Is someone like me doomed from finding a job making money online?

245 replies
I am a 42 year old female. I can't find a job I like and I'm always unhappy no matter what job I end up in. I never went to college, bounced around to about 8 minimum wage jobs, and I'm living in a trailer park, so that kind of sets me apart from successful people. More than anything I want to have freedom from all these jobs I hate and I want to be able to travel the country wherever I want whenever I want, and working online has been an attractive idea for me for about 7 years now, but so far I haven't been able to make a go of it and I'm afraid it's because of the kind of person I am. I have tried a few things, had 3 websites, 3 or 4 blogs, joined a bunch of those sites that pay you for doing stuff online, and recently been researching copywriting, travel writing and social media marketing. Now I am starting to doubt that I am the right kind of person to make it in this business.

Every time I start up a website or a blog, I lose interest, even though these are subjects I am passionate about and still love to dabble in. I have about 20 interests/hobbies and can't stick with one and only one. I started a website about music 7 years ago and it started to feel like a chore and I wasn't getting any traffic so I let my site expire. I started a website a year ago about connecting with nature (was also using affiliate links) and I ran out of ideas after about 30 pages, plus I wasn't getting any traffic and wasn't making any money so I couldn't afford to keep that going. Around the same time I started a photography website but I take so many pictures it gets overwhelming to upload them to my computer and add them to my website, it started to feel like I was running up a neverending hill. I have put my photography on Zazzle and have a few hundred products on there but haven't sold anything. I have had a few other blogs but the only comments I get are spam. I have Facebook and Twitter pages for all my sites and blogs but nobody pays much attention to them. I post on the respective pages AND my personal FB page and none of my friends even click on them. I have 300 friends on FB and not a one can be supportive of me, which doesn't help me build an audience. I have posted links in forums related to each subject. I just can't seem to get any traffic. But I lose interest too, so I don't just stop because of lack of traffic, it just feels like it runs its course. I can't sustain interest in anything very long then I jump to the next thing i'm interested in.

On top of all that, I am very introverted and kinda socially awkward. I also have a phone phobia. It has caused me problems at my jobs. I am HORRIBLE at being outgoing, bold, aggressive, and persuasive. Well, in person anyway. Of course in writing I can be anything. But that wouldn't help me when it comes to trying to find clients. I thought maybe having a website or blog isn't what i'm supposed to do since it has failed every time, maybe I would be good at copywriting or social media marketing and/or writing. But I know they need to get themselves out there and network and find clients and connections. I am the worst kind of person for that, when I'm around people I always wait for them to talk to me first. Is being an introvert with social anxiety a dealbreaker for getting into the business of making money online? Most of what attracts me to online work is that being an anti-social introvert, it would allow me to work alone in my home or from a hotel room or wherever I want to be. I wouldn't have to deal with co-workers and customers. But I still would, as I'm finding out. Or are there online careers I don't know about that are good for people who don't like to deal with customers, talking on the phone, approaching clients, etc? I am not an expert in anything so writing books would pretty much involve re-wording books that are already out there. I love to read books and soak in information but I am not good at rewording what I learn, I usually just say "This is really cool, check this out!" then I link to something much better than I could write.

Even though I'm not good at it, I do love to write, I love to use Facebook, I love to research information, I love to share information online, I'm just not good at dealing with people in person, and I'm not connected with anyone. I have one friend in real life and apparently not enough online who support me (as evidenced by no one ever showing an interest in any of the websites or blogs I create). Everyone I know has a blue collar job so I have no friends to help me with this either. So is there a "job" that would be a good fit for someone like me or am I doomed to live the life of a minimum wager?
#business #doomed #finding #job #making #money #online
  • Profile picture of the author sogeshirts
    Have you looked into email marketing? You don't have to talk on the phone with anyone unless you want to. There are plenty of quality courses here in the Warrior Special Offer section. If you build a big enough list, offer value to your subscribers, and sell them products you can escape the minimum wage life eventually.

    If you are talented at writing, you can research here and create your own product to sell. It can be done, but you might want to find a mentor.
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by sogeshirts View Post

      Have you looked into email marketing? You don't have to talk on the phone with anyone unless you want to. There are plenty of quality courses here in the Warrior Special Offer section. If you build a big enough list, offer value to your subscribers, and sell them products you can escape the minimum wage life eventually.

      If you are talented at writing, you can research here and create your own product to sell. It can be done, but you might want to find a mentor.
      No I haven't heard of that one, actually. What exactly does it mean though, you send out emails for a company? Or you sell other people's things through emails?
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    • Profile picture of the author Released1985
      Email marketing is one of the easiest ways to make money. Build your list, grow your subscriber bast and reap the rewards when you're making a heap from your active and hungry subscribers!
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      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
        Originally Posted by Released1985 View Post

        Email marketing is one of the easiest ways to make money. Build your list, grow your subscriber bast and reap the rewards when you're making a heap from your active and hungry subscribers!
        Blabedy, blabedy, blah, blah, blah.

        Cheers. - Frank
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      • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
        Originally Posted by Released1985 View Post

        Email marketing is one of the easiest ways to make money. Build your list, grow your subscriber bast and reap the rewards when you're making a heap from your active and hungry subscribers!
        How do you make money from it though? You have to have a website and either a product to sell or a ton of affiliate links.
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        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

          It is a respectable company. They do have many success stories. They also have a lot of failure stories, which they have no incentive to share.

          Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

          I am on Fiverr actually, I still haven't gotten anybody interested. But Fiverr is saturated with people. You have to stand out and have a good portfolio and it helps to have connections. I have none of those.

          And I'm not whining about anything, I AM trying to find a piece of the world that works the way I want it to. I really don't see where people think I'm whining. I'm just stating facts about what I am good at, what I'm not, what i'm interested in and what I'm not. I'm asking for online money making suggestions but most of what I am getting are condescending judgments about my character.
          I have little doubt that you could handle the "surfing the web" portion of the gig you're planning (at least it sounds that way).

          But scroll up and re-read what you posted about not wanting to handle all the business details and other boring stuff. The truth is, if you want to make a go of it as a freelance researcher, you will have to find a way to bite the bullet and handle some of those business-y details. People will scam you, ordering work and never paying for it. And you will have to find a way to stand out and make some connections, or it will be your Fiverr excuse all over again - other people have better profiles, or more connections.

          The only way to tell for sure is to try it. Ante up the $99 and get started. I forget who said "argue for your limitations, and you get to keep them."
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          • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
            Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

            It is a respectable company. They do have many success stories. They also have a lot of failure stories, which they have no incentive to share.
            So it's no different than college, many college graduates (IF they even graduate) change their major, can't get a job in their field, end up thousands of dollars in debt, etc. Nothing is foolproof as far as paying to get education on something.

            I have little doubt that you could handle the "surfing the web" portion of the gig you're planning (at least it sounds that way).
            Why do you doubt I could handle web surfing? That's the only thing I have demonstrated that I can stick with.

            But scroll up and re-read what you posted about not wanting to handle all the business details and other boring stuff. The truth is, if you want to make a go of it as a freelance researcher, you will have to find a way to bite the bullet and handle some of those business-y details. People will scam you, ordering work and never paying for it. And you will have to find a way to stand out and make some connections, or it will be your Fiverr excuse all over again - other people have better profiles, or more connections.

            The only way to tell for sure is to try it. Ante up the $99 and get started. I forget who said "argue for your limitations, and you get to keep them."
            That's what I plan to do. It might fail like all my other attempts, but the more things I try, the more I will figure out what I can and can't do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

    I am a 42 year old female. I can't find a job I like and I'm always unhappy no matter what job I end up in. I never went to college, bounced around to about 8 minimum wage jobs, and I'm living in a trailer park, so that kind of sets me apart from successful people. More than anything I want to have freedom from all these jobs I hate and I want to be able to travel the country wherever I want whenever I want, and working online has been an attractive idea for me for about 7 years now, but so far I haven't been able to make a go of it and I'm afraid it's because of the kind of person I am. I have tried a few things, had 3 websites, 3 or 4 blogs, joined a bunch of those sites that pay you for doing stuff online, and recently been researching copywriting, travel writing and social media marketing. Now I am starting to doubt that I am the right kind of person to make it in this business.

    Every time I start up a website or a blog, I lose interest, even though these are subjects I am passionate about and still love to dabble in. I have about 20 interests/hobbies and can't stick with one and only one. I started a website about music 7 years ago and it started to feel like a chore and I wasn't getting any traffic so I let my site expire. I started a website a year ago about connecting with nature (was also using affiliate links) and I ran out of ideas after about 30 pages, plus I wasn't getting any traffic and wasn't making any money so I couldn't afford to keep that going. Around the same time I started a photography website but I take so many pictures it gets overwhelming to upload them to my computer and add them to my website, it started to feel like I was running up a neverending hill. I have put my photography on Zazzle and have a few hundred products on there but haven't sold anything. I have had a few other blogs but the only comments I get are spam. I have Facebook and Twitter pages for all my sites and blogs but nobody pays much attention to them. I post on the respective pages AND my personal FB page and none of my friends even click on them. I have 300 friends on FB and not a one can be supportive of me, which doesn't help me build an audience. I have posted links in forums related to each subject. I just can't seem to get any traffic. But I lose interest too, so I don't just stop because of lack of traffic, it just feels like it runs its course. I can't sustain interest in anything very long then I jump to the next thing i'm interested in.

    On top of all that, I am very introverted and kinda socially awkward. I also have a phone phobia. It has caused me problems at my jobs. I am HORRIBLE at being outgoing, bold, aggressive, and persuasive. Well, in person anyway. Of course in writing I can be anything. But that wouldn't help me when it comes to trying to find clients. I thought maybe having a website or blog isn't what i'm supposed to do since it has failed every time, maybe I would be good at copywriting or social media marketing and/or writing. But I know they need to get themselves out there and network and find clients and connections. I am the worst kind of person for that, when I'm around people I always wait for them to talk to me first. Is being an introvert with social anxiety a dealbreaker for getting into the business of making money online? Most of what attracts me to online work is that being an anti-social introvert, it would allow me to work alone in my home or from a hotel room or wherever I want to be. I wouldn't have to deal with co-workers and customers. But I still would, as I'm finding out. Or are there online careers I don't know about that are good for people who don't like to deal with customers, talking on the phone, approaching clients, etc? I am not an expert in anything so writing books would pretty much involve re-wording books that are already out there. I love to read books and soak in information but I am not good at rewording what I learn, I usually just say "This is really cool, check this out!" then I link to something much better than I could write.

    Even though I'm not good at it, I do love to write, I love to use Facebook, I love to research information, I love to share information online, I'm just not good at dealing with people in person, and I'm not connected with anyone. I have one friend in real life and apparently not enough online who support me (as evidenced by no one ever showing an interest in any of the websites or blogs I create). Everyone I know has a blue collar job so I have no friends to help me with this either. So is there a "job" that would be a good fit for someone like me or am I doomed to live the life of a minimum wager?
    Hello and welcome to the forum. First of all, you need to change your mind set. You are only doomed to live out your current situation until your dying days if you decide to do that. You can choose not to do that and take the time to acquire the knowledge and skills you need live out your life on your own terms. To me, supposed failures are only learning experiences. You keep going at it until you until you get it right, so your only option is success.

    Everyone in this business starts from the bottom and fails multiple times. The only difference between those who are successful and those that aren't is the fact that the successful people don't give up. In your case, I think the reason you lose interest is because you don't see success as early as you would like. Even after I found something legitimate, it still took me three whole months before I made a commission ($7.00). You have to push through it.

    While $7.00 is not a lot of money (a number of people more successful than me told me that they had a similar experience), it let me know that this is possible. I knew it was really possible once I reached the payment threshold for a particular network and received my first payment. From that point on, there was no looking back for me. My knowledge, skills, and money have grown considerably since then.

    Oh, you also shouldn't worry about not have support from friends or family at the get go. If you're around here long enough, you'll realize that's pretty common. They tend to talk crap until they see the money coming in (and will start asking you for some once you get more into it and they see your success). Whether or not Facebook is a good place to promote stuff depends on your niche, and people don't tend to send stuff to their friends and family but use things like Fan pages and/or Facebook ads.

    Lots of us get started in this business because we're anti-social and wised or whatever, so you're not alone in that, either. Oh, a couple of pointers about blogging. Choosing a profitable niche is key. Don't worry about competition. It just means there are more products to promote (more opportunities to make money). Traffic is one of the most challenging things for people to understand. Don't let that get you down.

    Don't give up quite, yet. Look at it this way. You can either figure out what you don't know and make changes to succeed or keep doing what you've been doing (giving up). While the second option may be easier, the first one is totally worth it in the end.

    Good luck,
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Miguelito203 View Post

      In your case, I think the reason you lose interest is because you don't see success as early as you would like. Even after I found something legitimate, it still took me three whole months before I made a commission ($7.00). You have to push through it.
      I have to disagree, and I know this because I have been this way my whole life even as a kid, even in my teens, even decades before I even thought to turn what I love to do into a job. I have never just had one interest even for a day, that's a huge reason why I never went to college or picked a career because I didn't know which one to pick, I seriously liked too many things, and the list grows as I get older. I went through this same thing when trying to decide which online classes to take. I researched it for YEARS and never did take any simply because I couldn't narrow it down to which ones I wanted to try and if I couldn't try them all, I didn't want to try any because that would mean I was stuck only learning those few.

      Don't give up quite, yet. Look at it this way. You can either figure out what you don't know and make changes to succeed or keep doing what you've been doing (giving up). While the second option may be easier, the first one is totally worth it in the end.
      I have never used the words given up, because part of the problem is that I have interest ADD, lol and also because I find that nothing is a good fit for my personality (flaws). If I could find something that fit that and if I could magically only care about one thing only for the rest of my life, it would be easy to keep going. But i'm like a kid in a candy store and need to pay attention to all my interests on a regular basis.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

    I am a 42 year old female. I can't find a job I like and I'm always unhappy no matter what job I end up in. I never went to college, bounced around to about 8 minimum wage jobs, and I'm living in a trailer park, so that kind of sets me apart from successful people. More than anything I want to have freedom from all these jobs I hate and I want to be able to travel the country wherever I want whenever I want, and working online has been an attractive idea for me for about 7 years now, but so far I haven't been able to make a go of it and I'm afraid it's because of the kind of person I am. I have tried a few things, had 3 websites, 3 or 4 blogs, joined a bunch of those sites that pay you for doing stuff online, and recently been researching copywriting, travel writing and social media marketing. Now I am starting to doubt that I am the right kind of person to make it in this business.

    Every time I start up a website or a blog, I lose interest, even though these are subjects I am passionate about and still love to dabble in. I have about 20 interests/hobbies and can't stick with one and only one. I started a website about music 7 years ago and it started to feel like a chore and I wasn't getting any traffic so I let my site expire. I started a website a year ago about connecting with nature (was also using affiliate links) and I ran out of ideas after about 30 pages, plus I wasn't getting any traffic and wasn't making any money so I couldn't afford to keep that going. Around the same time I started a photography website but I take so many pictures it gets overwhelming to upload them to my computer and add them to my website, it started to feel like I was running up a neverending hill. I have put my photography on Zazzle and have a few hundred products on there but haven't sold anything. I have had a few other blogs but the only comments I get are spam. I have Facebook and Twitter pages for all my sites and blogs but nobody pays much attention to them. I post on the respective pages AND my personal FB page and none of my friends even click on them. I have 300 friends on FB and not a one can be supportive of me, which doesn't help me build an audience. I have posted links in forums related to each subject. I just can't seem to get any traffic. But I lose interest too, so I don't just stop because of lack of traffic, it just feels like it runs its course. I can't sustain interest in anything very long then I jump to the next thing i'm interested in.

    On top of all that, I am very introverted and kinda socially awkward. I also have a phone phobia. It has caused me problems at my jobs. I am HORRIBLE at being outgoing, bold, aggressive, and persuasive. Well, in person anyway. Of course in writing I can be anything. But that wouldn't help me when it comes to trying to find clients. I thought maybe having a website or blog isn't what i'm supposed to do since it has failed every time, maybe I would be good at copywriting or social media marketing and/or writing. But I know they need to get themselves out there and network and find clients and connections. I am the worst kind of person for that, when I'm around people I always wait for them to talk to me first. Is being an introvert with social anxiety a dealbreaker for getting into the business of making money online? Most of what attracts me to online work is that being an anti-social introvert, it would allow me to work alone in my home or from a hotel room or wherever I want to be. I wouldn't have to deal with co-workers and customers. But I still would, as I'm finding out. Or are there online careers I don't know about that are good for people who don't like to deal with customers, talking on the phone, approaching clients, etc? I am not an expert in anything so writing books would pretty much involve re-wording books that are already out there. I love to read books and soak in information but I am not good at rewording what I learn, I usually just say "This is really cool, check this out!" then I link to something much better than I could write.

    Even though I'm not good at it, I do love to write, I love to use Facebook, I love to research information, I love to share information online, I'm just not good at dealing with people in person, and I'm not connected with anyone. I have one friend in real life and apparently not enough online who support me (as evidenced by no one ever showing an interest in any of the websites or blogs I create). Everyone I know has a blue collar job so I have no friends to help me with this either. So is there a "job" that would be a good fit for someone like me or am I doomed to live the life of a minimum wager?
    Right. You have everything going for you except for two things, and both are somewhat related.

    1. Lack of Confidence.
    2. Lack of Earning Success.

    Let me see if this sounds familiar. You decide to put together a blog based on one of your passions. That blog? You throw your heart and soul into it. Once you have it looking just right and once you have it monetized with some relevant CPA offers, you hammer away at your keyboard. Article after article. Blogging away while your friends are doing their blue collar jobs. Blogging away while they're out at the bar or cooking up some burgers or watching reruns of Burn Notice. You blog, blog, blog. You're getting no traffic (you may love your blog, but Google seems cool) and you scour WF for free traffic ideas and some of them you understand so you implement and yet still see no love from the traffic Gods. You're scraping by on 20 visits a day according to your AWSTATS and 20 visitors, you know, just won't cut it. You go to bed, mind racing, wanting out of the trailer, heck just wanting enough money so you hop in your car and have an adventure - meet new people, see new sights, get out and see what life throws at you. As you drift off to sleep you get an idea for a new site. When you wake up? Blammo. You set it up. 2 months later? Same old story...

    You're in a nasty little loop that will never go away until someone tells you how to break out or you figure it out for yourself.

    I'm going to tell you how to do it.

    1. Decide on a few potential markets where you have some expertise.
    2. Look at the top affiliates in these markets (you'll often find them via FB pages).
    3. Become a student of everything they do.
    4. Throw their site into to learn more.
    5. Ask yourself: what "one problem" do people in this market need solving.
    6. Solve it with a series of emails, a PDF, or a video course (that you buy from Fiverr).
    7. Make a website.
    8. Use a domain that sounds authoritative.
    9. Squeeze page on the front end.
    10. Blog on the back end.
    11. PPL offers in your sales funnel.
    12. Feed opt-ins with emails and blog posts.

    The above? That's your business. Your only business for now.

    Now you need traffic. If you can't afford paid right now, use these:

    1. Grow FB page, G+ page, Twitter account, possibly Pinterest, depending on market.

    2. Join relevant forums that allow signature files and contribute like I'm doing here.

    That should get the ball rolling with traffic. In all honestly, you only need a Facebook page to drive mass volume, but it won't hurt to spread yourself out. It'll be educational.

    Your goal: Grow that list.

    Use the above. You won't go wrong.

    Cheers - Tom

    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Tom Addams View Post

      Right. You have everything going for you except for two things, and both are somewhat related.

      1. Lack of Confidence.
      2. Lack of Earning Success.

      Let me see if this sounds familiar. You decide to put together a blog based on one of your passions. That blog? You throw your heart and soul into it. Once you have it looking just right and once you have it monetized with some relevant CPA offers, you hammer away at your keyboard. Article after article. Blogging away while your friends are doing their blue collar jobs. Blogging away while they're out at the bar or cooking up some burgers or watching reruns of Burn Notice. You blog, blog, blog. You're getting no traffic (you may love your blog, but Google seems cool) and you scour WF for free traffic ideas and some of them you understand so you implement and yet still see no love from the traffic Gods. You're scraping by on 20 visits a day according to your AWSTATS and 20 visitors, you know, just won't cut it. You go to bed, mind racing, wanting out of the trailer, heck just wanting enough money so you hop in your car and have an adventure - meet new people, see new sights, get out and see what life throws at you. As you drift off to sleep you get an idea for a new site. When you wake up? Blammo. You set it up. 2 months later? Same old story...

      You're in a nasty little loop that will never go away until someone tells you how to break out or you figure it out for yourself.

      I'm going to tell you how to do it.

      1. Decide on a few potential markets where you have some expertise.
      2. Look at the top affiliates in these markets (you'll often find them via FB pages).
      3. Become a student of everything they do.
      4. Throw their site into to learn more.
      5. Ask yourself: what "one problem" do people in this market need solving.
      6. Solve it with a series of emails, a PDF, or a video course (that you buy from Fiverr).
      7. Make a website.
      8. Use a domain that sounds authoritative.
      9. Squeeze page on the front end.
      10. Blog on the back end.
      11. PPL offers in your sales funnel.
      12. Feed opt-ins with emails and blog posts.

      The above? That's your business. Your only business for now.

      Now you need traffic. If you can't afford paid right now, use these:

      1. Grow FB page, G+ page, Twitter account, possibly Pinterest, depending on market.

      2. Join relevant forums that allow signature files and contribute like I'm doing here.

      That should get the ball rolling with traffic. In all honestly, you only need a Facebook page to drive mass volume, but it won't hurt to spread yourself out. It'll be educational.

      Your goal: Grow that list.

      Use the above. You won't go wrong.

      Cheers - Tom
      I have seen many tried and true methods, and I'm not doubting that they work, but my 2 main problems are not lack of confidence and lack of success (that's the result). My main problem is not wanting to stick to any one subject for longer than a day or two. And even when I come back to it, I just want to enjoy it, I don't want to learn a bunch of uninteresting tasks that take a few years to earn money from, because that's not enjoying my interest.

      I have to head to my job now so I can't explain this fully or reply better, I will have to catch up another day when I get time! (working 2 jobs right now)
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      • Profile picture of the author LaunchPurveyor
        Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

        My main problem is not wanting to stick to any one subject for longer than a day or two. And even when I come back to it, I just want to enjoy it, I don't want to learn a bunch of uninteresting tasks that take a few years to earn money from, because that's not enjoying my interest.)
        I think you have to ask yourself whether going through the effort of making an online living is worth it to you. If you want it badly enough, you'd feel compelled enough to do what you have to do to reach your goals. It's either that or continue to work your 2 jobs, right? Even if you're not enjoying many of the daily online tasks, isn't autonomy worth it in the end?

        I agree with the others about mindset. But positive thinking doesn't really cut it IMO. These issues are normally subconscious and no amount of thinking about flowers and rainbows is going to cut it. You have to change it at its source and they're books that can help you. This one has helped me: <b>Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself</b>Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself .
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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10186623].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          I had to go back and read the OP again...this stands out..again:

          More than anything I want to have freedom from all these jobs I hate and I want to be able to travel the country wherever I want whenever I want, and working online has been an attractive idea for me for about 7 years now, but so far I haven't been able to make a go of it and I'm afraid it's because of the kind of person I am.
          You want it all - freedom, money, travel. You've been looking at online for 7 years...but haven't made the decisions or done the work.

          If I could find something that fit that and if I could magically only care about one thing only for the rest of my life, it would be easy to keep going. But i'm like a kid in a candy store and need to pay attention to all my interests on a regular basis.
          Maybe it's time to grow up and realize you can't have ALL the candy in the store. You can't have MOST of the candy in the store. But if you apply self discipline you could have SOME candy.

          You have a lot of excuses - and until you dump the "CAN'T" it's not going to work.
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
          what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

        I have seen many tried and true methods, and I'm not doubting that they work, but my 2 main problems are not lack of confidence and lack of success (that's the result). My main problem is not wanting to stick to any one subject for longer than a day or two. And even when I come back to it, I just want to enjoy it, I don't want to learn a bunch of uninteresting tasks that take a few years to earn money from, because that's not enjoying my interest.

        I have to head to my job now so I can't explain this fully or reply better, I will have to catch up another day when I get time! (working 2 jobs right now)
        Perhaps your best bet in this instance is to just find a sugar daddy that will foot the bill so you can live the life of the idle rich.

        Until you get your head out of the clouds, ain't nothing we can say that will help you. You'll just whine about that not being what you want.
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      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
        Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

        My main problem is not wanting to stick to any one subject for longer than a day or two.
        The medical term for that is IMADD.

        Cheers. - Frank
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    • Profile picture of the author LuxuriousDreams
      I just have a quick question when i was reading this post...what is PPL?
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    Everyone has given you positive feedback. You will fail IF that's what you believe. Your subconscious can't tell the difference between success and failure so if you keep saying you're a failure and nothing works, that's exactly what your subconscious will make happen.

    On the flip side, start thinking about yourself in a positive light. You obvious have some serious skills so make a decision as to what you're going to do. Take your time...draw up pros and cons for your options.

    Once you have made that decision, put everything into it to make yourself successful. TIME is on your side. You don't have to be successful TODAY. You DO have to do at least one task EVERY day to help grow and build your business until it becomes successful. I know you can do it. The question is DO YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF ENOUGH TO GET STARTED?

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    It seems to me that you'd be a natural at making one of those websites full of excuse notes of why people can't do things like go to school or work. If you believe you'll fail, you'll probably fail.

    If you've "bounce(d) around" from 8 jobs and shut down every website you started, I do worry about you're ability to stick with something. To me, that's the biggest issue. It sounds like you fly by the seat of your pants when you should have an idea and business plan for how you're going to grow and make money. How will you get traffic? How will you make a profit? Then continue testing as you go.

    It looks like you write just fine to me. The online world is a great equalizer where the cost of entry in a lot of niches is very low. Your success depends on your vision, planning, and ability. Just reading this post it sounds like you have the ability to write and be successful, but nothing happens overnight. It's up to you to be successful online if hou want to be.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    I don't want to come off too harsh but Internet marketing (ie running a business) is probably not for you. You have no focus and no desire to complete anything you start.

    Until you change your entire mindset and realize that, to succeed, you are gonna have to sometimes do things you don't necessarily like and you are going to have to commit, you are on a path to failure.

    Others have given you good advice in this thread but your problem is commitment. None of their advice is going to do you any good becaus by your own admission, you lose interest easily. People with your mindset don't successfully run businesses, I'm afraid.

    Sorry that sounds harsh but I'm not known for beating around the bush.
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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  • Profile picture of the author zaccks
    Even though I'm not good at it, I do love to write, I love to use Facebook, I love to research information, I love to share information online,

    since you love writing, i think this is one of the easiest way to start earning money online. that's how i started and looking at the way you wrote this post i think you write well far better than me and i've made a decent income from writing articles for at least 3 years. I started picking some cheap article jobs @, mostly $2-$5 per article.

    If you can post an ad here in this forum (warriors for hire section) and (they also have section to post your services), you can get yourself full time jobs. without meeting anyone in person.

    All you need is to recieve the job instructions and you get paid to your paypal.

    And also since you love to search for information online. visit there is a section for online research, go and bid for those projects.

    And finally if you don't want to communicate much even through emails, i think th best way to go is to start marketing digital products online.

    just go and pick some hot selling products at and

    i suggest you start with warrior plus, since you get paid instantly for your commissions through paypal

    just logged in and pick the products you want to promote, and send the vendors a message "i'd like to promote your product to my list" that's the messages i send all the time to vendors and i got approved all the time.

    and for the promotions you should go for paid traffic, like solo ads, and facebook ads. try and read some WSO's on how to go about with solo ads and facebook ads.

    with these methods you don't need to communicate much with anyone and autopilot income with be flooding into your paypal account everyday.

    You can't just give up just because you tried a couple of times you need to hit back again and again and again.....

    i believe since you already landed yourself here on this forum you've already got the right tool you need to succeed online.

    every time you need to start something and you have no i dea to get you started, make a post on the appropriate section on this forum and try to buy some wso guides and you'll definitely succeed online if you really have the desire. Good luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author nazreenmdaud
      Success starts with failure. Although there are so many free information online, I suggest that you get a mentor or a coach that can guide you through your internet lifestyle goals. Who wouldn't want to work from the comfort of your own home? Without worrying about your boss, talking to customers, etc. So to my best opinion, get a coach. At least you have someone who can hold you by the hand, teaching you step by step on what you need to do. If there is a need for he/she to critic your work, let it be. Take it as a lesson and stepping stone to achieve what you want in the future.

      Investing on a mentor/coach is not cheap. However you can seek assistance from some who are willing to help at a lower price in this forum. Feel free to check at various sections in this forum to know more.

      I myself invested on a mentor some time back, he gave me that confidence to achieve what I have been wanting all these years. I am very thankful of that.

      Wishing you all the best.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        You have some good advice - and some that may be beyond your reach financially.

        You also need a bit of a wakeup call. If your post is an example, you are stuck in a loop of "I can't", "I tried, but", I want, but"...going nowhere.

        The comments below stood out to me:

        I can't find a job I like and I'm always unhappy no matter what job I end up in.
        So it's not the job - it's you? Why are you always unhappy - because you don't like the work...think you deserve more....can't do the work well...

        Sometimes all you need to is to focus outward rather than in - be cheerful and people respond - smile and people smile at you. "Being unhappy" can become a habit and it's not a pleasant one.

        I lose interest, even though these are subjects I am passionate about and still love to dabble in. I have about 20 interests/hobbies and can't stick with one and only one.

        You seem to confuse working with hobbies - not the same. Any job - online or offline - has some boring tasks that must be done. There are repetitive tasks that aren't exciting but necessary. No one is excited/passtionate all the time about the work they do. Sometimes the excitement is that you were able to make yourself DO the work to get the rewards.

        I have 300 friends on FB and not a one can be supportive of me

        I saw a similar complaint from someone a few days ago. Expecting people on social media to "be supportive" is not logical. Go on social media as an unhappy person and whine about life and you'll find you attract the same sort of person. No one else wants to go to a pity party.

        I can't sustain interest in anything very long then I jump to the next thing i'm interested in.

        You "can't" as in a mental or physical illness that prevents you from "sustaining interest"? If that's not the case, sustaining 'interest' may be as simple as applying self discipline. Again, it's not fun. But it is self defeating to jump from one thing to another - you get nothing accomplished that way.

        Most of what attracts me to online work is that being an anti-social introvert, it would allow me to work alone in my home or from a hotel room or wherever I want to be. I wouldn't have to deal with co-workers and customers.

        There are people on this forum who are disabled and housebound who are earning a living online. There are many introverts here - and a few are anti-social. However, if you want to sell to people or provide a service such as writing - you must exercise enough restraint to connect politely with them. Online businesses are great for those who prefer to work alone - but you do need the discipline to do the work.

