Domain Name Phishing Message Coming Soon To Your WhoIs eMail Address

Profile picture of KenW3
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
4 replies
Everyone in business owns a domain name or more, and phishing emails had been more focused on financial accounts - until now. If you have not read about this problem yet, there is a massive number of phishing emails going out to owners of domain names.

Due to the fact registrars of domain names require information verification and correct whois data, domain name owners expect email from registrars which require them to respond. This has the potential to make domain name phishing emails more effective.

I received another of these phishing attempts this morning, 22 in the past few days, each wanting me to download from a provided link. The email received this morning is as follows:

Originally Posted by Phishing eMail Content

Dear Sir/Madam,

The following domain names have been suspended for violation of the Moniker Online Services LLC Abuse Policy:

Domain Name: <My Domain Name>
Registrar: Moniker Online Services LLC
Registrant Name: <My Whois Name>

Multiple warnings were sent by Moniker Online Services LLC Spam and Abuse Department to give you an opportunity to address the complaints we have received.

We did not receive a reply from you to these email warnings so we then attempted to contact you via telephone.

We had no choice but to suspend your domain name when you did not respond to our attempts to contact you.

Click here and download a copy of complaints we have received.

Please contact us for additional information regarding this notification.

Moniker Online Services LLC
Spam and Abuse Department
Abuse Department Hotline: 480-924-xxxx
According to an article (and comments) on Domain Name WIre <Link> Domain phishing: Why it’s happening & How to protect yourself , phishing messages have been received by domain name owners using eNom, Dynadot, GoDaddy, Moniker, and Uniregistry. (Other registrars will likely be targeted.)

The 'Click here' text above contains a hyperlink to an address which is not to your registrar. This Moniker phishing email had a (parked) domain name and my registrant name from the whois records. In the above quote, I removed the personal information and changed each of the last 4 digits of the phone provided to x (although the provided phone number was incorrect).

Needless to say, do not click on any links in an email of this type, but take care to not ignore the required response registrar emails.
#domain #email #phishing #registrar #whois
  • Profile picture of the author Kiwigal
    Profile picture of Kiwigal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I received these emails as well, be careful they look real.
    • Profile picture of the author irawr
      Profile picture of irawr
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Back when I used to do bulk email (before can-spam) I learned a pretty cool trick.

      Register all your domains to an email address that you never read.

      I also highly suggest private domain registration, it's not just scammers, but there's lawyers hunting for people to sue over BS patents. The extra fee is WELL worth it.
    • Profile picture of the author Cosmit
      Profile picture of Cosmit
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Kiwigal View Post

      I received these emails as well, be careful they look real.
      the wording makes it sound like it was written by a 12 year old indonesian kid
      • Profile picture of the author irawr
        Profile picture of irawr
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Cosmit View Post

        the wording makes it sound like it was written by a 12 year old indonesian kid
        The scammers sometimes buy this garbage off websites that sell this garbage (along with hacked accounts and what not.)

        So okay, apparently you're getting "spam complaints."

        Tip from a former spammer (not since 1999): they don't normally contact you, they just terminate the account. If you're spamming, usually you're expecting this and don't care. It's going to happen sooner or later and usually you're trying to make sure it happens later, since sooner wastes your time. Also, I never had any issues with domains, that's not really how everything works. A host canceling me? Sure. An ISP calling me up and complaining, sure. A registrar? Why the heck would they care?

        This scam is borderline retarded. Sorry to the people who fall for this, but this scam is bad.

        Edit: This was funny, I had an ISP where as soon as I pointed the domain at their server they canceled the account almost instantly. Seriously maybe 10-15 min and the account was closed, I didn't even have the server setup yet. The domain was heavily spammed and my previous host had canceled the account. I tried to call them up to see what was going on but they just hung up on me. They charged me 200$ for maybe 15 minutes of usage on one of their "dedicated servers." I had to call my credit card company

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