My niche is NOT my passion

by Ejsuhh
48 replies
Do I have it all wrong here?

I chose a game review niche that I do not have a burning desire for. Not anywhere close to that, in fact. I chose the niche because the keyword and the market had the analytics that I was looking for.

Fast forward a few months and my content is semi ready to get published. I have a handful of the games and their review up in the format that I want, but don't have much more than that.

Does my website need the constant blog posts and updates in order to succeed?
#niche #passion
  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyFanta
    To increase the credibility of your website, yes you need regular content and blogs. It's very difficult when it's not your passion and just makes the work that bit harder.

    If it's not too late I'd find a niche your passionate about and go for that
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    • Profile picture of the author xnice
      Originally Posted by JohnnyFanta View Post

      To increase the credibility of your website, yes you need regular content and blogs. It's very difficult when it's not your passion and just makes the work that bit harder.

      If it's not too late I'd find a niche your passionate about and go for that
      Find another suit with your passion.

      The existing blog you can add something, promote it to get some traffic and sell it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nonilol
    If you don't like your niche, go ahead and choose an new one which you like more.
    It's much easier to motivate yourself for a niche that's your passion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by Ejsuhh View Post

    Do I have it all wrong here?

    I chose a game review niche that I do not have a burning desire for. Not anywhere close to that, in fact. I chose the niche because the keyword and the market had the analytics that I was looking for.

    Fast forward a few months and my content is semi ready to get published. I have a handful of the games and their review up in the format that I want, but don't have much more than that.

    Does my website need the constant blog posts and updates in order to succeed?
    The newer your website is, the more often you need to publish content. Going into a niche that you're not passionate about is not necessarily wrong. It just means that it will be more difficult to stick with. If you're going after money, it makes sense to go into a really profitable niche. After you get money coming in from that blog, you could start a blog in a niche that you're passionate about or work on them at the same time if you have time.

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  • Profile picture of the author nicolasmd2112
    If you haven't established anything yet: blog, website, product, traffic sources, budget...then there's no point in staying in a niche that you don't like. Every niche is profitable. Don't feel like you need to stay in a niche because it's popular or there are a lot of marketers already in it. Often times the most profitable niches are the ones that haven't been tapped yet.

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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by Ejsuhh View Post

    Do I have it all wrong here?

    I chose a game review niche that I do not have a burning desire for. Not anywhere close to that, in fact. I chose the niche because the keyword and the market had the analytics that I was looking for.

    Fast forward a few months and my content is semi ready to get published. I have a handful of the games and their review up in the format that I want, but don't have much more than that.

    Does my website need the constant blog posts and updates in order to succeed?
    We have a very successful longtime Member here at WF who has made a very nice Living out of selling vacuum cleaners. ( among other profitable ventures)

    Do honestly you think that vacuum cleaners is his number 1 passion in Life ?

    I do not want to speak for him but I have a suspicion it is NOT !!

    However, I imagine he has a passion for running his highly profitable business which in this case revolves around vacuum cleaners.

    Do you see my point here ??
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Having a "passion" for your niche is not a prerequisite for success. Almost none of my most lucrative niches every really interested me at all. Perhaps consider outsourcing your marketing tasks, but it is not even necessary for "constant blog posts and updates in order to succeed". This post may have helpful ideas for you in getting around this very common affliction of misplaced passion:

      Too much passion for any particular niche in fact may even be the primary contributing factor for business failure. Blindly entering a niche on passion alone, or having unrealistic high expectations because of such passion more often than not leads to dysfunctional judgement. Top 10 Reasons Small Businesses Fail

      "Without vision, even the most focused passion is a battery without a device."
      - Ken Auletta
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    • Profile picture of the author Boris Qs
      Originally Posted by discrat View Post

      We have a very successful longtime Member here at WF who has made a very nice Living out of selling vacuum cleaners. ( among other profitable ventures)

      Do honestly you think that vacuum cleaners is his number 1 passion in Life ?

      I do not want to speak for him but I have a suspicion it is NOT !!

      However, I imagine he has a passion for running his highly profitable business which in this case revolves around vacuum cleaners.

      Do you see my point here ??
      I have never thought of it that way but I see the point.
      Learning and Growing as an Affiliate Marketer with My Secrete Tube Mechanic Notes
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  • Profile picture of the author sega001
    If you are still waiting to publish your content, I would recommend to get it out there as soon as possible. If you are planning on using SEO as your primary method to drive traffic, you would need to constantly need to be producing content.