        I'm not good at it, I do love to write, I love to use Facebook, I love to research information, I love to share information online,

        That's fine - but no guarantee you can make money ANYWHERE by doing only what you love. I'm sure you know that but you seem to give yourself excuses of not liking people, not enjoying the work, not being interested, etc.

        So is there a "job" that would be a good fit for someone like me or am I doomed to live the life of a minimum wager?

        There is "work" that would fit you - but only if you allow yourself to fit the work. I don't think you can succeed online without an attitude adjustment. If you not willing to do work unless it is fun or interesting all the time - if you are unwilling to move outside your comfort zone to connect in some way with other people - it will be a long haul.
        I don't believe you are as anti-social as you think. You wrote a long first post that is quite descriptive. However, the complaining note runs through the entire post.

        You could create a more than minimum wage income writing for content sites rather than writing directly for customers on freelance sites. Money isn't as good but you don't have to relate to people - you can do research to learn topics and then write about them and the subject matter varies so should hold your interest.

        The biggest problem you have may be getting out of your own way.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanmilligan
    Personally from one line of what I just read I think you are losing interest because you aren't passionate about what you do.

    Find something you actually enjoy doing, then work isn't really work. You can continue with the IM and just choose a niche that you actually enjoy working on but remember that the world extends beyond this forum. IM ain't for everyone.

    I enjoy it, it helped me where I wanted to get but eventually I'm probably going to give it up to pursue something else. The marketing I learned and everything about how to run business online will always stick though so I suppose in a sense it will always be something I do.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      From your post, I get the impression that the problem is lodged firmly between your ears.

      You've gotten into a cycle of being that person who keeps failing. I think "losing interest" is a code for "I don't want to fail again."

      Let me tell you a story.

      A few decades ago, I smoked a pack and a half to two packs a day. During my tobacco days, I got real good at quitting. Did it over two dozen times. It never took.

      Then one winter day, as I stood out in the frozen air trying to keep the butt from falling from my numb fingers, the penny dropped. What the hell was I doing? This wasn't what I wanted.

      I dropped the butt, threw the rest of the pack in the trash, and haven't lit up since. Not even once.

      The difference - that penny dropping. At that moment I went from being a smoker trying to quit to someone who didn't smoke, period. It took a couple of days to get rid of the withdrawal symptoms, but there was never a question of backsliding. I wasn't a smoker anymore, so lighting up was just something I wouldn't do.

      You sound like you are in the same spot with your online efforts as I was on that winter day so many years ago. You still see yourself as someone who wants to achieve something but can't.

      You need to help the penny drop.

      Start learning about visualization techniques. Spend time every single day creating a movie you can play on the inside of your eyelids. Make the movie about your ideal life - what you do, how you pay for it, actually doing that thing and enjoying it. Make the movie in high definition color, surround sound and smell-o-vision.

      You see, your subconscious can't tell the difference between reality and a vividly imagined experience. Feed it enough vividly imagined experiences of success, and eventually, that's what you become.

      And when the penny does drop, and it will, there will be no stopping you.

      For the moment, you should focus on the "check up from the neck up" and do what you have to do. Maybe your job does suck. So what? It's not a career move, it's something you have to do for awhile until your real career takes off. Most of us have been there.

      Get the head under control and the rest has to follow. It works for martial arts, steer wrestling and online business...
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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        Start learning about visualization techniques. Spend time every single day creating a movie you can play on the inside of your eyelids. Make the movie about your ideal life - what you do, how you pay for it, actually doing that thing and enjoying it. Make the movie in high definition color, surround sound and smell-o-vision.

        You see, your subconscious can't tell the difference between reality and a vividly imagined experience. Feed it enough vividly imagined experiences of success, and eventually, that's what you become.

        And when the penny does drop, and it will, there will be no stopping you.
        John, excellent here.

        I too truly believe in Visualization. I know there are some who say it is mumbo jumbo BS. But the fact is it can and does work.

        I know when I was younger when I was struggling I would use Visualization of what I wanted to see my future as.

        One scenario I specifically used was being around my family reunions.

        You see my Uncles are very wealthy real estate investors . So when I was working I would envision that some day down the road I would be talking to them in person about my own Successes and not just hearing theirs'.

        This was great motivation to Visualize this. But you can apply it to most any circumstances.

        When you go through boring tasks and tedious activities sometimes demanded from this business, just think the payoff that will come down the road after doing these necessary tasks.

        Imagine telling your parents, friends, relative that "Yes I have a successful Online Business "

        Imprint that in your Mind and refer to it often ,especially when you get a little jaded

        - Robert Andrew

        Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
          Originally Posted by discrat View Post

          JSo when I was working I would envison that some day down the road I would be talking to them in person about my own Successes and not just hearing theirs'.
          And precisely how did the mumbo-jumbo work out, for you? :-)

          Cheers. - Frank
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          • Profile picture of the author discrat
            Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

            And precisely how did the mumbo-jumbo work out, for you? :-)

            Cheers. - Frank
            Yeah , after the Rabbits foot you slipped in my pocket years ago (my last Mentoring session you provided me) didnt pan out I decided to wise up and go with something else

            Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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            • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
              Originally Posted by discrat View Post

              Yeah , after the Rabbits foot you slipped in my pocket years ago (my last Mentoring session you provided me) didnt pan out I decided to wise up and go with something else
              Excuse me. I simply forgot that you are supposed to detach the foot, from the rabbit. That happened before I became perfect.

              Cheers. - Frank
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
    I have a challenge for you...

    Stop with the excuses. Go cold turkey. Start with your writing. Before you hit submit on any more posts, go back and rework them to remove the excuses, and replace them with a commitment to overcome the challenge you are stuck on.

    At first it will be a mental exercise only. But before long it will seep in and you'll find yourself thinking before you speak to remove the excuses there too.

    And then, it will flow through to your actions as well.

    Start small though. Commit to stop throwing those barriers up in front of you here, in your writing. It is all part of visualizing your success. In order to get there, you have to stop sabotaging yourself before you begin.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
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  • Profile picture of the author AntonioSeegars1
    Since you have an interest in a lot of stuff and you can't control what you focus on, stop trying to limit your interests in order to build one site for each particular one at time. Embrace the fact that you have a lot of interests that you want to focus on all at once, and build one giant website for ever interest that you have. Make it a website for everything you. Simply separate everything by categories and start posting content into whichever category you are interested in at the moment.

    Once you have started this process, start engaging in mass article syndication. For each post that you put on your site, whether it's original content or something you found somewhere else, search the Internet for relevant places to post a link to your content and start the syndication process. Since your interest are vast, you can easily find a thousand places to syndicate your content.

    The simplest way for you to make money from this process is to use AdSense, because then you don't have to worry about trying to sell anybody anything. All you have to do is bring people to your site through article syndication. And you can do this process daily whenever you want to.
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    • Profile picture of the author sstins
      From my perspective, you write very well. I have had some of the same issue that you describe. In other words your good at lots of stuff but don't exhibit the patience to become great at any one thing.

      For me, patience is one of my number one problems. I also agree that you write very well. I would focus my efforts there. Whether it's freelance work on fivrr or restarting a blog one of your talents is writing. So let's exploit that and see where it goes. Be more patient and focused I believe you will soon find where you need to in the game of internet marketing.

      Keywords for you imo [patience] [focus]

      You can and you will!
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by AntonioSeegars1 View Post

      Since you have an interest in a lot of stuff and you can't control what you focus on, stop trying to limit your interests in order to build one site for each particular one at time. Embrace the fact that you have a lot of interests that you want to focus on all at once, and build one giant website for ever interest that you have. Make it a website for everything you. Simply separate everything by categories and start posting content into whichever category you are interested in at the moment.

      Once you have started this process, start engaging in mass article syndication. For each post that you put on your site, whether it's original content or something you found somewhere else, search the Internet for relevant places to post a link to your content and start the syndication process. Since your interest are vast, you can easily find a thousand places to syndicate your content.

      The simplest way for you to make money from this process is to use AdSense, because then you don't have to worry about trying to sell anybody anything. All you have to do is bring people to your site through article syndication. And you can do this process daily whenever you want to.
      You're dealing with someone that seems incapable of deciding what to have for lunch and you are suggesting that a huge project, which will require an inordinate amount of time, money, focus, dedication and long-term follow-through be initiated.

      C'mon! - Frank
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      • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        You're dealing with someone that seems incapable of deciding what to have for lunch and you are suggesting that a huge project, which will require an inordinate amount of time, money, focus, dedication and long-term follow-through be initiated.

        C'mon! - Frank
        I DO have trouble deciding what to have for lunch, lol I have to analyze every option and then compare them until I find the one that would work the best. Which one requires ingredients that will go bad soon? Which one will be easier to eat on the go when I am at work? What will give me more energy for the time of day I am eating it? (Yes i'm not exaggerating, this is how my mind works)

        So that plays a huge role in this too, I've never been good at making decisions because there are too many options and my mind is too analytical. You should see me trying to decide what to wear! lol
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by AntonioSeegars1 View Post

      Since you have an interest in a lot of stuff and you can't control what you focus on, stop trying to limit your interests in order to build one site for each particular one at time. Embrace the fact that you have a lot of interests that you want to focus on all at once, and build one giant website for ever interest that you have. Make it a website for everything you. Simply separate everything by categories and start posting content into whichever category you are interested in at the moment.

      Once you have started this process, start engaging in mass article syndication. For each post that you put on your site, whether it's original content or something you found somewhere else, search the Internet for relevant places to post a link to your content and start the syndication process. Since your interest are vast, you can easily find a thousand places to syndicate your content.

      The simplest way for you to make money from this process is to use AdSense, because then you don't have to worry about trying to sell anybody anything. All you have to do is bring people to your site through article syndication. And you can do this process daily whenever you want to.
      I actually did this exact thing. My website covered like 10 different subjects which were all kind of related...I had been told by numerous experts that your website should at least have a focus on a subject, like you shouldn't have one that's about music and cooking and books, it's too diverse. I have always read that the more specific your niche is, the better. But I did do what you said and created a site that had about 10 subjects in it, and that's the one that I said I wrote about 30 articles for, and then I just ran out of ideas and lost interest. The majority of my posts were just saying how cool this book/website/movie/idea was, and then I would link to it. So I would really only write a paragraph. That's why I was saying I don't think I'm that good at writing because most of it is just introducing this interesting thing I found. I don't know how to come up with my own original stuff. Me writing in forums is totally different though, i'm not sharing any information, I'm talking about myself, which is something anyone can do for hours, but actually having good content, that's another story. THAT I suck at.

      So anyway my website is now down because it got infected with malware or something and I don't know how to fix it so they shut it down, but I can't afford to keep it going anyway and I also haven't added any new pages in about 8 or 9 months anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author marketingva

    I'm going out on a limb here but you remind me alot of myself a couple of decades ago. I recommend that you get mental health counseling before trying to make a living online. You have lots of issues and you need help before you can be successful. Look for mental health clinics that allow you to pay on a sliding scale. I don't want to guess why you feel the way you do.... for me it was all about my childhood and I couldn't move forward until I dealt with that.

    I wish you good luck.


    Magic Wand Author Services helps writers polish their manuscripts and connect to readers.

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    • Profile picture of the author AntonioSeegars1
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      • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
        Wow I'm so behind on replies, i'll never get to them all, I only have a few minutes so I'll just say this;

        I am not making excuses, I'm giving facts and explaining my situation. I don't need to change my attitude towards work, I held a job for 18 years straight out of high school making $14 an hour in a factory. I have cleaned toilets. I even worked 84 hours a week in 6 week increments. I did that job for 3 years and only quit because they were trying to force me to move across the country on only a few days' notice.

        People get my life philosophy confused with immaturity because the vast majority of people have been brainwashed into thinking there is something wrong with you if you don't want to work hard. But I HAVE worked hard and look where it got me...just survival. Now i'm old enough and have woken up to how things are. Humans were not meant to suffer. With the Industrial Revolution we all became slaves, just to survive! That this way of "living" even became accepted as normal is beyond me. I'm going off here, I gotta stop myself...

        Thanks for all the advice you all have given me, I just think I don't have the mental capabilities for this kind of work. I've always been good at physical work but horrible at mental work. I am not making excuses here but I have never been smart, always got bad grades in school except for Grammar which came naturally to me. Maybe that's why I always come back to writing as "the thing I was meant to do". I will find something, I will take some advice from a few of you, and I won't give up...I haven't ever given up, I've just gone with the flow of what I felt like in each moment. And if we can't enjoy each moment, we aren't truly free. lol Cheesy but true.

        Thanks everyone!
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        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
          Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

          I just think I don't have the mental capabilities for this kind of work.
          Problem, solved. If you feel that way then you should consider yourself very fortunate that you arrived at that determination before spending time and money and only having failure and frustration to show for it.

          Now - pack your bags and head out on the journey to discover what you will be happy pursuing. There is absolutely no shame in saying, "This life is not for me." You seem to have an abundance of self-awareness and your observations about yourself and your history seem valid enough to be taken at face value. Why are you looking outside of yourself for answers? Do you actually believe that anyone haunting these pages is in a position to help you make life altering decisions?

          You'll find many folks here that are devoid of empathy that will slam you for what they perceive as quitting. They'll tell you that anyone that applies themselves and simply 'believes' in themselves can get rich in IM. There is not a larger steaming pile of dookie that can be found in life. It's your life. Listen to no one. They don't care about you, only their self-aggrandizing belief that they are helping you. They want you to live their life. That lends creedence to their life-choices and helps them validate their own existence, even if they haven't made a plugged-nickle in IM. Misery loves company.

          Good luck on your travels. I hope you find something fulfilling that you can stick with that will bring you happiness and enough income to live comfortably. For that to happen, though - sooner or later you are going to have to choose something. Well, I guess you don't have to - but you won't achieve anything in life until you do. Just be sure your choice is based on the right reasons.

          Cheers. - Frank
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          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            Now i'm old enough and have woken up to how things are. Humans were not meant to suffer. With the Industrial Revolution we all became slaves, just to survive! That this way of "living" even became accepted as normal is beyond me. I'm going off here, I gotta stop myself...
            You've got it wrong. The jobs people work today are so much easier than jobs were in the past - employees have so many more rights and protections. There are safety nets that did not exist before the "industrial revolution".

            Don't believe all the talking points you read or hear - when someone tells you what you "shouldn't have to do" - look closely to see what's in it for them. When you start believing you are "owed more" - stop to think who it is that "owes" you something.

            I agree with Frank - you see yourself clearly and know your interests and limitations. If you live simply and don't need a lot of material goods - find a job that pays enough to get by...and keep as much time as you can for living with the freedom you want.
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
            what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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            • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
              Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

              You've got it wrong. The jobs people work today are so much easier than jobs were in the past - employees have so many more rights and protections. There are safety nets that did not exist before the "industrial revolution".
              I'm not saying jobs today aren't easier, all I'm saying is I want to live in a world where the only "work" we do directly relates to our survival. What I do right now, straightening shelves at Target, is NOT directly helping me survive. I am giving them my time doing something I hate doing so that they give me money. It's a roundabout way to survive. I guess I wouldn't feel so strongly about this if I actually could find a job I enjoy but that has never happened. I've came close a few times, but something always ruined it. And every time that happens I can't help but think 'Why am I putting myself through this stress!?' and the answer is 'Because I need money to survive'! It isn't because I love the job, or really want to do the thing I'm doing, it's always only because if I don't do it, I will be homeless and starve. We are being forced to earn money to live, why can't we just LIVE? We are born free, the Earth has everything we need! God didn't invent money and working, man did. Man has created a world where you are forced to be part of the system. Animals don't have this ridiculous system, they just live!

              Don't believe all the talking points you read or hear - when someone tells you what you "shouldn't have to do" - look closely to see what's in it for them. When you start believing you are "owed more" - stop to think who it is that "owes" you something.
              I'm not talking about people trying to sell something. The people with the same philosophy as me would never sell anything anyway, they just want other people to open their eyes and see the truth.

              If you live simply and don't need a lot of material goods - find a job that pays enough to get by...and keep as much time as you can for living with the freedom you want.
              That is what I'm doing now, I live in a trailer park where my lot rent is less than $300 a month. I don't have cable, I don't spend money on clothes and frivolous things, yet I am miserable because I still need a job and I hate my job. That is why I'm trying to work online so I can make money without having to suffer for it.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10188467].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
            Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

            Why are you looking outside of yourself for answers? Do you actually believe that anyone haunting these pages is in a position to help you make life altering decisions?
            What I am looking for is some ideas of online jobs that someone like me could do. I don't even know all of them yet, I'm still learning of new ones every day. In fact just before I came here to post, I discovered a program that teaches you how to surf the net! For a living! I can't believe nobody in here suggested that one. It even said it is good for introverts since you only have to contact people by email! Then you just surf the net (something I do all the time anyway and I NEVER lose interest in that). So I may have just found it. But I came to this forum thinking somebody would know what types of internet jobs would be a good fit for someone like me.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10188461].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author iharman
              Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

              What I am looking for is some ideas of online jobs that someone like me could do. I don't even know all of them yet, I'm still learning of new ones every day. In fact just before I came here to post, I discovered a program that teaches you how to surf the net! For a living! I can't believe nobody in here suggested that one. It even said it is good for introverts since you only have to contact people by email! Then you just surf the net (something I do all the time anyway and I NEVER lose interest in that). So I may have just found it. But I came to this forum thinking somebody would know what types of internet jobs would be a good fit for someone like me.
              Please don't take this the wrong way, but you may have adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). I'm mentioning this because I have it also. I had some of the same symptoms you have: lack of focus, poor self-image, and lack of motivation I got myself checked and the physicians prescribed medications for it. I've been on it for about six months now and my wife has noticed a considerable difference. I used to buy a WSO almost DAILY, just to read the information but never doing anything about it. I joined one MLM company after another, because I could never stick to one. I've been "sober" this last six months. I realize that's not due to the medications 100%, but I'm sure they helped. I also made a decision to stop spinning my wheels (the biggest reason was because my "condition" was starting to affect my marriage).

              If you work full-time at Target, then you should be covered by their insurance. It's not going to be 100% covered though, as you'd have to pay co-pays and take time off from work to get yourself checked like I did, but I'm glad I did that. You must commit to yourself that you'll stop spinning your wheels first like I did, though, because if you are not willing to accept reality and want to change, no amount of medication will fix any issues.

              Obviously everyone here agrees that you have no problem with writing. But aside from writing on this blog, you mention that you can't stick to writing about the things you are interested in, other than "check out this book". Why don't you start a journal and write about your day/feelings/fears/etc daily. (No, I'm not suggesting that you do this in a blog and monetize it with CPA offers). After a month or so, you can print them out and show them to the physicians at your session - should you decide to undergo treatment like I did.

              Right now no amount of make-money-ideas will fix your issue, as the issue here is yourself. First decide that you want to change, then seek professional help. They may be able to help. Once you can focus to do one thing, stick to it, commit and follow through, and most importantly, believe in yourself, then you will be able to make money online.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10188605].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
                Originally Posted by iharman View Post

                Please don't take this the wrong way, but you may have adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). I'm mentioning this because I have it also. I had some of the same symptoms you have: lack of focus, poor self-image, and lack of motivation I got myself checked and the physicians prescribed medications for it. I've been on it for about six months now and my wife has noticed a considerable difference. I used to buy a WSO almost DAILY, just to read the information but never doing anything about it. I joined one MLM company after another, because I could never stick to one. I've been "sober" this last six months. I realize that's not due to the medications 100%, but I'm sure they helped. I also made a decision to stop spinning my wheels (the biggest reason was because my "condition" was starting to affect my marriage).

                If you work full-time at Target, then you should be covered by their insurance. It's not going to be 100% covered though, as you'd have to pay co-pays and take time off from work to get yourself checked like I did, but I'm glad I did that. You must commit to yourself that you'll stop spinning your wheels first like I did, though, because if you are not willing to accept reality and want to change, no amount of medication will fix any issues.

                Obviously everyone here agrees that you have no problem with writing. But aside from writing on this blog, you mention that you can't stick to writing about the things you are interested in, other than "check out this book". Why don't you start a journal and write about your day/feelings/fears/etc daily. (No, I'm not suggesting that you do this in a blog and monetize it with CPA offers). After a month or so, you can print them out and show them to the physicians at your session - should you decide to undergo treatment like I did.

                Right now no amount of make-money-ideas will fix your issue, as the issue here is yourself. First decide that you want to change, then seek professional help. They may be able to help. Once you can focus to do one thing, stick to it, commit and follow through, and most importantly, believe in yourself, then you will be able to make money online.
                No I don't have that, I actually did see a therapist last year thinking I had some type of mental issue but she said people with that are really disorganized (I'm the opposite, I LOVE to organize things!), they have anger issues (again, i'm the opposite, I don't think i've ever raised my voice in my life), they can't prioritize and they're late. I am ALWAYS early to everything, because I put the thing I need to do first. They also have trouble relaxing. I LOVE to relax, maybe too much, lol

                She thought my problem was just depression, because I even admitted I was depressed, because I was living with my mom for 5 years and I hated it there. I'm not there anymore though.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10190567].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
              Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

              What I am looking for is some ideas of online jobs that someone like me could do. I don't even know all of them yet, I'm still learning of new ones every day. In fact just before I came here to post, I discovered a program that teaches you how to surf the net! For a living! I can't believe nobody in here suggested that one. It even said it is good for introverts since you only have to contact people by email! Then you just surf the net (something I do all the time anyway and I NEVER lose interest in that). So I may have just found it. But I came to this forum thinking somebody would know what types of internet jobs would be a good fit for someone like me.
              Be advised that as you look further into what you perceive as a 'business opportunity' that might be perfect for you, the likelihood is very high that you are looking at one of many popular Internet scams that prey on people like you.

              Ask yourself one very simple question. If you could actually make a living simply surfing the Net - who wouldn't be doing it? Use some common-sense and understand that there is no 'free lunch.'



              P.S. This is why no one mentioned it to you. We're all aware of the opportunity, but we're also all aware that it's totally bogus. Anyone here that would have recommended that to you would have been run out of town on a rail.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10189155].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Kay King
                I discovered a program that teaches you how to surf the net! For a living! I can't believe nobody in here suggested that one.
                After that, very hard to take this thread seriously.

                This isn't someone saying "It's hard" or "I can't" - this "don't want to", "not interested in", etc. It's someone with no curiosity about how things work online or much of anything else.

                20 years of bad jobs? Or 20 years of bad attitude and no ambition? And now the problem is that Amazon won't work in her state and we KNOW that is easy money, don't we?

                We are born free, the Earth has everything we need!

                I want to live in a world where the only "work" we do directly relates to our survival
                Then get that garden can do it!!!!

                I wanted to be born rich - that didn't work out either. Oh well....

                What a load of it!
                Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
                One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
                what it is instead of what you think it should be.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10189205].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
                  Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

                  After that, very hard to take this thread seriously.
                  See my last post, I posted the link to the site. It can't be a scam, there are real people that have success taking their programs, and I see the jobs listed on job sites that they're talking about.

                  This isn't someone saying "It's hard" or "I can't" - this "don't want to", "not interested in", etc. It's someone with no curiosity about how things work online or much of anything else.
                  You're saying I have no curiosity? I guess I'm baffled how you came up with that, I say curiosity is the reason I am so insatiable with learning. That is why I surf the net so much, that is why I have so many interests.

                  20 years of bad jobs? Or 20 years of bad attitude and no ambition?
                  Like I said in another post, I have worked harder than most people I know. I worked 18 years in a factory that was physical labor starting at age 18. I spent 3 years working 84 hours a week for 6 weeks at a time without a day off. I have cleaned toilets. I really don't know where people are getting the idea I have no ambition. If I had no ambition, I would mooch off my parents.

                  And now the problem is that Amazon won't work in her state and we KNOW that is easy money, don't we?
                  I am saying that would have been easy because I love Amazon and know it well, in fact I just ordered something off there an hour ago. I could easily promote every product I buy on there. That WAS my original plan for my website, anything I bought or heard good things about that was related to my site was going to go on there. The day I found out I couldn't do it, I almost gave up. I found other ways to get affiliate links but it was tedious and they were harder to find. What I wanted was a BIG company like Amazon because everyone uses it, and the cookies in the links lasted for a few days if I remember right, not just one purchase. Amazon was actually one of the first ways of making money through affiliate marketing that I heard about and that was what got me really excited and thought I could do it.

                  Then get that garden can do it!!!!
                  I do have a garden but it's very small since it's a community plot, it's not big enough to earn money from, it's barely big enough to feed ME. And I also don't have the time to develop it since I'm always working. I also have to sleep during the daytime because I have a circadian rhythm disorder (another subject not relevant to this thread so I didn't mention it).
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10190613].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
                Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

                Be advised that as you look further into what you perceive as a 'business opportunity' that might be perfect for you, the likelihood is very high that you are looking at one of many popular Internet scams that prey on people like you.

                Ask yourself one very simple question. If you could actually make a living simply surfing the Net - who wouldn't be doing it? Use some common-sense and understand that there is no 'free lunch.'



                P.S. This is why no one mentioned it to you. We're all aware of the opportunity, but we're also all aware that it's totally bogus. Anyone here that would have recommended that to you would have been run out of town on a rail.
                So this is a scam?! This is a respectable company with MANY success stories. Learn about a freelance business opportunity that gives you all the benefits of The Writer&rsquo;s Life; without writing a single word.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

    My main problem is not wanting to stick to any one subject for longer than a day or two. And even when I come back to it, I just want to enjoy it, I don't want to learn a bunch of uninteresting tasks that take a few years to earn money from, because that's not enjoying my interest.
    I'm starting to think this is a joke. I don't know how anyone can get to 42 years old with the mind set of a 7 year old. So many things are wrong here... Absolutely no ability to make a decision, commit, actually work, not happy with their life and unwilling to change it, etc, etc. You may want to seek professional help because it seems like you have a lot of issues.

    If you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting the results you've gotten.

    There's no business or job that I know of that's 100% fun and interesting all the time. That's part of being a grown up.

    When you're unhappiness outweighs your complete lack of desire to change, maybe you'll change. Until then, good luck. But I would give up the pipe dream of working online or for yourself until you've changed a lot.
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  • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
    Assuming this is for everyone is very wrong. Some of the people telling you that are desperately hoping to sell you something.

    The idea to "pick a clickbank product" and just go for it won't work as you say you don't stick to anything.

    It doesn't sound like you are really interested in this. I can think of a lot of jobs I would hate, would not be physically able or good at doing , etc....I can't imagine myself on a garbage truck or on a construction crew or climbing on a roof

    Why not just get a j-o-b - maybe in sales or marketing so you can learn...
    and start a "blog" on the side and try to find something that really interests you and stick to it

    Maybe then you will be more interested and focused ? Good luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10187172].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Freebiequeen1999 View Post

      It doesn't sound like you are really interested in this.
      I'm not interested in the behind the scenes stuff that goes into this no. Maybe that's the problem, I don't love technical tedious computer stuff and learning SEO and marketing strategies, those are not what I love to do, so I guess that's the core at why I haven't been able to make this work. I love learning about different things that I enjoy, and I love enjoying them, that is it. I love taking pictures but I don't love the act of adding photos to a website. I love cooking but I don't want to work in a kitchen (not an internet thing but that's my point, I love these these UNTIL I have to do them for a job).

      Why not just get a j-o-b - maybe in sales or marketing so you can learn...
      and start a "blog" on the side and try to find something that really interests you and stick to it
      The job I have now is actually in sales, it's at Target, lol But I am horrible at it. If I don't get fired, I will probably quit. I am too introverted for it, I avoid customers and try not to talk to them. This is why I hate most jobs because I don't like dealing with people, I have always been socially awkward and introverted so it's been a struggle to find jobs that don't make me want to hide in a corner and escape from the world.

      Regarding your 2nd suggestion, I have had many blogs on the side and I lose interest in them all. There isn't anything out there that I love more than the things I have already written about, that isn't the problem. Lets see if this helps; One of my favorite topics is spirituality. I LOVE watching documentaries about it, reading books about it, researching new things related to it, finding cool websites about it, that kind of stuff. But when I tried to write posts on my website about it, I found myself just going through the motions. I would write one or two small paragraphs saying something like "This is a really cool book, read it". I couldn't come up with any actual content of my own, I am not a spiritual guru, I just love to learn about it and then that's where it stops. That is exactly the case with every one of my interests. Another example is music. Music has been my favorite subject in the world, my life revolved around it as a teenager through well into my 30's. My first website was about music, where I listed bands and talked about them. After about a week, I just lost interest, and realized I would rather listen to music than write about bands.
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  • Profile picture of the author sega001
    I have found myself in a similar situation in the past before as well. And the first thing I did with myself was be honest. Not just honest, but brutally honest. I don't like to be person that bashes people's dreams. But, I also believe that there comes a point where we all have to raise our level of awareness and ask ourselves, "what in the world is going on"? And face what the REAL problem is, and that is you.

    I notice by your posting how you have been "dabbling" with many start-up ideas and then either get bored or quit. I think it is time to wake up to the reality of how life and business works. At 42 years young you have lived long enough to realize that life in itself is hard work. Business is even harder.

    To be successful in business is not about doing certain things, it is about being a certain type of person. And that person is someone you are not acting like. Business is not about doing what you like. It is about serving people with a product or service and consistently doing it and focusing on ONE business model UNTIL you are successful. Not when you're bored and move on to the next "best thing". This is the crossroads in your life to REALLY asked yourself what do you want and decide.

    If you are not willing to do what it takes in business to succeed then it be best to get a job or go back to school to get a career going. There is nothing wrong with having a JOB. As long as it is honest work and you are happy then that is all that matters.
    The Best Signature Coming Soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10188149].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by sega001 View Post

      I have found myself in a similar situation in the past before as well. And the first thing I did with myself was be honest. Not just honest, but brutally honest. I don't like to be person that bashes people's dreams. But, I also believe that there comes a point where we all have to raise our level of awareness and ask ourselves, "what in the world is going on"? And face what the REAL problem is, and that is you.

      I notice by your posting how you have been "dabbling" with many start-up ideas and then either get bored or quit. I think it is time to wake up to the reality of how life and business works. At 42 years young you have lived long enough to realize that life in itself is hard work. Business is even harder.

      To be successful in business is not about doing certain things, it is about being a certain type of person. And that person is someone you are not acting like. Business is not about doing what you like. It is about serving people with a product or service and consistently doing it and focusing on ONE business model UNTIL you are successful. Not when you're bored and move on to the next "best thing". This is the crossroads in your life to REALLY asked yourself what do you want and decide.

      If you are not willing to do what it takes in business to succeed then it be best to get a job or go back to school to get a career going. There is nothing wrong with having a JOB. As long as it is honest work and you are happy then that is all that matters.
      You have answered my question then, and it confirms my fear, that I just am not the kind of person cut out for this kind of work. Not everyone is, it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with me. My parents and brother could never start a business either, just some people aren't. Most aren't, I think.

