Who are the best internet marketers?

by 61 replies
Personally I like Neil Patel for Content Marketing, Brian Dean for traffic and Rand Fishkin for SEO. I also read a lot of Matthew Woodward for general Internet Marketing/Affiliate Marketing.

As for copywriting I def would go with the legendary Gary Halbert.

For general marketing I really like Seth Godin.

Who is/are your favorite Internet Marketers?
#main internet marketing discussion forum #internet #marketers
  • A lot of the best internet marketers in the world...you won't ever know their names because they are the behind the scenes guys for the "pretty faces, and big names"
    • [ 5 ] Thanks
  • It's really impossible to know, isn't it?

    To me, the best marketers should be gauged by their performance. How much money they have netted online would be one test of their performance.

    No doubt you have named some of the most popular "big names" in marketing . . . but IMO, "most popular" or most widely followed shouldn't be confused with "the best."

    My guess is, the guys that are really making the most money don't want to be "gurus" and would just as soon stay out of the limelight. They don't depend on making their money from other marketers as those you've named do.

    I'm not trying to be contrarian necessarily, but really, isn't it performance we're after rather than popularity in naming "the best"?

    • [ 6 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • I see your point Steve and it's quite a fair one. Suggestions aren't necessarily the 'best' ones because that is quite hard to define but it's just those I like myself.

      I like reading their stuff, browsing their videos and so on and learn a lot from them and then put that into practice.

      I guess 'most popular' would be more appropriate
  • Hmm, as you asked who are my favorite marketers I can give some answers here (as opposed to figuring out who's the "best").

    Jon Morrow - founder of SmartBlogger.com

    Stefan Pylarinos - from Project Life Mastery

    Ben Settle (email marketing Dark Lord)

    Frank Kern (especially from his beach-bum persona days - I found him so entertaining)

    And yes, I also like Neil Patel.

    • [ 3 ] Thanks
    • [2] replies
    • I also like Jon Morrow and a huge fan of Frank Kern, probably one of the first guys I got introduced to when starting my IM journey (along with Yaro Starak)
    • You mentioned all the favorite names of mine here. I can give you some Indian name here.
      Harsh Agarwal of Shoutmeloud.com
      Jitendra Vaswani of Bloggersideas.com
      Kulwant Nagi of Bloggingcage.com
      They all are my favorite also.
  • There are many, but if you want to get specific, I can break it down for you by topic. These guys are the best, in my honest opinion.

    Email Marketing: Andre Chaperon, Ben Settle and Chuck Mullaney

    Traffic and conversion: Vick Strizheus, Ryan Deiss

    SEO: Alex Becker

    Copywriting: John Carlton and Gary Halbert

    Anything with Content Marketing: Neil Patel

    Anything with E-Commerce: Adrian Morrison and Ricky Mataka

    When it comes to sales funnels: Todd Brown

    Product Launches: Jeff Walker

    And the the most influential marketers as a whole: Mark Joyner, Rich Schefren, Frank Kern and Dan Kennedy.

    • [ 3 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Hey there,

      Welcome to the forum! It's great to have your first post as a reply

      Ryan Deiss is a champ as well, how could I forget that?!?

      And I started following Alex Becker a couple of months ago and love his video content, so relaxed and easy to follow
    • [DELETED]
  • Banned
    I guess I love different people for different reasons.

    The creator of this forum would be on the list. Allen Says.

    The creator of Plenty of Fish creating a free website and making millions on the ads.

    Zuckerburg for never allowing staleness to set in.

    Also anyone these days that can get me to open a marketing email knowing what is waiting on the inside.

  • Banned
  • Banned
  • I think the best internet marketers are the marketers we never heard of . Most of the people spoken of are people that sell Internet Marketing Products and services, But there are people out there that go about there business and never sell a MMO product. Those are the people I would really like to find

    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • I think there's different ways to define "best" in this context. The "best" could be defined as those that made the most money online, which would mean the Google guys, Bezos, Zuckerberg, etc.

    However, most of us are probably most interested in who are the best teachers of IM. This reminds me a bit of the poker author David Sklansky. He's criticized because he's never won the biggest tournaments. But IMO, while he may not be the best poker player in the world, he is the best teacher of poker. Maybe he's better at explaining things or more willing to share his concepts, but whatever it is he's a great teacher.

    Teaching and coaching is a talent in itself and because one is successful in a certain area doesn't mean they're a better teacher. I would rather have Michael Jordan play for my team, but I'd rather have John Wooden coach my team.
    • [ 3 ] Thanks
  • I'd only put someone on a pedestal if I were in the business of pedestals.

    I like to pay more attention to the methods and activities of large corporations on the Internet who make use of culminating minds which to reach solutions.

