Outsourcing full how to business course?

Profile picture of wbinst2
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
5 replies
Hi guys, i want to create a full 'how to start and run a profitable xxxxx business course' (eg: acountant) but don't really know where to start.

It will be big course with pdf, audio and video.

I want to outsource it but am a bit worried about outsourcing to non native speaking countries as i'm not sure how they will do the subtleties of the info. I figure it will take as much time as me creating the course myself.

What is considered the easiest, cost effective way to create a full business course.

Happy to accept recommendations from fellow Warriors that do this type of thing.

#business #full #outsourcing
  • Profile picture of the author deekay
    Profile picture of deekay
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It depends on your budget. Here on warriors for hire section, you can find experts charging around $6000 to create complete course for you. There are many other options like outsourcing only specific part of your course and bring cost down.
  • Profile picture of the author wbinst2
    Profile picture of wbinst2
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks Deekay, i looked in the Warriors for Hire section but couldnt find a specific warrior that does this type of thing.
    Maybe i could outsource just the written content on here.
  • Profile picture of the author MrFarmer
    Profile picture of MrFarmer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Why would you want to outsource your whole product creation process?

    Would your course and quality of material be trust-worthy then?
  • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale
    Sid Hale
    Profile picture of Sid Hale
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You wanna do WHAT????

    Originally Posted by wbinst2 View Post

    Hi guys, i want to create a full 'how to start and run a profitable xxxxx business course' (eg: acountant) but don't really know where to start.

    It will be big course with pdf, audio and video.

    I want to outsource it but am a bit worried about outsourcing to non native speaking countries as i'm not sure how they will do the subtleties of the info. I figure it will take as much time as me creating the course myself.

    What is considered the easiest, cost effective way to create a full business course.
    You're worried about the "subtleties" of the info because of language constraints?

    I think there are much bigger issues.

    How do you know that your outsourced help even has a basic grasp on the subject matter (i.e. profitable accountancy business - or any business, for that matter)? Forget about their ability to express themselves in a second language. You can hire professional translators to do that bit after the outsourcer creates the course in their own language.

    The key is finding someone who 1) knows the subject matter with 2) an MBA, that 3) is also qualified to teach, and 4) can't find a suitable position in his/her field so they're moonlighting to write business tomes to sell for peanuts to people who will then resell those courses for a lot of money.

    Sid Hale
    Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

  • Profile picture of the author TexasSteve
    Profile picture of TexasSteve
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don't outsource your very own product.

    This will be of your name and if it's anything short of perfect it will degrade your reputation.

    Take the time and do it yourself; it's a good investment.

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