      As for your last sentence, I would agree if I could be happy working a job. But like I said in other posts, that has never happened. I have had 2 jobs out of 8 in my entire life that I "didn't hate", but I wouldn't say I loved them. They were tolerable. And wouldn't you know it, one laid me off and one fired me. Otherwise I probably would have stayed doing them forever and I wouldn't be here trying to find an escape from job hell.
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      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        I think your response to this indicates that you may not have what it takes to be a successful internet marketer.

        If you're the type that gets easily discouraged and loses interest when things aren't going the way you want them to, then internet marketing will probably be the hardest "job" or endeavor you'll ever tackle.

        It's almost never a straight path to success in IM, and the road is often bumpy and beset with lots of challenges. It'll take strong focus and mental fortitude to overcome them if you want to make internet marketing a full-time endeavor that will give you the income and freedom you desire.

        This doesn't mean you can never be successful in internet marketing though. What you'll have to do is change your mindset and your attitude towards internet marketing -- it's not a job by any means, and your income and success will not come in a linear or predictable fashion if you choose to remain on this path. Prepare yourself for that, be tenacious and never give up -- it's only impossible if you tell yourself that.

        Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

        You have answered my question then, and it confirms my fear, that I just am not the kind of person cut out for this kind of work. Not everyone is, it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with me. My parents and brother could never start a business either, just some people aren't. Most aren't, I think.

        As for your last sentence, I would agree if I could be happy working a job. But like I said in other posts, that has never happened. I have had 2 jobs out of 8 in my entire life that I "didn't hate", but I wouldn't say I loved them. They were tolerable. And wouldn't you know it, one laid me off and one fired me. Otherwise I probably would have stayed doing them forever and I wouldn't be here trying to find an escape from job hell.
        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10202340].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author greenowl123
          Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

          I think your response to this indicates that you may not have what it takes to be a successful internet marketer.

          If you're the type that gets easily discouraged and loses interest when things aren't going the way you want them to, then internet marketing will probably be the hardest "job" or endeavor you'll ever tackle.

          It's almost never a straight path to success in IM, and the road is often bumpy and beset with lots of challenges. It'll take strong focus and mental fortitude to overcome them if you want to make internet marketing a full-time endeavor that will give you the income and freedom you desire.

          This doesn't mean you can never be successful in internet marketing though. What you'll have to do is change your mindset and your attitude towards internet marketing -- it's not a job by any means, and your income and success will not come in a linear or predictable fashion if you choose to remain on this path. Prepare yourself for that, be tenacious and never give up -- it's only impossible if you tell yourself that.

          Exactly this !

          You should have the attitude of Thomas Edison when he was perfecting the light bulb. When asked by a reporter if he was discouraged about failing so many times with his experiments, he replied "I have not failed. I have simply discovered 10,000 things that don`t work."

          His immortal words kept me going for YEARS in this IM game.
          Free 40-page eBook "How To Earn With CPA Offers"
          + 14 Free Traffic Training Videos -
          Click here now. (no opt-in required)

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10208061].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
            Originally Posted by greenowl123 View Post


            Exactly this !

            You should have the attitude of Thomas Edison when he was perfecting the light bulb. When asked by a reporter if he was discouraged about failing so many times with his experiments, he replied "I have not failed. I have simply discovered 10,000 things that don`t work."

            His immortal words kept me going for YEARS in this IM game.
            I do agree with that quote, that is why I keep saying these things didn't work and I'm still trying.

            Over the last few days I have created another website and a blog, although I feel like I'm beating a dead horse there, but I was inspired to start them so I did, we'll see if my enthusiasm suddenly lasts this time. I have also been reading a book on how to find your calling and had a good idea for something that I love to do, collecting information and putting it into categories. It seems kinda useless but I love to do that. Like just for the hell of it, I will make a list of every herb and spice that can be used in Italian food. Or I will organize all my books according to subject matter and make lists of them. I'm not sure if it would be considered serving the public but I love doing stuff like that. It doesn't involve writing as much as compiling information and sharing it in comprehensive easy to read lists.
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            • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
              I don't know about the company behind this link but what about something like this: A career in indexing :: The Society of Indexers


              Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

              I do agree with that quote, that is why I keep saying these things didn't work and I'm still trying.

              Over the last few days I have created another website and a blog, although I feel like I'm beating a dead horse there, but I was inspired to start them so I did, we'll see if my enthusiasm suddenly lasts this time. I have also been reading a book on how to find your calling and had a good idea for something that I love to do, collecting information and putting it into categories. It seems kinda useless but I love to do that. Like just for the hell of it, I will make a list of every herb and spice that can be used in Italian food. Or I will organize all my books according to subject matter and make lists of them. I'm not sure if it would be considered serving the public but I love doing stuff like that. It doesn't involve writing as much as compiling information and sharing it in comprehensive easy to read lists.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10211289].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
              Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

              I feel like I'm beating a dead horse there,
              Oh, so you are familiar with the concept. Please explain it to everyone else. They seem to be totally oblivious. lol

              Cheers. - Frank
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10212172].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    I'm starting to think this thread is a giant troll....
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    Step # 1 - Agree to stop wasting time.

    Step # 2 - Now that you're using time productively... Figure out what you want to accomplish with your time.

    Step # 3 - Now that you're using time productively... And now that you know precisely what you aim to accomplish... Get to work.

    Any questions?

    PS: You claim that you're an introvert. No you're not! You're a Chatty Kathy if I've ever seen one.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10188237].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by Sarevok View Post

      Step # 1 - Agree to stop wasting time.

      Step # 2 - Now that you're using time productively... Figure out what you want to accomplish with your time.

      Step # 3 - Now that you're using time productively... And now that you know precisely what you aim to accomplish... Get to work.

      Any questions?
      Nope. No questions. Looks like you solved the problem perfectly. I'm sure the OP's life is all better, now.

      Cheers. - Frank
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10188241].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Sarevok View Post

      PS: You claim that you're an introvert. No you're not! You're a Chatty Kathy if I've ever seen one.
      Apparently you don't know what an introvert is. It's someone whose energy gets drained if they are around a lot of people for a long amount of time. It's someone who hates small talk and hanging out in big groups, they prefer having deep meaningful conversations with one or two people. It's someone who needs to be alone half if not most of every day. It has nothing to do with how much someone types online. Writing is how most introverts express themselves because we don't like talking.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
    pick an affiliate product create some linkwheels to it great way to research and use content to sell a product google linkwheels, clickbank, affiliate platforms have fun i dont think you'll do that either tho. Working online is better then a job so do it its your only hope. give yourself a kick in the butt. prove me wrong. and then let me know i was wrong.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10188335].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Claire Koch View Post

      pick an affiliate product create some linkwheels to it great way to research and use content to sell a product google linkwheels, clickbank, affiliate platforms have fun i dont think you'll do that either tho. Working online is better then a job so do it its your only hope. give yourself a kick in the butt. prove me wrong. and then let me know i was wrong.
      I was using affiliate links on both my websites. I never made a single cent. What I wish I could have done was become an Amazon Affiliate, but wouldn't you know it, the state I live in is one of the states that doesn't allow it. That would have been SO fun and simple, just promote a bunch of products on the most popular shopping site in the world, a site I spend a lot of time on and know well, but my luck would have it that it isn't legal to be an affiliate in this state.
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  • Profile picture of the author neteater
    dear lady,

    first believe in god, and second remember miracles can happen, there are many persons looking for good writers, you can find so many here in want to hire section.and trust me if jk rowling can do this, you to can.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10188469].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by neteater View Post

      dear lady,

      first believe in god, and second remember miracles can happen, there are many persons looking for good writers, you can find so many here in want to hire section.and trust me if jk rowling can do this, you to can.
      If believing in God was all it took, every Athiest in the world would be poor and homeless.

      JK Rowling is talented. I am not talented like that. I can't write a creative story to save my life. I start with a cool idea, then I just get nowhere. I can come up with good ideas but lack the substance to make it complete. I am like a car that is all spark plugs and no gas, lol
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  • Profile picture of the author bfairo
    Whether you think you can or you think you cannot, you are always right. Being socially awkward or an introvert has nothing to do with your online persona, you can be what you want when you want, you just have to Believe it first. Your whole world is all a matter of your own perspective, whatever you truly believe is real to you no matter what anyone else see's or believes. First and foremost, you must Believe in yourself, the rest will fall in place! Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author SandraGenJobs
      Originally Posted by bfairo View Post

      Whether you think you can or you think you cannot, you are always right. Being socially awkward or an introvert has nothing to do with your online persona, you can be what you want when you want, you just have to Believe it first. Your whole world is all a matter of your own perspective, whatever you truly believe is real to you no matter what anyone else see's or believes. First and foremost, you must Believe in yourself, the rest will fall in place! Good luck!
      Preach it!
      Couldn't agree more, it's all about the mindset. It's easy to say that though, when you're an optimist but really, a lot of stuff depends on your outlook on the world, even finding a job for that matter.
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    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
      not at all,

      you got a ton of ppl commenting and engaging on your thread.

      you are a natural storyteller and relatable

      id say you were made for internet marketing.

      now do what you did with this thread but do it around a product or service.

      do it on youtube.

      best of luck,
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      • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
        Originally Posted by aizaku View Post

        not at all,

        you got a ton of ppl commenting and engaging on your thread.

        you are a natural storyteller and relatable

        id say you were made for internet marketing.

        now do what you did with this thread but do it around a product or service.

        do it on youtube.

        best of luck,
        Well that's the thing though, I tried that. I don't know why it's so easy to write about myself but hard to write about something external. I am not a good seller, all I do is say something like "I love this book, you should read it if you want to learn more about this subject". If you were to ask me to explain the subject, I would have a hard time. But writing about myself is like a journal, I could go on for hours, but who wants to hear that.
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        • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
          It's rare that I revisit a thread. I'll usually give a reply and move on...

          Amazing that this particular thread has 4 pages now.

          So let's see...this is day 13 of this thread, and you've written thousands of words and made nothing for your effort, and you've had no "eureka" moment either (I haven't read every page, but it sounds like you are still stuck).

          I told one guy here a few days ago that he should quit. It's not something I say lightly, because I don't believe in quitting unless it's the only answer. Some may have disagreed with me, but I saw something in his response to everyone that told me his situation was hopeless. It was clear to me (but maybe I was wrong, who knows).

          In your case, I don't think you need to quit...yet.

          I do think you need someone to tell you what to do and hold you accountable to do it. You need a strong coach and you need to agree to do what that coach says, and then follow through.

          You're the type of person who needs a boss or you won't succeed and will continue meandering about with circular thinking and non-committal action. And I mean "non-committal action" because you do take action initially with many things, but you have no commitment to anything you start, ever.

          Anyhow. My second post here, but definitely won't be back a third time.

          Best wishes.
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          • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
            Originally Posted by Joan Altz View Post

            It's rare that I revisit a thread. I'll usually give a reply and move on...

            Amazing that this particular thread has 4 pages now.

            So let's see...this is day 13 of this thread, and you've written thousands of words and made nothing for your effort, and you've had no "eureka" moment either (I haven't read every page, but it sounds like you are still stuck).

            I told one guy here a few days ago that he should quit. It's not something I say lightly, because I don't believe in quitting unless it's the only answer. Some may have disagreed with me, but I saw something in his response to everyone that told me his situation was hopeless. It was clear to me (but maybe I was wrong, who knows).

            In your case, I don't think you need to quit...yet.

            I do think you need someone to tell you what to do and hold you accountable to do it. You need a strong coach and you need to agree to do what that coach says, and then follow through.

            You're the type of person who needs a boss or you won't succeed and will continue meandering about with circular thinking and non-committal action. And I mean "non-committal action" because you do take action initially with many things, but you have no commitment to anything you start, ever.

            Anyhow. My second post here, but definitely won't be back a third time.

            Best wishes.
            I didn't expect a eureka moment, but I have learned some things and am making progress, too bad you didn't read all my replies. That is where the magic happens, lol

            While it is true I can't commit to things, it's also true that I am not happy having a boss. Well, I HAVE been happy having bosses, ones that had my back and were more like a friend than a supervisor. But that's something I can't control, if I get one like that or not.
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            • Profile picture of the author Kay King
              too bad you didn't read all my replies. That is where the magic happens, lol
              Maybe you do have a sense of humor after all.
              Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
              One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
              what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave37
    Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

    I am a 42 year old female. I can't find a job I like and I'm always unhappy no matter what job I end up in. I never went to college, bounced around to about 8 minimum wage jobs, and I'm living in a trailer park, so that kind of sets me apart from successful people. More than anything I want to have freedom from all these jobs I hate and I want to be able to travel the country wherever I want whenever I want, and working online has been an attractive idea for me for about 7 years now, but so far I haven't been able to make a go of it and I'm afraid it's because of the kind of person I am.
    You seem to have great goals, but don't have a solid plan of action to reach those goals, or maybe just not the willpower to execute the plans that you do have.

    You need a positive mindset and a sheer perseverance to achieve almost any kind of success, and that sometimes means you have to endure something that you don't like in order to reach the one you are after.

    Back to IM, you can build an online business without any expenses which usually takes time, or you can invest in an online business in order to see results faster. Success is guaranteed in both ways if and only if you follow a good plan of actions (most of the time).

    Even though you don't like any of the 8 jobs you have had so far, but first you should be grateful to have found them, and next, if you have a good online business plan, you could use some of the revenues from those jobs and invest them until it becomes stable.

    Last thing I would recommend (and it might be the right thing to do now) is a good mentor which will guide you into setting up a solid online business in something that you are passionate about.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
    You are clearly not cut out for building a business through a blog, so I agree you shouldn't keep beating yourself up over it.

    Here's the thing though...most people who try fail at that. In fact, most of the people at this forum who try also fail at that. You are not really missing out on "the experience" because it is elusive to most.

    But business by blogging is just one idea. In my opinion, it is not the best model out there anyway. Not to offend those who make it work for themselves, but they have built a model overly reliant on the whims of major, soulless corporations who can (and sometimes do) take it all away (i.e. Google, Amazon, etc).

    It is much better to build something that directly addresses a human need. With all the self pity, I don't remember you telling us what you really love to do, feel passionate over, etc.

    My wife makes pretty good money sweeping through all of the area yard sales and thrift shops every week, finding things that are way undervalued and reselling them on craigslist/ebay. She LOVES every minute of it, and has to talk to pretty much nobody (though talking to people is not her problem, lol)

    I have built several online B2B services. I love what I do as well, but it is a much higher level business than what my wife does (i.e. office space, employees, servers, accountants/lawyers, etc - but much more revenue as well)

    I stand by my previous post though... your number one problem is not that you are not in the right business. It is that you keep telling yourself you are a failure, and giving yourself permission to fail at everything you try. Until you fix that attitude, you will be right.
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Jack Gordon View Post

      It is much better to build something that directly addresses a human need. With all the self pity, I don't remember you telling us what you really love to do, feel passionate over, etc.
      I agree, I think I would get faster better results filling a need. I just can't figure out what I am good at that people need done. I have had an ad up on Fiverr for proofreading but so far haven't gotten any bites.

      Well I never gave a full list of all the things I am passionate about because there are so many things. So I'll list them here, maybe somebody sees something in there that might fit well with an online job, somehow, lol...
      • Photography
      • Paper crafts
      • Mosaics
      • Books
      • Music
      • Movies
      • Road trips, travelling
      • Storm chasing
      • Herbalism
      • Cooking
      • Sustainability/Permaculture/Green Living
      • Spirituality/Awakening/Enlightenment
      • Conspiracy theories
      • Writing
      • Organizing
      • Social Media
      • Surfing the net

      I feel like i'm missing some but that's most of them, I think.

      My wife makes pretty good money sweeping through all of the area yard sales and thrift shops every week, finding things that are way undervalued and reselling them on craigslist/ebay. She LOVES every minute of it, and has to talk to pretty much nobody (though talking to people is not her problem, lol)
      I looked into that too, I know some women that do it for a living, but they all have a big house where they can have one room dedicated to storage for all their inventory. I live in a small trailer and every nook and cranny is full and I still don't have all my stuff here. I hate clutter so I don't want to dump everything in a corner or in the middle of a room, there is no room for that here.

      I stand by my previous post though... your number one problem is not that you are not in the right business. It is that you keep telling yourself you are a failure, and giving yourself permission to fail at everything you try. Until you fix that attitude, you will be right.
      I don't think it's an attitude to admit you aren't in the right business. My "attitude" is simply my dissatisfaction with the whole idea of jobs in general. I've already explained this so I won't go into it again. I just don't think I'll be happy in any JOB because I'm against them to begin with. In a perfect world, I would survive off the land, growing my own food, and selling extra for money. But I don't have any land, I couldn't afford to buy a house. I would also do something online so I wouldn't have to drive in the snow to a job I hate, suffering just for minimum wage.
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  • Profile picture of the author bennyvaldes
    Mindset is such a VITAL important factor when approaching ANYTHING in life. If you are approaching anything with the mindset that you fail or are going to lose interest, chances are you are going to lose interest! You are literally pointing your brains direction to the strong belief or strongest thought you have in you. The brain is a POWERFUL organ! It's also a powerful environment. I was very similar in my beginnings with blogging. I have a very low tolerance for slow motion things I have a low attention span for anything that doesn't move fast. But I knew in order for me to adapt to the characteristics of blogging on the internet I had to make that environment in my head and live in it. If you live on the outside of it you will be running a window, mouse trap based business. As to if you were to live that business in your brain by reading books, watching YouTube videos find information about it all over the internet, finding mentors and things like that your mind will be in a while different place. I actually surrounded myself with business books and information that promotes my environment to an an environment that subconsciously tells my brain where to be.
    This is probably just a short version of how to do this. lol But I will say I was definitely the SAME EXACT way jumping from job to job loving it in the beginning and then after only a few moths quitting or just hating life. I decided I was better on my own and started my blog.I got very bored of it quick but I knew I wanted to do it. So I forced my environment. I forced my brain to head in the direction THAT I WANTED it to go and not what it was used to. Of course, it's not a perfect world. Every now and then I still have my times where I need a little kick in the but and that's fine. Balance it out. Give your brain some breathing room to do what it wants but don't let it wander too far. Bring that mindset back and get back in the game. This is how I do what I do. I balance good and bad and find a place where i'm happy in between.
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  • Profile picture of the author Davebrab
    There is a ton of great feedback here, but One thing I think is missing. 3 websites and 2 or 3 blogs, but what were their content? Here is the problem that I see very frequently on this site. People come here for help generating an income stream online, as they should, but they always start with the business model and fit the content in hap-hazardly after the fact. I think this is the worst possible way to do this. Instead, start small and slow. Nobody wants to hear this because they want / need the income now, but if you really want to do it right, start with content that is interesting to you. Really think about what you know and what you want to write about. If you write well and like to write, then start there. Build a site or blog that is personal to you. If you live in a high tourism area (Orlando for me) maybe write about tricks to improving vacations in that area or specific attractions to visit. Then work on SEO. Do your research. There is so much help available on these forums for you in that regard. Once you have steady traffic, then monetize it with relative offers. If you start with something you are passionate about, you will not lose interest. Slow is the way to start in this business. Don't rush it. It will take time and hard work.

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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      I am simply amazed that people continue to post, 'what works for them.' If there is anything more worthless, I cannot imagine what that would be. I would never be so presumptuous as to believe that any of my life experiences, personal beliefs or modus operandi would have any effect on another human being.

      Last I checked we were all different, with our own foibles, needs and aspirations. This is just another example of people wanting to just pontificate while telling their own story. While you may believe it may serve some value, it won't. The OP is well beyond the age of reading anything, anywhere that is miraculously going to change her life and her personal view of same.

      I know that many of you will think differently, and you are welcome to think whatever you want, but in this instance, you are beating a dead horse. The OP has no desire to change the way she attacks life. She is looking for a way to get the facts of life to bend to her way of wanting to live her life, with absolutely no effort on her part. The die has been cast. There is nothing you can do, here, except continue to bloviate on how you live your life as if that is going to get the OP to follow suit which in your mind will make her life better.

      Good luck with that. :-)

      Cheers. - Frank
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      • Profile picture of the author Zodiax
        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        I am simply amazed that people continue to post, 'what works for them.' If there is anything more worthless, I cannot imagine what that would be. I would never be so presumptuous as to believe that any of my life experiences, personal beliefs or modus operandi would have any effect on another human being.

        Last I checked we were all different, with our own foibles, needs and aspirations. This is just another example of people wanting to just pontificate while telling their own story. While you may believe it may serve some value, it won't. The OP is well beyond the age of reading anything, anywhere that is miraculously going to change her life and her personal view of same.

        I know that many of you will think differently, and you are welcome to think whatever you want, but in this instance, you are beating a dead horse. The OP has no desire to change the way she attacks life. She is looking for a way to get the facts of life to bend to her way of wanting to live her life, with absolutely no effort on her part. The die has been cast. There is nothing you can do, here, except continue to bloviate on how you live your life as if that is going to get the OP to follow suit which in your mind will make her life better.

        Good luck with that. :-)

        Cheers. - Frank
        I want to live a life of a hooker trick,

        the rule being, I never have to pay.

        I think me and you can both agree on that life philosophy.

        'I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'
        -Muhammad Ali

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      • Profile picture of the author Davebrab
        Wow BigFrank, there is a lot of cynicism in that post with more than a little judgement. The OP is not "looking for a way to get the facts of life to bend to her way of wanting to live her life, with absolutely no effort on her part." she is frustrated with her current station and down following the failures of efforts that did not succeed. most of the replies here were not people's personal stories, but rather affirmations that success is possible with realistic advice of exactly what is honestly necessary, including a change in attitude. Nobody is beyond learning, reading or growing, but sometimes a bit of support goes a long way. If you don't have any faith in her, that is fine, and your choice, but posting what you did is nothing more than posting to see your own thoughts in public text. Add something to the discussion, or don't bother adding. Random judgement and cynicism should, in my opinion, have no place in a forum like this where people are asking for support. By the way, if she is making no effort, how did she find warrior forums and why post? Looks like effort to me.

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        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
          Originally Posted by Davebrab View Post

          Add something to the discussion, or don't bother adding.
          Wow. It's OK for you to judge my post, right. A bit hypocritical if you ask me.
          Random judgement and cynicism should, in my opinion, have no place in a forum like this where people are asking for support.
          That's fine, but I didn't ask you what you think. This is an open forum I have have no requirement to subscribe to your ideas of forum etiquette or what is consider a valuable contribution. We have mods that are paid to do just that. You want to run a forum to your tenets - build one.
          By the way, if she is making no effort, how did she find warrior forums and why post? Looks like effort to me.
          We see what we want to see in life. I see someone that craves attention and will post forever as long as you continue to feed the beast.

          Don't be an enabler.

          Cheers. - Frank

          P.S. The forum has an ignore button. If you don't appreciate my contributions to the discussion, use it. The same applies to anyone else. That's what it is there for. :-)
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          • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
            Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

            We see what we want to see in life. I see someone that craves attention and will post forever as long as you continue to feed the beast.
            I am continuing to post because I still have hope I will have a breakthrough here somehow. I am not craving attention, I am an introvert, we HATE attention. I am tempted to stop coming back though because it's turning into drama and I don't want to spend my precious free time arguing with people about my personality/character. I want to talk about different ways to make money online so I can find something that I think will work for me.
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      • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        I am simply amazed that people continue to post, 'what works for them.' If there is anything more worthless, I cannot imagine what that would be. I would never be so presumptuous as to believe that any of my life experiences, personal beliefs or modus operandi would have any effect on another human being.

        Last I checked we were all different, with our own foibles, needs and aspirations. This is just another example of people wanting to just pontificate while telling their own story. While you may believe it may serve some value, it won't. The OP is well beyond the age of reading anything, anywhere that is miraculously going to change her life and her personal view of same.

        I know that many of you will think differently, and you are welcome to think whatever you want, but in this instance, you are beating a dead horse. The OP has no desire to change the way she attacks life. She is looking for a way to get the facts of life to bend to her way of wanting to live her life, with absolutely no effort on her part. The die has been cast. There is nothing you can do, here, except continue to bloviate on how you live your life as if that is going to get the OP to follow suit which in your mind will make her life better.

        Good luck with that. :-)

        Cheers. - Frank
        I didn't ask for someone to try to change ME, I asked for examples of making money online that would work for someone like me. Only a few have suggested things, the majority just tell me I have an attitude problem. It isn't that I am not willing to put in any effort, I think I have proved that (how people fail to see it is beyond me), I'm just unwilling to waste any more time trying to get different results out of the same types of actions.
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Davebrab View Post

      There is a ton of great feedback here, but One thing I think is missing. 3 websites and 2 or 3 blogs, but what were their content? Here is the problem that I see very frequently on this site. People come here for help generating an income stream online, as they should, but they always start with the business model and fit the content in hap-hazardly after the fact. I think this is the worst possible way to do this. Instead, start small and slow. Nobody wants to hear this because they want / need the income now, but if you really want to do it right, start with content that is interesting to you. Really think about what you know and what you want to write about. If you write well and like to write, then start there. Build a site or blog that is personal to you.
      I think you missed something...I DID do that. Every site and blog I started WAS about a subject I was passionate about. My first site was about music. My 2nd site had an overall theme of connecting to nature which included subjects of spirituality, the environment, nature, etc. My 3rd site was about photography. I wouldn't waste time writing about something I am not passionate about. Like I said, that isn't the problem. The problem is I like the SUBJECTS, not the tedious computer techie/business aspect of running websites. Not to mention I can't afford to keep them going, every time I start one I can't afford to keep paying for it every year. That is why I started blogs, because they're free. I had a blog that was like a journal about being depressed, I stopped that though when I stopped being depressed. I have a blog right now that is pretty much my nature website, because the site is shut down (malicious files that I can't fix, also can't afford to renew my domain name). I just started a blog about making money online a few weeks ago (don't laugh, I know i'm no expert, but I had the sudden interest in sharing what I find with people who might be looking for ways, too).
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    One of the reasons I'm a ghostwriter is because I have varied interest as you do.

    I get to write on a different subject every week, sometimes every day.

    If you want to write on subjects of your choice then publish on Kindle. Just make sure there is a market for what you are writing.

    I love what I do... about 70% of the time. The rest of the time I push through and do what needs to be done. NO business or job will make you happy 100% of the time.

    Or just stay miserable. The choice is yours.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      You've pretty much accepted that building a business, online or off, isn't for you.

      Maybe freelancing is, but I'm going to guess that finding clients on job boards will be too traumatic for you. If you could hold it together long enough to sign up, you might make enough side money doing online research (aka, surfing for money in a way that actually pays) to see that it is possible.

      You don't want to delve into the nuts and bolts of business, fine. Quit looking for business opps. Find a way to make money. Spend some of that surfing time on sites like (I can't believe I'm saying this) Fiverr, Odesk, even Craig's List (where you can deal with people one at a time by email).

      You can keep whining that the world doesn't work the way you want it to, or you can find a piece of that world that comes close. But it isn't going to come to you and beg.

      I guess what I'm saying is, shit or get off the pot. (Pardon my French.)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10190144].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        You've pretty much accepted that building a business, online or off, isn't for you.

        Maybe freelancing is, but I'm going to guess that finding clients on job boards will be too traumatic for you. If you could hold it together long enough to sign up, you might make enough side money doing online research (aka, surfing for money in a way that actually pays) to see that it is possible.

        You don't want to delve into the nuts and bolts of business, fine. Quit looking for business opps. Find a way to make money. Spend some of that surfing time on sites like (I can't believe I'm saying this) Fiverr, Odesk, even Craig's List (where you can deal with people one at a time by email).

        You can keep whining that the world doesn't work the way you want it to, or you can find a piece of that world that comes close. But it isn't going to come to you and beg.

        I guess what I'm saying is, shit or get off the pot. (Pardon my French.)
        I am on Fiverr actually, I still haven't gotten anybody interested. But Fiverr is saturated with people. You have to stand out and have a good portfolio and it helps to have connections. I have none of those.

        And I'm not whining about anything, I AM trying to find a piece of the world that works the way I want it to. I really don't see where people think I'm whining. I'm just stating facts about what I am good at, what I'm not, what i'm interested in and what I'm not. I'm asking for online money making suggestions but most of what I am getting are condescending judgments about my character.
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Rose Anderson View Post

      One of the reasons I'm a ghostwriter is because I have varied interest as you do.

      I get to write on a different subject every week, sometimes every day.

      If you want to write on subjects of your choice then publish on Kindle. Just make sure there is a market for what you are writing.

      I love what I do... about 70% of the time. The rest of the time I push through and do what needs to be done. NO business or job will make you happy 100% of the time.

      Or just stay miserable. The choice is yours.
      That was actually one of the ideas on my list that I tried. I wanted to write a book on how to made Italian food without using recipes. I started researching other books similar and realized I don't know jack squat about that. Italian food is my favorite, I can cook it, but these books were written by chefs, and they used terms and techniques I have never heard of. So I just got dejected after realizing I am not the expert I think I am, in any subject. That is why my writing consists of a very bland basic re-wording of information already out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
    Getting "paid to surf the net" sure sounded good about 10 years ago...didn't work then or now

    I think the general opinion here is that maybe this is not for you. Maybe look for a better or more satisfying job or take some courses, some adult education and maybe get a better job

    I don't think you should spend one penny on any online "get rich" stuff or buy online courses. You might take some real course and learn some skill that pays better than a factory job and is more "satisfying" JMO good luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10190241].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Freebiequeen1999 View Post

      Getting "paid to surf the net" sure sounded good about 10 years ago...didn't work then or now
      Well I am going to try that program, they offer a money back guarantee up to a year which is pretty risk-free. So if it works I'll let you all know.

