Bing + Clickbank Fail

Profile picture of DMEISTER47472
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
20 replies
I'very been doing PPC Direct linking to my Clickbank affiliate links for products with the highest gravity (Over 200) using excellent keywords that convert well, still not a single sale.. Example: Marketing a diabetes product that received 662 clicks in less than 12 hours, and EVEN included the price in the ad, still nothing! I can't fathom that many clicks generating zero sales... Any thoughts as to why NONE of my campaigns are generating sales with my excellent keywords and high CTR rates in my niches??
Any and all thoughts from anyone who's used Bing direct affiliate linking and had success would be appreciated! Thanks.
#bing #clickbank #fail
  • Profile picture of the author danieldesai
    Profile picture of danieldesai
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by DMEISTER47472 View Post

    Any and all thoughts from anyone who's used Bing direct affiliate linking and had success would be appreciated! Thanks.
    Well, I've never used Bing PPC but here's a dirty truth about promoting affiliate products.

    When vendors claim that their product converts at whatever rate, they're often basing it on email traffic.

    In other words, the cold traffic conversion rate is incredibly low.

    I once promoted a product that needed over 200 ClickBank hops/clicks on average to make just one sale with cold traffic; building an email list changed that number to around 20 hops.

    With that being said, over 600 clicks and no sales is pretty terrible, even for cold traffic.

    Maybe it's the fact that there is so much competition? Hmm.

  • Profile picture of the author Jack Duncan
    Jack Duncan
    Profile picture of Jack Duncan
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    Have you double checked to make sure your links are still working and actually landing on the offer page?

    Also, what Daniel said is great advice. Instead of the click going direct to the offer, have it go to a lander and try to get subs so you can warm them up to the product via and AR series. This method would also allow you to track the traffic and see where it is coming from and how they interact with your page. You could try something like Hotjar to get some really helpful data on a per keyword/country basis.

    All the best,
    Jack Duncan
  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    Profile picture of jamescanz
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    Put a landing page in front of it.

    Either that or you're sending traffic from countries that don't convert.

    (that happens a lot in Bing if you don't check off a specific box... The only users in your location one)
    • Profile picture of the author SiteNameSales
      Profile picture of SiteNameSales
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Could be a number of factors:

      People interested in this product have seen/used it before.
      Too much affiliate competition.
      Some of that competition is yanking your chain.
      The landing pages is a clunker.
      The landing page gives the impression this is some sort of snake oil.
      Your text and/or headline needs to be changed.
      Wrong countries in your campaign strategy.

      Try a few different versions of your ad.
      Give Google Adwords a try and see if the results are similar. May cost a bit more than you'd like,and most likely you'd have to have your own landing page, but at least you would begin to see if the problem is your product or the ad platform. You could even see how a display ad works on Google.

      Better yet, try advertising on Facebook. Video ads here as well as opportunities to display on Instagram. They're not too fond of affiliate links either, but it's worth a try.

      A lot of the time it comes down to how much you can afford to spend. It might cost a couple of hundred bucks to see if this product is going to work for you. Maybe more if you're uncomfortable creating landing pages, etc.

      If you don't have a list you can try solo ad vendors that specialize in the health sector. Don't know much about this, but you can do a search on the net or on Facebook and see what you come up with.
  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    Profile picture of cooler1
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    If you've had 662 clicks in less than 12 hours, I guess you are using broad match. Have you checked the Dimensions tab to see what search terms people searched for before clicking your ad?

  • Profile picture of the author Erick Griffin
    Erick Griffin
    Profile picture of Erick Griffin
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    I have run into the same problem with a "high converting" product on ClickBank. I am operating under the assumption you are driving traffic directly to the offer.
  • Profile picture of the author Erick Griffin
    Erick Griffin
    Profile picture of Erick Griffin
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    Sorry I hit return by mistake. First I would check to see how the offer is converting. I have not been on cbengine in a few years but, I think you can check if the offer is converting through affiliate traffic or if the vendor is converting their own offer through other means. Also I would set up a presale page "inbetween" the PPC traffic and the sales page and a rotator and rotate that traffic between different offers in the same niche. Also capture email addresses here. Load up more offers in the same niche again in the follow up emails. Clicksure is better than Click Bank in my opinion. Try to get something converting with them. Just my .02
  • Profile picture of the author nwik
    Profile picture of nwik
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    Try to check your if your links are still working and if they are on the offer page.

    You can also try new advertising method maybe it's the way you advertise the product that's why you didn't get the result that you want.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin McNally
    Kevin McNally
    Profile picture of Kevin McNally
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    Over 600 clicks with no sales suggests you are not using exact match keywords ? You said the keywords were excellent, what is that based on ?

    For some clickbank products you will need hundreds of clicks to get a sale, for sure if you have the price in the ad and still getting clicks and no sales there must be some issues.

    Best to use a landing page and track keywords then promote the offer.

    If using direct linking try and bid on the brand or product name if permitted by the vendor.
  • Profile picture of the author David McGimpsey
    David McGimpsey
    Profile picture of David McGimpsey
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    Put up a landing page first, collect their email addresses, and redirect them to the vendor after they've entered their email address.

