Get paid to post articles and social media with Steemit

56 replies

There is a new player in town for all article& social savvy warriors we have It is called
Steemit and It pays you to post no affiliate link

Anyways take a squiz and make some dollars

#media #paid #post #social
  • Profile picture of the author webmarke
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10765846].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
      Originally Posted by webmarke View Post

      Thanks for sharing. I am always looking for new income streams...So I will surely check this out.
      Yeh Webby not bad not really for me but I know someone already been paid so I guess it works and not a scam , thought I would put up for those who want to try

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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    I actually just started using SteemIt, and although I have no idea about how cryptocurrency works or even how to convert it to cash, I know there are lots of people making a tremendous amount of money on this new network.

    In short, from what I can gather, you write articles and depending on the amount of "upvotes" your article gets, it makes "Steem," which is a type of cryptocurrency similar to bitcoin.

    You can also earn money just for upvoting and leaving comments on articles that have already been posted.

    They offer a whitepaper that you can read that explains in detail how the site works and how you can choose to use your "Steem." I think right now it's best to keep it invested in the site because this is a new form of cryptocurrency, and if it's anything like bitcoin, in a couple of years the value should increase big time.

    Anyway, I wrote on unique article that was about 400 words and included a video from YouTube that related to the article. Actually, the idea to write the article came from watching the video. I elaborated on the video and added in my own commentary and some other research that I did.

    The point being is that it took me about 20 minutes to put the article together. I checked it out 24 hours later, and was surprised to see that I had made $24 from that one little article and it had gotten 100 upvotes.. The screen shot is below:

    I have also been commneting on posts and upvoting articles and have made a little money from my efforts called "curation rewards."

    Anyway, like I said, I'm not sure what everything means at this point, but from what I gather my account is worth about $20 right now and I have hardly done any work.

    If you were to write an article a day on here you can clean up.

    I have seen some articles become worth upwards of $500 or $600 in just an hour or two after posting. I've even seen some articles that are worth more than $1000!

    I plan to take the time to read the whitepaper today and really dive into this.

    If you like to produce unique content, then this could be a great opportunity for you.

    It seems to be a hell of a lot more profitable than blogging.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Thanks Jason. Always good for the Forum to add some more (seemingly) legit ways to make some extra money. Lots of people who frequent our Forums are from places where a few US dollars really go a long way

    Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10876997].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
      Originally Posted by discrat View Post

      Thanks Jason. Always good for the Forum to add some more (seemingly) legit ways to make some extra money. Lots of people who frequent our Forums are from places where a few US dollars really go a long way
      I think the potential is there to make more than just a few dollars.

      As I said, some articles are worth hundreds just hours after posting.

      The thing is that they want unique content. You can't get away with any copying and pasting or garbage PLR. And they really HATE plagiarism. You MUST credit your sources if you want to succeed on this site.

      They have a bot that identifies that stuff and "downvotes" it, making it pretty much worthless.

      However, you can make money with anything unique. I've seen people making hundreds from posting a simple poem or recipe or even just a bunch of images from a recent vacation they took.

      Right now SteemIt has less than 200,000 members, and many of them are not writing. This means that you can still get in on the ground floor of something that I think is only going to get bigger and bigger.

      My advice to anyone who is looking to make money from their content would be to join TODAY and start putting up top quality content.

      Here are the stats from an article posted about 3 hours ago and this article is less than 400 words and not especially well written:

      As I said, I don't know how it all works, but I know there are ways to convert this to cash, and there are videos on YouTube that can show you how.

      However, I think right now the thing to do is to reinvest the money into the site and wait a couple of years until the Steem cryptocurrency really takes off.

      I need to start learning about cryptocurrencies because one thing that this experience has made me realize is that if you know what you are doing there is HUGE money there.
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    can you repost on

    or does it have to be original content?

    Ike Paz
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10877323].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
      Originally Posted by aizaku View Post

      can you repost on

      or does it have to be original content?

      Ike Paz
      You can repost content, but it's frowned upon.

      If it's not your own content that you repost, it's REALLY frowned upon. However, I have used some of my own content on there, but I took the time to rewrite it and turn it into basically another unique article. You could use some PLR articles for inspiration, but I would not advise just reposting them as is. If you want to post them, you would need to rewrite them so they are 100% unique.

      They have a plagiarism detection bot that will "downvote" any copied content and render it worthless. Also, the amount that you earn on your articles depends on your reputation score. If you just repost content that is found elsewhere on the internet, your score will not go up and many of the members will also downvote you.

      In other words, if you are going to be lazy then SteemIt is not the place for you.

      If you want to do well, you need to create top notch unique content specifically for SteemIt.

      If you do, you will be rewarded handsomely.

      They allow and encourage curated content, but you need to do it right and cite every source properly.

      There are also many resources that you can use under creative commons. For instance, you can embed YT videos, use images from Pixabay and Giphy, etc, and you do not have to cite those since they are free to use under creative commons.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10877430].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

        In other words, if you are going to be lazy then SteemIt is not the place for you.

        If you want to do well, you need to create top notch unique content specifically for SteemIt.
        Hey Niche,
        I hear you.

