XP 2008 Virus Removal Tools...Any Suggestions?

by 7 replies

I jumped on my computer today and took a look at the news. Up poppoed this dastardly xp 2008 thingy, and I can't seem to get rid of it. I've tried system restore, strat-up file cleansing etc. Anyone know how to do this manually, or have a good free software that I can access?


#main internet marketing discussion forum #2008 #removal #suggestions #toolsany #virus
    • [1] reply
  • Thanks for the thought Rosetrees, but this is nothing more than a link to a sales page for a Spyware removal software. I'm looking for something that's gonna do the job (even if I have to do it manually.) Thanks
    • [2] replies
    • Step 1 of 4:

      Disable System Restore (*note--you will lose ALL restore points to date)

      Step 2 of 4:

      Get This: SmitFraudFix no worries it's totally free

      Step 3 of 4:

      Reboot into safe mode and run the tool

      Step 4 of 4:

      Reboot and turn on System Restore again
      Optional but recommended, check for traces of anything else
      with a copy of HijackThis which I think was mentioned above.

      HTH, it worked fine for me and this was the "fast" way.

      First time I got fed up chasing registry keys manually.

      Good Luck,


      EDIT: Sorry, but Avast ain't gonna get this one--even ESET
      didn't get it out and it's the best available (think Nod32).

      Of course if Avast does get it then that's great, I would just be shocked
      as hell.
    • Actually that program WILL more than likely get rid of your problem by using the trial version. That is a shareware program, you don't HAVE to buy it to use it.

      I am about to come out with a wso about this very thing.
  • Hey Easy Cash. I went to the link. They're not doing this for free. I signed in with my e-mail and they tried to sign me up for a subscription plan. Thanks for the thought. Anyone else want to take a crack at this?
  • Jason's smitfruadfix MIGHT work alone too, but I usually do bothe those programs in combination to be safe.

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    Hi, I jumped on my computer today and took a look at the news. Up poppoed this dastardly xp 2008 thingy, and I can't seem to get rid of it. I've tried system restore, strat-up file cleansing etc. Anyone know how to do this manually, or have a good free software that I can access?