Not a complete newbie but still confused!

14 replies
Hi people,

Just wondering could some of the more experienced people on here help me out.
I'm not completely new to IM but to be honest I have only earned pennies..sadly not enough to quit my job just yet

Its been a long time since that site was live, over 4 years ago now, and it seems to me that a lot has changed in IM. Heavy work commitments and 3 boys under 4 meant I just didn't have the time to work on any projects.

Anyway to cut a long story short I was just looking for some advice on getting back to creating a website/blog with of course the view of earning some extra money.It really would be a dream come true to earn full time income (with a lot of time and work, I realise) so I can spend more time with my children.

Should I stick to the idea of creating an authority blog and just build it day by day? Or are these niche sites outdated? Reading on WF there's just so many products and programs that it's slightly overwhelming.

Apologies for the rambling but any advice would be welcome, James
#complete #confused #newbie
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Too vague an idea...tighten it up.

    What niche? What products/services will you offer?

    What problems will you solve for what audience?
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    • Profile picture of the author jimmys30

      I have a niche in mind which I have a degree of experience in and I was planning on reviewing and recommending the products in this niche.

      I genuinely want to create a high quality blog/site, I certainly don't want to create bad quality affiliate sites
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Are you afraid someone is going to steal your idea? It pays to be specific. Being specific shows other people you have thought it through and are serious.

    Two problems always exist for generating sales:




    So you have a blog, let's say. And it has some good info on it.

    But it's useless without the traffic & conversion components, see that? It's just an object in the middle.

    How are you going to bring people to your reviews? Organic SEO? Paid traffic? Signature hops from industry forums? LinkedIn Groups? You have to think this stuff through.

    Then conversion. Say you have these articles & what? How are you going to convert readers to buyers?

    It's not going to automatically happen. And that's what people forget.

    What are you going to do to turn some visitors into buyers? And then improve on that statistic?

    See, this is about learning your numbers.

    You're going to start off somewhere. Get so much traffic, and that will turn into one sale.

    In nearly all the funnel consultations I do, we discover the client has nowhere near enough traffic to generate a sale in a reasonable amount of time.

    And they are concentrating almost entirely on conversion.

    That means they're doomed to frustration before they even begin. They'll never make the money they want to make in the time they want to make it in.

    Whatever asset you create, people in the target market have to learn that it exists. That's even more important than the content you put on it.

    Get enough people there. Establish a baseline for traffic & conversion numbers. Then improve them.

    Unqualified Leads >>> Qualified Leads >>> Sales.
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    • Profile picture of the author jimmys30
      Thanks for your advice, and I'm definitely not afraid someone will steal my idea

      I plan to create a blog on sinus health, seeing as its something I suffer from and ironically specialise in professionally.

      I understand that you're asking me how I will create traffic and convert and of course without those it will never pay. I know its not enough to create a good site with quality content if nobody knows it exists, but I still need to actually begin the site before I can take any of those steps. My original question was is this method of creating a site still viable,there just seems to be so many programs,plugins and hacks every day.

      Perhaps I am overcomplicating things? Thanks for your advice

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      • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
        Originally Posted by jimmys30 View Post

        Thanks for your advice, and I'm definitely not afraid someone will steal my idea

        I plan to create a blog on sinus health, seeing as its something I suffer from and ironically specialise in professionally.

        I understand that you're asking me how I will create traffic and convert and of course without those it will never pay. I know its not enough to create a good site with quality content if nobody knows it exists, but I still need to actually begin the site before I can take any of those steps. My original question was is this method of creating a site still viable,there just seems to be so many programs,plugins and hacks every day.

        Perhaps I am overcomplicating things? Thanks for your advice

        Yes, you are overcomplicating.

        Do people investigate, and then buy solutions for, sinus problems online?

        That's the question you need to answer.

        Find a website or several websites already doing this and drop them into If people are paying for traffic, then there's probably money to be made.

        Don't rely solely on google search stats. Looking for a diagnosis is not the same as buying a solution to a problem. Meaning your visitors could just be looking for a description of their problem...but not willing to pay money for a product. Check to be sure.
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        • Profile picture of the author jimmys30
          Thanks for your advice Jason, I really appreciate help from people in the know. I'll take on board what you have mentioned
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      • Profile picture of the author xnice
        Originally Posted by jimmys30 View Post

        Thanks for your advice, and I'm definitely not afraid someone will steal my idea

        I plan to create a blog on sinus health, seeing as its something I suffer from and ironically specialise in professionally.

        I understand that you're asking me how I will create traffic and convert and of course without those it will never pay. I know its not enough to create a good site with quality content if nobody knows it exists, but I still need to actually begin the site before I can take any of those steps. My original question was is this method of creating a site still viable,there just seems to be so many programs,plugins and hacks every day.

        Perhaps I am overcomplicating things? Thanks for your advice

        This still works, you just need very good content and pump traffic to it -> money. JUST DO IT AND LEARN TOGETHER.
        Need Quality Backlinks: Check Out How To Buy Quality Backlinks in 2018?
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Should I stick to the idea of creating an authority blog and just build it day by day?
    I would say no, simply because there are so many easier ways to make money online, with far less effort and time required.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    It's real simple James, but i can understand your frustration. Took me a while to get it right, but you should focus your time and energy getting leads, and converting them. It's an email marketing game. Constant contact and relationship building. Well, more like credibility building. I would do the authority blog. Too many niche site projects will leave your mind disoriented.
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    • Profile picture of the author jimmys30
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      It's real simple James, but i can understand your frustration. Took me a while to get it right, but you should focus your time and energy getting leads, and converting them. It's an email marketing game. Constant contact and relationship building. Well, more like credibility building. I would do the authority blog. Too many niche site projects will leave your mind disoriented.
      Hi Randall,

      It really is frustrating isn't it? Thanks for the great advice. As I've mentioned before I know I can overcomplicate things. Building a relationship with a reader is something I really want to excel at, because in my mind that leads to a customer, not all the time but I know I'm certainly far more likely to buy from someone I trust. And I've read that the authority site is the way to go as its got a much longer lifespan.
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  • Profile picture of the author dndoseller
    Start by looking at forums in niches you are interested in to see what kinds of problems people ask questions about the most.

    This can give you some initial direction and ideas on what areas to do more research on.

    Before you build any new sites or blogs make sure you start out by testing some simple landing pages to see if you get opt ins.
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    • Profile picture of the author arrival7
      James seems like you are a family man. Why don't you do a business centered around family? You have tons of experience in the area, many people would love to know how you deal with 3 boys under 4, wow! Hey it is something you should look off into in 2016. It will be easy to turn it into a business because you are already doing it.
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      • Profile picture of the author jimmys30
        Originally Posted by arrival7 View Post

        James seems like you are a family man. Why don't you do a business centered around family? You have tons of experience in the area, many people would love to know how you deal with 3 boys under 4, wow! Hey it is something you should look off into in 2016. It will be easy to turn it into a business because you are already doing it.
        Hi Arrival7,

        I've often thought of that, but even the idea of writing about the 3 boys makes me exhausted! Joking of course!

        It's certainly something I have plenty of experience with, and I guess I should really use that experience.

        I think my problem is confidence, I often think that "what could I add to the market that people don't already know". Maybe that's a good frame of mind to be in,as I'm thinking what value I can bring to the market.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel

    I struggled for my first 5 years and what I learned is that free marketing is going to drive you up the wall. You should find a mentor that talks about paid ads.

    Paid advertising, if done right, can get you great results.
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