    When you create content DO NOT write for the search engines, but instead write for your target audience first. Once you do this, publish your content then come back to your content once the search engines have indexed your article and then do on-site optimization. This will help in the long run. The search engines reward those web sites with high rankings to those that put the reader first by providing valuable content.
    The Best Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    There is nothing wrong with operating in a niche that doesn't interest you as long as you are knowledgeable. However, if you are already asking about how much work goes into long term success, that tells me that you are already bored with it (because you have no internest in it).

    For that reason, I tell people to stick with things that interest them.
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  • Can you find a niche that you do have passion about? It will make the work easier. I know I recently did some search engine evaluations analyst type of work for Google. I learned a lot about SEO, but I hated the work. Consisted of reviewing site by the 1000s. It was boring. I lasted 6 months
    Premium WooCommerce & WordPress Plugins $10/ea. or FREE With Membership.
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  • Profile picture of the author stackman
    Having a passion for your niche is not necessary, but it sure helps you stick with it when things are not looking good and you need some inspiration to keep you working at it.

    Although it's also not necessary to constantly create new posts, I would think in the dynamic and constantly changing games niche, old reviews are going to get stale very fast. Your readers are going to want to find out what your next hot review will be.
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    Originally Posted by Ejsuhh View Post

    I chose a game review niche
    Does my website need the constant blog posts and updates in order to succeed?

    Name one successful game review site that is not constantly adding new content?

    YES...You need constant updates in that niche. Games come and go. New hints, cheats, backdoors, and rumors are constantly coming out in gaming. To be relevant, you have to stay up to date.
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author JC Web
    There's no one right answer to this. You have to decide what's right for you. A lot of people make a lot of money in niches they have no personal interest in at all. A lot of people also fail to make any money in niches that they are very passionate about.

    Now as far as a game website, that absolutely needs to be kept up-to-date if you want to continue making money from it. Gamers are serious about their games. If you have outdated info you will be written off immediately. You don't personally have to write the content for the website of course. You could hire someone. You can also research and write it yourself even without any personal involvement in gaming. If you don't want to do either of those, then yes get out of it.

    This is not the type of niche that you can put a few articles up one time and leave it and have it continue to make money, if it makes money at all in the first place. Although any website should have new content added from time to time for best results, there are certain niches that require more frequent updates than others. This would be one of them, just like electronics, mobile phones, apps, etc. Things are constantly changing and being updated and you have to keep up or be dead in the water.

    Decide for yourself whether the money you can make is or is not worth your investment in keeping the website updated properly. Different people will have different answers to that. You also didn't say whether there was something you are passionate about that has a good income potential. If the answer is no, then you will have to work in a niche you don't care about anyway or you will have to get out of this business altogether. If the answer is yes and you've done the research to make sure it can be significantly profitable, then devote your time there.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
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    • Profile picture of the author HenrikRonson
      People visiting your site ARE interested in the subject.

      If your content is basic, bland & shows a lack of knowledge of the subject, they will quickly exit your site and never return.

      If you don't care for the subject, your writing/content will reflect that and your visitors will know it.

      It's hard to fake passion & expertise about something if your visitors are knowledgeable on the subject.
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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      There's so many things in this world a person can find they like to do, I can't understand why someone would 'force' themselves to do something they don't like. Life is too short, IMO.

      Yes, you can succeed in a niche you don't have burning passion for. But you better have passion for something related to it. Whether it's running a successful business. Being your own boss. Escaping the job prison. Something! That goes double if you have to constantly write 'engaging' reviews on the regular. Ouch! Fact: If you're bored with the subject you write about, it's hard to make it exciting to your readers.

      It's a little easier if you're in a business you don't have to write about. Like selling nails, doorknobs or dirty dish water. But writing reviews or blog post is different, IMO.

      The only other exception to being in a niche you have no passion for is if it's a slam dunk money maker. In that case you could just hire or outsource the work and you collect the money. But I doubt this is the case judging by the question in your post. It may take months or year(s) to turn a profit, could you do that in a business you're bored with.

      Find something you like that has profit potential or at least something you don't have to write about. That's the best starting point. Because liking what you do may be the only thing you have to cling to ... until your business is profitable. Truth!
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  • Profile picture of the author neteater
    doesnt matter pal, even i dont like my niche, but so far i am making good money from my niche, coz my niche require a lot of research and people generally hire me, to do their part.
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  • Profile picture of the author Calum Jones
    My niche isn't a "passion" but it's definitely something I'm cool with writing about. The problem is if you're writing about something like banking and you don't know the first thing about it and find it horrendously boring. In that case you need to hire writers, and not from iWriter or Fiverr unless you want some crap spun with WordAI.

    Best thing to do is to choose a topic you don't mind writing about.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    If it's taken you months to get the thing "almost" up and running...

