How can I have some guest posting website for contribution.?

8 replies
Hi Warriors,

I am a blogger and I have write a lot number of blog an different different categories.
so if any body have any Idea of such type of website.
#contribution #guest #posting #website
  • Profile picture of the author sweetcrabhoney18
    I'd say contact blogs directly. Make sure you point out the benefits of them being guest featured. You can also contact authors within your field. Be personal and polite and expect a ton of no's before a yes.

    keep moving forward

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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Originally Posted by campbelljof View Post

    Hi Warriors,

    I am a blogger and I have write a lot number of blog an different different categories.
    so if any body have any Idea of such type of website.
    If you are going for an english speaking audience I would also recommend going to fiverr and hiring an editor for your content. If your articles are written anything like your post then you might have a problem getting them accepted to most blogs


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author TheGMa
      Seems to me the questions should be, "HOW CAN I ATTRACT AND KEEP TRAFFIC?"

      I recommend you begin with a copywriting course. I'm not talking content. Copywriting builds excitement and sells; it's far from boring. It's appealing, well-written, smacks the emotions up the side of the head.

      Content is added as backup, providing useful and/or entertaining information. But even content has to capture the imagination.

      Boring Content: Doesn't sell anybody on anything
      Travel logos provide an exciting relief to people as they look at them with a hope of finding a good package and going out on vacations. Check out our appealing and eye*catching travel & hotel logos and templates for your travel company, websites or tourism agency. Whether you're a travel company owner or a tourist guide, Designhill has the best comprehensive travel logos for instituting your brand.


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      So, Campbell. Which one of the above is going to make a sale?

      - Annie
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    • Profile picture of the author campbelljof
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      If you are going for an english speaking audience I would also recommend going to fiverr and hiring an editor for your content. If your articles are written anything like your post then you might have a problem getting them accepted to most blogs

      Hey thank you so much for your response, I would really appreciate if you could give me some site where I can contribute?

      Niriya offers best Digital Marketing Services

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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    AGMcCall raises a good point. Please follow his advice.

    To find guest posting opportunities, make sure you hire a VA to do a search for the social media accounts of the top 500 blogs in your direct / related niche targets.

    Engage with those bloggers first on social media and soften them up for a pitch.

    That's how you do it.

    Simply EMAILING them is not going to cut it.

    You might also try tools like ninajoutreach
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by campbelljof View Post

    Hi Warriors,

    I am a blogger and I have write a lot number of blog an different different categories.
    so if any body have any Idea of such type of website.
    Why not contact other blog owners in the same niches?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10429937].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TheGMa
      I am confused.

      1. The OP is written in horrible English. Were it not for the title of this thread, I wouldn't have any idea about what he is asking.

      2. His signature leads to a site that isn't not really geared to sell. I made the mistake of thinking he was leading us to his blog which I presumed makes money by selling graphics.

      3. The OP has disappeared over the hill. As is so often the case. Waste of time.

      - Annie

      PS: Even uber patient grandmas get fed up on occasion.
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  • Profile picture of the author rakota
    Originally Posted by campbelljof View Post

    Hi Warriors,

    I am a blogger and I have write a lot number of blog an different different categories.
    so if any body have any Idea of such type of website.
    Google your niche + guest posting.
    Then send them an outline of what you are proposing and possibly the post itself. Get your language proofread as recommended here.

    I think the softening up idea is good. But if you have a great guest post proposal then you'll get your foot in the door.

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