      I think the general opinion here is that maybe this is not for you. Maybe look for a better or more satisfying job or take some courses, some adult education and maybe get a better job
      I HAVE been, that is why I have been looking at online stuff, because after all these years of being unhappy in the jobs I've had, the odds are not good that I'm suddenly going to find something in my 40's. I already explained why I haven't taken courses (not enough money, can't decide on which one(s) to pick, plus I can't take daytime classes due to the disorder I mentioned a few posts back), nighttime classes are hard to come by. I actually did take one online class on natural health and as with everything else, I lost interest about halfway through. It was a really simple class and most of the stuff I already knew from surfing the net for it for so many years. But I lost interest also because I was forced to do it, it was no longer a new interesting thing, it was homework. I was the same in school, as a kid, I hated being forced to do homework. I didn't understand why it wasn't enough just to learn the stuff in class then once you get out of there you are free to enjoy life! Just like now as adults we aren't free to enjoy life because we have to work so much and since I can't find anything I enjoy, I'm in a constant state of dreading tomorrow.
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  • Profile picture of the author PureFusion
    Hey GaiaGoddess, The mere fact that you put yourself out there and asked for help is a huge first step! There is a wonderful saying that goes "everything you want is just outside of your comfort zone" and it's so true! You've gotten out of your comfort zone by asking for help and you should feel good about that! Keep that momentum going by keeping a positive mental attitude and taking steps to add more value to your life. You WILL succeed when you put more time into bettering yourself then you do at working your job. Don't give into the negativity of the past or anyone who engages you with self-defeating talk. Stand above any adversity or failures you may have. Remember that every failure plants the seed of an equivalent success. Find a Mentor; someone who has the success you want to have and ask to learn from them. Learn the beliefs that got them to realize their success and make them your own. Stop watching tv or reading the news and replace that with reading everything you can on personal development. The only person who can change your life is you! You've taken the first step so keep going and better yourself in every way you can. Take action on this and you will absolutely will change your life for the better!
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by PureFusion View Post

      Hey GaiaGoddess, The mere fact that you put yourself out there and asked for help is a huge first step! There is a wonderful saying that goes "everything you want is just outside of your comfort zone" and it's so true! You've gotten out of your comfort zone by asking for help and you should feel good about that! Keep that momentum going by keeping a positive mental attitude and taking steps to add more value to your life. You WILL succeed when you put more time into bettering yourself then you do at working your job. Don't give into the negativity of the past or anyone who engages you with self-defeating talk. Stand above any adversity or failures you may have. Remember that every failure plants the seed of an equivalent success. Find a Mentor; someone who has the success you want to have and ask to learn from them. Learn the beliefs that got them to realize their success and make them your own. Stop watching tv or reading the news and replace that with reading everything you can on personal development. The only person who can change your life is you! You've taken the first step so keep going and better yourself in every way you can. Take action on this and you will absolutely will change your life for the better!
      Thanks! This kind of post was refreshing to read. And you'll be happy to know I did quit watching tv and reading the news a few years ago. When I was working 84 hours a week I didn't have time for that crap and now I don't miss it. I got interested in personal development about 10 years ago so I'm no stranger to all of that! That is what led me down the path of seeing life differently than most people. And that is probably why it's so hard to have a conversation in here about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author HajimeAnne
    Hello GaiaGoddess:

    I read through a lot of this thread, starting with your post, of course. I know that this is about mindset but I want to give you a concrete suggestionfirst. Go to and start writing content. The amount is very small at first. You want to build up the number of articles that you've written so that you get a higher rank. So complete the cheaper jobs; write on topics that interest you (you can use your research skills) or you know something about; look at requestors who have an approval rate of over 50%.

    The mindset part is this: Tony Robbins and Frank Kern and someone else have a Youtube video where they talk about the difference a little success can make in your motivation. I made my first $2.43 very quickly. They are right, of course. I am confident that the money will grow as the weeks go by.

    Since I enjoy writing, I find it a little addictive. You said you thought of copywriting as a possibility--iWriter is a good place to start. The suggestion of this forum is also an excellent one. However, you'd want to build up a set of articles that you've written and get a sense of whether you like it.

    It's step #1 for me in Sara Young's Income Steps Academy. I'm working on step #2 but will continue to write for iWriter, wanting to move up the ranks.

    Aren't you amazed at how many people responded to you? Wishing you the best.
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by HajimeAnne View Post

      Hello GaiaGoddess:

      I read through a lot of this thread, starting with your post, of course. I know that this is about mindset but I want to give you a concrete suggestionfirst. Go to and start writing content. The amount is very small at first. You want to build up the number of articles that you've written so that you get a higher rank. So complete the cheaper jobs; write on topics that interest you (you can use your research skills) or you know something about; look at requestors who have an approval rate of over 50%.

      The mindset part is this: Tony Robbins and Frank Kern and someone else have a Youtube video where they talk about the difference a little success can make in your motivation. I made my first $2.43 very quickly. They are right, of course. I am confident that the money will grow as the weeks go by.

      Since I enjoy writing, I find it a little addictive. You said you thought of copywriting as a possibility--iWriter is a good place to start. The suggestion of this forum is also an excellent one. However, you'd want to build up a set of articles that you've written and get a sense of whether you like it.

      It's step #1 for me in Sara Young's Income Steps Academy. I'm working on step #2 but will continue to write for iWriter, wanting to move up the ranks.

      Aren't you amazed at how many people responded to you? Wishing you the best.
      Those sound like interesting suggestions, I'll check them out! Thank you!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    The Internet research thing works IF you work it. You know stick to the task, do the work consistently, do things in a timely manner, get the information you need and in the required format, etc.

    This is after you find clients, sign a contract or otherwise agree on how you will get paid, follow up with them, answer their questions, etc.

    If you can do all that consistently then why can't you do anything else?

    AWAI is a company of copywriters - their job is to make it seem like whatever they are selling is exactly what will scratch your itch. Sounds like they have you convinced.

    Now the question is how do you expect to succeed at this when and stick to it when you haven't anything else?

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    • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
      When you wrote "surf the net", I think most people assumed you meant joining something silly like NeoBux.

      AWAI isn't a scam, but it won't be as easy as they let on in their sales pitch to land research gigs.

      And I think the same issue of losing interest - and probably before you even really begin - will crop up, as well as the issue of not wanting to deal with people on the phone.

      When I read your first post, the solution for you that came to mind immediately was this: 'She should flip websites for a living'.

      The reason that came to mind is because you stated:

      1. You have set up several websites before
      2. You have created content for those websites
      3. You lost interest in each of them quickly
      4. You dumped the websites

      I have no idea what the quality was like for those websites, design-wise or content-wise, but even if you can only reword content, if you did that and chose decent domains and website themes, you could possibly make a living selling those sites on Flippa.

      And I'm not talking about selling bullshit blogs, but rather affiliate sites or ecommerce sites, where you would rewrite product descriptions and provide some briefly worded original content as well for the product pages.

      You won't make a ton of money right out of the gate, and you will lose money sometimes when nobody bids, or bids come in but they are too low, but you'll get better and better at doing it and figuring out what people want over time. Then you'll start pulling in some good income.

      And listen, any idea anyone gives you here is going to require that you go at it long enough to get good at whatever it is you decide to take on.

      I think the flipping websites idea could work as it will allow you to start websites in things you know about and then dump them, but dump them by selling them, and then moving on to the next one or next group of websites in new niches that interest you at the time.

      Anyhow, you wanted some ideas instead of lectures, so there is my idea for you, based on your own self-described MO.
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      • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
        Originally Posted by Joan Altz View Post

        When you wrote "surf the net", I think most people assumed you meant joining something silly like NeoBux.

        AWAI isn't a scam, but it won't be as easy as they let on in their sales pitch to land research gigs.

        And I think the same issue of losing interest - and probably before you even really begin - will crop up, as well as the issue of not wanting to deal with people on the phone.

        When I read your first post, the solution for you that came to mind immediately was this: 'She should flip websites for a living'.

        The reason that came to mind is because you stated:

        1. You have set up several websites before
        2. You have created content for those websites
        3. You lost interest in each of them quickly
        4. You dumped the websites

        I have no idea what the quality was like for those websites, design-wise or content-wise, but even if you can only reword content, if you did that and chose decent domains and website themes, you could possibly make a living selling those sites on Flippa.

        And I'm not talking about selling bullshit blogs, but rather affiliate sites or ecommerce sites, where you would rewrite product descriptions and provide some briefly worded original content as well for the product pages.

        You won't make a ton of money right out of the gate, and you will lose money sometimes when nobody bids, or bids come in but they are too low, but you'll get better and better at doing it and figuring out what people want over time. Then you'll start pulling in some good income.

        And listen, any idea anyone gives you here is going to require that you go at it long enough to get good at whatever it is you decide to take on.

        I think the flipping websites idea could work as it will allow you to start websites in things you know about and then dump them, but dump them by selling them, and then moving on to the next one or next group of websites in new niches that interest you at the time.

        Anyhow, you wanted some ideas instead of lectures, so there is my idea for you, based on your own self-described MO.
        Thanks for that suggestion! I'll put it on my list. I just don't feel excited about it thinking about it though. I don't like the act of creating websites, it took me about a month just to learn Wordpress and I heard it's the easiest one. I got so frustrated and lost my excitement dealing with that. That is why I like blogs better, you just register, and create a page just like you're posting in a forum, it's so simple and fast.

        Along the same lines though, I have been seriously considering creating Facebook pages for businesses, or even people. I love Facebook and know it well, and have gotten some enjoyment out of helping friends create their pages. Social Media Marketing would be fun for me if I was doing it for a business I liked, and out of all my interests I'm sure I could find enough to keep me going. I'm much better at sharing information rather than creating it, so I think I would do well running a Facebook page for a business I wanted to promote anyway.
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      The Internet research thing works IF you work it. You know stick to the task, do the work consistently, do things in a timely manner, get the information you need and in the required format, etc.

      This is after you find clients, sign a contract or otherwise agree on how you will get paid, follow up with them, answer their questions, etc.

      If you can do all that consistently then why can't you do anything else?
      Surfing the net is the only thing I have a hard time stopping. Everything else I feel like I have to only do for a short time so I still have time to do other things. But when I'm researching stuff online, time seems to stop, and I have easily done it for 16 hours straight before. My search for knowledge is my highest passion out of everything, I guess you could say. I never really realized it until now but when I look at my habits, 90% of my time is spent searching for knowledge and information, so a job doing that has a higher likelihood of working out.

      AWAI is a company of copywriters - their job is to make it seem like whatever they are selling is exactly what will scratch your itch. Sounds like they have you convinced.
      No they are a company of writers and artists, copywriting is only one of the programs they offer, out of like 20, and I'm sure many people in here work in the same fields they offer.

      Now the question is how do you expect to succeed at this when and stick to it when you haven't anything else?

      I'm not expecting to succeed at it since that would be a first, but I'm willing to try. I HAVE to try. This is the only thing that is giving me hope right now.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChristineFong
    I don't think anyone can be doomed in trying to make money, online or offline. Please don't be too hard on yourself.
    I'm kinda like you, in that I can't stick to anything, but really, those guys are right. You gotta change your mindset. You have to find your WHY. Dig deeper. Because your WHY is what's going to get you there, help you focus, and along the way, you'll learn the how
    I've only just started on the right foot, taking simple step-by-step progress, haven't made a single dime yet. So if you've made $7.00 you're better off than me already. Once you know how to make that first dollar, you know you can reach your goal.
    Best of luck
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by ChristineFong View Post

      I don't think anyone can be doomed in trying to make money, online or offline. Please don't be too hard on yourself.
      I'm kinda like you, in that I can't stick to anything, but really, those guys are right. You gotta change your mindset. You have to find your WHY. Dig deeper. Because your WHY is what's going to get you there, help you focus, and along the way, you'll learn the how
      I've only just started on the right foot, taking simple step-by-step progress, haven't made a single dime yet. So if you've made $7.00 you're better off than me already. Once you know how to make that first dollar, you know you can reach your goal.
      Best of luck
      lol Well the $7 anyone can earn in a minute just by signing up to those reward sites, but those are for bored housewives, lol They're not meant to earn a living from.

      I am thinking about what you said about finding my "WHY"...and that's a tough one. I have never really had a why, I don't think. I do things for the pure enjoyment of them, just to gain knowledge and have fun. I don't feel a need to fullfill something in society. I often fantasize about dropping out of society, going off the grid and not having anything to do with the outside world. I wish I had a deep desire to make a difference in the world but I don't. My desire my entire life has always just been to enjoy the moment and do things I love. Maybe that's what I'm missing in this quest for a career. I've always pushed away the subject of finding a career. I wish we could just exist and enjoy life. I want no worries about money, no stress at work, I want to be free from all that. ANY job will involve a time commitment, that is why I want something that doesn't feel like work so I don't feel like I'm putting life on hold just to earn my ability to keep enjoying it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zenoth
    Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

    Even though I'm not good at it, I do love to write.
    You just found your call.

    When I started this whole "internet marketing thing" I was doing the same thing... Starting something, jumping to another project, starting 20 things at the same time without excelling at a particular one.

    This was my biggest mistake because the key of online business is "consistency".
    You said that you like to write and that's the field where you should focus your powers.

    However, it's not enough just to make a blog and write 100 articles because no one will see them if you don't promote your blog a little. Try to learn a few things about SEO. Even if it's something that takes some time until you see some results, you can get a lot of visitors from search engines if you post high quality content.

    Also, it's very important to research a good and profitable niche. Not all niches are profitable and if you are in a bad niche, you can have a lot of traffic without making any money.

    You said that you get bored quickly to write on the same subject. You can start 2 or 3 simultaneously blogs. There's no need to add 10 articles per day. Add a post for each blog after 2-3 days. Write a blog post in a certain niche in a day then another post in other niche in another day and repeat the process. Use Google to search for ideas. Also, use Google KeyWord Tool to find keywords that you can rank your posts for.

    After you get some traffic to your blog, place an opt-in form in the sidebar and start building a list. Build a relation with your subscribers by posting more content and by sending them some valuable tips related to the niche of your website from time to time. There's no need to call anyone or to speak directly with them.

    Blogging is not a quick way to make money online and it requires a lot of time, research and dedication, but it can be very profitable once you get a momentum.
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Zenoth View Post

      You just found your call.

      When I started this whole "internet marketing thing" I was doing the same thing... Starting something, jumping to another project, starting 20 things at the same time without excelling at a particular one.

      This was my biggest mistake because the key of online business is "consistency".
      You said that you like to write and that's the field where you should focus your powers.

      However, it's not enough just to make a blog and write 100 articles because no one will see them if you don't promote your blog a little. Try to learn a few things about SEO. Even if it's something that takes some time until you see some results, you can get a lot of visitors from search engines if you post high quality content.

      Also, it's very important to research a good and profitable niche. Not all niches are profitable and if you are in a bad niche, you can have a lot of traffic without making any money.

      You said that you get bored quickly to write on the same subject. You can start 2 or 3 simultaneously blogs. There's no need to add 10 articles per day. Add a post for each blog after 2-3 days. Write a blog post in a certain niche in a day then another post in other niche in another day and repeat the process. Use Google to search for ideas. Also, use Google KeyWord Tool to find keywords that you can rank your posts for.

      After you get some traffic to your blog, place an opt-in form in the sidebar and start building a list. Build a relation with your subscribers by posting more content and by sending them some valuable tips related to the niche of your website from time to time. There's no need to call anyone or to speak directly with them.

      Blogging is not a quick way to make money online and it requires a lot of time, research and dedication, but it can be very profitable once you get a momentum.
      I did all of that already though. That's my entire point, I HAVE been trying all the right things. I did use Google's Keyword tool, I have screenshots saved to my computer all the most popular keywords using all of my interests. And I did have a website with a bunch of different subjects, and I did post in whichever one I was feeling at the time. It still got old. I still felt like I was going through the motions, the spark was gone very quickly. The first time I created a website I went through SBI ( where they literally walk you through every step of the process. I spent $500 on that! I spent months watching tuturials to learn how to do everything. It isn't that I haven't done all the right things. It's that in the end it's just not enjoyable enough for me to keep my interest. I know it makes no sense. I wish I could understand it better. I love to research things and seek out information and knowledge and collect it and share it, but yet when I create websites and do that, it loses something along the way. It doesn't feel the same anymore.
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  • Write kindle books based on a character like you, I bet it will sell!

    Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by HelpingYouBeAnExpert View Post

      Write kindle books based on a character like you, I bet it will sell!
      Someone who can't find what they were meant to do for a career? lol But you need an ending, and that is something that has eluded me. It would be the book that never gets finished, lol
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    The great thing about the Internet is that it doesn't really matter how old you are.

    You can be over 40 or over 80 for that matter and still make money online.

    It's not your age that determines whether you make money online or not.

    What determines it is how willing you are to learn.

    This means you have to be open-minded.

    This means you have to be adventurous.

    You have to remember that making money online, just like with all other aspects of your life, is an adventure or a hassle.

    It's either something that you can get excited about or something that you are scared of.

    That really is the bottom line because a lot of people that complain that they are too old, too broke, or too inexperienced to make money are simply fearful.

    They don't allow themselves to get excited about learning the process.

    You have to understand that making money online is not one of those things that you just start doing and all of a sudden you are making all this money.

    In many cases, you only make your money after your 100th try.

    Ninety-nine things you have tried in the past have fallen flat and failed.

    That's the way the game works.

    The good news is that if you look at it as an adventure and as a way of testing your character, it can be very profitable.

    I don't care whether you make your money through Kindle, your own niche, funnel sites, target link promotion, or SEO.

    What matters is that you find something that works and you're excited about it.

    That's the bottom line.

    Don't give yourself an excuse to fail.

    Don't think that you don't have the background, experience level, or youth to make it happen.

    Stop making excuses and start making progress.
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

      The great thing about the Internet is that it doesn't really matter how old you are.

      You can be over 40 or over 80 for that matter and still make money online.

      It's not your age that determines whether you make money online or not.
      I agree, and I never said anything about my age being a factor. I have been like this since I was a kid.

      What determines it is how willing you are to learn.

      This means you have to be open-minded.

      This means you have to be adventurous.
      I AM though! Read all of my posts, I go into detail about how much I love to learn. That is my favorite thing to do! BUT I have to be excited and interested in the subject. The subjects are what I am excited about, not SEO, website building, google adsense, etc.

      It's either something that you can get excited about or something that you are scared of.
      ...or something that bores me.

      You have to understand that making money online is not one of those things that you just start doing and all of a sudden you are making all this money.

      In many cases, you only make your money after your 100th try.

      Ninety-nine things you have tried in the past have fallen flat and failed.

      That's the way the game works.
      I do understand that, I just feel like I've been trying long enough. I wasn't expecting to get rich overnight from any of this, but I don't have the time to wait anymore. I need money NOW, not ten years from now. I need something that I can control easier, like a job I can do that I can control how often I do it, not something I have to wait for a special day to come where it starts slowly working. Building an online business would be more feasible for me if I was a housewife and could spend my entire day working on this instead of working minimum wage jobs 16 hours a day.

      What matters is that you find something that works and you're excited about it.

      That's the bottom line.
      That's what I'm trying to do, find something that I'm excited about consistently.

      Stop making excuses and start making progress.
      I don't think I am making excuses, and I've been trying to make progress for about 7 years now.
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  • Profile picture of the author IM Mozie
    Hi GaiaGoddess,

    I'm also not the most outgoing and sociable personal.

    But I have the drive for success and have followed guides by people that are successful to start making a decent income online. I'm a typical work from home dad, with 2 kids, so I'm as ordinary as they come.

    I can write you a 5000 word post on what exact you need to do build your online business, but I think getting some guidance, perhaps video training courses on the things you want to learn is a good place to start and this will help you gain confidence in what you're doing.

    That's how I learned personally.

    Here's some things you should do asap, which takes time and is quite fun is you're in a market that you enjoy.

    1. Decide on a niche (I prefer things I am passionate about like SEO, Internet Marketing)
    2. Funnel hack people in your chosen niche, join their list, see what they're doing and follow their lead but for cheaper with a bit of uniqueness and more value.
    3. Find a problem or many problems that need solving and purchase some quality PLR that solves that problem, re-brand it or completely rewrite it to add your flavor and use it as a lead magnet by offering subscribers something (information like an ebook or report) of value for free to join your list. (You'd need a autoresponder for this and a responder email series, but since you're a writer, you should be able to do this yourself.)

    This will help you start out to building a list and learning about your market before creating your own products and sales funnel.

    4. Once you're confident that you know your audience, start creating your own information products, promoting affiliate products that are high converting and also solves problems for your subscribers and use PLR and resell rights products that are ready-made as bonuses to make your offers more appealing.

    Note: there are some high quality PLR products that work great as idea generators and can save you much time, and you can have your own line of information products in hours, if you're willing to put in some hard work, take time to research and willing to use that writing skills start creating and reselling your own products.

    Enough of my rambling..I wish you all the best...and Believe in yourself, if you do, nothing can stop you!
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by IM Mozie View Post

      Hi GaiaGoddess,

      I'm also not the most outgoing and sociable personal.

      But I have the drive for success and have followed guides by people that are successful to start making a decent income online. I'm a typical work from home dad, with 2 kids, so I'm as ordinary as they come.

      I can write you a 5000 word post on what exact you need to do build your online business, but I think getting some guidance, perhaps video training courses on the things you want to learn is a good place to start and this will help you gain confidence in what you're doing.

      That's how I learned personally.

      Here's some things you should do asap, which takes time and is quite fun is you're in a market that you enjoy.

      1. Decide on a niche (I prefer things I am passionate about like SEO, Internet Marketing)
      2. Funnel hack people in your chosen niche, join their list, see what they're doing and follow their lead but for cheaper with a bit of uniqueness and more value.
      3. Find a problem or many problems that need solving and purchase some quality PLR that solves that problem, re-brand it or completely rewrite it to add your flavor and use it as a lead magnet by offering subscribers something (information like an ebook or report) of value for free to join your list. (You'd need a autoresponder for this and a responder email series, but since you're a writer, you should be able to do this yourself.)

      This will help you start out to building a list and learning about your market before creating your own products and sales funnel.

      4. Once you're confident that you know your audience, start creating your own information products, promoting affiliate products that are high converting and also solves problems for your subscribers and use PLR and resell rights products that are ready-made as bonuses to make your offers more appealing.

      Note: there are some high quality PLR products that work great as idea generators and can save you much time, and you can have your own line of information products in hours, if you're willing to put in some hard work, take time to research and willing to use that writing skills start creating and reselling your own products.

      Enough of my rambling..I wish you all the best...and Believe in yourself, if you do, nothing can stop you!
      I hate to be repetitive but I have tried all that already. Thanks for trying to help. A lot of people keep suggesting things I've already tried, that's why I keep explaining that it didn't work. The problem isn't knowing what I need to do, it's that doing those things makes me lose interest altogether. I am not cut out for that kind of work. I want to do something that pays me for the work I do, not do the work now to maybe get paid a little bit in the future. Even if I could see the future and knew I would be making $40,000 a year from this 5 years from now, I wouldn't waste my time. It's not about needing instant gratification, it's about needing to survive NOW. I am so stressed out from working jobs I hate, it wouldn't even be worth it to suffer for another 5 years to know I could quit then. I need to find something I can do NOW that pays me a full time income NOW.
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  • Profile picture of the author LesterRussell
    Hi GaiaGoddess,

    I applaud you for wanting to make that change in your life and taking action to do something about it by posting in the forums to ask for advise.

    Albert Einstein describes the definition of insanity as doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. Clearly from what you have said at the start, you are well aware that things are not working out for yourself so its a clear sign that you need to start doing things differently.

    One big problem i feel from you is that you give up way too easily when you don't see results and distract yourself with a whole different topic in hopes of finding success there. This is what we call a "Shiny Penny Syndrome". Results don't come instantly unless you are using paid traffic. And even with paid traffic, you will have to target it well to see good results.

    My advise to you is to put your focus only on one thing, constantly learn about it to improve, make small adjustments to your strategy as you go along and don't ever give up. You never know when success is waiting for you just around the corner.

    All the best!
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    • Profile picture of the author MelanieLM
      I'm new around here, but the OP sounds so much like me I had to comment.

      I'm almost 41, am a serious introvert and have also tried every single work at home idea in the history of the internet. (OK, maybe not ALL of them... but tons.) I too have fallen victim to the 'ooh, something shiny" syndrome. I would try something and, when I didn't see the money coming in or my life changing, I would stop and move on to some other "great" idea.

      I've been working from home now for over a decade. Most of the time was spent doing about a dozen things every day that each brought in some money. I'm not on a Caribbean beach yet! (I'd burn anyway.) But now I'm focused.

      Maybe working at home isn't for you. Being your own boss takes lot of effort and tons of learning.

      I think you maybe have to lose the romantic notion that you will love every minute of whatever work you do. I doubt many people really love what they're doing every minute of the day, but they keep doing it because of the payoff in the future and the freedom of not punching a clock. In my working days, I once spent a year putting a cardboard piece in a slot and pushing two buttons over and over again every day. Stocking Target shelves is probably thrilling by comparison.

      Enough rambling. My point is that, if you're already doing something you don't like, you could pick something else even if you don't like it and do it with all your mind and energy so you can get to a place in your life where you have the freedom to explore things you really want to do. Working online will probably give you a lot better chance to do that than shelf stocking will if you make the effort.
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      • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
        Originally Posted by MelanieLM View Post

        I'm new around here, but the OP sounds so much like me I had to comment.

        I'm almost 41, am a serious introvert and have also tried every single work at home idea in the history of the internet. (OK, maybe not ALL of them... but tons.) I too have fallen victim to the 'ooh, something shiny" syndrome. I would try something and, when I didn't see the money coming in or my life changing, I would stop and move on to some other "great" idea.
        It's good to know someone out there is similar to me! (especially regarding being an introvert). The more I post in this thread, the more I am realizing something; I am sure all of my attempts could have been successful if I didn't have to spread myself so thin with everything. Like in my last post I just made, I NEED to do different things on a regular basis because I love them all and there just isn't enough time. I could honestly spend an entire month not working and every single day of that month I would dive deep into one of my hobbies. I would enjoy the heck out of it, but then the next day I would feel like I got that out of my system for the time being and I would feel the urge to go do something else that day, a different hobby. There is actually a term for people like me, called Scanners (Barbara Sher wrote a book on it called Refuse To Choose), and there is a website called Puttylike where the founder calls us "multipotentialites", people who have multiple interests. There's also the Renaissance person which is what Leonardo DaVinci was (he was a painter, sculptor, architect, scientist, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, etc) but back in those days people weren't expected to pick one career and stick with it, so it was more accepted back then to dabble in a bunch of things on a regular basis.

        Maybe working at home isn't for you. Being your own boss takes lot of effort and tons of learning.
        I am not against effort and learning though, learning is one of my favorite things to do. I am still determined to find something that fits me, and I really think either Internet Researcher or Social Media Marketing is the answer, or I added another one to my list last night, Professional Organizer. I bought a book on it from this woman who makes a ton of money organizing things for people. I love to organize, I just didn't realize there was a business opportunity there.

        I think you maybe have to lose the romantic notion that you will love every minute of whatever work you do. I doubt many people really love what they're doing every minute of the day, but they keep doing it because of the payoff in the future and the freedom of not punching a clock. In my working days, I once spent a year putting a cardboard piece in a slot and pushing two buttons over and over again every day. Stocking Target shelves is probably thrilling by comparison.
        Yeah I know what it's like to do something boring like that, for 18 years I worked at a paper factory and some of my jobs were so mind numbing I would spend the entire day fantasizing in my head of being on a white sandy beach, or travelling the country chasing storms and going to concerts, lol I had one job there that was sliding folder fronts and backs into a line assembly machine that other people put together, so I was just sitting in a chair with 2 stacks in front of me just pushing one of each into the slot, one every 5 seconds, lol So I hear you on that boring job stuff. But the thing was, I was content enough working there because I got paid $14 an hour and had 6 weeks of vacation to use every year and had a lot of good friends there. I would have worked there for life probably. Although I did dream about never having to work again, yet I continued because I had to. But they laid off most of their employees and just a month ago actually shut down, so it wouldn't have lasted for life anyway.

        Enough rambling. My point is that, if you're already doing something you don't like, you could pick something else even if you don't like it and do it with all your mind and energy so you can get to a place in your life where you have the freedom to explore things you really want to do. Working online will probably give you a lot better chance to do that than shelf stocking will if you make the effort.
        It is easier for me to do physically boring work than mentally boring work though. At least with physical work, your mind is free to think about anything it wants to. With mental work, you can't think about anything but that task you are doing. It's more of a mental prison than boring physical work. I've always had a hard time focusing my thoughts on things I didn't care about, but an easy time DOING something I don't care about while focusing my thoughts I did care about.
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by LesterRussell View Post

      I applaud you for wanting to make that change in your life and taking action to do something about it by posting in the forums to ask for advise.
      Thanks, I'm glad someone sees it that way and not that I am a troll seeking attention, lol

      Albert Einstein describes the definition of insanity as doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. Clearly from what you have said at the start, you are well aware that things are not working out for yourself so its a clear sign that you need to start doing things differently.
      Exactly. I am learning what doesn't work so I can find out what does.

      One big problem i feel from you is that you give up way too easily when you don't see results and distract yourself with a whole different topic in hopes of finding success there. This is what we call a "Shiny Penny Syndrome". Results don't come instantly unless you are using paid traffic. And even with paid traffic, you will have to target it well to see good results.
      I don't call it giving up exactly, to me giving up means you make a conscious decision to stop something because it isn't successful yet. But what I'm doing is trying things and losing interest or feeling the need to do something else I haven't had time to do in a while. I try to keep them going a long time, but the spark dies, and so I respond by leaving it sit while I dive into something else I am excited about.

      My advise to you is to put your focus only on one thing, constantly learn about it to improve, make small adjustments to your strategy as you go along and don't ever give up. You never know when success is waiting for you just around the corner.
      That's what I've been trying to do. Every time I try to focus on one thing, it doesn't work. Here is what goes through my mind when I try this, here's a good example of my mindset over the last few years;

      'I think photography is my biggest passion, so I'm going to make a website with all my pictures on it and try to make money from it' (I create website, I join Zazzle)
      'wow this is a never-ending task, if I spend all my time uploading photos and creating products on Zazzle, I am not going to have any time to actually take any pictures!'
      'If I spend all my time on photography, when am I going to have time to work in my garden, or take a class on herbalism?'
      'if I take a class on herbalism i'm going to have to take classes on everything I am interested in because I can't learn about one thing and nothing else'
      'i dont have money for all this schooling, i need money now, how can i make money quickly?'
      'I will try making bookmarks since I bought all these supplies 2 months ago and havent had time to make anything' (so I create about 50 bookmarks)
      'wow it took me a week to make 50 bookmarks and that's not even counting the time it will take me to create an Etsy account and add all my bookmarks on there'
      'i'm never going to have time to take pictures or get better at cooking if i'm always making bookmarks'
      'maybe I should learn more about cooking so I can become an expert and write a book or create a website about it' (so I spend a week learning how to make sauces for pasta)
      'wow it's been a whole week and I haven't done anything but sleep, work, and cook. when am I going to have time to take pictures, make bookmarks or go storm chasing? summer is almost over!' (so I spend a few days storm chasing and loving every minute of it)
      'It really sucks I can't make money storm chasing, I guess I better find something that pays'
      'I love to write, I should just do that' (so I write some blog posts, try to write an italian cookbook)
      'ugh I am not an expert at cooking, I need to research this subject more'
      (So I get online and research italian cooking)
      'this is too time consuming, I need to make money now, every day I don't make money doing something I love is another day of stress that is slowly killing me'
      (So I research online to find a good paying career I can do)
      'i am spending all my time trying to find a career and i never have time to travel, take pictures, cook, make bookmarks or mosaics, work in my garden, catch up on documentaries about spirituality, aagghh !'
      'how can I enjoy everything i love to do when there isn't enough time? I have to work almost every day some days over 12 hours'

      Sorry the grammar wasn't correct there, I was just typing along with my thoughts to show you what goes through my mind.
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      • Profile picture of the author LesterRussell
        Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

        Thanks, I'm glad someone sees it that way and not that I am a troll seeking attention, lol

        Exactly. I am learning what doesn't work so I can find out what does.