        But the only problem I see with that ( at least for me) is sacrificing my Quality original material and putting it on a Platform that I do not personally own.

        But worth looking into.

        - Rober Andrew

        Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10878044].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Steve B
          Originally Posted by discrat View Post

          But the only problem I see with that


          I see another problem with this strategy . . . getting paid in dollars.

          Has anyone turned their cryptocurrency into cash yet? What is the exchange rate? Is it easy or a hassle to turn your earnings into spendable cash?

          I agree with you that taking the time and effort to publish original quality material on a site you don't control may not be the best approach.

          I'm not suggesting that Steemit has no value . . . just wondering if making money with this model is cost/time effective and worth it?


          Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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        • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
          Originally Posted by discrat View Post

          Hey Niche,
          I hear you.

          But the only problem I see with that ( at least for me) is sacrificing my Quality original material and putting it on a Platform that I do not personally own.

          But worth looking into.

          - Rober Andrew
          Valid concern which I thought about and went and checked out

          If you look around you will see that people are using their content there to link back to their own site. This guy is building an audience for his online novel

          so there ARE some marketing benefits here as well - not just the currency. If for nothing else i have to applaud these guys again for building something by way of a social network that doesn't keep all the monetary benefits for themselves ala Facebook, Twitter etc.

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      • Profile picture of the author aizaku
        Thanks for the thorough answer NB!

        I guess that's the move then

        REwrite posts that I have on my IM site and publish on Steemit..

        sounds like the makings of little IM pdf... once i test it out myself..

        Have a good one,
        Ike Paz

        Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

        You can repost content, but it's frowned upon.

        If it's not your own content that you repost, it's REALLY frowned upon. However, I have used some of my own content on there, but I took the time to rewrite it and turn it into basically another unique article. You could use some PLR articles for inspiration, but I would not advise just reposting them as is. If you want to post them, you would need to rewrite them so they are 100% unique.

        They have a plagiarism detection bot that will "downvote" any copied content and render it worthless. Also, the amount that you earn on your articles depends on your reputation score. If you just repost content that is found elsewhere on the internet, your score will not go up and many of the members will also downvote you.

        In other words, if you are going to be lazy then SteemIt is not the place for you.

        If you want to do well, you need to create top notch unique content specifically for SteemIt.

        If you do, you will be rewarded handsomely.

        They allow and encourage curated content, but you need to do it right and cite every source properly.

        There are also many resources that you can use under creative commons. For instance, you can embed YT videos, use images from Pixabay and Giphy, etc, and you do not have to cite those since they are free to use under creative commons.
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  • Profile picture of the author supervalon
    Guys, I made $47.50 overnight with a single, hilarious post about Robert DeNiro roasting Donald Trump.
    This morning, I logged in only to see potential revenue $47.50, 13 hours from now.
    What does that mean? Will I get the money credited to my account in 13 hours from now? If that so, that would be awesome, the first page to ever make $47 overnight.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10877606].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
      Originally Posted by supervalon View Post

      Guys, I made $47.50 overnight with a single, hilarious post about Robert DeNiro roasting Donald Trump.
      This morning, I logged in only to see potential revenue $47.50, 13 hours from now.
      What does that mean? Will I get the money credited to my account in 13 hours from now? If that so, that would be awesome, the first page to ever make $47 overnight.
      Yes, the money will be transferred to your accounting 13 hours from now. It may be a little more, or a little less, depending on the market fluctuation.

      Some of it will go to curators and commenters, but the majority will go to you.

      As I said, I'm new, but as a beginner it seems what you want to do is increase your Steem Power.

      Some people are looking at this as a way to make a quick buck from your content, and that's not the way to look at it.

      You need to look at your content and the Steem you make from it as an investment in the network.

      Steem is currently the third highest valued cryptocurrency, and if it's anything like Bitcoin, the future rewards could be HUGE if you can accumulate a lot of it.

      If you are looking for something that is going to make you money today that you can withdraw tomorrow or next week, this is not for you.

      The people who are downing it right now just don't understand the concept and how huge this can potentially be.

      As far as people who are concerned that they are publishing their content on a network they don't know, that's a valid concern. However, how would you feel if you could make several hundred dollars for every article you publish? That might just make it worth it.

      However, this is not like the "old days" where the rewards for posting on places like Ezine Articles and HubPages were some traffic and backlinks.

      The rewards on SteemIt are HUGE, and if your article gets picked up by any of the curation projects being run on the site (my second article did), then your reputation and article value can skyrocket.

      Some people are making more than $1000 for one simple article. Just the other day I posted the stats from an articles that was only 3 hours old and already worth close to $650.

      If you do this right, you stand to make more money than you could ever make from one single blog.

      I'm learning more and more every day, and the more I learn, the more I like this very much.

      NOW is the time to get in. The longer you wait, the tougher the competition will be. My advice is to open an account today and start building your reputation and Steem Power up.

      All I'm saying is don't just automatically dismiss SteemIt before you really dive in and get the facts and learn how the system works.
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      • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale
        I'm really glad you're doing this, because... I just can't see wasting MY OWN time.
        (I know this sounds condescending, but I really mean it).

        Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

        The people who are downing it right now just don't understand the concept and how huge this can potentially be.
        I haven't "downed it" yet, but let me interject here that I do recognize that it could also TANK.

        Re-read what you said (I've edited it for you with a few modifications for clarity)

        Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

        As far as people who are concerned that they are publishing their content on a network they don't know, that's a valid concern. However, how would you feel if you could make several hundred "warm & fuzzies" for every article you publish? That might just make it worth it.

        However, this is not like the "old days" where the rewards for posting on places like Ezine Articles and HubPages were some traffic and backlinks.

        The rewards on SteemIt are HUGE, and if your article gets picked up by any of the curation projects being run on the site (my second article did), then your reputation and article value can skyrocket.

        Some people are making more than 1000 "warm & fuzzies" for one simple article. Just the other day I posted the stats from an articles that was only 3 hours old and already worth close to 650 "warm & fuzzies".

        If you do this right, you stand to make more "warm & fuzzies" than you could ever make from one single blog.

        I'm learning more and more "warm & fuzzies" every day, and the more I learn, the more I like this very much.

        NOW is the time to get in. The longer you wait, the tougher the competition will be. My advice is to open an account today and start building your reputation and Steem Power (that's what they call "warm & fuzzies") up.
        Now, understand that
        1. I am a product developer with my own affiliate program, so links from an article repository aren't of any value to me - unless a bunch of my affiliates want to create articles with affiliate links to my products, and
        2. when I invest in anything... it is more of my own products

        "Investing" (time and effort) in a start up that pays out in Monopoly money, that can only be exchanged for Bitcoin (a different Monopoly money), where the value of BOTH currencies are subject to ???? some unknown forces, just doesn't feel like a responsible use of my resources.

        Again, for those of you with the free time to invest in this... Thank You.
        Whatever the results, I will owe you.

        Sid Hale
        Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10879057].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
          Originally Posted by Sid Hale View Post


          "Investing" (time and effort) in a start up that pays out in Monopoly money, that can only be exchanged for Bitcoin (a different Monopoly money), where the value of BOTH currencies are subject to ???? some unknown forces, just doesn't feel like a responsible use of my resources.
          I thought the same about bitcoin as you do but some times you just have to face up to reality or the world will just pass you by. You now can book hotel rooms, buy all kinds of things and use bitcoin in multiple areas of interest. A sign that the internet is passing you by is that reality stares you right in the face and you still call Bitcoin monopoly money.

          mind you what hasn't been mentioned by the die hards is that yes Bitcoin is an example of success of crypto currencies but its one success in a long line of flops in other crypto currencies

          Again, for those of you with the free time to invest in this...
          Problem is - the time it took for you to write about it here - a few minutes more and you would have had an article up on from this and other posts you clearly do have the time.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10879110].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale
            Hey Mike,

            Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

            Problem is - the time it took for you to write about it here - a few minutes more and you would have had an article up on from this and other posts you clearly do have the time.
            The difference is that I wouldn't have had the opportunity to interact with you or NicheBlogger on Steemit.
            I consider my time here to be a much better investment

            Sid Hale
            Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10879157].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
          Originally Posted by Sid Hale View Post

          "Investing" (time and effort) in a start up that pays out in Monopoly money, that can only be exchanged for Bitcoin (a different Monopoly money), where the value of BOTH currencies are subject to ???? some unknown forces, just doesn't feel like a responsible use of my resources.

          Again, for those of you with the free time to invest in this... Thank You.
          Whatever the results, I will owe you.
          Except that BitCoin and SBD (Steem Backed Dollars) is NOT Monopoly money, but a REAL and VALUABLE form of currency.

          I hope you don't take this the wrong way Sid, but calling BitCoin "Monopoly money" means you have absolutely no idea what it is or how it works.

          I'm actually really surprised that you think that the only valuable use of your time is to create more products. There are many more ways to make money from the Internet. Creating products and running an affiliate is great, but it's certainly not the only way.

          I'm also not sure where you got the idea that all you get from SteemIt is links. That is not even close to what the site is all about. Nobody uses it for SEO or backlinks. It has absolutely nothing to do with that. It is a social network. Maybe links from there do help your SEO. Not sure about that, but if they do that's just another bonus of using the site.

          Also, people are under the impression that it is difficult to turn cryptocurrency into cold hard cash, and nothing could be further from the truth.

          It's not difficult at all.

          You can learn how to do it in about 5 minutes.

          I'm all for investing time and money into my own products, but I like to try other things too.

          The whole reason why I've been successful online for the past 8 years when 99% of all other people who try it are not is because I am willing to be open-minded and try new things.

          The truth is that I don't care how much anyone thinks that they know about running an online business or making money online- NOBODY can predict what will happen to this site at this point.

          And BTW, it is not an "article directory" or an "article repository" either. Calling it that is proof of further ignorance of the concept.

          Now, this is the last post I am going to make in this thread, because I am sick of wasting my time trying to talk to bullheaded people who think they know everything.

          BitCoin has created many millionaires, and there is no reason why SBD cannot do the same.

