lead page vs sales page

Profile picture of Roscoe4
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7 replies
im somewhat torn on the approach to my idea.

i want to sell an audio course that enables residual income within a specific industry. i have not spend any money in advertising or anything, but i did have a lead page created and before i start pushing traffic to the page and analyzing the data, im confusing myself with some things...

what is the fundamental reason funnels work?...i mean if you have a one page site that is full of content, full of useful sales pitches, full of explanation and detail and videos and graphs and whatever else is needed in the big picture, why do people oppose the idea of having the sale on the first page? if you are getting traffic to the site, why not try to close the sale on the users first visit versus just collecting an email and selling them something later?

is it industry specific? are there some industries that are better off with traditional funnel (build list, drip content, sell later) when compared to a sales page?

my lead page is set up just to collect emails and my plan is to heavily engage with my customers (text, phone conversations, emails) and prospect and sell. but im wondering if its worth it to add more content and more value to my page and hope the user will buy the audio course with one visit? highly unlikely?
#lead #page #sales
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    Michael Meaney
    Profile picture of Michael Meaney
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    Originally Posted by Roscoe4 View Post

    what is the fundamental reason funnels work?
    A couple of reasons.. if we collect email addresses, we can sell to them over and over instead of just once..

    ..and it's also instant traffic on demand.

    Secondly, in a lot of niches buyers are guarded.. you need to wine and dine them a little before they trust you.. so it's a balance of providing enough value to whet their whistle and making them hungry for more.

    Capturing leads works for a lot of people, but like everything else, it might not be right for you. Test things, compare the results and go from there.

    Listening to our opinions on here won't help your business much.. it might even confuse you further as we each follow the approach that works for us, individually.

    The only real answer is to collect solid data from your own tests, and let that determine your course of action.
  • Profile picture of the author chippen2188
    Profile picture of chippen2188
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    I am no expert but I would say pre-selling! If I landed on a web page from, say Google, with just an optin and some text, I would just go on with my business.
    If I landed on a website with content that was relevant to what I was looking for and then they provided me a solution if I entered my email address, there is a much bigger chance that I would do it!

    People need to be pre-selled before they give you their email or buy your stuff! You can just walk up to a stranger and say "Buy this"
  • Profile picture of the author IM Nathan
    IM Nathan
    Profile picture of IM Nathan
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    I've never been a fan of overwhelming customers with EVERYTHING on one page. you're talking about a lot of info you want to shove in their face and then ask for money straight up before they even have a chance to breathe and process all of that information. Try and keep it simple as much as possible and ease them into it. This is why sales funnels are so good at converting. You want to be specific with the solution you're providing for their problem. Keep it short and sweet, with a lead magnet/squeeze page. Offer a follow up, either in the form of a download or email. Then offer your product for them to buy.

    much value as you can, and they'll love you for it (and come back for more)
  • Profile picture of the author IM Nathan
    IM Nathan
    Profile picture of IM Nathan
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    IMO, keep your funnel the way it is. Really engage with your prospects, and offer your services.

    This form of a sales funnel is proven and tested. You could always try adding more info and testing a quicker buy process. Others may tell you this will work better. Just my 2 cents anyway.

    Good luck with your product release!

  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's an old illustration, but it works...

    Let's say you walk into a bar, pick out a girl, and walk up to her. You tell her that you want to get married and have kids. You pull out your last five tax returns to prove you can provide for a family. You put a medical report showing that you are free of disease on top of that. You show her your phone, where a dozen women give testimonials to your abilities in the sack. You snap your fingers, and a minister appears. If she's still there, you look her in the eye and say "What do you say? Wanna get hitched?"

    Unless you run into a girl whose biological clock is ticking like a bass drum in her ears, I'm guessing you won't get too far.

    Now depending on your price point and the commitment required, you may not need the full-on courtship. You may be able to lead someone through the process with your lead magnet and a handful of emails.

    Heck, millions of dollars have changed hands from long form sales letters, many of which are essentially funnels on a single page (which may print out to 40 pages or more).

    Funnels work because they lead prospects through the process one step at a time, much like the courtship above.
  • Profile picture of the author Roscoe4
    Profile picture of Roscoe4
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    my lead page is a wordpress page. when somebody visits my page, enters their email, i will get a notification on my personal email that i had a sign up.

    should i manually extract that email and load it up into a different platform?

    or should i just email manually from my personal email?
    • Profile picture of the author rritz
      Profile picture of rritz
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Roscoe4 View Post

      my lead page is a wordpress page. when somebody visits my page, enters their email, i will get a notification on my personal email that i had a sign up.

      should i manually extract that email and load it up into a different platform?

      or should i just email manually from my personal email?
      No way !
      You should collect emails using some sort of autoresponder service, get an automated welcome message out at ONCE whenever someone signs up
      - people sign up to lots and lots of different things ... by the time you have manually taken that email and added to your list and answered back the have probably already forgotten they signed up or what they signed up for and you'll get lots of spam complaints
      and you NEED to have bounces and unsubscribes handled or you will get your email blacklisted for SPAM in No Time ...

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