Is Flip Video Compatible with Sony Vegas Editing??

by dalvia
12 replies
Hey Guys,

Whenever I film a video with my Flip camera and bring it into Sony Vegas for editing, only the audio track appears with no vision.

Any ideas? Is their another file I should be importing?

#compatible #editing #flip #sony #vegas #video
  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    Is it a flip HD?

    Bare Murkage.........

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  • Profile picture of the author dalvia
    No, it's one of the regular ones.
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    • Profile picture of the author netkid
      Flip should work with Vegas. I work in Pinnacle and AVS Vid editors. Vegas should open or import your video....

      Flip videos whether HD or regular opens up in .AVI format which is the standard format for editing. Edit while in .AVI and then save the final cut to MP4.


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      • Profile picture of the author netkid
        Also, audio should be, by default, attached to the video file.

        When doing a vid in Flip it generates a .AVI and an index file.

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  • Profile picture of the author Adam B
    Probably missing a codec or something. Have you installed the Flip software? That will include the codec.
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  • Profile picture of the author dalvia
    I will have a look at the codec. I am using the flip software it's just when I take it into Vegas where I can't see the picture,

    I'll check it out,
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    • Profile picture of the author netkid
      Yes, if you are missing moving images, you are missing the codec file. For that, Google, "free codecs" for your operating system. Example, codecs for XP, Vista, etc. , Then just download the codec and go open up the vid in your player and you will see the images too.

      I just uploading the codec for a friend of mine this afternoon on her laptop after she couldn't see video but heard sound only. Best thing, is that you can download the codec for free from many sites.


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      • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
        I had a similar problem a few times and it's always turned out to be due to a missing codec.

        Did you check their support page

        Flip Video - Support - Product Q & A

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        • Profile picture of the author Mbullard
          A lot of our clients our having this problem. You can choose to either convert the .avi's from the Flip Cam into an .avi (or other format) that Vegas likes. Or supposedly if you just plug in the camera and run the Flipshare software once, it installs those codecs for you.

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  • Profile picture of the author nothing0829
    import flip video to sony vegas??flip is mp4 formats,,,,vegas can accept part of mp4 video directly,,not all, so you may need to decode and encode your flip video to vegas formats ,,say wmv or avi,,,,i have the same problem and friends suggets me iorgsoft flip video to vegas converter,,,,works good,,,,hope this can help u
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  • Profile picture of the author nothing0829
    great! useful information
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  • Profile picture of the author virtuousbaby
    Originally Posted by dalvia View Post

    Hey Guys,

    Whenever I film a video with my Flip camera and bring it into Sony Vegas for editing, only the audio track appears with no vision.

    Any ideas? Is their another file I should be importing?

    I know a step by step guide on how to Solve Sony Vegas AVI No Video Problem When Import AVI to Vegas

    after free trial, it also helps to successfully import my flip video to sony vegas

    Just google search Step by Step on How to Successful Import, Open, and Play AVI in Sony Vegas
    you will find it

    hope it also helps for you
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