          Honestly, at this point, I really don't care what anyone else thinks. I wrote another article today that is already worth $53 and it's only 4 hours old.

          Tomorrow I will be attempting my first withdrawal. If that is successful, then all the money I make from now on will be reinvested in SteemIt. because I believe in it.

          And if it fails and I fail, then so what? I have lost nothing because I haven't invested one penny of my own money and I still own all the rights to my content.

          And as far as considering time spent in the WF more valuable than time spent on SteemIt, or anywhere else online doing anything else for that matter-- I'll just keep my opinion to myself on that one.

          And taking one of my post and replacing a bunch of the words with "warm and fuzzies" accomplishes what, exactly? Seems like nothing but a waste of time to do that. I certainly don't get it.

          Oh, and one last thing for those of you who think cryptocurrency is "Monopoly money..."

          Read this article:

          Man Forgets About Buying $27 of Bitcoin, Is Now Worth About $1 Million
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  • Profile picture of the author PPG19
    From what i read on this page the process to convert this Steem $ is quite complicated.

    First you have to sign up on a digital currency exchange platform.
    Then you need to deposit Steem $ into the account and exchange them (exchange rate?!?!).
    Then you need to look and find somebody interested in exchanging Steem $ into Bitcoins (are there many people willing to do that?).

    Also from what i read the exchange rate is extremely volatile and it changes a lot.

    I have some doubts about the sustainability of this business. I won't hold to Steem $ if i could change them into something else..
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  • Profile picture of the author hynds
    It seems very complicated to withdraw to $$$. Does anyone has a successful business on this?
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    "Money" that isn't money and may never be, is worthless.

    I think I will create a cryptocurrency and pay people generously to create content for my site.

    I will pay 1000 BrentBucks for every 100 words.

    Come one, come all!
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10878056].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author webmarke
      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      "Money" that isn't money and may never be, is worthless.

      I think I will create a cryptocurrency and pay people generously to create content for my site.

      I will pay 1000 BrentBucks for every 100 words.

      Come one, come all!
      Hey Brent. Before poo poing this you should do a little research. Steem is the 3rd most rated crypto currency and it is very easy to convert steem dollars into us dollars.

      So...even if you think people can just make up there own currency and pay people fake money..Steem does not fall into that category.

      You may disagree..but the fact that steem can be converted to US dollars makes it real spendable money.

      By the way...It's is entirely possible for you to create your own site like steemit and do the same thing the original creators are doing.

      I suggest that you watch some youtube videos about this site , and steem to see that this is not a scam. You need not invest 1 dime of your money and you need not even use content that is professionally written.

      Do a little more research and you will see the potential.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10878066].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by webmarke View Post

        Hey Brent. Before poo poing this you should do a little research. Steem is the 3rd most rated crypto currency and it is very easy to convert steem dollars into us dollars....You may disagree..but the fact that steem can be converted to US dollars makes it real spendable money.

        Then I too misread it. Could you walk us through the process of making it real spendable cash today?

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10878075].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author webmarke
          Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

          Then I too misread it. Could you walk us through the process of making it real spendable cash today?
          Watch this video...

          Note: There are several other videos on Youtube that will show you how to convert your bitcoins into real us dollars and transfer that money to your bank.

          Do a little research.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10878084].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
            Originally Posted by webmarke View Post

            Do a little research.
            Relax webmarke (And thanks for the video). This is relatively new to many of us and if something new to a lot of people can't be discussed and queried on this forum without people crying about people doing research then we should just shut down the whole forum because you could say that in any thread.

            Now something thats been around for awhile and people being lazy to look into it thats another matter. This is relatively new and still in beta.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10878099].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author webmarke
              Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

              Relax webmarke (And thanks for the video). This is relatively new to many of us and if something new to a lot of people can't be discussed and queried on this forum without people crying about people doing research then we should just shut down the whole forum because you could say that in any thread.

              Now something thats been around for awhile and people being lazy to look into it that's another matter.
              Hey Mike Anthony. The "Do a little research" is not directed directly to you. It's for all the people that try to shoot down things before they actually delve into them to find out if they are legit or scams.

              I am basically saying that people should do research about a subject before shooting it down.

              By the way...People on this forum are lazy. If I were serious about making money online...I would actually try to go out and find the answers myself and before trusting answers from any forum.

              As you can see...You can get many comments on a post from people who have not even researched the subject themselves. I would rather do my own research and ask questions to answer that I can't find on my own.

              When this thread was first created...i was the 1st to comment on it.

              After I commented on it....I started doing a little research and I found some answers that I was looking for. It was really not that hard...I simply search google and Youtube.

              Full Disclosure: The whole thing does seem a little complicated and I have not fully grasped how it all works...But before poo pooing it like some have...I am at least doing the research to find out.

              I'm not saying...I'm just saying.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10878110].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                Originally Posted by webmarke View Post

                Hey Mike Anthony. The "Do a little research" is not directed directly to you. It's for all the people that try to shoot down things before they actually delve into them to find out if they are legit or scams.
                Thats part of the process of any kind of intelligent conversation - Pros and cons . Possible pros and possible cons. If not for Brent raising his thoughts that the money was not convertible to anything real (and the video you showed sure looks complicated and speculative) then you would not have chimed in and if I didn't ask then there wouldn't be a video in this thread now showing how you can convert to bitcoin.