        I don't call it giving up exactly, to me giving up means you make a conscious decision to stop something because it isn't successful yet. But what I'm doing is trying things and losing interest or feeling the need to do something else I haven't had time to do in a while. I try to keep them going a long time, but the spark dies, and so I respond by leaving it sit while I dive into something else I am excited about.

        That's what I've been trying to do. Every time I try to focus on one thing, it doesn't work. Here is what goes through my mind when I try this, here's a good example of my mindset over the last few years;

        'I think photography is my biggest passion, so I'm going to make a website with all my pictures on it and try to make money from it' (I create website, I join Zazzle)
        'wow this is a never-ending task, if I spend all my time uploading photos and creating products on Zazzle, I am not going to have any time to actually take any pictures!'
        'If I spend all my time on photography, when am I going to have time to work in my garden, or take a class on herbalism?'
        'if I take a class on herbalism i'm going to have to take classes on everything I am interested in because I can't learn about one thing and nothing else'
        'i dont have money for all this schooling, i need money now, how can i make money quickly?'
        'I will try making bookmarks since I bought all these supplies 2 months ago and havent had time to make anything' (so I create about 50 bookmarks)
        'wow it took me a week to make 50 bookmarks and that's not even counting the time it will take me to create an Etsy account and add all my bookmarks on there'
        'i'm never going to have time to take pictures or get better at cooking if i'm always making bookmarks'
        'maybe I should learn more about cooking so I can become an expert and write a book or create a website about it' (so I spend a week learning how to make sauces for pasta)
        'wow it's been a whole week and I haven't done anything but sleep, work, and cook. when am I going to have time to take pictures, make bookmarks or go storm chasing? summer is almost over!' (so I spend a few days storm chasing and loving every minute of it)
        'It really sucks I can't make money storm chasing, I guess I better find something that pays'
        'I love to write, I should just do that' (so I write some blog posts, try to write an italian cookbook)
        'ugh I am not an expert at cooking, I need to research this subject more'
        (So I get online and research italian cooking)
        'this is too time consuming, I need to make money now, every day I don't make money doing something I love is another day of stress that is slowly killing me'
        (So I research online to find a good paying career I can do)
        'i am spending all my time trying to find a career and i never have time to travel, take pictures, cook, make bookmarks or mosaics, work in my garden, catch up on documentaries about spirituality, aagghh !'
        'how can I enjoy everything i love to do when there isn't enough time? I have to work almost every day some days over 12 hours'

        Sorry the grammar wasn't correct there, I was just typing along with my thoughts to show you what goes through my mind.
        My close friend experiences a similar problem to you and it is that she over thinks and anticipates so many steps ahead that she ends up getting caught up in problems that should not occur until years later.

        You can check out this article on what is termed as analysis paralysis.

        What you will need to do is to take that leap of faith forward and solve things one step at a time as you experience them. Anticipating challenges to help prepare yourself is good, but when it comes to a point where you end up getting stuck because you see too many issues coming up... Stop thinking. Do first and solve it as you go along.

        All the best!
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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          Joe Mobley just posted a link to an article GG NEEDS TO READ and THINK ABOUT.

          You can find the article link here:

          Something that stood out to me was this:

          "It's very popular, the feeling that there are too many things going on, that people can't get in control of their lives and the like," Robinson says. "But when we look at peoples' diaries there just doesn't seem to be the evidence to back it up."

          ...busyness has actually become a sign of status. We bitch about how busy we are, in other words, to assert our importance.
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          what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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          • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
            Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

            Joe Mobley just posted a link to an article GG NEEDS TO READ and THINK ABOUT.

            You can find the article link here:


            Something that stood out to me was this:
            I think there is a difference between someone who thinks they're overwhelmed and someone who has 20 hobbies they are trying to explore. Most people spend their weekdays working, cooking dinner for their kids, cleaning their house, etc. then on the weekends they go out partying, go out to eat, go to the movies, go shopping, etc. Where in there did they allow time for hobbies? No wonder they feel overwhelmed, their life revolves around work and in their precious free time they have to do anything it takes to escape the daily grind. This is why I think the way life is is bologney. It's set up so that you never get anything done.

            But I don't do those things on a regular basis, unfortunately my life has to revolve around work too but in my free time, I try to do something involving all of my hobbies. But with so many of them, it could be months or even half a year before I am able to enjoy one of them again. Tonight I spent about 3 hours on my photography and about the same reading my Professional Organizer course. I have a few hours before bed and I'm going to put some tassels on my bookmarks so I can start selling them. But even though I did 3 different things today, I still have about 15 I DIDNT do, therefore, I will always feel behind and overwhelmed. But it isn't because I am making myself feel that way, it's because I'm in the 2nd half of my life and I know it won't be enough to enjoy all my hobbies as much as I want to so I have to cram them into small increments whenever I can. Tomorrow I have to go buy a lawn mower and finish moving some stuff into my place from my mom's house, try to put those bookmarks on Etsy, and hopefully I'll have time to finish reading this Professional Organizer course. I also have to squeeze in some hours at my 2nd job so that will delay things even more. So my point to all this "rambling" is, yes I'm overwhelmed with things I want to do but I'm not adding more to-do items just for the sake of overwhelming myself. I WISH I only had one hobby, it would sure make things a lot more possible!
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        • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
          Originally Posted by LesterRussell View Post

          My close friend experiences a similar problem to you and it is that she over thinks and anticipates so many steps ahead that she ends up getting caught up in problems that should not occur until years later.

          You can check out this article on what is termed as analysis paralysis.

          What you will need to do is to take that leap of faith forward and solve things one step at a time as you experience them. Anticipating challenges to help prepare yourself is good, but when it comes to a point where you end up getting stuck because you see too many issues coming up... Stop thinking. Do first and solve it as you go along.

          All the best!
          Oh yes, I'm no stranger to analysis paralysis, lol In fact I have that almost every day regarding something. Whether it's what to make for dinner, what to wear that day, what classes I want to take, you name it, I analyze every option forever, sometimes not even making a decision at all. If there weren't so many options it would be easy. But at this point in my life I don't have time for wrong decisions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tomas Lodén
    Of course you can... as long as you have the will and passion to do it!! There is a huge difference between someone who has passion for what they do versus someone who is only doing this because it’s the next get rich quick thing. This game is going to require strong willpower and passion is an element that will help fuel your mental focus to endure the struggle ahead. It’s all about your mindset. Take massive action everyone and let’s make it happen for 2015!
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  • Profile picture of the author keblack
    The problem for most online is that they do not treat it like a business and they do not realize it takes tons of work to succeed. But if you have the wrong mindset, you have no chance of success. My advice would be to go to Noah St John's website and get his free book - Personal growth mentor | Noah St. John - this is not an affiliate link. If that doesn't help after a few months, best to stick to the tried and true regular 9-5 job, which can be okay if it pays well.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10194118].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by keblack View Post

      The problem for most online is that they do not treat it like a business and they do not realize it takes tons of work to succeed. But if you have the wrong mindset, you have no chance of success. My advice would be to go to Noah St John's website and get his free book - Personal growth mentor | Noah St. John - this is not an affiliate link. If that doesn't help after a few months, best to stick to the tried and true regular 9-5 job, which can be okay if it pays well.
      Downloading as we speak! Although I'm not expecting a miracle, I've wasted money on many books/programs/dvd's about personal empowerment before. I've even done a Tony Robbins program, that was spendy and didn't help. But this one is free, so, lol I'm giving it a shot.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jennifer Hutson
        Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

        Downloading as we speak! Although I'm not expecting a miracle, I've wasted money on many books/programs/dvd's about personal empowerment before. I've even done a Tony Robbins program, that was spendy and didn't help. But this one is free, so, lol I'm giving it a shot.
        If you've already wasted money on all these books, programs and courses, then there is no sense in continuing the trend.

        You HAVE the knowledge. If you haven't taken action by now, you're not going to.

        Deep down, I think you know the answer to your question and that's what's scaring you. Either do something now or accept the fact that you don't have the right mentality for this type of work and try to find a job you actually enjoy.
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  • Profile picture of the author ecomguy
    Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

    Every time I start up a website or a blog, I lose interest, even though these are subjects I am passionate about and still love to dabble in. I have about 20 interests/hobbies and can't stick with one and only one.
    Funny I just made like 18 blogs each with a different topic and I didnt know what to pick. What worked for me: Everyday I dedicated that day to ONLY 1 topic.
    So on Monday I only worked on the the Lawn Care website.
    Tuesday it was the "Take care of your birds" website.
    Wednesday it was the "How to cure psoriasis relief" website.
    Thursday it was the Decorating on a budget website.
    each day I dedicated myself to 1 topic only.
    After a few weeks it was clear which ones I kept going back to so I picked those ones.

    Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

    I started a website about music 7 years ago and it started to feel like a chore and I wasn't getting any traffic so I let my site expire.
    You are lucky, music business is not a good business to be in now, everything is bootlegged and on youtube now. So you dodged a bullet

    Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

    On top of all that, I am very introverted and kinda socially awkward. I also have a phone phobia. It has caused me problems at my jobs. I am HORRIBLE at being outgoing, bold, aggressive, and persuasive. Well, in person anyway. Of course in writing I can be anything.

    How about you start a website about something youre interested in and hire others to do the writing and taking care of it for you?
    You can see yourself as the Project Manager, or as the Manager overseeing it all. You are the boss. You are in control.
    You won't lose interest because you're not doing the boring details, you're hiring others to do it.
    And you don't have to talk to anyone because when you outsource most of it is done by email.
    You post the project, they do it, you pay them. All email.

    Just a thought, hth
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10194217].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by ecomguy View Post

      Funny I just made like 18 blogs each with a different topic and I didnt know what to pick. What worked for me: Everyday I dedicated that day to ONLY 1 topic.
      So on Monday I only worked on the the Lawn Care website.
      Tuesday it was the "Take care of your birds" website.
      Wednesday it was the "How to cure psoriasis relief" website.
      Thursday it was the Decorating on a budget website.
      each day I dedicated myself to 1 topic only.
      After a few weeks it was clear which ones I kept going back to so I picked those ones.
      Well that's similar to what I did, I had one website that covered many subjects, and I would post in whichever one I had something to say in. But after I did a few in each one, I had nothing else to say and it felt like a chore to continue.

      You are lucky, music business is not a good business to be in now, everything is bootlegged and on youtube now. So you dodged a bullet
      I wasn't selling music, I was just writing about it. I wanted a central location where you could go to learn about every rock/pop band out there. It was a pretty lofty goal I admit, and I loved it the first week but then I noticed my writing got more bland and instead of my passion coming out in my writing, I only wrote the bare minimum and my pages got shorter and shorter, pretty soon I just lost interest completely.

      How about you start a website about something youre interested in and hire others to do the writing and taking care of it for you?
      You can see yourself as the Project Manager, or as the Manager overseeing it all. You are the boss. You are in control.
      You won't lose interest because you're not doing the boring details, you're hiring others to do it.
      And you don't have to talk to anyone because when you outsource most of it is done by email.
      You post the project, they do it, you pay them. All email.

      Just a thought, hth
      How could I hire writers when I can't even afford to keep my domain name going? If some writers could work for free for a year or two, sure, lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Reed
    Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

    I can't find a job I like and I'm always unhappy no matter what job I end up in.
    I'll buck the trend and say, "yes, I think you are doomed".

    Nobody can fix the mindset of your 2nd sentence and for that reason you're doomed and toxic to the people around you.

    Even a minimum wage job at a burger place can be fun because of the people around you and the chance to learn something new. Not fun like Disney World but you need to find fun in what you're doing or you'll never succeed at anything.

    I've had only 1 miserable job in my life (it was a truly bad for your health toxic hell hole) because there is always something good in every job. You really need to fix your mindset before expecting anything good to come of it.

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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Tom Reed View Post

      I'll buck the trend and say, "yes, I think you are doomed".

      Nobody can fix the mindset of your 2nd sentence and for that reason you're doomed and toxic to the people around you.

      Even a minimum wage job at a burger place can be fun because of the people around you and the chance to learn something new. Not fun like Disney World but you need to find fun in what you're doing or you'll never succeed at anything.

      I've had only 1 miserable job in my life (it was a truly bad for your health toxic hell hole) because there is always something good in every job. You really need to fix your mindset before expecting anything good to come of it.
      I still can't see how this is a mindset problem. I agree with you that jobs can be fun, I have had the time of my life at some of my jobs. I am not saying I walk around crabby and upset and hating every minute of it. There are varying levels of how I feel about my jobs. I worked for 5 years at McDonalds and had some of the best times of my life there. Same with the job I had where I was working 12 hour days for 42 days straight. I actually did love that job, but there were a lot of times I felt like I didn't know how long I could continue it, and there was a lot of stress when they forced me to work the morning shift and I had to suffer through it until my break came and I could go home and see a doctor. That job was a one of a kind job though, nothing else exists like it. I was prepping cold food in the kitchen of a lodge. It wasn't a restaurant, though, which is 99% of where food jobs are. This job was also overnight hours which is hard to find in the food industry. It also wasn't fast paced, I had 12 hours to get my list done so it wasn't like in restaurants where you have rushes, plus I didn't deal with the customers, I worked in the back by myself. But even though I loved it most of the time, I would still rather work from home. I hated facing an 11 hour drive ahead of me with a snowy weather forecast not knowing if I would make it without getting into an accident. I hated having a boss that told me how to do my job. I hated having to get up to an alarm clock (that goes for all jobs). So yes I have had a few jobs I actually liked but in the background of my mind I still didn't want to be forced to stay there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

    I am a 42 year old female. I can't find a job I like and I'm always unhappy no matter what job I end up in. I never went to college, bounced around to about 8 minimum wage jobs, and I'm living in a trailer park, so that kind of sets me apart from successful people. More than anything I want to have freedom from all these jobs I hate and I want to be able to travel the country wherever I want whenever I want, and working online has been an attractive idea for me for about 7 years now, but so far I haven't been able to make a go of it and I'm afraid it's because of the kind of person I am. I have tried a few things, had 3 websites, 3 or 4 blogs, joined a bunch of those sites that pay you for doing stuff online, and recently been researching copywriting, travel writing and social media marketing. Now I am starting to doubt that I am the right kind of person to make it in this business.

    Every time I start up a website or a blog, I lose interest, even though these are subjects I am passionate about and still love to dabble in. I have about 20 interests/hobbies and can't stick with one and only one. I started a website about music 7 years ago and it started to feel like a chore and I wasn't getting any traffic so I let my site expire. I started a website a year ago about connecting with nature (was also using affiliate links) and I ran out of ideas after about 30 pages, plus I wasn't getting any traffic and wasn't making any money so I couldn't afford to keep that going. Around the same time I started a photography website but I take so many pictures it gets overwhelming to upload them to my computer and add them to my website, it started to feel like I was running up a neverending hill. I have put my photography on Zazzle and have a few hundred products on there but haven't sold anything. I have had a few other blogs but the only comments I get are spam. I have Facebook and Twitter pages for all my sites and blogs but nobody pays much attention to them. I post on the respective pages AND my personal FB page and none of my friends even click on them. I have 300 friends on FB and not a one can be supportive of me, which doesn't help me build an audience. I have posted links in forums related to each subject. I just can't seem to get any traffic. But I lose interest too, so I don't just stop because of lack of traffic, it just feels like it runs its course. I can't sustain interest in anything very long then I jump to the next thing i'm interested in.

    On top of all that, I am very introverted and kinda socially awkward. I also have a phone phobia. It has caused me problems at my jobs. I am HORRIBLE at being outgoing, bold, aggressive, and persuasive. Well, in person anyway. Of course in writing I can be anything. But that wouldn't help me when it comes to trying to find clients. I thought maybe having a website or blog isn't what i'm supposed to do since it has failed every time, maybe I would be good at copywriting or social media marketing and/or writing. But I know they need to get themselves out there and network and find clients and connections. I am the worst kind of person for that, when I'm around people I always wait for them to talk to me first. Is being an introvert with social anxiety a dealbreaker for getting into the business of making money online? Most of what attracts me to online work is that being an anti-social introvert, it would allow me to work alone in my home or from a hotel room or wherever I want to be. I wouldn't have to deal with co-workers and customers. But I still would, as I'm finding out. Or are there online careers I don't know about that are good for people who don't like to deal with customers, talking on the phone, approaching clients, etc? I am not an expert in anything so writing books would pretty much involve re-wording books that are already out there. I love to read books and soak in information but I am not good at rewording what I learn, I usually just say "This is really cool, check this out!" then I link to something much better than I could write.

    Even though I'm not good at it, I do love to write, I love to use Facebook, I love to research information, I love to share information online, I'm just not good at dealing with people in person, and I'm not connected with anyone. I have one friend in real life and apparently not enough online who support me (as evidenced by no one ever showing an interest in any of the websites or blogs I create). Everyone I know has a blue collar job so I have no friends to help me with this either. So is there a "job" that would be a good fit for someone like me or am I doomed to live the life of a minimum wager?
    I could be way off on this, but it sounds like Pinterest would be a great match for you. I'm no expert on Pinterest by any means, but I do know from research it has more buyers than just about any social platform.

    Spend some time really learning using Pinterest for marketing and see what you can come up with...
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    That's what I plan to do. It might fail like all my other attempts, but the more things I try, the more I will figure out what I can and can't do.
    I don't believe it's about can or can't but will or won't.

    You've replied here about 40 times and have written close to 8000 words. You've responded every day multiple times for 5 days straight.

    If you would make a decision, instead of staying on this merry go round which isn't so merry, you could make the money you need and have the freedom you want.

    For example, spend a week a month developing content. Don't say you can't do it or you hate it or whatever since you hate Target too. Bust your butt for a week and get the same output you've done here in less than a week.

    Then figure out how to sell that content. If you don't want to write your own books you can sell PLR.

    8 x 1000 word articles that you spend 5 days working on X 50 customers X $25 a month recurring = $1,250 a month. Target = $9 x 40 hours = $360 x 4 weeks = $1,440 a month.

    Not saying it's easy but I am saying it's possible. And that is basically a week's worth of work versus 4 weeks. Sure, there is more to it than this. You have to promote it but that can be done the smart way to fit your needs. You can choose to have a different topic every month or the same topic - depends on how you set it up. Many of these PLR sites have a lot more members than 50 so that's an upside. You wouldn't even need much of a website - depending on how you set it up.

    What is there NOT to like about that??? Make a decision and get started. The sooner you do the sooner you can find your happiness.

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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      You've replied here about 40 times and have written close to 8000 words. You've responded every day multiple times for 5 days straight.
      No not every day, I know there was a few days in there where I didn't get online because I was busy or working. And I don't get on multiple times a day, I can only get on at night (if i'm not busy), I sleep until 1, I work from 2 until 10 sometimes 2am, so the only time I have to do anything online is after work if i'm not busy. I don't have as much free time as you think. I work 2 jobs.

      If you would make a decision, instead of staying on this merry go round which isn't so merry, you could make the money you need and have the freedom you want.
      This is the kind of answer I don't understand...I HAVE been trying to get off this merry go round. You can't just tell someone to do it when they have been trying, that's like telling someone who has tried a bunch of diets and hasn't lost weight to just decide to start losing weight. Obviously that's what they've been trying to do already.

      For example, spend a week a month developing content. Don't say you can't do it or you hate it or whatever since you hate Target too. Bust your butt for a week and get the same output you've done here in less than a week.
      I've already done that, a bunch of times! I don't know why I have to keep repeating myself, 99% of the things people are suggesting are things I've already done. That is the point of my whole post. I'm not a beginner asking for advice on how to get started.
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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
        Until you stop the excuses and the long explanations about why nothing works for you, you are doomed.

        Your issues are no different than the kinds of things most of us have to fight off everyday. The difference is we are fighting them off while you are explaining why nothing works.


        Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

        No not every day, I know there was a few days in there where I didn't get online because I was busy or working. And I don't get on multiple times a day, I can only get on at night (if i'm not busy), I sleep until 1, I work from 2 until 10 sometimes 2am, so the only time I have to do anything online is after work if i'm not busy. I don't have as much free time as you think. I work 2 jobs.

        This is the kind of answer I don't understand...I HAVE been trying to get off this merry go round. You can't just tell someone to do it when they have been trying, that's like telling someone who has tried a bunch of diets and hasn't lost weight to just decide to start losing weight. Obviously that's what they've been trying to do already.

        I've already done that, a bunch of times! I don't know why I have to keep repeating myself, 99% of the things people are suggesting are things I've already done. That is the point of my whole post. I'm not a beginner asking for advice on how to get started.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10197869].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
          Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

          Until you stop the excuses and the long explanations about why nothing works for you, you are doomed.

          Your issues are no different than the kinds of things most of us have to fight off everyday. The difference is we are fighting them off while you are explaining why nothing works.

          "Excuses" are something a little kid makes to cover up for why they don't want to do something. This is not like that. And sorry for the "long explanations", I thought that's what a forum is for to talk about problems, am I supposed to just not respond or not give a reason why someone's suggestion hasn't worked? They're just facts, all I'm doing is stating them. I do tend to ramble on, yeah, but this kind of writing comes easy to me, not like creative writing. This is more like a journal so it's hard to stop.
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          • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
            Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

            "Excuses" are something a little kid makes to cover up for why they don't want to do something. This is not like that.
            Actually, this is EXACTLY like that.
            Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10199797].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Kay King
              Your mindset is not one that could succeed online. I see no progress made in this thread...none. I don't see an introvert - I see someone who has found a way to get attention and likes it.

              You are spending time adding "tassels to bookmarks" to sell on Etsy. You've heard of e-readers...right? You were living with your Mom for 5 years - and you are 41. For a single woman that might make sense financially - except you "hated it there". Sounds like a teenager, doesn't it?

              You can write a journal here easily because "it's all about me" and you can rewrite your history to make you the victim. At 41 - you have limited time to change your life. I expect your complaints in this thread are the same ones you've made for years and I expect you'll be making them 20 years from now.

              But at this point in my life I don't have time for wrong decisions.
              Apparently you do have time - because you keep making the wrong decisions and excusing those decisions. You really need to wake up and understand YOUR life is what YOU make it.

              Get a job - and keep it. Stop complaining and do what's necessary to get promoted or get salary increases and save for retirement.
              Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
              One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
              what it is instead of what you think it should be.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10199884].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
                Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

                Your mindset is not one that could succeed online. I see no progress made in this thread...none.
                Well I see progress, and I guess as long as I do, that's all that matters, since that's what I came here for.

                I don't see an introvert - I see someone who has found a way to get attention and likes it.
                Does nobody here understand what an introvert even is?! Introverts LOVE expressing themselves online because they can't do it in person. If all of us were in a room together right now, I'd be in the darkest corner sheepishly smiling to be polite and barely speaking unless someone spoke to me. This is the internet, it's the introvert's playground, it's the only social setting where we feel comfortable enough to express ourselves. I came here for an answer and I got it, this isn't about attention, it's about wanting advice, this is a forum, that's what it's for!

                You are spending time adding "tassels to bookmarks" to sell on Etsy.
                I'm missing your point here. I love bookmarks so I decided to make some, what's the problem there?

                You've heard of e-readers...right? You were living with your Mom for 5 years - and you are 41. For a single woman that might make sense financially - except you "hated it there". Sounds like a teenager, doesn't it?
                Wow. You're not a nice person, that's all I can say. I was living with her because I got laid off from my $14/hr job i had for 18 years and lost my apartment because of it, and you're judging me for becoming homeless!? Shit happens, you have to do what you gotta do. I didn't want to move in with my mom, the night I moved in there I bawled my eyes out for hours! I applied to over 100 jobs and only got offered minimum wage crap! This was the recession of 2008/2009, I was far from the only one who lost their place due to losing a job! The town I lived in had apartments for $800 a month minimum, one person cannot afford that working for $8 an hour. So I took a job in another state, saved up $20,000, and moved to a city that's a lot cheaper to live, and now I'm on my own again thanks to working 84 hours a week for 3 years.

                You can write a journal here easily because "it's all about me" and you can rewrite your history to make you the victim. At 41 - you have limited time to change your life. I expect your complaints in this thread are the same ones you've made for years and I expect you'll be making them 20 years from now.
                Wow. *moving on*....

                Get a job - and keep it. Stop complaining and do what's necessary to get promoted or get salary increases and save for retirement.
                The kind of jobs I can get don't give salary increases. That's why I'm trying to make money on my own.
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            • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
              Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

              Actually, this is EXACTLY like that.
              Then you have misunderstood me, that's all I can say. I don't fit in with successful people because none of them understand where I'm coming from even after I explain it. I guess people really just are that different.
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              • Profile picture of the author Cali16
                Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

                Then you have misunderstood me, that's all I can say. I don't fit in with successful people because none of them understand where I'm coming from even after I explain it. I guess people really just are that different.
                That's one of the hallmark traits of narcissists - they frequently complain (or at least tell themselves) that no one understands them.

                Another hallmark trait of narcissists is that they believe they "deserve better / more / etc." even when they haven't done anything to actually deserve more. You don't "deserve more" simply because you're human. You haven't put in the effort to deserve a better life. You quit as soon as you get bored or don't like some aspect of whatever it is you're doing. The people who don't quit - who persevere through the tedious, tough, boring, unpleasant tasks / times - are the ones who deserve better.

                It's abundantly clear that you don't want help. You just want to complain and make excuses. This entire thread has been excuse after excuse after excuse, despite people giving you some excellent advice and suggestions.

                There are two types of people in this world: people who want a better life and are willing to do the hard work to make that happen, and people who want a better life but make excuse after excuse as to why that can't happen. You're not willing to do the hard work because you have this narcissistic mindset that hard (or boring, tedious, whatever) work shouldn't be part of the equation, that everything should be rainbows and unicorns because you know two people who claim to love "every minute" of what they do.

                Read Mark's last post again and again until it sinks in. What he shared with you is pure gold - if you'll allow yourself to "hear" it.
                If you don't face your fears, the only thing you'll ever see is what's in your comfort zone. ~Anne McClain, astronaut
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10200547].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
                  Originally Posted by Cali16 View Post

                  That's one of the hallmark traits of narcissists - they frequently complain (or at least tell themselves) that no one understands them.
                  Not being understood is also a trait of people who don't fit in with everyone else, people like black sheep, free thinkers, etc.

                  Another hallmark trait of narcissists is that they believe they "deserve better / more / etc." even when they haven't done anything to actually deserve more. You don't "deserve more" simply because you're human.
                  Yes, you do. This is part of the probem with society. How can it be normal that you have to prove yourself before you can receive everything we need to survive? This is at the core of humanity's suffering. Everyone on Earth should get food, water and shelter for free. When you drive past homeless people you're probably thinking 'Good for them, they got what they deserved', right? Yet if they would tell you what got them there you would probably just say they've giving excuses.

                  You haven't put in the effort to deserve a better life. You quit as soon as you get bored or don't like some aspect of whatever it is you're doing. The people who don't quit - who persevere through the tedious, tough, boring, unpleasant tasks / times - are the ones who deserve better.
                  Wow. I have never actually talked to someone who believed this...I feel like I'm talking to one of the elite rulers of the world that sits at the top of the pyramid and looks down on everyone else. And you think I'M a narcissist!? You think you're better than people who aren't successful. I'm not sure what more effort you want me to put in, I've worked hard since I was 16 years old, I never once stopped trying to support myself. Just because I can't find the right online job to fit me (yet) doesn't mean I am sitting around mooching off anyone. I have had 2 jobs at a time a few times in my life. I worked at McDonalds and a factory at the same time, I currently work at Target and a hotel at the same time. But to you I am not making enough of an effort so I don't deserve to live in anything but a trailer park.

                  It's abundantly clear that you don't want help. You just want to complain and make excuses. This entire thread has been excuse after excuse after excuse, despite people giving you some excellent advice and suggestions.
                  Then you have missed a lot...I'm not complaining, I'm explaining all the things I've tried and saying they didn't work, I am taking some people's and advice and suggestions if they are something I haven't tried. And I do want help which is why I came here in the first place and I got what I was looking for. If it worked for me, let it go and stop claiming this thread was a waste of time.

                  that everything should be rainbows and unicorns because you know two people who claim to love "every minute" of what they do.
                  I didn't say there were only two people, those are just the ones I personally know. The rest were all online.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
                    Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

                    Everyone on Earth should get food, water and shelter for free.
                    At whose expense? If you have a functioning brain, two hands and two feet... You should get what you earn.

                    Our free handouts should only support those who are mentally or physically unable to provide for themselves or their families. Not those who are capable but lazy.

                    Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

                    Just because I can't find the right online job to fit me (yet) doesn't mean I am sitting around mooching off anyone.
                    Not due to a lack of effort though.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10202378].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
                      Originally Posted by Gambino View Post

                      At whose expense? If you have a functioning brain, two hands and two feet... You should get what you earn.
                      There would be no expense...there is enough to go around. There is plenty of food, shelter and water if the world wasn't so screwed up and it was actually distributed evenly, but that is a whole different discussion.

                      Our free handouts should only support those who are mentally or physically unable to provide for themselves or their families. Not those who are capable but lazy.
                      The fact that people have been indoctrinated to call them "handouts" proves how screwed up this world is. They aren't handouts, they are resources we have been given by the Earth, it's humans that got greedy and invented a system where we can't all get what we need. And I'm not lazy, how can you even say that? I have always supported myself doing whatever it takes, with the exception of hitting hard times during the recession when I had to move back in with my mom because the only jobs I could get were minimum wage.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Cali16
                    Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

                    How can it be normal that you have to prove yourself before you can receive everything we need to survive? This is at the core of humanity's suffering. Everyone on Earth should get food, water and shelter for free. When you drive past homeless people you're probably thinking 'Good for them, they got what they deserved', right? Yet if they would tell you what got them there you would probably just say they've giving excuses.
                    This will be my last response to you, as clearly NOTHING is sinking in. You certainly are a pro at twisting the words and meaning of others.

                    I never said or suggested that people don't deserve what is necessary to survive. You're talking about wanting / deserving a job that has no boring, tedious, or unpleasant tasks involved. HUGE difference.

                    I hate to break it to you, but food, water, and shelter have never been "free". Humans have had to work for them in some form or another since we first walked the earth. Early man had to hunt and gather food, haul water in jugs to their homes (whether a cave, teepee, or mud / grass hut), and in most cases - except for cave dwellers - they had to gather the materials and build their shelter. Perhaps they didn't pay for any of that in money, like we do today, but all of it required work - hard, tedious, and often downright dangerous, work. So it wasn't free. Never has been.

