Very New Newbie Here -Having questions about craigslist -

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So, I bought an arbitrage 'how to' guide (ecurrency arbitrage if anyone's heard of it) and in their beginning steps they list craigslist as a great advertising venue...

I guess I'm wondering if anyone here uses craigslist on a regular basis or if there is a better free, or low cost, advertising venue that is multiple city/state friendly. Craigslist seems to let me do 3 ads under an account then I get turned away til a later date. I was hoping to expand quicker.

I've really only been doing this for 2 weeks so i know I'm less experienced than everyone else on the thread so any suggestions would be awesome...

Some people suggested the book 'the 4-hour work week' by timothy ferriss on a different thread and i wanted to say it was worth the purchase - read it if you haven't - thanks for the input!
#craigslist #newbie #questions

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