21 'Advanced' Strategies To Get More FREE Traffic Now

by 60 replies
You don't always have to to -- when it comes to getting more website traffic. But you do have to think more creatively!

Here's 21 'Idea Sparking' Ways to drive more FREE traffic to your website/Blog or squeeze page. I haven't personally tried them all but I have tried many.

Would like to here your thoughts, experiences or complaints. Or about any you've tried that's not on the list. Right now #4, #5 and #21 are my personal favorites for what I'm currently trying to accomplish.

Side Benefit: I found just reading through the ideas routinely each day will eventually help spark your own ideas. Try it for a week and watch what happens.

As always I invite your comments, thoughts or disagreements.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #advanced #free #strategies #traffic
  • Some of those tactics are overrated.
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    • For instance? ... and how? Just curious.
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    • it all depends on what you make of them

      some work better than others, nothing is 100%
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thanks for sharing. This is useful for new marketers.

    My favorite is number 2; Powerful Outreach Strategies.
    Reach out to other influencers in my niche.
    • [ 4 ] Thanks
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    • Agreed. Especially if you're just starting out this can be a really effective way to jump out of the gate at high speed. My partner and I spent hours and hours doing outreach when we launched, first to our own networks (it's always easier to get a share if someone already knows you) and then to various related sites and organizations. I can't say we had millions and millions of people on our site right away, but we did have about 50,000 and 150,000 page views our first month -- and they were targeted, interested visits at that, and many of those visitors have stuck with us and bought a lot from us over the three years we've been around. I'm not really sure how that compares with most new sites, but I thought that was pretty good considering we didn't spend a dime on advertising.

      I'm not saying this will work for all businesses (if you're whole business is selling vacuum cleaners, you might have a tougher sell), but it does seem to be an underutilized traffic strategy.
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
    • Yes, it really could get many newbies with limited funds off to a blazing start who otherwise would be sitting on the sidelines, going broke with PPC ads or paying through the nose with other paid advertising methods.

      It could even help new marketers leap-frog over many experienced marketers who don't know about these methods or refuse to use them.
  • Good read, thanks for sharing. Some of them I already knew but it was quite nice that it opened with a twitter "trick" since I am just getting started with it.

    Also I changed my email signature just last week.

    Again, thanks for the share.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Wow some quality stuff! Thank you!

    Do you think a lot of this applies for just squeeze pages?
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Yep. Anywhere you want to drive traffic. But you have to find the one that works best for you .... in your specific situation. I would imagine all of them are not created equal for all situations.

      Hoped you'd share more specifics of why you find all of them over rated, but if you choose not to ... cool.

      Is this the part where we start making sweeping broad brush statements. Do you mean cheap Free traffic (which I agree with) or ... All Free Traffic is bad (which I disagree with).

      Not putting words in your mouth, so correct me if I'm wrong.

      "Cheap" Free Traffic maybe what you're talking about.

      Don't confuse "Cheap"Free Traffic with "Credible" Free Traffic.
      Huge difference - and costly mistake ... many make! Don't lump them together.

      In fact, "credible free" traffic can often be more productive and profitable than paid traffic. Why? Because a peer, associate, friend, authority figure or influencer encouraged you to go there. I'll take that prospect any day over one I had to pay in advertising to get. When it comes to "Credible free" traffic, your visitor comes more pre-sold than from a 'cold' paid ad. Check out the bottom links -- and tell me what you think.

      7 Reasons Why Relying on Paid Advertising Can Kill Your Business

      Here's some famous companies who succeeded with little or no paid advertising. They used mostly "Credible" Free traffic methods.

      10 Famous Brands Who Never Needed To Advertise
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Thanks for the share Niche Man, I saved it for when I need to take this step!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Another great and informative thread, niche man!

    I actually recently started doing #4
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Ugh.

    'Free Traffic Strategies' are the reason the majority of newbies fail.

    Most internet millionaires do not chase free traffic. They PAY for it.

    If they stopped peddling free traffic than the failure would probably be lower in IM.
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    • I'd be really interested in any verifiable source you can dig up on that.

