Best IM books 2015 that can help me learn to sell info-product

6 replies

What is a good book I can read and learn about IM. Trying to sell info-products with Clickbank etc

Thank you
#2015 #books #infoproduct #learn #sell
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    just use the search function here at the forum


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    Originally Posted by George Lukas View Post


    What is a good book I can read and learn about IM. Trying to sell info-products with Clickbank etc

    Thank you
    Hey, George. Save your money. Tell you why: this is a very broad area. You can actually get started by simply reading free resources (forums and blogs). What you then do, once you have some affiliate money rolling in, and once you have some more experience, is decide on specific products to purchase. You might, for instance, want to beef up your Youtube marketing abilities, so you'd go out and find the best current product for that. In a nutshell, then: save the pennies.


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    • Profile picture of the author BlueHulk
      Originally Posted by Tom Addams View Post

      Hey, George. Save your money. Tell you why: this is a very broad area. You can actually get started by simply reading free resources (forums and blogs). What you then do, once you have some affiliate money rolling in, and once you have some more experience, is decide on specific products to purchase. You might, for instance, want to beef up your Youtube marketing abilities, so you'd go out and find the best current product for that. In a nutshell, then: save the pennies.

      Hello tom

      Most resources are "affiliate" focused. Like most your replies.

      It's hard to find resource that can help vendors. The closest thing I found so far is Jeffrey Walkers book.

      I think you should list your product in jvzoo.

      Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Hi George,

    There is a book on called:

    How I made my first million online and how you can too by Ewen Chia.

    It is a physical book and it will teach you a lot.
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    • Profile picture of the author George Lukas
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      Hi George,

      There is a book on called:

      How I made my first million online and how you can too by Ewen Chia.

      It is a physical book and it will teach you a lot.
      Thank you. The book looks good.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10069382].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author AKhann
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      Hi George,

      There is a book on called:

      How I made my first million online and how you can too by Ewen Chia.

      It is a physical book and it will teach you a lot.
      Looks like a good book. Another one to add to my reading list.
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