Want a FREE Membership to the War Room ? 30 Winners announced!

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Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
371 replies
Sept. 1 - Winners announced Post # 270, page 6. ( some people deleting their posts, look near 270, currently 268) * ADDITIONAL prizes, post # 364, page 8*

** Be sure to see the last P.S. --- other warriors are getting on board, so there's room for more than one winner. **

It's taken me over two years, but I noticed a couple of days ago that I now have over 500 posts on this forum. While I don't always have a lot to say, I really value this forum and the generosity of members here.

Allen has just added 'War Room Member' above avators and I am *shocked* (shocked I tell you ...) by how many people have not ponied up the fee to be a member.

That private forum is a freaking gold mine of information, not only from other warrior members but from Allen himself.

So ... to thank this forum I am going to sponsor one person into the War Room. I will pay your membership.

Post below how you can use the membership as an investment in your online education and business. Because you should be looking at it as a business.

On September 1 - Labour Day - a winner will be picked. You'll receive a paid membership into the War Room which should help you make some money.

And to help you get you started on the right foot financially, I'll include a copy of my report on 'Money Smarts for IM'. It's a straight-forward look at how to manage your money when you no longer have a job and an employer to 'think' for you financially.

Labour Day. Make it the start of a new year for you ... and start 'labouring' for yourself.

~ Kate

P.S. Don't wait to join b/c you 'might' win a membership. There's too much valuable information there and every day you wait you could be losing money.

P.P.S. Other warriors are getting on board and offering gifts and sponsorships. So there is room for more than one person to win here. Thanks guys!

Added (Up for grabs on Sept. 1st):

Dr. Mani: Will sponsor 3 more War Room memberships

Kim Standerline: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership (plus 1 more)

Daniel Molano: Will sponsor 1 more War Room memberhsip

CDarklock: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership

lisag: Will sponsor 1 more for a single, widowed or divorced mom (plus 2 more)

BIG Mike: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership

kevinb: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership

JCTunes: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership

Andyhenry: Will sponsor 2 more War Room memberships

Sagar Mehta: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership (& ebook)

John Rogers (Icansoft): Will sponsor 1 more War Room memberhsip

Diego Hernando (Incansoft): Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership

Joshua Collins: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership

santosm: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership

* For complete list, see post # 268 - Winners announced *


Mukul Verma: Will throw in a free copy of his new course on Video Marketing which will be released in the next week.

TheRichJerksNet: Will contribute a free copy of WordPress Secured to every warrior that receives a membership through this thread. If it goes above the current 6, he'll match that number.

TheRicherksNet: Will award a full-version of a membership script to one warrior. See post # 148 for details.

Fernando Veloso: Will award a custom complete mini-site package. Post #160 for details.

NOTE: Additional gifts and tools to be offered will be added later. For now, I'll just be updating the War Room sponsorships. There's several more in the thread.Thanks.

Already awarded:

Ken Leatherman has chosen one person from this thread and sponsored them into the War Room. They're already in!

Anonymous A long-time warrior member who wishes to remain anonymous has chosen someone from this list to be sponsored into the War Room.

TheRichJerksNet has sponsored someone in this thread into the War Room.

jacktackett has sponsored someone in this thread into the War Room.

Anonymous: Another long-time warrior member who wishes to remain anonymous has chosen someone from this list to be sponsored into the War Room.

NOTE (Aug 29): That's 4 memberships already awarded, and 9 up for grabs. Plus the one that Michael Mayo awarded in his thread earlier today. That's a total of 14 War Room memberships gifted by warriors. Plus, if you've been paying attention, other warriors are quietly sponsoring people in ... one day the member is not a war room member, and the next they are. On top of that, just thinking about why they want to get in is helping some people decide to just pay the fee and get in themselves.

Running tally - War Room Memberships served:

Already awarded: 6
Up for grabs Sept. 1: 21

* Sponsors are having so much trouble choosing from the high-quality stories and worthy applicants that they are throwing in more memberships. *

------ > Sponsors .... can I have your attention?

If you are offering a sponsorship and would like to choose the recipient yourself, please PM me the name and post # by the 31st (if you have not already done so). If you'd rather I choose, no worry, I will do that if I don't hear otherwise. I have a healthy short-list going.

Please, please -- if you are offering a membership through this thread -- hang on for the 1st so we can award all the memberships at the same time ...


- it will be more fun ... but more importantly ...
- it help keeps an accurate count of memberships that are available
- if you send funds directly to a member before the 1st you may be sponsoring someone in who was somebody else's first pick and they now have to choose again
- payment and set-up process will be easier if we do it all in one wave

Thanks everyone for participating - this thread has taken on a (great) life of it's own.

P.S. September 1st. High noon PST (GMT -7). It's less than 48 hrs ...

Anyone else? I can edit this thing as long as it takes ....
#free #membership #room #war
  • Profile picture of the author Sylvia Meier
    Sylvia Meier
    Profile picture of Sylvia Meier
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Kate Gratz on 500 posts. And that is a wonderful offer to someone who isn't yet in the War room.

    Come on everyone, it's your chance to get in on the action.
  • Profile picture of the author Nick Brighton
    Nick Brighton
    Profile picture of Nick Brighton
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    can I join twice?
    • Profile picture of the author Ken Strong
      Ken Strong
      Profile picture of Ken Strong
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Nick Brighton View Post

      can I join twice?
      Sure - then you can read every post twice.

      Or you can extend your lifetime membership to two lifetimes -- your choice.
      • Profile picture of the author edd666666
        Profile picture of edd666666
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I would use the free membership in the War Room as an investment in my online education and business in the following ways:
        .It would allow me to reduce the amount of time I flounder around not asking questions as I don't even know the right way to ask a question. I would feel the freedom to "bear it all" and ask more stupid questions and thereby learn more, faster.
        .I would probably invest in some of the material and software recommended in the War Room rather than being skeptical and afraid of things I see recommended in other groups. This is because I would go into the War Room with a higher level of trust in the members.
        .I would move my business ahead faster as I could put together the plan to make it happen faster due to input from the War Room.
        .As above, I would put the plan into effect faster as I would have answers sooner and have confidence they were what was needed.
        . I would know when I was on or off course on my way to success by using measurement methods I got from the War Room and could take action where needed sooner.
        .I would know what success was. I might have a situation where I was getting a certain response rate for instance and think it was bad and give up or I might think I was doing well when in fact I was not doing what the site was capable of.
        .Once I made it, I would pass it on by sponsoring a membership myself and becoming an active participant in the group to share my experience.

        OK, thanks for this opportunity, I want to be honest with you. After writing this I realized I just have to join, and even if I don't win, I am joining on my own after that. I talked myself into it by doing this exercise.

        Thanks, Ed Smith.
        “Over 1,000 People Have Used My Unique Pitch System To Achieve Their Publicity Goals... And I’ll Work Personally With You Too, One-On-One To Help You Get On TV!” CLICK HERE
    • Profile picture of the author kf
      Profile picture of kf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      That reminds me of the guy who went to the all-you-can-eat buffet and wanted to buy two tickets!

      Originally Posted by Nick Brighton View Post

      can I join twice?
  • Profile picture of the author peetred
    Profile picture of peetred
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    As one warrior put it, You just have to pick something and DO IT. Well, I've picked a few things and I'm just doing them. I'm determined, and I won't give up until I succeed.

    I believe that information and knowledge about what to do and how to do it are 50% of the formula to success in Internet Marketing. Obviously, if this is true, a warrior room membership would be a valuable tool to succeed.

    I would use the membership to invest in my online education and business by putting to practice what I learned in the war room. I would take my new knowledge and JUST DO IT.

    My Goal:
    To make double my husband's current salary from home so that he can quit his job and go to seminary, and we can live comfortably without being tied to a company's work schedule.

    I know I can get there. The War Room would just be another avenue of resources to learn from and apply toward that goal.

    By the way, I think it's great that you are doing this for one person. I am sure that person will be very greatful!

    [CENTER]Founder of Nerdy Millennial - a blog all about millennials sharing their passions, ideas, and expertise. We love to share our knowledge about blogging, healthy living, psychology, arts, culture, and more! Interested in contributing? Contact us to pitch your idea or submit an article.

  • Profile picture of the author Scott Ames
    Scott Ames
    Profile picture of Scott Ames
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I hope someone that really wants it gets it. Nice pay forward.

    Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill

  • Profile picture of the author petelta
    Profile picture of petelta
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've definitely heard of great things from the War Room and unfortunately haven't had a chance to get in there because of financial issues. I guess I will start by telling you my IM background. I have been studying internet marketing for about 5 months now. I had started a fitness website about 8 months ago having planned for it to be only a blog with no money coming in. The more I started learning about ways to make money online, the more I transformed my site into something I could actually profit from. It was about a month ago I started to actually put what I was learning into action. Now i have a pretty good routine of writing an article a day along with doing all the backlinking and so forth. I would increase that to 3 articles a day but I have some time constraints which I will explain later. From learning about SEO and keywords from this wonderful forum, I have increased my traffic quite a bit. Still nothing thats making me much money, but I blame that on my sales page and presentation. Im just learning about that aspect of IM.

    Now why haven't I bought the membership into the War Room already because I have wanted to oh so many times. Well about 3 months ago, I lost my job. It was nothing to worry about at the time. Thats when i started to really push the internet marketing. As a newbie, I figured I could figure out how to make enough monthly income to never work again. I had the right idea and I definitely think it was possible but I didn't have the will power at first. The first 2 months were mostly me doing everything half way. Finally a month ago, I kicked my butt into gear and have been doing consistent good work each day. Like I said Im starting to see good progress but I could be doing much more. Since I didn't even try and work for the past 3 months with very little savings, I've gotten myself in quite a financial bind. Like I said before I would be doing more but I have had to come work out in the middle of an oil rig. I travel 2 hours on a boat each day after work so that I can have wi-fi on my laptop just to get my IM stuff done. So needless to say, Im going to work hard.

    I would like the War Room membership because I have got to get out of this financial hell hole I've dug myself into. The more I learn from those guys the quicker I can get off this oil rig and back to my nice comfy bed at home. I've always planned on being a big entrepreneur but it was only dreams before. I feel like I've finally comitted myself to my dreams, so all the information in that secret awesome forum of goldness would be put to good use.

    Thanks =)
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  • Profile picture of the author George Wright
    George Wright
    Profile picture of George Wright
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would use my membership to further my.... Oh wait, I just saw my badge, never mind.

    George Wright, P.S. Very nice of you. I'm sure someone will be benefited greatly.
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
  • Profile picture of the author idevelop
    Profile picture of idevelop
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What a superb gift, May all your dealings be happy and profitable.
    • Profile picture of the author SeanIM
      Profile picture of SeanIM
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Very cool of you......I have to agree it's worth much more than what he's charging for it.
      • Profile picture of the author kcgeorge
        Profile picture of kcgeorge
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I will be glad to be in the war room. If given the opportunity i will use it to learn more and put what i learn into use in order to earn more. I personally think i need valuable information on how to do what i am suppose to, in order to earn cash online. I feel the guides given on the war room will give me the edge i need to boost my online business and my income as well.

        I want you to know that i am student who have been struggling to handle my finances but i believe that i can always make it online to take care of my expenses, so given me this opportunity will boost my confidence and also increase my learning on making money online. I have been an action taker and will also do same when given that spot to be in the war room. I have little experience on what to do to earn online, i just need to sharpen my knowledge with some great infromation which i believe the war room will offer me.
    • Profile picture of the author jitterbug978
      Profile picture of jitterbug978
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hmm "The war room" I've contemplated that offer several times.. But I have yet to succeed with IM. I have quit my job, but thats not saying much, I can live off $50 a month and sadly about $40 of that is from doing work for individual I know around town.

      I am however trying to start a membership site to teach people how to make money online, I want to have an affiliate program through clickbank too.

      I want to be able to shed light on the cliche image of people quitting their jobs and earning money online and I've been spending the past 2 months researching all of this.

      I want to be able to discuss topics such as Adsense, PPC, SEO, Affiliate marketing, CPA offers etc... and teach people step by step how to make money online.

      I dont want to give people a negative impression of "Making money online".. I DONT want to be like the gazillion other membership sites promising to make you money online and not following through.

      I think once I am able to efficiently make money online I'm going to try the different methods myself (CPA PPC Affiliate ETC). Once I have a handle on it all I'm going to go through one by one on each money making technique and do a video document on each, so people can see first hand.. because that is the easiest way to learn.

      I think this is especially good because with the way our economy is going there will be more people losing jobs and more people looking to make moeny online... thats why I'm here .. So Im sure there will be others.
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  • Profile picture of the author michael_nguyen
    Profile picture of michael_nguyen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I love saying this but every post is like a WSO Some of the thread are actually WSO's where you get the product for "free"
  • Profile picture of the author Baldpilot
    Profile picture of Baldpilot
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    For the last 3 months, I have been lurking, reading and trying ideas planted by many of you warriors. I have gained much insight, and have been saved by many of your kind and generous stories of failure, and pitfalls to watch out for in this journey we call Internet Marketing. I have yet to make even my first dollar online, but I am determined, and will continue to learn from, and heed advice about the path many of you have traveled before me.

    If I were the lucky person chosen for the War Room membership, I would use the arsenal of tools within to increase my knowledge and better my tactics, thus contributing to my overall and eventual success.

    The most important investments one can make for their business, are knowledge and education in their respective field. I believe the investment of a War Room membership would not only prove invaluable, but most certainly contribute to assured success.
    • Profile picture of the author Joanne Greco
      Joanne Greco
      Profile picture of Joanne Greco
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Kate, I just wanted to say that it's really great what you're doing. I might steal your idea.
      • Profile picture of the author WritingMadwoman
        Profile picture of WritingMadwoman
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Me, me, me! Oh wait, I'm already a member.

        Kate, what a NICE thing for you to do! Really inspiring to see that kind of generosity.

        And wow, how cool that we now have a "badge" for being a member! It's almost like earning a medal in the Army or something, I like it!

      • Profile picture of the author kf
        Profile picture of kf
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Joanne Greco View Post

        Kate, I just wanted to say that it's really great what you're doing. I might steal your idea.
        LOL. Joanne - No 'stealing' required ... if you want to get on board, let me know ... either post here or PM me and I'll add another membership to the thread.

        Originally Posted by edd666666

        OK, thanks for this opportunity, I want to be honest with you. After writing this I realized I just have to join, and even if I don't win, I am joining on my own after that. I talked myself into it by doing this exercise.

        Thanks, Ed Smith.

        Now *that's* what I'm talking about ... glad the process helped you 'convince' yourself.

        Originally Posted by jitterbug978

        Hmm "The war room" I've contemplated that offer several times.. But I have yet to succeed with IM.
        And another one ... Jitterbug since you posted this, you've joined the War Room. That is Awesome!

        Thanks everyone for sharing your story on why you want to join.
        • Profile picture of the author MovingAhead
          Profile picture of MovingAhead
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

          What do you mean by "You'll receive a paid membership into the War Room"?

          Will you handle the whole payment process or just send the entry fee to the winner's Paypal account?

          Because in my case the latter won't help much.

          If you can do the former, I'm willing to pay through other means, since I've been wanting to join the War Room for a VERY long time!
          • Profile picture of the author Matt Gannon
            Matt Gannon
            Profile picture of Matt Gannon
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            I will use everything I learn in the war room to help grow my business, If i get membership, I just started my first affiliate website and once I start profiting and have the ball rolling i plan to do it again. So far I am using article marketing with back linking and plan to use e-mail marketing soon.
      • Profile picture of the author Mrs S
        Mrs S
        Profile picture of Mrs S
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I only just heard about the war room - I'd seen the thread for it here but didn't realise what it was.

        If I won a sponsorship place I would use it to give me the boost I need to make my online business a success.

        I have a business model that I know will work - but sometimes I get too distracted by shiny objects that knock me off course. I understand that the information I will learn inside the War Room will help keep me on track. I also have a lot to give - I am a fast learner and always happy to share what I learn with others to help them on their path to success.

        My ultimate goal is to replace my real job earnings with online earnings - it's early days for me yet so I am taking baby steps. But I believe that if I surround myself with successful people I too will be a success.

        And that is why I would like to be sponsored into the War Room.
  • Profile picture of the author kf
    Profile picture of kf
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I just wanted to post a PM received ... and here's yet ANOTHER reason to get your hat in the ring on this one.

    Thanks for adding to the mix Mukul!

    Originally Posted by Mukul Verma

    Hey Kate,

    Great idea and love the spirit. I will throw in a free copy of my new course on Video Marketing (Video Marketing Training Course) which will be released in the next week.

    I think you are gonna create a stir and have a hard time choosing a winner

  • Profile picture of the author kf
    Profile picture of kf
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    And here's part of another PM received from Dr. Mani:

    Originally Posted by drmani

    Great offer.

    Count me in to sponsor 3 more War room memberships when
    you select your winner(s).

    All success
  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Profile picture of CDarklock
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I keep wracking my brain for people I've run across here who would benefit from being in the War Room - and when I think of them, I go look at their profiles and they're already members. I guess they already figured out they'd benefit from it.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
  • Profile picture of the author geoffcruz
    Profile picture of geoffcruz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There is two of you in the main forum giving away free memberships in the war room. What gives man?
    • Profile picture of the author Randy Meirndorf
      Randy Meirndorf
      Profile picture of Randy Meirndorf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I will buy the war room myself as I tend to appreciate and use resouces better when I do that.

      One of my favorite quotes is "An investment in the mind always pays the best dividends" Benjamin Franklin.

      Be who you want to become, every second of every day. Make it true!

      • Profile picture of the author laurenceh
        Profile picture of laurenceh
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Very simply put, success leaves clues.

        If you want to become the best, it makes sense to learn from the absolute best.

        From what i understand, the knowledge and resources freely given in The War Room, are from people at the very top of our business.

        When the value in the "normal" forum is so amazingly high, i can only imagine the gold that waits in The War Room.

        When i first joined this forum i had no idea about FTP, hosting, registering a domain, CPA and i thought IM stood for instant messaging.

        In a fairly short time i have registered two domains, set up hosting, learnt wordpress basics, various monetizing startagies, found so many great ways of driving targeted traffic and so much more.

        I am working hard on my first site and although i haven't made money just yet, i know with massive action everyday i will.

        With the extra bonus of War Room membership i can set aside more time for study, whilst continuing my business plan and gradually applying the added skills i will learn as they become applicable to my business.

        I will not give a sob story as to why i deserve this membership. Yes i am a father desperatley trying to make my family financially free, so we can enjoy life without the stress of money, but hey, most of us (other than maybe some of the best in The War Room) are also in the same boat.

        So be assured membership would be well used and appriciated here.

        Oh plus paypal has locked my account due to "strange activity", and i have been fighting them for two weeks to reactivate me, so at the moment i cant actually sign up myself anyway!!!:p

        Much love, and again what kindness shown by Warriors to give away sponsership!
        • Profile picture of the author Dawn Martin
          Dawn Martin
          Profile picture of Dawn Martin
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I think the answer to this question would have to be who wouldn't want a membership to the War Room.

          Currently, I'm at the bottom of the ladder in this online game and have loads to learn.

          I've just started my website and I'm writing all the content myself, so it's going to be a very long and time consuming task in between my "proper" work.

          I could have gone for the quick fix option and go for commission sales, but I like a challenge and I'd like to be able to say, regardless of making money or not, that I wrote all of the content myself (makes me feel good about myself, even if people think I'm mad!).

          So yes, I'd love a membership to the war room, and if I don't win one, I'll probably end up buying one, but that will probably be a little way down the line....

          • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
            Liam Hamer
            Profile picture of Liam Hamer
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            This is a very generous offer indeed - it epitomises the kindness and willingness to share the majority of WF members demonstrate

            I started in IM back in February, and I quickly decided I was in it for the long haul. I've made some money, but I still consider myself to be in the apprenticeship phase. Joining the WF was perhaps the most important step I have made so far, because it forced me to get real and understand the level of work I was going to have to put in to be successful. I read the threads and posts here with great interest, and try to soak up as much information as I can every day. The amount of knowledge being shared by generous and knowledgeable WF members astounds me. It really is the best IM forum on the internet by a mile.

            I have a goal. That goal is to be making 4 figures per month by the end of 2009. I have told my wife this too. I WILL reach it. When I do, I will owe so much to this forum because without it I don't think I would have fully understood what is required to be successful in IM. I know I have a great chance of being a long term success, and the WF has played no small part in that level of optimism

            I would love to be a member of the War Room. Do I deserve it purely based on what I have just said about myself and my own situation? No. I'm just one person. Yes, being successful would be fantastic for my family but it's got to be about more than even that. Do I deserve it because I will make a conscious effort to give back to others what I have so kindly received myself? Maybe. Knowledge is to be shared. Life is about giving back when you have received. I'm grateful for everything I receive in life, and this would be no different If others are more deserving, I'll be happy for them No matter what happens, I AM going to be successful and I AM going to give back. This would be a very welcome bonus that would help me get there.
        • Profile picture of the author derekchambers
          Profile picture of derekchambers
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Before I joined the warrior forum I spent loads of $$ and got ripped off many times. I then discovered the forum and have since made some good online friends as well as avoided being ripped off several times

          I believe the War Room would take this a step further as I join the best of the best and would educate me and allow my online business to grow

          Like on the warrior forum I would probably be happier to invest in software and material that they recommend in the war room as I know it would have been tried and tested

          My business development plan would be more refined and with less pot holes due to input from people in the Room.

          Currently I am working hard on Niche blogs having found an excellent resource via the Warriorforum

          With the extra bonus of War Room membership i can set aside more time for study, whilst continuing my business plan and gradually applying the added skills i will learn as they become applicable to my business.

          The free membership would be gratefully appreciated as cash is tight following renal failure and the membership would be well used
          • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
            Ken Leatherman
            Profile picture of Ken Leatherman
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

            Thank you for inspiring this "Old Geezer" to "give back" to the WF.

            There is one particular post in this thread that really caught my attention. I know the Warrior is already working and has a very specific goal to meet.

            I PM'd this Warrior to make sure she becomes a War Room Member now instead of later.

            Come on fellow Warriors if you are realizing success from the things you have learned here on the WF, step up and sponsor someone you know or someone you don't know that you know would benefit from the War Room.

            Ken Leatherman
            The Old Geezer
            Ghost Writing Services Coming Soon

            So Check Out My WSO
  • Profile picture of the author mayapearl
    Profile picture of mayapearl
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would just LOVE to get a membership to the War Room.

    I have already learned so much since I joined this forum and for this I am very grateful to all the forum members, I will continue to learn and grow that is for sure whether I win a space in the War room or not, however if I do win it will be icing on the cake, cream in my coffee and a Cherry on top!

    Here is something that is fun and can be a great source of income and all that I need is the knowledge and direction, something the War Room could provide me with.

    I don't want to try and talk my way in, there are others who want in as much as or even more than I do, but I bet I do better cartwheels!

    Maya's Own
    Living green made simple and easy @ Green Living Temple
  • Profile picture of the author mr2020
    Profile picture of mr2020
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    This is a great idea. For those who haven't joined yet, it's the best investment you will ever make.

    My wife and I BOTH belong. We both work from home, just about 25 feet from each other. I joined first, and she was so impressed with how impressed I am, that she joined.

    Good luck contestants, and even if you don't win, JOIN THE WARROOM!

    The free stuff here totally rocks.... the WARROOM TAKES IT TO THE REDLINE!

  • Profile picture of the author Lou Diamond
    Lou Diamond
    Profile picture of Lou Diamond
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have been a long time member and I post when I have something meaningful to say.
    I very often get quoted from other posters which is quite flattering.
    I need to step up my internet marketing methods 1,000 percent.
    I am working a part time job just so I can get benefits and it is sheer torture.
    I promise promise promise to pay it forward if I get a membership to the war room.
    Thanks in advance for your consideration.

    Something new soon.

  • Profile picture of the author James Seward
    James Seward
    Profile picture of James Seward
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Since Allen introduced that avatar that says "War Room Member" we, other folks who just lurk the forum, feel so jealous :p

    Anyway I have though about joining the War Room a couple of times in the past and the only reason I can't right now is because I have to save as much money as I can. But I won't bore you with that.

    I do ok with my writing which is what I do but I would like to learn more about internet marketing and I would like to create passive streams of income that would support my main job. And the war room could help me achieve that, heck, the war room WILL help me achieve that. I know that there are a lot of golden nuggets in there, wso's for free and on and on on benefits.

    The war room would help me:

    - Understand a little bit more about internet marketing. I would start by searching article marketing threads because that is what I am focusing now. After I dominated that technique I would move on to something else, but first I would have to see profit and master article marketing.

    - By answering many of my questions. This way I would save time that I spend on the wf asking questions. And I could learn new things as well, things that i even didn't knew :p

    - Achieve my goal of making it online. The reason I want to work online full time is because I want to have free time whenever I want it so I can spend time with my wife and kid. Life is too short you know..

    Well I guess those are my reasons. Thanks for the contest, I hope I'm the one offering War Room memberships in the near future

  • Profile picture of the author Gregg Montgomery
    Gregg Montgomery
    Profile picture of Gregg Montgomery
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    ME ME ME ME ME ME ME . OK that was there to catch your eye

    Just starting out, working on 2 sites, 1 blog, list building, articles and content writing.
    So a membership would mean that I can find all the help I need in one place, hopefully my questions will help others too as there are a lot of us new guy out here, which would mean I could get some sleep instead of surfing all night LOL
    Give me a topic and I will research it to death , that is when not on my blogs.
    I.M. Success Strategies
  • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
    Mukul Verma
    Profile picture of Mukul Verma
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is good, lets step it up, here are some ideas:
    - Make A Crazy Video explaining why
    - Explain how you would pay it forward
    - Use some big fonts, maybe colour

    Great storiE
    • Profile picture of the author laurenceh
      Profile picture of laurenceh
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      If you can keep your Google ranking while all about you
      Are losing theirs and blaming it on Slap.
      If you can trust your product when all men doubt it's the best,
      But make allowance for their refund request.

      If you can write and not be tired of writing,
      If you can squeeze, but not make squeeze your aim.
      If you can meet with Twitter and with Facebook,
      And treat those two imposters just the same.

      If you can take a heap of all your earnings,
      And risk it all on one new bright idea,
      And lose, and have to flip your failure
      And never breathe a word of it on here

      If you can fill the unforgiving squeeze page,
      With sixty new leads to make a ton,
      Yours is the internet and everything that's in it,
      And- which is more- You'll be in the War Room my son.

      Hope I'm not breaking copyright lol

      Thought id try and win you over with this little offering!!

      Didn't see anything bout maximum entries? Am I allowed???
      • Profile picture of the author laurenceh
        Profile picture of laurenceh
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by laurenceh View Post

        If you can keep your Google ranking while all about you
        Are losing theirs and blaming it on Slap.
        If you can trust your product when all men doubt it's the best,
        But make allowance for their refund request.

        If you can write and not be tired of writing,
        If you can squeeze, but not make squeeze your aim.
        If you can meet with Twitter and with Facebook,
        And treat those two imposters just the same.

        If you can take a heap of all your earnings,
        And risk it all on one new bright idea,
        And lose, and have to flip your failure
        And never breathe a word of it on here

        If you can fill the unforgiving squeeze page,
        With sixty new leads to make a ton,
        Yours is the internet and everything that's in it,
        And- which is more- You'll be in the War Room my son.

        Aww no Kipling fans in the house! I was channeling him as i wrote, honest! :p
  • Profile picture of the author reidcardwell
    Profile picture of reidcardwell
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Probably the biggest benefit I can see from the War Room is the ability to talk to those who have already "been there done that" sort of thing. I am a self-taught PHP/MySQL developer, and I do pretty well with it; however, when I'm able to work with other developers, I find my skills improve dramatically quicker on new things than when I try to learn myself. There is less wheel-reinvention, more actual problem solving when I work with someone more advanced than I in different areas. With that said, I would love to have a war room membership!
    • Profile picture of the author jacktackett
      Profile picture of jacktackett
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      Wow - what a great thread and expression of the true warrior spirit! Thanks for spurring us to action - you truly lead with your heart, as a good friend of mine Chuck Hester likes to say.

      So I'll sponsor Reid (reidcardwell) into the war room in the spirit of helping out a fellow warrior and Tar Heel! Reid, please send me your paypal email to me at warrior at netwharf dot com (since I don't think you can send PMs yet).

