Is someone like me doomed from finding a job making money online?
Every time I start up a website or a blog, I lose interest, even though these are subjects I am passionate about and still love to dabble in. I have about 20 interests/hobbies and can't stick with one and only one. I started a website about music 7 years ago and it started to feel like a chore and I wasn't getting any traffic so I let my site expire. I started a website a year ago about connecting with nature (was also using affiliate links) and I ran out of ideas after about 30 pages, plus I wasn't getting any traffic and wasn't making any money so I couldn't afford to keep that going. Around the same time I started a photography website but I take so many pictures it gets overwhelming to upload them to my computer and add them to my website, it started to feel like I was running up a neverending hill. I have put my photography on Zazzle and have a few hundred products on there but haven't sold anything. I have had a few other blogs but the only comments I get are spam. I have Facebook and Twitter pages for all my sites and blogs but nobody pays much attention to them. I post on the respective pages AND my personal FB page and none of my friends even click on them. I have 300 friends on FB and not a one can be supportive of me, which doesn't help me build an audience. I have posted links in forums related to each subject. I just can't seem to get any traffic. But I lose interest too, so I don't just stop because of lack of traffic, it just feels like it runs its course. I can't sustain interest in anything very long then I jump to the next thing i'm interested in.
On top of all that, I am very introverted and kinda socially awkward. I also have a phone phobia. It has caused me problems at my jobs. I am HORRIBLE at being outgoing, bold, aggressive, and persuasive. Well, in person anyway. Of course in writing I can be anything. But that wouldn't help me when it comes to trying to find clients. I thought maybe having a website or blog isn't what i'm supposed to do since it has failed every time, maybe I would be good at copywriting or social media marketing and/or writing. But I know they need to get themselves out there and network and find clients and connections. I am the worst kind of person for that, when I'm around people I always wait for them to talk to me first. Is being an introvert with social anxiety a dealbreaker for getting into the business of making money online? Most of what attracts me to online work is that being an anti-social introvert, it would allow me to work alone in my home or from a hotel room or wherever I want to be. I wouldn't have to deal with co-workers and customers. But I still would, as I'm finding out. Or are there online careers I don't know about that are good for people who don't like to deal with customers, talking on the phone, approaching clients, etc? I am not an expert in anything so writing books would pretty much involve re-wording books that are already out there. I love to read books and soak in information but I am not good at rewording what I learn, I usually just say "This is really cool, check this out!" then I link to something much better than I could write.
Even though I'm not good at it, I do love to write, I love to use Facebook, I love to research information, I love to share information online, I'm just not good at dealing with people in person, and I'm not connected with anyone. I have one friend in real life and apparently not enough online who support me (as evidenced by no one ever showing an interest in any of the websites or blogs I create). Everyone I know has a blue collar job so I have no friends to help me with this either. So is there a "job" that would be a good fit for someone like me or am I doomed to live the life of a minimum wager?
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