I am so fired up about objections and how to diffuse them in network marketing! I love hearing your ideas too on what to say and do! So, let's discuss! What do you say to people when they say they can't join you in business because they don't have any friends?
How to Handle This Specific Objection
I am so fired up about objections and how to diffuse them in network marketing! I love hearing your ideas too on what to say and do!
So, let's discuss! What do you say to people when they say they can't join you in business because they don't have any friends?
Here's my two cents:
I like to hear why they don't think they have any friends. I try to listen and not talk.Then I ask them, if I can show you how you can uncover your hidden network, would you be interested in hearing more?
What are you nuggets?
Let's discuss!
So, let's discuss! What do you say to people when they say they can't join you in business because they don't have any friends?
Here's my two cents:
I like to hear why they don't think they have any friends. I try to listen and not talk.Then I ask them, if I can show you how you can uncover your hidden network, would you be interested in hearing more?
What are you nuggets?
Let's discuss!
- Steve B
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- Tsnyder
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- Brent Stangel
- Jeff Burritt Banned
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- moneymax
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- Gambino
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- Tsnyder
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