    ...I don't think it's going to be a winner.

    Why has it taken so long?

    Have you used that time to attract some core commenters who love the games, and are ready to provide content by sharing their ideas, opinions and facts?

    No one said you have to do this alone.

    Your passion doesn't have to be gaming, or these games.

    Your passion can be broadcasting a good idea (that's one of mine, for example).

    It could be getting a little fame in a crowd.

    It could be running a nicely-laid out blog that ticks along like a machine, producing fresh content and fresh money.

    Passions come and go.

    When I was 6 I had a passion for DINOSAURS. Man I loved 'em. Brontosaurus (damn them for changing the name; Apatosaurus sounds incredibly stupid to me), Allosaurus, Stegosaurus...I was gonna write a book and illustrate it from the source material I had available...Day in day out, that's what I talked about. I even had a tub full of plastic toys and a volcano.

    A few years later, that passion had faded. I didn't become a paleontologist.

    However, I do retain a "geological mindset" about the passing of time, as friends have pointed out over the years. Here in North Carolina, I like to think about how darn NOISY the bugs for millions of years, this land was free of human beings, and chitters and caws and thunderclaps filled the air with no person to hear...

    Passions pass.

    Basing your business around an INTEREST...something you've kept for a long probably better.

    I'm interested in broadcasting great ideas.

    I'm fascinated by what makes people tick. Why they do what they do. What the ACTUALLY DO, in contrast to what they say they're going to do.

    And that makes for a great foundation of a Conversion-based business. Everything I do is about conversion.

    How can you adapt this to your business?

    What is it about getting a crowd of people already interested in your topic together, giving them more to talk about and a platform to discuss it on, and making money there, that gets you excited?
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  • Profile picture of the author Riki Stein
    If you start making money with it, I can bet it'll become your passion
    Well, you'll definitely look forward to updating it and learning as much as you could about it. Outsourcing if you need to.
    But if you're making no money from it and you find it super boring, it'll probably fall to the wayside eventually.
    Are you a newbie who would love to learn how to start making money online? Boy, do I have a free report for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by Ejsuhh View Post

    Fast forward a few months and my content is semi ready to get published.

    So you've been at this for a few months and don't even have your content published yet.

    I'd say the problem isn't the niche . . . it's you.

    If you can't get motivated to get a new site up and at least running with some content after a few months, there is a problem with your business execution. Many people successfully run profitable businesses in niches where they have no interest.

    But you're having trouble just showing up for the dance.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
      can understand how Thread starter feel...

      you will want start a brand new niche ...right?

      I like fitness but never check this niche is very intensive , highly competitive...

      and straight I buy domain , host , outsource etc

      slowly I noticed is very very competitive ...I actually give up once...even close this domain , my host subscription ...

      than i BACK again I feel since I like fitness.who care ..the competitive is tough..
      just carry on do ......see how it go.
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  • Profile picture of the author TexasSteve
    It's easier when your niche is your passion because you'll have more motivation to work on in because you enjoy it. It's better, but it's not necessary.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Ideally speaking, we should all be passionate about the niche that you are targeting.

    After all, if you're passionate about something, you will find the energy to keep going.

    This is really important because if you are serious about making money online, you got to remember that everything is not easy when you're trying to make money online.

    In many cases, it's very easy to lose hope.

    It's very easy to get discouraged, especially if you put in a lot of work and time and spent money and you have very little to show for it.

    This is where passion comes in.

    If you're really passionate about what you're doing, you will find that energy to get over those temporary setbacks.

    You will find that store of energy that will push you through until you achieve success.

    With that said, there are a lot of online entrepreneurs that focus on niches that they're not passionate about.

    Thanks to outsourcing, the only thing that you need to be passionate about is your business.

    In other words, your passion is about establishing a solid online publishing business and outsourcing the rest.

    The good news is that there are lots of writers and content producers located in India, the Philippines, and elsewhere who would be more than happy to help you with your online publishing empire.

    These people are passionate about the topics they write on.

    You may not be passionate about your niche, but I'm sure you can outsource the work to somebody who is.
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    • Profile picture of the author crunchor
      Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

      Ideally speaking, we should all be passionate about the niche that you are targeting.

      After all, if you're passionate about something, you will find the energy to keep going.

      This is really important because if you are serious about making money online, you got to remember that everything is not easy when you're trying to make money online.

      In many cases, it's very easy to lose hope.

      It's very easy to get discouraged, especially if you put in a lot of work and time and spent money and you have very little to show for it.

      This is where passion comes in.

      If you're really passionate about what you're doing, you will find that energy to get over those temporary setbacks.