                If everyone goes and does their own research whats the point of a thread?

                Full Disclosure: The whole thing does seem a little complicated and I have not fully grasped how it all works...
                Yeah you sure have to dive into the whole micro trading niche to really get into it. still the biggest issue as with all these systems is - how much of the value is tied to air? looking at some of those articles and their value in steemit it looks like a good deal of it. Somewhere along the way the value has to be tied to something more tangible - market reach, entertainment value etc.

                The currency is not the biggest issue - its how the value is being created. Theres a reason if you just start pumping out paper money in the offline world you are going to crash a currency eventually.

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    • Profile picture of the author anayb
      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      "Money" that isn't money and may never be, is worthless.

      I think I will create a cryptocurrency and pay people generously to create content for my site.

      I will pay 1000 BrentBucks for every 100 words.

      Come one, come all!
      80% people here will never understand that; if yes, then there would be no posts like this.
      Do you need an exclusive video product?
      Graphics Design - Motion Graphics - 2D & 3D Animation - Video Editing - Color Grading - Logo Animation - etc
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10878315].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author anayb
        these sites are clearly created for people who lack in education, skills, ability, money, motivation and the list goes on. Because of these posts, many great marketers, who make real money, stopped visiting WF. Its utter ridiculous. Spend your time building something worthwhile, come back and discuss about it.
        Do you need an exclusive video product?
        Graphics Design - Motion Graphics - 2D & 3D Animation - Video Editing - Color Grading - Logo Animation - etc
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10878318].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
          Originally Posted by anayb View Post

          these sites are clearly created for people who lack in education, skills, ability, money, motivation and the list goes on. Because of these posts, many great marketers, who make real money, stopped visiting WF. Its utter ridiculous. Spend your time building something worthwhile, come back and discuss about it.
          I think that is a really ignorant thing to say my friend.

          I am a very successful affiliate marketer. In fact, I am a TOP 1% affiliate on Warrior Plus.

          I have loads of online skills and I also have a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice.

          But, as you say, I must "lack in education, skills, ability, money, motivation and the list goes on."


          You obviously have NO IDEA what SteemIt is and how it works.

          And as for "John 129" who said:

          what is this, why making money should be soooo complicated?

          why cant we just use a software and click on a button and start making money?
          ARE YOU SERIOUS?

          If you think that you can use a software and click a few buttons and make money then you really need help.

          Making money is HARD WORK, online or otherwise.

          And I really don't see converting a currency to BitCoin and then to cash and then transferring it to your bank account as hard work.

          Anybody that thinks that doing that is "hard work" has obviously never run a legitimate online business. Watch a 10 minute YouTube video and you can learn how to do it.

          There are several people who have made over $10,000 cash money into their bank account in just a few weeks on SteemIt.

          Honestly, anyone that has not learned about the site and given it a shot doesn't even really have a right to trash it.

          All I'm going to say is people said the same things about BitCoin. Look at it now.
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        • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
          Originally Posted by anayb View Post

          these sites are clearly created for people who lack in education, skills, ability, money, motivation and the list goes on. Because of these posts, many great marketers, who make real money, stopped visiting WF. Its utter ridiculous.
          That post is utterly ridiculous. This is actually one of the more interesting ideas even though I think steemit, as it is presently, has little staying power. No one left WF because of it.

          and no...wrong...this isn't all about stupid people. On the contrary you have to have some intellect to understand crypto currencies and the steem setup.

          DO I have a lot of trust that the people who started this (and the early adopter whales) have a long term viable business model not just designed to make them millionaires?


          But steemit is interesting in one way. I haven't seen so many people at the lower rung make money on these things before. I think somewhere down the line investors are going to get burned but unlike almost all scams in the process the littler guy can benefit, If someone writes things that are high quality (or liked by the right people because its obviously not about quality at the moment) they are going to make more cash than most here at WF make.

          People are going to and have been investing in this. Their money is in the pipeline and my greatest concern that you can't cash out has been proven wrong. So why shouldn't writers jump in?

          they may waste some time at some point but you got to chuckle at the idea that people at WF are "Standing up" and "speaking out" about steemit when WF is mostly a make money online by teaching other people how to make money online venue. Many WSOs benefit the little guy that buys them much less.

          Pot calling the kettle black?

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        • Profile picture of the author discrat
          Originally Posted by anayb View Post

          these sites are clearly created for people who lack in education, skills, ability, money, motivation and the list goes on. Because of these posts, many great marketers, who make real money, stopped visiting WF. Its utter ridiculous. Spend your time building something worthwhile, come back and discuss about it.
          I think you have it mixed up...people stop visiting WF because of Posts like yours
          Just sayin'. Instead of coming on here and particpating in the Discussion and having an open mind you seem to try to stymie open discussion like this.

          Jason and Nicheblogger have been around awhile and trust me they don't need your approval for this Thread

          Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    The idea of sharing the financial windfall of a social network with the members of it is solid.

