Picked Up Some Affiliates on JV Zoo, Should I be Happy?

13 replies

Can someone please tell me the truth, I'm new to JV Zoo and my product is new there too.

Is there an affiliate spamming thing over there? Seems odd that I would pick up affiliates within hours of product approval although my offer is very lucrative for affiliates. Can any of you seasoned people educate me on this? Totally ignorant...

The reason that I'm asking is there is spamming software for everything now, our Zendesk links even get tons of SPAM so I don't want to get falsely excited :-)

Thanks for your patience!

#affiliates #happy #picked #zoo
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Maybe you should seek out a forum that specializes is psychological help for people.

    You list your product on a website to get affiliates, The affiliates sign up but you think to quickly. Why not give us a little more info. What do you think a reasonable timeframe would be to obtain these affiliates.

    Why didn't you set up for affiliates to apply so you could vet them more?


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
    Originally Posted by EJ Lear View Post


    Can someone please tell me the truth, I'm new to JV Zoo and my product is new there too.

    Is there an affiliate spamming thing over there? Seems odd that I would pick up affiliates within hours of product approval although my offer is very lucrative for affiliates. Can any of you seasoned people educate me on this? Totally ignorant...

    The reason that I'm asking is there is spamming software for everything now, our Zendesk links even get tons of SPAM so I don't want to get falsely excited :-)

    Thanks for your patience!

    It's fairly normal. I got a couple hundred affiliate requests on the first offer I listed on JVZoo. Probably 30-75 in the first couple of days with basically only a listing on Muncheye.

    I approved the ones I knew of and those that had a couple hundred sales...no refunds and no issues that I know of.
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  • Profile picture of the author zerofatzreturns
    Be careful about who you accept as an affiliate man. A lot of those random people who request to affiliate with your product don't know what they are doing and they are going to lower your EPC's especially if they try to get cure and send a bunch of garbage traffic to your sales page trying to get sales.

    It's important to find your own affiliates and make connections with them. Once you see high EPC's in the first 24 to 48 hours after launch, then you will start seeing real affiliates organically jumping on board who can make a difference.

    Just be careful approving everyone. At least put a stipulation in place to where they need to have at least 25 sales for approval and if not they need to contact you for approval and tell you their plan for promotion.

    Remember man, you cannot control the affiliates message once you give them permission to promote.

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    • Profile picture of the author EJ Lear
      Originally Posted by zerofatzreturns View Post

      Be careful about who you accept as an affiliate man. A lot of those random people who request to affiliate with your product don't know what they are doing and they are going to lower your EPC's especially if they try to get cure and send a bunch of garbage traffic to your sales page trying to get sales.

      It's important to find your own affiliates and make connections with them. Once you see high EPC's in the first 24 to 48 hours after launch, then you will start seeing real affiliates organically jumping on board who can make a difference.

      Just be careful approving everyone. At least put a stipulation in place to where they need to have at least 25 sales for approval and if not they need to contact you for approval and tell you their plan for promotion.

      Remember man, you cannot control the affiliates message once you give them permission to promote.

      Thanks much for the wisdom Kam! Both of the guys that requested affiliate status have a couple hundred sales with decent refund rates (less than 10%). I put them on delayed payment which, from what I've read, is the thing to do?

      Trying to learn as you go is a pain but it beats being idle :-)

      Thanks again!

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  • Profile picture of the author Zachary S
    Just got a person who has 50+ sales and 5.53% refund rate.

    With the following request:

    "Hello, I'm going to running a campaigns on google ads and facebook. Could you approve my request with instant payment? I have been on marketing online 3 years ago. I have a good customer email list also. I think our will earn much money with ur products."

    Is this a NO-NO, or a DELAYED APPROVAL?
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    • Profile picture of the author EJ Lear
      Originally Posted by Zachary S View Post

      Just got a person who has 50+ sales and 5.53% refund rate.

      With the following request:

      "Hello, I'm going to running a campaigns on google ads and facebook. Could you approve my request with instant payment? I have been on marketing online 3 years ago. I have a good customer email list also. I think our will earn much money with ur products."

      Is this a NO-NO, or a DELAYED APPROVAL?
      That would be a HELL NO for me :-)

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by Zachary S View Post

      Just got a person who has 50+ sales and 5.53% refund rate.

      With the following request:

      "Hello, I'm going to running a campaigns on google ads and facebook. Could you approve my request with instant payment? I have been on marketing online 3 years ago. I have a good customer email list also. I think our will earn much money with ur products."

      Is this a NO-NO, or a DELAYED APPROVAL?
      It would be a no for me as well.

      Best case, he's planning to use the instant payments to pay his ad costs.

      Worst case, you'll get a bunch of affiliate sales and corresponding refund requests once the instant payment clears.

      While I believe the years I've spent online have given me better tolerance of non-English speakers working in English, this gibberish just smells like trouble.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobuzz
    Yes with the initial product buzz, its quite natural to get some affiliates to promote your product. You will find many inexperienced affiliates among the persons promoting your product. And its very true that there is noting to get excited about it.

    The main results that you can see will take place after the initial buzz of your product is vanished. If you still manage to get decent number of affiliates; you can be assured that you are doing good.
    Ideas and Techniques to Make Money Online
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