      You will find that store of energy that will push you through until you achieve success.

      With that said, there are a lot of online entrepreneurs that focus on niches that they're not passionate about.

      Thanks to outsourcing, the only thing that you need to be passionate about is your business.

      In other words, your passion is about establishing a solid online publishing business and outsourcing the rest.

      The good news is that there are lots of writers and content producers located in India, the Philippines, and elsewhere who would be more than happy to help you with your online publishing empire.

      These people are passionate about the topics they write on.

      You may not be passionate about your niche, but I'm sure you can outsource the work to somebody who is.
      Outsouce this almost impossible to make money
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      • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
        I'd finish up the site, get it to convert a few sales, then flip it and start over.

        Otherwise, you will want to outsource some work to keep it active.

        "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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        • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
          Personally I think ...
          • If you want to merely be in the game (an also ran) you don't have to have passion ... as long as you have commitment.
          • If you want to be successful and enjoy what you do to the max ... you have to have passion.
          • If you want to dominate or be at the top in your market niche you have to have an obsession.
          So, directly or indirectly we ALL choose the level we want to be at. Although I admit your passion could be paying your bills and feeding your family.
          Download "Free 80 Page E-Book"
          "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
          "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Dilip Mane
    Not all wrong unless you rethink on the business model for the niche you have chosen.

    You can produce a quality and useful content only when you are well versed with a particular niche and are passionate about it. Ultimately your readers must get some value from your content. This will not happen if you choose a niche just for the sake of profitability. You may get little or no results as you desire now.

    Instead, if content marketing is your preferred model like blogging then better you start and work in a niche which you are comfortable with to produce content regularly.

    However, with a little extra study and dedication, you may become a go to guy in a different niche that is a profitable one. But for that purpose you have to opt for a different business model like list building.

    Time is more precious than money. You need to utilize it properly along with your other resources.
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  • Profile picture of the author marguerite
    Originally Posted by Ejsuhh View Post

    Do I have it all wrong here?

    I chose a game review niche that I do not have a burning desire for. Not anywhere close to that, in fact. I chose the niche because the keyword and the market had the analytics that I was looking for.

    Even if it were your passion there is no guarantee you would stay passionate about it forever. You can always hire writers for the content if your site is successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author wennice
    It is not necessary for you to post some information on the blog everyday, you can update your information in 2-3 days, remember the content is the most important part
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  • Profile picture of the author Happy Steve
    Take a look through any yellow pages or local business listings and you will see some pretty mundane businesses. How can anyone have a passion about drain cleaning or welding rods? It obviously helps if you have a passion about something, especially if you have to be creative and create content but its not totally essential and if you have the resources you can outsource content creation.

    I've done a job for 20 years that I have no passion for and the thought of doing that for another 20 years is motivation enough to get out of it and get my ass into gear each day.
    The #1 online Jungle Music resource!
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  • Profile picture of the author nareshkush
    Hello friends, Im wondering if I can find a Niche for what I love doing which is Fitness, Exercise Training and strengh and muscle increase with Nutrition. Where can I make a Niche to be off value
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Success does not have to include passion... I sell skinny jeans ( and im a guy ) The market was right when I got in and it makes money... not as fun as my uhdtv page but my REAL passion is MONEY.

      Here is the issue with what I am getting from your writing... you are dragging your feet. Could care less about the Passion.. its the commitment that is a bit concerning. whine whine whine do I really have to write an article a day to make this work? McD's is hiring is that more your pace?
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author crunchor
    There arw crazy many games reviews or any websites with really deep insign, I am a gamer and just few sentances I can feel your website is a spam then just leave.

    Originally Posted by Ejsuhh View Post

    Do I have it all wrong here?

    I chose a game review niche that I do not have a burning desire for. Not anywhere close to that, in fact. I chose the niche because the keyword and the market had the analytics that I was looking for.

    Fast forward a few months and my content is semi ready to get published. I have a handful of the games and their review up in the format that I want, but don't have much more than that.

    Does my website need the constant blog posts and updates in order to succeed?
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  • Profile picture of the author LesterRussell
    I feel that passion helps in motivating yourself but it does not mean you will fail if you are lacking in it. I have a friend who owns a window cleaning company and is very successful, but i can assure you window cleaning is not one of his hobbies.

    If you have vision and determination to drive yourself to get the results you want, you can eventually get to a level where you are driven by your own success and results from that niche and not solely rely on a sense of passion as your only source of motivation.
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  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    Is not necessary that your niche is your passion. but If you want traffic without spending on a PPC campaign you need to post every days for the first period (6 months if it is enought).

    You should also integrate with social networks pages!