    I think the site has a shot but its going to have to do a whole lot better - none of the stories on the front page hold me and seem like a hodge podge of just about any and everything. the problem with that is the so called $ (which denotes a real currency which this isn't really yet) will only be worth something if the site gains traction from the wider internet - not just people writing to see what cash they can make.

    OF course I expect standards will rise as they gain traction ( accept anything at the beginning) but its iffy it ever will - but then all early adoptions are iffy.

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    • Profile picture of the author PPG19
      Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

      The idea of sharing the financial windfall of a social network with the members of it is solid.
      Yes, but i have still have to understand where is that money coming from. Does Steemit pays it from their pockets? What are the benefits for them? They seem to be extremely generous.
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by PPG19 View Post

        Yes, but i have still have to understand where is that money coming from. Does Steemit pays it from their pockets? What are the benefits for them? They seem to be extremely generous.
        Nope its number created in their own system that may or may not be equal a dollar USD. In the real world it eventually has to be tied to the value of the eyeballs looking at the site.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10878134].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author PPG19
          Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

          Nope its number created in their own system that may or may not be equal a dollar USD. In the real world it eventually has to be tied to the value of the eyeballs looking at the site.
          I get that. But who is paying the users? I don't think Steem gets money from its advertisers and it's free to join.

          Who is paying? I am still not clear...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10880307].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
            Originally Posted by PPG19 View Post

            I get that. But who is paying the users? I don't think Steem gets money from its advertisers and it's free to join.

            Who is paying? I am still not clear...
            Like I said - investors - and in a crypto currency thats anyone that buys the currency (in this case for speculation).

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          • Profile picture of the author Chris Lengley
            I still have some reservations. And, I've some questions too.

            1 - Just forget thousands of dollars, even if we can make $20, it's fine. But, the problem is, how much time it will take to earn those $20? 2 months? 6 months? Since, as far as I know (I can be wrong), it all depends on the voting system.

            2 - Currently, it's kind of a new website. And, we know that, just in warriorforum, there are perhaps thousands of professional writers which can create top-notch content, and once those writers, and all the other writers, jump on this network and start publishing content, how one will get the traffic? I mean once this place is saturated, again, just like our website, the main problem will be to get traffic, so that we can get upvotes on our content.

            So, what's the difference, in reality?
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  • Profile picture of the author john129
    what is this, why making money should be soooo complicated?

    why cant we just use a software and click on a button and start making money?

    This is getting ridiculous.
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    Despite the fact, I haven't taken the time to fully research the site yet, I am definitely planning to keep a close eye on it. Hell, I write tons of content that I've never published anywhere online, so to me, this could serve as a plausible option to turn those writings into future cash.

    One of the first sites I ever attempted to make money on was Helium. They supplied the titles and you submitted your articles, which were then voted on by other members/writers. The more exposure your articles received the greater your potential earnings were.

    One thing I frowned on with Helium was that you surrendered your copyright to your work upon submitting the article. I later learned (green as I was back then) the sites entire revenue metric was largely generated from AdSense links, whereby, Helium gave the writer a small percentage of the small percentage each article generated. (*So the money sucked!)

    They eventually changed their TOS, making it mandatory all writers were required to "vote" on other writer's articles, and if you refused (to read and vote on a certain number of articles weekly/monthly) you forfeited your earnings.

    Over time, I made a whopping $13.75 diddle-farting around, but, the minimum payout threshold was $25 so, I NEVER really made a dime, lol. I still consider it the first site I ever made money with my writing online. I found WF and stopped writing on Helium altogether, and started learning other methods.

    As far as this new cryptocurrency goes, I am genuinely curious to determine; "What is the true value after exchanging 'crypto' into bitcoins and then into cold hard currency or US dollars?" - understanding the market value fluates and all, but just ballpark... like is a crypto-dollar worth .10 cents? or .75 cents?

    I think I'll give it a shot, after all, I've been known to crank out thousands of words just for shits and giggles... might as well give a try. Sounds pretty cool, especially, if they are serious about sharing their revenue with their contributors.
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I have always maintained you don't "earn" anything from a site or a service until that money is cash in your bank acct.

    The Steemit site has excellent explanations and tutorials so learning to use the features should be easy. I don't believe "potential payment" is the same as "we owe you this amount in cash"...but maybe so.

    You have to convert Steem to Steem Dollars and then convert into BitCoin and then convert into 'real' cash....and there are transaction fees and currency conversions along the way. Today one SteemDollar is worth about thirty cents USD.

    My question was where the real money comes from to pay out those who aren't willing to "reinvest in Steem" and it seems "a cashout" is "a loan on the Steemit collateral". Although the "steem and steem dollars" are awarded on the site quickly....I noted several references to "monthly cashouts" but didn't look further into that.

    For anyone interested - seems like this is the perfect time to give Steemit a try. It could be fun to do - but I wouldn't plan on paying next month's mortgage with the profits.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    That's the thing - some people will never believe you until they prove it to themselves.

