Similar Domain Name Affiliate Marketing

5 replies
So, I'm thinking about becoming an affiliate for a couple of products. Dumb question time.

I can snag, for both of these products, the EXACT same domain name, with just a different ending. For example: Product is I can get

Should I grab the similar domain names and attempt to outrank for key words the owner's own site? Is that a good strategy. Total newb here, I admit, looks good to me!

Thank you for your insight!
#affiliate #domain #marketing #similar
  • Profile picture of the author PHR
    Hi there,

    people will search for a review for that product.

    So in your case, would be great.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by Toastmaster View Post

    Should I grab the similar domain names and attempt to outrank for key words the owner's own site?

    No, it's not a good strategy. Dot com is the preferred domain extension for commercial sites and you will lose traffic to the dot com if you try to copy the originator's site domain. People just by default type in dot com when they are searching for a site.

    Also, you would be confusing your audience if the name you choose is exactly the same as the creator's site (except for the extension). And confusing the public is not a good thing - the FTC will have reason to believe you're purposefully trying to steal business from the original web site. Don't do it.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author wentzco
    I wouldn't do it as the product owner may be protective of their brand they created (especially from companies that trademark their product names). You open yourself open to possible legal action or/and have the name taken away from you.

    Here's an example - you go and register NutriSystem.whatever to promote their affiliate program. They either force you to stop using the name, take the name away or very likely sue you. You deserve it!

    Now if it is a generic product like computers & you register then you should have no problem whatever.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I personally wouldn't do it. Get a domain name on the topic that your affiliate product covers, and then just recommend it as your #1 choice for your prospects. And of course get traffic and leads for the promotion. It all boils down to the marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Toastmaster
    Alright cool. Thanks for the great advice fellas!
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