How to make nice money from the Internet quickly and easily.

by 9 replies
It seems we get a variation of this question between 3 times and a 1000 times per week. And it always gets answered.

But, we can't answer it, because we don't know what it means.

"Nice money" (or big money, lots of money, loads of money, etc.) means what?

It may have a geographical connotation, nice money in USA could be 200 dollars a day to some, while in some countries, 200 dollars per week, or even 200 a month could be nice money.

So, ask your question (as hundreds of other people have done, and the forum does have a search feature too)...and tell us what you mean by "nice money".

Quick and easy. What does it mean? Almost every one of these posts is going to have a response,

"it is SIMPLE, but it is not easy". We don't know what that means either, because we are all different and Warriors have a tendency to express their personal journey, their experience as THE way to do it...but there are lots of successful Warriors, each one has done it "his/her" way, a way which may not suit you at all.

What may be easy for me, could be a struggle for you.

Tell us what, if anything, you bring to the game, in the ways of skills, talents, abilities or desire.

What do you think you may want to do? Have you set a goal? What are your resources?

There are answers here, in the archives, or buried in one of the thousands of threads on the same subject...which could help you get what you want...

quickly and easily (whatever that means to you)

IF you know what you want. Even those in desperate need of money have been given scores of answers, and tested and proven methods to get out of desperation.

Help us, the experienced Warrior, who may have some help for help you by giving us

ENOUGH INFORMATION to work with, or else just be prepared to hear the same generic answers to the same questions we get day after day, year after year.

IF you want to extract useful advice and information from the WF, then give us a little help with what you need, and you might be surprised.

I don't know what quick, easy, simple and "nice money" mean, if you do, please share, OK?


PS. And a few days spent with the search feature and going through the forums, will do you a world of good too, if for no other reason than to get you familiar with how things work around here.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #easily #internet #make #money #nice #quickly
  • I'm not sure the askers even want an answer.

    It WOULD be helpful if people would define their terms.

    As for the rest...skill level, goals, targets, resources...I'm not holding my breath. Most want something for nothing, as evidenced by the teeny amount of "information" they put into their posts and effort they put into looking for a solution prior to writing it.

    We can tell a whole lot about the seriousness level of the questioner, and how much they've tried before posting, by what they say in their post. And most often that ain't a whole lot.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • But we don't know if they want an answer or not, do we?

      I'm unwilling to lump all Warriors, or even the majority into one heap of those that "want something for nothing"...some of that is the fault of the many WSO's which make it sound like that is what IM is all about.

      Many of them have read promotions written by skilled salesmen, such as yourself, who have persuaded them it is easy.

      I'm not going to make those assumptions about anyone, until proven otherwise.

      And we both have recently seen a few posters who were insincere and simply wanted to see their name up, or whatever.

      But, for now, I'm willing to give the new person some benefit of the doubt, and think they just don't know any better.

      I don't feel that most Warriors are asking for "something for nothing".


      • [1] reply
  • People want overnight riches. We're in an age of instant gratification. People don't want to put in work, they want results fast and quick. It's sad but true, and I also think marketers as a whole are partly to blame. We sell the dream. We make it look easier than it really is.

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