    In a nutshell; effective strategies, not personas.
  • There are so many great marketers to choose from. But as motivational speaker and so on I like Tony Robbins. Other great marketers I like are Anji Long and Ben Martin
    • [1] reply
    • Settles grew on me overtime. Good stuff.I don't read everyone of his emails.A lot are the same. But still puts out some ingenious ones
  • Frank Kern is the MAN! I love his stuff...and have probably watched ALL of his videos. Another dude I like a lot is Ryan Deiss, and Andre Chaperon just to name a few.
  • Is Allen Says still writing books?

    or what is he up to after he left this place?
  • There are many favorites. Tough to gauge and pinpoint just one or 2. I would suggest the ones showing up on the first and second pages of google and bing for the respective categories.
  • My favorite internet marketer is Vick strizehous.
    • [1] reply
    • Vick?

      did he ever do anything for the community?

      how about guys that came out of warriors and went BIG?

      Jason Parker

      my kind a guy
  • Matthew Woodward is great, so is WolfMillionaire
  • There are so many so called gurus online these days it would take you a considerable amount of time to research them and know who they are.

    Some of the early pioneers

    Derek Gehl
    Frank Kern,
    Eben Pagan,
    Ewen Chia
    John Chow
    Jeff Walker
    Mike Filsaime
    Stephen Pierce
    Yanik Silver
    Dean Holland
    Jeffrey Lant
  • I think you said it perfectly. I actually got a hold of Gary Halberts, Key West College of Millionaires and many of the principles still ring true today.

    However!!!!!! I've learned nowadays you have to be the top expert marketer.

    You have to be willing to dissect the most successful marketing websites or any successful website for that matter and spy on everything their doing, where their doing and how their doing it.

    Following their blogs is great, however it only shows a small portion of what is really needed.

    Because at the end of the day you will only be a good marketer if you learn directly from the source which is through Google's webmaster guides, forum and guidelines.

    Also conducting your hands on split testing to see what works and what does not will always be your best marketing resource.
    • [1] reply
    • Wow, what reminds me of Gary was the only top guy I had a personal relationship with.

      I send him some tips, and he actually implemented it. I sort of liked him so much, he made me the
      "corrector" of his website mistakes. Sorry to see him go, he was one of the really good guys.
  • I like Simolife (he made over 300k from ClickBank alone!)

    I think this guy is one of the best! WHY? First, he is NOT In the business of selling products to other marketers... He Is a master of CPA and Affiliate Marketing, (he made over 300k from ClickBank alone!).
    There are a lot of other Internet marketers like him who make A Lot of money, but without know them, because they don't want to be seen as '' gurus'', they prefer staying out of the limelight, Instead of others who do everything to become famous.
  • The best active marketers in the IM crowd in my opinion are:

    Mo Miah and John Gibb
    Peter Garety
    Alex Becker
    Devin Zander
    Precious Ngwu
    Sam Bakker
    Neil Napier

    I won't say you will learn the most, but they earn the most!

    And you could earn good money as an affiliate for them.

    Yes, I know these aren't the top vendors but in my opinion
    they know the most about conversions, EPC, funnels etc...

    Some highly successful vendors on JV Zoo only have one big
    product because they're great software developers or they are
    known for high end courses but not consistently like these guys.

    In other words they might not know the formula like the people on my list.
  • My favorite internet marketers are:

    -Marlon Sanders
    -Ryan Diess
    -Frank Kern
    -Matthew Woodward
    -Willie Crawford
    -Stephen Pierce
    -Joel Comm
    -Barb Ling
    • [1] reply
    • Always a joy to have Willie come on here. He use to frequently. I wish he would come back to share some of that Wisdom.
      Too many haters scaring him off
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • I am really Immpressed with Big Idea Mastermind Vick's Teaching and his style of work.

    Also Google Sniper George is also a Good Internet Marketer.
    • [1] reply
    • I have had to learn one or two marketing lessons from the likes of
      Ewen Chia - when I needed a footing
      Derek Gehl (where is this guy?)
      Joel Comm { adsense)
      And some of others to many to mention.

      But as I matured in marketing, these two marketers have really influenced my marketing growth

      Frank Kern - I really love this guy. Does his things differently and uniquely. Copyrighting skills learnt from him.

      Kim Roach - Lovely Kim. The wisdom from a mail she sent to me titled Aaarrrgh! talking of "one page model" netted me over 150k in 3 weeks.
  • I like:

    Anik Singal
    Jeff Lenney
    Kelly Felix
  • If you're a marketer, put your name at the top of your own list.

    ...Because you've got something the others haven't.. you've got your own USP and if you're rocking things the right way, your clients probably won't give two-hoots about anyone else, cause you're the guy they call when they want the dough to rain.
  • Thanks for this list. I don't know all of them yet, but I like Matthew Woodward's blog. Always very detailed and interesting.
  • Stefan Pylarinos - from Project Life Mastery.
    The best that I've seen.
  • I am the best Internet Marketer.

    End of thread.