      I also recommend you check out fellow warrior Robert Plank. He started out selling php scripts here and helping folks out and eventually was able to quit his day job and work full time in IM - at the ripe old age of 24.

      Good luck, and again Great Job Kate!!!!


      Originally Posted by reidcardwell View Post

      Probably the biggest benefit I can see from the War Room is the ability to talk to those who have already "been there done that" sort of thing. I am a self-taught PHP/MySQL developer, and I do pretty well with it; however, when I'm able to work with other developers, I find my skills improve dramatically quicker on new things than when I try to learn myself. There is less wheel-reinvention, more actual problem solving when I work with someone more advanced than I in different areas. With that said, I would love to have a war room membership!
      Let's get Tim the kidney he needs!HELP Tim
      Mega Monster WSO for KimW http://ow.ly/4JdHm

  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Lisa Gergets
    Profile picture of Lisa Gergets
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    ZOMG I just saw this! There are FOUR spots now? Holy shimoly, I really really really really really really really really really want one. Why? Because anyone who's anyone gives the advice that you need to find a person (or persons) that has what you want be it money, lifestyle or whatever, and FOLLOW THEM. Do what they do. I want to do that! And I CAN do that, with a War Room membership because that's the best of the best, all in one place!

    Wow wow wow I could so use this. I'm just about to go live with my first membership site and I'm totally frozen with fear that it's going to flop. Although even if it does, I know I'll keep going, it would be so awesome to have the WR members to bounce ideas off of!

    Please consider me - I'd like to think I could really add some value (even a teeny-tiny bit!) to the WR!
    Sign up to be notified when Success on Demand goes live, and receive a FREE mindmap that you can follow to create and launch your OWN IM PRODUCTS!
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Dark
    Chris Dark
    Profile picture of Chris Dark
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I just noticed theres a few threads with this offer now!! - Rather than re-iterate what i posted in another i'll just paste it in here!

    I've lurked here for a few months, learning all i can from you guys as i go along. I've not posted much because as it stands i'm probably one of the least qualified people to answer questions here, nevertheless i am on this forum quite a lot to learn from those who know what they are doing.

    I'd love a membership to the war room, it seems to me like a great place to get some concrete knowledge on-board, it can be hard and often distracting trying to weed out what could be a good idea from a bad one in the main forums, and i suspect the war room is pretty much full of the good ones!.

    Anyways, i'm going to try as best i can and make a go off of working from home, i had an accident and now i'm pretty much house bound (having haemophilia didn't help matters) - I have 2 little boys of 4 and 5 to look after and we all know how expensive they can be!

    So the question for me isn't 'can' i make money online i suppose, i HAVE to as i have no other choice. It's a great motivator when your stuck in-between a rock and a hard place i can tell you that!.

    Good luck to whoever wins the War Room membership, it just shows how great some people are in this forum to offer to pay for another member so they can make the best of their online opportunities, hopefully one day i'll be able to do the same thing for another member.

  • Profile picture of the author CPA
    Profile picture of CPA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I need it for a lot of reasons but I will get it on my own Great thing you're doing here...
    Article writing services still available!
  • Profile picture of the author SRLee
    Profile picture of SRLee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Everyone knows that the War Room is a goldmine of information, and a chance to access this part of the forum would undoubtedly be an advantage to me.

    How would I use this membership as an investment? As of now, the price of joining this exclusive part of the forum is at RM130.50 to me. For those that think earning RM is easy, it's not. An average job still gets a RM3000 salary. With a salary, however, I would have joined this place long ago. But I'm still a teen with no income, so I can't access it. Yet.

    I understand that Internet Marketing is a business. As quoted(modified) by Robert Kiyosaki, "[i]An actual business grows even when you go on a 2-year-long vacation." Though my limited knowledge is hindering my progress, I will never give up. I know many had succeeded, why not me? It's just a matter of time.

    I am 100% positive that I'm going to make it big online. No one can drive me off course, not even my parents, though they support me too. Time is of the essence, and I have all the reasons to believe that the War Room will significantly cut the time I have to invest before making my first sale.

    To recap, I would use the War Room to read, implement and improve my projects(which is what I'm doing now, with 4 failed sales page, 2 on-going. I have the links if you want to see what I changed and implemented.). Information is not going to make me money, only action will.

    • Profile picture of the author Valorie
      Profile picture of Valorie
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You will never regret joining the War Room. Even if you don't get a free membership, save your change in a jar, or do some odd jobs for the one-time payment. It really is that good.

      • Profile picture of the author kf
        Profile picture of kf
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Here's another PM --- and another membership up for grabs --- that's awesome.

        Thanks Kim!

        Originally Posted by Kim Standerline

        Hi KF

        What a lovely thing to do,

        You can count me in to sponser someone to join as well

        Kind regards
        • Profile picture of the author kf
          Profile picture of kf
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by MovingAhead View Post


          What do you mean by "You'll receive a paid membership into the War Room"?

          Will you handle the whole payment process or just send the entry fee to the winner's Paypal account?

          Because in my case the latter won't help much.

          If you can do the former, I'm willing to pay through other means, since I've been wanting to join the War Room for a VERY long time!
          I'm going to try to set it up so the membership is paid directly by the sponsor in the name of the person receiving it. So if the mods are able to do this (something I haven't asked about yet so no guarantees here), then you won't need a PayPal account.

          Originally Posted by KenStrong View Post

          Guess it's time for Allen to open up the Super-Secret Private Officers' Club within the War Room...
          Please make sure I get an invite, or a video with the 'secret' handshake. (I'd even settle for one of your snazzy hats ...)

          Originally Posted by geoffcruz View Post

          There is two of you in the main forum giving away free memberships in the war room. What gives man?
          Hey, we're a generous bunch. I posted early yesterday and it looks like others had similar ideas and didn't realize this thread was already here - or maybe they just wanted their own. Good for anyone wanting a membership - they can get more than one lottery ticket.

          Originally Posted by Ken Leatherman View Post


          Thank you for inspiring this "Old Geezer" to "give back" to the WF.

          There is one particular post in this thread that really caught my attention. I know the Warrior is already working and has a very specific goal to meet.

          I PM'd this Warrior to make sure she becomes a War Room Member now instead of later.

          Come on fellow Warriors if you are realizing success from the things you have learned here on the WF, step up and sponsor someone you know or someone you don't know that you know would benefit from the War Room.

          Ken Leatherman
          The Old Geezer

          That is awesome Ken. I was hoping this would have a domino effect. Thanks for your generosity and I'm sure the member you sponsored in will now have a hand up (not a hand-out) for their online business.

          Originally Posted by Valorie View Post

          You will never regret joining the War Room. Even if you don't get a free membership, save your change in a jar, or do some odd jobs for the one-time payment. It really is that good.

          What Valorie said. If you set aside $1 every day for a month and a few days, you can put that into an education worth much more than the few dollars you will exchange for it.

          (It occurs to me that if I was promoting anything else so blatantly I might get my knuckles rapped. )

          Thank you to everyone who has posted their stories - they're moving and I appreciate your courage to put yourself out there for something you want.

          ~ Kate
        • Profile picture of the author edhan
          Profile picture of edhan
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Wow! Just when I was commenting about War Room Member and I come across this FREE membership to war room.

          As I have committment that tied up my financial income, I have been putting it off to join War Room Member.

          I was one of the pioneer that joined Allen's warrior forum and back then, it had a membership where it was filled with software, articles, etc and I was overwhelmed with them. Also during that time, when you recommend someone to join, you get SALES. I was pretty excited everytime when I recommend someone to join and receive the email saying 'You Got A Sale'. It was great joy to receive those emails.

          Now I am waiting for a chance to be in there when the right time comes. Hopefully this will be my chance?

          Be blessed with Thai Buddha Amulets & Tibetan dZi to accumulate wealth, health & good fortune
          Build your own community business
          Article Directory Source Code with blog & Classified Ads
          Understanding the cycle of Karma & Merits

        • Profile picture of the author sellerscompanion
          Profile picture of sellerscompanion
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          This is a great thread! I have long wanted to join the War Room, but have not yet been able to afford it. It is "on my list"!

          I started in IM about 6 months ago. Since that time, I have set up about 5 websites that I am currently pointing traffic and backlinks to. I have had some mild successes along the way through Clickbank. I KNOW this will work, but the question is how long will it take?

          I am a wife and the mother of 3 small children. I work full time and I want to come back home and be a mom again. I have always run businesses from home in the past, but 4 years ago I took a regular corporate job for "stability". Now, when I leave for work, my kids cry and want me home. I want to be home with them too.

          I want the freedom to write my own paychecks for more than I am making now. I want to travel and enjoy my family. I have the drive and the desire, but I just need ideas that will help me fast track my way to success.

          I am willing to put the time and energy into this business, and I am not going to quit. For every failure, I am one step closer to success.

          So, if you want another go-getter in the War Room, I would relish the opportunity to be amongst the best!

        • Profile picture of the author locpic63
          Profile picture of locpic63
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I would be ecstatic to be chosen for a free membership to the war room. I have heard great things from fellow warriors about how valuable the information is there. I will eventually join if I am not chosen, it will just take me longer as I am on a very tight budget right now. I am in the process of becoming very succesful. I can already see it, taste it, and feel it in my minds eye. I just haven't experienced the physical manifestation of it yet. I Know it is there though, After all that is what faith is all about.

        • Profile picture of the author JeffLam
          Profile picture of JeffLam
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          My, my, my! This thread reminds me of the spirit of the Warrior Forum - the essence of giving back. Different people bring about different ideas, views and opportunities. A new-comer into the War Room may be the next high-flying internet marketer/businessperson with the new ideas s/he can get absorbing the goldmine in the War Room.

          I have decided to write here, and even if I do not win, it is a good avenue to let me pour out my past few months of experience in the world of internet marketing.

          *NOTE* This is going to be quite a long read. I do not expect people to read it, and Kate, if you think it is not neccessary for this post as it is too long-winded or in anyway, do tell me if you want it removed.

          My name is Jeff Lam, and I am a 20 year old boy in the city-state of Singapore. I am brought up in a typical middle-income family. For years now, I thought nothing of trying to be rich. Money was of not much importance to me, or so I thought. I did not see the point in living in a big house, or driving fancy sports cars. I even felt that TOO much money was pointless, and often have "What if you have a million dollars" discussion with friends. Most of the time, we simply say we will buy this or that. That is how I viewed money back then.

          Like most people out there, I am the typical boy who lets life leads you around, albeit a more successful one. What really changed my perception of making money was about 1-2 years ago. In school(I believe in the US I am in the equivalent of high school), rich kids were just luckier - but the uniformity of school did shield me to an extent of what these kids have. I always felt that I was the smarter kid in terms of academics, and truth be told, I was regarded as such as my hardwork and diligence for academics paid me off with better than average results. The thing is, the only motivation that made me studied so hard was not money - it was me wanting to get into university. And not just any university - but the university that is being subsidised by the goverment as I could not phantom paying the fees of a private university (though I did not know how much more it cost, I knew it cost more).

          FYI: In Singapore there are 3 more well-known and government-aided universities. These 3, as they are being heaviliy subsidised by the government, have a strict acceptance criteria in terms of grades. There are other "private" universities which essentially mean that they are more expensive due to them not being subsidised by the government and as such, it is a stereotype by most people that when you enter a private university, you are a "rich kid with no brains" as you simply "paid to enter the private university".

          That drove me to be very disciplined and I studied really hard. Furthermore, I threw myself in with the "smart geeks". Now, in school, I was more known to be a "jock" in US terms. When people hear about my grades (people love to compare test results and see how you are coping with school work) they tend to go "HAH don't lie! You're THAT smart/hardworking? You look more like a playboy jock than a geek!". Well, it was complimentary to me as I took it that I am a smart - yet socially accepted person. Over time, people simply know me as a geek though - albeit not the stereotype unsporty, introverted geek but a funny, fun-loving and friendly geek.

          That is also the point in school where I learnt that if you are not hungry - hang out with the hungry guys! I studied day and night with these "geeks" who are topping the school semester after semester..and never look down on these geeks - their competitive streaks are equally high to sports people! Comparing of results and rubbing them that they are smarter will get to you. But I simply rose up to their challenge and put in more effort and I was definitely on par or sometimes better than them academically. In fact, never would I imagine that I would one in fact teach them some academics too! It is this point of time that I also learn that partnership is useful in that we could always help each other with any academic problems.

          To summarise: In the end for my big exams, I obtained great results. I am humble with them, but I do appreciate them for opening such large opportunities for me that others would love to have. But I do know that I put in a lot of hardwork and sacrifice for them, and I deserved it.

          Now, in school I always wanted to be a doctor. Save lifes, get into stem cell research, and earn quite a lot of money (albeit in the later stages of my life when I specialise). But 2 things change my thoughts on my final decision:

          1) During a career fair in my school, I saw that being a doctor = studying biology for another 15 or so years while also practising. This turned me off as deep inside me, I do not really like to study.

          2) About 3-6 weeks before my exam, I actually had appendicitis. In the hospital(I was warded in the lower class ward as my family is more prudent), on one occasion, a senior doctor brought about 6 houseman doctors (new doctors-to-be) to me, and actually did some checking on me. The housemen looked friendly enough and smiled, while I was in pain. Inside me, I thought to myself - did I really want to be a doctor and face patients everyday? Do I really have the passion to save lifes and work around sick patients? The truth is: I do not. I simply wanted to be a doctor to become an established person in society and to probably have "Dr." instead of "Mr."

          And that is the decision that changed my choice of course for university from "Medicine" to "Business".

          I know I wanted to earn big money.

          Also, during that time(late 2007, early 2008) bankers were rolling in unthinkable amount of cash. Lifestyles of the rich and powerful bankers were EVERYWHERE. And I wanted to jump on that bandwagon(even if it takes my 6 years later as I have conscription army + 4 yrs of university). so badly. I know deep inside me that I definitely want to be a banker or work in a bank, and earn big money. And that point of time, my excellent results further increased my belief (watch the Tony Robbins video ) that I have a large potential. I truly believe I can be successful.

          To add icing on the cake, I was offered a FREE scholarship by the university to study in that course, with no bond attached. It is a scheme in which the university gives a selected few top students to entice them to their university, and to also use them(us) as ambassadors, etc. And I loved all this. I hated bonds with scholarships: I want my own freedom and time to manage for myself.

          Around this time (2008-2009) , I was conscripted into the military. I cannot share much with you my military background, but let's just say it is ending soon for me and around mid 2009, I started to have more time for myself to do other things. It is this point of time that I desperately wanted to make money as I wanted to fulfil more things in my life:

          1) Let my WONDERFUL parents retire for real and I want them to have money to travel
          2) Provide for my BEAUTIFUL and LOVING girlfriend who deserved more in life
          3) Be able to enjoy the finer things in life for myself rather than scrimping and saving all the time
          4) In a way - to match up with my buddies whom majority are borned with a silver spoon (we are still GREAT buddies though!)

          It is this point that my education into the internet marketing world, and financial literacy itself, started.

          I was introduced into Internet Marketing by one successful (might be self-proclaimed, but I do believe he has a large degree of success for earning $1000/hr that he speaks) businessman/entrepreneur called Adam Khoo. His book "Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires" thought me a lot and it was a rather step-by-step plan to become a millionaire too.

          In his book, for a start, he recommended that people started a small online business selling their own product to begin earning the "starting capital". It is a way to "make money without money" as you can sell your own products or services. The Strategy is there.

          However, as all of us know, Internet Marketing is much deeper than that with the tactics involved. At that point of time, I didn't even know how to get a webhost so you can understand my internet marketing skills. I searched online for more information..and but of course..

          I found the Warrior Forum.

          Now I don't have to describe how awesome this forum is to you guys, do I? Let's just say almost all opportunities and methods and ideas and strategies on internet marketing was taught to me here in various ways whether it is product or qualitiy posts by respected Warriors.

          Fast forward to 4-5 months from then (Around March/April 09) to now.

          I know what is CPA, I know how to do video, make squeeze pages..and many more. And like a lot others, I am loaded with information and tactics for internet marketing.

          However, I have yet to make any real success in terms of financial profits. In fact, I made a lost of more than $1500! Money spent on products, money spent on USING those methods included in the products, and yet still no success.

          But do I regret losing this amount? My answer is? No. This $1500 may be a lot but I take it as the amount I had to spend on my education for online business. I believe this is a small loss, compared to what I WILL make in the future and achieve in the future. In fact, I am glad that I at least TOOK action, TRIED, and FAILED. I now have much more strategies, tactics, methods that I KNOW and understand, and am in the process of carrying them out. And if that all fails, I believe I have the knowledge to impart to others, or the experience to share with many. I really refuse to give up on this - yet.

          The most recent things that I read/watched that inspired me even MORE was

          1) Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad - radicalised my thoughts on making money
          2) Tony Robbin's recent (Pre-launch, I know :p) video that inspired me greatly. Tony - you may hate being called a motivator, but you sure as hell do a good job out of it!

          You have to understand that being in a conscripted army took a LOT of my time away, which is why in the past 4 months or so I may not have the full time to succeed much. But in the coming months where I will have a lot of time for myself, I am going to focus greatly and make it. I am going to start my own business(es) and let my business(es) run itself.

          And this is where I would want to jump into winning a membership into the War Room.

          With this membership, my internet marketing prowess will jump again.

          With this membership, I believe I have the arsenal to obtain my goal (which I WILL accomplish) of starting an online business faster and more efficiently.

          With this membership, I believe I will be surrounded with like-minded people that are successful in many ways besides finance, and definitely, like how I mixed with the geeks during school time, I will definitely succeed even if I fail again and again.

          And that is why, I would want a membership into the War Room - because I am a great knowledge absorber, an excellent thinker, a hunger and desire for success, a friendly and humble person (at least I like to think that way! :p) and a hardworking action taker (though I am moving from hardworking to smartworking).

          And I know, one day, I will be the one contributing back to society. If you have read Rich Dad Poor Dad(though there ar emany critiques of the book, it is still a good read), Rich Dad was though to be evil for having so much money. But the truth is, the assets and business he created gave him the ability to contribute back to society in terms of creating jobs, donating to charities and foundations and scholarships - and this will continue as long as the business stands, even after Rich Dad is no longer living.

          If you have read the entire thing, I would like to extend my appreciation for being so patient. That is a virtue in which I am still working on.

          To be Young, Rich, And Powerful
          Jeff Lam
          Secret Technique Effortlessly CATAPULTS YOUR Opt-In Rates By: 100%..200%..Even 400% Higher!
          >> Interested? Click to find out more.. <<
          • Profile picture of the author Jo_Shua
            Profile picture of Jo_Shua
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            I was just about to throw my name into the hat...


            So, I went ahead and signed up :rolleyes:

            I took the plunge because I have started to make money BECAUSE of the Warrior Forum. I know this elite War Room will be icing on the cake, and propel my career forward like a torpedo... So, do not get in my way

            That, and since I HAD the money in my PayPal balance... I would be full of guilt if I were the cause of someone who did not get in -- but NEEDS in, yet does NOT have the money

            This is a great thread, and it shows just how generous Warriors truly are. I am proud to call myself a Warrior.
            • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
              Profile picture of CDarklock
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by Joshua Collins View Post

              I have started to make money BECAUSE of the Warrior Forum.
              Me too!

              I am proud to call myself a Warrior.
              Me too!

              We should like, go out for a beer or something.
              "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
              • Profile picture of the author Jo_Shua
                Profile picture of Jo_Shua
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

                We should like, go out for a beer or something.
                Haha, sure thing Caliban!
              • Profile picture of the author discrat
                Profile picture of discrat
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Wow, I have been away for a Month and just go back this Morning. And low and behold I see a great thread like this.

                I know I have been in IM for 1.5 years now and I have learned a tremedous amount from the good people here at Warrior. More than any other place on the Web.
                I am a stay at home Dad to a 9 month old and another on the way in February.

                Needless to say, I would be more than honored to even be considered to receive a Free membership to the War Room. I look forward to increasing my knowledge and Education in this great business.
                And what better way to do so then spend it with some of the greatest Minds in the World in the War Room.

                I know I am already feeling blessed to share what I have learned and experienced with the Newbies out there. And I someday want to be a 'Wags' or a 'Paul Myers' or a 'exRat' of the Warrior Forum tirelessly helping others as I go along this great journey and sincerely enjoying doing it.

                I think the War Room will facilitate this process faster.
                So I appreciate any consideration and know I would be a ongoing, contributing Member who would try to give more than I take with my beneficial insights and experiences to those around me !!

                Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

        • Profile picture of the author Cassie18
          Profile picture of Cassie18
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Single Mom of four!!

          Congrats on your more than 500 posts, Kate. I was excited when I hit 30 .

          I want to thank you for your kindess as well as all the other forum members who are helping out.

          I have been lurking since early May when I found out that I was getting laid off. I finally became a member on June 23rd. All I can say is that I have learned so much and am very thankful to everyone for all the knowledge available here. There are several members that I am trying to follow as I believe their advice to be spot on. I have put over 70 threads in my favorites for quick access - my current favorite being the one about whether to post original content on ones site or EZA first as that is the area I am involved in now. Because of that thread, I post all my articles to my site first and then EZA. I have sent EZA 6 articles with 3 of them being on Aug. 14th. I finally got word last evening that those three are accepted and my other three are pending. Felt like I won the lottery because I am following The 30 Day Challenge and just found out today that I am on page 4 of google when I type in certain keywords because of my articles and my efforts at backlinking.

          I am fascinated by IM and am in this for the long haul. I am working hard and just came across this site at 3 am. I used to read the forum for hours a day and everyone kept saying just start doing something and so I am.

          I am sure there are others more deserving than I, but I would LOVE to have a membership in the War Room. Can't afford it now as I am laid off and raising 4 sons but one day I will join whether it's free or I have to pay for it.

          Right now, I read for hours and implement new strategies. Since I had no clue about computers in general, it has really been an experience. I am enjoying it though but am also scared of what the future holds for me financially. I will forge ahead and will post when I make my first dollar. Hopefully in the not too distant future, I can make a generous offer to someone else trying to learn the ropes.

          Thanks to all for your kindness and good luck to everyone.

          • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
            Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Cassie18 View Post

            There are several members that I am trying to follow as I believe their advice to be spot on. I have put over 70 threads in my favorites for quick access - my current favorite being the one about whether to post original content on ones site or EZA first as that is the area I am involved in now. Because of that thread, I post all my articles to my site first and then EZA. I have sent EZA 6 articles with 3 of them being on Aug. 14th. I finally got word last evening that those three are accepted and my other three are pending. Felt like I won the lottery because I am following The 30 Day Challenge and just found out today that I am on page 4 of google when I type in certain keywords because of my articles and my efforts at backlinking.

            Thanks to all for your kindness and good luck to everyone.

            Congrats Cassie ...

            So we can share with everyone here is the thread http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...eza-first.html

            Great to see you following a plan and taking action...

            To Your Success - James
        • Profile picture of the author edmltw
          Profile picture of edmltw
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Nice to have a free gift, nice for you

          :p However, I would rather,

          Learn to fish, rather than receiving a fish

          :rolleyes: So thanks for the delicious offer

          And goodluck for those are participating.

          Hopefully you are the chosen one.


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        • Profile picture of the author Formulam
          Profile picture of Formulam
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hello to all you Warriors

          As you can see from my profile, I have only just joined the Warrior Forum. I have been looking at internet marketing for a few months now but have decided to go 'all out' to try to make a living online. Only trouble is that I have to work full-time at the moment as my husband has multiple sclerosis and can't work.

          I really really want to join the War Room for what I can learn, and hopefully in the future I will also be able to put something back!

          If I can get a free membership, I will work every free hour I have (OK that's not many with house, husband and children - but evenings are good). As soon as I have started regularly earning online, I will offer a free war room membership to another newbie.

          Please give me this chance - it won't be wasted and I can invest the money I save on membership on other aspects of my business.

          Here's hoping!
        • Profile picture of the author fxmmorale
          Profile picture of fxmmorale
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Sounds like a fantastic offer, would love to participate.

          I've long since crossed the threshold of comittment and resolve. All that's left now is to keep learning and keep working.

          Thank you for your consideration,
          The Marketing Rinnegato Cometh... stay tuned. This link leads to my Warrior blog...
          • Profile picture of the author AllThingsArePossible
            Profile picture of AllThingsArePossible
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Yes, Give me a membership and you will help me seal the deal.

            I have been up many many nights milking the free information and taking action. This has lead me to have 3 sites on the first page of google.

            My goal now is to improve my conversions/CTR by learning the basics of copywriting and practicing writing tons of articles.

            I can imagine there are goldmines in improving CTR and conversions in the paid forum because many warriors speak highly of the subscription.

            Pick me and I'll make sure I won't waste your free membership because I'm self motivated anyway and not Lazy.

            peak short video - Im ready...are you?

        • Profile picture of the author craig crawford
          craig crawford
          Profile picture of craig crawford
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          The main reason is obviously its good is to gain valuable knowledge... Yes...
          BUT! I thought of Another good reason to get sponsored. (especially for us newbies)
          To build a relationship with the sponsors (people who are successful already)
          This can be beneficial for both party's...

          The newbie will talk about the sponsor which will bring extra attention now and in the future to whoever sponsors them, And the newbie can get his or hers foot in the door with people who hold good information and may we willing to share

          In my short time learning what I can about this business, I've learnt that prospectives love stories!

          What better in you're story on you're blog/site/ whatever you talk to people on, To show generosity. Showing you're customers you give good value and you care about others!
          Oh and with the added bonus of someone getting a helping hand to success! Which everyone likes in a strory

          It's a nice thing people are doing

          One of my favourite sayings "its nice to be nice"

          I like it
        • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lawrence
          Jeff Lawrence
          Profile picture of Jeff Lawrence
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I would love to be a war room member to learn and grown and in return help others.
          • Profile picture of the author purplecone
            Profile picture of purplecone
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

            This has to be the most generous thing I have read in quite a long time. I have been a member for a while, and lurk often, but seldom post messages. I can honestly say many of my questions have been answered in this forum. I would love to have one of the free War Room memberships.

            I have been researching online marketing for about two years. Last year, in May, I quit my job to move across country due to elder care issues. My father-in-law was ill and needed someone to stay with him. Soon after, he passed away. I was unable to find work and decided it was the perfect opportunity to take the plunge into IM. My husband is not able to work outside the home, so I am our breadwinner, at least until I can learn IM well enough to earn some money and teach it to him. He was not happy with my decision to try earning money online until I actually started making a little--very little. My AdSense account contains exactly $10.33 after more than a year of working in IM--just enough to let me know that this will work if I work it right. I have sold a couple of Clickbank items, but have not reached the threshold for payout, yet. I have four web sites, four blogs, 9 Squidoo lenses, multiple Hubs, 5 Factoids, and over 50 articles on EzineArticles, as well as duplicate articles on other ezine directories. I have also signed up with Linkshare, ShareASale, and Amazon, and get lots of clicks but few buyers. I would be happy to share URLs, and pen names if you want to see proof.

            I recently started working 2 part-time jobs, but together they don't pay what my full-time job did that I felt I had to quit for family responsibility. Over the past year, debt has soared, and my college loans will be coming due soon. I desparately need to learn what I am doing wrong to make this work for us. I am not afraid of hard work, and have already put many, many hours of work into this, often as much as 18 hours a day (before I started working again).

            If I was chosen for a free membership to the War Room, I would learn everything I could and apply it. Standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before and succeeded would ensure that I had the tools to succeed. The tools are all I need. Not only would I pay it forward by sponsoring others to the War Room on a regular basis, I would also add my content to the War Room for others to use as I create it. Writing is my old passion; IM is my new passion. Together, they give me the ability to make a new life for my family earning a living on the Internet. I will succeed with or without the War Room membership, and eventually, when I have enough money to pay all bills, buy groceries, and have some left over, I will have a membership.

            The Free membership would give me a head start on developing the skills I still need to get this career off the ground, and get to a position of being able to pay the bills on time, every time.

            Blessings to all who offered sponsorships, and blessings to all who recieve them.

            Thank you to everyone in the forum who offers to help newbies with answers, advice, and content.

        • Profile picture of the author moneyspills
          Profile picture of moneyspills
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          This is really a nice piece of information.


