Your Ideas PLEASE! Photo Video Stock Site - Local

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Hi All,

First off, I truly appreciate any positive ideas and input you can throw at me at this time. Thank you for reading.

I have a site for local photo/video that will be going up. I am working with a local photographer who takes some kick a$$ pictures and we want to maximize the plan for the site - and I am looking for additional ideas.

Here is what we have so far -

He takes pictures all around town and the surrounding areas. He has THOUSANDS of pictures now that need to be hacked through and loaded to the site.

His initial thought was to sell pictures that would be printed up, framed, and shipped locally - but there is much more possibility I think than that.

I'm leaning toward pushing for some local events - categorizing by a date or event number - which can be local kids sports, random events, etc as he literally will shoot over a thousand photos at a clip and it will be near impossible for clients to search the site by name.

Here is the thought - We print up LOTS of business cards with the site addy. When he goes to an event it is given a number or number and date which is searchable. Then anyone looking for lets say their child playing baseball and sees my friend shooting can grab a card and go later to the site to search the event number to see if there are photos of their child.

The script installed does video as well - and I have a 3 chip video camera so there may be some video of some events as well. Still figuring out the best way to provide this.

There is also room for random stock footage of stills and video.

We are going to be working up the complete business plan this week.

If you were going to run a more localized photo/video site what would you add?

Thanks again,


ps: this is affluent neighborhood and we know the money is here - just want to make the most of it.
#ideas #local #photo #site #stock #video

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