lead page vs sales page
i want to sell an audio course that enables residual income within a specific industry. i have not spend any money in advertising or anything, but i did have a lead page created and before i start pushing traffic to the page and analyzing the data, im confusing myself with some things...
what is the fundamental reason funnels work?...i mean if you have a one page site that is full of content, full of useful sales pitches, full of explanation and detail and videos and graphs and whatever else is needed in the big picture, why do people oppose the idea of having the sale on the first page? if you are getting traffic to the site, why not try to close the sale on the users first visit versus just collecting an email and selling them something later?
is it industry specific? are there some industries that are better off with traditional funnel (build list, drip content, sell later) when compared to a sales page?
my lead page is set up just to collect emails and my plan is to heavily engage with my customers (text, phone conversations, emails) and prospect and sell. but im wondering if its worth it to add more content and more value to my page and hope the user will buy the audio course with one visit? highly unlikely?
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