          How to build a passive income business on the internet, visit Smart Passive Income

        • Profile picture of the author moneyspills
          Profile picture of moneyspills
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Its my privilege to be associated with this project

          How to build a passive income business on the internet, visit Smart Passive Income

        • Profile picture of the author MurphSmurf
          Profile picture of MurphSmurf
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Single Mom

          Hello everyone, I'm a 22-year-old single mom of a 19-month-old boy. I've spent the last couple months putting my heart and soul into IM and nothing would make me more excited than a membership to the War Room. I've been thinking about purchasing it, but of course I don't have a whole lot of money. I only make $9/hr at my job so any kind of help is greatly appreciated.
        • Profile picture of the author UpwardClimb
          Profile picture of UpwardClimb
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          After a great deal of interest, I recently became active in the first stages of learning about internet marketing. I was pleasantly suprised to find Warrior Forum and have been much more impressed with the level of committment of each of you and how willing to help others that I have found.

          I have been involved in business, my entire career and more recently have decided to make a change in the direction I have been heading. This was a HUGE decision for me because I have been involved in healthcare for over 15 years and making a 180 degree change was quite the risk, but that's how I roll in life.

          I have always been the leader with everything I have done in life. I believe thats because I have always run with the belief to always learn from those who have been successful in whatever I am doing and mirror much of what they do. As success grew, I always gave back.

          However, this is a COMPLETELY new area for me...and I love it! But, with that said, I know enough to be dangerous at this point.

          I have always poured my heart and soul into whatever I do and this will be no different. I have a track record of this throughout my life. I want to work hard, but know that I NEED more. I NEED the help of those who have become successful and understand IM. I WANT to be around those that are the best at what they do.

          This is a new journey for me...a new path in life. And I believe that to be able to be part of the WAR ROOM would provide me a faster path to success.

          ALthough I understood that making the change I did would be difficult. But, to have access to the wonderful help in the War Room would be a great tool to help me on my path AND once successful (because I will be successful) I, like you, will pay back through helping others.

          This is the way, I beileve, the greatest successes are developed.

          Thanks so much!
          • Profile picture of the author edhan
            Profile picture of edhan
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Wow! This is unbelieveable and exciting. Imagine it is now 16 sponsors as it is just a day away.

            It is my desire to be a War Room for being warrior. I look forward to a successful IM with WR. Now the chance presents itself, I do hope to gain entry.

            I see every WR members are so supportive to give free membership to help individual like us to succeed. Be blessed to all sponsors and everyone who gets the sponsorship as well as all Warrior members.

            It is a joyful day to see everyone so UNITED and desire to aid those who are in need of help. It really touches my heart and keep my desire burning towards of being in WR. I shall look forward to be WR member.

            Be blessed with Thai Buddha Amulets & Tibetan dZi to accumulate wealth, health & good fortune
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            Understanding the cycle of Karma & Merits

          • Profile picture of the author Snugs
            Profile picture of Snugs
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi War Room Veterans,
            Here is my entry for sponsorship into the war room.

            I have been looking into making an income on the internet for years, but really only seriously over the last year.

            I am from the UK but I am living in Spain. Iam a freelance health and massage therapist, who has had to move 150 miles from where I used to live because I put my trust in someone who lied and cheated and conned me into investing in off-plan property 5 years ago. Well I wasn't expecting what has happened instead of selling the house before completion I had to get a mortgage and move there and I am now living in a small Spanish town on a building site, on my own, with no friends and having to travel 400 miles every 10 days to stay with friends and do as much work as I can find for a few days (which by the way is very little now with the economic climate and everything). So Im barely earning enough to pay my bills let alone pay the mortgage now. So Im just waiting for the bank to repossess my house and I stand to lose everything.

            But Im still positive! Ive always known that I could make a living on the internet, and you would not believe how much money and time I have spent over the last year on this, that and the other "new shiny" IM launch, ebook, course etc. In fact when I add it all up I am really shocked at how much I have spent and how little I have to show for it. My hard drive is full of stuff that I don't know what to start on first.

            I have learnt to avidly read the warrior forum before I invest in anything now. (Ive also invested in a few WSO´s but am I using them? - NO not yet!)

            As I really now need to start putting everything together and "Just DO IT". I know so much but just haven´t put it together practically yet. (Got a couple of blogs that I havent done anything with for months) There are so many things I could do but don't know what to do for the best...........

            Fear of failure is my biggest sticking point, but as my screensaver says:
            Defeat is not the worst failure - Not to have tried is the true failure.

            I am trying, the 12+ hours a day I spend infront of my computer nearly everyday tells me that..........

            Anyway, I would so love for someone to sponsor me into the War Room.
            Im always in the warrior forum and have always aspired to get into the War Room one day - but the way it is going I may well be on the streets before then!

            You don't know how much it would mean to me, and I promise to be eternally grateful and help you back anyway I can, and pay forward another membership when I finally get to make a living as an Internet Marketer.

            I love the warrior forum and how most people seem really genuine and are interested in helping other people. I really would like to get into the "War Room" and if I do I have made a promise to myself to start applying what I have learnt over the last year and really start making a living by Christmas.

            And I know with the support and encouragement from fellow warriors (and hopefully the War Room). I will succeed in the end.

            Thanx for listening,

            Keep up the good work fellow warriors and kind War Room veterans with helping all us newbies in our times of need, angst and wonder.

            Best Wishes

      • Profile picture of the author krcorser
        Profile picture of krcorser
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

        I would feel so blessed to receive a free membership to the War Room that I would use my new-found knowledge to bless others. :-)

        My short story: I quit teaching public school science 11 years ago to homeschool my own children. Since the recession began, my husband has been laid off twice, and our house is in danger of foreclosure.

        I began looking for teaching jobs this summer in a large market (Dallas/Ft. Worth). Basically, you can only find a teaching job if you're certified in Special Ed. or ESL (English as a Second Language). So that's not an option for us.

        Our backs are up against the wall. I want to learn as much as I can as fast as I can and actually APPLY it.

        Then, I want to record my progress so that I can do what I'm trained to do--teach others. Once I know WHAT to do, I can break it down into baby steps to show HOW to do it.

        I read a sobering economic prediction the other day: By 2012, up to 50% of the American population will be out of a typical job. These people will have to become independent contractors, consultants, etc., with no boss, no benefits.

        Even the CEO of Ameriprise Financial is predicting that, even if the recession ends this year, it will be, in his words, a "jobless recovery."

        School certainly didn't train me in entrepreneurship. School trains people for "jobs."

        My family is almost at rock bottom. So I HAVE to learn. I'm motivated.

        But I also have a bigger vision: I want to teach what I will learn to others who have suffered from the recession. I want to give them a chance to provide for their families from home. Because future employment is looking less and less likely these days.

        I would want to use my new-found knowledge to help bless others.

        The Warrior Forum is a wonderful place to be. :-)

        Thank you,
  • Profile picture of the author Talinn
    Profile picture of Talinn
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi people, I am a newbie but I am seeing good results, and am sharing my methods of (moderate) success with the Warrior Forum, as seen in


    I would really like to expand my horizons on Internet Marketing. But financially, I am doing well in IM so if there's somebody who is yet to make any money on IM and is dying to enter the War Room, then I would like him to be accepted instead o me!

  • Profile picture of the author Teresa Coppes
    Teresa Coppes
    Profile picture of Teresa Coppes
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Kate - congrats on reaching 500 posts!

    Joining the war room is on my list of to do and I'm currently saving as we speak, however, I'm throwing my name in the proverbial hat so to speak.

    By becoming a member of the war room I feel that it would help me succeed further in my business by:

    Guiding me with proven methods, tips and techniques to achieve success and ultimately allow me to pay it forward to others as well

    I'm truly thankful for all the advice I have received thus far and will continue towards my goal of becoming a contributing member and eventual war room supporter as well.

    I could continue to write about how I would benefit and why I want to join the war room but I believe actions speak louder than words. And that's exactly what I plan - ACTION!

    All the best to everyone!
  • Profile picture of the author Twonickle
    Profile picture of Twonickle
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow some really nice responses by active members!
    If I would have contemplated it that much, I too would already be a member.

    Please consider me and I will become your marketing slave!

    As for now, I'm still up in the air about deciding to join. No pun intended. =)
  • Profile picture of the author jjbalagosa
    Profile picture of jjbalagosa
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hellz yeah, I want a free membership!

    It was a genius move that Allen put "War Room Member" under the names of members. Makes you guys Elite! It made me want to join the club even more so.

    I'm trying to scrounge around for cash to join. I know it's worth at least 10x the cost, so this offer is fantastic. The free parts of this forum's a freakin' gold mine, I can't wait to see what the other side is like!

    If picked, I plan to soak up as much as I can, so I can pull my family out of "paycheck-to-paycheck" living. Also, finally get out from under some monster medical bills that are sitting in limbo (i.e. collections).

    But not only just to get out of debt and poverty.

    But to start to build a legacy, something that puts my stamp on the world. Maybe be the next Pagan, Reese, or Kern. Who knows? Maybe I could be the one sponsoring a newcomer that just needs that lucky break.

    Regardless of if I get it or not, I do plan on joining. (So don't feel any guilt about not giving it to me.) It'll just take a little longer to get money that hasn't already been earmarked for paying rent or buying groceries.

    Thanks to the Warriors offering membership. You generosity amazes me!
  • Profile picture of the author Marya_Miller
    Profile picture of Marya_Miller
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm brand new to WF and this is not only the first post I'm making, but the first post I've just properly browsed. Wow - are you guys always like this? :-) What an awesome offer. It's really generous of you!

    I would totally appreciate a free membership in the War Room as an investment in my online education and business, because I have just stepped up my own personal marketing activities, after being 100% absorbed in my clients' copywriting projects as I got established.

    I'm working non stop as an info product/sales letter ghostwriter, supporting myself 100% freelance - and I've realized that even with every waking hour of the day filled in with copywriting projects, my income is at its max potential right now, since I do all my own primary and secondary research, and don't outsource to other copywriters.

    That being the case, I recently realized I had to do something different and focus on my own marketing, creating my own products and list! Which is what I'm busy doing now.

    So I've had a radical shift lately, started social networking, got myself an autoresponder (finally -*blush*) and I've been successful recently in dedicating 4 hours (out of my 18 hour days) every day to my own business needs and plans (feels like a "break").

    I've got my sales funnel and my plan all mapped out and in motion, and I'm pretty excited about it.

    Could I use a sponsored membership? You bet! I switched from the offline job world to internet copywriting last year after ending up permanently in a wheelchair and having to Reinvent Myself. So although I fully intend to join the War Room one way or another as soon as I can, I'm not yet at that Happy Place of being able to suddenly squeeze an unexpected item in my budget for now.

    I would very much appreciate it if I received a sponsorship, and can't wait till the day I can "pay forward" by being the sponsor instead of the sponsoree.

    Thank you!
  • Profile picture of the author ScottFox
    Profile picture of ScottFox
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great idea, Kate.

    Leadership through inspiring generosity is the best kind.
  • Profile picture of the author greenovni
    Profile picture of greenovni
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow, what a nice gesture.

    I would use my membership to pick something SOLID and stick to it. I have tried so many things and all of them have left out a key piece of info that has rendered the project either OLD or obsolete.

    I have heard that the war room has MANY solid plans and whether someone sponsors me or as soon as I have so extra $$, I am in!
    • Profile picture of the author Bennette
      Profile picture of Bennette
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Kate,

      Congratulations on your 500 post. I can't wait to have that many to be able to give back to others in the WF.

      How I would use the information from the War Room in my business would be to take Action Immediately! Knowledge is great but if you never apply it why have it?

      I like to tell a story:

      My focus is offline marketing to businesses. Due to lack of funds I have been struggling with trying to learn Wordpress and make a site for my marketing business.

      A Warrior member offered to help teach me how to build a site with a free theme. Yesterday we were on Skype for 6 hours straight as she patiently walked me through building my site.

      I can't tell you how that touch my heart to know that she felt I was worth dedicating her time, skills and knowledge to help me achieve my goal. Did she have to do it for me? Heck no, but I'm thankful she did!

      The reason I share the story is it's not what you do when everyone is watching ...but more importantly, it's what you do when no one is watching is really what counts!!!

      So like the lady warrior that I'm grateful to, I'm committed to making my marketing business work. This is what I've done so far in my 1st 60 days:

      I have personally cold called 103 businesses- boy is it hot as Hell here.
      Emailed 460 business owners from YP to Chamber listing- nothing yet.
      Faxed a letter to 40 dentists- no response.
      Replied to CL ads daily - only received responses from either broke and the one's that want to pick your brain,tire kickers or the one's that want you're 1st born for $5.

      My current goal is:
      Joined a networking group- accomplished
      Create a direct mail campaign with a free report- working on that now
      Contacting SBDC's and offering to do workshops- sent out packets

      I do get frustrated and doubt my abilities when it seems like there's no hope. I read an affirmation, get back up and dust myself off, because there are no paychecks or extra funds. Call me crazy but I've been an entrepreneur for 16 yrs and a job is like being torched. That's why I'm dedicated to doing the things that I need to do when no one is watching.

      For me Quitting is not an option!

      Thank you Kate for the opportunity

  • Profile picture of the author mangot
    Profile picture of mangot
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am new to this forum but the war room definitely interest me.
    • Profile picture of the author sarafina
      Profile picture of sarafina
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      As many of you can see. I'm not new to the forums. Far from that. I have been on the forum longer than many actually...

      Almost 4 years ago, I joined WF and through a member on the forum, found out about 12 daily pro. I joined 12 daily pro which ended up being a scam and like many others, I lost A LOT of money. Money that I didn't even have as I invested with credit cards.

      It was my fault and I don't blame anybody. That being said, the experience left a very BITTER taste in my mouth. I thought that all internet marketers were scammers and making money online was fake. I stopped coming to WF and tried to repair my financial situation.

      I did. So much so that I was able pay off my credit cards and even buy a house.

      I had forgotten about anything online related until this year. I had a website for an offline venture and it got a bit of traffic so about a year earlier ago I slapped some adsense on it.

      Out of no where I checked it out this summer and low and behold..I had $60 of earnings. This is peanuts to you but it BLEW MY MIND. I did NOTHING to promote the site and putting the adsense on took my half a second, but here because of it, I was $60 richer?! I wondered what happened if I actually put EFFORT into making money online. I decided I wanted to see so I came back WF. My interest was renewed and here I am.

      I told myself as soon as I get my $100 cheque from adsense. I will use it to buy into the other forum. I do this because 1. it gives me an incentive to get there faster, 2. there is enough free info for me to earn $40 I need to get a cheque and 3. I don't want to get into the habit of buying wso and tools and doing nothing. I force myself to get a return on my investment before I proceed.

      I will succeed in internet marketing. I don't doubt it. I will use the forum to lower my learning curve and help me get there faster. If you sponsor me to the other side then when I get my adsense cheque..the $50 I was going to use to get myself in..I will provide that for somebody else

      P.S. I have attached a pic of my adsense account now..lol still a bit away!!
  • Profile picture of the author rhondaklewis
    Profile picture of rhondaklewis
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would like to be a war room member. I just hate to be left out of a good thing. Also I would like to have one of those red "war room member" phrases above my avatar. I am so jealous
  • Profile picture of the author shanegf
    Profile picture of shanegf
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would love to join the war room. Although to be honest I am very new to internet marketing. I want to make a commited full time effort into making a living through my computer. My finances have been tight since a recent job loss, so I have to be honest and say that I would not be in a position to start a internet business with alot of start up capital. I have learnt alot just going through the public forum and can only imagine the knowledge that can be learned in the war room. Anyway all the best and thank you for a great generous offer on your part. It shows me that this forum is great to be apart of. And if it's not me I will keep saving and then see you on the inside.
    Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
    Profile picture of Hackbridge
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm blown away by the generosity here, and would like to thank you for the membership - Only Joking

    I don't deserve a membership if I don't give something back to members of this forum by way of thanking KF and those who have contributed towards this generous offer.

    For years I have bumbled along, striving to make money from IM only to fail at consistently making money online. I even quit my full time job. Mainly, it was for relocation problems and I thought that it would give me the opportunity to "REALLY" go for it, but it wasn't to be. Without clear direction I wasted money on PPC, and living on what we had meant that over time, I have had to seek employment again.

    I've bought all the picks and shovels, and other stuff people said would work, but you know who really got rich? It wasn't me!

    I would like to be in the Warrior Room like a lot of more deserving people here before me. If I get in to the Warrior Room and start making money from the advice, then I will sponsor someone else, which I think would be only fair.

    I have been stumbling around for too long, trying to find the Holy Grail of IM. I think that I have some goodies in my bag of late, which might help me, but I need to focus on what it is I need to do. I need a plan, a clear idea of what I need to do, and I know the Warrior Room will provide that for me.

    I've been told so many times to "Give it up" but something inside of me says I can't. I don't know why? I want to help people who are in the same position as me (in debt), to become successful online because of what I learned here.

    I've learnt a lot outside of the Warrior Room, but as I harkened about picks and shovels, I've only been able to get scraps of tin and copper. The silver is in sight but I want the Gold!!!!!

    I would love to get into the Warrior Room. It's not my decision but whoever gets in I wish them all the very best and truthfully? I hope they don't waste the opportunity given them.

    God bless

  • Profile picture of the author wisecrone333
    Profile picture of wisecrone333
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would love to have access to the War Room, but after reading all these wonderful posts I do wonder what I could say that would make my "ask" any different from anyone elses. Let me see...

    Even though I am learning something new everyday about IM, and a lot of that has been from this forum, I am made even more acutely aware everyday what I still have to learn - I get the traffic sorted and it's not targeted enough; I get people to my squeeze pages but I can't get them so sign up for it; I know I have to tackle SEO shortly but my brain freezes at that idea.

    I really work at this though - I am on the computer up to 16 hours a day - I have three sites up, my blog, squidoo pages, hubpages and a heap of articles out there. I know a lot about writing content, ebooks and articles so I could be of use to others who have more techie skills than me - see thats the thing - if I get membership into the War Room I want to know I can contribute something as well.

    My financial position is no better, and no worse than others - the exchange rate is the only thing that has stopped me joining so far and it is definately on my list of things to buy once I do start making money - but if I could win a spot then to me it would be both heaven and hell - heaven because of the access to all of that wonderful information and hell because I would still have to work out how to use it

    Anyway please consider my post and thanks to all the warrior members who are paying it forward - it is a principle I live by and if given a spot will gladly do the same as soon as I can

    All the best
    Hire me to write your ebooks - Warriors get a discount: just check out the blog below for more details.
    Gran's tackling the world of IM - check out the blog here
    Understanding domestic violence, writing a book in just 8 hours and more can be found here
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Dark
    Chris Dark
    Profile picture of Chris Dark
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just to let you know, i changed my account name from * to my real name, Chris Dark.

    Just thought i'd let you know incase of any confusion.

  • Profile picture of the author kenboss
    Profile picture of kenboss
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have to say: this forum blows me away. And I'm talking about the basic, free Warrior Forum. When I first began to investigate Internet Marketing I was convinced it was going to be an every-man-for-himself, cut-throat business, and I even avoided the WF for a long time because I'd been given the impression that it was cliquey and exclusive, and that I would get eaten alive.

    Finally I came here, and I haven't seen ONE person yet with a knife and fork in their hands. (just the occasional poisoned dagger!!) No-one has ever tried to take a bite out of me, (although I am sure if I hang around long enough it will happen!)

    Exactly the opposite is true. Sure there are daggers flying around - but these are rendered insignificant by the overwhelming waves of generosity and mutual support and encouragement. Even the newest of newby who is clearly in way over his head is given patient encouragement, support, or at the very least, a warm welcome. So long as he/she is sincere. Insincerity, especially when accompanied by dishonesty, self-serving behaviour, rudeness, spamming, etc, is quite rightly given the bum's rush.

    There is an absolute WEALTH of free, high-quality information here. And not just information, but wisdom and experience, warmth and humour, generosity and genuineness. And it's all being continuously added to by people who say they've already got so much out of this forum that they want to give something back.

    But like everything else, it suffers from info overload. And there is, it has to be said, lots of rubbish mixed in with the gold. So my head spins, because I spend perhaps a lot more time on the WF than is prudent, simply trying to sift through everything to learn what I need to learn.

    At the same time I try to contribute something here and there through my posts. Here is the crucial point. I believe I am gifted with quite decent communication skills. Being an actor certainly helps, and I have also been a teacher in the past. I am very good at explaining things, outlining steps, anticipating questions and comprehension issues. So I can honestly see, lurking within myself, a potentially Dynamite product creator. I really want to help a lot of people the way I have been helped. But I feel my hands tied because my own knowledge is too scattered, too fragmented.

    So the War Room sounds like the answer to a prayer. I must admit it only really came into my attention about 3 weeks ago when I saw somebody raving about it, and then several other ravers backing up that rave. Now with Allen's terribly clever "badge" initiative, it is becoming all the rage, and I have seen so many incredible testimonials that I am just dying to stop sifting and get inside where the real pearls are.

    The problem is that I have put a freeze on my own spending until I manage to start generating regular income. It is just a self discipline thing. It's so easy to keep spending spending spending on the latest sexy WSO or whatever, but this DOESN'T get the job done. It is also the main reason why I am still so broke: It just illusional - it lets you think you've brought yourself one step closer to your goal by making this purchase, that purchase -- all the while continuously ignoring the fact that making money, not making purchases, is what IM is supposed to be about.

    It's a silly psychological game played by the mind. I am totally convinced that I can cure the problem & put this game to bed with a membership in the War Room. High quality information in a focused environment is exactly what I need to tip the balance over into regular earnings, and from there - UP UP AND AWAY! And soon I will be one of those guys eager - and truly able - to "give something back".

    For this reason I am asking to be included in this amazing War Room sponsorship phenomenon. BUT!!! As soon as I can say I have made money as a direct result of information obtained in there, I will INSIST on repaying my sponsor the membership fee.

    And judging by what everyone is saying about the War Room, that should not take too long!

    Thanks Kate
    Whatever the outcome, this earns you yet another smooch!!!

    • Profile picture of the author Wilde
      Profile picture of Wilde
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi all,

      been a member on here for a while, pop in every now and then, but recently as I have stopped procrastinating and have started taking action been spending more time in the forum. At the moment though funds are low due to my inability to work (illness), three kids and having spent up for this month!

      I think what you are doing is fantastic and will give people a great start.

      I got half way through posting a reply and then thought about it for a while.... There is some people in here more deserving than me or more in need, although some are dubious. Claiming to make money but want in free! Mmmm.....

      But I want in the War Room & I have no cash!

      So I thought about things.... rather than taking one of the free memberships I would make a offer to some of the people looking in this thread.

      I can code (x)HTML, CSS, PHP, Mysql know my way around Photoshop and I write pretty well.

      So here is the offer, I will do you something for you from the above you pay my way in to the War room.. Win Win situation?....

      Let me know if you fancy taking me up on the offer?

      • Profile picture of the author craig crawford
        craig crawford
        Profile picture of craig crawford
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Wilde View Post

        Hi all,

        been a member on here for a while, pop in every now and then, but recently as I have stopped procrastinating and have started taking action been spending more time in the forum. At the moment though funds are low due to my inability to work (illness), three kids and having spent up for this month!

        I think what you are doing is fantastic and will give people a great start.

        I got half way through posting a reply and then thought about it for a while.... There is some people in here more deserving than me or more in need, although some are dubious. Claiming to make money but want in free! Mmmm.....

        But I want in the War Room & I have no cash!

        So I thought about things.... rather than taking one of the free memberships I would make a offer to some of the people looking in this thread.

        I can code (x)HTML, CSS, PHP, Mysql know my way around Photoshop and I write pretty well.

        So here is the offer, I will do you something for you from the above you pay my way in to the War room.. Win Win situation?....

        Let me know if you fancy taking me up on the offer?


        I think Someone who cant afford it with children to look after due to illness. Deserves it way more then me!

        I retract my entry! If I was going to be picked give mine to Phil

        Good luck Phil


      • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
        Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Wilde View Post

        Hi all,

        been a member on here for a while, pop in every now and then, but recently as I have stopped procrastinating and have started taking action been spending more time in the forum. At the moment though funds are low due to my inability to work (illness), three kids and having spent up for this month!

        I think what you are doing is fantastic and will give people a great start.

        I got half way through posting a reply and then thought about it for a while.... There is some people in here more deserving than me or more in need, although some are dubious. Claiming to make money but want in free! Mmmm.....

        But I want in the War Room & I have no cash!

        So I thought about things.... rather than taking one of the free memberships I would make a offer to some of the people looking in this thread.

        I can code (x)HTML, CSS, PHP, Mysql know my way around Photoshop and I write pretty well.

        So here is the offer, I will do you something for you from the above you pay my way in to the War room.. Win Win situation?....

        Let me know if you fancy taking me up on the offer?

        I will sponsor you dude... Send me a PM with your paypal email..

  • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
    Profile picture of MissTerraK
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think all of you who are giving away free memberships are a blessing from above! I have been unemployed for quite awhile and was convinced by my loving brother that internet marketing was the way to go! I joined an affiliate program just 4 months ago (can you hear newbie echoing around the warroom?) I am not making a profit as of yet, but am working hard at it! Then 1 month ago, joined another as well trying to up the ante...so far zilch! 3 wks ago joined another that I am just starting to get my hands dirty with! I learned that I need to learn so much to make this thing work, and just how ignorant I am when it comes to this type of stuff! So I put a request out there that I would like for a mentor to take on this little fledging, and teach her/me how to fly! I got an immediate response from a well known guru (whom shall remain nameless) offering to mentor me, but first I had to fill out this application form to see if I had what it takes, what my goals were, etc. Alot of the questions were essay type questions, so I thought long and hard and then poured out my heart in the answers only to be told I had to pay $2,000 first before I could submit my app. I broke down and cried, thinking Hello, if I had 2 grand to throw out there, I wouldn't be asking for a mentor, I'd be asking if I could hire one! I decided then that internet marketing was just wealthy people getting wealthier from naive people like me, I was ready to hang it up, counting my losses, and trying something else. Then my brother told me about the Warrior forum and I joined. Now I found this, my faith has been multiplied many times over! If I were given a free membership to the War Room, I would be forever grateful and repay by helping others when I know quite a bit more!
    Thank you so much for this opportunity, I think you all rock!
  • Profile picture of the author maco
    Profile picture of maco
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I will use the War Room to further expand my knowledge and turn my currently (night) part-time internet marketing job into a proper business so that I can quit my full time job. My target is to generate 150% of my current income by 30 May 2009.

    Learn how to make friends

  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Kate,
    Just sent you a PM...

  • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
    Steve Wells
    Profile picture of Steve Wells
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would like to be considered as a candidate for the war room. If I am chosen I will use the valuable information from the war room to increase my skills and build an online business that will provide more services for the IM arena.

    I am currently a graphic design student endeavoring to learn, PHP programming, graphic design with Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, In Design, After Effects and more.

    I am also doing my best to learn more about internet marketing sense this is the area that I want to move towards mainly due to family reasons.

    So what I learn I will eventually give back to the community, that I believe is one of the best things about learning, the ability to turn around and teach another what you know so they can benifit and enrich their lives.
    Need Custom Graphics Work? - Message Me For A Design Quote!
  • Profile picture of the author Kazooli
    Profile picture of Kazooli
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second


    Day: No real marketer knows!
    Geographic Location: Wey Aye man...Newcastle,
    Indoor Location: From my couch as I lounge & Wiggle My Toes!

    Dear Fellow Warriors,
    I wouldn't know about the War Forums because I am not a member ...

    From what I have seen within the Warrior Forum I have to say that I AM SHOCKED! Not only the
    Warrior Forums is the perfect introduction to the War Forums but also Ranks #1 in allowing expression of ideas to flow and diversity of opinions to be marked like a slap on the face that leaves imprints you may never forget! Ouch... my hand hurts!

    SO in all honesty...

    I have NO DOUBT that the WAR FORUM is as authentic as it says on the TIN & Then Some MORE!

    Let them in man... it's cold outside!

    Please someone sponsor MissTerraK Katie Rich
    & Bennette

    • Profile picture of the author parzlou
      Profile picture of parzlou
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I would like to say that the reason I want this free membership is because I am out of work due to injury and that my wife is now also recently laid off and thus I can not afford the cost... which is all true..But, that does not necessarily make me worthy of this opportunity..

      I have been wanting to join the war room for some time now and know that a membership to the room would mean that I can learn from the pros and be able to network , and grow my knowledge base on a higher level.

      Thanks in advance for any consideration I may receive

      Internet Marketing Sales & Service
      ParzLou OnLine

      • Profile picture of the author twright
        Profile picture of twright
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I heard Anal Probes and Halo's are given out when you enter the War Room.