    Free Guide to Make Money Online [Now!]
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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    My passion is making money, so I don't care about the niche as long as it brings home the bacon. Right now I don't have a "passion" for any "topic" or "niche" I'm involved with...but I love making sales, researching and testing to find what works. I'm passionate about the process of making money online, regardless of the niche.

    But if you're doing the actual writing of the content for the niche you have chosen, then obviously you'll need to learn a lot about it to be convincing and to offer content that provides value to the readers. Some genuine interest in the niche would help.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    Gotta find something you have a burning desire about in relation to your business.

    It could be teaching in general, video games, or creating the type of content you are creating...something has to make you obsessed enough to drive 110% with every spare minute you have to grow your business.

    I suspect the very fact you are asking the question means you have enough concern over being able to do that.

    More than ever you have to be able to continually read your market, produce massive content, connect with your audience on a personal level (even gaming reviewers do this - the top ones do it very well)

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Sometimes selling products in a niche that ISN'T your passion is the best thing. That means you have no emotional attachment to it. So if it's not profitable, then you can instantly close up shop and hop into another niche.

    If you have *feelings* about a niche that is your passion, but ISN'T making you money... i advise you to start looking for another niche where total market research has already been done, and entering it is highly favorable.
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  • Profile picture of the author createarena
    If you can find a niche that actually interests you and is just as profitable as a niche that doesn't interest you then it's pretty much a no brainer. Doesn't sound like you invested much in the gaming site yet, I would spend some time and find your ultimate niche, it will serve you better in the long game. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author ecomguy
    Originally Posted by Ejsuhh View Post

    My niche is NOT my passion
    Very interesting topic. I went to an entrepreneur Meetup last night and met a guy who is successful who owns a sofa store. He said he doesnt have a passion for it, but he recognized a market no one else was catering to and decided to get into it. I see signs for his business all over town and on the sides of trucks. He's doing great it seems.

    I met another guy who sells shower heads and says he doesnt have a passion for it. He just saw a some keywords with low competition and went for it and supposedly he's doing great too.
    And another guy who is dong great with Football statistics predictions (I dont know the details).

    I followed one of my passions the last 6 years and now I hate it. Im so jaded with my customers I dont like them anymore, I HATE logging into my website because when other members see me they all ask me about their problems and complaints. I dont even like it when they send me nice messages lol. And the income from it has really gone down to where i need to take a job soon, from so much competition

    A friend of mine is a writer and VERY christian, so I made her a Christian wordpress blog with a good name and put adsense on it. I told her she can have a nice little business if she blogs. She barely touches it because once she starts to research, she ends up reading and reading other blogs and barely wants to write anymore lol

    Mark Cuban says Dont follow your passion, follow your effort Dont Follow Your Passion, Follow Your Effort | blog maverick

    I started 2 new websites with niches I'm kinda interested in.. I dont LOVE any of them, but theyre OK enough for me to do the work. hth
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    • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
      hey there

      Having a profitable niche is not always necessarily a passion for people, as people have said in other comments people still make a lot of money without been interested in their niche. You seem to have the right mindset and some understanding of a niche, so go with what you feel is best.

      You might find it harder to write content or you may not have this problem. Some people will and some won't, but take action and you can't really go wrong. Good luck!
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      You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
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      • Profile picture of the author parametrix
        Outsourcing is my niche because it allows me to achieve anything I cannot do myself. I have attempted entering other niches but Outsourcing is full of many different categories which are niches in themselves.
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  • Profile picture of the author geeksonrepair
    Do effective off page seo techniques like blog posting and submit quality content to get target customers and website ranking.
    Use social media network to get website traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author southcoaster
    If your niche is your passion, what you do won't feel like work. If it isn't - it will feel like very hard work in the long run, and you won't be anle to relate to your audience well enough. Go with what inspires you, even if it is needle work!
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  • Profile picture of the author waken
    Passion Niche - build an authority site. Organic traffic will be the main traffic source usually. Constantly updating content is not an issue since it's something you are passionate about.

    Non-passion niche - build minisite. Usually paid traffic will be needed. Constant update of content is not necessary since you are not relying traffic from SE.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    If you're going to rely on blogging and content as the primary form of traffic in your niche, then you're going to have to post often to get some traction.

    I hate to state the obvious, but how do you hope to get any traffic to your blog and monetize it if you haven't even posted any content yet?

    And no, there is no need to be passionate about your niche in order to be successful in it. You have to be passionate about providing value to your target market and serving them though, and if you don't then I think probably the best thing to do is outsource your content creation to someone who is knowledgeable about the subject.
    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Webkingseo
    yes , you have to post frequently on your website .
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