Your first $1,000 day...
Most people act like making money online is super hard, but in reality it's all math. Simple 5th or 6th grade math.
The first thing I like to do it work backwards...
Goal: Is $1,000 in a day...
For this to happen, there are a few ways we can do it...
10 sales at $100. Sounds difficult but it's not if you do it the right way. Since I've sold stuff and have tested a bunch of different price points I'l just give you my formula.
Let's start with the front-end:
First, You should sell a low priced product from $1-$10.
Next, You should have an immediate upsell that ranges from $97-$297 (I like $297)
Optional, another upsell for $97-$297
So let's imagine you have just two of these components in place.
Product one: $10, Upsell 1: $297,
Usually most products are hard to convert on the front-end unless they're super low priced, but they convert extremely high after someone has bought. So let's just say our front-end product converts at 2%. In my testing, an immediate upsell usually converts at a minimum of 10%. If you were going to sell a stand alone product for $297 it wouldn't convert that high, however, when someone is a buying frenzy they're more likely to buy something else.
So let's work with those numbers... which are conservative btw. Realistically you really want your low priced product to convert at 5% or better, and your upsell to be at least 15%-20% take rate on the first pass.
Any way, with this example: If we want to pop 4 sales at $297 which is $1,188 in revenue, how many front-end sales do we need to make that happen?
We need 40 front-end sales.
On average 40 front-end sales that go to immediate upsell will convert at 10% giving us 4 sales at $297.
So how much traffic do we need to get to our site to get 40 sales? We're working backwards here...
Since our front-end only converts at 2% we need 2000 visitors to see our offer.
2000 visitors to our offer that converts at 2%, will give us 40 front-end sales, which will lead to 4 upsells at $297.
Here are some tips to increase your conversion rates in the process... Have a follow-up sequence to the people who don't buy. Make sure you inject benefits and scarcity to get people to take action.
Also to increase upsell numbers, you can have a follow-up sequence for your buyers who bought product one but didn't take the upsell. With a 4 day follow-up you should be able to get a 2-5% bump. Also, what Ryan Deiss does is offers a downsell for 3-payments of $97.
40 sales at $10 = $400
4 sales at $297 = $1,188
Total revenue = $1,588
Where do you get the traffic? There are plenty of places, solo ads, affiliates, facebook, bing... Once you have an outline of how to convert the traffic, you'll realize there are a bunch of places you can get traffic. The traffic opportunites are endless.
If you have a good offer, traffic won't be your problem.
Advanced Tip' If you can get your upsell to convert at 15%, here's how you can make some serious money.
So our front-end product converts at 2% and our first upsell is converting at 15%.
So with 2000 visitors we have 40 front-end sales, and 6 upsells.
40 front sales = $400
6 upsells at $297 = $1,782
Total revenue = $2,182
Most solo ad vendors sale traffic for .50 cents per click or so. 2000 clicks X . 50 cents = $1,000 in ad spend...
Would you spend $1,000 to make $2,182? Yes! How often would you do it? If you could, you would do it daily. If you have a winning offer, that's what's possible.
20+ Years Exp . . . . . .
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