    At least with Steemit, people aren't 'investing' (i.e., spending) money to give it a try. No harm, no foul.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author st0nec0ld
    Interesting but seems complicated. Besides the OP makes it look like an "easy money"

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  • Profile picture of the author wiretree
    @anayb thanks for speaking up!

    Another observation made on the site that should warn people:
    "Upon first glance of Steemit, I noticed the profiles that were earning money were typically earning thousands, and often had post after post with hundreds of dollars of tallied revenue on hand, while other accounts had nearly as many if not more posts of the same quality, yet they had almost no revenue at all. One has to wonder if some of these profiles are merely sock puppet accounts formed to create the illusion of easy money. It all just sounds way too good to be true."
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    I have to say I'm really flabbergasted by the sheer amount of people who have been posting some really outrageous things in this thread.

    I mean, it makes me laugh.

    Thousands of affiliates will jump on board and start promoting some garbage product just because it comes from a really "popular" marketer and they will then collectively sell thousands of that product to the "little guy" who can't wait to fork over $37 because the product promises them they will make thousands in the next 72 hours.

    Then all those people who bought the product will figure out it's all hype and get all upset because they dropped their hard earned money on it. Many of them will even jump on the "you can't make money online" bandwagon after because they bought one bad product that didn't work for them.

    Now along comes SteemIt, which is making money for a ton of people who NEVER made a dime online before, and oh BTW, they are not asking for ANY of your money, and all of sudden people come out of the woodwork to call it a scam and say "it's too good to be true."

    Now if that's not irony I don't know what is.

    Furthermore, what's even more unbelievable, is the same people who are trashing it have not even taken the time to try it, but you can bet they'll be lined up to fork up another $37 for the next "miracle push button software."

    You know what I think?

    SteemIt requires you to create content, which is actual WORK, so that alone is enough to scare away 75% of the "make money online" crowd.

    Oh, and I love the fact that people don't this thread has any value, as if these are better:

    "PayPal Problem"

    "If you had $50..."

    "Need Help"

    "How do you make a forum signature on WF?"


    Look, I'm not claiming SteemIt is the next big thing, or even that it's going to last.

    I can remember when MySpace was huge and a site called Facebook popped up and people said that would never work, either.

    I can also remember when people said cryptocurrency like BitCoin would never be worth anything.

    Well, as of right now, ONE BitCoin is equal to $637.65 US dollars. So how did that work out? I bet the people who were open-minded enough to buy up a ton of BitCoin for about $.07 each in 2010 are pretty happy today that they took a chance.

    All I'm saying is that Rome wasn't built in a day. Nobody knows what the people who built SteemIt have in mind. Just yesterday they did a bunch of updates that require phone verification so people cannot easily open fake accounts. They are evolving every day.

    And here's the thing- What does it cost you to give it a try? NOTHING. So you have to create some content and that takes a little time and effort. SO WHAT? Make backups of the content and if the site crashes you still have the content you created. You've lost nothing.

    My point is that right now, you have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain by giving it a shot.

    Unless, of course, you would rather wait for the next miracle push button software to come out and make you a million dollars overnight.
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  • Profile picture of the author hometutor
    If you don't mind one more post let me know how it goes when you cash out. I know you said it was easy, but I'm curious about the rate of exchange and the actual ease.

    Thanks for the information,

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    • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale
      Originally Posted by hometutor View Post

      If you don't mind one more post let me know how it goes when you cash out. I know you said it was easy, but I'm curious about the rate of exchange and the actual ease.

      Thanks for the information,

      I too, am curious, and I think I said so more than once in my previous response.

      My replacement of $ by "warm & fuzzies" may have been overdone in terms of the number of times I repeated it, but my point was that they weren't dollars, and there was no discussion of what the actual exchange rate is/was.

      Sid Hale
      Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10879362].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by Sid Hale View Post

        and there was no discussion of what the actual exchange rate is/was.
        actually there was. My understanding is that right now as Kay indicated its about 30 cents on the dollar so per $100 if you cash out now you get $30. That's my understanding at the moment at least.

        I do wish the blogs and articles on the positive side of this would stop comparing it to Facebook though. If they have plans for it to be that then thats fine but right now its a kinda like a reddit clone with a crypto currency attached. Another thing to consider is that upvotes are not all equal. Early adopters with steam power upvoting your article is what makes for the higher value articles. You could have great stuff and not make much if it doesn't attract at least a few early adopters or people with higher level steam power.

        its a very involved system underneath and it could do without some features - features that I think rightfully raise some legit questions for an investor but as others have said - for writers - why not for the time being?

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I'm with Sid on this - it's an interesting concept but I won't spend time on it. However, I am curious to see how people do with it over time. It's still in beta, isn't it?

    The big question for me is where the money will come from for payouts. It will be a balancing act for a while if many contributors opt to be "paid" rather than to leave their 'earnings' as investments in the digital currency. Theoretically, there might be payouts made from the money some will use to BUY the Steem. That seems risky, though, because paying out by using money invested could be view as a digital ponzi scheme??? Just looking at it critically - perhaps the site has the funding to carry payouts - don't know.

