Made over 400 sales with my product on WarriorPlus!

Profile picture of ED1190
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
28 replies
A few days ago, I launched a product on WarriorPlus called "Instant Local Leads."

I got deal of the day for it yesterday on the 29th, and have made close to $13,000 in revenue (about half of it mine after paying affiliates and what not).

I had signed up for a partnership program with a big guy on WarriorPlus. I created the product and sales pages, and he promoted my product to his list, which started the chain reaction.

A lot of my success is due to my mentor, and affiliates. Without them, none of this would be possible.

I now also have a hot buyers list to promote quality products to, get them on webinars, etc.

I got lucky that I was on this guy's e-mail list, since he sent an e-mail to his subscribers saying if they wanted a partnership opportunity (I paid his fee, did the work, and rest is history). If I wasn't on his list, then who knows where I'd still be to this day.

My point is, never give up on your dreams. If you want something bad enough, constantly think about it day in and day out, fight for it, IT will happen. I fought hard for it almost all of last year, and then luck struck me by leading me to where I am now.
#400 #made #product #sales #warriorplus
  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Profile picture of iAmNameLess
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congrats! 13K in 2 days is amazing... or 6.5k that's yours. You have a list of proven buyers and that's yours forever, endless possibilities for you.
  • Profile picture of the author gluckspilz
    Profile picture of gluckspilz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Inspiring story man. Congratulations on your success and I'm sure you'll continue to come up with quality products with replicated success. Keep it up,
  • Profile picture of the author sribharath
    Profile picture of sribharath
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    First congo on your sales , really impressive

    add the name of big guy on WarriorPlus would have been good
    • Profile picture of the author ED1190
      Profile picture of ED1190
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by sribharath View Post

      First congo on your sales , really impressive

      add the name of big guy on WarriorPlus would have been good
      Luther Landro is the guy.

      Pretty much #1 on WarriorPlus for offline marketing products. He was amazing, and genuinely cared about my success.

      He's still currently accepting people for partnership opportunities. His price is $2,500 last I saw, but it'd be the BEST $2,500 you'll ever spend.
      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Profile picture of discrat
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by ED1190 View Post

        Luther Landro is the guy.

        Pretty much #1 on WarriorPlus for offline marketing products. He was amazing, and genuinely cared about my success.

        He's still currently accepting people for partnership opportunities. His price is $2,500 last I saw, but it'd be the BEST $2,500 you'll ever spend.
        Yeah, I have checked on some of Luther's products at W+. Really cool stuff. Not typical IM stuff. He talks about selling celebrity ads to local restaurants on Social Media. Really interesting .

        - Robert Andrew
  • Profile picture of the author PassiveIncomes
    Profile picture of PassiveIncomes
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That's crazy I will be chasing a goal like you! This is very amazing!
  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Trey Morgan
    Profile picture of Trey Morgan
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    Originally Posted by ED1190 View Post

    A few days ago, I launched a product on WarriorPlus called "Instant Local Leads."

    I got deal of the day for it yesterday on the 29th, and have made close to $13,000 in revenue (about half of it mine after paying affiliates and what not).

    I had signed up for a partnership program with a big guy on WarriorPlus. I created the product and sales pages, and he promoted my product to his list, which started the chain reaction.

    A lot of my success is due to my mentor, and affiliates. Without them, none of this would be possible.

    I now also have a hot buyers list to promote quality products to, get them on webinars, etc.

    I got lucky that I was on this guy's e-mail list, since he sent an e-mail to his subscribers saying if they wanted a partnership opportunity (I paid his fee, did the work, and rest is history). If I wasn't on his list, then who knows where I'd still be to this day.

    My point is, never give up on your dreams. If you want something bad enough, constantly think about it day in and day out, fight for it, IT will happen. I fought hard for it almost all of last year, and then luck struck me by leading me to where I am now.
    Very inspirational bro, and the best part about this is you have way more potential to do more and use this momentum to take your game to the next level. Congrats on your current success and looking forward to hearing more success from you in the future.
  • Profile picture of the author seoed
    Profile picture of seoed
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    nice, but the main success comes from this guy, right? the question is how much
    you would have earned if you just used WF alone. I always like to have a good overview
    of what method caused what success.

    In you case it's of course difficult to guess but nonethless very good profit in a short period
    of time.
  • Profile picture of the author RhysEvans
    Profile picture of RhysEvans
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well done, were all those sales at $27? I recon you would have had over 1000 if it were priced at $17 at the front end. Just from my experience I find $17 is a better front end than $27 and then price OTOs at a slightly higher price too.

    Congrats tho
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Profile picture of writeaway
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    What made the difference is you actually LISTENED to your mentors and you TOOK ACTION on their advice.

    Sadly, too many marketers think that they are DOING something by simply reading info.

    That money is not going to make itself.

    People have to take action, learn lessons, make adjustments, and keep at it until they SUCCEED.

    The important part here is making adjustments.

    Simple persistence is not enough.
    • Profile picture of the author ED1190
      Profile picture of ED1190
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by RhysEvans View Post

      Well done, were all those sales at $27? I recon you would have had over 1000 if it were priced at $17 at the front end. Just from my experience I find $17 is a better front end than $27 and then price OTOs at a slightly higher price too.

      Congrats tho
      My mentor typically has a $27-$47 structure for front end and upsell, so I went with that for now. Didn't want to deviate from it.

      I wanted a $37 upsell instead of $47. I may consider the $17-$37 route in the future, I'll see.

      Originally Posted by writeaway View Post


      What made the difference is you actually LISTENED to your mentors and you TOOK ACTION on their advice.