                    You already have all the basics to survive - you have shelter, food, and water. And yes, you have to work for them - like we all do. That's life. But this thread you started wasn't about surviving, so don't twist things around to belittle others in a pathetic attempt to make yourself somehow look noble (another thing that narcissists excel at).

                    My heart breaks for anyone who is homeless, and I've never once in my life looked at a homeless person and thought they deserved their situation - quite the opposite. If it makes you feel better about yourself to assume that I'm some cold, heartless, "elite" person, go right ahead. But I'll tell you this - I've worked hard since I was 13 years old. My family didn't have money. My parents worked hard to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. They didn't sit around and gripe about life being tough or whine because their jobs frequently involved many boring or tedious tasks as part of making a living and providing for their family.

                    I don't have any sympathy for you. And for the record, I didn't say you are a narcissist (although I'm fully qualified to diagnose personality disorders). I merely pointed out several things from your posts that suggest the presence of narcissistic traits and thought processes.

                    Whine away. Continue with your endless "explanations" that are just excuses. It's apparently what you do best. Trying to reason with you is like trying to explain to a 3 y/o why candy can't be the only food she eats.

                    It's pointless investing energy into people who are entitled and make endless excuses - and who get defensive and condescending when others present them with a reality check.
                    If you don't face your fears, the only thing you'll ever see is what's in your comfort zone. ~Anne McClain, astronaut
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10202385].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
                      Originally Posted by Cali16 View Post

                      This will be my last response to you, as clearly NOTHING is sinking in. You certainly are a pro at twisting the words and meaning of others.
                      I came here for suggestions on earning money online, not judgements, so no, those aren't going to sink in because they're irrelevant to what I came here for.

                      I never said or suggested that people don't deserve what is necessary to survive. You're talking about wanting / deserving a job that has no boring, tedious, or unpleasant tasks involved. HUGE difference.
                      No, I wasn't talking about deserving a job I loved, I was talking about deserving things without having to work (at a job) for them.

                      I hate to break it to you, but food, water, and shelter have never been "free". Humans have had to work for them in some form or another since we first walked the earth. Early man had to hunt and gather food, haul water in jugs to their homes (whether a cave, teepee, or mud / grass hut), and in most cases - except for cave dwellers - they had to gather the materials and build their shelter. Perhaps they didn't pay for any of that in money, like we do today, but all of it required work - hard, tedious, and often downright dangerous, work. So it wasn't free. Never has been.
                      If you don't have to pay for something, it's free. Hunting and gathering isn't work, that's what we had to do to survive. Work shouldn't be what we have to do to survive. I would gladly run around with a basket collecting berries for my dinner, in fact I do that already.

                      You already have all the basics to survive - you have shelter, food, and water. And yes, you have to work for them - like we all do. That's life.
                      I know that's life, that's the problem. It wouldn't be this way if humans didn't screw it up.

                      But this thread you started wasn't about surviving, so don't twist things around to belittle others in a pathetic attempt to make yourself somehow look noble (another thing that narcissists excel at).
                      I'm not the one belittling anyone here! I'm defending myself after being told I have narcissistic traits and that I am lazy. I know the thread didn't start out about surviving, but conversations evolve and grow. I am explaining my beliefs behind why I think the way I do, it is helpful to understand things better.

                      I've worked hard since I was 13 years old. My family didn't have money. My parents worked hard to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. They didn't sit around and gripe about life being tough or whine because their jobs frequently involved many boring or tedious tasks as part of making a living and providing for their family.
                      Just because they didn't speak out about their feelings about working doesn't mean they weren't thinking them. Or maybe they were just too conditioned to accept it's the way it's gotta be. I am not going to hide my feelings about it and I am not going to sit back and accept things that make me unhappy. Nevertheless, I still keep working hard because I have to until I can make a go of earning money a better way. Until the dollar loses it's value and the economy collapses forever, the world won't be the way I want it to be. So I continue to work hard (not be lazy), so I would appreciate people stop saying I'm lazy just because I don't believe humans should have to have jobs. I want us all in this together, I don't want to mooch off anyone, that isn't what I'm saying.

                      It's pointless investing energy into people who are entitled and make endless excuses - and who get defensive and condescending when others present them with a reality check.
                      Everyone should be entitled, we all are. And there is nothing wrong with being defensive, I don't let people judge me. I am not condescending, what people aren't getting is I believe EVERYONE has a right to these things I want, not just me. And your reality check may not be how I want my reality to be, reality is subjective anyway. That's the only way to change it is to create your own.
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      • Profile picture of the author ecomguy
        Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

        I've already done that, a bunch of times! I don't know why I have to keep repeating myself, 99% of the things people are suggesting are things I've already done. That is the point of my whole post. I'm not a beginner asking for advice on how to get started.
        Respectfully, I dont know what you want people to say to you.
        Theres no magic formula unfortunately.
        There is NO way to write a few sentences and then sit back and get nice paychecks. it just doesnt happen.

        You have to do the work, tedius and boring as it is, you have to keep going.

        Thats it. No secret, its just good consistent work.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10197950].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
          Originally Posted by ecomguy View Post

          Respectfully, I dont know what you want people to say to you.
          Theres no magic formula unfortunately.
          There is NO way to write a few sentences and then sit back and get nice paychecks. it just doesnt happen.
          I just wanted people to assess me and tell me if I am a good fit for this or not, and most of you have said I'm not so that helps me make my decision...I also wanted people to tell me if they knew of any online jobs/careers/businesses that would be a good fit for me, not to change me to fit a job, but to find the job to fit me. I'm not expecting to get paid for a few sentences, that is why I gave up on that one because after I get my thought out, my mind stops and wants to go do something else.
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          • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
            Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

            I just wanted people to assess me and tell me if I am a good fit for this or not, and most of you have said I'm not so that helps me make my decision...I also wanted people to tell me if they knew of any online jobs/careers/businesses that would be a good fit for me, not to change me to fit a job, but to find the job to fit me. I'm not expecting to get paid for a few sentences, that is why I gave up on that one because after I get my thought out, my mind stops and wants to go do something else.
            You are not a good fit for running your own marketing / publishing business (which is what IM is). With your inability to stay focused and find long term enjoyment / satisfaction in virtually anything, I can't think of anything that's a fit for you.
            Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10199795].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Cali16
      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      I don't believe it's about can or can't but will or won't.

      I 100% agree with this statement by Mark.

      GaiaGoddess, reading through your threads the consistent theme I see is that you don't want to do the "tedious" work that is part of every single job and business on the planet. No matter what you choose to do, there will be aspects of it that aren't fun or interesting. And then you stop because you don't want to do it anymore.

      Until you are willing to do the tedious aspects involved in any job - including working from home - you are doomed to fail, I'm sorry to say. And yes, that is essentially a mindset issue.

      Early on, I thought you may have adult ADD. But after reading most of your posts, I don't think that's the issue. I do think you have unrealistic expectations, and unless those change you'll spend the rest of your life searching for a job that fits all of those expectations.
      If you don't face your fears, the only thing you'll ever see is what's in your comfort zone. ~Anne McClain, astronaut
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      • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
        Originally Posted by Cali16 View Post

        GaiaGoddess, reading through your threads the consistent theme I see is that you don't want to do the "tedious" work that is part of every single job and business on the planet. No matter what you choose to do, there will be aspects of it that aren't fun or interesting. And then you stop because you don't want to do it anymore.

        Until you are willing to do the tedious aspects involved in any job - including working from home - you are doomed to fail, I'm sorry to say. And yes, that is essentially a mindset issue.

        Early on, I thought you may have adult ADD. But after reading most of your posts, I don't think that's the issue. I do think you have unrealistic expectations, and unless those change you'll spend the rest of your life searching for a job that fits all of those expectations.
        You are right, I don't believe anything tedious has to be done in order to succeed. I know for a fact there are people out there who do what they love and they love every minute of it. What is so wrong about wanting to enjoy something 100%? I guess I do have high expectations from all the research I've done about people who are living their dream, and their dream doesn't include mostly their passion and then some stuff they hate doing. If there's anything negative about it, it's your heart telling you to find something better. Why settle? This is something we will do the majority of our time, the majority of our lives. So yes I do have high standards for that, I've spent enough time suffering. I want it all out of my life.
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        • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168

          To be frank I now jobless sick of office fact while that time I working already build ask around how Internet marketing works here YES ....I admit I ask stupid questions also never focus ..go programs after programs...In fact that time I will got a job thus i tread IM like for " FUN " . Yes I do know a lot out there hold a full time job while slowly build up their iM business etc once see the profit and is a constant income flow in they quit their full time job and go intensive into it earn even more.

          Well my parents still urge me go work ...even they see IM does really earn an income.
          I told them let me try full time first see how it go.

          If fail just go out find a job...if really cannot find at least your time never wasted while you already build your IM business ....ya Focus which many WR bros mention here which I also still learning.

          Every one here learn from one another. Actually I need to thanks those give me suggestion etc.
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        • Profile picture of the author Cali16
          Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

          You are right, I don't believe anything tedious has to be done in order to succeed. I know for a fact there are people out there who do what they love and they love every minute of it.
          There isn't a person on the planet who hasn't done some grunt work in order to succeed, and who continues to do some tedious tasks to continue to be successful.

          The ones who say they "love every minute of it" are probably not being literal. Rather, they focus on the overall enjoyment, which is enough that the tedious aspects don't bother them. But there are always, always, always tedious aspects. I guarantee it.

          Take professional athletes and A-list entertainers. It took a lot of hard work for them to get there - and even more to stay there. Athletes still have to train and do grueling workouts to stay at the top of their game. They also travel a lot, which can get old as well. Actors spend a lot of time in makeup and shooting scenes over and over to get it just right, sometimes for very long hours. Do you really think they love "every minute" they're sitting in a makeup chair, or having to re-do a scene for the 30th time? I'm sure even they get bored at times. But that doesn't mean they don't love what they do overall.

          You have a ridiculous and very immature entitlement mentality. I don't mean to be harsh, but there's a narcissistic flavor to your posts. You expect this 100% perfect, 100% enjoyable job that never has a single dull moment or tedious task; that's a fantasy that borders on delusional.

          No, you're not cut out for this - or any job. There isn't a job on the planet that won't involve something dull and tedious at times. That's life. But if you want to keep clinging to this ridiculous fantasy, have at it. However, do so at your own risk, because until you're willing to live in the real world you'll continue being disappointed and unhappy in every job you find.
          If you don't face your fears, the only thing you'll ever see is what's in your comfort zone. ~Anne McClain, astronaut
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10199648].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
            Originally Posted by Cali16 View Post

            There isn't a person on the planet who hasn't done some grunt work in order to succeed, and who continues to do some tedious tasks to continue to be successful.

            The ones who say they "love every minute of it" are probably not being literal. Rather, they focus on the overall enjoyment, which is enough that the tedious aspects don't bother them. But there are always, always, always tedious aspects. I guarantee it.

            Take professional athletes and A-list entertainers. It took a lot of hard work for them to get there - and even more to stay there. Athletes still have to train and do grueling workouts to stay at the top of their game. They also travel a lot, which can get old as well. Actors spend a lot of time in makeup and shooting scenes over and over to get it just right, sometimes for very long hours. Do you really think they love "every minute" they're sitting in a makeup chair, or having to re-do a scene for the 30th time? I'm sure even they get bored at times. But that doesn't mean they don't love what they do overall.
            There are exceptions, maybe you just don't know any. My brother is a tow truck driver and he loves every minute of his job. He never has to do anything he doesn't love. He loves cars and loves driving and when he isn't on a tow he gets to go home and work on his cars. I have a friend who has a foster home for handicapped kids and she loves every minute of that too, she doesn't have to do anything that isn't directly related to taking care of the kids which she considers just like her own. If I didn't know these people personally I'd probably believe you but I see exceptions all the time. I also know someone who makes hula hoops and sells them and she loves making them, she loves the promotional part of it, and that's all she does, that's it.

            You have a ridiculous and very immature entitlement mentality. I don't mean to be harsh, but there's a narcissistic flavor to your posts. You expect this 100% perfect, 100% enjoyable job that never has a single dull moment or tedious task; that's a fantasy that borders on delusional.
            This quote sums up my response better than I can word it....
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  • Profile picture of the author kennyd3
    It was tough when I started 7 years ago, and I must admit it is tougher now. But the importance of internet marketing is to first know what your are good at (at least some interest).
    The problem is you keep jumping from one idea to another you will never make it..period!

    I learn that the hard way. Knowing what you want to do, is to get a "guru" to help you on your way. Learning to do thing by yourself nowadays are not going to get you anywhere. At least they are there to motivate you and help you along the way.

    Like I said, it is something you only need to learn once, and when you have the skill and knowledge..recycle, recycle, recycle and create as many of the same sites as possible.

    My point is get help, there are a lot of good gurus out there and dont really cost that much (comparing I am from asia and US currency is big comapred to yourself).

    Learn the techinque deligently, ask a lot of questions and you will get there. Took me over 3 years to make my first income online, and since then, there was no looking back.
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  • Profile picture of the author RonandRhonda
    You will be the one to decide that
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  • Profile picture of the author AffiliatePrograms
    Gaia, in some ways and to some degree I'm a bit like you and can relate to some of what you've been saying.

    Why aren't you married? Is it because of the same problem you have with deciding or sustaining interest? It seems to me like you would be better of with a husband who could support you, as long as it was a good relationship of course.

    I'm curious - what is the name of your circadian rhythm disorder? I can relate to that as well.

    I agree with you about WordPress. Everyone always says how it's so easy, yada yada. I kind of hate it actually. Was just trying to use it and put up a simple site recently with a certain theme, but I was not as impressed as so many seem to be. I even have some background with computer stuff, too, but don't like how this WordPress is set up at all. Was using this one theme, and just trying to center some text at the top of the page was impossible and simply wouldn't work. It's supposed to be straightforward and intuitive, so where is all this super "easy" stuff?

    If you want to try dealing with site creation again, however, Weebly appears to be way more genuinely easy, so try that. I believe they even have a free option, though if you pay for hosting somewhere it may also come with Weebly. But otherwise go to itself and try their free option.

    I also liked your idea of perhaps developing FB pages for others. That may have potential for you to earn some decent money, especially if you also maintain them. Perhaps you could build up a client list of parties for whom you build and maintain the pages for a regular monthly fee.

    In terms of having nocturnal hours and being able to earn some money right away on a flexible basis offline and outside of IM, perhaps you could try being a limo driver for a while (especially if you are near any airports)? If you were a guy I would also suggest driving a cab, but that may not be safe since you are a woman. It can be dangerous enough for a guy.
    ♦ - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by AffiliatePrograms View Post

      Why aren't you married? Is it because of the same problem you have with deciding or sustaining interest? It seems to me like you would be better of with a husband who could support you, as long as it was a good relationship of course.
      Of course in a perfect world I would be married! But you can't just snap your fingers and make a guy ask you to marry him, lol I did have one guy want to marry me about 13 years ago but he was a loser who made all my friends quit talking to me and HIS friends quit talking to him too... I only dated him because he was the first guy that ever asked me on a date. But I didn't love him, I just liked having a boyfriend finally, but I just didn't have feelings for him. Other than that, every guy that I've dated since has only wanted sex. I don't meet many guys either, because I'm so introverted it's hard for me to make friends let alone attract men. But there is no time for dating anyway when I'm working 2 jobs and trying to enjoy all my hobbies AND trying to get my dream career going (whatever that turns out to be).

      I'm curious - what is the name of your circadian rhythm disorder? I can relate to that as well.
      It's called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, here's a good page of info; DSPS Q&A - Circadian Sleep Disorders Network

      I agree with you about WordPress. Everyone always says how it's so easy, yada yada. I kind of hate it actually. Was just trying to use it and put up a simple site recently with a certain theme, but I was not as impressed as so many seem to be. I even have some background with computer stuff, too, but don't like how this WordPress is set up at all. Was using this one theme, and just trying to center some text at the top of the page was impossible and simply wouldn't work. It's supposed to be straightforward and intuitive, so where is all this super "easy" stuff?

      If you want to try dealing with site creation again, however, Weebly appears to be way more genuinely easy, so try that. I believe they even have a free option, though if you pay for hosting somewhere it may also come with Weebly. But otherwise go to itself and try their free option.
      YES! I feel the same way about Wordpress! As for Weebly, that was actually the first one I tried but it was maddeningly frustrating and I couldn't take it for more than a few days. I don't remember now what exactly I hated about it, it was more than one thing. Not that Wordpress was much better but it was slightly better. That is why I like Blogger, it's SO simple, you just open the screen and start typing and click publish and there it is. Like posting on a forum. If there was a way to make money posting on forums, I'd be rich by now, lol Forums are one of my favorite things. I've started a few of them but they're hard to get going, never had any luck with getting one to be successful, even after a few years of hard promotion.

      I also liked your idea of perhaps developing FB pages for others. That may have potential for you to earn some decent money, especially if you also maintain them. Perhaps you could build up a client list of parties for whom you build and maintain the pages for a regular monthly fee.
      Yeah this one sounds like it might be one of my top contenders, lol As with my hobbies, now I have too many options so I can't just focus on one, so it's going to be a long time until I can figure out which one to do, or how to do more than one at a time. I signed up for 2 programs like 4 days ago but haven't had any time to delve into them. I have been reading a book called It's Never Too Late To Find Your Calling, but so far all the exercises and questions are the same in all the other programs. I'm not sure if anything can help me.

      In terms of having nocturnal hours and being able to earn some money right away on a flexible basis offline and outside of IM, perhaps you could try being a limo driver for a while (especially if you are near any airports)? If you were a guy I would also suggest driving a cab, but that may not be safe since you are a woman. It can be dangerous enough for a guy.
      I live about an hour and a half from the nearest airport. I'm in a city that's tucked away by itself, which sucks. The nearest towns are just villages. It's half an hour to any normal sized town but even further to any airports. But I did consider joining Uber, but you have to use your own car and my car has been having a lot of problems lately, I just spent $3000 on car repairs. I am not scared of driving around a bunch of drunk men, I just don't want the wear and tear on my aging car. Plus the area I live in is so in the middle of nowhere, I'd be pretty much limited to people in this town and that couldn't sustain me.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    It all mindset. If it was easy everyone would be doing it! Making money online is easy but only after you get the correct mindset and understand how it is you are going to make the money.

    If you can't find a job I would start right there. There is more work out there today than you can shake a stick at.

    There is no reason why you should not be able to get a job right now except if your mindset is preventing you.

    I am sure you are looking for an easier way like 99% of all others but there is no shortcut to this stuff.

    Making money online is so freaking easy today once you understand how to do it! I mean I make money in my sleep ;-)
    Working to achieve higher results...
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      The last few posts sound harsh - but the OP needs to "get it". It's not being "doomed" to say she's not cut out for internet marketing. Making a choice to move on makes more sense than adding IM to the list of woes...

      It doesn't matter if you make a lot of money online or offline - what matters is being satisfied with the life you create for yourself. If you always want more - if you always want to work less - if you always think you deserve'll never be happy.

      I know rich people who are very happy with their lives - and I know poor people who have that same "life is great" attitude. It's not about money or work hours - it's about the quality you put into your hours.

      "Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans"...
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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      • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        The last few posts sound harsh - but the OP needs to "get it". It's not being "doomed" to say she's not cut out for internet marketing. Making a choice to move on makes more sense than adding IM to the list of woes...
        Yeah I've pretty much accepted now that I am not going to succeed at any of the things I've already tried and learned from. I am moving on, exploring new ideas.

        It doesn't matter if you make a lot of money online or offline - what matters is being satisfied with the life you create for yourself. If you always want more - if you always want to work less - if you always think you deserve'll never be happy.
        "if you always think you deserve better" you really believe it's wrong to think you deserve better? I think every human on the planet deserves better just for being alive, I don't think we should lower ourselves to accept anything less than happiness.

        I know rich people who are very happy with their lives - and I know poor people who have that same "life is great" attitude. It's not about money or work hours - it's about the quality you put into your hours.
        Yes I agree, and for me to be happy with my life I need to be happy with my job. Most of my waking hours are spent at work and if I'm not happy at work, how can I be happy when I'm not at work, knowing I have to go back there and be unhappy?
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        • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
          I think one issue is that you seem to expect happiness to come to you or for you to find it.

          Happiness isn't an external thing - it's an internal thing.

          Have you ever heard the sayings/songs that go something like "love the one you're with" and all the variants about a lot of different subjects?

          My wife isn't perfect. Our life isn't bliss 24X7. We have issues, problems, and situations that cause unhappiness - if we let them.

          My life isn't perfect. I've got enough going on to keep me unhappy - if I let them.

          But I've decided to be happy. I've decided to quit looking for the next wife which may be prettier, argue less, skinnier, crochet better, or whatever. I'm extremely happy with the one I've got.

          I've decided to try my best to be happy in my life. Yes with health issues, and this situation, and that problem, and this pain, and that sorrow I have learned/am learning to be happy.

          Does this mean I've given up and am taking the low road? Does this mean I don't want more? Does this mean I have quit trying to be better, to do more, to have more, etc? No.

          It means I am happy with what I have and since I'm happy with what I have I get more and can do more and have unknown joys and happiness come into my life. More income. More freedom. More peace. Etc.

          But when I was always unhappy - nothing was working. When it rained it poured and it was always raining.

          What changed was my mindset and a new way of handling problems and achieving goals. I still struggle sometimes when things go wrong but I can say even with various issues I am happy (while still improving and growing in all the important areas such as income, relationships, etc.)

          So what if you don't find that perfect new income? Everything anyone has suggested here you've basically said no to. You've already done it and didn't like it - you weren't happy.

          What if you can't find that perfect offline job?

          Are you doomed to a life of unhappiness and lack of peace? Of being miserable and "broke" every day for the next 40 or 50 (or however long) years?

          I think you are until and unless you decide to be happy with what you have and where you are. Then you can start improving. But I don't think you are going to find happiness in a job or a website or a download or anything else until you can be happy and content with where you are.


          Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

          "if you always think you deserve better" you really believe it's wrong to think you deserve better? I think every human on the planet deserves better just for being alive, I don't think we should lower ourselves to accept anything less than happiness.

          Yes I agree, and for me to be happy with my life I need to be happy with my job. Most of my waking hours are spent at work and if I'm not happy at work, how can I be happy when I'm not at work, knowing I have to go back there and be unhappy?
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          • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
            Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

            I think one issue is that you seem to expect happiness to come to you or for you to find it.

            Happiness isn't an external thing - it's an internal thing.
            So what if you don't find that perfect new income? Everything anyone has suggested here you've basically said no to. You've already done it and didn't like it - you weren't happy.

            What if you can't find that perfect offline job?

            Are you doomed to a life of unhappiness and lack of peace? Of being miserable and "broke" every day for the next 40 or 50 (or however long) years?

            I think you are until and unless you decide to be happy with what you have and where you are. Then you can start improving. But I don't think you are going to find happiness in a job or a website or a download or anything else until you can be happy and content with where you are.

            I have never believed in that philosophy. I believe in what experience shows me. I believe in proof. And I have experienced and seen proof that I CAN be happy in certain situations and not happy in others. My happiness can show up in a single day if the situation is right, and disappear in a single day if that situation changes. That is how it works. I have tried to be happy in situations where I am always stressed out and it's impossible. But I can easily be happy in situations where there is no stress. Don't get me wrong through, I can find things to be happy ABOUT, but that doesn't mean I am at ease overall with the situation. For example, the last job I had was so stressful to me that I would wake up with a stomach ache every day, I would be unable to eat, at work I would get a dry mouth from being so stressed out and nervous, (this was also due to my phone phobia and I had to talk on the phone at my job), and every day I would leave with a headache. I knew that job was not good for me physically, I felt like I was constantly in fight or flight mode. There is NO way for me to be happy in that situation. So I got a different job, and it's less stressful but I still have to talk on the phone (this is something most introverts have problems with actually, but I've had this phone phobia since I was about 11 or 12). So I cannot be 100% happy and at ease with life while I am working a job that requires me to talk on the phone and deal with customers which causes me stress. Sometimes it's so bad I literally freeze and don't know what to say and it is awkward for everyone. I can't work a job where I'm constantly living in fear of the next stressful situation. I never had this feeling at most of my other jobs, so I know the solution to this problem is to find a job that doesn't have these situations that cause stress for me. That might have been a long winded explanation, but in a nutshell my point is in my experience, happiness can not happen unless I don't have a stressful job.
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        • Profile picture of the author Improbable
          Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

          Yeah I've pretty much accepted now that I am not going to succeed at any of the things I've already tried and learned from. I am moving on, exploring new ideas.

          Speaking of new ideas for you: you noticed that word "narcissism" popping up? Granted that it made you defensive, but it is a subject that other folks here are clearly interested in.

          How about showing your stuff as an Internet Researcher by looking into the subject? Start here and dive in as far as you want to go: My Story - HealthyPlace

          And then, feel free to share what you've learned. You can think of it as practice!
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          • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
            Originally Posted by Improbable View Post

            Speaking of new ideas for you: you noticed that word "narcissism" popping up? Granted that it made you defensive, but it is a subject that other folks here are clearly interested in.

            How about showing your stuff as an Internet Researcher by looking into the subject? Start here and dive in as far as you want to go: My Story - HealthyPlace

            And then, feel free to share what you've learned. You can think of it as practice!
            This is ridiculous! I am not a narcissist. I have had low self esteem most of my life. I will take a test and show you my results...
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by EPoltrack77 View Post

      It all mindset. If it was easy everyone would be doing it! Making money online is easy but only after you get the correct mindset and understand how it is you are going to make the money.

      If you can't find a job I would start right there. There is more work out there today than you can shake a stick at.

      There is no reason why you should not be able to get a job right now except if your mindset is preventing you.

      I am sure you are looking for an easier way like 99% of all others but there is no shortcut to this stuff.

      Making money online is so freaking easy today once you understand how to do it! I mean I make money in my sleep ;-)
      I never said I can't find a job, I have 2 of them right now.
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  • Profile picture of the author ecomguy
    Maybe you can pet sit part time. I did it and its fun and great extra money. You can get $100 for a weekend for each dog and all you have to do is sit there and take him out every few hours. Very easy.
    And while youre at someone elses house you can go online and do some work. Or just have some quiet time away form the house so you can sit and think.
    this book is great Six-Figure Pet Sitting: Catapult Your Pet Sitting...Six-Figure Pet Sitting: Catapult Your Pet Sitting... you can get it at the library for free or just look on youtube for similar
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10200061].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by ecomguy View Post

      Maybe you can pet sit part time. I did it and its fun and great extra money. You can get $100 for a weekend for each dog and all you have to do is sit there and take him out every few hours. Very easy.
      And while youre at someone elses house you can go online and do some work. Or just have some quiet time away form the house so you can sit and think.
      this book is great Six-Figure Pet Sitting: Catapult Your Pet Sitting Business to Unlimited Success: Kristin Morrison: 9780615434018: Books
      you can get it at the library for free or just look on youtube for similar
      Well I can't stand being around dogs (too much energy...introverts like cats, lol)...I did research housesitting and cat sitting but this is the first I've heard that you can get paid for it, all the other people said it's a non paying thing. But I'll check out that book, since it's free, and promises 6 figures, lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Worrier9001
    OP, have you considered becoming one of those hermit people? Use your passion for research to learn everything you need to know to survive and live off the land. Then move to a jungle or rainforest away from any civilization and live on your own off the land?

    You literally won't have to do any mental work and can focus on doing what is physically required to keep you alive while being able to use your mental energy on whatever you wish. No worrying about bills, rent, etc.

    After reading everything here, I genuinely think that could be a good option for you?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10200540].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Worrier9001 View Post

      OP, have you considered becoming one of those hermit people? Use your passion for research to learn everything you need to know to survive and live off the land. Then move to a jungle or rainforest away from any civilization and live on your own off the land?

      You literally won't have to do any mental work and can focus on doing what is physically required to keep you alive while being able to use your mental energy on whatever you wish. No worrying about bills, rent, etc.

      After reading everything here, I genuinely think that could be a good option for you?
      This has been one of my biggest fantasies for a few years now. I have spent so much time researching all the different ways to go about this. I wouldn't want something that extreme though, I would want to live off the grid and all that but not quite that self reliant. I would want to buy an already-built structure with the power supply (solar, whatever) already hooked up and food easily accessible. One of the biggest reasons I haven't done this though is because I love cooking so much, I couldn't live without a decent sized kitchen, access to groceries, stuff like that. If there was a way to live like a hermit WITH all the modern amenities, perfect. I also don't want to completely cut myself off from my family and friends, i don't think it's healthy to live like that. I do need a lot more time to myself than most people but I would get too lonely without anybody at all. Right now where I live it's perfect, I'm half an hour away from them so I can drive to see them if I want to, but not as much as they want me to, lol So now if I could just escape the rat race, my life would be perfect.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10202275].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Just noticed the OP has 55 posts on this forum - every single one of them explaining herself and her philosophy/likes/dislikes/dreams/problems/etc etc
        in this one thread.

        We reached the point of TMI long ago. Just realized I've spent more time talking to this person here than I would ever have done offline. That's funny - I'm gone.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10202302].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          Just noticed the OP has 55 posts on this forum - every single one of them explaining herself and her philosophy/likes/dislikes/dreams/problems/etc etc
          in this one thread.

          We reached the point of TMI long ago. Just realized I've spent more time talking to this person here than I would ever have done offline. That's funny - I'm gone.
          I'm sorry I am using an online community to talk to people, I'm an introvert, remember? I don't talk this much with anyone offline either.
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  • Profile picture of the author AffiliatePrograms
    Thanks for that link about circadian issues, Gaia.

    I hear what you're saying about Blogger, so I decided to read a little about it here:

    Definitely, if you have not before, you must use your own domain with it since they have that option. Definitely do not just use an "" address. To save money, you can often find great Go Daddy registration discount codes online, sometimes for as low as .99 to 1.99. Make sure you only use them once in one account, though.

    I've been using Weebly lately and it is definitely much easier than Wordpress for a decent looking site, so I don't recommend giving up on it completely just yet. If you have not yet used any video tutorial that could help a lot in terms of becoming much more comfortable using the features. I find that works for a lot of things, so YouTube is great for that. However, Weebly is definitely not as fast and easy as posting on a forum or on FB, which I also prefer very much same as you, so if Blogger fits the bill then maybe you don't really need another option like Weebly after all. The one frustrating thing about Weebly is that it's hard to keep the side window from expanding when you don't want it to, but that's really just a minor inconvenience.
    ♦ - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10201863].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by AffiliatePrograms View Post

      Definitely, if you have not before, you must use your own domain with it since they have that option. Definitely do not just use an "" address. To save money, you can often find great Go Daddy registration discount codes online, sometimes for as low as .99 to 1.99. Make sure you only use them once in one account, though.
      Blogger lets you use your own domain? You mean where it'll say whatever you want .com? I thought you always had to pay for those? I know Go Daddy and all those other ones are cheap at first, so was mine (I am using Fat Cow) but the 2nd year is where it gets expensive. My renewal bill is over $100.

