Best way to effectively promote a new Elastic Cloud Server service?

by ably
6 replies
Hi all,

We are launching a new Cloud Server service where you can deploy and resize new Linux servers on the cloud in just a few seconds for just £10/mo. At that price range the competition is fierce in the market but we found that there are still huge pockets of users that are not aware for these sort of services as one can use it to host websites, web applications, databases, and pretty much any kind of business or app really and make your server bigger or smaller dyamically based on the traffic etc. Our users are not necessarily the most tech-savvy as we are positioning this product mainly for its ease of use, flexibiliy and personal support.

I'm thinking to contact the administrators of websites like,, etc. for some display ads but I'm pretty sure the cost will be very high so before I do that I'd like to know if you guys have some other ideas or clever ticks up your sleeve that would be helpful to make the service known for as cheap as possible, if not free, like ways to make yourself known in forums and communities etc.

Thank you!
#cloud #effectively #elastic #promote #server #service
  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Try pay per click ads. I am sure that you will get a lot of buyers from this strategy.
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    • Profile picture of the author ably
      We tried Facebook Ads, with 0.3% click thrugh but this strategy didn't seem to pay off very well.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
    Find out where your competitors and complementary service providers are advertising and put your offer in front of the same people they are putting theirs in front of.

    "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

    Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

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  • Profile picture of the author BradCarroll
    It sounds like you have done your due diligence on maybe part of your market research--but not all? Dig deeper and you'll have better first-string ideas for where to advertise (such as where your main competitors and their affiliates are consistently advertising). Once you have that down, you can start working the off-beat paths.
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  • Profile picture of the author ably
    All very good insights, thank you so much guys!
    @OnlineStoreHelp yes our service helps a lot with techy stuff but some degree of techyness is still required, as our main target at the moment are developers who are familiar with coding but not necessarily with server setup. Evetually we'd like to move to the less tech-savvy side of the spectrum and provide even more 1-click to setup options. Soon we'll have a 1-click to install Wordpress to better serve that kind of customers.

    Our google performance is very poor at the moment so we are reviewing the site structure to make it easier for google to index the documentation and blog pages and then we'll work on some article marketing to make sure google understands what we are all about. At the moment all the pages are dynamically loaded using javascript which is super fast and cool but google doesn't like it so we'll remove this feature for the pages that we want to be indexed.

    If you google "kittenhub livescale" I'd really appreciate having your feedback on the landing page, mainly regarding how clear the proposition is. It's still quite basic (we'll have a professional webdesigner review it) but hopefully the message is clear.
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