        Sounds like my type of place, short of the Angel Wings on my back I am ready to receive my lobotomy in my past IM dealings..

        War Forum make me whole, make me free, Free to make money enjoy life and sip drinks on a lawn chair.. yes I need the little umbrella in the drink too

        My Hats off to all of those who get a free invite

        *back to serious posting.. You stay Classy San Diego!
        • Profile picture of the author edhan
          Profile picture of edhan
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Everyone deserves to be in the War Room.

          Guess War Room is created for those who are seriously wanting to excel in IM and generating income with internet business.

          It will be great blessing to everyone be included in the War Room. I can feel the importance of this private forum in War Room and the knowledge we can acquire and learn. From all the messages, we can see the eagerness of wanting to be in the War Room and yet like me, waiting for the right chance to be included unless we have spare income to do so immediately.

          Sadly on my part, I have yet to accomplish this golden opportunity to be part of War Room but I firmly believe that I will be able to achieve someday. Of course it will be wonderful to receive this Free membership as a reward. But if not, then I will find other means to get in as a part of War Room member.

          Like others, I am hard on budget to be in War Room but it is my dream of achievement to get into the magnificent group of marketer's private forum to learn and excel in internet business. I am eagerly looking forward to achieve this dream to become reality.

          Before the result is out, I sincerely like to congratulate all 6 who will be granted the magnificent opportunity to be part of War Room members.

          Be blessed with Thai Buddha Amulets & Tibetan dZi to accumulate wealth, health & good fortune
          Build your own community business
          Article Directory Source Code with blog & Classified Ads
          Understanding the cycle of Karma & Merits

  • Profile picture of the author warriortx
    Profile picture of warriortx
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm holding out till September, I'm sure there will be some new goodies
  • Profile picture of the author jjbalagosa
    Profile picture of jjbalagosa
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I retract my entry.

    I know myself too well. If I get a free ride, I won't take it as seriously as I would if I put my own hard earned cash into it.

    So I sold some extra unneeded things (old games, dvds, some blood, etc...) and got enough to join!

    If anyone was actually considering giving me the membership... Thank you!

    kf, I hope you make millions dollars for starting this thread.

    I'll see ya'll on the inside!
    • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
      Mukul Verma
      Profile picture of Mukul Verma
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by jjbalagosa View Post

      I retract my entry.

      I know myself too well. If I get a free ride, I won't take it as seriously as I would if I put my own hard earned cash into it.

      So I sold some extra unneeded things (old games, dvds, some blood, etc...) and got enough to join!

      If anyone was actually considering giving me the membership... Thank you!

      kf, I hope you make millions dollars for starting this thread.

      I'll see ya'll on the inside!
      Welcome to the War Room, I am glad you realize this because people who get free rides sometimes do not appreciate it
    • Profile picture of the author kf
      Profile picture of kf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      That is absolutely golden! With that attitude you will go far in this business and in life!

      All the best to you, too.


      Originally Posted by jjbalagosa View Post

      I retract my entry.

      I know myself too well. If I get a free ride, I won't take it as seriously as I would if I put my own hard earned cash into it.

      So I sold some extra unneeded things (old games, dvds, some blood, etc...) and got enough to join!

      If anyone was actually considering giving me the membership... Thank you!

      kf, I hope you make millions dollars for starting this thread.

      I'll see ya'll on the inside!
  • Profile picture of the author kf
    Profile picture of kf
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just wanted to share with you part of another PM I received from TheRichJerksNet:


    Hi Kate,
    Great thread and I would also like to help out and contribute....

    So for each members given a free war room membership I would like to match that with a free copy of WordPress Secured. Currently being sold on the main page at $37.97. So if there is 6 then I will give 6 copies, if there are more then I will match that number...


    That's awesome James.

    Thanks to each of you for continuing to tell your stories and share your hopes and dreams.
    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by kf View Post

      Just wanted to share with you part of another PM I received from TheRichJerksNet:


      Hi Kate,
      Great thread and I would also like to help out and contribute....

      So for each members given a free war room membership I would like to match that with a free copy of WordPress Secured. Currently being sold on the main page at $37.97. So if there is 6 then I will give 6 copies, if there are more then I will match that number...


      That's awesome James.

      Thanks to each of you for continuing to tell your stories and share your hopes and dreams.
      Your welcome Kate, and I wish all of you the best and good luck in winning a membership...

    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by kf View Post

      Just wanted to share with you part of another PM I received from TheRichJerksNet:


      Hi Kate,
      Great thread and I would also like to help out and contribute....

      So for each members given a free war room membership I would like to match that with a free copy of WordPress Secured. Currently being sold on the main page at $37.97. So if there is 6 then I will give 6 copies, if there are more then I will match that number...


      That's awesome James.

      Thanks to each of you for continuing to tell your stories and share your hopes and dreams.
      Well Kate looks like I will be giving away a good many copies of WordPress Secured ... Oh I love It!

      Decided we are going to sweeten the pot some more here though and need your help to take care of this one.

      I will give away 1 copy of my membership script to one person. This is a highly powerful script that is custom coded from the ground up (not open source) and would cost you $10,000 if you had a developer build it for you.

      So I will need to require a few things that must be met

      * The winner must have a domain name ready
      * The winner must have hosting (I prefer hostgator)
      * The winner must have a plan of action

      The winner will still get full access just as if they paid for the membership script. They will get access to all bonus downloads, all training materials, and of course support.

      So if you have an idea on how to do this shoot me a PM, would be nice for you to pick the winner or others vote or something...

      Let me know

      • Profile picture of the author kf
        Profile picture of kf
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by kevinb View Post

        Kate - I pm'd you earlier.

        What you are doing for Warriors is sheer excellence and goes some way in getting the old Warrior spirit back - well done!

        A few months ago, another Warrior offered to help me financially when I was going through a bad time and I now want to pay back.

        So, here's another War Room membership sponsor for your tally . . .


        Thanks Kevin that's awesome. I'll update the tally.

        Watch your PM for a reply from me.

        Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

        Well Kate looks like I will be giving away a good many copies of WordPress Secured ... Oh I love It!

        Decided we are going to sweeten the pot some more here though and need your help to take care of this one.

        I will give away 1 copy of my membership script to one person. This is a highly powerful script that is custom coded from the ground up (not open source) and would cost you $10,000 if you had a developer build it for you.

        So I will need to require a few things that must be met

        * The winner must have a domain name ready
        * The winner must have hosting (I prefer hostgator)
        * The winner must have a plan of action

        The winner will still get full access just as if they paid for the membership script. They will get access to all bonus downloads, all training materials, and of course support.

        So if you have an idea on how to do this shoot me a PM, would be nice for you to pick the winner or others vote or something...

        Let me know


        Sounds good James. I'll update the thread. Let me think on best way to award that.

        Everyone else - will be checking PMs now. Thx.
      • Profile picture of the author Jo_Shua
        Profile picture of Jo_Shua
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Is this up for grabs for people already in the War Room?

        Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

        I will give away 1 copy of my membership script to one person. This is a highly powerful script that is custom coded from the ground up (not open source) and would cost you $10,000 if you had a developer build it for you.

        So I will need to require a few things that must be met

        * The winner must have a domain name ready
        * The winner must have hosting (I prefer hostgator)
        * The winner must have a plan of action

        The winner will still get full access just as if they paid for the membership script. They will get access to all bonus downloads, all training materials, and of course support.

        So if you have an idea on how to do this shoot me a PM, would be nice for you to pick the winner or others vote or something...

        Let me know

  • Profile picture of the author pmg2712
    Profile picture of pmg2712
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I dont know if I am eligible for warrior room.. haha..
  • Profile picture of the author lisag
    Profile picture of lisag
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have knowledge and experience to share with others and, at the same time, I want to surround myself with successful people who can mentor me.

    I'm smart, but I could be smarter.

    I make 100% of my income from the Internet, but I could make more.

    I understand programming, marketing and copy writing, but I sometimes need inspiration, ideas and peers to run things by.

    My 13-year-old daughter is building a site to sell her hand-made guitar straps. Imagine the chances I'll have to help her develop into an entrepreneur if I can impart what I learn in the War Room to her and her friends who are now waking up to the fact that the Internet is more than a playground.

    Oooh, ooh, pick me Mr. Kotter!

    -- Lisa G

    • Profile picture of the author oblivion
      Profile picture of oblivion
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I am not too sure If I am eligible or not. But anyways-Here is my story.
      Being in a medical field(student), I wasn't computer savvy but was always fascinated by the idea of websites and earning online.

      After a failed website and 6 months of effort, I realized I learnt quite a bit by this failure. I decided to do something I was more passionate about. So, Around exactly one year back, I combined my profession and hobby and launched a health website and worked my ass off in the holidays.

      It went alright and got a decent response. I study out of town(I didnt have a pc there). So after my holidays, I made a gamble and borrowed cash from friends and bought a pc and net conn there. I worked hard, trying to do justice to both studies and work.

      I kind of pulled it off with a strictly okay success. I repayed the borrowed money in 6-7 months and had some extra cash every month to manage myself.
      And its holidays time again, I am hungry for more. I just hate myself for not being on Warrior forum earlier. Lot to learn here.

      $100 seems a small amount to the western world, but its 50% of an ok salary back here in India. The amount I earn from my website is around that itself but it goes in managing myself and all.

      Well, Whether I get selected or not for this , I gurantee you I will be there in 1-2months by the money I will be making by reading so many helpful tutorials on this forum

      C ya!
  • Profile picture of the author lisag
    Profile picture of lisag
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You know, Phil is absolutely right. Here I am applying for a free membership and I spent $35 on my daughter's back-to-school haircut. Disregard my request. I'll pay my way in.

    And Tallin, with your permission, I'd like to up the ante by agreeing to sponsor a Warrior single/divorced Mom who has ambition but is short of cash.

    Is that OK with you?

    -- Lisa G

    • Profile picture of the author kf
      Profile picture of kf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by lisag View Post

      You know, Phil is absolutely right. Here I am applying for a free membership and I spent $35 on my daughter's back-to-school haircut. Disregard my request. I'll pay my way in.

      with your permission, I'd like to up the ante by agreeing to sponsor a Warrior single/divorced Mom who has ambition but is short of cash.

      Is that OK with you?
      Lisa - Absolutely. Just got your PM and have updated the thread. Thanks for offering to sponsor someone in.

      And good on you for paying your own way in. That's one reason I started this thread, to get people new to the forum to start thinking about what's more important - a dinner out or an investment in their online business and education.

      ---- > Lisa wants the membership to go to a single, widowed or divorced mom, so you might want to mention that if it applies to you.
  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Copen
    Lisa Copen
    Profile picture of Lisa Copen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow, this is great timing. I am finally getting serious about being a successful internet marketer. I have been researching and trying this and that for almost 3 years now. I decided last month to put together a plan to have my first original information plan completed and up for sale by the end of this year. After hearing about what the War Room offers, I think it would give me the support and clarity I need to make this happen.

    I own my own business, or I thought I did, until reading Robert Kiyosaki, and discovered that I actually own a J-O-B. I am tired of trading hours for dollars. I want a real business that works whether I do or not. I would use a membership to the War Room to get up to speed, and then I would turn around and teach others who are struggling like I am now.

    After reading so much about the War Room, I plan on joining in a few weeks when I get my next check, but winning a membership would allow me to get in and start putting my plans into action even sooner.

    Thanks for considering me!

    Lisa Copen

    Check came early - I am now a War Room Member. But sponsoring is a great idea, and I thank everyone who has offered it. I plan on sponsoring someone as soon as I make some money on the internet, which hopefully won't be too long now!
  • Profile picture of the author Katie Rich
    Katie Rich
    Profile picture of Katie Rich
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What a generous collection of people!

    Reading these posts has made me realise that I am not the only one with problems, which is actually quite cheering really (not that others have problems, just that I am not alone in despair!)

    My situation is very similar to many others. Made redundant from my job, and in the midst of a divorce, I am avidly trying to earn an income online to pay the mortgage. I have found that it is just not possible to pay a £640 a month mortgage with an income of £55 per week.

    I know the basics, I know it works, I just haven't managed to make it work for me yet. BUT, I have learned. FTP, Blogging, website set-up, were all things that were a mystery to me when I first started. I think my main problem is SEO and finding out how to write better than I do presently. I have some visitors, but none who buy, so I need to learn how to capture their attention.

    I am registered with odesk, to try to earn a little whilst I still look for a job, because whatever anyone says, there has to be some income to sustain a home, food and the heating bill (it's cold here in the UK!) and when I have free time I am here, reading and learning and trying to figure out just what is the block to me not making any money online!

    I would love a membership to the War Room. I will join, once the mortgage is secure ( or the house is sold, whichever comes first) and who knows, maybe, just maybe I will finally make a few sales

    We all think we need it and we all think we deserve it. To whomever wins I send my best wishes. To the sponsors I send my thanks for caring enough to take someone forward in their online career.
    • Profile picture of the author Kazooli
      Profile picture of Kazooli
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Katie Rich View Post

      What a generous collection of people!

      Reading these posts has made me realise that I am not the only one with problems, which is actually quite cheering really (not that others have problems, just that I am not alone in despair!)

      My situation is very similar to many others. Made redundant from my job, and in the midst of a divorce, I am avidly trying to earn an income online to pay the mortgage. I have found that it is just not possible to pay a £640 a month mortgage with an income of £55 per week.

      I know the basics, I know it works, I just haven't managed to make it work for me yet. BUT, I have learned. FTP, Blogging, website set-up, were all things that were a mystery to me when I first started. I think my main problem is SEO and finding out how to write better than I do presently. I have some visitors, but none who buy, so I need to learn how to capture their attention.

      I am registered with odesk, to try to earn a little whilst I still look for a job, because whatever anyone says, there has to be some income to sustain a home, food and the heating bill (it's cold here in the UK!) and when I have free time I am here, reading and learning and trying to figure out just what is the block to me not making any money online!

      I would love a membership to the War Room. I will join, once the mortgage is secure ( or the house is sold, whichever comes first) and who knows, maybe, just maybe I will finally make a few sales

      We all think we need it and we all think we deserve it. To whomever wins I send my best wishes. To the sponsors I send my thanks for caring enough to take someone forward in their online career.
      You are not alone Katie,
      and it is nice that you can see this.

      If I get it, it is yours

      • Profile picture of the author kf
        Profile picture of kf
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by BIG Mike View Post

        Just tell me who and Incansoft will sponsor someone...I think everyone I'm mentoring is currently a member, so let me know.
        Thanks Mike! Can't find a PM link for you, so please check back on the 1st for the name and how to pay for your War Room sponsee.

        Originally Posted by jacktackett View Post


        Wow - what a great thread and expression of the true warrior spirit! Thanks for spurring us to action - you truly lead with your heart, as a good friend of mine Chuck Hester likes to say.

        So I'll sponsor Reid (reidcardwell) into the war room in the spirit of helping out a fellow warrior and Tar Heel! Reid, please send me your paypal email to me at warrior at netwharf dot com (since I don't think you can send PMs yet).

        I also recommend you check out fellow warrior Robert Plank. He started out selling php scripts here and helping folks out and eventually was able to quit his day job and work full time in IM - at the ripe old age of 24.

        Good luck, and again Great Job Kate!!!!

        That is awesome Jack! And congrats on the great job you're doing putting together this year's conference ( who did you say was leading with the heart? )

        And Congrats Reid (reidcardwell). See ya on the inside.
  • Profile picture of the author akoni
    Profile picture of akoni
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    To me, when I will be given the chance to get on the War Room, I believe that it will lead me towards my success in IM business, to be taught by those who have great experience in this field, to learn from the experts, in short to learn from the best

    I am looking for the right direction to building a good business in the internet and have been trying to do so since 2007, and to no avail, i'm still the same because i am quite sure that something is wrong with what i'm doing and why i always flop and why i only have 2 members on my membership site for the past 7 months, i want to make a change in my life and i believe that War Room is the best way to guide me in the right direction to become successful like a lot of the Warriors in here.

    I know because it is like playing the piano, when you have the best to teach you the fundamentals to the higher grade in music, you will attain your success no matter what and no matter how long it takes.

    no sig for me

    • Profile picture of the author edhan
      Profile picture of edhan
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      It is so touching to read all these messages and everyone is opening up their hearts. I am real happy to be here with such wonderful group of people who are trying to make their dreams come true.

      With the current economy, it is hard to make a living for some and being Singaporean, it is quite a high standard of living in costs. I am still needed to support two children who are still schooling and planning to go university. It will be even more costly to enter a private university in Singapore.

      So, my aim to learn as much as I can and discover the secret strategy of building online business to support my children for their education so they will have a better future.

      With this opportunity of gaining entry to War Room will be the best anyone can expect. It will be another new beginning of a journey to uncover the secrets how I can go another step further to earn money for my children's future. Seeing so many of u guys/gals in the War Room shows that you all have reached the next level in IM and earning online.

      Like others, I hope to be in the War Room. It will be my next target to achieve - whether gaining free membership or saving enough for entry.

      Be blessed with Thai Buddha Amulets & Tibetan dZi to accumulate wealth, health & good fortune
      Build your own community business
      Article Directory Source Code with blog & Classified Ads
      Understanding the cycle of Karma & Merits

  • Profile picture of the author forrar
    Profile picture of forrar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Why I want to get free membership to the War Room:

    Looks like here are a lot of creative people who really know what they want. I'm afraid, I'm not one of them. I'm 18 and I live in Eastern Europe, in Lithuania. Sometimes when I read this forum I can't believe that people can make so much money on the internet. When the minimum salary in Lithuania is only $300 / month, the number that you earn for me looks like that would be a gold mine. Life here is not easy, I need to count every cent, can I buy a new jeans, new jacket, even a pen, I always need to count.. And that's not everything. After month I'm starting to study in university. We need to pay for education in Lithuania and prices are very high..

    Why I want free membership.. Because I think that I could find myself in internet marketing, because I think I could earn some money and make my and my parents life easier. They wouldn't have to pay for studies any more. And last but I think most important thing is, I have a strong will, which should help me to earn money...

    So that's my story. English is not my native language, so sorry for mistakes.
    I hope I will be the one from those 6 people.


    • Profile picture of the author feixia913
      Profile picture of feixia913
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I want to be in. The reason is I really want to be in.
      I have been doing IM for 1 year, this one year let me know 3 things about IM:1. Always sell things people really want, but not you think they should want.
      2. Pick one thing, and do it, hold it, do not give it up.
      3. You can't be sucessful without other people's help.

      The reason I want to be in is that I want to learn more about IM, I love IM, I want to know more "big people", learn from them. My dream is 10 million a year. I want to enjoy IM. Help more people like mark helps me, he is really a nice man.
  • Profile picture of the author Kirahster
    Profile picture of Kirahster
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi, I guess that I will get on board with this.

    I have been a member of the warrior forum for a few months now. In those few months I have learned more than I could ever imagine. I spend hours and hours reading and learning.

    To date, I own 83 domain names, I have 7 niches that I am targeting actively. I have made sales in 3 of these niches.

    I have discovered that I love SEO. When I am at my "regular job", all I really think about is google domination. I would have to say that I am probably obsessed with it.

    I would love to win a membership to the war room as I believe that the information that is there can help me bring my knowledge to a new level. It will help me "fine tune" the process that I use to set up my niche campaigns.

    I already feel at home in this great forum and a membership to the war room would be a great bonus.

    Thank You For Reading!!

    • Profile picture of the author Les Tatum
      Les Tatum
      Profile picture of Les Tatum
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Wow that's very generous sponsoring War Room memberships, very nice, thanks!

      I'll get my entry in as well.

      I have been an internet marketer for some time and have made some money here and there. I have several sites in a few different niches as well as a site offering my various services. I am currently focusing primarily on product creation and list building but also doing some affiliate marketing as well.

      I would use a War Room membership to not only help me claim my online marketing business as my major household income, but to also help build relationships with other marketers and to give back by offering my creations to help others and ultimately sponsor someone into the War Room myself. I am working hard on moving my business to the next level and I believe a War Room membership would help me to do just that. I am a long way from knowing it all but I am getting there as fast as I can Things are tight right now and although I have been wanting to join the War Room for a while I haven't been able to do it quite yet.

      Thanks again!

  • Profile picture of the author Star Riley
    Star Riley
    Profile picture of Star Riley
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Not being able to afford the War Room is a sign that you really need a membership in the WR as this many marketers can not be so gun-ho about anything without a huge VALUE.

    I was working on being able to add value to the War Room before I pay my own way in but more than likely if you check this post by Monday I'll have done so already.

    One of the greatest investments I've made online is the time I spend on this Forum.

    Star Riley ---> Support Local Movement USA<----***

  • Profile picture of the author SickHippie
    Profile picture of SickHippie
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've been on this forum for nine months now, and have tried a few different things to get going. A few months back, I finally settled on a single method, and have actually been focusing on following through with it.

    I feel like I've just taken the training wheels off after learning to ride a bike.

    At this point, I need to surround myself with people who have already ridden this path, and can point out the potholes on the way. I'm pretty sure those people are in the War Room.

    Not knowing what is in there, I can't say for sure all of what I will do with it. I can say for certain that I will take action when appropriate. If I see something that is immediately useful for what I do, I will take immediate action! If it's not immediately useful, but useful later I will file away.

    I've gotten fairly good over the last several months at deciding quickly if something is useful for me, and not getting caught up in reading and studying something that isn't going to help me anytime soon. It's a very difficult skill to learn - and I am nowhere near mastered! It's quite possibly the most useful thing I've learned, however.

    I would hope that I have some useful things to share there as well. I have learned quite a bit about all sorts of different things, and love sharing information! I've been told I should have been a teacher, and maybe here I can be!

    • Profile picture of the author kf
      Profile picture of kf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I wanted to share this ...

      This morning I read my horoscope and it said this:

      --- How about letting the warrior side of your personality have some long overdue fun? ----

      And then I came to the thread, and voila! I was having fun.

      Originally Posted by Joshua Collins View Post

      I was just about to throw my name into the hat...


      So, I went ahead and signed up :rolleyes:

      That, and since I HAD the money in my PayPal balance... I would be full of guilt if I were the cause of someone who did not get in -- but NEEDS in, yet does NOT have the money

      This is a great thread, and it shows just how generous Warriors truly are. I am proud to call myself a Warrior.
      Joshua - Looks good on you brother.

      Originally Posted by Kirahster View Post

      Hi, I guess that I will get on board with this.
      Hey Ciara. Congratulations - I see you've just won a membership from Michael Mayo. http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...kirahster.html

      That's awesome.

      Okay ... back to my horror-scope ...
      • Profile picture of the author teamind
        Profile picture of teamind
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Oh boy, oh boy, would I love a membership to the War Room!

        Suffice it to say that I have a BURNING, HOT desire to succeed in internet marketing. I lie awake at night working through my head my plan of action.

        In one week, my two little kids start school = long coveted, highly focused, productive time for me to KICK BUTT and make it happen. I've been waiting FIVE, freakin' years for this moment to come!!! I know the primary direction I want to take. Now I most desperately want the community of support and idea-sharing around me. And, I want a place to contribute what I have learned - with people who research the hell out of this stuff, and who have every intention of playing BIG.

        (Side note: I've tried getting friends interested in this stuff, and collaborating with others online. But, nothing has yet stuck. My husband has ZERO interest in discussing this passion with me. I need you!!!!)

        Now, I have to say that I'm also fueled by a sense of urgency at this moment. There is an 80% chance that my husband could lose his job in the next year due to some choices being made by our government. So, that means I have a year to BUST ASS and give my family security, and give my husband a chance to pursue another dream.

        During the day, I have an average of 3 hours to commit (M-F) to building my online business. In the evenings, I COMMIT to another1 to 2 hours to prep for the next day. I COMMIT to 2 more hours on the weekends to keep my learning on the cutting edge. (Wish I could COMMIT more, but I'm the financial manager, buyer, nurse, shuttle driver, chief chef, bath giver, and entertainer here, too. Whose family life isn't like this?)

        Though I am new to the Warrior Forum, I am not new to Internet Marketing...though, admittedly, I have yet to succeed (for excuse a, b, c, yada, yada). My nearly FIVE years of waiting for this day is now here.

        I'm a great collaborator, student, and coach.

        A War Room membership would be put to heavy duty use. (Daniel's recent advice has me even more on fire now.)

        Keeping my fingers crossed!!

  • Profile picture of the author Oriane
    Profile picture of Oriane
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've just read the whole thread and it's a great idea, so here is my little story :

    I've been lurking around and tried many little things over the years, but in the last months I've went from thinking and dreaming to finally doing. I bought a few good courses and started applying them, so I'm finally starting to see some results. This made me highly motivated to do better and learn from the best so I can break away from the job.

    I know I have the background and skills needed to success : I can write reasonably well and I'm a great web programmer so I don't have trouble setting things up. I still have a lot to learn on the promotion side of things though, so I could benefit greatly from the wisdom found in the War Room. It also seems like a great opportunity to connect with successful marketer in a more private environment than the main forum.

    The last thing that convinced me is the cutoff date : I read this fascinating article about doing your own annual review (The Art of Nonconformity How to Conduct Your Own Annual Review) and was planning on doing it for Labour Day this year. Seems like a good omen for me that your cutoff date falls on the same day, especially since this is the first time I took a look in main forum in a while.

    Thanks to all the people who offered memberships in this thread, I know whoever wins them will appreciate it.
  • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
    Ian Jackson
    Profile picture of Ian Jackson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Oh my, what a wonderful offer!!

    My use for membership, would be to learn, apply, and then feedback my experiences into the WF, and to sponsor someone else when the offer opens up again...

    This could be an annual or bi-annual offer...?
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Mike Anthony
    Profile picture of Mike Anthony
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I will buy my way in but as a new poster I just wanted to say how much I appreciate seeing the sentiments in this thread. Sometimes in IM its all about the sales numbers and we forget the power to REALLY ( money is just a measurement tool) change peoples lives.

  • Profile picture of the author casestudykev
    Profile picture of casestudykev
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How would I use it as an investment?

    Sell daily summaries of it:
    save time, save money, get the inside scoop without the fluff

    Start a membership blog based on the war room
    "War room exposed" read the secrets of the behind the doors activities in the war room. What people are and aren't saying about you in this exclusive report.
    • Profile picture of the author rodney2020
      Profile picture of rodney2020
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I didn't know there was such a wonderful community till not long ago. I have lurked for awhile and found many good tools but since there are so many valuable resources here I have decided to lurke no longer. I started down the long bumpy road of IM about 8 months ago and I hope to hit pavement soon.
  • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
    BIG Mike
    Profile picture of BIG Mike
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    • Profile picture of the author teamind
      Profile picture of teamind
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Big Mike,

      Pick me, pick me, pick me!

      Hee hee...I feel like a little kid trying to get a free ice cream from the ice cream truck during a heat wave. Must have, gotta have, want, want, want!

      So, pick me.
  • Profile picture of the author lisag
    Profile picture of lisag
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok, I'm in and I'm waiting to give away a membership to a single, divorced or widowed Mom with big ambitions but little money.

    -- Lisa G

  • Profile picture of the author Jody_W
    Profile picture of Jody_W
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow, what a great opportunity!

    Here's my story. Though I just registered tonight, I've been lurking here for a couple of months, soaking up as much as I can and trying my hand at my first IM attempts after I get home from my regular job. I work for myself in the "real" world at a service type of profession - and I do OK - but I want to earn more and have the freedom to live where ever I want. My girlfriend - soon to be fiance - just started med school in another state and I want to be able to move to where she is and help support her dreams as well as my own.

    I'm so new at all of this that I'm experimenting with all kinds of things to see what I like to do and what works for me.

    I've used the SEO information that I've found here to improve the website that I use in my regular business and, if fact, just had my first affiliate sale from that site, though it's purpose is mostly to support and build clients for my day job.

    I've been reading a lot about PPC and Clickbank and set up a campaign based on what I learned and had two sales last week. It's not much but it really has me fired up to learn more and build on my first successful attempt.

    I've also been experimenting a bit with a CPA campaign after reading about how to get accepted into a CPA network and putting it into practice. I don't really have a handle on that yet, but I did get accepted into two networks and I'm going to put more time into it next weekend when I have some time off.

    Before I came on the forum tonight I was working on getting my first autoresponder set up so I can start building a list since everyone says the money is in the list, and I can clearly see the wisdom in that. I'm putting an opt-in form on my business website and get my visitors - mostly my current clients - to sign up for a newsletter that will have content and appropriate affiliate links in it. After I get that up and running, I want to do the same kind of thing on the niche website where I had the clickbank sales. I don't want to waste the PPC visitors who clicked over there but didn't buy on the first visit.