    At least then you can email them with to follow up if they didn't purchase the first time.
  • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
    Profile picture of shaunybb
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    Originally Posted by DMEISTER47472 View Post

    I'very been doing PPC Direct linking to my Clickbank affiliate links for products .

    Hey friend this is your problem right here from your answer. Cold traffic is hard to convert BRRRR warm it up warm it up......
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    You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
  • Profile picture of the author solarwarrior
    Profile picture of solarwarrior
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    Here is the result from one of my students' campaign.

    This is NOT an overnight success story.

    You need to invest alot of time and be persistent in seeing this through
    or it won't work for you.

    Here is an example of a perfect quality score landing page that I have.

    Here are main takeaways from promoting Clickbank with Bing.
    1. Make sure you have a perfect quality score lander to get low CPC.
    2. Make sure your content are good and related to the searcher's interest.
    3. Always track your keywords so you know which is converting.

    Lastly, never start with thousands of keywords.
    Stick with 10-20, and make highly relevant adgroups.

    Hope it helps.

    Offers 1-1 Coaching for Bing/CPA/Clickbank.
    1,248 students have benefited so far!
    • Profile picture of the author AlexCN
      Profile picture of AlexCN
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      The only way to determine whether or not a keyword is 'Excellent' is to test and track.

      Since you have yet to have a single conversion (let alone the many it will require to make a judgement on which KW's are profitable) it's impossible for you to know which KW's are 'Excellent' and which ones will work for your campaign.

      You could have a KW problem, you likely have a pre-framing issue, and you definitely have a conversion problem.

      WAY too many variables (and too little information available) to be sure.

      Most likely though, your KW's suck because you are using broad. That is the only way you would be getting that many clicks in a single day with Bing.
    • Profile picture of the author jordorules
      Profile picture of jordorules
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by solarwarrior View Post

      Here is the result from one of my students' campaign.

      This is NOT an overnight success story.

      You need to invest alot of time and be persistent in seeing this through
      or it won't work for you.

      Here is an example of a perfect quality score landing page that I have.

      Here are main takeaways from promoting Clickbank with Bing.
      1. Make sure you have a perfect quality score lander to get low CPC.
      2. Make sure your content are good and related to the searcher's interest.
      3. Always track your keywords so you know which is converting.

      Lastly, never start with thousands of keywords.
      Stick with 10-20, and make highly relevant adgroups.

      Hope it helps.
      Students? So you are a mentor? What do you charge to mentor? Thanks J

      "Whether you believe you can or can't ... You're right." - Henry Ford, CEO, Ford Motor Company

  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Profile picture of writeaway
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    You need to pay attention to ROI

    That's the bottom line

    Traffic volume is worthless if you have a negative or flat ROI

    Put another way, you should focus on CONVERSIONS and CONVERSION VALUE
  • Profile picture of the author solarwarrior
    Profile picture of solarwarrior
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am not accepting any students now as I need to commit to my existing students.

    However, you can visit my thread for free to learn how to make money with Bing.

    or you can make a booking for April via pm.

    Offers 1-1 Coaching for Bing/CPA/Clickbank.
    1,248 students have benefited so far!
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Profile picture of discrat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      From what I gather, the OP falls into the trap of just picking a High Gravity product at CB ( not good) and then just doing some PPC and thinking that will generate sales.

      Wrong !! You need a complete funnel with Email Follow Ups that build a rapport with Subscribers over long term.

      And over time you will experience some sales if done correctly.

      Its more than picking out products and hawking them with PPC with direct linking

      Also, SolarWarrior above is the real deal. Go to his Thread and INVEST a whole day studying it.

      It's GOLD. and it is ALL you will ever need in this particular business model

      - Robert Andrew
  • Profile picture of the author HCFGrizzly
    Profile picture of HCFGrizzly
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by DMEISTER47472 View Post

    I'very been doing PPC Direct linking to my Clickbank affiliate links for products with the highest gravity (Over 200) using excellent keywords that convert well, still not a single sale.. Example: Marketing a diabetes product that received 662 clicks in less than 12 hours, and EVEN included the price in the ad, still nothing! I can't fathom that many clicks generating zero sales... Any thoughts as to why NONE of my campaigns are generating sales with my excellent keywords and high CTR rates in my niches??
    Any and all thoughts from anyone who's used Bing direct affiliate linking and had success would be appreciated! Thanks.
    Very sorry for you. Indeed, 662 clicks and not a single conversion doesn`t sound too good.
    How do you know your keywords are good if you didn`t test them out.
    Try creating a landing page to collect emails and redirect the users to the offer. This way, at least you will build an email list where you can try to sell later on.
    HCF - Where Every Affiliate is Happy, Calm & Focused
  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Brent Stangel
    Profile picture of Brent Stangel
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    using excellent keywords that convert well, still not a single sale..
    Do you see the issue here??

    If you use anything but exact match on Bing you start getting un-targeted "surfer" traffic. Clicks mean nothing if they are not actively searching for your product.

    People who click on "keyword blocks" or "related" links are not actively searching and the chance they will actually buy something is almost nil.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Randall Magwood
    Profile picture of Randall Magwood
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    Create a squeeze page, then work your leads through email marketing. Simple.

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