majority of products online are either flat out scams, or they are teaching outdated methods.

Profile picture of indigitalpoint
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
9 replies
Hello Friends:

i'm still spending money on random systems and trying different things. I quickly came to see that the majority of products online are either flat out scams, or they are teaching outdated methods. A lot of the products I bought taught methods that worked a few years ago but now they ARE NOT WORKING,

please tell me what has worked for you and what has not and thanks for your time

#flat #majority #methods #online #outdated #products #scams #teaching
  • Profile picture of the author RosanneS
    Profile picture of RosanneS
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think the people making full-time incomes working on the internet, are the ones SELLING the programs/techniques/software packages etc. NOT the ones applying the principles and steps they are espousing.
  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Steve B
    Profile picture of Steve B
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    Originally Posted by indigitalpoint View Post

    i'm still spending money on random systems and trying different things. I quickly came to see that the majority of products online are either flat out scams, or they are teaching outdated methods.

    So you've purchased and experimented with "the majority of products online"?

    I'd suggest you reign that in a little and stop "spending money on random systems and trying different things."

    That's not how successful Internet marketers earn income.
    1. Spend some time on this forum and learn from the successful people
    2. Focus on just one niche and one selling system
    3. Stop spending money on random things
    4. Find demand (hungry buyers) and sell your service or product that will help to meet that demand
    5. From day one, start building a subscriber list in your niche
    6. Test and track everything so you can optimize your system
    7. Keep after it and see that everything you do has value for your audience
    8. Work your tail off - spend as much time as you can marketing your products and/or services
    Yes, that's sort of a broad brush overview of what you can do instead of spending money on random systems looking for success.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

  • Profile picture of the author dlane1987
    Profile picture of dlane1987
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    The stuff that is still working and not scams is available to learn for free. See my blog in the sig, or read warrior posts and there are many other good blogs.
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Streby
    Jason Streby
    Profile picture of Jason Streby
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    I still look at products and methods and whatever to this day for the simple fact that I like to expand my knowledge to any reach I'm able (I just have a very deep thirst for knowledge)
    As a result I've noticed that the OP is right, but the point made in this thread is also right. The stuff that really works and works well are things you don't really need any specific course or pdf to accomplish or learn from.

    Experience is the mother of all teachers and with a resource like this forum, various MMO blogs that give very specific case studies and the like I think anyone who really wanted it would be hard pressed to not find success after some time and dedication.

    I guess I should mention that most of the "cheap stuff" won't provide anything profound... most, not all of it
    There are a few awesome gems you'll run into from time to time.
  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
    Regional Warrior
    Profile picture of Regional Warrior
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    No such thing as a magic bullet or making $$$$$ in a few hours , so you need to stop buying crap from crap Gurus.

    Join the War Room lots of great Nuggets in there and some good stuff to learn make some great money and its all there and their are some great courses nothing to buy, so take one or two things and learn them back to front so you can become an authority and make your own product(s).
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Randall Magwood
    Profile picture of Randall Magwood
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    What strategies have you done exactly? The *basic* stuff like follow-up email marketing, writing content, forum marketing, youtube, and paid advertising using PPC (Bing Ads) still works for me.

    What are the strategies that are not working for you?
  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Profile picture of DIABL0
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    Originally Posted by indigitalpoint View Post

    please tell me what has worked for you and what has not and thanks for your time
    I have been doing the same thing for over 15 years. While some aspects of it have changed over time, the basic strategy and underlying principles have never changed. Here is a very brief overview...

    I heavily promote PPL (pay per lead) offers, this is because there is no credit card required to complete an offer. All a user has to do is fill out a form, for me to get paid. In addition, because of this, conversion rates are typically much higher than offers that require a sale. Basically I'm just generating leads.

    I favor offers that have some financial positioning...have a make get or save money angle to them. These have overall worked the best for me and tend to have the greatest mass appeal (large/wide audience). So the potential to be able to produce high volume exists.

    For traffic, I acquire Fresh Targeted data(email) where I know what the users are interested in and I know that there is a specific PPL offer that will match their interest. I also generate real-time co-reg that targets specific PPL offers. I also work with aged data, but that's a bit more advanced.

    The reason why I acquire data over other forms of marketing is that when I spend money, I'm actually building assets that I then own and can market to over and over at low cost. Compared to what most marketers do and that's to buy traffic that then usually just turns into one-time clicks.

    A lot of people will tell you not to buy lists. I personally think the majority of them read this and turned around and just preach it, as it's the truth. Others I would imagine, just ended up buying some crappy data that was doomed from the start.

    The best advice I could give anyone that ever tries it, is to always start with a small sample when working with any new data source. Test it and get an idea of the quality and how long it will likely take to break-even on it, before spending a bunch of money. I have never lost money of data by using this rule. However, I can't say that I never ended up with some data that took longer to break-even then I liked.

    Everything is about break-even when you acquire data. This goes back to the fact that you are building assets, that you now own. So when you get to break-even, it's not like your going to stop marketing all of the sudden. So turning a profit at this point, is pretty much inevitable. The key is to break-even as quickly as possible, so you can reinvest the capital back into something else that will produce revenue.

    Once your at break-even or turning a profit, you want to test to see how aggressive you can be with promoting additional offers. The amount and frequency that you can put additional offers in front of the users, the great your profit potential. To do this, you just need to watch your stats and back off if anything becomes unacceptable.

    As I said, this is just a real brief overview and there is more involved. But it's rock solid and can be very profitable. Everyone that I know that is in the business and knows what they are doing, does 6-7 figures. Granted that is a very large range, much comes down to one's ability to scale and then effectively manage the infrastructure that some with scaling.

    If this is all new to you, one of the best ways to learn the business / marketing is to generate co-reg, plus it is less expensive to get started. Then when your comfortable, move up to acquiring data. This will make it much less overwhelming compared to, if you tried to do everything at once.

    Anyway, something to consider.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
  • Profile picture of the author indigitalpoint
    Profile picture of indigitalpoint
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you folks , after today i will join war rooms and i will focus only one niche and learn instead jumping from one niche to another

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