      Sadly, too many marketers think that they are DOING something by simply reading info.

      That money is not going to make itself.

      People have to take action, learn lessons, make adjustments, and keep at it until they SUCCEED.

      The important part here is making adjustments.

      Simple persistence is not enough.

      I think a lot of aspiring marketers want to try to learn EVERYTHING before they even get a little bit started. The problem is that there will always be something to learn. You just have to take a leap of faith and DO IT. Otherwise, you'll very likely never get anywhere.
    • Profile picture of the author NoOfficialComment
      Profile picture of NoOfficialComment
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by writeaway View Post


      What made the difference is you actually LISTENED to your mentors and you TOOK ACTION on their advice.

      Sadly, too many marketers think that they are DOING something by simply reading info.
      This applies to so many people in almost any area. It took me becoming a performance coach to truly realise it but so many folks simply lack the action part. It's astounding what can be accomplished if people just take those small footsteps each time.
      If thou art pained by any external thing, it is not this that disturbs thee, but thy own judgment about it. And it is in thy power to wipe out this judgment now.
  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
    Regional Warrior
    Profile picture of Regional Warrior
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    Self promotion of this product "A few days ago, I launched a product on WarriorPlus called "Instant Local Leads." this is against the WF rules on the main board
  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    Joan Altz
    Profile picture of Joan Altz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes indeed, Luther Landro is a top dog on Warrior Plus. Good for you!
  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Profile picture of discrat
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    Originally Posted by ED1190 View Post

    A lot of my success is due to my mentor, and affiliates. Without them, none of this would be possible.
    I have come in touch with a few Product Creators on Warrior+ who do actually care and show the same attitude towards affiliates as you. It's refreshing

    Unfortunately, I have run across more who are just so inattentive and almost impossible to get in touch with even after you make sales for them.

    Unbelievable. Email after email after PM after PM and just not a reply.

    Even when I have go in touch with them, there is just a total lack of any real caring towards their affiliates.

    For them, it's a numbers game and they look at affiliates as numbers .

    It's truly perplexing. ( Boy, I would love to name names but my Conscience as well as the Rules here will not allow me LOL)
  • Profile picture of the author mtucker
    Profile picture of mtucker
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I sent you a PM about your course and hoping to hear back from you soon.

  • Profile picture of the author IMguy123
    Profile picture of IMguy123
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    First of all,congrats! I saw your product and have been intrigued. I have been on the edge trying to decide if I should buy or not.

    Have you been doing this pay per lead thing for offline very long? Is it difficult to do?

    Some things perplexed me about your offer.

    1. It seems you have never posted in the Offline forum here. If you are selling an offline product I would have thought you would have spent some time in the Offline forum at one time or another.

    2. Really how lucrative is this opportunity you are selling? The paypal payments you show are only 2 and neither is above 500 like you mention in your sales copy.
  • Profile picture of the author Christian Morfaw
    Christian Morfaw
    Profile picture of Christian Morfaw
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    Originally Posted by ED1190 View Post

    A few days ago, I launched a product on WarriorPlus called "Instant Local Leads."

    I got deal of the day for it yesterday on the 29th, and have made close to $13,000 in revenue (about half of it mine after paying affiliates and what not).

    I had signed up for a partnership program with a big guy on WarriorPlus. I created the product and sales pages, and he promoted my product to his list, which started the chain reaction.

    A lot of my success is due to my mentor, and affiliates. Without them, none of this would be possible.

    I now also have a hot buyers list to promote quality products to, get them on webinars, etc.

    I got lucky that I was on this guy's e-mail list, since he sent an e-mail to his subscribers saying if they wanted a partnership opportunity (I paid his fee, did the work, and rest is history). If I wasn't on his list, then who knows where I'd still be to this day.

    My point is, never give up on your dreams. If you want something bad enough, constantly think about it day in and day out, fight for it, IT will happen. I fought hard for it almost all of last year, and then luck struck me by leading me to where I am now.

    Really inspiring stuff! Congratulations on your success... the ones that succeed are the ones that are stubborn enough to never give up. If you keep searching and knocking on the right doors, it's only a matter of time before someone answers you. Good and lucky for you that you fell into the capable hands of your mentor... also give yourself credit for creating your own luck by sticking with the dream and actually following through with the work you needed to do.
  • Profile picture of the author Van Dam
    Van Dam
    Profile picture of Van Dam
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Awesome story. Thanks for sharing it with us. Really inspiring.
  • Profile picture of the author reachintan
    Profile picture of reachintan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Congrats on achieving such a huge success. I am too in affiliate marketing and getting gradual success with every passing day.

    Hope to reach on a level where you are standing right now.


    Chintan Mehta

  • Profile picture of the author Jack Ma
    Jack Ma
    Profile picture of Jack Ma
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congrats! You deserve with that!
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  • Profile picture of the author wayneh
    Profile picture of wayneh
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That is fantastic. Well done. What an inspiring story. It is amazing what happens when you find a good mentor, are determined and follow through.
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  • Profile picture of the author martinmarketing
    Profile picture of martinmarketing
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is the power of the Interner Marketing! SKY is the limit!

    Really congratulations for your big product launch!

    Wish you all the best.
  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Profile picture of EPoltrack77
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Awesome job! I just launched a Bing Ads training and did my first sale with just 20 visitors and that one person purchased my first upsell. Cha, Ching...

    Yeah I want to build up some EPC's and then contact a couple of affiliates with large list and give them 100% of the front end commissions.

    Cool stuff

    It's a lot of fun isn't it
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  • Profile picture of the author kerunai
    Profile picture of kerunai
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    very inspirational story bro ...keep it up dont give up ....

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