I Wrote a Book and It Is Killing Me -Thank You All
I was in need of immediate funds so I set it up on several sites. Then I tried to promote it. It very quickly became apparent that unless you have it on Amazon and can offer it free for a few days, most sites won't let you post it. Because I did not sign up for kdp and already had it on other sites, it did not qualify. Trying to sell it directly from my site was not working. I submitted it to dozens of sites with no luck. I also posted a lot of graphics with my url on pinterest. I was not getting any traffic from them. I was soon unable to afford hosting so I lost my site. Now even if someone sees my ads they can't find my book. My computer monitor is going out so I have not been able to edit the url on the graphics.
I am doing everything I can to stay positive. Watching helpful and motivational videos, reading, taking walks and using positive self talk.
I now only have it listed on Payhip, Amazon and Lulu. It is very difficult to get traffic to the Payhip site. I need immediate cash as I am in trouble financially. I am open to any free ideas to effectively market my products. I found a list of ebook site here on the forum, but I posted to them with little results. I set up 3 sample chapters that people can download on my Payhip site. I have not had enough traffic to get it noticed. I also submitted it to sharing sites but they only work if you promote the page.
I am in need of ideas, moral support and someone to believe in me. I am frustrated and broke. Any advice on how to effectively promote my book and other products would be much appreciated. I have found a lot of great advice in this forum over the years so I am sure I can find some solutions again.
Thank you for taking time to read my post.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Hello Fellow Warriors,
I wanted to edit this post in order to say thank you to everyone who has offered advice, marketing tips, comments, feedback and all the wonderful offers for help. It has always been difficult for me to ask for help. I really wish I had not waited so long to ask. I have always loved the Warrior Forum and gotten good advice.
I want everyone who posted to this thread to know how much I appreciate your generosity. It is amazing to me how many people will reach out and help in times of need. Reaching out to the people in this forum has made me realize just how many kind and generous people there are in the world. Sometimes we forget. The marketing information that I have received from this post far exceeds any marketing course I've ever purchased. It is hard for me to express how much gratitude I feel for all of you who have helped me and offered encouragement.
I realize that a lot of people wonder why it took me two years to write a book. I only had a few hours a week to spare for my book as I was working on a children's package and working full time at the same time. I would love some feedback for my kids printables website. You can see it at: azpazazbunch.com
I realize now that I need to take my book apart and rework and rewrite it. I really appreciate all the advice you have offered here to help me. I now know how to achieve my original goal with my book. I started writing this book just because I wanted to help people because I was extremely overweight and started doing things to distract myself. Many of these things helped me overcome my depression and boredom with life that led to the weight gain in the first place. I am happy to say I lost 65 pounds.
As I rework my book and am ready to start promoting (before it is done), I am sure I will contact you again to let you know how it is going. Once again let me say thank you so very much for all your support.
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I Will Write, Edit and Format It for Kindle. PM Me.
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