    Haha but seriously, I think anyone that is making a full time income solely as an IM'er is high up there in my books.
  • How come no one mentioned Jimmy D. Brown? His stuff is pure gold.
  • There're many good guys out there in this market, I don't know who is the best. Maybe someone will be best in specific niches as he's strongest.
  • I gotta give props to Frank Kern.
    Out of everything I've ever bought and downloaded, His stuff is the most expensive and the most thorough.

    You get what you pay for....
    • [1] reply
    • Yep, as I have said here recently he has really impressed a "doubter" here.

      Really excellent stuff. Can't say enough good things that I have seen lately with him

      - Robert Andrew
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • You don't know what you don't know. There are many top Internet marketers out there that we don't know simply because, they maintain a reserved lifestyle. However, any marketer willing to share his knowledge with newbies is among the best for me.
  • Ben Settle - Email Copywriting
    Matthew Woodward - Affiliate/Internet Marketing
    Charles Floate - SEO
    Jon Loomer - Facebook PPC
  • +1 for Neil Patel
  • There are so many marketers but they best ones that actually worked for me and I've actually made money with are Russell Brunson, Sam Bakker, Ace Reddy, John Reese, and some of Ryan Deiss stuff
  • I like a lot of Ryan Deiss's stuff and I also follow a lot of what Russell Brunson does as well. Pat Flynn is solid as well.

    I also follow a guy named Brent Weaver for local agency marketing.

    I find most marketers boring and self centered and have deleted myself from most lists over the years though.
  • I learned a lot from Eric Louviere and Sean Mize. They're both warrior forum members who have shared a lot of value here on this forum and on their sites.
    • [1] reply
    • Yep Eric is the real deal. For some reason he always gets the Haters coming out when ever he Posts here.

      And Haters who are long time members. Weird.

      I guess he got tired of it and does not come back hardly anymore
  • Ryan Deiss

    Anik Singal

    Patric Chan

    Matthew Woodward
  • 1. Dan Kenndedy
    2. Eben Pagan and Frank Kern
    3. Jay Abraham
    4. Rich Schefren
    5. Brendon Buchard
  • Jimmy D. Brown - My hero.

    Master of small report creation, email marketing,
    membership sites and information marketing.
  • There are many out there here are a few i would recommend people who have been there and got the t shirt.

    Anik Singal

    Ryan Deiss

    Russell Brunson

    Frank Kern

    Arfan Saddiq ok maybe not yet
    • [2] replies
    • One of the first marketers I started following at first was Jim Daniels of Bizweb2000.com

      He's one of the pioneers and has been online since 2006. I am sure he has seen everything under the sun being marketed and he still makes his living online.

      His product sales pages lack the fancy hype that we see more and more today but his information is solid. And he actually cares about his customers.

      I also follow list builders who represent the typical average person but make a full time income online as well. Guys like Paul Nicholls and Brendan Mace.

      I find I can look up to guys like this because they give you hope. You don't need to make a ton of money to live life on your own terms.

      They show you that you just need a good blueprint, the ability to stick with it, and a hell of a lot of hard work!
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • I forgot to include Claudette Whitacre as well

      Happy New Years. everyone
  • I dont know exactly who is the best but these are the ones that appear in my mind when dealing with this question: Neil Patel, Anik Sigal, Pat Flynn
  • neil Patel

    Pat flynn

    noah kagan

    there you go, read or listen to their stuff to get a proper IM education

    -Ike Paz
  • I'm not going to overwhelm anyone here with favorites, so I'm going with my top 2 Best IMers as I have followed their endeavors since I started online 6 years ago. So much respect to Frank Kern and Vick Strizhues!
  • It is not those old days when a set of people where at the top and all others followed them. There are countless geeks making a killing online these days.
  • For me it's:
    John Chow
    Ryan Deiss
    Frank Kern
    Patt Flynn
    Kim Roach
    Patric Chan among others
  • I am surprised nobody mentioned Chris Record so far (unless I missed it). I like his marketing style, congruency and honesty in all marketing messages (at least I feel some kind of bond). Apart from that, I follow Russell Brunson, Ryan Deiss, Grant Cardone (he has more to do with sales but still love this man), plus Vick Strizheus and Nicholas Kusmich for generating traffic and getting high ROI, especially from FB Ads.

    All of them are really worth to follow and to learn from.
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    • Yeah some may disagree but I always thought Alex provided great Value with his Products.

      Bought a few and always impressed me

      - Robert Andrew
  • There are so many out there that it is hard to decide.

    Frank Kern is definitely someone to follow tho.

    Tony Robbins as well if you are looking to get inspired!
  • Kern is good, as are many of them. They all share a common ability... they can talk to (at) an audience for ages without drawing breath!

    See what I'm saying?

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  • 64

    Personally I like Neil Patel for Content Marketing, Brian Dean for traffic and Rand Fishkin for SEO. I also read a lot of Matthew Woodward for general Internet Marketing/Affiliate Marketing. As for copywriting I def would go with the legendary Gary Halbert.