    I think I'm doing OK for an almost total newbie, but I just want to soak up as much information as I can, and then ACT on what I've learned. I'd love to join the War Room but I just can't spend the money right now. And, whether I'm blessed to get one of the free memberships or not, I just want to thank everyone in this forum for the great information that I've been finding in just about every thread. This place is a paradise for a newbie with limited funds and the desire to learn.

  • Profile picture of the author Owen Mailer
    Owen Mailer
    Profile picture of Owen Mailer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would love into the war room but i fear my head will spin straight of my shoulders!!! their must be so much information in there!!
    i started in im quite recently and have done fairly well so far i have been at it a year and i now have 6 websites up and running including 2 for adsence and 4 niche sites basically id like in to try the next step and get into the room of the experts it would be fantastic
    i hope you all get your wish
    Regards Owen
  • Profile picture of the author gtrplyr
    Profile picture of gtrplyr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would love to get into the War Room. I've learned more since I discovered this forum than I had in my entire IM career up until that point. I can only imagine what gems may be hiding in the War Room. I've definitely made this forum a daily stop (sometimes several stops)and will continue to do so. I feel like there are some people here who trul want to help others get into the business without gaining anything from them. I can't think of any other sites like this one.

    In any case, I'd appreciate the chance to explore the War Room.
    AffiliIt Review - I am making serious bank. You can too!
    • Profile picture of the author teamind
      Profile picture of teamind
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by gtrplyr View Post

      I would love to get into the War Room. I've learned more since I discovered this forum than I had in my entire IM career up until that point. I can only imagine what gems may be hiding in the War Room. I've definitely made this forum a daily stop (sometimes several stops)and will continue to do so. I feel like there are some people here who trul want to help others get into the business without gaining anything from them. I can't think of any other sites like this one.

      In any case, I'd appreciate the chance to explore the War Room.
      Boy, gtrplyr, you are SO right about this community being a fabulous resource of information. I discovered WF about a year ago, but didn't recognize the gem that it was as I was focused on something else. The SiteSell/SBI (Ken Evoy) community has a similar level of sharing of ideas/resources/how-to steps...but, of course, all focused on the SBI product. I think I've subconsciously been holding onto my old, abandoned SBI site because I feared I'd lose the wealth of info in that community.

      Now that I've found WF, like you, I'm truly amazed! And, now I feel MORE THAN free to leave the comforts of SBI.
  • Profile picture of the author turtle32
    Profile picture of turtle32
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi and thanks for this opportunity I am a new guy starting out. Just trying to learn all the information i can. I have one blog up and have made $3.13 and that isnt anything but to me it is a start ,i am dedicatd to being successful and want to learn and do it right with integrity. i have been doing the 30 day challenge and bought my first domain and host and just put a site up still building it. i dont have alot of money to spend on it right now but will do what i can. if i was forunate to win a membership i would put it to good use and be grateful. and i think it is aweome that the good people that is doing is kind enough to help people you will be blessed. thank you fr the opportunity to have a chance to maybe be able to help make people lives better.
  • Profile picture of the author davebow11
    Profile picture of davebow11
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow, I think I have 2 chances here...slim & none, but what the heck - I see alot of
    cool posts here, and would love to get a 'war room' membership. If I am not chosen, I
    guess I'll just have to bite the bullet. This is my first post here, having just joined again because the forum has been redone since I last visited.

    As a matter of fact, I tried to register again with my same username, but it wouldn't let me - lol. After having heart surgery 3 months ago, and being unemployed
    for this amount of time, I need to start making some money online somehow. I have a
    few ideas, but this 'war room' sounds really good. I can always hope!

    Regards, davebow11
  • Profile picture of the author wisecrone333
    Profile picture of wisecrone333
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am still hoping to get in - I feel there is so much I can learn through the war room, and so much I can give - I have good people skills

    Will keep checking my membership with fingers crossed
    Hire me to write your ebooks - Warriors get a discount: just check out the blog below for more details.
    Gran's tackling the world of IM - check out the blog here
    Understanding domestic violence, writing a book in just 8 hours and more can be found here
  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Birch
    Kevin Birch
    Profile picture of Kevin Birch
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Kate - I pm'd you earlier.

    What you are doing for Warriors is sheer excellence and goes some way in getting the old Warrior spirit back - well done!

    A few months ago, another Warrior offered to help me financially when I was going through a bad time and I now want to pay back.

    So, here's another War Room membership sponsor for your tally . . .

  • Profile picture of the author David Squires
    David Squires
    Profile picture of David Squires
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm certainly going to join the War Room at some point in the next few months. I've been a lurker on these forums for a very long time and had just started trying to put some of my knowledge to work (ie taking action) when we had a house fire. Thankfully no one was hurt and the damage was minimal (or so I thought).

    While my home was being repaired, we stayed in a hotel (insurance put us up in a pretty nice place so no complaints), but I didn't have internet access in my room and felt funny hogging up one of the two computers in the hotel for long periods. So my IMing stopped. After a few months, we moved back in, got re-settled, and I started back with internet marketing.

    I'm looking forward to using the information I've learned on this forum to improve the quality of life for my family. I'm hoping that by October, I can join the War Room, but right now money's tight.

    I want to thank all of you folks who are putting up memberships. Very thoughtful! I hope to be able to pay it forward someday myself.
  • Profile picture of the author dollarware
    Profile picture of dollarware
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would love to have the membership.
    I have been working at IM for several years and have learned a lot.
    I expect that listening to the info in the War Room will make my decisions smarter and speed up the day when I feel successful.
    When that happens, I will return the favor by sponsoring another into the War Room.
    Thanks for your consideration.
    I promise to continue to work hard.
    Why a Zagat Score is More Important to Your Business in Mobile Search.

  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Profile picture of Andyhenry
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm also happy to sponsor 2 War Room memberships.

    Props to the OP for starting this.

    nothing to see here.

    • Profile picture of the author kf
      Profile picture of kf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Awesome Andy. I'll update the tally ...

      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      I'm also happy to sponsor 2 War Room memberships.

      Props to the OP for starting this.
    • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
      BIG Mike
      Profile picture of BIG Mike
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      • Profile picture of the author Jagged
        Profile picture of Jagged
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        [QUOTE=BIG Mike;1133689]I'll call your two and raise you one

        John Rogers and Diego Hernando of Incansoft will also sponsor 1 person each

        Another Standing Ovation...
        (it's starting to feel like a state of the union speech...lol)

        May I suggest (if it hasn't been already) that those sponsoring do some investigations into those "applying".....make sure the memberships go to one's who have at least shown their intent to learn & contribute to the WF.....and not just randomly hand them out....
        I wouldn't want to see the precious cargo held with-in the walls of the war room spread outside of the WF by some unsavory charactors who heard about the extreme generosity of the WF members & would plan to take advantage of it...
        Not saying it would......but I would side with caution on this....and reward those who have earned it...

        Just Sayin...

        • Profile picture of the author kf
          Profile picture of kf
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Sagar Mehta View Post


          , I'd like to sponsor ONE Warrior

          That's awesome Sagar. The tally has been updated and have replied to your PM.

          Originally Posted by BIG Mike View Post

          I'll call your two and raise you one

          John Rogers and Diego Hernando of Incansoft will also sponsor 1 person each
          Great stuff Mike - thank heavens for all those wasted nights in smoky backrooms - I actually knew what the card reference was.

          I'll update the tally --- that brings the total to 16 memberships up for grabs!

          Originally Posted by BIG Mike View Post

          Just a suggestion, but maybe we should keep this thread on track for sponsoring War Room Memberships only rather than giving away other products/services. Once in the War Room, they'll receive a ton of free stuff anyways.

          I know others mean well, but let's not muddy the waters here...
          That's actually a great idea. Folks - if you want to offer an additional tool or gift to your 'sponsee' or even to all winners, let's do that at the end after the memberships are awarded and stay focused on the War Room Memberships for now.
  • Profile picture of the author Redagents
    Profile picture of Redagents
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    First I would like to say thanks to all the War Room Members for your irrisistable offers. I have been a member of the Warrior forum for many years and have only made my first post today. My reason for this is that I have in the last year created about 20 websites which are not making me much money but I have learned the basics of IM from creating them. My project that brought me hear today is for info on building up my forum called the media business. I am looking for the best info on getting traffic to my forum.

    thank you
    The Media Business
  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Fernando Veloso
    Profile picture of Fernando Veloso
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Guys, Girls and especially you Kate,

    Great work!!!

    This forum is the most precious piece of the big IM puzzle. It's really a pleasure to be part of it.

    I don't know if I can offer something too - BUT if the answer is YES, I want to offer 1 Custom Complete Minisite Package. Includes everything you need to jump start your first product: Html template, ecovers, banners, etc etc. Everything except the Copywriting - but i bet a Copywriter will take care of that.

    It seems a good idea since the new War Room users will need a Minisite sooner or later

    Let me know!

    Again, great idea!!

    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
    • Profile picture of the author kf
      Profile picture of kf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You sooo can. That's great - I'll update the thread.

      Obrigados Fernando!

      Originally Posted by Fernando Veloso View Post

      Guys, Girls and especially you Kate,

      Great work!!!

      This forum is the most precious piece of the big IM puzzle. It's really a pleasure to be part of it.

      I don't know if I can offer something too - BUT if the answer is YES, I want to offer 1 Custom Complete Minisite Package. Includes everything you need to jump start your first product: Html template, ecovers, banners, etc etc. Everything except the Copywriting - but i bet a Copywriter will take care of that.

      It seems a good idea since the new War Room users will need a Minisite sooner or later

      Let me know!

      Again, great idea!!

    • Profile picture of the author Jo_Shua
      Profile picture of Jo_Shua
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Ok, time for me to give some value back to this awesome community of WARRIORS.

      Originally Posted by Fernando Veloso View Post

      I want to offer 1 Custom Complete Minisite Package. Includes everything you need to jump start your first product: Html template, ecovers, banners, etc etc. Everything except the Copywriting - but i bet a Copywriter will take care of that.
      This is AWESOME! My hat is off to you Fernando, and because of you I have decided to offer my service up for ONE warrior.

      Now, you have your product and your minisite (maybe someone will help with the copy?)... You need a way to warm up your prospects.

      I will provide to the Warrior whom wins Fernando's ministie package ONE 10 page report.

      This report will have your readers BEGGING to know more... In fact, they will need a doctor!


      Because they will have whiplash from pulling their wallet out too fast... hope you have a good insurance provider

      Anyhow, this is a value of $97 to your fellow Warriors right this very second... (don't believe me? check out my sig :rolleyes

      But, for the winner of Fernando's minisite package -- I will award ONE 10 page report to help presell their product/service.

      Why am I doing this?

      Because the Warrior forum has been good to me, and has allowed me (just last week) to quit my day job... I want to give back, and hopefully help someone else have the same joy of working FULL TIME from home.

  • Profile picture of the author Matt Gannon
    Matt Gannon
    Profile picture of Matt Gannon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    ill join the war room once i start making steady income online.
    • Profile picture of the author Amish
      Profile picture of Amish
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Matt Gannon View Post

      ill join the war room once i start making steady income online.
      same here, i can't justify it right now
    • Profile picture of the author lisag
      Profile picture of lisag
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Matt Gannon View Post

      ill join the war room once i start making steady income online.
      Hmmm. Maybe you should be thinking "I'll start making steady income online once I join the War Room."

      -- Lisa G

      • Profile picture of the author SickHippie
        Profile picture of SickHippie
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by lisag View Post

        Hmmm. Maybe you should be thinking "I'll start making steady income online once I join the War Room."
        I was just thinking that. It's like saying "I'll get a straw as soon as I finish my drink."

        • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
          Profile picture of Vikuna2009+
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by SickHippie View Post

          I was just thinking that. It's like saying "I'll get a straw as soon as I finish my drink."

          Starving or not, I was totally in chock that Allen would let my access the war room for a measly $37 for 20 YEARS!!!

          Where in the world would you get such an offer, (I tell ya', NOWHERE!!!!)

          You should thank your lucky star that you came across this forum, it will change your life, financially, emotionally and then some.

          Am I making mega-bucks? no, not at all. But it is finally starting to sink in that all this is doable. I watched the Tony Robbins video 4 times, with Frank Kern (BTW, going to an appointment in flip flops, lol) and John Reese.

          My mindset was WAY out of control but no I finally GET it.

          FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS.



          No, I am not trying to win a membership, took my last lousy dollar and joined on my own. Have not done sh*t with it (overwhelmed newbie) but that will CHANGE drastically, starting right now.

          Somebody said: "The mind is what you can conceive" (something out of the Secret) and it is so true. However, if you have serious financial problems, easier said than done.

          Thank you, thank you, thank you, all great warriors for doing this, truly shows the spirit of generosity.

          Once my bills are paid, would LOVE to pay it forward,

          all the best, Eva

          P.s. WOW, still blows my mind about your generosity, millions of kudos to you, god bless. :p (Smiley faces makes me happy, lol).

          P.p.s. Allen, you should charge $37 for a year (please fellow Warriors, do not shoot me down). You are way too generous.

          P.p.p.s What about making it into an affiliate program, lots of great warriors out there to promote it (just a thought, charge
          $37 a year, give 75% to your affiliates). Recurring!!!
  • Profile picture of the author L Peter Bither
    L Peter Bither
    Profile picture of L Peter Bither
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well, I sure could use anything for free, besides I feel info overload from downloading everyday all day!!! We all know what i mean! Why I havent spent my money to get in to Warrior Room is beyond me?? Thinking i need to learn more! Maybe it is where I should of started!! Well I never made a dime online yet, and if I get in there soon maybe I will? I could use any help!! Thanks for the time to even consider.
  • Profile picture of the author moncef
    Profile picture of moncef
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow, What a great offer and I almost missed it.

    I would love to get to the war room too, after all the good stuff I heard the elite warriors say about it.

    I will make good use of it, I joined the warrior forum a few months back and I knew nothing about IM, it was actually by mistake, but in the last few months I've been part of this family, I learned a lot. I was able to start promoting a clickbank product, I was able to install wordpress by myself, I learned how to do keyword research, build backlinks and finally made some money too, not a lot but enough to get me real interested in the IM industry. Now I am a proud warrior.
    My IM knowledge is still very limited but I am willing to learn and blossom, I don't have a choice, I've been unemployed for more than a year. But I am determined to make it work as an IMer.
    I would love to get a chance to get to the War Room, I promise I will not disappoint anyone.

  • Profile picture of the author Chuck Underwood
    Chuck Underwood
    Profile picture of Chuck Underwood
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    To all the Warriors that do not have a Warrior Room membership, use this awesome oppertunity to get access to one of the best IM resources.

    To all the Warriors that are offering to sponsor someone. My hat is off to you.

  • Profile picture of the author ErnieB
    Profile picture of ErnieB
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have been a member of the warriorforum for a little while now and have learned some good basics and "lucked" my way into creating my own website that earns me some $$ each month. If what i am hearing about the war room is even half true, then a membership to it would allow me to learn even more and be able to further my efforts towards becoming financially secure while staying home with my family. Being laid off from work has gotten the staying home with the family part taken care of, just need to work on the financially secure part now ( And i will have plenty of time to go over all of the great info that i hear is inside lol )

    Thanks for the consideration,


    PS - If i am chosen, I vow to put what I learn from the War Room into action and within 30 days be able to Pay it Forward to another WF member
    • Profile picture of the author drmani
      Profile picture of drmani
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      We're ALL *** WINNERS *** here.

      I hope everyone who posted on this thread sees it.

      If not, please let me explain.

      1. We've seen the impact of GENEROSITY. Kate started
      out wanting to give-back something of value - in return for
      the value she has received from the forum's generosity. Like
      for like.

      2. We've seen how quickly good deeds can SPIRAL UPWARDS.
      If that's not a lesson in marketing, then I don't know what is.
      It started as ONE Warrior offering ONE War Room slot - and now
      has 13 slots (though I expected MORE!) and some cool gifts as

      3. We've seen the VALUE of being a War Room member - in a way
      that no powerful copywriting genius (yes, even Allen's!) could
      have conveyed. So many people want IN - and that should get
      you motivated to raising the $37 it takes for lifetime entry.

      4. We've tapped into a powerful MINDSET. One of giving. Of
      sharing. Of aiding. Of giving back. Of reaching out to
      help others. And that's what winning is all about. It is
      what makes you a SUCCESS.

      Just reading this one thread of 174 messages is an education
      in how to achieve success... and that's why we're all WINNERS

      Thank you for everyone who participated in this discussion.

      And congratulations to those who'll get a little more by way of
      the War Room membership

      All success
  • Profile picture of the author Franc
    Profile picture of Franc
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I know I don't deserve it, being only two days old here. But I hope to join the lucky winners along with the other members in War room just as soon as I make my first IM sale.

    It is great that those who can are sponsoring those who can't. Be blessed some more!
    • Profile picture of the author tomcat_meow
      Profile picture of tomcat_meow
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I would love to join the war room and see what it's all about. I have just started dabbling in the adsense program and have a few websites up and running. I do know about search engine optimization and have built my main website for my 9 to 5 manufacturing business that ranks on the first page in every search engine that matters. I would love to share the SEO information in there as a thank you and also learn more about other methods of online marketing.
  • Profile picture of the author rhondaklewis
    Profile picture of rhondaklewis
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi I'm a <b>single mom</b>. Although my kids are in their 1st and second year of college I am trying to make enough money so that they will have what they need to graduate. Right now even though they have scholarships it doesn't pay for everything. So far there grandparents have been taking up the slack. While I appreciate there help, I would like to be the one to help my kids. It just doesn't feel right the way it is at the moment with their grandparents dolling out the dough. I am able to give them spending change but I want to do more for them. Like eventually make enough to buy a car so that they can come home during the weekends.
    Right now I am doing affiliate marketing and cpa marketing but not making much. Would love to do better.
    Thanks for thinking of us single moms.
    • Profile picture of the author ikan_sith
      Profile picture of ikan_sith
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      with a membership into the War Room i would use it to further my understanding of IM. this would allow me to speed up launching my offline service here in northeast OH.

      i am a total newbie with only a few months of knowledge/experience so far. having sold insurance for the past few years my interest is in learning through SEO how to generate good free/low cost leads for clients (especially for insurance/financial services reps.) alson in using the best Im tools to genearte business for ofline clients.

      this would allow me to reward my wife for sticking by me through thick and thin these past few years. l left a decent job as a detention officer to sell insurance. the finacial rollar coaster has yet to stop as the finanicial industry has been hard hit lately.

      I was planning to join War room but was laid off from work in June. I just got som work making about half of what i was (its tough in NE OH.)

      to KF (and the other members sponsering access) God Bless you for sharing the wealth of knowledge. i know it wil come back to you 10 fold.

      Carpe Deim...Seize the Day
  • Profile picture of the author Sagar Mehta
    Sagar Mehta
    Profile picture of Sagar Mehta
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    This is an extremely kind gesture and all that good karma is going to get right back at you. Kudos for starting this.

    Since it's giveaway season at the Warrior Forum, I'd like to sponsor ONE Warrior to the Warrior Forum. That Warrior would receive my latest ebook that I'm working on right now will also receive a copy of the ebook I'm working on right now (yet untitled).

    I sent you a PM as well with something I want to clarify.

    Need AWESOME Customer Support For Your Product / Service / Upcoming Launches? > Click Here <
  • Profile picture of the author Andrew G Gowans
    Andrew G Gowans
    Profile picture of Andrew G Gowans
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Kate,

    Knowing the generosity of many of the warriors, we shouldn't be surprised how this is developing.

    To quote a line from your original post -

    "Because you should be looking at it as a business."

    And, for me, therein lies the rub.

    I have had reasonably successful offine businesses that have suffered due to the global economic crisis so most of my efforts are now spent online.

    Through my writing skills, I am making a regular income with quite a few very happy warrior clients, some of whom are placing repeat orders.

    AND that's my biggest problem - developing the business to better serve them and new customers coming on board. I have a number of sites and blogs on page 1 of Google but I still cannot crack this thing called "Marketing".

    The crazy thing is I can write about it - internet marketing, affiliate marketing, website development and so on AND get amazing reviews from my clients as to the quality.

    So why can't I do it?

    I have invested time and money with different online approaches BUT I am not a marketer. I know, however, there are warriors who have strong marketing skills which have led to their online successes and I would dearly love the chance to understand how to grow my business in a timely and cost-effective manner.

    I believe I have a number of skills, not least my writing ability and coaching skills to pay it forward both in and out of the war room.

    This is why I would appreciate the kind offer to be considered as a worthwhile candidate.

    Thanks for listening

    Andrew G.

    P.S. Although I have been a warrior for a few years, I am reluctant to post unless I have something worthwhile to add so it may take me a few more years to hit the 500 mark !!!
  • Profile picture of the author paowiee1
    Profile picture of paowiee1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've been a member for quite some time now and this is what I was able to accomplish because of the generosity of this forum:

    - first sale via clickbank at $19.00 during my first three months
    - Paid down credit card debts amounting to ~$2000 (this was an extremely big help)

    Believe it or not I'm able to make ends meet in my part of the world here because of you guys, since our currency is worth 50 times the US dollar.

    A membership on the War Room will help me get on the offensive front. I will invest my time there learning more about content and traffic strategies to be applied on my niche blog.

    Would be nice to get my family some nice gifts this Christmas. And that's what it's all about for me in the War Room

    Thanks in advance if I win !
    Get your 5-article (250-300 words each) pack now for $25! On any topic! Get 2 free submissions to iSnare! Click here for samples and details
  • Profile picture of the author eaglechick
    Profile picture of eaglechick
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    PLEASE PLEASE sponsor me because paypal is not available in South Africa.
    How am I ever going to get in?
    I also want good, solid advice from experienced marketers.
    I'm dead serious about IM and want to learn as quicly as possible to
    establish a trusted, ongoing solid business.

    Thanks for your generosity.

    Warm regards
    Elmien van Vuuren
  • Profile picture of the author Cryp
    Profile picture of Cryp
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    First off, thanks to everyone sponsoring war room memberships, if I get chosen there should be a sponsored by {insert warrior nick} beneath my war-room membership

    Eaglechick, im also from South-Africa, you can use moneybookers instead of paypal, it works the same.

    Why should I be chosen for war room membership? Well you'l save me from wearing a monkey suit everyday and sweating my but off in court; but on a more serious note, I want the membership badly because im in love with internet marketing and desire to learn more about, traffic generation, domaining and affiliate marketing

  • Profile picture of the author M.T.
    Profile picture of M.T.
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am new here and would love membership to learn more.....

    Everything else has been said.

  • Profile picture of the author The Skint IM
    The Skint IM
    Profile picture of The Skint IM
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Everyone,

    I would dearly love to get a sponsor to the War Room.

    I have been working hard this month on getting myself "active" instead of wasting time researching and putting off making a start. I am yet to make any money but over the past month I have made some great contacts via WF.

    As a SkintIM, getting a sponsor into the War Room would put the icing on a great first month for me.

    The best I can offer anyone who sponsors me in, is help if their WP Blog gets hacked, advice / help with IT (I can do remote support).

    I don't have much yet, just a blogger blog and a growing Twitter following. If I make as much progress in the coming months as I have this month I am sure I will be sponsoring someone myself into the War Room next year.
  • Profile picture of the author ratracegrad
    Profile picture of ratracegrad
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here is my entry for sponsorship:

    I want to use internet marketing and the knowledge contained in the warrior forum to get out of the rat race but I have one major limitation ... I don't have the traditional internet marketers background. My background: I have never been bankrupt, never been broke, never had to work two jobs to make ends meet, my senior year of high school cost more than my freshman year at a highly selective private university, history major with double thesis of Germany under Hitler and Medieval Britain, MBA, my lowest credit score is 738, my father was a Congressman and my mother was Ambassador of Goodwill to Great Britain, never lived in a shelter, never lived under a bridge, am a single female but never been divorced or had a kid or been on food stamps, have traveled to 41 countries, have worked and/or lived on 3 continents, visited 6 of 7 continents, climbed the highest mountain on 4 continents, drive a 11 year old car with over 220,000 miles, am an accredited investor, have no retirement savings, jumped out of perfectly safe airplanes, dived to 90 feet, computer programmer in my day job and a real estate investor with 32 rental units in my part time job, have no rhythm, can't answer a pink question in Trivial Pursuit to save my life, love Neil Diamond, can't do a pull-up but can dead weight lift 155 lbs, give me a calculator and I can solve any financial problem, above average business acumen and definitely not incorrigible.

    Not a rank beginner but have enough clay left to be malleable, already have a website (see signature), got email list of 10 people not counting family, but most importantly I got drive and determination.

    I guess my marketing angle will have to be a play on words of "I was successful despite my upbringing." Whoever sponsors me will transform that into reality.
  • Profile picture of the author bigbug
    Profile picture of bigbug
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi everyone,
    I'd love to be chosen for the membership. I turned 65 this month and finally have health insurance through Medicare. A membership would be icing on the cake.

    Since I'm writing this I'm going to ask how does one say "thank you"? I do not see an icon or button to do that.
  • Profile picture of the author -AM-
    Profile picture of -AM-
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I guess the reason behind wanting to join the war forum is a no-brainer. To go in and see if I can put some peace into the forum, right? Obviously there's got to be some war going on in there...

    But then, I feel like since I was never meant to be a diplomat and isn't a political geek (although I do love UN!), I'll ditch that idea. As a potential member of the War Forum, I guess I would first take the following steps:

    1. Read over the information to see where I am failing at, as I seem to know what to do, yet I can never seem to really hit big
    2. Apply them and see how they work out
    3. My first $370 earning since applying WF techniques would come straight back to this thread for... I guess.. more investment for information posters.
    4. Optimize my site a little more
    5. Finally contribute my shallow, yet hopefully valueable knowledge to the growing Warrior's treasure chest
  • Profile picture of the author kf
    Profile picture of kf
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sponsors .... can I have your attention?

    If you are offering a sponsorship, and you would like to choose the recipient yourself, please PM me the name and post # by the 31st. If you'd rather I choose, no worry, I will do that if I don't hear otherwise. I have a healthy short-list going.

    Please, please -- if you are offering a membership through this thread -- hang on for the 1st so we can award all the memberships at the same time ...


    - it will be more fun .. but more importantly ...
    - it help keeps an accurate count of memberships that are available
    - if you send funds directly to a member before the 1st you may be sponsoring someone in who was somebody else's first pick and they now have to choose again
    - payment and set-up process will be easier if we do it all in one wave

    Thanks everyone for participating - this thread has taken on a (great) life of it's own.

    P.S. September 1st. High noon PST. It's less than 48 hrs ...
    • Profile picture of the author taberdude2
      Profile picture of taberdude2
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      All I can really say is THANKS!!! to this great community. I get such a warm feeling as soon as I login here. It seems a day does not go by, that someone is not receiving help in there IM efforts here.

      In the offline world in the not too distant past-I ran a thrift store to help a small coastal community. My store helped those in need. In fact my motto was " Tell me a good story and I'll help you out."

      I can't begin to describe the many stories and the lives that were touched by helping people.I fully believe in karma and paying it forward. A year ago, my store had a robbery first thing in the morning.The money was recovered and no major injuries were had, however-I lost faith a little in human kind because the type of person we would help-was the type of person that robbed us.

      Shortly after, due to the economy and yes the robbery,we shut the store down.I could never really shake the anxiety and dealing with people or go back to how I was before the robbery.

      At any rate, I want to say that this forum has been therapeutic for me.It is nice to see other like minded people in the world.

      So thank you.

      The other reason I thank you is because with all of the information I have gathered from WF-I was able to take action on many projects.My latest 2 are in my signature.However there have been others and will be others as I learn and tweak all the ideas.

      So thank you to this community for helping me and others in so many ways.


  • Profile picture of the author corporation
    Profile picture of corporation
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow: what a great 3d! You're a genius I've never even thinked about joining the War Room, but reading this 3d I think I'll join in any way.
    ..In the first post you asked to tell why, well the reason is that: "I Am A Warrior!"

  • Profile picture of the author bytezmoi
    Profile picture of bytezmoi
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I need it because I haven't a clue, and figure this would be a great start. There, I admitted it. I'm clueless!
  • Profile picture of the author Rocketguy
    Profile picture of Rocketguy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would love to be part of the warrior private forum. I am so motivated about Internet Marketing and it's abilities. I have built a business and website. I just need the knowledge to make this dream come true.