      ...or, if YOU stopped using as much paid traffic, your profit margins would definitely be higher.
      • [ 3 ] Thanks
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    • I totally disagree. There are a lot of reasons newbies fail and dumping a load of money on the wrong paid traffic doesn't help.

      Also, a little known secret is that most internet millionaires spend little or nothing on paid traffic. Typically they make their money from affiliates and JVs with other marketers (selling their products for them), who then spend THEIR money on traffic, LOL.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Hey NIcheman,

    I'm only up to #4 at this point, but my appetite is whetted.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • lol cash, You're in here too WITH my photo and info?!
  • I am not talking about free traffic that you get for putting out exceptional content.

    What I am talking about is free traffic that people on here and other places preach about, which involve spending hours spamming websites and churning out link-bait, hoping that someone will eventually see it.

    That is a HUGE waste of time, yet all of the Gurus here teach it like they use it themselves, meanwhile they close commissions from teaching you how to use free traffic methods that DON't work.

    I think the only person qualified to teach free traffic is Neil Patel.

    He is someone I admire for driving thousands of visitors per month, for free.

    He also knows what he is talking about, which is why people actually listen to his suggestions and want to do business with him.

    But in reality, it can take many of us months before we get to a point where we can speak authoritatively and creatively on Internet Marketing. The bar is just too high. You can't strategize it and scale it in a predictable manner like paid traffic.

    This is why I think Paid Traffic is the best for people starting out.
    • [1] reply
    • aI agree. Waste of time with those Outlaw methods.

      Maybe ... maybe not. Because the I.M landscape is filled with the dead bodies of new marketers who thought the only way to succeed is with paid ads. So, they jumped in long before they were ready. In my opinion the slower free"Credible" traffic way is better for many or most newbies because ...

      1. Most can't afford to run a legitimate long term ad campaign. A One day, week or even month ad submission plan won't cut it.
      2. Even if they can scrape up enough for an Ad campaign most will waste it, because they don't have the knowledge or experience to manage one properly.
      3. The free "Credible" traffic way gives them time to learn their market and marketing.
      4. Paid advertising is far riskier. And once you shoot your wad ... you're done/wasted!
      5. Plus, many often discover they don't have to use paid advertising as much or at all to succeed. They find their own Free Traffic Niches that work. For example like these companies.
      6. Or worse case scenario, the sales from using (slower) free traffic methods can eventually pay for your advertising, that was my experience. Slower is not always bad.

      Of course you have exceptions. But generally speaking those 6 reasons above should at least be considered before throwing money or with paid ads - when most newbies can least afford it.
  • Banned
    Thanks for sharing! this is awesome! highly recommend checking out~
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • The best is to try to incorporate both free and paid traffic, in my opinion.

    That being said, if I had to pick between the two, I would definitely be more partial towards paid traffic just because I have enough money for it, and I value my time a lot more. You just have to know where to get legit paid traffic.

    Free traffic isn't an overnight or quick thing. It takes time.

    I do plan to use Youtube as a way of free traffic (only cost would be outsourcing the video creation). Like I said, it's best to incorporate both if possible.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • Those are good points. I think a person should analyze his business, their market, and how much risk they can stomach, then make a decision. Either way there's a learning period to go through.

      I just personally think everyone should have Free ways to get traffic in their tool box (at the ready). Or even working a consistent program as a back-up.

      No one should always have to depend on paid traffic, if they don't have to. I think far more people depend on paid traffic than they have to or should. Especially those who can't afford it and start risking the rent, food or light bill money to test ads. Yikes
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  • I thought content aggregating on the forum was against the rules...no?
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    • Hmm! Not sure how this is aggregating. This is simply giving a viewpoint/opinion and providing a link to a credible source, instead of just giving an opinion (or one-liner) out of thin air. It's not copy and pasting other people's articles, or providing RSS feeds, etc.

      Yes, based on your contacts highest priority problem. Next, the page must slant toward solving the prospects priority problem. Plus, have a strong benefit text link to get the click-through. All the elements must harmonize, work in lock-step and blend together as one to be the most effective.
  • Hey, these are pretty strong tips man. Thanks to you I will be returning the this article tomorrow. Bookmarked!