    I have seen several people here and elsewhere state "people are cashing out thousands" - but can't find a single post anywhere by someone who HAS cashed out significant amounts. I'm sure you can cash out - but wonder what the various exchange fees would be by the time you got the money.

    The above sounds negative - but I do think this is an interesting concept. If the concept is solid, asking the hard questions or being a bit skeptical...won't hurt Steemit at all.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      That seems risky, though, because paying out by using money invested could be view as a digital ponzi scheme???
      I think the answer they would have to that is a pretty good one.

      Facebook and even Google didn't make a dime for years and hired,contracted and paid out in numerous ways money that came strictly from investors.Last time i read twitter had yet to make a profit.

      However a good counter to that is that each of these companies had/have a way of making money in the future (ads etc ) and can potentially payback the investors with income whereas crypto currency setups like this seem to make the currency going up the only real income.

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  • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
    I can never understand why people get so touchy
    when people don't believe others when they post these income claims.
    If I was earning a tidy sum from something but nobody believed me, so what?
    I'd not bother trying to convince anyone and just carry on earning with a smirk on my face.
    Makes me wonder if it's really themselves they're trying to convince.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10880224].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Originally Posted by lgibbon View Post

      I'd not bother trying to convince anyone and just carry on earning with a smirk on my face.
      Makes me wonder if it's really themselves they're trying to convince.
      Normally I would agree but in this case and the case with all things crypto currency related a good bit of the success depends on how the currency is perceived. Theres therefore a vested interest in seeing the currency in a positive not negative light . Drives higher prices.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B

    Sometimes the "touchyness" convinces would-be posters interested in the topic to not even ask questions or offer a differing opinion for fear of being shamed or castigated simply because they want to learn something.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    As I mentioned, Steemit says "payouts are loans on Steemit collateral"...and that is where I stopped and went "Huh?" If the collateral is cash on hand, investor funds, etc - that could work until the currency is profitable. If the 'collateral' is the Steem currency they are printing...could be wall hit at some point, couldn't there?

    Many of these sites operate at a loss initially but at some point there has to be enough revenue to balance payouts and profit.

    BUT - then we look at Twitter - with stock worth less every day because there doesn't seem to be a way to earn profit with the site, popular as it is.

    Short Sellers Miss Payout From Twitter Stock Tumble - WSJ

    ...and then there's China's version of Twitter


    Steemit seems to be the "next thing" - combining digital currency with social media???
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author PattiM
    I've been on Steemit since the first part of August. There are three parts to their financial structure. STEEM is traded on some of the bitcoin markets and has gone up as high as $4US per STEEM which drove many of the rewards for upvoting on the site up.

    You can purchase STEEM and powerup to Steem Power (SP)

    STEEM Can be traded or used to Powerup to SP. SP is what grows your position on the site and improves your standing as it is an investment in the site. SP can be "Powered Down" which is like cashing out but to stop people from being able to pump up the value and then jump out, powering down takes 2 years in 104 equal payments. You receive 10% APR on SP that you hold paid monthly

    Some of the early adopters did this and are drawing out a regular 'wage' each week until they are fully powered down.

    The Steem Backed Dollars SBD are roughly pegged to the US dollar. Right now they are trading at about 93cents on the US dollar. You can hold the dollars, convert to STEEM or convert them to Bitcoin through an exchange or hold Bitcoin in a wallet.

    I'd never encountered cryptocurrency until I stumbled across Steemit. I spent some time watching what was going on with the site before doing any posting. Many of my posts have earned very small amounts, a couple have earned a good return.

    The payout on the post is distributed to STEEM, SP and SBD in proportions determined by the current marketcap of the site. Most people don't really have to get into the mechanics of the site in order to use it.

    While the taxonomoy on there is currently all over the board, there are curation steps being taken by members of the community to build communities around major tags/categories.

    The site is in beta and still under development. It's built on the blockchain which is the technology underpinning Bitcoin.

    I've earned about $200SBD .. moved some of it to SP and currently have about $160US sitting in a Bitcoin wallet at an exchange where I can move it to my bank account when I'm ready. Until I have to move it, I'm waiting and watching the bitcoin markets to see if it will gain some value before I make the move.

    STEEM is trading at about 25cents per STEEM right now so post rewards are down right now. SO, I consider myself as building for the future more than worrying about making funds now.
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  • Profile picture of the author ep2002
    Well this is the only place I can write on to complain about the fact that Steemit isn't running their business very well & I've actually been advertising their site to one of my FB groups.

    I tried to join up on 08-06-17 & yes I'm overseas right now, but so what. It's now the 12th & STILL no sign of me being approved.

    And on their blog area I see that even 3 months ago people were complaining that friends of theirs are also not being approved.

    Not only that, but I even messaged them on FB & NO response there either.

    Then I realized that I must have tried to sign up in January 2017 & they never approved me then either.

    Not happy : (

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  • Originally Posted by Regional Warrior View Post


    There is a new player in town for all article& social savvy warriors we have It is called
    Steemit and It pays you to post no affiliate link

    Anyways take a squiz and make some dollars

    @Regional Warrior,

    Can Indian Blogger write article for or is it restricted to area specific!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11169472].message }}

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