To be successful, you HAVE to be a good leader... or do you?

11 replies
Ever wish folks would follow you all over the place?

Thing is... it's really difficult to always be a leader and in the spotlight!

I mean, check out 35 reasons why you might not be a good leader right now:

All of those reasons, however, deal with negative personality characteristics.

What if you're a hermit instead....

.... and want to stay out of the spotlight?

So glad you asked!

How Angie's List's Founder Learned to Lead as an Introvert |

5 Simple and Effective Leadership Tips for Introverts

Leadership for Introverts: How to Lead Effectively Without Being a Loud, Exuberant Phony - Fitrovert

has some great ideas... which is your fav?

I like the pep talks suggestions myself.

#good #leader #successful
  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    Hi Barb,

    You certainly realize that there are so many aspects to building a business and alot of times we forget how we may be percieved by others.

    The first link was not negative for me because it gave great counter strategy to correct each behavior.

    Also for the introverts I love references to Einstein.

    He always had some little quirk you discover that we all can relate to in some way.

    Effective leaders for me really do not try to shove their agendas down your throat but they just do their thing and you are naturally attracted to them and their style.

    I remember an old sales manager I really respected.

    Once as a salesman I had some other salespeople go complain that I was "hogging" all the customers.

    Not really.

    They would all be in a group smoking and complaining how slow it was and I would just happen to notice a customer had found their way to the rear of the building checking our inventory and I just asked them did they have any questions.

    Then I would see another customer being totally ignored and I would go find another salesman to split that 2nd deal with.

    So when the other sales people went to complain to my sales manager and to this day I do not even have any idea what he told them they just left me alone. But as I was walking by he just gave me a "wink" and he always stood out as a great leader to me.

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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Great link. Quite insightful but there's one thing I'd like to EMPHASIZE....

    To be a good leader, you have to be an EXCELLENT SERVANT

    Give people what they are looking for

    Help them solve their problems

    Reassure them

    Comfort them with the information you provide

    The bottom line?

    To get what YOU want, you must first give people what THEY WANT.

    That's how wealth and VALUE are created.

    The world COULD CARE LESS about your POTENTIAL or how hard you worked at something...... All it cares about are the RESULTS you produce.
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  • Profile picture of the author GetPLRhere
    To be a good leader, a person needs to have good people skills and have a high level of tolerance. People who are loud, with bad temper, poor attitude, and high blood pressure, should not be leaders. Anyone with these traits need to work alone. If you can't handle people like this, then you should consider working alone too.
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    • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
      Originally Posted by GetPLRhere View Post

      To be a good leader, a person needs to have good people skills and have a high level of tolerance. People who are loud, with bad temper, poor attitude, and high blood pressure, should not be leaders. Anyone with these traits need to work alone. If you can't handle people like this, then you should consider working alone too.
      What a hell of an observation my friend!

      But do you ever notice the gang LEADER of the bad guys always seems to have those traits!

      Even in politics.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dale Ziskoff
    l in response to the subject line " To be successful, you HAVE to be a good leader... or do you?" It is 100% true.

    Whether you are the head of a multi employee operation or you are a sole proprietorship - You are leading - It is even more crucial when you are a one woman/man show. Leading by creating, following, and tweaking your business plan, leading by planning your weeks work in advance, leading by setting your priorities weekly and daily, leading by outsourcing or delegating responsibilities so they are completed in the best and most efficient manner.

    It goes on and on but you get the point - You need to be a leader to succeed. Followers may have glimpses of success but nothing sustainable.
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    • Profile picture of the author rickeyp
      In response to the subject line " To be successful, you HAVE to be a good leader... or do you?
      Well this is a two sided question as you will see as we prosead down the line
      Now to be successful you have to be a good leader and i could go along with that because leadership begins with one's self and that means with out having
      any one to lead in the beginning. So What happen in the beginning?

      There was an Idea that come to mind a Plan you know that business plan
      that you have to have before you can get a business loan that you need.
      And by the way each step taken you will be transformed into the kind of leader you desire.

      Now for faze 2

      Take a look at this we are out and it is a beautiful day and as i desided to at
      The store i also desided to play a lottery ticket when the ticket came out i was
      A winner i hit the lottery now i was successful for that day but i was not a
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    If I put an offer in front of a targeted group of people and they buy my offer does that make me a good leader?

    I am not trying to wield any power over them and I'm not asking them to follow me anywhere. I'm just putting an opportunity to make a purchase in front of them.

    If they like what I offer and choose to see more of what I have, does that make me a leader? I don't know.

    People follow whom they will. Today you are a hero . . . tomorrow your subscribers have found a new rock star.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author CityCowboy
    To be successful, you have to be passionate about whatever you are doing, If you are passionate then you're chances of success will increase, but success is not guaranteed... If it wasn't accompanied with Ambition.

    Ambition is a very important ingredient in success, And in order to be both passionate and ambitious, you will need to believe in yourself, your abilities and expertize.

    Being a good leader is not necessary, unless your work depends on it, If you work alone you need not to care much about this leadership nonsense.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I do agree that some leaders are born, and some leaders are created. I had to learn and understand myself that i was a natural leader. I learned so from my Trigonometry teacher in high school. She was the mother of my basketball coach in high school. And although i was pretty good at basketball, i never truly believed that i was a *leader*. I just looked at it from the perspective that i just practiced alot. I wasn't a vocal leader. But i led by my demeanor in practice and in the games. I always stayed after to do individual drills, and everybody else went home. Because of this, my teammates had an inert sense of confidence in me that i would bail them out in tough situations during games. And i most of the time i did.
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  • Profile picture of the author feliblairyap
    Great thread. Your post is definitely worth reading. I gained something new.

    You have to be a good leader for you to be successful. But don't forget that you also have to be a good follower first.
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  • Profile picture of the author davidfern76
    leadership is the indicator of your success. if you want to have a long term success, bigger business, leadership is a must. but if you just want to have a small business, leadership is an optional.

    source : James C Maxwell
    my favorite author of leadership
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