Testimonials for a New Product - How to do it?

Profile picture of shermancox
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
3 replies

I have a blog that is pretty respected in a niche. I did a survey and collected a ton of testimonials about the blog which teaches a particular subject. What I wanted to do was use the testimonials in a product launch. The new product is a membership site that teaches the same subject as my blog.

Do people generally use testimonials like this? How about if I said something like:

"Testimonials from about the Authors teaching method" or something like that that made it clear that the testimonials were about the teaching method and not about this product per-se in that no one has seen the product yet?
#product #testimonials
  • Profile picture of the author Andrew G Gowans
    Andrew G Gowans
    Profile picture of Andrew G Gowans
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Sherman,

    The verifiable testimonials you have received focus on the teaching methods as you have indicated.

    I assume (dangerous I know) that whatever marketing methods you use to launch the membership site, you will be focusing on the many benefits we would receive if we became a member rather than the launch of a product.

    If the assumption is correct, the testimonials need no clarification. They should do the job by providing social proof that your teaching methods do work.

    As an aside, apart from the benefits and the testimonials, it may add value to your launch by telling readers just how much they stand to lose by not becoming a member.

    Andrew G,
  • Profile picture of the author xctang
    Profile picture of xctang
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Sherman,

    If it's a brand new product that is previously unreleased to anyone, then you can and should definitely start with testimonials that pertain to yourself and your teachings in general. Then, once your launch begins and sales starts to roll in, you can ask your customers for testimonials for the specific product.

    Another way to do this is to invite a few people (ex. your most loyal customers and authority figures in your niche that you know) in your new site before the launch in order to gather some feedback.

    My $0.02.

  • Profile picture of the author shermancox
    Profile picture of shermancox
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Andrew - Thanks for the help...And thanks for the reminder to sell "benefits" and not "features." In addition, I have attempted to add in some "what you will lose" type of marketing to my materials after your response. In fact that will be my next email to my list...

    xctang - Thank you as well. I will attempt to get some of my most happy readers to give me some testimonials on the product itself...

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