Do you consider your personality TYPE before starting your IM biz?
With over 14 years in social work, I had occasion to study the Myers-Briggs personality charts, as well as other aptitude instruments, often used in my capacity as a Job Developer to help people find jobs they were interested in.
Anyhow, in the last 30 years online, I've seen thousands of business start-ups, and most, probably over 95% are no longer around.
As evidenced here at the WF, it appears many Warriors jump into IM and struggle for a long time, some for a few years until they find the thing that clicks for them.
I suspect, but have no evidence, not even anecdotal, that if people spent a little time understanding themselves...knowing more about their personality and then playing to their strengths...
wouldn't that, PERHAPS, help them from spinning their wheels and getting bogged down chasing shiny objects and this guru's method or the latest thing...and instead, put them on a faster track to their own success?
So, for those of you that achieved a level of success,
Do you find yourself DOING things today which are more in synch with your personality than when you started?
And, if so, would a little time spent in the beginning knowing yourself and what would make you happy, would that have saved you time, energy and money? OR
Does personality have nothing to do with it?
Your opinions appreciated.
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