    I especially like the Twitter ideas. About his email signature tips I wonder if they vary based on the contact he is sending the email to.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • That was a good compilation to have on one single page. I felt that all those small point that were listed in there could really add up to help pull in the extra bit of traffic for your sites. Good share!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • The good news is you have the option to use as many strategies as you can find that works for you.
      - Or -
      Focus on the best one and expand on the core idea, even customize it in your own ways.

      You don't have to just settle for a one-size fits all solution. Most of the strategies are adjustable, adaptable and flexible.
  • Most of these strategies are things that i dont even use, but i know for sure that they would increase my website traffic by at least 200% if i use them. Just too lazy. A lazy marketer. I like throwing money at things, and let consulting income deal with the loss money acquired from new customers. These are great strategies. Most people won't use them though. Including me. I'm a lazy (but smart) bum. Even Einstein was called a "lazy dog" by his college professor.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • I admire your honesty Randall. It must be nice to know you can improve your traffic 200%, but not need to bother with it. I haven't reached that point yet. If I see a crumb of an advantage laying on the floor I'm picking it up and running with it.

      And yes, I'm sure most people won't bother with any of them. But that's 'Good News' for those who will. Newbies are you listening?

      That's another indirect benefit that makes these tips so lethal, many experienced (and old school thinking) marketers will ignore them, that's your window of opportunity on a silver platter.

      This could be the first stages of a changing of the guard or paradigm shift for those who act now. I call these situations leap-frog opportunities. This is your chance to leap frog over many experienced marketers.

      Because many experienced marketers will be ...
      • Too busy buried in their own methods (or ruts in some cases) to notice or act.
      • Too tired of having to learn (sigh) yet another new technique, method or strategy.
      • Like Randall honestly admitted too lazy to be bothered.
      Plus, a laundry list of other advantages, most newbies overlook, miss, or would never imagine existed that could quietly work to their advantage.

      Trust me, unless you have "Big Bucks" you won't find a faster track to being competitive with more experienced marketers than using these ways to get Free Credible traffic. Especially, if your competitors ignore them and focus only on paid traffic. It's like the story of the ... "Tortoise and the Hare". It's a slower method than paid traffic I admit, but it can solidify you better in the long run.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Helpful report.Thank you.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • nice share fella.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • So many people get stuck at "How can I possibly strike a deal with niche influencer", if only they knew how easy it is to give them value first!

    Great read btw
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • The Niche Man does it again.

    Hey! Where is your newsletter?! I think yours is the only one I'd actually read and follow!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • You may have given me an idea.
      Warning To Conformist, Traditionalist, Convergent Thinkers:

      That could be very dangerous.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • great post niche man
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thx for sharing. It's useful.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Nice list! My favorite is using forum marketing to generate traffic.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Great share, grateful for you posting this

    Knew most of them but learned couple of new things as well!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Great article i commented on it also! I think we should tell it a full course!!
    Really i also write a post on my blog and it got awesome traffic attention in just 4 days!
    We need to create high quality content always!!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Good to hear you saw the opportunity to use it to get more traffic by writing about it on your blog. Awesome. Now that's taking action (instead of "just" seeing reasons why it won't work). That also shows there's a hot niche market of people who'd like to know this stuff. They're just waiting for someone to creatively supply it.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • I didn't find the link working while trying to have a look. Kindly fix it if something has gone wrong.
    • [1] reply
    • Not sure what's going on suddenly with the link. It`s not my site so I have no control over it. All I can say is keep checking back, I`m sure they`ll be working on it first thing Monday morning if not sooner.

      Funny, that`s the 3rd time a link I`ve suggested in this forum has crashed, not sure what that`s about. Just hope they don`t blame me.
  • Banned
  • Same here - I'd really like to read it
  • thank you, good stuff
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Hey everyone,

    Appreciate the feedback on my article. And thanks to Niche Man for sharing it here.

    I love the debate this sparked.

    My apologies for the site being down. Got hit with malware a few days ago, but it's fixed now. If you still can't access the article, you might need to clear your cache for the past one to two days.

    Anyway, if any of you have questions, comments, or criticisms, I'd be happy to talk about them.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Thank you so much for sharing this great link!
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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