Good question!

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hersh
    Nothing. Literally. Back then FB wasn't part of the game, so you had to write content for a year or two to start seeing results, but you had to stick to it. Now with FB allowing you to boost your posts it's quite easy to launch a successful blog if you have the right content for the right audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexis Gil
    In any way, it is very important not to despair if something goes wrong, but to make analyse, right conclusions and continue working. Only this can bring you on the next level.
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    • Profile picture of the author mrhmamun
      Originally Posted by Alexis Gil View Post

      In any way, it is very important not to despair if something goes wrong, but to make analyse, right conclusions and continue working. Only this can bring you on the next level.
      Consistency is a big factor to success online.
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