Is Content Curation Dead Or Does It Still Bring Free Traffic?

by 11 replies

#main internet marketing discussion forum #bring #content #curation #dead #free #traffic
  • If You Have Any Ideas Please Share Im New To Blogging Thanks!
  • IMO quality content will almost always bring in traffic.
  • Ask BuzzFeed. People love lists.

    Some do it with videos. They pick a bunch of related videos a mix them, like "TOP 5 scary pranks", and they get a lot of traffic.
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    • That's a good idea. I have used videos but not like this.. thanks
  • Lists, as long as they are useful to the readers, will always draw people in.

    People will bookmark them, share them and go back to them when they need the information.

    But the key is coming up with content so useful that people cannot ignore it (even if they try). This type of content takes a while to create but it is the content that can bring massive amounts of people to your website.
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    • My longest list is only 20. should go for a longer one.
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  • Why not? If its good content and not just the same hash stuff that is out there but delivers value. The more the better...
  • I do think content curation is a win-win situation for both parties (the content creators and the one who is curating them), but I think it still requires a good balance of creating your own quality content as well. I use feedly to follow many blogs that interest me and I love to use Pinterest for quick research for a "home n garden" type site that I work on.
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    • Content curation is still a good method.

      Combine it with unique quality content then you are golden.

      Huffingtonpost and buzzfeed uses content curation and are seen as mayor online authorities... content curation is awesome and easy
      • [ 1 ] Thanks

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