3 replies

is it good to list 4 or 5 websites once at flippa? or it will be better if i list each one Separated?
#flippa #listing
  • Profile picture of the author zdebx
    List each one separately, unless they are in the same niche and you are selling a "network" of websites targeting the same audience.

    Make sure to add all the proof of traffic and revenue, plus a well-written description for everything you're selling.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Like anything you want to start small. Maybe do a website at a time and learn what you can do to keep it up on the front page so your getting visitors.

    You put up all 4 and create them all the same way and your not doing something correctly that is 4 listings that are not going to sell. Once you get good at it and understand what it takes then by all means pull a Jamie Lewis
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson

    How are the websites performing?

    If they are doing well list them individually.

    Doing so allows you to have more on Flippa.

    4 is greater than 1

    Dan Kennedy once said the most dangerous number in business is the number 1.

    However if you find that some of the sites aren't performing you can still list them individually and if they don't sell offer them again as a package deal.

    Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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