Order Fulfillment Software

Profile picture of Dantplayer
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I'd like to know what everyone else is using for their order fulfillment when selling eBooks?

Here's what I mean:

So far I set up a list through Aweber that is connected to my PayPal button so that someone who pays using the button is automatically sent an email to "confirm your request for information..." and upon clicking the link are sent the product(s) they ordered (Software). This is tedious and annoying to set up for each and every single product I create (even special one time bonuses). I end up having to create an AR (Auto Responder) for every offer I make.

PayPal has a "redirect customer to this URL" field that I can use. But it only works if my customer clicks the little orange button that no one can see. Most of them don't click it.

Is there another tool to use? Or some mod to do to PayPal to make this work properly? I have a whole serious of lists in Aweber that exist for the sole purpose of getting my customers products. This is ridiculous.

What does everyone else? :confused:
#fulfillment #order #software

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