      I've been using Weebly lately and it is definitely much easier than Wordpress for a decent looking site, so I don't recommend giving up on it completely just yet. If you have not yet used any video tutorialBl that could help a lot in terms of becoming much more comfortable using the features. I find that works for a lot of things, so YouTube is great for that. However, Weebly is definitely not as fast and easy as posting on a forum or on FB, which I also prefer very much same as you, so if Blogger fits the bill then maybe you don't really need another option like Weebly after all. The one frustrating thing about Weebly is that it's hard to keep the side window from expanding when you don't want it to, but that's really just a minor inconvenience.
      I might look into Weebly again, someone else that I talked to on FB recommended Joomla, so I'll check that out too. And actually last night I saw an ad for Wix so I clicked on it and that's free too so I created another website last night on there in just 2 hours, so that was pretty easy.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10202307].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author AffiliatePrograms
        Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

        Blogger lets you use your own domain? You mean where it'll say whatever you want .com? I thought you always had to pay for those? I know Go Daddy and all those other ones are cheap at first, so was mine (I am using Fat Cow) but the 2nd year is where it gets expensive. My renewal bill is over $100.
        Fat Cow is $16.99 a year for .com's - that is unacceptable. All you have to do is transfer your domains to one of the discount registars. Often times a transfer is cheaper than the regular yearly fee, I guess bec. they want to give you an incentive to move to them. Transferring is easy once you get the hang of it if you've never done that. Make sure your registration contact info is yours and not that of your hosting company first, because you'll need to be able to receive emails at the Admin contact email. I don't know what Fat Cow does, but I know sometimes hosting companies may list their own info. What that means is that you don't really even own your domain because they do that.

        When you are transferring to a new registrar, sometimes you can find discount codes just for that online, too, so the transfer can be even cheaper for the first year.

        With Blogger I suppose it's done by changing some DNS settings with your domain if it's not just a case of changing the nameservers entirely. These days you can normally do that through the registrar, though make sure you'll be able to do whatever is required to use the domain with Blogger before you transfer or register at any registrar.
        ♦ - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10204743].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
          Originally Posted by AffiliatePrograms View Post

          Fat Cow is $16.99 a year for .com's - that is unacceptable. All you have to do is transfer your domains to one of the discount registars. Often times a transfer is cheaper than the regular yearly fee, I guess bec. they want to give you an incentive to move to them. Transferring is easy once you get the hang of it if you've never done that. Make sure your registration contact info is yours and not that of your hosting company first, because you'll need to be able to receive emails at the Admin contact email. I don't know what Fat Cow does, but I know sometimes hosting companies may list their own info. What that means is that you don't really even own your domain because they do that.

          When you are transferring to a new registrar, sometimes you can find discount codes just for that online, too, so the transfer can be even cheaper for the first year.

          With Blogger I suppose it's done by changing some DNS settings with your domain if it's not just a case of changing the nameservers entirely. These days you can normally do that through the registrar, though make sure you'll be able to do whatever is required to use the domain with Blogger before you transfer or register at any registrar.
          I couldn't understand anything you were explaining, lol I am really not smart at this kind of stuff, which is a huge reason why I have decided it's not for me. WordPress and domain servers confuse me. That is why I'm letting it go. I have no idea why the renewal amount is that high, maybe because I have 2 sites through them.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10206301].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author AffiliatePrograms
            Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

            I couldn't understand anything you were explaining, lol I am really not smart at this kind of stuff, which is a huge reason why I have decided it's not for me. WordPress and domain servers confuse me. That is why I'm letting it go. I have no idea why the renewal amount is that high, maybe because I have 2 sites through them.
            Okay, sounds like you only have two domains and two $49 a year fees. If you don't care about the domains let them go, otherwise try to transfer them to another registrar. Other registrars will help you with that.

            I wonder what it's like living in a trailer. Aren't they really small? Do they have enough heat and air conditioning? Do you have a good shower in there? Right now I kind of wish I was living in one (long story, not for here, lol). How much do they cost? What about dealing with neighbors? Are they expensive? How do you move them? How did you pay for yours? I saw on TV some years ago that the girl from the 1970's hit TV series "Happy Days" lived in a trailer park because she may have been swindled out of her money or something like that.

            Okay, doesn't sound bad. Looks nice too:



            That one not so much:


            The reader comments for the first one are interesting...
            ♦ - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10206361].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
              Originally Posted by AffiliatePrograms View Post

              Okay, sounds like you only have two domains and two $49 a year fees. If you don't care about the domains let them go, otherwise try to transfer them to another registrar. Other registrars will help you with that.
              Yeah I'm letting them go, I need all the money I can get right now. Someday if I'm ever making $2000 a month again, I will create more websites, but for now I have to stick with free blogs.

              I wonder what it's like living in a trailer. Aren't they really small? Do they have enough heat and air conditioning? Do you have a good shower in there? Right now I kind of wish I was living in one (long story, not for here, lol). How much do they cost? What about dealing with neighbors? Are they expensive? How do you move them? How did you pay for yours? I saw on TV some years ago that the girl from the 1970's hit TV series "Happy Days" lived in a trailer park because she may have been swindled out of her money or something like that.

              Okay, doesn't sound bad. Looks nice too:

              5 reasons why living in a trailer park is awesome | @offbeathome


              That one not so much:

              Why do so many Americans live in mobile homes? - BBC News

              The reader comments for the first one are interesting...
              I guess I could write a book on what it's like to live in a mobile home park, lol Although at 2 months that isn't much experience to call myself an expert on the subject, lol
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10206754].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Craigcmatthew
        Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

        Blogger lets you use your own domain? You mean where it'll say whatever you want .com? I thought you always had to pay for those? I know Go Daddy and all those other ones are cheap at first, so was mine (I am using Fat Cow) but the 2nd year is where it gets expensive. My renewal bill is over $100.

        I might look into Weebly again, someone else that I talked to on FB recommended Joomla, so I'll check that out too. And actually last night I saw an ad for Wix so I clicked on it and that's free too so I created another website last night on there in just 2 hours, so that was pretty easy.
        This just makes me sad. Please don't waste time with wix, weebly, yola. Spend a few dollars to get proper hosting and domain.

        From whatever I have read, you seem like an independent, alternate thinker and I respect that. Sure there are a few things wrong with your philosophy but quite a few things are good too. Wish I had the time to read your entire thread and debate.

        I give you a quick example. After my graduation I joined a masters degree course in economics. As expected there was a lot of calculus and maths that was not enjoyable for me. I enjoyed research and the idea of doing research but did not like building the basic tools required (advanced econometrics, SAS etc.). I dropped out after a year simply because I wasn't having fun and it's a decision I regret to this day.

        It was the same when I tried to learn the guitar. To play an awesome guitar solo, you first need to learn the scales, chords, tunings etc which are really mundane. Your hands will bleed and ache for the first year. But if you toil on, the rewards will be great.

        To me, it looks like you like the idea of having a sucessful website but you can't be arsed learning the basic building tools. You shy away from learning SEO, marketing just as I avoided learning SAS. But you need to learn these things in order to make it big.

        As a half trained economist I can tell you that resources are limited and it's all about optimization. People respond to incentives, if we went around providing food, shelter and amenities for free there would be hordes of people taking advantage of it. So the economy makes them work.

        Anyways I'm out of time, do with this information what you will.
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        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          You have provided some great real-life analogies here. Nothing worthwhile in life is ever going to come easy, and I think the reason so many people fail is because they envision success coming in a straight line -- progressively and effortlessly, most likely easier than working a job somewhere.

          Nothing could be further from the truth.

          Think of it more like climbing a mountain. The initial part of your journey is going to be difficult and riddled with obstacles, where you're wondering if you'll ever make it to the top.

          After much uncertainty and hardship, you reach the mountain peak, giving you the perspective, confidence and experience to know how to do things. You now know how the game is played, and everything basically goes downhill (in a good way) from then on.

          This is how you need to view internet marketing. It is not for quitters or people who cannot follow through with their intentions, because there will be numerous obstacles and people trying to derail you from getting to the top -- you can count on that.

          Originally Posted by Craigcmatthew View Post

          This just makes me sad. Please don't waste time with wix, weebly, yola. Spend a few dollars to get proper hosting and domain.

          From whatever I have read, you seem like an independent, alternate thinker and I respect that. Sure there are a few things wrong with your philosophy but quite a few things are good too. Wish I had the time to read your entire thread and debate.

          I give you a quick example. After my graduation I joined a masters degree course in economics. As expected there was a lot of calculus and maths that was not enjoyable for me. I enjoyed research and the idea of doing research but did not like building the basic tools required (advanced econometrics, SAS etc.). I dropped out after a year simply because I wasn't having fun and it's a decision I regret to this day.

          It was the same when I tried to learn the guitar. To play an awesome guitar solo, you first need to learn the scales, chords, tunings etc which are really mundane. Your hands will bleed and ache for the first year. But if you toil on, the rewards will be great.

          To me, it looks like you like the idea of having a sucessful website but you can't be arsed learning the basic building tools. You shy away from learning SEO, marketing just as I avoided learning SAS. But you need to learn these things in order to make it big.

          As a half trained economist I can tell you that resources are limited and it's all about optimization. People respond to incentives, if we went around providing food, shelter and amenities for free there would be hordes of people taking advantage of it. So the economy makes them work.

          Anyways I'm out of time, do with this information what you will.
          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10209450].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
          Originally Posted by Craigcmatthew View Post

          This just makes me sad. Please don't waste time with wix, weebly, yola. Spend a few dollars to get proper hosting and domain.
          A FEW dollars? Maybe it's a few to someone who has 5 figures in their bank account. My original 2 websites will cost me over $100 to renew, and that's just 2 websites! In order to do everything I want to do with all my interests, I would need to spend about $2000 a year just to keep them all going. I might go that route someday if/when I start earning some money to play with like that.

          From whatever I have read, you seem like an independent, alternate thinker and I respect that. Sure there are a few things wrong with your philosophy but quite a few things are good too. Wish I had the time to read your entire thread and debate.
          I wish you had the time to read everything too because it's hard to have a conversation with someone who only hears half of what you're saying.

          I give you a quick example. After my graduation I joined a masters degree course in economics. As expected there was a lot of calculus and maths that was not enjoyable for me. I enjoyed research and the idea of doing research but did not like building the basic tools required (advanced econometrics, SAS etc.). I dropped out after a year simply because I wasn't having fun and it's a decision I regret to this day.

          It was the same when I tried to learn the guitar. To play an awesome guitar solo, you first need to learn the scales, chords, tunings etc which are really mundane. Your hands will bleed and ache for the first year. But if you toil on, the rewards will be great.

          To me, it looks like you like the idea of having a sucessful website but you can't be arsed learning the basic building tools. You shy away from learning SEO, marketing just as I avoided learning SAS. But you need to learn these things in order to make it big.

          As a half trained economist I can tell you that resources are limited and it's all about optimization. People respond to incentives, if we went around providing food, shelter and amenities for free there would be hordes of people taking advantage of it. So the economy makes them work.

          Anyways I'm out of time, do with this information what you will.
          I understand that most people would regret that decision, but I don't regret decisions. I believe we always make the best choice with what information we have at the time. Where most people regret decisions, I remind myself I decided that way for a reason. And as much as I analyze every single thought I have a few hundred times, I trust that the outcome was the best one, given my options.
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          • Profile picture of the author Jennifer Hutson
            Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

            A FEW dollars? Maybe it's a few to someone who has 5 figures in their bank account. My original 2 websites will cost me over $100 to renew, and that's just 2 websites! In order to do everything I want to do with all my interests, I would need to spend about $2000 a year just to keep them all going. I might go that route someday if/when I start earning some money to play with like that.
            Where on EARTH are you buying domains and hosting? A diamond factory? A domain should not cost you more than $15/year to renew and hosting should be no more than $5-$10 a month. That's very affordable. If you're paying more than that, you need to find new providers.
            Know Amazon Sellers? Make 15% LIFETIME Referral Commissions
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10212018].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
              Originally Posted by Jennifer Hutson View Post

              Where on EARTH are you buying domains and hosting? A diamond factory? A domain should not cost you more than $15/year to renew and hosting should be no more than $5-$10 a month. That's very affordable. If you're paying more than that, you need to find new providers.
              I was using Fat Cow, it was only a few bucks the first year, but it's the 2nd where they get you. I thought they were all that way? I used Fat Cow though because they're the only one that runs off renewable energy (wind power) and that's one of my interests too, I strongly want to support that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    I'm wondering if the tow truck driver loves it when he has to deal with a jacka** customer. Does your friend like cleaning up vomit when one of her foster kids is sick?

    They may love their jobs overall and receive great fulfillment from them. But that doesn't mean they love every single moment of every day.

    Maybe when you've built up a business you can outsource the tasks you don't enjoy.

    But trying to start a business requires wearing a lot of hats. Marketing, accounting, writing, phone calls, emails, and on and on. The odds of loving every single one of those hats is slim.

    Look at the long-term goal of where you want your business to go and how it will look when you get there. If your motivation is strong enough you'll be willing to put up with a few unpleasant tasks to get you where you wan to go.

    But the odds of jumping to that level without ever doing one single thing you don't want to do is slim.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10202028].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Rose Anderson View Post

      I'm wondering if the two truck driver loves it when he has to deal with a jacka** customer. Does your friend like cleaning up vomit when one of her foster kids is sick?
      They've never mentioned it before, they just say they love it so much it doesn't feel like working. That is what I want, to do something that doesn't feel like working.

      They may love their jobs overall and receive great fulfillment from them. But that doesn't mean they love every single moment of every day.

      Maybe when you've built up a business you can outsource the tasks you don't enjoy.

      But trying to start a business requires wearing a lot of hats. Marketing, accounting, writing, phone calls, emails, and on and on. The odds of loving every single one of those hats is slim.

      Look at the long-term goal of where you want your business to go and how it will look when you get there. If your motivation is strong enough you'll be willing to put up with a few unpleasant tasks to get you where you wan to go.

      But the odds of jumping to that level without ever doing one single thing you don't want to do is slim.

      Well I guess I'll just have to keep trying to find something that I like MOST of the time then. I will lower my expectations but I still can't settle on something that my heart leads me away from.
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      • Profile picture of the author ecomguy
        Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

        They've never mentioned it before, they just say they love it so much it doesn't feel like working. That is what I want, to do something that doesn't feel like working.
        I think you're stuck in a loop. You want something you love but you say when you actually do something you love then you get bored with it and walk away. So there's no answer for you until you push yourself to just pick something you like and just stick with it. Youll never get those big dreams you said you want if you sit on your butt and do nothing.
        I want to play League of Legends all day but no one's going to pay me for it, so I have to work. Thats life.

        I think you should shut off your computer and take a break and think. Meditate on what you want.
        You will get answers when all is quiet and you can think.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10207384].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ecomguy
          btw GG you've been given a LOT of great advice and you never thanked anyone. I think that's kind of unappreciative for someone to be "Help me Help me" and you dont even click the "Thanks" button to show any appreciation for people taking their time out to help you over and over
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10207389].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
            Originally Posted by ecomguy View Post

            btw GG you've been given a LOT of great advice and you never thanked anyone. I think that's kind of unappreciative for someone to be "Help me Help me" and you dont even click the "Thanks" button to show any appreciation for people taking their time out to help you over and over
            I did click 'thanks' on a few posts, after I realized it was there, I didn't notice it right away.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    "They've never mentioned it before, they just say they love it so much it doesn't feel like working. That is what I want, to do something that doesn't feel like working."

    That maybe the secret. They DON'T mention it. The parts they love about their work outweighs the bad parts so they dwell on the good and not the bad. If they constantly talked about the parts of their job they don't like and focused on that they'd be as unhappy in their work as you are.

    You talked about doing a lot of research on living off the grid. That's a big niche right now. Have you ever thought about writing books or blogging on that topic?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10203483].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Rose Anderson View Post

      You talked about doing a lot of research on living off the grid. That's a big niche right now. Have you ever thought about writing books or blogging on that topic?

      I have posted articles on my website about it, but like everything else, I only know how to show people other people's articles, books, products, etc, I am not experienced in living off the grid, I just dream about it. You can't write much unless you have some knowledge about it. All I can say would fit in a few paragraphs and then I'd be at a loss for words. What I really want is for everyone to live off the grid but there's only so much you can say to get people to want to do it. I don't have a clue how to build solar panels, or how to build a log cabin or how to find a water source. I just know that it's a good thing to do and we should all do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author moneymagneto
    I noticed this forum often has popular Threads about Cry Babies. You have to face your fears and deal with it. Watch the Planet Earth series. Life isn't for the meek.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    GG, I'm leaving this thread as well, but I want to leave you with one more thing to think about as you search for your own Paradise, with your 20+ "passions"...

    There's a Russian proverb that goes " a man who chase two rabbits will catch no rabbits." You, lady, want to chase 20 rabbits. Good luck to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
    Hi...well please do not fall for the "surf net make money" nonsense...they will expect you to waste hours, join programs download junk and in several months you might get a $20 gift's a real joke

    Seriously I think you might see if you can get some counseling, see a doctor..even without insurance your income is low you probably qualify for a disrespect but depression, anxiety, or ? adult adhd can all be helped..sometimes you need help, no shame in that

    Other ideas - you can learn new skills - see if there are free or cheap adult ed classes - learn potography...photoshop , webdesign etc..

    you might be able to get a job with a printer - design stuff, do layouts, do whatever would teach you and you won't get rich but you would make money and get skills

    Look for someone who is selling on ebay etc..and get a job - take photos, photoshop them upload them keep data base up , etc...this would teach you a lot. You might even start selling on ebay
    Also look for people in your area who are on shopify etc. They may need help?

    I know a guy who takes photos for real estate agents and who also works part time for car dealers - taking car pics - upload to sites - this is a good job for an introvert cause you are not selling .

    Another option would be to learn more about email marketing and hire out to do that...might take more sales could also help them maintain database.

    You might put your own "hire me" resume on cl...and /or call places to see if they are hiring. You could get paid - by a boss - to work on the internet and figure things out - beats a factory job IMHO
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10206314].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Freebiequeen1999 View Post

      Hi...well please do not fall for the "surf net make money" nonsense...they will expect you to waste hours, join programs download junk and in several months you might get a $20 gift's a real joke
      I didn't seriously expect big money from those sites, but I was stranded at home for a week due to car issues and I was desperate to do anything to earn cash right away so I joined about 15 of those sites, lol The only one I think you can make good money on is Amazon Mechanical Turk, but only if you do the transcribing jobs. Those pay $50+, granted, you need to know how to transcribe effectively and it would probably take all night (for a few hours of audio).

      Seriously I think you might see if you can get some counseling, see a doctor..even without insurance your income is low you probably qualify for a disrespect but depression, anxiety, or ? adult adhd can all be helped..sometimes you need help, no shame in that
      Counseling is a waste of time and money, been there done that. I could only afford about 5 sessions though, but all she did was recommend books for me to read (which I already read), and told me in varying ways to put myself first and do whatever I have to do to take care of myself. No shit!

      Other ideas - you can learn new skills - see if there are free or cheap adult ed classes - learn potography...photoshop , webdesign etc..
      I have taken some classes, I took one on Natural Health & Healing, one on Feng Shui, and one on the Kabbalah. At first it was ok but after a few days I lost interest like I do with everything. It started to feel like an obligation. I haven't even finished the Kabbalah one even though emails come in every week with the class to listen to, but I am about 3 months behind now and I'll never catch up.

      Look for someone who is selling on ebay etc..and get a job - take photos, photoshop them upload them keep data base up , etc...this would teach you a lot. You might even start selling on ebay
      Actually I was going to join Etsy and sell on there. I have made about 50 bookmarks so far and I also want to make some mosaics and hand made books, maybe some greeting cards, stuff like that. That's a REALLY time consuming hobby though. Just making a few bookmarks takes an hour or two.

      I know a guy who takes photos for real estate agents and who also works part time for car dealers - taking car pics - upload to sites - this is a good job for an introvert cause you are not selling .
      I know i'm going to sound picky here but I only like taking pictures of nature. Houses and cars would bore me, lol I'm nowhere near a pro though, I mean I can't even tell you how to get a picture to turn out good. I pretty much scan through the settings taking a few pictures using each then go through them all to find the best ones. I have a bunch of photography books but what it comes down to is, if I have an hour of free time, would I rather go outside and capture the beauty of nature happening right now, or read 1/10th of a book that I won't finish for a few more months? Actually I haven't finished any of those books in YEARS, I've had some for that long. I love reading but I have so little free time that I feel like why bother when I can't finish it anyway. I have about 200 books I started reading and didn't finish yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rickeydt
    Your WHY is usually the most important thing to establish before going into any endeavor...
    If that isn't big or strong enough what will you have to keep you pushing when you hit road bumps.

    Mindset is the foundation of all things and I suggest working on that first... and like I stated earlier your WHY, reason being you said you lose interest quickly so instead of focusing on the topic and getting bored, focus on delivering value tending to the needs of others while in the back of your mind you know that your reward will be in direct proportion to the value you bring to the market place,

    which in return will allow you to move out the situation you're, travel and do the things you enjoy...
    That will can definitely be an excellent motivator when you not feeling it and eventually will become habitual and just a part if your daily routine.

    As for the internet marketing side of things I recommend getting into a niche with competition whether you're an expert in that particular area or not, so you know that there is a market to serve. The essentials skills to learn would be traffic and conversions.

    Steps in a nutshell:
    - Drive traffic
    - Capture leads
    - Deliver value
    (Whether its your value or someone else's)
    Being an affiliate.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10206408].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Rickeydt View Post

      Your WHY is usually the most important thing to establish before going into any endeavor...
      If that isn't big or strong enough what will you have to keep you pushing when you hit road bumps.
      Unfortunately my why isn't much...because I don't want to work a regular job anymore? That should be enough motivation though, I mean I think about it almost every waking minute. But I think equally, I want to do something that doesn't feel like work, otherwise I might as well stay working at normal jobs. So far I haven't found anything that fits that bill, well I might have, I just haven't gotten that far yet (still researching, learning, etc.)

      As for the internet marketing side of things I recommend getting into a niche with competition whether your an expert in that particular area or not so you know that there is a market to serve. The essentials skills to learn would be traffic and conversions.

      Steps in a nutshell:
      - Drive traffic
      - Capture leads
      - Deliver value
      (Whether its your value or someone else's)
      Being an affiliate.
      I don't think people should pick a niche, I think they should let the niche pick them. I wouldn't think even the most motivated person could continue working with a niche they don't really care about. Like if football was a guaranteed million dollar niche, I still wouldn't build a site around that because I am not a football fan, in fact I am against sports altogether. I have enough to pick from though, I'm sure one of them will be a good one.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10206760].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rickeydt
        Yes it is preferable to be involved in a niche that you are highly passionate about... but I will point out that millions of people go to a job they hate on a daily basis with their motivation being bills and or something they want to experience, continue to experience or achieve..

        with that being said even if it is necessity there is always a possible motivator and also it is possible to develop a genuine interest for something that at one time you didn't necessarily resonate with.
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  • Profile picture of the author AffiliatePrograms
    ♦ - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
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  • Profile picture of the author mdjewelkhan1992
    As you know who to write about the traveling, I think you do not have any chance to afraid. You can continue this kind of work. Nowadays this kind of work is very good for everyone. Because it can be done from anywhere of the world. It also can do any time. There is no pressure of work, so one can do this kind of work easily. Thanks
    Expert only.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10206904].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cherrytom
    Hi GaiaGodess --- thank you for posting your question. You got some awesome replies, including lots of helpful suggestions. You obviously love writing, and you write really well. I enjoyed reading your feedback to the replies you received.
    Those who suggested mentoring or coaching are spot-on. After about 10 years, and having spent over $15,000 on projects that didn't work (at least not for me!) I finally realized that I wasn't going to make any money online without a mentor --- someone to tell me what to do and show me how to do it. Now I am making progress and within a year or so --- hopefully a lot sooner! --- I will be making 4 or 5 figures a day, like my mentor is doing now. Feel free to PM me for more details on that.
    I think you could have an awesome future from writing. You don't have to write stories or articles either! You just need a simple blog on which you tell your OWN story about your experiences in the various jobs you've done. Just short posts of a few paragraphs, or even just a few sentences, is all that's required. Get it all out --- your frustration, and your dreams. Your readers will resonate with some, if not all, of it. Tell your friends about your blog and they will spread the word. Mention it in Facebook posts, and on Twitter. You'll soon have lots of visitors and when you do, it might be worth your while to advertise some affiliate products.
    I can fully identify with your inability to concentrate on any one thing, and I found the answer to that just recently. Next time you're on You Tube, type "Andy Shaw" into the Search box and watch one or two of his videos. He's written a book on The Law of Attraction that you can download for free. He also allows you to download the first five chapters of his awesome book "A Bug Free Mind" in both PDF and Audio. Rest assured, though, that I am not an affiliate of his --- I don't think he bothers with an affiliate program anyway --- and I am not associated with him in any way, other than I bought a copy of his book. I read a few pages every day and it's helping me a lot. Keep smiling!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10206974].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by cherrytom View Post

      Hi GaiaGodess --- thank you for posting your question. You got some awesome replies, including lots of helpful suggestions. You obviously love writing, and you write really well. I enjoyed reading your feedback to the replies you received.
      Thanks for saying that! Most people in here are focusing on the negative, but it's all helpful in some way, to somebody (including me).

      Those who suggested mentoring or coaching are spot-on. After about 10 years, and having spent over $15,000 on projects that didn't work (at least not for me!) I finally realized that I wasn't going to make any money online without a mentor --- someone to tell me what to do and show me how to do it. Now I am making progress and within a year or so --- hopefully a lot sooner! --- I will be making 4 or 5 figures a day, like my mentor is doing now. Feel free to PM me for more details on that.
      I wish I could afford to hire a mentor. That kind of stuff isn't cheap. That is why I like online courses and programs, especially the ones with video tutorials. I have more options popping up every day so I am sure something will work out, eventually. I also found out MN isn't on the banned list for Amazon anymore so now I am an Amazon affiliate! I joined last night, and have already put an affiliate link on one of my blogs. It's too bad I have to work the next 6 days straight, I feel really excited about this now since new ideas are popping into my head every few minutes about sites I could build using Amazon affiliate links! I have purchased hundreds of items starting in 1999, I could split them up into categories and review them all!

      I think you could have an awesome future from writing. You don't have to write stories or articles either! You just need a simple blog on which you tell your OWN story about your experiences in the various jobs you've done. Just short posts of a few paragraphs, or even just a few sentences, is all that's required. Get it all out --- your frustration, and your dreams. Your readers will resonate with some, if not all, of it. Tell your friends about your blog and they will spread the word. Mention it in Facebook posts, and on Twitter. You'll soon have lots of visitors and when you do, it might be worth your while to advertise some affiliate products.
      That is exactly what I've been doing for years though. That is why I was disappointed that nothing ever worked. I had affiliate links (at the time, not through Amazon, just various ones I found in different places). I had FB and Twitter pages for all my websites and blogs and posted in them accordingly, with every post I made. I think the most visitors I had was a little over 100, but nobody commented or clicked any of my affiliate links, and I had TONS of spam comments and eventually got hacked which ruined all my files so I deleted the whole site. So I don't think all of my "visitors" were even real people. But either way, I'm giving it another go now that I have been approved to be an Amazon affiliate.

      I can fully identify with your inability to concentrate on any one thing, and I found the answer to that just recently. Next time you're on You Tube, type "Andy Shaw" into the Search box and watch one or two of his videos. He's written a book on The Law of Attraction that you can download for free. He also allows you to download the first five chapters of his awesome book "A Bug Free Mind" in both PDF and Audio. Rest assured, though, that I am not an affiliate of his --- I don't think he bothers with an affiliate program anyway --- and I am not associated with him in any way, other than I bought a copy of his book. I read a few pages every day and it's helping me a lot. Keep smiling!
      LOL oh my Goodness...I downloaded Andy's program 2 years ago! I listened to it twice, in fact. I don't mean to shoot down everyone's suggestions, but I really have tried 99% of what people are suggesting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
    Honestly why not try some courses on something that might make you some money? graphics, photography??

    Maybe you can go to yard sales and buy low or cheap or pick up free stuff on freecycle or craigslist and then sell it online?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10207289].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Freebiequeen1999 View Post

      Honestly why not try some courses on something that might make you some money? graphics, photography??
      I am not interested in yes but not what earns you money (shooting weddings). I take pictures of sunsets, the moon, trees, stuff that nobody cares about. Why pay for a class on how to take pictures when I already have all my photography for sale and haven't made a dime? It isn't crappy work, everyone tells me I'm good, but nobody wants to pay for a picture of a sunset. I don't want to take pictures of people, that involves people skills which is the same reason why I hate having a job dealing with people.

      Maybe you can go to yard sales and buy low or cheap or pick up free stuff on freecycle or craigslist and then sell it online?
      That was one option I researched a few years ago, but I learned in order to do that you need space for your inventory. I actually was going to be an Amazon FBA seller. And you need to spend hundreds of dollars on items, have them sitting in your home until you can ship them. I probably would do that if I had a house and a savings to buy stuff with. I have a tiny trailer with no room for even all my stuff here, a lot of my stuff is still at my mom's because there's no room for it here.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10208052].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author cooler1
        Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

        That was one option I researched a few years ago, but I learned in order to do that you need space for your inventory. I actually was going to be an Amazon FBA seller. And you need to spend hundreds of dollars on items, have them sitting in your home until you can ship them. I probably would do that if I had a house and a savings to buy stuff with. I have a tiny trailer with no room for even all my stuff here, a lot of my stuff is still at my mom's because there's no room for it here.
        I don't think you have to have the items sitting in your home. The items get shipped from the manufacture/supplier straight to Amazon's warehouse for them to ship them to customers.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10208855].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
          Originally Posted by cooler1 View Post

          I don't think you have to have the items sitting in your home. The items get shipped from the manufacture/supplier straight to Amazon's warehouse for them to ship them to customers.
          That's only if you drop-ship them, but I didn't want to deal with a supplier, so I was just going to be an FBA seller, where you find the item, buy it yourself, ship it to Amazon with a bunch of other things, and they ship them to the customers when someone orders that product. Another downfall of that though is you don't get your money back unless somebody buys that stuff, so you're really gambling. I need something that's more of a guarantee with no monetary risk involved up front.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10211288].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ecomguy
        Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

        That was one option I researched a few years ago, but I learned in order to do that you need space for your inventory. I actually was going to be an Amazon FBA seller. And you need to spend hundreds of dollars on items, have them sitting in your home until you can ship them. I probably would do that if I had a house and a savings to buy stuff with. I have a tiny trailer with no room for even all my stuff here, a lot of my stuff is still at my mom's because there's no room for it here.
        FBA is great but will cost you a little money to get started. I recommend Cynthia Stine's book and video Online Sales Step By Step Start Your Online Home Based Business with — Helping you be successful selling on
        Click the "Free Chapters" button on the right, youll have to put in your email but its a great preview.

        the book is like $40+ dollars but it's step by step on how to get started, she holds your hand throughout the whole process and its idiot-proof.

