how to find best selling items in ebay and amazon

2 replies
hi everyone
as a electronic commerce salesman.many times your customers will asked you:what is the best sell items?
and in many times ,we may cant answer this questions right away?
as there are many items hot sell items or u dont really know it.
in may way i will check some big website to see what is hot sell and to select some items and check it.
May i know any good details ways to find hot sell items ?

#amazon #ebay #find #items #selling
  • Profile picture of the author marketingfreak
    Dear..... Thats a good thing that you search it on other sites alsooo that which is the hot item selling but it requires time.. in my view which i used to do is simply open the amazon and the ebay and select the thing which you want to buy.. see it's feed back and it will give you the better idea i know the feedback can also be self generated but not always check it's peers and rating it is not self generated. All you need to do is check the rating and the price on google you will come to know that which is better and what you need to buy thanks.......
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