Teaching My first Offline Mini Course!

Profile picture of JoshuaG
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After some success with google adsense I've decided to teach some local mini courses on how I did it and how others can make money online using the same method.

I've been brain storming for a few weeks about the project. I've written down what topics I need to cover and what skills I might need to teach people how long it should all take etc.

I was just hoping some warriors might want to chime in with any advise or insight they've had from their experiences or otherwise.

Aside from anything specific you might want to suggest, I'm also looking for monitization ideas. I'm going to be charging a fee for the course, and I'm going to teach and offer free tools. But for the prupose of making things faster and easier for my students I'd like to offer some tools to help them.

I know I'll be making some money from being a hosting affiliate, and I'd also like to suggest a tool like mirco niche finder. Does anyone have any other montization ideas?

Any insights about monitzation or running a course in general would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Guys!
#mini #offline #teaching

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