        She was a mother with serious problems and her back against the wall and started with $200 and ended up taking home like $12,000 Profit after expenses and only working part time her first year and did even better her second. Fast forward 2-3 years shes doing great and is also making incredible money consulting for Amazon sellers. It costs $250 just for initial consultation to look at someones business before she decides if she can work with them. Shes charging fees like a lawyer.

        Her $200 beginning investment has turned into an amazing career.

        But you will have to spend a little money to get started. Its a serious business so you have to take it seriously. Get a job at mcdonalds for 1 week and make $200, or pet sit peoples animals or be a chat person on Whatever ot make a few bucks to get started.

        if it were free and easy then everyone would do it.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10209101].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
          Originally Posted by ecomguy View Post

          FBA is great but will cost you a little money to get started. I recommend Cynthia Stine's book and video Online Sales Step By Step Start Your Online Home Based Business with -- Helping you be successful selling on
          Click the "Free Chapters" button on the right, youll have to put in your email but its a great preview.

          the book is like $40+ dollars but it's step by step on how to get started, she holds your hand throughout the whole process and its idiot-proof.

          She was a mother with serious problems and her back against the wall and started with $200 and ended up taking home like $12,000 Profit after expenses and only working part time her first year and did even better her second. Fast forward 2-3 years shes doing great and is also making incredible money consulting for Amazon sellers. It costs $250 just for initial consultation to look at someones business before she decides if she can work with them. Shes charging fees like a lawyer.

          Her $200 beginning investment has turned into an amazing career.
          I already own a few books on it, and have been a member of a group online dealing with it. I can't spend more money on more books, I'm sure they're all the same anyway...step by step instructions on how to make money through Amazon, lol They're all over the place.

          But you will have to spend a little money to get started. Its a serious business so you have to take it seriously. Get a job at mcdonalds for 1 week and make $200, or pet sit peoples animals or be a chat person on Whatever ot make a few bucks to get started.
          Oh sure I'll just work at McDonalds for 8 hours after working at Target for 9 and the hotel for 4, screw sleep! lol Or maybe I'll do it on my day off so that I get nothing done and my lawn grows so long I get fined by the park. When overwork starts to affect your health, adding more work can't be good.
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  • Profile picture of the author professorrosado
    Originally Posted by GaiaGoddess View Post

    ....... am I doomed to live the life of a minimum wager?
    I don't see why you cannot create something using what you already know and combining with someone who knows or has what you do not. on the Internet and on this very forum, there are hundreds of connections you can make via posts, WSOs, blog posts, etc. that can get you started in the right direction.

    You can work today! Prove yourself and earn a median salary according to this video and there are thousands of other methods.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    >Re: Is someone like me doomed from finding a job making money online?

    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10207567].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

      >Re: Is someone like me doomed from finding a job making money online?

      Quite harsh. And to think that I get PM's from the mods saying I need to be more gentle. lol

      Cheers. - Frank
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  • Profile picture of the author grandstar
    you probably suffer from ADHD apart from social anxiety. I also suffder from the 2.

    You fail at free traffic methods because traffic fails to come in quickly. This destroys momentum.

    That's why I prefer paid traffic. You see immediate results.

    You can start with paid traffic using BING vouchers. You can buy a $100 worth on fiverr for $5.

    Use it to test the waters. I would advise you to set up a squeeze page and capture emails and build list.

    Note that ppc can be expensive so eventually I'd advise you to eventually use banner advertising. Use big banners such as 728 x 90 or 160 x 600. Keep away from small banners such as 125 x 125. I had a nasty experience with them. Also focus on the top of the page.

    I recently set up 2 review sites and used $50 BING vouchers. I noticed that a secondary product in one of the review sites had 2 order form opening (clickbank) from only 3 clicks. This was a potential winner.

    Unfortunately, my voucher ran out and I don't have funds to continue the campaign. Once I get funds, I will go all out to promote the niche on Youtube and also use banner advertising.

    I wish you the best. Social anxiety can be a nuisance. Can be tough even stepping out of the house and you feel so self conscious. It's also very embarrassing and can destroy one's self esteem.

    Do you have problem making eye contact?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10207575].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by grandstar View Post

      You fail at free traffic methods because traffic fails to come in quickly. This destroys momentum.

      That's why I prefer paid traffic. You see immediate results.
      I did get immediate results too when I paid for traffic, but like you, I couldn't afford it for very long, and I certainly can't now, I have even less money than I did a year ago when I did this.

      Use it to test the waters. I would advise you to set up a squeeze page and capture emails and build list.
      Do squeeze pages have to be on an actual website, or can you put them on a blog too?

      I wish you the best. Social anxiety can be a nuisance. Can be tough even stepping out of the house and you feel so self conscious. It's also very embarrassing and can destroy one's self esteem.

      Do you have problem making eye contact?
      I have problems making eye contact when I'm the one talking, but I am fine when someone is talking to me. I always feel uncomfortable talking, so if someone else is doing it, then I'm fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author DanielMeyers75

    I share some of your issues, namely, I jump from one thing to another quite easily. My thoughts are below.

    It sounds as though you are a procrastinator. You get interested in something and then when it comes time for action, that becomes a little more difficult and you choose an easier path, i.e. you change your interests. Try instead on setting achievable goals and complete them, no matter what.

    Question: How do you eat an elephant?
    Answer: One bite at a time.

    So, here is my solution to your issue (IMHO):

    - Start a blog about your interests (minus the negativity)
    - Pick the thing you are most interested in currently and start writing as many articles as you can write.
    - Post them on your blog
    - Share them on FB, twitter, Pinterest (pictures that is)
    - Guest post them on other established blogs with links back to yours
    - Find affiliate programs that you refer your traffic too that correlate to your topics of interest
    - Rinse and repeat

    There are some very successful blogs of people just writing about the stuff they enjoy and making a lot of money doing it. It is slow, tedious work that may take some time, but once your blog takes off, you will be fine.

    My 2 cents,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10207656].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by DanielMeyers75 View Post


      I share some of your issues, namely, I jump from one thing to another quite easily. My thoughts are below.

      It sounds as though you are a procrastinator. You get interested in something and then when it comes time for action, that becomes a little more difficult and you choose an easier path, i.e. you change your interests. Try instead on setting achievable goals and complete them, no matter what.

      Question: How do you eat an elephant?
      Answer: One bite at a time.

      So, here is my solution to your issue (IMHO):

      - Start a blog about your interests (minus the negativity)
      - Pick the thing you are most interested in currently and start writing as many articles as you can write.
      - Post them on your blog
      - Share them on FB, twitter, Pinterest (pictures that is)
      - Guest post them on other established blogs with links back to yours
      - Find affiliate programs that you refer your traffic too that correlate to your topics of interest
      - Rinse and repeat

      There are some very successful blogs of people just writing about the stuff they enjoy and making a lot of money doing it. It is slow, tedious work that may take some time, but once your blog takes off, you will be fine.

      My 2 cents,

      I hate to repeat myself again, but I already did all that. Every single one of those things, I did.

      I never really thought of myself as a procrastinator, usually I like to get chores and un-fun things out of the way first so I can relax later knowing all the stuff I didn't want to do is already done. I think with my hobbies it's just that I have so many of them, I feel like spending too much time on one is preventing me from being able to enjoy the rest of them. If it were possible, I would love to be able to spend an hour each day doing each one. But unfortunately, most of them take more than an hour to do, and I also never have that many free hours in a day or even a week. I constantly feel behind, so to make up for it, that's why I bounce around so quickly when I am able to.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    This thread reminds me a lot of this one:

    When a person cannot see the excuses they are making that are keeping them from what they really want, no amount of advice you give them will help them.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
      Getting stuck, especially when a person can't get unstuck for whatever reason, is bad. Mark, the guy from your quoted thread, opened up 2 new threads within the last couple weeks going over basically the same ground as before.

      Years have been spent in going in circles by him and unfortunately I don't see a different ending for this thread's OP either unless she can make some serious changes.

      It's a vicious and awful cycle that we sometimes get ourselves into. It's even worse, as you say, when we can't see the real reasons for our situation.


      Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

      This thread reminds me a lot of this one:

      When a person cannot see the excuses they are making that are keeping them from what they really want, no amount of advice you give them will help them.

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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        I actually was going to be an Amazon FBA seller. And you need to spend hundreds of dollars on items, have them sitting in your home until you can ship them. I probably would do that if
        No - that's not true.

        If you thought of being an Amazon FBA seller - you would at least know what "FBA" stands for. It's just another "sounds good" thing to toss in the soup of this thread. You are playing a part here - nothing more.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10208881].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          No - that's not true.

          If you thought of being an Amazon FBA seller - you would at least know what "FBA" stands for. It's just another "sounds good" thing to toss in the soup of this thread. You are playing a part here - nothing more.
          I do know what it stands for, Fullfillment By Amazon...that means Amazon ships the product to the customer for you, that customer thinks they're just ordering it from Amazon but it really came from you. I have read many books on this and was a member of an FBA group for a year. Here's an explanation of it; Fulfillment by Amazon, FBA Amazon -

          The products are YOURS, you bought them, then you ship them to Amazon so that when a customer orders it, Amazon can ship it to them, you don't have to. But you do have to ship the stuff TO Amazon to begin with.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10211290].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

      This thread reminds me a lot of this one:

      When a person cannot see the excuses they are making that are keeping them from what they really want, no amount of advice you give them will help them.

      I am really excited to read this, actually, lol One persons failures might be helpful to someone else who has failed.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10211285].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

      This thread reminds me a lot of this one:

      When a person cannot see the excuses they are making that are keeping them from what they really want, no amount of advice you give them will help them.

      I finally got around to checking out this thread...I didn't read every post (I DO have stuff of my own I want to work on yet tonight, lol), but I got the general gist of it. It seems me and that Mark guy have a huge flaw in common, that we don't just have one area of focus. His reason was because he was running into competition, mine is because I have too many niches that I have to tend to regularly. This will never change, in fact my list of niches grows by the month, lol So thanks for showing me that thread, it helped me realize even more not to expect success. I have a list of "jobs" that may or may not work out, I have to do more research, but at least I know what types of things aren't a good fit for me, and i learned some new ones that might be. As long as I have a small amount of hope, that's enough. I am actually excited now. I am still going to keep my blogs going though, with Amazon affiliate links on them, since they're free, why not keep them there, maybe 5 years from now I'll finally start earning some money, the 5 years will pass anyway! So I want to tell everyone I want this thread to be done now, you don't have to keep replying. I need to use the time I spent in here on making this stuff happen. I learned valuable lessons here, whether or not most of you don't believe it. You may see me post again if I have a specific question about a specific online "job".
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  • Profile picture of the author Positivevibes727
    I don't think your doomed, I feel anyone can make money online as long as you are committed. Here is a little background story on me....The Juicing Niche has been good for me so far. I started out writing ebooks to place on Amazon (kindle). I wrote my first book which was 7500 words but then I added more words to it later on.

    After writing and editing the book I hired a cover designer on and within 2 days I had a beautifully designed ebook cover. Make sure to negotiate the price because I have had some cover designers do 2 covers for $5 just so I could get to know their work and If I liked them I went back and hired them again and paid more for the covers. I even tipped them extra so that next time I hired them they would work on my cover more quickly, but of course that's if I liked the designer.

    The next steps I took was to put the ebook on fee promotion for five days and during this time I gained membership to facebook groups and asked other authors to download my free ebook. I would then ask them to leave and honest review, in exchange I would do the same. The free reviews really helped me rank on amazon's search engine which means I received more traffic to my ebook which equaled more sales. I also used facebook to get reviews when my book was on sale for $0.99 which really helped my book rank ebook even higher because it was being purchased instead of being downloaded for free.

    I would buy an author's book for $0.99 then show them a screen shot of the receipt and ask them to do the same so we were both nice and comfy with leaving an honest review 4 days later. Now the reason why I asked them to leave a review 4 days after they downloaded and read 80 percent of my book is because Amazon is has very strict review policies and if they suspect you are publishing and receiving fake reviews then they will remove those reviews and even in some cases suspend your account so you want to be very CAREFUL!!

    If you are wanting to get into Kindle ebook publishing than you need to find yourself a good program that will help you step by step through this process.I recommend I'm an affiliate to this program so I do get a small commission if you click on this link and make a purchase. I believe there is a $7 trial to use this and if you go through it and don't find value than you can cancel within the allotted time and you won’t spend another dime.

    I've also used the program "learn how to write a book in 24 hours or less" which was very helpful in getting me started soon because I needed to see those first sales ASAP in order to stay motivated. I've discovered that these programs are the most comprehensive ways to make money with kindle. These programs have step by step tutorials and awesome high def videos that will literally take you by the hand and walk you through on how to make money online with kindle.

    I have found making money with kindle is absolutely the easiest way to make money online by far and I have tried just about everything out there I could to make money online.

    I'm currently working on building an email list because to have longterm success on kindle you need to build a brand and a following.

    Sorry I know i'm digressing but yes Juicing has been an excellent niche for me and I plan on exploring many more niches. Probably the most important lesson I learned from was niche research. If you don't get this part right then you could be dead in the water because if people aren't interested in this niche it doesn't matter how many reviews you get or how well your book is written, you wont get people entering those keywords on Amazon when they go to search for a ebook which means you won't make any money.

    I hope this post was helpful because I came to warrior forum when I first wanted to make money online and I found very useful information. To be successful in any business you need to model the success of other people that are getting results so I urge you to visit my author page on Amazon and other authors pages just so you can get an ideal on how to set everything up.

    You can also visit my website, Its kinda amateurish right now because I'm in the process of optimizing it but I feel it gives good examples on how to take email swipes and integrate it onto a website not to mention some useful information in regards to the health and fitness niche altogether.

    Stay positive and work hard! Eventually you will have a successful online business.

    Sione: cool:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10209366].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Positivevibes727 View Post

      I don't think your doomed, I feel anyone can make money online as long as you are committed. Here is a little background story on me....The Juicing Niche has been good for me so far. I started out writing ebooks to place on Amazon (kindle). I wrote my first book which was 7500 words but then I added more words to it later on.

      After writing and editing the book I hired a cover designer on and within 2 days I had a beautifully designed ebook cover. Make sure to negotiate the price because I have had some cover designers do 2 covers for $5 just so I could get to know their work and If I liked them I went back and hired them again and paid more for the covers. I even tipped them extra so that next time I hired them they would work on my cover more quickly, but of course that's if I liked the designer.

      The next steps I took was to put the ebook on fee promotion for five days and during this time I gained membership to facebook groups and asked other authors to download my free ebook. I would then ask them to leave and honest review, in exchange I would do the same. The free reviews really helped me rank on amazon's search engine which means I received more traffic to my ebook which equaled more sales. I also used facebook to get reviews when my book was on sale for $0.99 which really helped my book rank ebook even higher because it was being purchased instead of being downloaded for free.

      I would buy an author's book for $0.99 then show them a screen shot of the receipt and ask them to do the same so we were both nice and comfy with leaving an honest review 4 days later. Now the reason why I asked them to leave a review 4 days after they downloaded and read 80 percent of my book is because Amazon is has very strict review policies and if they suspect you are publishing and receiving fake reviews then they will remove those reviews and even in some cases suspend your account so you want to be very CAREFUL!!

      If you are wanting to get into Kindle ebook publishing than you need to find yourself a good program that will help you step by step through this process.I recommend I'm an affiliate to this program so I do get a small commission if you click on this link and make a purchase. I believe there is a $7 trial to use this and if you go through it and don't find value than you can cancel within the allotted time and you won't spend another dime.

      I've also used the program "learn how to write a book in 24 hours or less" which was very helpful in getting me started soon because I needed to see those first sales ASAP in order to stay motivated. I've discovered that these programs are the most comprehensive ways to make money with kindle. These programs have step by step tutorials and awesome high def videos that will literally take you by the hand and walk you through on how to make money online with kindle.

      I have found making money with kindle is absolutely the easiest way to make money online by far and I have tried just about everything out there I could to make money online.

      I'm currently working on building an email list because to have longterm success on kindle you need to build a brand and a following.

      Sorry I know i'm digressing but yes Juicing has been an excellent niche for me and I plan on exploring many more niches. Probably the most important lesson I learned from was niche research. If you don't get this part right then you could be dead in the water because if people aren't interested in this niche it doesn't matter how many reviews you get or how well your book is written, you wont get people entering those keywords on Amazon when they go to search for a ebook which means you won't make any money.

      I hope this post was helpful because I came to warrior forum when I first wanted to make money online and I found very useful information. To be successful in any business you need to model the success of other people that are getting results so I urge you to visit my author page on Amazon and other authors pages just so you can get an ideal on how to set everything up.

      You can also visit my website, Its kinda amateurish right now because I'm in the process of optimizing it but I feel it gives good examples on how to take email swipes and integrate it onto a website not to mention some useful information in regards to the health and fitness niche altogether.

      Stay positive and work hard! Eventually you will have a successful online business.

      Sione: cool:
      Thanks for the suggestions! I will check them out, although I do already have some ebooks on how to publish on Kindle. I also discovered Udemy and they have a ton of free tutorials/courses on there to learn from. I am a firm believer that you can find anything online for free if you look hard enough, lol That's one idea for a book I had, show people where to find free stuff, in all different categories.
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  • Profile picture of the author extrememan
    First off - Never say you're doomed. You simply haven't found the right opportunity yet..Keep searching and something will come up. I promise you that.
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by extrememan View Post

      First off - Never say you're doomed. You simply haven't found the right opportunity yet..Keep searching and something will come up. I promise you that.
      Thanks! I am not giving up! I think I just have to think more outside the box than most people.
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  • Profile picture of the author greenowl123
    Persistence. Continue learning. Continue trying. Continue experimenting...

    These are a couple of things that kept me going :


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  • Profile picture of the author Monique68
    Have you considered freelancing as a writer/researcher? That would provide plenty of variety. Like anything, it takes planning, committment and persistence to succeed. It is also helpful to ask yourself why you are drawn to online employment options and to set specific, realistic goals to help you achieve some outcomes.

    A mentor or coach may also be helpful for you to assist you to keep on track with your goals. Something else to consider may be an organic/medical reason for your current circumstances. Much of what you describe could be attributable to something like major depression. Like any chronic illness, symptoms often become more problematic as we get older. There are many things you can put in place in your life to decrease the impact of symptoms should you have such a medical condition.

    I wish you every success in your endeavors.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10211459].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Monique68 View Post

      Have you considered freelancing as a writer/researcher? That would provide plenty of variety. Like anything, it takes planning, committment and persistence to succeed.
      The word freelance makes me nervous, because they don't really have a steady income, they have to keep trying to find work all the time. I hate not knowing where my next check is coming from or how big it'll be or when I'll have a job again. But I did buy that Internet Researcher program, although I haven't had time to read more than a few pages of it. As for writing, actually as for all of my options, I want it to be passive income. I could work hard to get a book out or something like that knowing that once I do, it'll earn money forever. But if I had to write article after article constantly, that's not what I am good at, I will always feel pressure and it will start to feel like a chore to keep continuing it.

      It is also helpful to ask yourself why you are drawn to online employment options and to set specific, realistic goals to help you achieve some outcomes.
      Oh no question there, I am drawn to online employment because I hate having to go to a job every day at a certain time to do something somebody else tells me to do and I can't leave til my shift is done. I would love to sleep in, stay in my pajamas if I wanted, and work from my computer as long or as little as I want that day, or not that day if I didn't want to.

      A mentor or coach may also be helpful for you to assist you to keep on track with your goals.
      I would try a mentor if I had the money. But I also feel like that would feel too much like work too...someone telling me what to do, when, and how. I'm huge on freedom and there is no freedom anytime you're not in control. Wouldn't a coach just be trying to make you do things how THEY would do them, not necessarily how you want to do them? That's still too much like a boss to me.

      Something else to consider may be an organic/medical reason for your current circumstances. Much of what you describe could be attributable to something like major depression. Like any chronic illness, symptoms often become more problematic as we get older. There are many things you can put in place in your life to decrease the impact of symptoms should you have such a medical condition.
      Depression is a common occurrence in people with Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. But I have never felt depressed though unless I had a reason. And there's only been 2 reasons; when I had to live with my mom, and when I hate whatever job I have at the time. I never feel depressed for no reason.
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  • Profile picture of the author Freelancerr
    Don't beat yourself up about having so many interests that you don't know which one to pick. There's thousands of us: Start Here | Puttylike

    I recommend you get started freelancing, get some Houries up on PeoplePerHour for writing, I quite like your style.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10211895].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Freelancerr View Post

      Don't beat yourself up about having so many interests that you don't know which one to pick. There's thousands of us: . Start Here | Puttylike
      LOL If I had a dollar for every time someone suggested something I've already tried, I'd be rich! i was a member of Puttylike for a few months but had to cancel my subscription when I lost my job in January. I have similar books about the same thing, Barbara Sher has one called Refuse To Choose. But for some reason, reading those books and joining those groups hasn't helped me.

      I recommend you get started freelancing, get some Houries up on PeoplePerHour for writing, I quite like your style.
      Is that like Fiverr? I have a gig up on there, haven't gotten a single bite.

      I'm curious, when you say you like my style, what exactly do you mean? You haven't even seen any of my writing, lol This is just conversations here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zodiax
    I think you are doomed, and should increase your hours at the hotel.

    Of course I am being sarcastic lol

    'I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'
    -Muhammad Ali

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10211903].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Zodiax View Post

      I think you are doomed, and should increase your hours at the hotel.

      Of course I am being sarcastic lol

      Actually they don't need me there anymore, they have a new manager and they hired more new people. I was only needed for a few weeks while they were short staffed. I am going to apply at a nursery/garden center on Friday though, they emailed me back finally after 2 months. I might quit Target, it's way too stressful. I almost had a nervous breakdown today just being around all those whiny crying kids, and too many people in general. I am constantly under stress in noisy chaotic conditions.
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  • Profile picture of the author iLegend
    Just don't stop trying, ever! The worst thing that can happen is that you give up.

    With every new failure, you became a more experienced person.

    Have you tried selling some services on Fiverr?

    Good luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10211906].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by iLegend View Post

      Just don't stop trying, ever! The worst thing that can happen is that you give up.

      With every new failure, you became a more experienced person.

      Have you tried selling some services on Fiverr?

      Good luck
      I'm not giving up, because I think my mental state is in jeopardy working in retail much longer. And now that I am done at the hotel, I will have more free time to work on stuff. Although it's still hard, I have to work 6 days in a row but my next day off I have to deal with a squirrel problem, mowing my lawn, and getting some stairs installed. If it isn't one thing, it's another. So I guess I won't have that much more free time anyway.

      I almost forgot to answer your 2nd question, even though I did in another post. Yes I am on Fiverr, haven't had any luck with it though. There is tons of competition in my area (grammar/proofreading)
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
    I'm gonna say this one more time. If you like research you don't have to be hired. Study how to put content online (get content by research) and have it lead to a product you are selling. The more content you get on the the web the more your product will sell. Be your own boss and forget being a freelancer you probably will never succeed at that you don't like working for the man.
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Is anyone here familiar with the term, 'beating a dead horse?'

      Anyone continuing to post in this thread thinking that they are helping in any way whatsoever, is low on intelligence, common-sense and self-respect, and has way too much time on their hands.

      The OP is well on the way to securing the title for herself of 'Drama Queen of 2015.' It doesn't matter that the year is not over. This thread will never be topped for the remainder of this year - or decade.

      The only thing the OP is accomplishing in this thread is giving narcissism a bad name. As a certified-narcissist that has learned to utilize the best traits of my personality-disorder to my advantage in building a successful career, I resent the OP's continued attempt to put all narcissists in a bad light.

      I suggest that you throw your lot in with the self-loathing depressives. Their big on sitting on the pity pot, which you can use as a throne, your majesty.

      Cheers. - Frank
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10212125].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kurt
        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        Is anyone here familiar with the term, 'beating a dead horse?'

        Anyone continuing to post in this thread thinking that they are helping in any way whatsoever, is low on intelligence, common-sense and self-respect, and has way too much time on their hands.

        The OP is well on the way to securing the title for herself of 'Drama Queen of 2015.' It doesn't matter that the year is not over. This thread will never be topped for the remainder of this year - or decade.

        The only thing the OP is accomplishing in this thread is giving narcissism a bad name. As a certified-narcissist that has learned to utilize the best traits of my personality-disorder to my advantage in building a successful career, I resent the OP's continued attempt to put all narcissists in a bad light.

        I suggest that you throw your lot in with the self-loathing depressives. Their big on sitting on the pity pot, which you can use as a throne, your majesty.

        Cheers. - Frank
        This thread reminds me of when you see a fly banging it's head against the window time after time after time, then the next morning you see it belly-up, dead on the window sill...
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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10212135].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
          Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

          This thread reminds me of when you see a fly banging it's head against the window time after time after time, then the next morning you see it belly-up, dead on the window sill...
          So because the fly kept trying, he deserved to die? Isn't that the common idea in here, to keep trying and never give up? It wasn't the fly's fault he has a small brain and was only trying to survive.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10212526].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        Is anyone here familiar with the term, 'beating a dead horse?'

        Anyone continuing to post in this thread thinking that they are helping in any way whatsoever, is low on intelligence, common-sense and self-respect, and has way too much time on their hands.

        The OP is well on the way to securing the title for herself of 'Drama Queen of 2015.' It doesn't matter that the year is not over. This thread will never be topped for the remainder of this year - or decade.

        The only thing the OP is accomplishing in this thread is giving narcissism a bad name. As a certified-narcissist that has learned to utilize the best traits of my personality-disorder to my advantage in building a successful career, I resent the OP's continued attempt to put all narcissists in a bad light.

        I suggest that you throw your lot in with the self-loathing depressives. Their big on sitting on the pity pot, which you can use as a throne, your majesty.

        Cheers. - Frank
        Interesting how you think posting on a forum where people are supposed to have conversations is being a drama queen. I am far from it, but you won't believe me. And I AM getting something out of this, you would know that if you read every reply of mine. However, I am only replying now because people are still posting, otherwise I would be done here.
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Claire Koch View Post

      I'm gonna say this one more time. If you like research you don't have to be hired. Study how to put content online (get content by research) and have it lead to a product you are selling. The more content you get on the the web the more your product will sell. Be your own boss and forget being a freelancer you probably will never succeed at that you don't like working for the man.
      That's pretty much what I've always done. I start with what information I know and want to share, then I research it some more to get my facts all in order so I'm not just giving an opinion piece, I want it to be correct so I always research stuff first.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
    Well GaiaGoddess Contrary to Big Franks remarks no body is hopeless. You can decide to not be the person they are making you out to be. Frankly if I were you that'd be the last nasty remark I'd have to see. NOtice I don't stop posting because someone says thats a good idea.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10212355].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by Claire Koch View Post

      NOtice I don't stop posting because someone says thats a good idea.
      Never said that. I said: "is low on intelligence, common-sense and self-respect, and has way too much time on their hands."

      Thanks for proving my point. lol

      Cheers. - Frank
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by Claire Koch View Post

      Well GaiaGoddess Contrary to Big Franks remarks no body is hopeless. You can decide to not be the person they are making you out to be. Frankly if I were you that'd be the last nasty remark I'd have to see. NOtice I don't stop posting because someone says thats a good idea.
      I defend myself when being ridiculed or talked down to, so I'll continue to stand up for myself if need be. I am glad some of you are supportive, friendly and nice! I might continue to use this forum other than this thread, like if I need help with a specific issue with one of the "jobs" i am trying. I did have some other questions but I'm kind of afraid now, I might just find another forum, or use Facebook. I belong to a group on there for people who don't work normal jobs and they've been pretty helpful, there just isn't as many of them, lol
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  • Profile picture of the author ecomguy
    I've used Godaddy for domains and they've been great for me. Its usually like $13/yr for me
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by ecomguy View Post

      I've used Godaddy for domains and they've been great for me. Its usually like $13/yr for me
      That's good to know...although you still have to use WordPress (right?) which I hate. I just LOVE the functionality of Blogger so much! Wix is even easy enough for me to use. I think WordPress being complicated and confusing is why I fail at my websites, but my blogs I have an easier time keeping them going. I had to use WordPress for 3 of my sites and those are all dead now. But my blogs are still going. Of course, being free helps, lol But at least they're simple to set up and post on, instead of a few weeks it took like 10 minutes! I think my biggest obstacle to succeeding in this business is that I'm not very smart. I'm not saying that to be mean to myself, it's just true. My dad even tells me how stupid I am. He says I'm just like my mom and she's pretty ditzy. I know that sounds bad to say but there's no other way to say it. We're not the brightest bulbs on the tree, lol When I worked at McDonalds my nickname was "Rock" because that's what they said I had for a brain. So now that I can accept that I need something simple, I can start to narrow down what "jobs" I can do based on how simple they are to do. I am not a professional in any way, shape or form. I am clumsy, awkward, socially "different", "wierd" "ditzy", I belong working in a menial job doing repetitve physical tasks that don't involve talking or thinking. I just happen to hate that, but I'm not cut out for anything smart people do. Sorry I kinda rambled there.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii

    Can we please close this thread? It's crossed over into "absurd" and is serving no constructive purpose.
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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    • Profile picture of the author GaiaGoddess
      Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post


      Can we please close this thread? It's crossed over into "absurd" and is serving no constructive purpose.
      Yes, please close it, although it did serve a purpose, I should be the judge of that since I'm the one who asked for the help.
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  • Profile picture of the author crunchor
    It is just like stock market, winning money from online world is much harder than people thought. IF you don't give up and keep trying to find better way, you may gain something, but still may not be a full time job. You need to understand how hard it is.
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  • Profile picture of the author azaria2410
    That is a long story and i have learn many thing about it
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  • Profile picture of the author Abunoman
    Hi miss
    I am only 16years old,I from Bangladesh. I am a student of Diploma in Electronics Engineering. My father is very sick.I am a poor person.I want to something for my father& country & my world people.I have already try but every times i was fail.I don't know about Freelanching,online job from, miss if you help me then I obedient to you in life.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10630738].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Abunoman
    Hi miss
    I am only 16years old,I from Bangladesh. I am a student of Diploma in Electronics Engineering. My father is very sick.I am a poor person.I want to something for my father& country & my world people.I have already try but every times i was fail.I don't know about Freelanching,online job from, miss if you help me then I obedient to you in life.Thanks.
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