How do you get people to participate on a forum?

by Jinyas
18 replies
Hi Warriors,

I run a job board targeted mainly at students and junior to mid-level employees. I've also created a forum for them to share ideas, tips and strategies for how to succeed in the job search process.

I have a number of subscribers on the forum but they all don't participate. None of them have posted anything.

How do I get them to be active and start posting?

#forum #job board #participate #people #students #subscribers
  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    The subject matter has to be important to them and they have to be passionate enough to want to share/learn. That's why forums are great for topics where there are rabid fans . . . they're not so great for the more mundane and "everyday" topics that everyone takes for granted.

    Have you tried starting some threads that are controversial, "over the top," where great value is displayed or where current events have made the news? Sometimes, in order to get traction, you need to add a little gasoline to the fire.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author positivenegative
    Originally Posted by Jinyas View Post

    How do you get people to participate on a forum?
    Make it interesting enough. Really interesting.

    It's that simple.
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by positivenegative View Post

      Make it interesting enough. Really interesting.

      It's that simple.
      That's what we refer to in real life as, "It's is simple, but it's not easy."

      Cheers. - Frank
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    • Profile picture of the author Jinyas
      Originally Posted by positivenegative View Post

      Make it interesting enough. Really interesting.

      It's that simple.
      By "interesting" do you mean like offering an incentive to participate or starting controversial and emotional threads that will have people debating?
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  • Profile picture of the author dengstrom2
    Try to start a thread that they can relate much..
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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      That's always the hardest part about starting any forum. Because contrary to popular belief, the most valuable people are not the one's with all the so-called "experience, knowledge and wisdom. It's the ones who start threads. They set the tone, the pace and engagement level for everyone else.

      Coming up with engaging questions is not as easy as it looks. Even here at the Warrior Forum you'll notice many with experience and knowledge never start threads, others do it on occasion. So, that has nothing to do with it.

      But the sections with the liveliest discussions are the ones with the people who start the engaging threads, everyone else merely follows his line of thinking.

      Imagine a house party where everyone are strangers, usually everyone just stands around at first. Then someone gets on the dance floor and others eventually join in.

      So, the trick is to find people who can prime the pump, or get on the dance floor (so-to-speak) and start asking the engaging questions. Once you do that consistently for awhile, the thread starters will emerge and others will follow.

      The best way to get people to start threads is to lead by example. For instance, get some people you trust to introduce popular job search topics and talk among yourselves (talk show style) for awhile. Others will eventually join in. Then it's just a matter of getting the word out about your forum.

      Good Luck.
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      "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
      "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
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  • Profile picture of the author refaturrahaman
    you can buy a SEO gig from . just for 5$ . so your forum will go top on search engine like google, yahoo, bing etc .

    thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author SapirVelis
    You can ask questions to encourage their participation, and open the forum for discussions.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShannonWhite
    Try improving the the subject titles of threads. Make them more appealing, engaging etc.Maybe send out a questionnaire to people asking them what subjects they would enjoy discussing on the forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author RichardSalinas
    If you need to get anything done from them, you just have to incentivize them without pitching, no one likes to get pitched but everyone likes to get something for free.. just my $0.2
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  • Profile picture of the author anynewsbd
    Marketing is the way to get more people in your website
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    • Profile picture of the author @tjr
      Originally Posted by anynewsbd View Post

      Marketing is the way to get more people in your website
      I heard you've been asked to guest speak at Harvard Business next week.
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  • Profile picture of the author HowardLynch
    I think the best way to get people involved in a forum would be to start by writing all initial threads yourself, and to make the content really interesting. Write guides and let people comment. Put content out regularly and your members will have a reason to stick around and start asking questions.
    Join My 100% FREE Training Series, a Secret Vault Of Information Where We're All Making Money !

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  • Profile picture of the author DustinSolerx39
    Just make it their worthwhile, if it is entertaining enough for them, they will do it even though you are not offering anything in return, you can create an amusing quiz or something.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jen Eick
    I agree with HowardLynch above - start the discussions yourself, initially. It may feel like a long time of talking to yourself, but sooner or later others may start to respond.

    Post articles of interest, topics around current events, etc, and ask for feedback. Post questions to the group and make them open-ended vs. closed-ended. For example, instead of "Do you agree with this?", make the question, "Do you agree with this? Why or why not?" In other words, ask questions that invite thought-out responses rather than yes/no answers.

    Most forums give you the ability to do polls. Poll your group members and include them as part of a thread for discussion, whenever possible, to encourage the interactivity between them.

    If possible, incentivize your forum so the posters get a particular title, use of an avatar, etc after so many posts. That's what this forum does, for instance - you can't send private messages to others until you've made so many posts.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    It's easy to get people to a forum, but making them stay is hard. It has to be:

    1) Very active, or...

    2) *Appear* to be very active

    BigBoards doesn't even accept your forum if there aren't at least 500,000 quality posts on there.

    I dont want to go into any shady techniques, but if you want your forum to take off, it needs to be your sole priority. It's tough, and the information on the forum has to address the main needs/desires or your target market.
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  • Profile picture of the author newxxx
    you can bribe them with 10-cents a post

    that's what the owner of does (warning - adult website)

    of course, he earns money from website advertisers
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Why not offer a DIGITAL PREMIUM for their answers to a survey?

    Use the survey to give you ideas on SEED THREADS to get people to participate

    You might also want to create SEED accounts to act as CHEERLEADERS to get people to post
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