How to Grab an Expired Domain Name?

2 replies

How can I find an expired websites? Is there any tools?

If there means let me Know.

Thank You!
#domain #expired #expired domain #expired websites #grab
  • Profile picture of the author AnniePot lists all expired and soon to expire domain names.
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  • Profile picture of the author GlobalTrader has a free sign up option that allows you to monitor a fairly nice sized group of domains. Their monitoring system can be set up to email you every time a change occurs to a specific domain. They may even have a method to capture the domain but I have never used it. had or still has a paid option to place a domain into backorder - I captured several domains this way years ago and I believe the service cost then was about $18 which included one years worth or registration with Godaddy, if you successfully captured the domain you listed. The nice thing about their system was, if you were unsuccessful in capturing a domain, you could drop it from further follow up and use the backorder on another one.


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