    I spend at least 10 hours a day learning, reading and practicing Internet Marketing and can only imagine the potential I have.
    • Profile picture of the author bradmcleod
      Profile picture of bradmcleod
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Please sponsor me and you will be proud of my progress

      I am just an average guy chasing the American Dream.

      I am a self starter and have taught myself Internet Marketing up to this point (with help from the Warrior Forum) but need the War Room membership to push myself to a higher level.

      I have made a few sales from my own blog site (check my signature) that I started but need more consistency and War Room help to make weekly sales.

      If I win I will document my progress and sales and will also sponsor (with proceeds from my sales) another up and coming internet start for the next War Room contest.

      thanks for considering me.
  • Profile picture of the author ochyos
    Profile picture of ochyos
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks to all who are offering this great option!

    I am a single mom and working hard to make IM work. I currently have two sites and am really wanting to make one of those sites my main business by helping women with custody issues (used to be a lawyer).

    I am also following the 30 day challenge to learn the nuts and bolts. So far I've earned a whopping $70 in 6 weeks. I've been a lurker and following these forums for awhile now. I could use the love! Thanks for reading.

    • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
      Fernando Veloso
      Profile picture of Fernando Veloso
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ochyos View Post

      Thanks to all who are offering this great option!

      I am a single mom and working hard to make IM work. I currently have two sites and am really wanting to make one of those sites my main business by helping women with custody issues (used to be a lawyer).

      I am also following the 30 day challenge to learn the nuts and bolts. So far I've earned a whopping $70 in 6 weeks. I've been a lurker and following these forums for awhile now. I could use the love! Thanks for reading.

      Hi Kama, check your PM box A Full Minisite Package is going your way.


      People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
  • Profile picture of the author locpic63
    Profile picture of locpic63
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi everyone

    I just wanted to thank everyone who is offering sponsorships into the War Room. How very generous of you all! This is one of the reasons I love this forum so much. The willingness of the members to help others succeed. I know that the sponsors will reap the benefits of their generosity many times over. I started IM back in March of this year, and while I have made some money, I have a very long way to go. I look forward to emulating some of you to further my success.


  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Profile picture of CDarklock
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Has anyone else done the math and seen that over $700 so far has been pledged by Warriors to help other Warriors into the War Room... with nothing asked or expected in return?

    And that doesn't even count all the products that are being generously donated.

    I've often said that it's easy to tell whether someone is trying to make a buck, or trying to make a difference. It's pretty clear where Warriors stand on that, isn't it?
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Profile picture of Andyhenry
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

      I've often said that it's easy to tell whether someone is trying to make a buck, or trying to make a difference. It's pretty clear where Warriors stand on that, isn't it?
      That's the thing that members of other forums miss when they look at the WF.

      It's easy to see lots of people talking a good game and think that every one is BSing, but when push comes to shove - the Warriors come out and help people in need in many forms.

      This is a classic example, because we literally and clearly don't get anything out of paying for someone elses membership. Only the recipient and Allen get paid.

      But for many of us -this is no surprise and we've seen and done it time and time again.

      It's what makes the WF the best forum on the internet - regardless of the information that gets shared here.


      nothing to see here.

      • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
        Liam Hamer
        Profile picture of Liam Hamer
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I've been keeping an eye on this thread and the generosity that has been displayed has bowled me over Also, to see so many motivated and determined people is fantastic. Whoever the memberships go to, they'll be in good hands. On the surface, IM might seem a competitive and ruthless field to work in - but this forum, and this thread is proof that that just isn't the case. There's room for everybody and most of us want to see each other succeed
    • Profile picture of the author James Seward
      James Seward
      Profile picture of James Seward
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

      Has anyone else done the math and seen that over $700 so far has been pledged by Warriors to help other Warriors into the War Room... with nothing asked or expected in return?

      And that doesn't even count all the products that are being generously donated.

      I've often said that it's easy to tell whether someone is trying to make a buck, or trying to make a difference. It's pretty clear where Warriors stand on that, isn't it?

      I mean, you guys ("we" :p) are just inbelievable...

      Many Thanks Again, someday I WILL sponser someone...

    • Profile picture of the author lisag
      Profile picture of lisag
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

      Has anyone else done the math and seen that over $700 so far has been pledged by Warriors to help other Warriors into the War Room... with nothing asked or expected in return?

      And that doesn't even count all the products that are being generously donated.

      I've often said that it's easy to tell whether someone is trying to make a buck, or trying to make a difference. It's pretty clear where Warriors stand on that, isn't it?
      Oh, I don't know. I think sponsors will get a LOT in return. There ARE forces at work in the Universe and what is being done here will not escape the attention of those forces.

      -- Lisa G

      • Profile picture of the author drmani
        Profile picture of drmani
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by lisag View Post

        Oh, I don't know. I think sponsors will get a LOT in return. There ARE forces at work in the Universe and what is being done here will not escape the attention of those forces.

        That's the MOST valuable lesson of this entire thread. And when you tap into
        that force, you'll unleash a wave of the kind of energy you've never DREAMED
        of before.

        In a sense, this entire forum is FOUNDED on that spirit of giving and sharing
        - with no thought of 'return'. Which is why so much does return to it!

        All success
        • Profile picture of the author lisag
          Profile picture of lisag
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by drmani View Post


          That's the MOST valuable lesson of this entire thread. And when you tap into
          that force, you'll unleash a wave of the kind of energy you've never DREAMED
          of before.

          In a sense, this entire forum is FOUNDED on that spirit of giving and sharing
          - with no thought of 'return'. Which is why so much does return to it!

          All success
          And to that I add:

          Many say: "I'll believe when I see it." But that is flawed thinking. The truth is, "You'll SEE it when you BELIEVE it."

          -- Lisa G

          • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
            Profile picture of CDarklock
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by lisag View Post

            Many say: "I'll believe when I see it." But that is flawed thinking. The truth is, "You'll SEE it when you BELIEVE it."
            The way I put it is, if you want to find it... you have to stop looking.

            Life is a paradox. If that bothers you, your life will be a difficult one.
            "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Lisa Gergets
    Profile picture of Lisa Gergets
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Jayyyyysus! I'm gone for a day and there're 16???? WOOHOOOOO! That's excellent!
    Sign up to be notified when Success on Demand goes live, and receive a FREE mindmap that you can follow to create and launch your OWN IM PRODUCTS!
    • Profile picture of the author kf
      Profile picture of kf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by drmani View Post

      We're ALL *** WINNERS *** here.

      I hope everyone who posted on this thread sees it.

      If not, please let me explain.

      1. We've seen the impact of GENEROSITY. Kate started
      out wanting to give-back something of value - in return for
      the value she has received from the forum's generosity. Like
      for like.

      2. We've seen how quickly good deeds can SPIRAL UPWARDS.
      If that's not a lesson in marketing, then I don't know what is.
      It started as ONE Warrior offering ONE War Room slot - and now
      has 13 slots (though I expected MORE!) and some cool gifts as

      3. We've seen the VALUE of being a War Room member - in a way
      that no powerful copywriting genius (yes, even Allen's!) could
      have conveyed. So many people want IN - and that should get
      you motivated to raising the $37 it takes for lifetime entry.

      4. We've tapped into a powerful MINDSET. One of giving. Of
      sharing. Of aiding. Of giving back. Of reaching out to
      help others. And that's what winning is all about. It is
      what makes you a SUCCESS.

      Just reading this one thread of 174 messages is an education
      in how to achieve success... and that's why we're all WINNERS

      Thank you for everyone who participated in this discussion.

      And congratulations to those who'll get a little more by way of
      the War Room membership

      All success
      Great post Dr. Mani.

      It's been a fun ride watching how a single simple action could take off and, as you said, spiral upwards.

      And - as of this writing - there's 16 up for grabs, add the 5 already awarded and this thread has generated 21 war room memberships (3 of them thanks to you).

      Plus several people in this thread have paid their own way in after having some time to 'think' about why they want to be there.

      I couldn't agree more --- we are all winners on this one.

      Congratulations on the success of your book on Amazon!

      Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

      Has anyone else done the math and seen that over $700 so far has been pledged by Warriors to help other Warriors into the War Room... with nothing asked or expected in return?
      Well your post made me do the math ... and the results are fun.

      16 up for grabs
      5 already awarded

      For a total of 21 @ $37 = $777

      Guess there's some truth to things ending in 7.
  • Profile picture of the author Caragui
    Profile picture of Caragui
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hello kf,

    I know everyone is with me in saying thank you to you and the rest of the sponsors. The Warrior spirit at its best!!!

    The chance to be a War Room member member for newbies like us is just great.

    I've read and heard many good things of the benefits as a War Room member and $37 for 20 years is certainly well spent.

    I've been lurking in thw WF, with the occassional posts here and there, and have learned a lot during that time. Its one of the first sites IU open everyday and constantly check it out during the day. A tip here and a tip there have benefit me now and the future.

    If I'm not luckily enough to be chosen for a free membership, I'll surely apply on my own in the future.

    I would like my business to generate enough income to cover the $37 but if I come up with the money it may may be sooner.

    I got a few websites online but mostly nothing to beat chest yet. I'm trying to develop a system that can be duplicated and being in WF certainly gave me a good foundation.

    Thanks again for the opportunity guys. Hope I'll be able to sponsor a newbie myself in the future.
    Join Me In My Internet Marketing Journey at Nomasir Marketing

    • Profile picture of the author EA
      Profile picture of EA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      How strange life can be...

      KF, sorry if this is to much I just needed to get this off my chest.

      I'm actually crying over here, I'm a man, but I'm crying, sometimes I don't understand why I'm crying, but last two years in my life has been very hard for me, I am suppose to be sleeping now but I couldn't I was thinking a lot!

      She was watching the TV, I decided to go for a sleep, few minutes later she came, she started to give me a hug and kiss me, like she always does, and telling me how much she loves me, I opened my heart and started crying...

      We spoke about our problems...

      I told her I must do something, I've been thinking about it to register here, but for some reasons, fear maybe, haven't done it, but now I'm here a new member of this forum, I'm grateful I did and yes, this is my first post here. I don't know why I haven't register here earlier might be because life wants me to be here writing this now, who knows.. but let's move on..

      Why am I grateful?

      I actually have read this forum using the Google search engine, and there are so many great people here who actually have a HEART! Who really care about others, people who believe in their DREAMS and GOALS I want to say BIG THANK YOU to them, actually, because they are willing to HELP others.
      I take off my HAT for them. (and not to mention all the wonderful posts from the WARRIORS that has been written here.)

      My tears are slowly disappearing...

      It's so good to write this post but why has my life for 2 years been very hard for me?

      I finished diploma in store management, few weeks later I hurt myself in a job accident, I got stack of folders on my neck.. Everything changed from there, I started to be depressed, I have never been depressed in my life.. I lost my self-esteem, I am living with headache 24 hours day and night the pain in my neck is in explainable, consistent pain, it's really hard to FOCUS.

      I went 3x, 4x times a week to my physical therapist, we worked on my neck, trying to fix it, trying to pull me back together, I was getting better I only had 1 time left before she would graduate me but then she couldn't do it because car crash into me, my neck got worse again. So I got more time from my physical therapist, few weeks later I got place in treatment center.

      I was there for 2 months, when I finished there I went back to my job but then they said for the first time in the history of their company they needed to CUT down because of the recession, I normally worked there for 12 hours but after my accident they created for me 4 hours specially for me.

      After my treatment, they didn't have any job for me, then again I started to be depressed, I went to bed crying, I wake up at nights crying, it was really hard to deal with all these feelings, I felt miserable, it was hard to sleep, it's like I was giving up on life but that's not me! I never give up! but I must admit I thought about suicide but I would never do it! - these feelings they where eating me alive! - My lovely girlfriend she was always there for me to back me up, I'm so proud of her, she is always smiling and it would truly be hard to be without her. God bless her with all my heart!

      Sorry if this story is to long but I needed to get this off my chest and why here because you can easily feel the strong support, the great people who are here, there are so many great minds here and people I respect, how? I have read posts in this forum using Google, it amazes me how great people you can find here, now let's continue with my true story.

      At this time I was living with my stepfather and my girlfriend, he is a alcoholic, we never knew if he would come home drinking or not, sometimes we had arguments, sometimes we where close to fight with each others, I do care about people, I really want all people the best, I have even hug my stepfather, when he's been drinking a lot and crying, because in my heart I truly care about him and I know inside he does too.

      My stepfather and my mom they where both fixing their relationship, but to be honest, they just used the word *fixing*, they never did, and still don't. My mom is alcoholic too, but I love my mom, I care about her, I have tried to help so many people around me, but like my girlfriend says: "You have to think about you too!" ~ To be honest that's what I'm doing today, really learning to take care of myself to work on my dreams, to work on my goals.

      We made the decision to move out!

      It's one of those best DECISION we have take, that's where I am today... Just few days ago I sent marketer e-mail, what a fantastic GUY he was, out of the BLEW he gave me his course, then for the first time I started to think and if you *Procrastinate* then listen to this: I started to think, he gave me his course it must work! - and if I will put efforts and time into this I can make this work for me. So that's where I am today, I have build few sites, haven't made money yet, but that's okay they are pretty new for the SEO, few of them are listed in Google, not all, but they will be very soon I hope.

      I really love marketing, I really love the physical factor with marketing, I have tried to find something else, but my passion is marketing, my heart is there and I really want to make my dreams come true, I know it is do able.
      Just last week I learned *Patience*, you need to have patience and now I am looking forward what I will learn in next week that starts tomorrow 31 Augusts.

      Hopefully this post will be of value for someone out there, if you procrastinate, just take action, you just have to make this work and get support from people here, there are so many great people in this forum. I don't want to mention any names, but I really do RESPECT many of YOU.

      I'm just proud to say, today I no longer procrastinate, I have been working instead of doing nothing, this feeling gives you much more, be a DOER. But why did I originally came to this forum because I was crying and thinking...

      I want to do so much for the love in my life my beautiful girlfriend, I want to travel with her, visit exciting places, make friendship, be part of a group, people who wants to achieve success, people who believe in their DREAMS, their goals and most of all because I WANT TO. I have failed a lot, I have to fail more I guess... Learn from my mistakes and start making some money.

      Edit: I woke up this morning and was thinking about the post I wrote here, I forgot to mention my age. I'm turning 28, 3rd of September.

      So here I am.



      I have been writing this for more then one hour, it's time to go to sleep. My neck is also complaining.. But it's been tears of joy sharing this with you even thought this is just a little part of my last 2 years, there has been so much going on, anyway it's time to go to sleep, I wish you all the best.

      Be Kind
  • Profile picture of the author FormerWageSlave
    Profile picture of FormerWageSlave
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'd like to throw my hat into the ring for consideration. I have been here just a few weeks and have been using the search feature mostly. Made a few posts with questions here and there. There is a ton of great info here and I really have been learning a lot.

    I have also been taking action. I have built my first landing page to promote an affiliate product. I'm interested in affiliate marketing, but really this is just a way for me to try a number of different marketing methods to learn how to get traffic. I have a free offer on my page to collect email addresses, because I've learned that there is money in the list. I also have analytics on every possible component of my new venture. I want to know the behavior of every one of my customers so I can scientifically understand what works and what doesn't and apply it going forward.

    I hold no illusions about "getting rich quick". I'm in it to win it and I'm patient. My first goal is to simply convert a sale. Then I want to convert one each day. I will set new goals as I learn more and achieve these first two.

    Having a membership to the War Room would help me get an understanding of the long term vision I need to develop to be successful in the long haul.

    Thanks to all those who've posted here with answers to questions I've had or provided me with answers through answering another's question. And thanks to all those who are generously sponsoring 16 (at the time I write this) noobs into the War Room.




  • Profile picture of the author vsolve
    Profile picture of vsolve
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by kf View Post

    ** Be sure to see the last P.S. --- other warriors are getting on board, so there's room for more than one winner. **

    It's taken me over two years, but I noticed a couple of days ago that I now have over 500 posts on this forum. While I don't always have a lot to say, I really value this forum and the generosity of members here.

    Allen has just added 'War Room Member' above avators and I am *shocked* (shocked I tell you ...) by how many people have not ponied up the fee to be a member.

    That private forum is a freaking gold mine of information, not only from other warrior members but from Allen himself.

    So ... to thank this forum I am going to sponsor one person into the War Room. I will pay your membership.

    Post below how you can use the membership as an investment in your online education and business. Because you should be looking at it as a business.

    On September 1 - Labour Day - a winner will be picked. You'll receive a paid membership into the War Room which should help you make some money.

    And to help you get you started on the right foot financially, I'll include a copy of my report on 'Money Smarts for IM'. It's a straight-forward look at how to manage your money when you no longer have a job and an employer to 'think' for you financially.

    Labour Day. Make it the start of a new year for you ... and start 'labouring' for yourself.

    ~ Kate

    P.S. Don't wait to join b/c you 'might' win a membership. There's too much valuable information there and every day you wait you could be losing money.

    P.P.S. Other warriors are getting on board and offering gifts and sponsorships. So there is room for more than one person to win here. Thanks guys!

    Added (Up for grabs on Sept. 1st):

    Dr. Mani: Will sponsor 3 more War Room memberships

    Kim Standerline: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership

    Daniel Molano: Will sponsor 1 more War Room memberhsip

    CDarklock: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership

    lisag: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership for a single, widowed or divorced mom

    BIG Mike: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership

    kevinb: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership

    JCTunes: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership

    Andyhenry: Will sponsor 2 more War Room memberships

    Sagar Mehta: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership (& ebook)

    John Rogers (Icansoft): Will sponsor 1 more War Room memberhsip

    Diego Hernando (Incansoft): Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership


    Mukul Verma: Will throw in a free copy of his new course on Video Marketing which will be released in the next week.

    TheRichJerksNet: Will contribute a free copy of WordPress Secured to every warrior that receives a membership through this thread. If it goes above the current 6, he'll match that number.

    TheRicherksNet: Will award a full-version of a membership script to one warrior. See post # 148 for details.

    Fernando Veloso: Will award a custom complete mini-site package. Post #160 for details.

    NOTE: Additional gifts and tools to be offered will be added later. For now, I'll just be updating the War Room sponsorships. Thanks.

    Already awarded:

    Ken Leatherman has chosen one person from this thread and sponsored them into the War Room. They're already in!

    Anonymous A long-time warrior member who wishes to remain anonymous has chosen someone from this list to be sponsored into the War Room.

    TheRichJerksNet has sponsored someone in this thread into the War Room.

    jacktackett has sponsored someone in this thread into the War Room.

    Anonymous: Another long-time warrior member who wishes to remain anonymous has chosen someone from this list to be sponsored into the War Room.

    NOTE (Aug 29): That's 4 memberships already awarded, and 9 up for grabs. Plus the one that Michael Mayo awarded in his thread earlier today. That's a total of 14 War Room memberships gifted by warriors. Plus, if you've been paying attention, other warriors are quietly sponsoring people in ... one day the member is not a war room member, and the next they are. On top of that, just thinking about why they want to get in is helping some people decide to just pay the fee and get in themselves.

    Running tally - War Room Memberships served:

    Already awarded: 5
    Up for grabs Sept. 1: 16

    ------ > Sponsors .... can I have your attention?

    If you are offering a sponsorship and would like to choose the recipient yourself, please PM me the name and post # by the 31st (if you have not already done so). If you'd rather I choose, no worry, I will do that if I don't hear otherwise. I have a healthy short-list going.

    Please, please -- if you are offering a membership through this thread -- hang on for the 1st so we can award all the memberships at the same time ...


    - it will be more fun ... but more importantly ...
    - it help keeps an accurate count of memberships that are available
    - if you send funds directly to a member before the 1st you may be sponsoring someone in who was somebody else's first pick and they now have to choose again
    - payment and set-up process will be easier if we do it all in one wave

    Thanks everyone for participating - this thread has taken on a (great) life of it's own.

    P.S. September 1st. High noon PST. It's less than 48 hrs ...

    Anyone else? I can edit this thing as long as it takes ....
    Can someone sponsor me, I am new to internet marketing and I want to learn, contribute and teach others.
    • Profile picture of the author Jason Hunt
      Jason Hunt
      Profile picture of Jason Hunt
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I could try to post some long-winded essay using big words trying to impress by reposting the same facts over and over, but instead I'll tell you in short what it would do for me.


      I can't stand failure. I won't accept failure. The War Room would dramatically reduce the chance of failure in my business.

      I know my post count is still in single digits, but I'm much more of a "search for the answer" type of person instead of posting thread after thread of already asked questions, as seen by the fact I joined here in May, yet only 9 posts.

      I don't post in others threads because I shouldn't be giving advice, I should be listening to it. The War Room is the place for that. I believe for me to post something, it should really mean something. The War Room will hopefully give me the knowledge to be able to give advice AFTER I succeed, so I may help others and then be in a position to offer this sponsorship to someone else.


      I may buy my own membership if not selected, but I'm currently saving up for a down payment for a house because I'd rather my wife and I have our first child at a house with a yard, not a condo.

      Good on all of the people offering sponsorships to those of us who have not yet succeeded, really shows this is the community to be a part of, everyone helping everyone succeed.

      Heck if I had the money I'd have outsourced this post so I'd be working towards success instead of posting about wanting it!

      Back to work!
  • Profile picture of the author pcpupil
    Profile picture of pcpupil
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well crap,i have to rewrite this because of my dialup ISP.
    Anyway,this post truly shows the spirit of the WF and its members.
    I can only say ive been in IM since joining here.Ive learned a lot and still am.
    My buisness in the [home remodeling industry] is just about gone and im looking for a job.This has taught me about multiple income streams already.From here of course.
    I just put up my second site 2 nights ago,adsense site.
    Check it out,think i need to go to the War Room?

    [my energy efficient house dot com].

    Can i put a link in a forum if i own the site?
    Anyway,im not the best writer so ill conclude with this.
    If im sponsered into the War Room i will in return:
    When i make my first $500.00 online,[keeping with the theme here].
    I will sponser someone else into the War Room,and give them 2 ebooks ,#1-on IM for newbies,#2-on bum marketing.
    This is easier than writing after theres been so much said.
    I will be your Digital Assistance for cheap.PM me.
    I can help relieve your work load.Pm me

  • Profile picture of the author SRLee
    Profile picture of SRLee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow 5 already given out.

    I hope I'm one of the lucky members!

    • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Tindle
      Malcolm Tindle
      Profile picture of Malcolm Tindle
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I would be delighted to be offered membership in the War Room because I am sure it would help my business to move on and in turn I can help others with a step up in life.

      I am a new user of a Wordpress site and I have received some great advice from members who have given their time and effort freely to help me and that is something I will not forget.

      This forum is the first that I joined and whilst I am not a prolific poster, I come here a lot to read and learn and hope I have given some help to others whilst getting far more back in return.

      With membership of the War Room I would hope to redress that balance a bit and give as much back if not more than I receive whilst giving my business a boost.

      thanks for this great opportunity,

  • Profile picture of the author joe-van
    Profile picture of joe-van
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Fascinating thread, been reading it for hours, but it's pushing 4am and if I don't get my entry in I'll be missing the point. Yes, I want a membership to the War Room.

    I'm a disabled fellow living in Vancouver (on a pension).
    Building a web-site about the seawall ... w3.seawall.ca ... showcasing some of my photography ... one of my bookstores ordered 3-dozen more cards last week ... the previous order is more than half-gone ... some things are moving.

    Getting a cash-flow happening is an accomplishment ... ah, but getting in gear with the Net is still a 'work-in-progress'.

    Recall a coach saying, "Send a card to show gratitude." (?) Some things are more substantial than email.

    Building a successful business means building a fabric of relationships ... suppliers, retailers, customers, marketing assists, even competitors (competitors compel competence) & many others. (I really like your handle kf, communi~Kate, because building a successful business requires the exercise of communication.)

    What would I do with War Room access ... be less of a lurker, engage more, build relationships, ask for help (& learn how to give it) & become $olvent. & choose a business plan which fits my abilities, & build competencies in a few niches.

    Thank you for considering me
    & for playing such an engaging game.

    be well,

  • Profile picture of the author carolvally
    Profile picture of carolvally
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sponser Me!


    I have built one site completely for free, have sold 1 book. Have just invested in Bluehost to host my future sites. I am studying wordpress. I am reading Napeoleonn Hill Think and Grow Rich! All stuff I have learned I have picked up in this forum

    I have one failed business behind me, a hotel.

    I will not waste this chance!

    I will document my time and learning curve within the forum!

    I will pay it forward by in offering a sponser to the war room after a year!

    I cannot get enough of this forum! It's the best, no nonsense, learning curve I have ever been on!

    Sponser Me!

  • Profile picture of the author ziggle
    Profile picture of ziggle
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sponsor Me Please... Why....

    I have always been creative and interested in IM. Back in the late 90s I had some online ventures (a membership based information site, a "freebies" site, and a handful of other small things). These were sucessful based on the limited time I had to devote to them (I made ~$30k total over a period of 3 years). Due to changes in my life I had to give up the online effort, even though I strongly would have preferred to give up my "real" job and go full time in IM.

    Anyway this year my wife was laid off from her job as a Special Ed Preschool Teacher. The real problem is that since she has 8 years of expererience she had worked her way up the pay scale. So in order for her to get a job with another school district is difficult because all schools now are going for recent graduates because they are cheaper. My plan is to take my IM experience & build on it so that my wife & I could both work together building IM as a source of income that she could mainly take care of & I could offer assistance. I have a ton of ideas but need some help getting some implemented.

    • Profile picture of the author kf
      Profile picture of kf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I wanted to share with you a few PMs from this morning ...

      Joshua Collins:

      After reading one of the posts...

      I made a decision to sponsor a warrior

      Kim Standerline:
      Hi Kate Put me down for another sponsorship
      lisag: I've upped my offer to sponsor two
      This results in 3 more memberships, giving us a total of 19 to be given away tomorrow ...

      There's a lot of excitement here. It's not just the hopeful ones willing to share their stories, it's also the sponsors who are bursting at the seams to have the names announced so the people they chose can get into the War Room finally.

      It's coming everyone ... just one more day.

      And now I'm going up in the air in a small tin can with wings. I'll be back later (if gravity doesn't win). If you're sending PMs, I'll get back to you then.

      Thanks everyone!
  • Profile picture of the author turtle32
    Profile picture of turtle32
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Im sure hoping i get picked for one of the memberships i sure need all the help i can get Im learning every day cramming trying to lern because i have the desire and if i set my mind to something i wont stop until im successful. I wish everyone could get one but if im forunate to be a winner and start making money i will give this same opportunity to someone else. Lets keep our fingers crossed.
  • Profile picture of the author Joe118
    Profile picture of Joe118
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'll make this short and sweet. I think my contributions speak for themselves, and being in the war room I'll continue on that track. I'm humbly asking for someone to sponsor me as a WF war room member, and THANKS AHEAD OF TIME!
  • Profile picture of the author ruch1v
    Profile picture of ruch1v
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    this is such an awesome thing you guys are doing here, let me tell you abit about myself, I turned 21 last week and I've got one more year until I graduate, and i'm trying to find a way to support myself through that (I study away from home) aswell as have something concrete there for me once I've left university. My initial plan was to begin a online t-shirt company here in the UK, and initially came on this forum to help me find ways to market that, but since i've been here, my eyes have been opened to the big wide world of information marketing! I've always knew things like ebooks etc have existed but never thought about other things like video training, 1 to 1 online coaching, webinars etc, the one that honestly stuck to out me the most is membership sites/continuity programs - that is what I'd like to learn about mostly from the warrior forum in general - I've signed up to god knows how many people's lists just to get the free stuff they offer to get you to opt in, i literally get pitched to hundreds of times a day through emails but I'm pretty careful about where my money goes - so far in my internet marketing career I have only invested my money into Angela and Pauls backlinks - and even that took me a while to do as I read through many comments about it in the forum before putting my money forward, like someone said in this thread earlier I've been waiting to make some money before I paid for a war forum membership, but I guess that is a bit of a egg and chicken situation as in what comes first to secure the other, but I have to say this is an excellent opportunity you are giving someone, and I hope once I've secured a reliable income, i'm able to offer someone the same.

    I'm incredibly motivated and passionate about internet marketing - I've read so many success stories on here and other places - I'm a big Russell Brunson fan and read her started his career on here and I know I can make this work for me, I'm not like the average college/university student, I'm not out all day socialising or partying literally from the minute I wake up to the moment I go to bed i'm either reading old threads on this forum or linkbuilding.

