Instabuilder Question

6 replies
Hey warriors..I need an advice. I am using Instabuilder 2.0 and i tried to connect getresponse with my optin form. It seems instabuilder only accepts HTML. However I used the HTML code provided from GetResponse. But it seems to me that those who had already subscribed and if they optin, they are not able to get redirected to my Thank you page..but i want my already subscribed optins also to be redirected to my thank you page.. I contacted GetResponse regarding this issue. They said that only Java scripts can allow the already subscribed optins to be redirected to Thank you page. But Instabuilder does not seem to accept Java scripts.. Please can somebody advise me on how to get around this issue..thank you very much!
#instabuilder #landing page #question #thank you page
  • Profile picture of the author YourBizAid
    I doubt if there is a way around it. Just like you said, InstaBuilder using HTML only. That's why I recommend aweber to clients.

    Customizing stuff is easier with them. An important thing you should always consider when trying to buy a product or service is compatibility. Will it integrate with this app, this platform, etc.

    Infusionsoft and AWeber are the way to go it you are planning to do Ninja stuff with your email marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author YourBizAid
    Hey tacassim,

    I was working in a client's Getresponse account and discovered the solution to your problem!!!

    Here is the screenshot:

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  • Profile picture of the author tacassim
    Hey YourBizAid - but this is for Java script..Instabuilder only accepts HTML
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    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      login to the instabuilder members area then click support


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    This is just a guess...are you using the javascript code from Getresponse? If so, you may need to create a form using HTML in Getresponse.
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  • Profile picture of the author tacassim
    i contacted support in GetResponse..they said we need to make a custom we need to make the html code by ourself...for the option of "already subscribed subscribers" to be redirected to thank you page..and also to make the email to be sent for the already subscribed subscribers..
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