A plea from someone that needs a hand - Partner Sought

7 replies
Greetings, Don't worry I am not going to bore you with a a big plea on how I need help to complete some simple elaborate task, or even how to get rich quick.

but I do have a problem....

Here's the thing, and feel free to laugh and flame all you want I am just looking for some options here, but I have been trying to get good at getting a website to the top of google, tried nearly all of the get rich quick scheme's you can image, I have done this, spent the time, bust my ass and got kicked in the teeth, time and time again.

Amazingly, I didn't quit! (this was years ago), now I use some great tools and can literally rank websites, I can amass large followings on social media platforms, I can research like a crack fiend looking for its next hit, sniff out competition like a drug dog from Australia's Border force.

To put it in SEO terms:

I can build large social followings, Tried, tested and works.

I can amass an unlimited supply of high PA and sites with trust flow and citation flow, even right down to the niche and also provide almost limitless content, I shit you not I can do this!

Problem is?

I can do this all over the place unfocused and believe me where I try, i see results, I do not do this commercially, I do not have clients although I do this full time, so my problem is what the hell or where do I start, now honestly here is where the laugh comes in for the flamers:

I use long tail pro for Keyword research
I use followliker for social platforms
I built my own software to find expired web 2.0's and it works, hourly, daily it just works
I use scrapebox for tiered link structures

Question is....

Where do I start, so I seem to be a muse these days whereby everyone comes to me with an idea and five minutes later they leave the chat on the way to build a brand out themselves but I really need a mentor or something, I lack a focus and this is what I really need!

Give me some suggestions

Am not messing about when I say I can do all this, I just need some focus and I believe if i am going to find it, I will find it here

Best Regards
#hand #partner #plea #sought
  • Profile picture of the author domainer45
    " I got reach like a crack fiend." I love that line! I have the same style " unfocused" I fly by the seat of my pants. I trhive on pressure , it pushes me to push back harder. YEAH!! Your making me want to cold call right now at midnight. If you can do all that, get on the phone and cold call. I got 2 clients today for posting services and a web deal. I picked up free news paper and started calling. No script,
    Pressures on, I can sell it.

    Why are you not selling your seo, ranking, and social media services? You sound top notch.
    I can't do anything but I can pick up a phone and pitch the bitch. Wish I could do what you do so, I outsource.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    I just need some focus and I believe if i am going to find it, I will find it here
    Good luck with that.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    You could try starting a thread in the Joint Ventures section. There may be somebody that doesn't have your skills but that can help in areas that you struggle with. Having partners can have many drawbacks but they can also be great when all parties work together well.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamie3000
    You don't need a mentor. You just need to focus on one thing you really love that isn't ranking websites. Do you have any hobbies? Interests in future tech? Find something you can lose yourself in then get ranking a site for it :-)
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  • The hobby might be the way to go thank you, I just feel like I'm sitting here waiting for something and it is not coming, I just need to get my finger out and sit down with one project, Good responses thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    You might try a simple focused inventory of yourself. Grab a pencil and paper and jot down,
    1. Your talents
    2. Your abilities
    3. Your passions
    4. Your hobbies
    5. Your education
    6. Your training (if any)
    7. Your previous work experience
    8. Your travels
    9. Your knowledge
    10. Things you excel at - things others would say you do very well
    By focusing on what you already know, do, like, are good at . . . you begin your business with an advantage over others that don't have what you have. What could you teach others, or help them experience? What could you share from your own personal experience that others might want to do?

    It's a starting point. If you find something then do some simple online research to validate that others are interested in the topic. If you can find an audience, you can build a business around it. Find out the things they would like to know, do, learn, or experience and you will have the knowledge you need to create a business in the niche selling to your audience the exact things that they are looking for.

    To your online business success,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Found a niche I'm Jamming.

    Did exactly that, sat down and thought about something I wouldn't be able to shut up about and I'm 32 articles created, 3 high PA 28+ Tumblr's primary and about 4 - 7 on each PA 28+ juicing them, Went a bit mad with backlink commando though got about 11 profile already, anyway long tail pro spat me out a list of KC 10 - 30 targets and Off I got, actually looking forward to planning content syndication now, guess i just had to ask the question aloud lol

    Does do you good getting things off you chest lol thanks everyone your thoughts and questions have given me the ability to answer mine, cheers
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