    I don't really know what to expect from the war forum but I'm hoping that it will provide free/low cost tactics to help get traffic/increase conversions and generally build my business, if the teaching are stuff that would require alot of money to implement than you are probably better off giving the membership to someone else because right now i really cannot afford to do that right now

    Anyways thanks for the opportunity and good luck to everyone who has posted on here.

  • Profile picture of the author Juris
    Profile picture of Juris
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is really awesome. When I will make my first earning online I will definietly buy this membership myself! This is really great. Sometimes people doesnt understand what others are doing for them by giving advices, free stuff, really cheap great methods. And I will repeat myself and say this is the best place that I have found. In this forum I have learned so much.
    Of course I would like to have free warrior membership, but when it will be free I won`t have that awesome feeling when you earn something yourself =] And I will be glad to put some money in Allen`s pocket for this awesome forum.
    Thanks goes out to every good person on this forum

    The Only Way We Can Truly Heal The World Is To Heal Ourselves First

  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    Profile picture of cypherslock
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very simply I can use the membership to "cut to the quick" and get serious actionable information above and beyond what the regular forum has already given me. I can use it to quickly ramp up my business and learn new marketing techniques as well as be a part of a true Mastermind group of people. I aspire to be one of these people and so want to spend as much time sharing ideas, techniques and warnings with them as possible. In short, I can and WILL use this membership to make not only my family's life better but (for those that want it) other people's as well. It can be done and I'm doing it. And this will let me do it faster and better! Education is always a part of my business and is an investment, pure and simple.
    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by cypherslock View Post

      Very simply I can use the membership to "cut to the quick" and get serious actionable information above and beyond what the regular forum has already given me. I can use it to quickly ramp up my business and learn new marketing techniques as well as be a part of a true Mastermind group of people. I aspire to be one of these people and so want to spend as much time sharing ideas, techniques and warnings with them as possible. In short, I can and WILL use this membership to make not only my family's life better but (for those that want it) other people's as well. It can be done and I'm doing it. And this will let me do it faster and better! Education is always a part of my business and is an investment, pure and simple.
      Your War Room Fee has already been paid Bro ....

  • Profile picture of the author Owen Mailer
    Owen Mailer
    Profile picture of Owen Mailer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    ok turns out now i need to try and get a membership as they have locked down the forum to outsiders now which i find quite upsetting as we are not all earning money online yet!! and we are in a recession!!
  • Profile picture of the author Randy Bheites
    Randy Bheites
    Profile picture of Randy Bheites
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm gonna put my change in a jar every night for the next week or two, go look under the couch cushions and in the car ashtray. I'm also gonna bag my lunch and make my own coffee instead of getting Star*ucks. I'm sure I can rustle up $37.
    have a great day

  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Lisa Gergets
    Profile picture of Lisa Gergets
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I Absolutely Love It Here! I was planning on listing another WSO tomorrow. I wasn't budgeting $57... only $20 this came at the worst possible time for me...
    Well ****. You and me both, bro. I just put an ad in the classifieds this morning.

    Okay, I'm "applying" for sponsorship again.
    Sign up to be notified when Success on Demand goes live, and receive a FREE mindmap that you can follow to create and launch your OWN IM PRODUCTS!
  • Profile picture of the author NealAshley
    Profile picture of NealAshley
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I need to get in that room but don't have money for the key right now.

    I'm a CPA (Certified Public Accountant not Cost per Action) who lost my job back in April. I've been making ends meet by freelancing. My dream is to re-enter the world of employment. I've been absorbing the free content here as much as I can. I've learned so much and benefited from this community greatly already. But money is tight right now and I'm carefully watching my budget as all good CPAs do =)

    I have a couple of good ideas for online niches in my existing market that I'm looking to exploit.

    If I get this sponsorship, I publicly PROMISE to give one War Room membership away once I'm willing. Life is tricky in that sometimes you're the giver and sometimes you get the gift. Right now, I need the gift.

    I'm not used to just getting by and it will not become a way of life for me.

    Thanks to all,

  • Profile picture of the author blur
    Profile picture of blur
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Because of this thread, I just joined the war room.

  • Profile picture of the author NealAshley
    Profile picture of NealAshley
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just realized I said my dream is to re-enter the world of employment...

    CLARIFICATION - My dream is to NOT re-enter that world! =)
  • Profile picture of the author Tam Chancellor
    Tam Chancellor
    Profile picture of Tam Chancellor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The generosity of this forum just floors me sometimes. Seeking consideration for sponsorship to the War Room. Why? Because I intended to use the info contained there to turbo charge my education and business growth. I currently offline mailing list services to brick and mortar businesses. For the past few months, I have putting "pedal to the metal" as far as earning online.

    I'm working on my first Wordpress blog (self-hosted) and it hasn't been easy. Wordpress for dummies and YouTube are my best friends. I also changed my screen name to my real name and adding my picture. It was Pink (don't ask). I am excited about the rest of the year and I believe War Room membership can get me there so much faster.

  • Profile picture of the author Kristennye
    Profile picture of Kristennye
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very impressive stuff you guys. I'd love a sponsored membership but the bank shouldn't come knocking on my door for a couple months yet. I'm going to hit the couch cushions and scrape up the $37 I should have spent already b/c I know its a great tool
  • Profile picture of the author Lou Diamond
    Lou Diamond
    Profile picture of Lou Diamond
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would really like to get a sponsorship to the war room now that this is going to be a
    paid forum.
    My wife took away my paypal card and changed my password after I just bought a seo course for some big bucks.
    I have been a member since 2002 I really need a sponsorship.
    Thanks and to the winners please make good use of the war room.

    Something new soon.

  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    Profile picture of mr2monster
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've been looking at getting into the War Room for a while. I'm not sure why, but I just haven't been able to make it a priority. Things have been quite tight for me..

    This thread has made me a whole lot more serious about it though. I'm going to see if I can dig up $37 bucks and join (might take me a week or two still). On the other hand, if I happen to get a sponsor, I'll gladly take that $37 and sponsor someone else to get in when I come up with it.

    Either way, I'm determined to get in there now.

    I've been plugging along at this IM thing for just about 3 years now and I have yet to really make it "big". I think that might have a lot to do with having no role models in this business, no networking, and no support group to really keep me on track. I find myself floundering because I have trouble finding the actionable methods. I think the War Room would definitely help me out with that.

    Any way you slice it, I'll see you guys in there soon hopefully.
    • Profile picture of the author kf
      Profile picture of kf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Managed to come down from the sky in one piece ... and here I am again with more great news to share.

      From a pm received:

      Originally Posted by santosm

      Hi Kate

      ...... in this last hour, please put me down to sponsor another member. ....
      Awesome santosm! That brings our count to 20 for tomorrow.
      • Profile picture of the author kf
        Profile picture of kf
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        That's very generous Mike - but it looks like you were beaten to the punch on the payment side of things ...

        I was trying to avoid that by asking people to wait for the first so they didn't take someone else's first choice. (See revised OP - Note to Sponsors - or post #196)

        cypherslock - Congrats!

        TheRichJerksNet - Thanks for sponsoring him in.

        Originally Posted by BIG Mike View Post

        Put me down for sponsoring cypherslock - in addition to the others

        I will be burning the midnight oil going through posts again and I could use some help.

        So, *IF* you've been a warrior for a while, are already a War Room Members, AND feel you can be unbiased, then I'd like to hear why you think a certain member should be considered.

        Send me a SHORT PM - with the username and post# - and one or two lines about why you're recommending them, for example, they're always helpful to others, they're known for taking action, etc.

        Please ... one or two lines only ... and I won't be able to reply to you all so I'll just thank you now in advance for your help and input.
  • Profile picture of the author Bev Clement
    Bev Clement
    Profile picture of Bev Clement
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    A suggestion for many here looking for membership to the war room. It might be a good time to put your name in your posts or have your usernname changed to your real name.
  • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
    Profile picture of Hackbridge
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Its hard to believe that out of the so many people posting for this opportunity, I find it difficult to put myself in the uneviable position that I might get a membership or upgrade today, although I have made a request, but what time will the PM's go out - UK time?

    The suspense is excruitiating!

    Kind regards

  • Profile picture of the author Chris Dark
    Chris Dark
    Profile picture of Chris Dark
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Way to go !!

    I've spent the last few days furiously working on my very first WSO, so i haven't had time to hit the forums as much as i'd like , the last i looked it was 5 sponsorships up for grabs, now its 20 !

    Thats just awesome. In my 15 years or so online, i don't think i've met such a generous bunch of people on a forum, it speaks volumes for the warrior community - you lot can hold your head up high, your certainly a 'cut above' the rest

  • Profile picture of the author ratracegrad
    Profile picture of ratracegrad
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I wanted to personally thank all the members who have volunteered to sponsor people for the warrior forum. It gives hope to see the generosity of those who have succeeded to be willing to help those who want to follow in their footsteps. Good luck to everyone!
  • Profile picture of the author pavionjsl
    Profile picture of pavionjsl
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    love to have a free membership
  • Profile picture of the author SRLee
    Profile picture of SRLee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ah... the suspense is killing me! It's already 1/9 10PM(GMT+8).

  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Lisa Gergets
    Profile picture of Lisa Gergets
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    {looking around nervously...biting nails}

    Sign up to be notified when Success on Demand goes live, and receive a FREE mindmap that you can follow to create and launch your OWN IM PRODUCTS!
  • Profile picture of the author SickHippie
    Profile picture of SickHippie
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well, if it's going to be noon PST, then we have 4 1/2 hours left....

  • Profile picture of the author kf
    Profile picture of kf
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Screeeech .... tires skidding. I'm here. Responding furiously to PMs.

    And since many of you asked ...

    I also have the official time clock. It's currently 10:02 PST. So just under 2 hours. Bear with us, the show *will* go on.

    And here's a PM from this morning ...

    Originally Posted by lisag

    OK, call me ( --- removed to protect the innocent ---) but I'm going to award 3.

    Thanks Lisa! And in case anyone is counting (!) .. that brings us to 21 that will be released at noon.
  • Profile picture of the author 1wisewoman
    Profile picture of 1wisewoman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The main reason I would like a membership to the War Room is to be in the position to learn and model from people who have already done and/or actively doing what I aspire to do! As a married mom, who works full-time, I realize I have to be very strategic and purposeful with the time I spend on building my online business; being a Warrior Room member would help me in these areas. Warrior Room members are out there everyday implementing and doing what works now! I've wasted so much time and money trying to learn from info products which are essentially good, but I need interaction/input as this stage. To me it's like someone handing you all the textbooks you'll need in college and sending you off to read, study and pass all the tests needed to graduate. So for me the Warrior Room would be like the teacher/ study group/counselor that shortens the learning curve to building a thriving online business.
  • Profile picture of the author chackett
    Profile picture of chackett
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I only just saw this post, so might have missed the deadline.

    I would love a sponsored membership so I can bring a unique perspective to the group as someone who wants to take the "IM Marketing Training for Newbies" into the live classroom.

    I'm putting together a series of live training events in Atlanta aimed at teaching the newbies what they need to know to get started. Kind of a "Some people make tons of money with IM, and they all had to learn the basics. This class is about the basics."

    Well, if I'm too late I'm sure someone will tell me


    Direct Mail Fulfilment Services Nationwide
    Postcards, EDDM, Letters, wedding invitations
    Super Affordable - Enough for you to resell!

    • Profile picture of the author kf
      Profile picture of kf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      --- Sorry for the delay - I had some formatting issues with the post ---

      First, I want to put out a HUGE thank you to Allen and the Mods
      for letting this thread take on the life that it did. Thank you -
      a lot of people have benefitted from it.

      Another GIGANTIC thank you to everybody who offered up
      memberships - completely blown away by your generosity.

      And ENORMOUS thanks to everyone who 'applied' for putting
      yourself out there and telling your story.

      **** Choosing was far from easy. ****

      In some cases, the sponsors hand-chose the recipients and in
      other cases, they were assigned.

      Either way ... someone thought you deserved a hand UP. I hope
      you're able to make the best of the opportunity and someday, pay
      it forward.

      Speaking of which --- it will take some time for things to get
      paid and put into place. Please consider time zones, people's
      schedules, etc. and be patient - if you're on the list you will
      get access.

      AND NOW ... (finally) ...

      Here's the List of winners (that's why you're here, right? ) :

      24 War Room Memberships Awarded Sept. 1

      Winner/ Post # / Sponsor

      1. Les Tatum / # 116 / kf
      2. Teresa_C / # 54 / Dr. Mani
      3. edd666666 / # 7 / Dr. Mani
      4. AllThingsArePossible / # 142 / Dr. Mani
      5. TinkerandPo / # 44 / Kim Standerline
      6. Joe-Van / # 221 / Kim Standerline
      7. teamind / # 121 / Daniel Molano
      8. edhan / # 108 / CDarklock
      9. Ochyos / # 202 / lisag
      10. MurphSmurf / # 166 / lisag
      11. Cassie18 / # 103 / lisag
      12. SickHippie / # 117 / BIG Mike
      13. MissTerraK / # 148 / Kevin Birch (aka kevinb)
      14. Bennette / # 61 / JCTunes
      15. 1wisewoman / # 268 / Andyhenry
      16. discrat / # 267 / Andyhenry
      17. craig crawford / # 56 / Sagar Mehta
      18. turtle32 / # 139 / John Rogers
      19. kenboss / # 171 / Diego Hernando
      20. E.A. / # 213 / Joshua Collins
      21. Wisecrone333 / # 69 / santosm
      22. Crubalo / #237 / BIG Mike
      23. David Squires / # 145 / santosm
      24. laurenceh / #319 / Anonymous
      25. smartsites/ # ? / MarkAndrews IMCopywriting


      6 War Room Memberships Already awarded:

      1. Name withheld by request / # --- / Ken Leatherman

      2. krcorser / # 52 / Anonymous

      3. Wilde / # 72 / TheRichJerksNet

      4. reidcardwell / # 42 / jacktackett

      5. Ian Jackson / # 124 / Anonymous

      6. cypherslock / # 231 / TheRichJerksNet


      The GIFTS - and how to receive them - will be announced briefly
      once all the details are sorted.

      Mukul Verma: free copy of his new course on Video

      TheRichJerksNet: free copy of WordPress Secured
      to every warrior that receives a membership through this thread.

      TheRicherksNet: full-version of a membership script
      to one warrior. See post # 148 for details.

      Fernando Veloso: one custom complete mini-site package.
      Post #160 for details.

      Joshua Collins: ten-page report to the winner of
      Fernando's package. Post # 195 for details.


      I also recommend the following two threads:


      Powerful and empowering - this thread will make you feel good
      whether you got in, or didn't.

      And for everyone new, this one:



      If you go through the thread, you'll see that many (many) people
      who are not on the winner's list are now War Room Members. How
      did that happen? In some cases, going through the exercise
      convinced them and they chose to pay their way in ... but also,
      in other cases they were quietly sponsored in by other warriors.


      Thank you again -- to EVERYBODY -- I have gained so much from
      this experience. And the care and feeding of this thread, as it
      grew, has given me new appreciation for the work and time spent
      by long-time warriors on this forum.

      It's been a fun ride folks.


      P.S. See the 30 +++++ of you in The War Room.

      P.S.S. Somebody asked why I didn't do the math, so here it is:

      30 memberships @ $37 = $1,110.
  • Profile picture of the author ratracegrad
    Profile picture of ratracegrad
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congrats to all the winners. Hope you all benefit greatly from the sponsorship!
    • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
      Liam Hamer
      Profile picture of Liam Hamer
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Congrats to you all, make sure you take full advantage of all the info and tools available to you I'll probably be joining in the next few weeks too
    • Profile picture of the author ochyos
      Profile picture of ochyos
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      THANK YOU, LISA!!!!!! After my boy goes to bed I'm spending all night reading through threads and making my next plan of action! Thanks, again!

      • Profile picture of the author teamind
        Profile picture of teamind
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by ochyos View Post

        THANK YOU, LISA!!!!!! After my boy goes to bed I'm spending all night reading through threads and making my next plan of action! Thanks, again!


        I'm with Kama, as soon as the kiddos are all tucked in and I see I have access to the War Room, I'm diving in the deep end!

        Infinite thanks to BOTH Kate for initiating this whole give/receive opportunity, and to Daniel Molano for sponsoring me (and who has already given me valuable advice in the past). The sharing that goes on in this forum astounds me, fills my heart, and poises me to give back wherever I can.

        My cup runneth over,
  • Profile picture of the author FormerWageSlave
    Profile picture of FormerWageSlave
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congrats to the winners! What a fun promotion!


    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by FormerWageSlave View Post

      Congrats to the winners! What a fun promotion!
      Don't leave the party yet because we are not done just yet....

      • Profile picture of the author Nicola Lane
        Nicola Lane
        Profile picture of Nicola Lane
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        • Profile picture of the author kf
          Profile picture of kf
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Nicola. Forgive me but your attitude is all wrong. This started out being ONE membership and blossomed into 28 KNOWN memberships and countless others that were done quietly.

          That you weren't chosen has nothing, nada, zilch to do with who you are ... the amount of 'entries' was overwhelming.

          I realize you're disappointed, but I hope the message you will take from this is that the world is FILLED with abundance and good people. And keep your focus on cheering for the winners ... their success is just an indication of what is possible for you, too.


          Originally Posted by Nicola Lane View Post

          I'm not leaving the party just yet - I am cheering for the winners - I know how much self confidence you can get from someone thinking you are worthy to get a hand up.

          In a couple of days time I will be cheering even harder - It will take me that long to get over feeling that another group of people are content to see me on the scrap heap - it is probably not true! But when you are not a winner you have to think you have to think it is someone elses fault rather than your own - at least for a few days.

          Please forgive my self pity - I really wanted this!
        • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
          Liam Hamer
          Profile picture of Liam Hamer
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

          BIG Mike - thank you so much for adding me to the list, to say I really appreciate it is an understatement I'm going to my very best every day to soak up as much knowledge and put what I learn into action. I AM going to succeed, and your kindness in sponsoring me will help me to get there. Thanks again, I won't forget it
        • Profile picture of the author kenboss
          Profile picture of kenboss
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          ...I am overwhelmed about this. I didn't really think I was going to see my name there. It's very humbling, and incredibly motivating. I feel like I would be letting a whole bunch of people down now if I don't get stinking rich !

          Thank you so much Kate (smooch) and thank you Diego Hernando for sponsoring me, I owe you big time! And thank you James of TheRichJerksNet, got the Wordpress secured!

          The War Room is an incredible icing on the cake, but the Warrior Forum all by itself is the finest resource for internet marketers available anywhere. The info available here for nothing would sell for untold thousands "out there". For those who didn't make it, and I was well prepared to be among them, you CAN make that $37 in very short order if you set you mind to it.

          Thanks again to all -
  • Profile picture of the author SickHippie
    Profile picture of SickHippie
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you Kate for running this incredible thread!

    And extra thanks to BIG Mike for sponsoring me! I will do my best to not let you down!

    Also thanks to TheRichJerksNet and all the other giveaway sponsors!

  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Lisa Gergets
    Profile picture of Lisa Gergets
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Can't wait to get inside!
    Sign up to be notified when Success on Demand goes live, and receive a FREE mindmap that you can follow to create and launch your OWN IM PRODUCTS!
  • Profile picture of the author forrar
    Profile picture of forrar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's sad that I do not not see my name there...
    And congrats to the winners

    • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
      Profile picture of CDarklock
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by forrar View Post

      It's sad that I do not not see my name there...
      Check your PM inbox.
      "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
  • Profile picture of the author ErnieB
    Profile picture of ErnieB
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congrats to the winners. Now take action and profit! Im positive i will eventually see you guys on the inside, hopefully sooner rather than later.
  • Profile picture of the author Les Tatum
    Les Tatum
    Profile picture of Les Tatum
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you very much Kate for sponsoring me, I really appreciate it. It's a huge honor to be among the few chosen. Congrats to all the winners and a huge thanks to all the sponsors, this turned out to be really amazing for a lot of people. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you in the War Room. Thanks again Kate!

  • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
    Mukul Verma
    Profile picture of Mukul Verma
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great Job KATE!!!!

    The prizes were only a small part of this whole experience

  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    PM has been sent to all winners / sponsored users with a direct download link for WordPress Secured.. No signup, no opt-in .. just download... Congrats to you all..

    These 3 I need names for Kate or someone as PM said they did not exist

    The following users were not found:

    1. Theresa_C
    2. ed66666
    3. cypherclock

    Erik I got your email dude...lol

    Ken Leatherman - I sent a copy of this PM to you so you can give a copy of wordpress secured to the one you paid for...

    Yes Kate I sent you a copy too ...

    • Profile picture of the author kf
      Profile picture of kf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      That's awesome James! Congrats everyone .. And thanks for including me James - nice.

      James can you check their username against the post #'s. I may have mis-typed them. Or it's possible they can't accept PMs?

      If you're on the list below, get in touch with James.

      UPDATE: James - I corrected the typos in the user names above ... my bad.

      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      PM has been sent to all winners / sponsored users with a direct download link for WordPress Secured.. No signup, no opt-in .. just download... Congrats to you all..

      These 3 I need names for Kate or someone as PM said they did not exist

      The following users were not found:

      1. Theresa_C
      2. ed66666
      3. cypherclock

      Erik I got your email dude...lol

      Ken Leatherman - I sent a copy of this PM to you so you can give a copy of wordpress secured to the one you paid for...

      • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
        Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by kf View Post

        That's awesome James! Congrats everyone .. And thanks for including me James - nice.

        James can you check their username against the post #'s. I may have mis-typed them. Or it's possible they can't accept PMs?

        If you're on the list below, get in touch with James.
        You're welcome! Not done with you yet... Will send a PM in a little bit.

        We have a membership script to give away but what you don't know yet is you are also getting a copy of the membership script.

        Great job in getting this all put together, you deserve more than just a pat on the shoulder. I know you are not looking for it but you getting it anyways ...lol

    • Profile picture of the author edd666666
      Profile picture of edd666666
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi I think you are looking for me, edd666666, one d was left out of the list you show. Thanks, Ed.
      “Over 1,000 People Have Used My Unique Pitch System To Achieve Their Publicity Goals... And I’ll Work Personally With You Too, One-On-One To Help You Get On TV!” CLICK HERE
    • Profile picture of the author AllThingsArePossible
      Profile picture of AllThingsArePossible
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      PM has been sent to all winners / sponsored users with a direct download link for WordPress Secured.. No signup, no opt-in .. just download... Congrats to you all..

      These 3 I need names for Kate or someone as PM said they did not exist

      The following users were not found:

      1. Theresa_C
      2. ed66666
      3. cypherclock

      Erik I got your email dude...lol

      Ken Leatherman - I sent a copy of this PM to you so you can give a copy of wordpress secured to the one you paid for...

      Yes Kate I sent you a copy too ...


      I appreciate very very much for the sponsorship from Dr Mani... thank you James(theRichJerks dot net) for the Wordpress download. This award means a lot to me and hopefully I can be in position to capitalize and take advantage of this membership.

      Thanks James and Dr. Mani

      peak short video - Im ready...are you?

      • Profile picture of the author edd666666
        Profile picture of edd666666
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Wow, I am bowled over, I won. I wanted that so bad and it came true. Special thanks to KF for coming up with the idea and actually implementing the contest, you made it happen. And don't forget Dr. Mani who shelled out his own money to sponsor me. Dr. Mani spent his own money on me, someone he has never met and somehow sensed it would work. Thanks to you Dr. Mani. And how about The RichJerksNet, James threw in a copy of WordPressSecured, which I can sure use. That was really cool, and I thank you for that.

        And I got my first marketing lesson from this contest. I leaned you can have a contest like this, and it builds a buzz of people saying good things about your product and everyone makes out, is that cool or what?

        OK thanks again to everyone that had a hand in this, you will not be sorry. Ed.
        “Over 1,000 People Have Used My Unique Pitch System To Achieve Their Publicity Goals... And I’ll Work Personally With You Too, One-On-One To Help You Get On TV!” CLICK HERE
        • Profile picture of the author theimdude
          Profile picture of theimdude
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Congrats to those that won a membership. To those that didn't win don't wait for another offer just get it. It is only $37 and trust me make it part of your investment for you IM business as I already got my money back.

          The War Room is not a buy but an investment
          Do you want 30 back-links in my PRIVATE BLOG network for ONLY $20 ???

          CLICK HERE NOW
  • Profile picture of the author lisag
    Profile picture of lisag
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Attention Single Moms Ochyos MurphSmurf Cassie18:

    Your sponsorship payments have been sent to the admin.

    You'll be in as soon as they process everything. Good luck and I hope you make a LOT of money!

    Best regards,


    -- Lisa G

  • Profile picture of the author lisag
    Profile picture of lisag
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Kate, you rock! I bet you never dreamed how much work you were setting out for yourself when you made that initial gesture of goodwill.

    Just goes to prove -- No good deed goes unpunished ;-)

    Thank you SO MUCH for your efforts. It was more than super human, it was Super Woman!


    -- Lisa G

  • Profile picture of the author Katie Rich
    Katie Rich
    Profile picture of Katie Rich
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congratulations to all of the winners. Also to Kate for overseeing this superb contest.
    To everyone else, chins up, good things come in many ways!
    I was 'quietly sponsored' and will respect my sponsor's annonymity, but just so you know, I am eternally grateful
    • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
      Ian Jackson
      Profile picture of Ian Jackson
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Katie Rich View Post

      Congratulations to all of the winners. Also to Kate for overseeing this superb contest.
      To everyone else, chins up, good things come in many ways!
      I was 'quietly sponsored' and will respect my sponsor's annonymity, but just so you know, I am eternally grateful
      Absolutely Katie, I too was quietly sponsored, and to risk further hijacking your words, respect my sponsor's annonymity; also emphatically grateful to them

      Cheers to all
    • Profile picture of the author laurenceh
      Profile picture of laurenceh
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      well i'm disapointed, no, furious! Not that i didn't win, but that not one person made any reference to my take on the Rudyard Kipling poem! Not even to tell me it was lousy, and i had been disqualified for such a tame offering!

      Disgusting behavior!! lol :p

      Congrats to all the winners! amazing how 1 sponsership became so many!

      Glad i'm part of such a great community and not just a "forum".

      I will see everyone in the War Room as soon as i manage to sell my last bit of furniture.

      Anyway must go and prepare my supper of bread and butter again! God its cold in here! Anyone got any matches???
  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    Profile picture of mr2monster
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congrats to everyone that made it in... I'll see you in there eventually. As soon as I can come up with a little coin.
  • Profile picture of the author ashishthakkar
    Profile picture of ashishthakkar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Can i get a glimpse of what exactly is happening inside the war room ?

    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Michael Mayo
      Profile picture of Michael Mayo
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ashishthakkar View Post

      Can i get a glimpse of what exactly is happening inside the war room ?

      Sure, Here

    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Profile picture of discrat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Wow, what a complete honor to say the least. I am just completely in Awe of you guys for doing this. And I am completely excited to further increase my knowledge and education from THE best in the World in this Industry by being in the War Room.

      And I am even more excited to contribute and PAY IT FORWARD !!!

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

    • Profile picture of the author edhan
      Profile picture of edhan
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Wow! I never been so excited in my entire LIFE. This is even better than striking TOTO. I am speechless and grateful to be chosen as one of the winners. I want to thank you for giving me a chance and really looking forward to enter the WR and learn as much as I can. In return, I will help those in need when I get to learn the secret of success.

      Like the saying goes: Never says die. So, I am on the road to success with everyone in WF.

      Thanks again for choosing me and I believe it takes more than just a thank you. I am totally overwhelmed with this free membership. It is like a dream comes true. Thanks to the sponsor who has made it for me.

      Btw, shown my wife and children and they said that is the most wonderful gift you ever get. They are so happy for me as well.

      Be blessed with Thai Buddha Amulets & Tibetan dZi to accumulate wealth, health & good fortune
      Build your own community business
      Article Directory Source Code with blog & Classified Ads
      Understanding the cycle of Karma & Merits

  • Profile picture of the author Gail Sober
    Gail Sober
    Profile picture of Gail Sober
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow, what an amazing group of people here.

    Time and time again I see everyone pull together and move mountains.

    It's very inspiring!
  • Profile picture of the author Talinn
    Profile picture of Talinn
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It was the War Room who lost, not me! Just look at all the thanks I received!!!

