Teespring Beginer , Need help ? any body ?

Profile picture of venom22
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
10 replies
So here's my problem , i have few question , ,
if i spend 10$ on ad , with a very good design , and un intelegent targeting facebook ad whould i make a profit ?
if i make only 4 ou 5 sales , whould the company print them and actualy sell them ?
so in general , i only can spend 10$ in ad to start with , can i actualy make profit to lunch a new compagne ? that's it thak you have a nice day
#beginer #body #teespring
  • Profile picture of the author katrim
    Profile picture of katrim
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    In my experience, the short answer will be: maybe but it's more and more unlikely you will make a profit with just great the design and great targeting.

    Facebook is a world on it's own and just throwing money at it won't give you results because they have their own agenda as well. What Facebook tends to do more and more is keeping the traffic inside Facebook so if you for example have posts with external links (such as with sales and squeeze pages), they will likely reduce your reach (both the organic and paid one).

    What I recommend to do is focus on building a Facebook Page with quality content and great engagement, build a list and THEN monetize that list. A way to do that is through contests which can work well with Facebook. Make a contest where the prize is your highly desirable tshirt, draw 1-2-3 winners and offer the rest to buy your awesome tshirt. Some will.

    As for the 4-5 sales to be enough for printing, you should be able to set this up when you create your campaigns. For Teespring for example, the minimum you can set is 3 items.
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  • Profile picture of the author ydsimple
    Profile picture of ydsimple
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    10$ is not enough to find winning campaign. Always track your campaign as well, once you will find winning one rinse and repeat.
  • Profile picture of the author ANDREIS
    Profile picture of ANDREIS
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You need to test. It all depends on what your ads look like and what your product really is. If you have a good design and the right targeting it will work, but the key is for you to test until you have a winning combination.
  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Lundgren
    Matthew Lundgren
    Profile picture of Matthew Lundgren
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Recently Teespring lowered their minimum order to print from 5 to 3, as has been mentioned above. This definitely makes it easier to see the actual profit from any given campaign. If you are worried about meeting this minimum, I would suggest checking out other competitors, such as SunFrog or TeeChip, as they don't have minimum print orders (SunFrog is actually more like a shop, so you're T-Shirts will be available forever and you can make a collection of them, and possibly get multiple sales per person).

    I would say that $10 probably isn't enough to test a campaign. Once you target the campaign, it will give you a potential reach for those ads, which is basically how many people in Facebook match your targeting. I would say that once your ads have reached maybe 20%-30% of those people, and you haven't gotten a sale yet, perhaps stopping that ad to reevaluate.

    Good luck!
    • Profile picture of the author DWaters
      Profile picture of DWaters
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Matthew Lundgren View Post

      Recently Teespring lowered their minimum order to print from 5 to 3, as has been mentioned above. This definitely makes it easier to see the actual profit from any given campaign. If you are worried about meeting this minimum, I would suggest checking out other competitors, such as SunFrog or TeeChip, as they don't have minimum print orders (SunFrog is actually more like a shop, so you're T-Shirts will be available forever and you can make a collection of them, and possibly get multiple sales per person).

      Good luck!

      I also suggest you consider Sunfrog. They have a great selection of shirts or you can design your own. No minimum has to be reached as they are really a store and you become an affiliate for them, with good commissions.
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  • Profile picture of the author lostmonk
    Profile picture of lostmonk
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    Hello - One quick question to the community.

    I see we are towards end of Septembers, very close to winters. I am just starting up on Teespring and wanted to know if how do Tees sell in US/UK in Sept/Oct/Nov months. Is it off season ?

  • Profile picture of the author zdivine
    Profile picture of zdivine
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    Look for methods/guides that work, find someone that's already successful with, and learn from them. If you start by yourself not knowing anything, it's going to be a longer road to success.
  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    Profile picture of aizaku
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    you gotta test out different designs to see what yields more clicks..

    forget what YOU think.. you gotta test to see what your target audience wants

    best of luck
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  • Profile picture of the author randyman
    Profile picture of randyman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Facebook + t-shirt = saturated.

    That train has departed, my friend. You're late for the game.

    I'm not saying you can't make money with it. Just don't think it would be as easy as few years ago.
  • Profile picture of the author krees
    Profile picture of krees
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    All you can do is try. That's the tricky part. I have seen PPC ads that won't work and then you change a couple words or how the ad is written, and BOOM!

    Start small and test.

    Hope it works out
  • Profile picture of the author sohail20685
    Profile picture of sohail20685
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