    Just joking, congratulations!
  • Profile picture of the author kf
    Profile picture of kf
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I need to step away from this thread for a while ... but just got the following note from the help desk:

    *** They may need to log out of the forum and login again to access the war room. ***

    So you can try that ... and again, some of the sponsors are on a completely different time zone so they won't be paying right away.
  • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
    Profile picture of Hackbridge
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congratulations to everyone who got their membership paid, and God bless those who sponsored them.

    If ever you feel the need to do it again........

    To your success always!

    • Profile picture of the author parzlou
      Profile picture of parzlou
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I didnt make the cut imagine that some things never seem to change ...Sighhh

      Congrats to all who made it and a big thanks and many props to OP and the sponsors there is a real sense of community in this forum that I have not seen online for a very long time and I have been apart of many many forums over the years..

      I am gonna go check the couch cushions and turn momma upside down and shake her see what falls out...


      Internet Marketing Sales & Service
      ParzLou OnLine

  • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
    Profile picture of MissTerraK
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you Kate for being so generous in offering up a completely selfless opportunity, and even though I don't know you personally yet, I do know that you are a great leader, inspirer, role model, and a woman many respect because of all of the others who followed in your footsteps in offering selfless opportunities as well!
    I also thank you very much Kevin for sponsoring me, I am so humbled, that I need a tissue! No worries, tears of joy! I will not let you down and I will learn, benefit, and take action and hopefully be a source of happiness for you, I pledge my all! I am going to read and re-read and re-read those suggested threads til I know them by heart and take whatever action is recommended as many times as it takes to get it right!! I will not quit! I will not fail! I won't allow it!
    Thank you The RichJerksNet for the awesome gift, aww c'mon and admit it, you just use the name Jerk cuz you don't want anyone to know that you really are a big teddy bear underneath! Right?
    Also thank you for all the others who are offering free gifts as well, you all are special people!!
    To our success, and God Bless!
    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by MissTerraK View Post

      Thank you The RichJerksNet for the awesome gift, aww c'mon and admit it, you just use the name Jerk cuz you don't want anyone to know that you really are a big teddy bear underneath! Right?
      LOL .. I will never tell ... :p

      Your Welcome Terra...


      Shhh.. You are ruining my bad rep...
    • Profile picture of the author locpic63
      Profile picture of locpic63
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by MissTerraK View Post

      I will not let you down and I will learn, benefit, and take action and hopefully be a source of happiness for you, I pledge my all! I am going to read and re-read and re-read those suggested threads til I know them by heart and take whatever action is recommended as many times as it takes to get it right!! I will not quit! I will not fail! I won't allow it!
      Don't cry now Sis, the tears will come later, with some sweat and maybee even a little blood. Because you know I will hold you accountable.

      P.S. Don't worry I have band-aids for when you stub your toe or skin your knee.

      Congrats, I luv you.
    • Profile picture of the author Bennette
      Profile picture of Bennette
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I just checked my email and I'm so happy, you think I just won the lotto. This is a truly a blessing for me as my road to getting back on my feet has been rough, real rough.

      I want to Thank Kate for coming up with the idea and creating this wonderful opportunity for each and everyone of us that participated.

      Special thanks to JC Tunes for sponsoring my membership... you won't regret it !

      Thanks to Warrior members for donating gifts (which I know will be valuable)

      Mukul Verma: free copy of his new course on Video

      TheRichJerksNet: free copy of WordPress Secured
      to every warrior that receives a membership through this thread.

      I don't know if this is the right place to post for the bonus but here it goes:

      My domain name- just real marketing dot com
      Hosting- Hostgator
      Plan of action:
      • Current working on landing pg for Free report
      • Direct mail to dentists and realtors directing them to landing pg to obtain free report
      • Currently networking 2 days a week
      • Will drive traffic to my site by writing 5 articles weekly for 30 days and submitting to article directories, commenting on other blogs and posting in forums
      • Adding a free report offer on the back of my business card directing them to my landing pg
      • Aweber currently installed
      • Twitter/ Facebook (bartered my service to have someone setup my profiles)
      • Setting up a blog to link to my site
      • Listing my co in local directories
      • Studying the War Room daily
      • Sending packets to SBDC for workshops/seminars
      • Setting up Youtube channel
      • Adding more videos to my site
      Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you... Thank you... Thank you!!!
      I am truly honored
      • Profile picture of the author JCTunes
        Profile picture of JCTunes
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Bennette View Post

        I just checked my email and I'm so happy, you think I just won the lotto. This is a truly a blessing for me as my road to getting back on my feet has been rough, real rough.

        I want to Thank Kate for coming up with the idea and creating this wonderful opportunity for each and everyone of us that participated.

        Special thanks to JC Tunes for sponsoring my membership... you won't regret it !

        Thanks to Warrior members for donating gifts (which I know will be valuable)

        Mukul Verma: free copy of his new course on Video

        TheRichJerksNet: free copy of WordPress Secured
        to every warrior that receives a membership through this thread.

        I don't know if this is the right place to post for the bonus but here it goes:

        My domain name- just real marketing dot com
        Hosting- Hostgator
        Plan of action:
        • Current working on landing pg for Free report
        • Direct mail to dentists and realtors directing them to landing pg to obtain free report
        • Currently networking 2 days a week
        • Will drive traffic to my site by writing 5 articles weekly for 30 days and submitting to article directories, commenting on other blogs and posting in forums
        • Adding a free report offer on the back of my business card directing them to my landing pg
        • Aweber currently installed
        • Twitter/ Facebook (bartered my service to have someone setup my profiles)
        • Setting up a blog to link to my site
        • Listing my co in local directories
        • Studying the War Room daily
        • Sending packets to SBDC for workshops/seminars
        • Setting up Youtube channel
        • Adding more videos to my site
        Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you... Thank you... Thank you!!!
        I am truly honored
        It's my pleasure to sponsor you, Bennette. I love the fact that you've already gotten started on the road to your own [successful] business. I'm also going through some rough patches right now, but seeing your post and your dedication to making it was enough for me to get you in "the treasure room".

        Now let's get going! :-)

        Jerri, aka JCTunes

        If there's a will, there's a way!

  • Profile picture of the author Chris Dark
    Chris Dark
    Profile picture of Chris Dark
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    hey where's all the love for the single dads ??

    Only kidding. My time will come, whether it be a few months down the line or not, i'll get into that War Room some way or another!.

    A hearty congratulations to the winners i'm sure you all muchly deserve it and will do your sponsors a great honour by using the tools and techniques provided to become better warriors yourselves.

    Over a thousand dollars of prizes spurred by one good action. If anyone doesn't beleive in the butterfly effect then this thread is proof

    Onwards and Upwards!,


    • Profile picture of the author laurenceh
      Profile picture of laurenceh
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Ohh flip do they not read kipling over the ol pond Kevin??

      And the butter had already melted in last weeks heat and then hardend again in the cold!

      Nah ya know since i have joined the forum i have realised finally that dammit, we are all born with the same heart, same brain and mostly the same resources so, if one person can acheive success in IM then i'm certain i can make it happen.

      This has been the place that made me believe anything really is possible if you work hard enough to make it happen!

      I don't just want to be in the war room, i want to be one of the reasons that other people want to be there!
  • Profile picture of the author Teresa Coppes
    Teresa Coppes
    Profile picture of Teresa Coppes
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Thanks to Kate for starting this amazing thread to bring warriors together.

    Thank you Dr. Mani for sponsoring and having a bit of faith (a complete stranger) to choose me.

    And thank you to TheRickJerk who extended an additional offer of his Wordpress Secure which I will very much put to use.

    I can't wait to get started and eventually pay it forward myself. Yet again, I can't say enough - THANK YOU!
  • Profile picture of the author 1wisewoman
    Profile picture of 1wisewoman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    THANK YOU SO MUCH "Andyhenry" and "TheRichJerkNet"!!! What a wonderful surprise and what a wonderful and giving community. I'm smiling from ear to ear. To log in and see that I had a notification...and I thought nooo...it couldn't be...and it was!!! I'm a winner! If nothing else, I'm learning from WF to get out there, raise my voice, and take a chance
  • Profile picture of the author GMBenson
    Profile picture of GMBenson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just want to say hello to everyone. This is my first day on the Warrior Forum and I am very impressed with the community. I am new to internet marketing and feel very fortunate to find you folks to get me up and running the right way. I do not even have my photo up yet. I will be in touch.
  • Profile picture of the author Talinn
    Profile picture of Talinn
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I want to announce our 31st winner and its sponsor:

    31) Talinn / Talinn

    Congrats Talinn! And all thanks go to Talinn for her noble decision of sponsoring one person!

    Seriously, I'm about to get my WR subscription. See you at the other side!
    • Profile picture of the author Snugs
      Profile picture of Snugs
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Im gutted I didnt get sponsored in................But many congratulations to all those that did. USE IT wisely. I would if I had it. But unfortunately now is not the time for me. Maybe when I have more money............................

      Good Luck and Best Wishes to all Warriors and War Room Members

      • Profile picture of the author Bennette
        Profile picture of Bennette
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        It's my pleasure to sponsor you, Bennette. I love the fact that you've already gotten started on the road to your own [successful] business. I'm also going through some rough patches right now, but seeing your post and your dedication to making it was enough for me to get you in "the treasure room".

        Now let's get going! :-)
        I appreciate it Jerri! I hope your rough patch gets a lot smoother.

        I'm working on my landing page right now.
  • Profile picture of the author joe-van
    Profile picture of joe-van
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Greetings gang,

    First a big "Thank You!" for a sponsored membership into the War Room.

    It's like, after oodles of unemployment, I've been hired to do a job, and build some success with some people who know how.

    Thanks to kf ... Kate ... Communi~Kate ... who simply wanted to celebrate the odometer clicking over to 500 messages sent ... it pays to speak up ... with a gift to the world at large of a $37 War Room membership (lifetime). It morphed into a dynamic thread with fun and drama and 30+ membership prizes and a bouquet of side-prizes too! Gee!

    & a "Thank You!" to Kim Sanderline who sponsored my ticket of membership ... I don't know you yet but I may be learning some profitable Joint-Venture skills with you in future.

    Thanks to The Rich Jerks Net (& James) for the WordPress package.

    & a hundred other things ... its kinda like opening presents ... each package is going to take some patience & dilligence to learn how to use ... & practice, rehearsals before getting the notes & delivery right ... an artist can live in a world of beauty ... a business-person can live in a world of opportunities ... its learning to pluck whats right in front of our noses that takes practice and craft.

    There are many ways of sharing thanks. Here's one of my pictures - Inuk w Wings. The Inukshuk is the symbol for the upcoming Winter Olympics. Its a marker from the NorthWest Territories with many meanings; caribou migration route (good hunting), cashe stash (dig near), but mostly "We were here" (you're not alone). (Inuk shuk: man standing ~ Inuit)

    With the bird on top, wings outstreched, to me it seems a fresh & funky version of The Winged Victory of Samothrace, not just triumph, but the joy of reaching towards one's potential, of accomplishing greatness.

    The Olympics were just an occasional celebration of a daily obligation, arete, the quest to bring the best of oneself to fruition, turn your potential into an honourable acheivement & share it with the world.

    Pretty high standards. Would you like to practice together? Some of the scores may be kept in $ money $. Some have other measures. & some are immeasurable.

    Looking forward to playing with you.

    & again, thanks!

    be well,


  • Profile picture of the author turtle32
    Profile picture of turtle32
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank You Thank You!! I am very grateful for being selected made my day.I will promise that it will be used and i willdomy best to give back when i am able.Im not sure who sponsered me but thank you and i hope i can find out who it was so i can thank them .Also thanks craig crawford for your nice words. Thanks again Im so happy.
  • Profile picture of the author dealers
    Profile picture of dealers
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Although it's a bit late for entry, I am thankful for this thread as I've learned much about the War Room. Thanks.

    Friends and acquaintances are the surest passport to fortune. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Profile picture of the author thenns
    Profile picture of thenns
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Let me check if there is a War room Member under my name.
  • Profile picture of the author Jagged
    Profile picture of Jagged
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    First off, Congrat's to all the benefactors of the extreme generosity of the sponsoring WF members...
    I am glad to see the one's who shown their willingness to learn & contribute to the WF were the one's rewarded with memberships...

    This is an opportunity....you were just handed a tool box with most of the tools you will ever need to build a ladder to get you to the next level...use it wisely.
    Learn, then pay it forward with knowledge to others...

    Secondly...to those who sponsored. Your amazing!!! Thank you & Thank you Kate for getting this ball rolling & seeing it through to completion...

    The WF ROCKS!!!

    Now lets go make some money!!!!!

    Ken Perry
    • Profile picture of the author rhondaklewis
      Profile picture of rhondaklewis
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Jagged View Post

      First off, Congrat's to all the benefactors of the extreme generosity of the sponsoring WF members...
      I am glad to see the one's who shown their willingness to learn & contribute to the WF were the one's rewarded with memberships...

      Ken Perry
      I hope you are not suggesting that those of us who were not picked do not show a willingness to learn or contribute. It would not be a true statement at all.
  • Profile picture of the author actionplanbiz
    Profile picture of actionplanbiz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    whats the War Room?

    IM Training Program?

    a Private Forum?
    • Profile picture of the author Cassie18
      Profile picture of Cassie18
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Fifteen minutes ago, I logged on to the forum and learned that I received a free membership. I saw the words "War Room Member" under my name and was astonished.

      Thank you, Kate, for starting the ball rolling. Thank you, dear Lisa, for sponsoring me and two other moms. I spent the weekend in Minnesota moving my son in to his new place at the University so I had put this on the back burner. I was feeling kind of sad because I was laid off from my job and because I wouldn't have one of my sons around my house anymore. I did not expect to win a membership and feel extremely lucky.

      Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart, Kate, Lisa, all of the other sponsors, James and everyone else who so kindly offered gifts to help us out. If I have missed anyone, forgive me as I appreciate all of you.

      It's been a very tiring weekend so first thing in the morning I plan to read the recommended threads and get to work.

      I am so happy and feel very blessed right now. Thank you all so much. I look forward to paying this back in due time.
      • Profile picture of the author rhondaklewis
        Profile picture of rhondaklewis
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Cassie18 View Post

        Fifteen minutes ago, I logged on to the forum and learned that I received a free membership. I saw the words "War Room Member" under my name and was astonished.

        Thank you, Kate, for starting the ball rolling. Thank you, dear Lisa, for sponsoring me and two other moms. I spent the weekend in Minnesota moving my son in to his new place at the University so I had put this on the back burner. I was feeling kind of sad because I was laid off from my job and because I wouldn't have one of my sons around my house anymore. I did not expect to win a membership and feel extremely lucky.

        Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart, Kate, Lisa, all of the other sponsors, James and everyone else who so kindly offered gifts to help us out. If I have missed anyone, forgive me as I appreciate all of you.

        It's been a very tiring weekend so first thing in the morning I plan to read the recommended threads and get to work.

        I am so happy and feel very blessed right now. Thank you all so much. I look forward to paying this back in due time.
        Hi Cassie, I just finished taking my daughter up to Columbus university and helped her get settled in. Now both of my daughters are in college and I miss them already. So I know how you feel. Hopefully they will take pity on their dear mothers and call us once in a while.
  • Profile picture of the author rhondaklewis
    Profile picture of rhondaklewis
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congrats to the winners and thank you Kate for the most awesomest contest ever. I am especially pleased that we did not have to wait two weeks or more to see who won. I hope we have more contest like this and I hope to be a sponsor next time.

    Thanks to Lisag for thinking of the single moms out there. It was very thoughtful.
  • Profile picture of the author SRLee
    Profile picture of SRLee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's sad I'm not one of the lucky warriors, but I'll just have to move on.

    Congratulations to the winners!
  • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
    Kim Standerline
    Profile picture of Kim Standerline
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just wanted to add my congratulations to all of the winners

  • Profile picture of the author lockflow
    Profile picture of lockflow
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The War Room is my last stop evey night before I shut down my computer. If you miss it, your missing so many extra tools.
  • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
    Profile picture of Hackbridge
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've been sponsored! I am so grateful for being given this opportunity.

    This is a part of a new beginning for me. I'm being told often that I'm not making any money but I believe that the Warrior Forum has always been an education.

    There is gold on the Warrior Forum if we all look, and if we don't give up there's no reason why we can't be successful. Sucess or Failure is in the mind if you think about it. If you think "Im successful" or "I'm a failure" which one are you going to be?

    I'm not saying this to gloat, but I'd love for all of us to be successful, and we can be if we can only believe in ourselves and never give up.

    I can't give up because I believe in myself, that I will be successful and I will also be able to help others.

    Don't give up on your dreams Warriors, we can do it.

    Thank you for allowing me this opportunity through this thread and the kind person who sponsored me. I would share their name but I believe there's greater power in being anonymous. But believe me I will do all I can to repay their kindness and pay this blessing forward.


    Ps I can't not say - It was Dr Mani who sponsored me! God Bless him and all he does!!
  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Fernando Veloso
    Profile picture of Fernando Veloso
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congrats to all the winners! Warriors DO rock!
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
    • Profile picture of the author Wilde
      Profile picture of Wilde
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Congrats to all those who were chosen, it's refreshing to see such generosity on the modern internet particularly in the IM niche.

      I too was sponsored in to the war room (thanks, James).

      A BIG THANKS from me and mine, to everyone for this opportunity.

  • Profile picture of the author Chris Dark
    Chris Dark
    Profile picture of Chris Dark
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    A huge thanks goes out to:

    Dr Mani ! - who kindly sponsored me much to my delight earlier this morning, you are a star

    Kate ! - for starting this thread, without which, my and many other sponsors would not have happened

    The other numerous Sponsors and Prizegivers, My deepest respect goes out to you all for doing this for us. You are great role models and an inspiration to us all.

    What a great pm in my inbox to wake up to, i'm so happy guys

  • Profile picture of the author rawhide
    Profile picture of rawhide
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    well looked like i have missed out on this one will try again, hopefully, need to make something happen. need FREE
    GoOoD luck to everybody that got in!
  • Profile picture of the author Sagar Mehta
    Sagar Mehta
    Profile picture of Sagar Mehta
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congratulations all the winners. This has certainly been a pleasurable exercise. A prime example of free floating Warrior goodness

    Those who didn't get in, keep at it - success will be with you

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  • Profile picture of the author Oriane
    Profile picture of Oriane
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I didn't get a sponsorship, but I wanted to thank you guys anyway. This made me realize the value of the War Room, so I joined by myself and I'm really pleased by what I found in there. There is a lot of practical information that will help grow my business.

    So thank you again, and congratulations to the winners!
    • Profile picture of the author kf
      Profile picture of kf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Wow. Almost 100 posts since I listed the winners ....

      I ran out of 'thanks' at about the #300 post mark, but I've read all the posts and 'thanked' you all ...

      We've been busy in the backroom choosing the winners for the additional prizes, and I'll get to that in a minute ...

      First though ... I have officially LOST COUNT of the numbers of members who have been sponsored in to the War Room. Since the announcement yesterday there's more red flying around here than you would see at a bullfight. There are countless posts by people who 'didn't get in' who now have a nice red badge.

      Congratulations to everyone who was quietly sponsored in. I know you'll make the best of it.

      I also want to share part of an email I received about 'getting' something for free:

      ... a few people said here and there that they didn't want it as a freebie because they were afraid they wouldn't value it. I admit that had crossed my mind as well, but in fact the opposite is true. Because others have literally backed me to win, I feel it's no longer just me answering to myself. Like there is a HUGE responsibility to make it work and to make the absolute best of the War Room facilities.

      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      You're welcome! Not done with you yet... Will send a PM in a little bit.

      We have a membership script to give away but what you don't know yet is you are also getting a copy of the membership script.

      Great job in getting this all put together, you deserve more than just a pat on the shoulder. I know you are not looking for it but you getting it anyways ...lol


      James - That is awesome. Thanks again.

      Originally Posted by Kevin Birch View Post

      Love the humo[u]r and the attitude Laurence - mind you, its probably lost on the guys from the other side of the pond though :-)
      I got the humour ... I just ran out of thanks.

      And I see that Laurence made it in .. Looks good on you Laurence.

      Originally Posted by Steven Fullman View Post


      Since you (did your best to) hide it so well...

      You're a top man!


      Yeah, that was funny. Thanks for point that out Steve.

      Originally Posted by Talinn View Post

      I want to announce our 31st winner and its sponsor:

      31) Talinn / Talinn

      Congrats Talinn! And all thanks go to Talinn for her noble decision of sponsoring one person!

      Seriously, I'm about to get my WR subscription. See you at the other side!
      Talinn: Great sense of humour. Dig in - it doesn't matter how you get there, as long as yhou get there - and we're thrilled to have you as # 31!

      Originally Posted by turtle32 View Post

      Thank You Thank You!! Im not sure who sponsered me but thank you and i hope i can find out who it was so i can thank them . .
      It was John Rogers (Icansoft). See post # 268.
      • Profile picture of the author kf
        Profile picture of kf
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        And now, drum roll please, the winners of the additional prizes:


        1 copy of my membership script to one person (TheRichJerksNet - Details Post #148)

        - We couldn't choose, so James is graciously offering two of these.


        - Les Tatum
        - Bennette


        1 copy of Video Marketing Course - Video Marketing Intensive Training Course (Mukul Verma)
        Value: $97

        - This prize is being awarded to someone who did not win a War Room membership. They entered, and then decided to take action and pay their own way in. (In fact, several people did that ... some of them even even sponsored other people in!)

        So this prize from Mukul is rewarding action.


        - jjbalagosa (Post # 87)


        1 Custom Complete Minisite Package. (Fernando Veloso Details post #160)
        Includes everything you need to jump start your first product: Html template, ecovers, banners, etc etc. Everything except the Copywriting.

        This package also includes:

        ONE 10 page report to help presell their product/service. (Joshua Collins - Details post #195)


        - ochyos

        Congratulations to all the winners.

        Everyone has also received a copy of Wordpress Secured (TheRichJerksNet), and several of your sponsors have sent you copies of their books, reports, etc (Sagar Mehta for one), and many of you have been given tips, advice and the opportunity to forge on-going relationships with your sponsors. Value: Priceless.

        As drmani said earlier in the thread, we are *all* winners here.

        And that's a wrap folks.

        • Profile picture of the author jjbalagosa
          Profile picture of jjbalagosa
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by kf View Post

          1 copy of Video Marketing Course - Video Marketing Intensive Training Course (Mukul Verma)
          Value: $97

          - This prize is being awarded to someone who did not win a War Room membership. They entered, and then decided to take action and pay their own way in. (In fact, several people did that ... some of them even even sponsored other people in!)

          So this prize from Mukul is rewarding action.


          - jjbalagosa (Post # 87)
          Thank you Makul! I've already recieved over $1000 in strategies, software, & information from the war room, FOR FREE!

          This is the icing on the cake! Your generosity along with all the others in this thread amazes and inspires me.
          • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
            Mukul Verma
            Profile picture of Mukul Verma
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by jjbalagosa View Post

            Thank you Makul! I've already recieved over $1000 in strategies, software, & information from the war room, FOR FREE!

            This is the icing on the cake! Your generosity along with all the others in this thread amazes and inspires me.
            My pleasure, all I ask is that you take this information (which has made me and can make you a lot of money)

            I am sure I speak on behave of all the people who contributed when I say the only real thank you we ask is Pay It Forward!!!!!
            • Profile picture of the author parzlou
              Profile picture of parzlou
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi all
              So its another weeknight after dinner and I log on to check out some threads I have been following and see what is new on the forum..and I see that I have a PM .. and lo and behold I find out that I have received a sponsored membership into the war room woooohoooo I really was not expecting this at all and I gotta say that I am humbled and honored to have been deemed worthy of inclusion in the war room
              thanks very much Thomas for your input and to my sponsor "Rachel Rofe" you guys rock

              thanks again and please do not hesitate to ask if there is any thing I can ever do for either of you

              Internet Marketing Sales & Service
              ParzLou OnLine

              • Profile picture of the author Bennette
                Profile picture of Bennette
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                And now, drum roll please, the winners of the additional prizes:


                1 copy of my membership script to one person (TheRichJerksNet - Details Post #148)

                - We couldn't choose, so James is graciously offering two of these.


                - Les Tatum
                - Bennette
                Awwhhh James you're the man!!! Not a jerk at all. Thanks I feel so blessed to have won twice. This is definitely a great week for me.
                Kate again thanks for the great idea and the generosity. May you and James be blessed with prosperity
  • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
    Mukul Verma
    Profile picture of Mukul Verma
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Kate, once again, GREAT WORK!!!!

    We are all winners from this!!!
  • Profile picture of the author Les Tatum
    Les Tatum
    Profile picture of Les Tatum
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you guys for choosing me as one of the membership script winners, that's awesome. I feel doubly blessed! Thanks James for offering up your script and thanks for choosing 2 winners, that's very generous of you. Thanks to Kate for sponsorship and for putting this thing together and making it all happen. You guys rock.

    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Les Tatum View Post

      Thank you guys for choosing me as one of the membership script winners, that's awesome. I feel doubly blessed! Thanks James for offering up your script and thanks for choosing 2 winners, that's very generous of you. Thanks to Kate for sponsorship and for putting this thing together and making it all happen. You guys rock.

      Your welcome Les

      Got you all setup and PM sent to you with further instructions and login info...

  • Profile picture of the author turtle32
    Profile picture of turtle32
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you John Rodgers for sponsering me i am very grateful and i wish many blessing to you and your family. I have done learned so much thanks i hope this will give me what i need to be successful. Turtle32
  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Bennette,
    Your welcome, send me a PM with your main email address and I can get your account setup ...

    • Profile picture of the author JCTunes
      Profile picture of JCTunes
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      Hey Bennette,
      Your welcome, send me a PM with your main email address and I can get your account setup ...

      Sorry James - looks like your cover has been truly and completely blown! :-)

      Thanks for awarding two gifts to two truly deserving folks!


      If there's a will, there's a way!

  • Profile picture of the author wisecrone333
    Profile picture of wisecrone333
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I just had to pop back into this thread to let those of you know who are hoping to be sponsored that the War Room membership is sooooooo worth it. I was really lucky to be sponsored by Santosm (thank you so much Marianne) and although I have only been in the war room for the past hour, I have downloaded free reports, and gleaned so much information - all of it really useful

    This membership is so useful to both newbies and experienced internet marketers alike and I urge all of you who can to sign up for it - a day delayed is a day wasted - in the meantime I have to sign off and get some sleep, but how when my head is so full of all of this new information )

    Thanks to to the RichJerk for his download - totally awesome I will be paying this forward just as soon as I can

    Have a great day
    Hire me to write your ebooks - Warriors get a discount: just check out the blog below for more details.
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  • Profile picture of the author ruch1v
    Profile picture of ruch1v
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    congrats again everyone, i'm happy for you guys!
  • Profile picture of the author smartsites
    Profile picture of smartsites
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks so much Mark! This is a great gift indeed

    I build Facebook Messenger Chatbots and Provide Training. Feel free to check out my demo bot https://m.me/botsguy

  • Profile picture of the author fionasdesigns
    Profile picture of fionasdesigns
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congrats to all the winners!
    • Profile picture of the author abs007
      Profile picture of abs007
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Ooh, i think I was a little late to find this thread. No worries, I would still like to add and advise what I would do if I was a member.

      Firstly this is for Jeff - your totally right in what you say mate our biggest asset is our mind.

      Now to think of all the things I would be able to do if I was a war room member, well to be honest the first thing I would do is to spend time going through all of the excellent threads and educating myself.

      I would start at the top and work myself down. I would search for areas of SEO and IM which I am a little unsure of first and then better my skills. I currently work for a few companies providing seo services and the better understanding I get will mean the better work I will be able to provide. Even though my clients are happy with my services I have a responsibility to keep myself up to date and im sure there isnt a better place then the war room.

      I will then continue to make myself a knowledgeable member then give back to the community where possible.

      It would also be great to meet and activley play part in threads with other war room members.

      Its great scrolling through this thread and seeing how many people are actually war room members and even better still is to find such a thread as this one providing incentives to none members.

      I play an active role in many forums and I can say with ease that this is by far one of the better ones if not the best - one thing I can certainly say is that the community in this forum is the best I have come across.

      Have a great day and hope to see you guys in the war room soon
  • Profile picture of the author mayapearl
    Profile picture of mayapearl
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congratulations to all the winners.
    I missed out on this round but this is just making that bit more determined to work a bit harder.
    All my best wishes to all,
    Maya :-]
    Maya's Own
    Living green made simple and easy @ Green Living Temple

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